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FM Global

Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets 7-11

October 2015
Interim Revision January 2017
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Table of Contents

1.0 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Changes ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 LOSS PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................... 3
2.1 Indoor Conveyors. ............................................................................................................................ 3
2.1.1 Construction and Location ..................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Occupancy ............................................................................................................................. 3
2.1.3 Protection ............................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Outdoor Conveyors ........................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Construction and Location ...................................................................................................... 5
2.2.2 Occupancy ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.3 Protection ................................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Specialty Conveyors .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.3.1 Vertical Bucket Elevators ....................................................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Serpentine (Pipe) Conveyors .................................................................................................. 9
2.3.3 Air-Supported Conveyors ....................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Explosion Protection .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Utilities ............................................................................................................................................. 10
2.6 Operation and Maintenance ............................................................................................................ 10
2.7 Ignition Source Control .................................................................................................................... 10
3.0 SUPPORT FOR RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................................. 11
3.1 Belt Flammability ............................................................................................................................ 11
3.1.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 11
3.2 Major Factors Affecting the Need for Fire Protection ...................................................................... 11
3.3 Loss History ..................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3.1 Indoor Conveyors .................................................................................................................. 12
3.3.2 Illustrative Losses .................................................................................................................. 12
3.3.3 Outdoor Conveyors ............................................................................................................... 13
4.0 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 15
4.1 FM Global ....................................................................................................................................... 15
4.2 Other ............................................................................................................................................... 15
APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TERMS ....................................................................................................... 15
APPENDIX B DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ...................................................................................... 16

List of Figures
Fig. 1. Decision tree to determine the need for automatic sprinkler protection for outdoor conveyors ....... 6
Fig. 2a. Suggested locations for automatic sprinklers in various outdoor conveyor arrangements
of noncombustible construction (the occupancy is assumed to be noncombustible, apart from
the conveyor or conveyed product) .................................................................................................. 7
Fig. 2b. Suggested locations for automatic sprinklers in various outdoor conveyor arrangements
of combustible construction (the occupancy is assumed to be noncombustible, apart from
the conveyor or conveyed product) .................................................................................................. 7

List of Tables
Table 1. Automatic Sprinkler Spacing for Enclosed and Partially Enclosed Indoor Conveyors ..................... 4
Table 2. Sprinkler Protection Options for Indoor Conveyors .......................................................................... 4

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Table 3. Sprinkler Protection Options for Outdoor Conveyors ....................................................................... 8

Table 4. Indoor Conveyor Losses by Peril, 2004-2013 ................................................................................ 12
Table 5. Outdoor Conveyor Losses by Peril, 2004-2013 ............................................................................. 14

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This data sheet covers fire, explosion, and miscellaneous exposures to vertical, horizontal, and inclined
conveyors. Conveying systems within manufacturing facilities or warehouses (indoor conveyors) are included
in this data sheet. Conveyors in subgrade tunnels, surface conveyors, elevated galleries, and intermediate
buildings (outdoor conveyors) are also included. Fire hazards associated with vertical bucket elevators
conveying grain and other combustible materials are covered in this data sheet as well.
Explosion hazards associated with vertical bucket elevators conveying grain and other combustible materials
are covered in Data Sheet 7-76, Prevention and Mitigation of Combustible Dust Explosion and Fire.
There is additional guidance on underground conveyors located in Data Sheet 7-12, Mining and Ore

1.1 Changes
January 2017. Interim revision. Fire protection guidance for bucket elevators has been modified to refer to
Data Sheet 7-76.


Use FM Approved equipment, materials, and services whenever they are applicable and available. For a
list of products and services that are FM Approved, see the Approval Guide, an online resource of FM

2.1 Indoor Conveyors.

2.1.1 Construction and Location Use noncombustible conveyors. If this is not possible, use fire-retardant conveyors if operating
parameters allow them to be used.
Fire will propagate along combustible conveyors, including those made from plastic, rubber, or composite
materials made from a combination of PVC, polyester, nylon, and/or cotton with or without a steel core. Provide noncombustible covers if an enclosure over the conveyor is needed for quality control or
other purposes. Do not position one conveyor above another (either parallel or crossing over). Doing so will create
areas that are shielded from automatic sprinklers at the ceiling.
Where positioning one conveyor over another (either parallel to or crossing over each other) cannot be
avoided, provide sprinkler protection per Section 2.1.3. Do not run conveyors through fire walls.

2.1.2 Occupancy Do not store combustible material under indoor conveyors that are more than 3 ft (1.0 m) wide. If
such storage cannot be avoided, provide automatic sprinkler protection in accordance with the
recommendations for obstructed ceiling construction in Data Sheet 2-0, Installation Guidelines for Automatic
Sprinklers. Conduct regular weekly inspections around conveyors to ensure there is no buildup of debris beside
or under the conveyor. Keep motor cooling fins clean, and bearings clear of debris.
Good housekeeping will help reduce the possibility of ignition due to friction from a buildup of debris
underneath or beside the conveyor.

2.1.3 Protection Provide automatic ceiling sprinkler protection over open combustible conveyors or conveyors
transporting combustible material. Design the system for the surrounding occupancy.

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Page 4 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets If the surrounding occupancy and construction do not require sprinkler protection, provide sprinkler
protection over the conveyor using the guidance in Table 1, treating the conveyor as if it was enclosed or
partially enclosed. Provide automatic sprinkler protection for enclosed or partially enclosed conveyors shielded from
overhead automatic ceiling sprinkler systems in accordance with Table 1.
Conveyors could be enclosed or partially enclosed by metal or plastic dust covers. Conveyors can also be
shielded from ceiling sprinklers by other conveyors.

Table 1. Automatic Sprinkler Spacing for Enclosed and Partially Enclosed Indoor Conveyors
Belt Width Style of Sprinkler Sprinkler Spacing Sprinkler Location
2 ft (0.6 m) to Pendant 12 ft (3.7 m) Along the center line of the belt
6 ft (1.8 m) Sidewall 12 ft (3.7 m) Along one side of the belt
> 6 ft (1.8 m) Pendant 12 ft (3.7 m) Along the center line of the belt
Sidewall 12 ft (3.7 m) Staggered along both sides of the belt
(i.e., sprinkler heads on one side are
spaced 24 ft [7.4 m] apart)
Note: See Section for conveyors more than 10 ft (3 m) wide. Design the sprinkler system to protect indoor conveyor systems using one of the options listed in
Table 2.

Table 2. Sprinkler Protection Options for Indoor Conveyors

Sprinkler Demand
Number of Flow per Sprinkler, Sprinkler Density
Sprinkler Sprinklers Water Hose
Belt Orientation System Type Operating Duration Demand
< 10° Wet, dry, pre- 10 25 gpm (95 L/min) per sprinkler 60 min 250 gpm
action (946 L/min)
10° - 30° Wet, dry, pre- 15 25 gpm (95 L/min) per sprinkler
> 30° Deluge All sprinklers on 0.3 gpm/ft2 (12 mm/min) along the
a single system length of conveyor the system
Two or more Wet, dry, pre- 0.3 gpm/ft2 (12 mm/min) along the
parallel action length of conveyor the system
conveyors <30° covers1 In high-temperature environments, install FM Approved quick-response sprinklers with a K factor

of 8.0 (115) and a temperature rating of 165°F (74°C) or 50°F (10°C) above ambient. For conveyors more than 10 ft (3.0 m) wide, ensure the maximum sprinkler coverage does not
exceed 100 ft2 (9 m2) with sprinklers no more than 12 ft (3.7 m) apart. If flexible sprinkler hoses are used, ensure they are FM Approved. Where multiple parallel enclosed or partially enclosed conveyors are less than 2 ft (0.6 m) apart
horizontally and are less than 2 ft (0.6 m) in width, provide sprinkler protection in accordance with Table 1
assuming each conveyor is 2 ft (0.6 m) wide.
The radiant heat from a fire on a conveyor will be strong enough to ignite other combustible conveyors within
2 ft (0.6 m). Sprinkler protection can be waived if all of the following criteria are met:
A. The conveyor belt is FM Approved.
B. The material being conveyed is noncombustible.
C. The enclosure housing the conveyor is of noncombustible construction.

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FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 5 Interlock conveyors to shut down automatically using linear heat detection or optical fire detection.
Refer to Data Sheet 5-48, Automatic Fire Detection, for more information.
Failure to shut down the conveyor system once the conveyor or combustible products on the conveyor are
ignited can allow fire to spread to other areas. Manual Protection Provide FM Approved portable fire extinguishers rated for the occupancy in accordance with Data
Sheet 4-5, Portable Extinguishers. Locate them within 50 ft (15.2 m) of the conveyor. For conveyors on
mezzanines, provide extinguishers at readily accessible locations on the mezzanine level. Where small hose (1½ in. [38 mm]) stations are provided, space the hose stations to allow full
coverage of the area being protected. Add a water demand of 50 gpm (190 L/min) to the combined sprinkler
and hydrant demand for a single hose station. Add a water demand of 100 gpm (380 L/min) when more
than one hose station is provided.

2.2 Outdoor Conveyors

2.2.1 Construction and Location Use noncombustible enclosures and insulation for conveyor galleries, tunnels, or buildings. Cover exposed combustible insulation on interiors of conveyor galleries, tunnels, or buildings with
FM Approved fire retardant coating, or replace with noncombustible insulation. Refer to Data Sheet 1-57,
Plastics in Construction, for recommendations on the protection of foamed plastic insulations. To prevent impact to exposed steel supports, place warning markers and clearance signs on elevated
galleries in high-traffic areas or areas under which large mobile equipment might pass. Minimize the potential for collapse by designing the conveyor system in accordance with the
recommendations in Data Sheet 1-54, Roof Loads for New Construction. Provide employee training to help staff recognize and facilitate the removal of unusual accumulations
of spilled materials, snow, or ice inside or on roofs of galleries and buildings. Protect conveyor galleries against natural hazards such as landslide, flood, surface water runoff,
and ground subsidence.

2.2.2 Occupancy Conduct regular weekly inspections of conveyor galleries to ensure there is no buildup of debris beside
or under the conveyor. Keep cooling fins on motors clean, and bearings clear of debris.
Good housekeeping will help reduce the possibility of ignition due to friction from a buildup of debris
underneath or beside the conveyor. Clear weeds, brush, and trees from underneath and at least 25 ft (7.6 m) from both sides of outdoor
conveyors. Remove combustible yard storage and limit the proximity of unprotected combustible buildings to at
least 25 ft (7.6 m). Remove and relocate ignitable liquid, flammable gas, and liquefied flammable gas operations, such
as storage tanks, pumping stations, and tanker truck unloading or loading facilities, from under or near
conveyors. Prevent fueled vehicles from being staged or parked under conveyors.

2.2.3 Protection Outdoor Conveyors Provide automatic sprinkler protection for outdoor and captive conveyors in accordance with Figure
1, Figures 2a and 2b and Table 3. Use dry-type or pre-action systems in cold climates where there is the
possibility of freeze.

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Page 6 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Install FM Approved sprinklers with a K-factor of 8.0 (115) and a temperature rating of 165°F (74°C).

Is it
Is Yes elevated Yes Sprinkler
the conveyor above 40 ft protection
open? (12 m)? needed.

No No

No sprinkler protection
needed, provided fire
department access is
available and fire hoses
are present that can reach
all parts of the conveyor.

the conveyor Yes
system total


Is the
enclosure Yes
No needed.

Is it
elevated Yes
above 40 ft
(12 m)?


Is the
conveyor a Yes


No sprinkler

Fig. 1. Decision tree to determine the need for automatic sprinkler protection for outdoor conveyors

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Single belt Double tier, belt with Belt enclosed in

barrier > 4 ft (1.2 m) dust control hood

= Sprinkler
Open side & bottom* Open bottom* Totally enclosed

*A.S. may be needed if elevated over 40 ft (12 m)

Noncombustible housings.

Fig. 2a. Suggested locations for automatic sprinklers in various outdoor conveyor arrangements of noncombustible
construction (the occupancy is assumed to be noncombustible, apart from the conveyor or conveyed product)

Fig. 2b. Suggested locations for automatic sprinklers in various outdoor conveyor arrangements of combustible construction
(the occupancy is assumed to be noncombustible, apart from the conveyor or conveyed product)

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Table 3. Sprinkler Protection Options for Outdoor Conveyors

Sprinkler Demand
Number of Flow per
Sprinkler System Sprinklers Sprinkler,
Belt Orientation Type Operating Sprinkler Density Water Duration Hose Demand
< 10° Wet, dry, pre- 10 25 gpm (95 60 min 250 gpm (946
action L/min) per L/min)
10° - 30° Wet, dry, pre- 15 25 gpm (95
action L/min) per
> 30° Deluge All sprinklers on a 0.3 gpm/ft2 (12
single system mm/min) along
the length of
conveyor the
system covers1 Where dry-type or pre-action systems are installed, design the system so the maximum water
delivery time does not exceed 60 seconds. Provide deluge water spray systems in conveyors where fast-response or immediate large area
cooling is desired due to high values, unusual potential for severe loss, or high frequency of fires. Provide linear heat detection to activate dry, pre-action, or deluge systems protecting conveyors
in accordance with Data Sheet 5-48. Design deluge sprinkler systems in accordance with Data Sheet 4-1N, Fixed Water Spray Systems
for Fire Protection. Sprinkler protection can be waived if all of the following criteria are met:
A. The conveyor is FM Approved.
B. The material being conveyed is noncombustible.
C. The enclosure housing the conveyor is of noncombustible construction. Refer to Figure 1 for other situations in which sprinkler protection can be waived regardless of
whether the criteria in Section has been met. Captive Conveyors Where conveyors enter a building or pass through a fire wall, provide automatic sprinkler protection
over them. Provide automatic sprinklers throughout all floors of intermediate transfer, splice, or junction
buildings of combustible construction, or when sprinklers are also needed for the connecting conveyors. Install sprinklers under solid barriers of more than 3 ft (1.0 m) wide if combustibles are located
(permanently or temporarily) beneath the conveyor. Provide sprinkler protection where dust-tight enclosures are used to prevent or minimize dust
liberation from conveyors; provide sprinklers inside the enclosures per Figures 2a and 2b. Provide sprinklers at the ceiling of the tunnel, gallery, or building housing the enclosed conveyor
only if construction is combustible, or if other combustibles, such as grouped electrical cables, are present. Where space inside the enclosures is limited, arrange piping on the exterior and extend sprinklers
through sealed openings. Provide inspection and maintenance hatches for each sprinkler. Limit sprinkler spacing on lines to 12 ft (3.7 m). Design and install sprinkler protection in accordance with Section Protect sprinklers, piping, and detectors against impact damage from oversized pieces of conveyed

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FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 9 To prevent collapse of a gallery due to water weight from sprinkler discharge, provide adequate
drainage via floor openings or by conveyor pitch. Provide standard yard hydrant protection for outdoor captive conveyor systems. Cross-Country (Overland) Conveyors For totally enclosed cross-country conveyor systems, provide automatic sprinklers per Figure 1
and protect in accordance with Section as an enclosed outdoor conveyor.
An alternative would be to partially or completely remove the enclosure and protect as outlined below for
open or partially enclosed cross country conveyor systems. For open or partially enclosed cross-country conveyor systems, protect as follows:
A. Provide and maintain fire access roads that run parallel to the conveyor system.
B. Maintain a mobile water truck with a pump and hose attached. Ensure the water tank has a minimum
capacity of 7,500 gal (28,400 L). This will provide approximately a one-hour supply for manual firefighting
Alternatively, provide standard fire hydrants at approximately 350 to 500 ft (91 to 152 m) intervals along
the system.
C. Provide FM Approved heat detection or products-of-combustion detection devices inside transfer, splice,
or drive houses. Arrange detectors to sound an alarm and stop the conveyor.
D. Replace combustible weather hoods and intermediate buildings with noncombustible or fire-resistant

2.3 Specialty Conveyors

2.3.1 Vertical Bucket Elevators Provide fire protection for bucket elevators with rubber belts or combustible construction using
automatic sprinkler as specified in Data Sheet 7-76. If the bucket elevator transports grain or other combustible products that may present an
explosion hazard, refer to Data Sheet 7-75, Grain Storage and Milling, and Data Sheet 7-76, Prevention
and Mitigation of Combustible Dust Explosions and Fires.

2.3.2 Serpentine (Pipe) Conveyors Protect serpentine (pipe) conveyor systems in accordance with Section, Cross-Country

2.3.3 Air-Supported Conveyors Provide an interlock to stop the conveyor if one or more compressors are lost. Provide automatic sprinkler protection for air-supported conveyors in accordance with Section,
Cross-Country Conveyors. Do not install grouped electrical cables, gas piping, or similar combustibles within the conveyor

2.4 Explosion Protection

2.4.1 Design conveyor transfer points to minimize the generation of dust. Most dust generated during
conveyor operations occurs when material is being transferred from one conveyor to another. Provide the
following at these locations:
A. A hood discharge chute designed so the material transferred does not impinge directly against the
side of the chute.
B. A spoon loading chute so material is discharged onto the lower conveyor in the same direction and
at the same speed as the conveyor.

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C. A settling enclosure with a passive dust-control system over the lower conveyor.
2.4.2 Where conveyor transfer points are not properly designed, tightly enclose conveyors handling
combustible dust and/or provide collection systems to exhaust dust fines.
2.4.3 Avoid the use of subgrade tunnels for combustible dusts that present an explosion hazard.
2.4.4 Use damage-limiting construction for conveyor galleries, buildings, or enclosures handling combustible
dusts per Data Sheet 1-44, Damage-Limiting Construction.
2.4.5 Refer to Data Sheet 7-76, Prevention and Mitigation of Combustible Dust Explosions and Fires, for
recommendation on the arrangement of explosion protection for combustible dusts.

2.5 Utilities
2.5.1 Do not use conveying systems to transport utilities such as grouped electric cables, flammable gases,
and ignitable liquids. If unavoidable, protect cables as recommended in Data Sheet 5-31, Cables and Bus
2.5.2 Provide shutoffs for gases and liquids at locations external to the conveyor.

2.6 Operation and Maintenance

2.6.1 Where a history of longitudinal conveyor ripping exists, provide anti-rip detection devices to shut off
drive power and minimize further damage. An alternative is to use high tear-resistant conveyors.
2.6.2 Provide sufficient spare belting, drives, rollers, etc. to repair the longest conveyor at the plant, or ensure
spares can be delivered within 24 hours from an offsite location.
2.6.3 Provide conveyor alignment interlocks for all styles of conveyors (horizontal, inclined, vertical bucket
conveyors, etc.) to shut down the conveyor if the it misaligns.
2.6.4 Maintain all bearings per the manufacturer’s recommendations and keep them free of dust, product,
and buildup of lubrication material.
2.6.5 Have regular thermographic scans conducted on known or frequent ignition zones, such as conveyor
drive pulleys and drums, to identify potential problems.
2.6.6 Develop preventive maintenance programs to reduce the potential of other common ignition sources
such as friction, overheated bearings or drive machinery, misalignment of belts or drivers, etc.
2.6.7 Ensure all variable speed drive motors are operated within the frequency range recommended by the

2.7 Ignition Source Control

2.7.1 Where heated materials are discharged onto the conveyor, provide interlocks to shut down the feed
system if the material exceeds a safe temperature or if the conveyor or cooling system shuts down.
2.7.2 Interlock drive motors to shut down on detection of overload, over-current condition, or if the conveyor
slows down more than 20%. Interlock contributing conveyors so no operating conveyor can discharge
material to a stopped downstream conveyor.
2.7.3 Use the FM Global Hot Work Permit System for all hot work activities near conveyors. Refer to 10-3,
Hot Work Management, for further details.
2.7.4 Prohibit smoking around all combustible conveyors or conveyors that transport combustible material.
2.7.5 Protect and arrange gas-fired space heaters in conveyor systems as recommended in Data Sheet 6-20,
Space Heaters.
2.7.6 Arrange electrical equipment in conveyor systems handling combustible dusts as recommended in
Data Sheet 5-1, Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Locations, or appropriate jurisdictional electrical codes
for hazardous locations.
2.7.7 When the material being conveyed is combustible, install magnetic tramp metal separators at rail car
and truck dump hoppers and on conveyors ahead of grinding or pulverizing operations.

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3.1 Belt Flammability

3.1.1 General
Although the conveyed product and the structure may be noncombustible, loss history demonstrates that
the conveyor itself presents sufficient combustible loading to spread the fire without other fuel contributions.
Conveyors are manufactured of natural and synthetic rubber or plastic, such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC),
acetyl, polyethylene, polypropylene, and nylon. They are often reinforced with fibers for strength. Outdoor
conveyors usually are formed in laminated layers and may have, for example, a PVC base for flexibility with
a rubber top layer to allow for product adhesion under incline conditions.
Conveyors, whether made of natural or synthetic rubber or plastics, are generally assumed to be capable
of self-sustained fire propagation whether or not other combustibles are present. For this reason, automatic
sprinkler protection has been recommended for most installations regardless of the conveyor material’s
claimed fire or flame retardancy, or of the combustibility of the materials conveyed. The use of fire-retardant
conveyors is encouraged. They are typically harder to ignite when exposed to a low-energy ignition source,
thereby reducing the frequency of fire.

3.2 Major Factors Affecting the Need for Fire Protection

Major factors influencing the need for special fire protection for conveyors are as follows:
A. The conveyor itself provides sufficient combustible loading to spread a fire. Major fires have spread on
conveyors as narrow as 2 ft (0.6 m) wide and on systems carrying noncombustible materials such as
limestone, iron ore, and metal cans.
B. While not as common as single-tier systems, multiple-tier arrangements present greater vertical
combustible loading as well as a more favorable burning configuration than single-tier systems. A tier is
defined as the feed and return layers of the conveyor. A single-tier system has two horizontal layers of belting
stacked vertically; a two-tier system has four horizontal layers of belting stacked vertically.
C. Conveyors emit dense, black, toxic smoke when ignited. This smoke can severely hamper manual
firefighting in underground or totally enclosed systems where entry and means of heat venting are limited.
D. Ventilation (air flow) within a sprinklered tunnel or gallery does not appear to influence fire spread to a great
degree. FM Global conducted air-flow studies over conveyors in coal mines to test detector sensitivity. These
tests were correlated to sprinkler operation after detection by computer simulation.
E. Fire service response may be delayed because many conveyors are in unoccupied areas. Fires occurring
without automatic fire protection can be expected to be well-developed by the time they are detected and
the fire service arrives. .
F. Accessibility and openness of the system directly influence fire spread, severity, ease of manual response,
and damage. A fully enclosed system will not allow heat to be released or hose streams to be introduced
from outside the conveyor system. Firefighters cannot physically fight the fire except from the ends of the
conveyor, and often dense smoke prevents effective response. A firefighting team will rarely enter an enclosed
conveyor system. All of these factors combine to permit a free-burn fire that will spread rapidly with very
high heat release and expose the steel structure. If this occurs, the entire structure can sag, cantilever, or
collapse. Alternatively, an open or partially enclosed system will allow heat to escape and hose streams to
penetrate the fire plume. Damage can be significantly less, with structural collapse much less likely.
G. Height of the conveyor above grade influences accessibility; incline influences the rate of fire spread. In
general, galleries or towers more than 40 ft (12.2 m) above grade should be considered inaccessible for
manual firefighting, even with substantial openings for hose stream penetration. Inclines of more than 30%
allow for a faster spreading flame front.
H. Unprotected interior exposed steel or combustible support framing on an elevated, totally enclosed
structure can lead to collapse of the entire elevated portion during a fire.
I. Intermediate buildings, such as transfer, splice, and tensioner houses, present the same hazard as tunnels
or elevated galleries of similar construction and accessibility. The presence of motorized drive equipment
and more frequent personnel activities in these buildings creates more frequent ignition sources.

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An explosion hazard may also exist in a conveyor system used to handle materials that can generate
combustible dust (e.g., sulfur, coal, various grains). A small initial dust explosion can trigger secondary dust
explosions that can propagate the entire length of tunnels or galleries. Fires originating at conveyors have
been the ignition sources for dust explosions in the grain industry and at coal-mining facilities.
Other exposures to conveyors include impact damage from mobile equipment, collapse, and longitudinal
ripping from sharp objects. Conveyors that have become separated have been known to slide down elevated
galleries or tunnels, causing impact damage and presenting a challenge to cleanup operations.

3.3 Loss History

FM Global conveyor losses from 2004 through 2013 were reviewed. Details are provided in the following

3.3.1 Indoor Conveyors

Table 4 shows indoor conveyor losses broken down by peril. It is clear that the majority of losses involving
indoor conveyors are caused by fire: 78% by number and 98% by loss cost.

Table 4. Indoor Conveyor Losses by Peril, 2004-2013

Percentage by Percentage by Loss
Peril Frequency Cost
Fire 78% 98.5%
Mechanical 10% 0.7%
Miscellaneous 4% 0.6%
Water, liquid damage 2% 0.0%
Sprinkler leakage 2% 0.0%
Explosion 2% 0.2%
Smoke 2% 0.0%
Total 100% 100.0%

3.3.2 Illustrative Losses Unsprinklered Can Plant with Combustible Plastic Dust Covers Over the Conveyor
The fire occurred in a plant that manufactures cans for the beverage industry. Equipment for can manufacture,
such as the cupper, bodymaker, necker, washer, coater, and spray operations, as well as the palletizers for
can packaging, were located on the ground floor. Transfer from one part of the process to another was by
polypropylene, open grid conveyor. The conveyors were located on a mezzanine over the equipment. In some
areas, the conveyors were stacked over one another due to the convergence of multiple production lines
and processes. Due to customer requirements, plastic covers were installed over the conveyors to keep dust
and other debris out of cans during production. The plastic covers increased the combustible loading.
Smoke detection was provided, but there was no automatic sprinkler protection. The practice for other
divisions within this company was provision of automatic sprinkler protection at ceiling level and below
mezzanines. In addition, metal covers were provided over conveyors.
It is believed the fire started on a conveyor from an overheated drive motor for the conveyor. Operators
working on the main floor heard the alarm, shut down their equipment, and proceeded to the mezzanine to
attempt to fight the fire with small hose and portable extinguishers. They were not able to get close enough
to the conveyor to be effective due to the intense heat. Fire spread the length of the conveyor to other
conveyors in the building and through unprotected wall openings. Conveyors in five buildings were involved
before the fire was brought under control by the fire service. Hotwork Above a Polypropylene Can Conveyor

A contractor was conducting hot work on a mezzanine above a polypropylene can conveyor that had a rigid
plastic cover. He was using a welding blanket to catch sparks. A plant supervisor walking below the conveyor
noticed a burning hole on the return side of the conveyor. He sounded an alarm and he and other plant

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personnel attacked the fire with extinguishers and small hoses. The fire spread to an adjacent conveyor that
crossed over the conveyor of origin. Sprinklers at ceiling level operated and after the fire service arrived
they were able to extinguish the fire using hose streams.
Thirty-two ceiling sprinklers operated. The conveyors initially involved suffered heavy damage, while much
of the plastic belting and covers, aluminum framework, plastic guides and rollers, sprockets, and wiring was
consumed or melted. Adjacent control panels suffered thermal damage. The surrounding area suffered
nonthermal damage, requiring cleanup
T he first two can lines initially involved were down for approximately three weeks. The next line was down
for five days, with the two lines further away were down for three days. Fire During Maintenance Outage

During a maintenance outage for one of two can lines, a torch was used to remove a bearing collar from a
vertical transition conveyor. The heat from the torch ignited combustible deposits in the vacuum chamber
that spread to the plastic vacuum conveyor. The fire watch spotted smoke from the blower discharge duct.
The only access to the fire was from the top of the discharge duct. By the time the fire watch attempted to
extinguish the fire from the top of the discharge duct with an extinguisher, flames were evident. The fire
service was summoned and the plant was evacuated. After exhausting seven extinguishers, a water hose
was directed into the top of the discharge duct. The fire service arrived and completed extinguishing the fire.
No sprinklers operated. Smoke spread to the adjacent finished can warehouse, resulting in contamination
of most of the stock. The plant production line was shut down for 8 hours and the restart of the line undergoing
maintenance was down for an additional 9 hours. Conveyor Shielded from Automatic Sprinkler Protection

The formation department of a battery manufacturing plant had 15 conveyor lines running parallel to each
other. Each line was made up of four 100 ft (30.5 m) long conveyors, two conveyors vertically stacked above
the other two, effectively shielding the two lower conveyors from sprinkler discharge. The conveyors supplied
an “end” conveyor that ran perpendicular to the formation line conveyors. The fire occurred during an off
shift period and was detected by a security guard, who called the fire service. The fire apparently started at
the end of one of the formation line conveyors near the end conveyor.
Automatic sprinkler protection was provided at the 30 ft (9.1 m) high ceiling over the fire area. No sprinkler
protection was provided below the upper conveyors. Twenty-four sprinklers opened during the fire, resulting
in extensive water damage.
Both building and equipment were damaged. Equipment damage was over four times the building damage.
It is believed the conveyors were a substantial part of the equipment damage. The end conveyor and 8 ft
(2.4 m) sections of 12 of the 15 formation line conveyors required replacement. There was also damage to
a mezzanine above the end conveyor and to motors and blowers on the mezzanine used to supply cooling
air for battery manufacture. In addition, there was water damage to a number of hydraulic lift tables.

3.3.3 Outdoor Conveyors

Table 5 shows outdoor conveyor losses by peril. The majority of losses involving outdoor conveyors are
caused by fire: 34% by frequency and 27% by loss cost.

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Table 5. Outdoor Conveyor Losses by Peril, 2004-2013

Peril Percentage by Frequency Percentage by Loss Cost
Collapse 11% 4%
Earthquake 2% 0%
Fire 34% 27%
Flood 4% 26%
Impact 2% 0.5%
Mechanical breakdown 14% 27%
Miscellaneous 9% 0.8%
Rigging 2% 0.3%
Wind and hail 23% 13%
Total 100% 100.0%

3.3.4 Illustrative Losses Uncontrolled Fire in a Woodchip Conveyor

A fire began in a bark pile, probably due to spontaneous heating, at a large paper mill. The fire then spread
over a large portion of the outside storage area, involving several wood chip piles. Several conveyor systems
ran above the wood chip piles. With the aid of strong winds, the conveyors became involved in the fire and
helped spread the blaze to several nearby buildings.
The conveyor system was protected by a manual deluge system, which personal activated once the alarm
was raised. However, the conveyor systems were not interlocked to shut down on activation of the deluge
system and continued to operate until manually shut down.
One of the buildings involved was the fresh-water treatment building. The loss of this building halted
production until alternative arrangements could be put into place. Unsprinklered Limestone Conveyor

Fire severely damaged 2400 ft (731 m) of a 3500 ft (1067 m) long inclined limestone conveyor at a copper
refinery. The 48 in. (1.2 m) wide rubber conveyor ran in 8 X 8 ft (2.4 X 2.4 m) subgrade concrete tunnels
and plank-on-steel frame elevated galleries supported on steel towers. Transfer and splice houses were
present along the system, allowing for limited access every 400 to 500 ft (122 to 152 m). Sprinkler protection
was not provided and hydrants were lacking along portions of the conveyor.
The fire originated at the lowest portion of the system and spread unchecked until a bulldozer was used to
sever the conveyor housing immediately prior to its entrance into an unsprinklered, high-value concentrator
building. The fire was so intense that concrete was spalled in tunnels and elevated housings, and their support
towers collapsed. Production interruption was minimized by trucking product at extra expense. Unsprinklered Iron Ore Conveyor

At an iron mine, iron ore was transported from a crusher building to a pelletizing building on a 1000 ft (304
m) long, 72 in. (1.8 m) wide rubber conveyor in a totally enclosed housing. The conveyor had a 27% pitch
and, at its highest, was 90 ft (27.7 m) above grade. The initial 330 ft (100 m) was in a concrete subgrade
tunnel, and the remaining elevated steel tube portion was supported on steel towers. Access to the conveyor
tube was at either end or via a splice house near the center. The conveyor lacked internal sprinkler protection.
A fire caused by friction originated near the center of the elevated steel tube and spread unchecked up the
remaining 300 ft (91 m), where it was finally stopped by manual efforts. Damage to the structure and
conveyor was severe. The entire pelletizing operation was shut down for about five weeks. Unsprinklered Grain Elevator

Horizontal-and bucket-elevated conveyors were used to transport corn from trucks to cleaning facilities and
then to storage silos. Major horizontal systems were located in concrete rooms above (gallery) and below
(tunnel) the silos, and in various levels on the head house.

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During an unattended period, an incendiarist started multiple fires in the conveyor systems. Fires consumed
many conveyors, and manual firefighting efforts were hampered by dense smoke, poor accessibility, and
the potential of exploding dust. Although minor “puffs” were reported, a major explosion did not occur.
Automatic sprinklers were recommended in key conveyor areas following the fire. Belt-Ripping Loss

A sharp tool similar to a crowbar accidentally entered a conveying system feeding coal to an electric
generating station. It lodged in a transfer chute and jammed against the center of a 48 in. (1.2 m) wide rubber
conveyor. More than 23,000 linear feet (7,010 m) of belting was split in two. Major interruption to production
was averted by trucking coal to the plant.


4.1 FM Global
Data Sheet 1-44, Damage-Limiting Construction
Data Sheet 1-54, Roof Loads for New Construction
Data Sheet 1-57, Plastics in Construction
Data Sheet 4-1N, Fixed Water Spray Systems for Fire Protection
Data Sheet 4-5, Portable Extinguishers
Data Sheet 5-1, Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Locations
Data Sheet 5-31, Cables and Bus Bars
Data Sheet 6-20, Space Heaters
Data Sheet 7-12, Mining and Ore Processing
Data Sheet 7-75, Grain Storage and Milling
Data Sheet 10-3, Hot Work Management
Data Sheet 7-75, Grain Storage and Milling
Data Sheet 7-76, Prevention and Mitigation of Combustible Dust Explosions and Fires

4.2 Other
ASTM International. Standard Test Methods for Measurements of Synthetic Polymer Material Flammability
Using a Fire Propagation Apparatus (FPA). ASTM E2058.


Conveyor : A medium to transport goods or products, including rubber belts, plastic meshes, and synthetic
Conveyor assembly: The structure that supports the conveyor (e.g., the frame or gallery of an elevated
Conveyor cover: The structure covering the conveyor, forming either a partial or total enclosure around the
Conveyor system: The combined components, including the conveyor, conveyor assembly, and conveyor
FM Approved: Products and services that have satisfied the criteria for FM Approval. Refer to the Approval
Guide for a complete listing of products and services that are FM Approved.
Ignitable Liquid: Any liquid or liquid mixture that is capable of fueling a fire, including flammable liquids,
combustible liquids, inflammable liquids, or any other term for a liquid that will burn. An ignitable liquid is one
that has a fire point.
Open conveyor: A conveyor with no housing or hood. An example is a cross-country system conveying
products not susceptible to weather conditions, such as raw coal or limestone. Fire spread along an open
conveyor system is slow because of a lack of heat collection and the fire’s accessibility to manual hose
streams. Hydrants, small hose stations, or trucks with water tanks usually can effectively protect open

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Page 16 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

Partially enclosed conveyor: Continuous openings exist along the sides or bottom of the gallery. A conveyor
with a weather hood or one with no floor qualifies as partially enclosed. Rate of fire spread is less in a partially
enclosed conveyor system because venting allows heat and dense smoke to escape. Continuous openings
also allow for water penetration from external hoses, which limits fire spread and supplements internal
sprinkler flow.
Totally enclosed conveyor: The gallery or tunnel has no continuous opening along its sides or floor. A system
with occasional openings, such as doors or inspection hatches, would still be considered totally enclosed.
This type of arrangement is the most hazardous from both a fire severity and fire control standpoint due to
limited accessibility and the potential for very high temperatures, which can cause fast fire spread, structural
damage, and eventual collapse of elevated portions. Subgrade tunnels and elevated or grade-level steel tubes
are examples of totally enclosed systems.


January 2017. Interim revision. Fire protection guidance for bucket elevators has been modified to refer to
Data Sheet 7-76.
October 2015. The following changes have been made:
A. Reformatted document to group together recommendations on indoor conveyors and outdoor conveyors.
B. Clarified the recommendations for indoor conveyor protection (Section 2.1.3).
C. Revised Figure 1 to remove potential conflicts with recommendations in Section regarding outdoor
conveyor protection. The two key changes are the following:
1. Protection is recommended for all conveyors that are single tier and fully enclosed in a noncombustible
2. Protection is recommended for multi-tier conveyors that are partially enclosed in noncombustible
enclosures that are not elevated.
D. Added protection criteria for a single line of sprinklers protecting a conveyor in terms of minimum flow
per sprinkler. The flow recommendation has increased from 18 gpm (67 L/min) to 25 gpm (95 L/min) to better
address the surface fire hazard associated with conveyors.
E. Restructured the conveyor protection options into a table format. Table 2 lists protection options for indoor
conveyors, and Table 3 lists options for outdoor and captive conveyors.
January 2012. Terminology related to ignitable liquids has been revised to provide increased clarity and
consistency with regard to FM Global’s loss prevention recommendations for ignitable liquid hazards.
October 2009. The following changes were made:
1. Added protection recommendations for indoor conveyor belts in manufacturing and warehouse settings.
2. Added protection requirements for serpentine (also called pipe) conveyors and air-supported conveyors.
3. Removed requirements for underground mines; these are covered in Data Sheet 7-12, Mining and Ore
4. Added protection recommendations for vertical bucket elevators.
January 2005. Clarification of protection needed for single conveyor systems, where barriers are located
between supply and return belts, was made (section
September 2004. Minor editorial changes were done for this version.
Clarification was made in section 3.2, Conveyor Belt Flammability.
January 2003. Minor editorial changes were done for this version.
January 2000. This revision of the document was reorganized to provide a consistent format.

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