Home Alone
Home Alone
Home Alone
by John Hughes and directed byChris Columbus. The film stars Macaulay Culkin as
Kevin McCallister, an eight-year-old boy who is mistakenly left behind when his family
flies to Paris for their Christmas vacation. Kevin initially relishes being home alone, but
soon has to contend with two would-be burglars played by Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci.
The film also features Catherine O'Hara and John Heard as Kevin's parents. As of
2009, Home Alone was the highest-grossing comedy of all time.[2] It spawned a
successful franchise, with four sequels and three video games, and with the main cast
reprising their roles for the sequel Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.Plot[edit]The night
before their flight to Paris for a Christmas holiday, the McCallister family gather at
the Winnetka, Illinois home of Peter (John Heard) and Kate (Catherine O'Hara)
McCallister. Their eight-year-old son, Kevin (Macaulay Culkin), is ridiculed by his
siblings and cousins. After a fight with his older brother, Buzz (Devin Ratray), Kevin is
sent to the third floor of the house, where he wishes that his family would disappear.
During the night, a power outage resets the alarm clocks and causes the family to
oversleep. In the confusion and rush to reach their flight on time, Kevin is left behind and
the family is unaware until they're already airborne. Once in Paris, both Peter and Kate
desperately try to book a flight home, but find all the flights booked for the next two
days. The clerks put Kate on standby for any possible seat opening. The rest of the family
goes to their relative's home in Paris.Meanwhile, Kevin wakes up to find the house empty
and is overjoyed with his new freedom. The Chicago Police Department arrive to check
on Kevin but are unable to locate him. Kevin's joy soon turns to fear as he deals with his
next door neighbor, "Old Man" Marley (Roberts Blossom), (who is rumored to have
murdered his family in 1958) and two burglars, Harry (Joe Pesci) and Marv (Daniel
Stern) (the "Wet Bandits"), who are burglarizing the neighborhood's vacant homes and
have targeted the McCallisters. Kevin keeps the duo at bay by tricking them into thinking
the house is still inhabited, but they eventually realize that Kevin is home alone.Kate gets
a flight to the United States, only to end up in Scranton, Pennsylvania. She tries to book a
flight to Chicago but they are, again, all booked. Kate refuses to accept the situation, and
she is overheard by Gus Polinski (John Candy), the lead member of a traveling polka
band, who offers to let her travel with them to Chicago on their way to Milwaukee in a
moving van, which she happily accepts.On Christmas Eve, Kevin overhears Harry and
Marv discussing plans for breaking into his house that night. Kevin goes to church and
watches a choir perform. Marley sits beside Kevin and the pair talk; he learns that Marley
is actually a nice person and that the rumors about him are false. He tells Kevin he is
watching the choir because his granddaughter is in it, but he never gets to see her because
he and his son had a major falling out many years ago, and have been on non-speaking
terms since; Kevin suggests that he try to reconcile with his son.Kevin returns home and
rigs the house with numerous booby traps. Harry and Marv break in, springing the traps
and suffering various injuries. While the duo closes in on Kevin, he calls the police and
escapes the house into a neighboring vacant home. Harry and Marv manage to catch him
and discuss how they will get their revenge, but Marley sneaks in and knocks them out
with his snow shovel before they can do anything to Kevin. Harry and Marv are arrested
and connected to multiple other burglaries because of Marv's habit of flooding the houses
that he and Harry have burglarized.On Christmas Day, Kevin is disappointed to find that
his family is still gone. He then hears Kate enter the house and call for him; they
reconcile and are quickly joined by the rest of the McCallisters, who waited in Paris until
they could get a direct flight to Chicago. Kevin keeps silent about his encounter with
Harry and Marv, although Peter finds Harry's missing gold tooth. Kevin then observes
Marley reuniting with his son and his family. Marley notices Kevin and the pair
acknowledge each other before Marley and his family go home. Buzz suddenly calls out,
"Kevin, what did you do to my room?!" at which point Kevin runs off.
Afișul filmului
Director de
Russell Carpenter
Prezență online
Titanic este un film epic romantic și de dezastru american lansat în 1997, regizat, scris, co-
produs și co-montat de James Cameron. Este o adaptare fictivă
a scufundării pachebotului RMS Titanic, care îi are în rolurile principale pe Leonardo
DiCaprio și Kate Winslet. Aceștia sunt membri ai unor clase sociale diferite și se
îndrăgostesc la bordul pachebotului, în timpul călătoriei sale inaugurale dezastruoase.