Full Design Report - Southern Makkah Sanitary Landfill
Full Design Report - Southern Makkah Sanitary Landfill
Full Design Report - Southern Makkah Sanitary Landfill
MAY 2011
This report provides an account of initial site investigations, proposed plans and detailed
designs for Southern Makkah landfill. The project is collaborative involving teams and
experts from King Abdul Aziz University (KAU), Jeddah led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asad Siraj
Omar Abu-Rizaiza, and Research Cluster on Waste Management, Universiti Sains
Malaysia (USM), led by Prof. Dr. Hamidi Abdul Aziz. A total of 3 technical visits have
taken place during the study period, which were 19 - 26 June 2008, 22 January - 05
February 2010, and 21 February - 06 March 2011.
The landfill is located near Wadi Uramah and Wadi Malkan. To date, the facility has
operated for about 9 years. Since 1424 Hijrah (2003), it has been receiving an estimated
2000-2500 tonne/day of solid waste from Makkah and the vicinity. Surveying works have
been carried out by a Saudi Arabian surveyor to establish the exact area topography of
the site. Hydrogeological data was established from the existing literature which was
used in the design of the drainage system. Geophysical studies were carried out with 2
lines covering the project site. The results of resistivity analyses indicate that the
subsurface is made up of low resistivity zones of below 10 ohm-m which appear to be
zones fully saturated with leachate for that area. Bedrock can be divided into fractured
zones with resistivity of more than 200 ohm-m and solid granites of more than 800 ohm-
m. This feature was further confirmed by the findings from erecting two boreholes which
also provided soil profiling information and leachate or water level. Borehole 1 was drilled
up to 19.2 meter below ground surface and the water level was at 18.6 m. Water sample
collected from this borehole indicate a contamination by leachate. Borehole 2 was drilled
inside a depression of about 7 meter lower than surrounding area and the water level
was 9.3 m deep below the bed of the depression. Water sample collected from this
borehole indicate that it might still be free of leachate. However, for an area as large as
the site, the limited works have caused some important data to remain unavailable. More
boreholes are in fact required in order to make a complete assessment of the soil strata
within the proposed landfill. After discussing it with KAU counterpart, the design of the
landfill has to be finalized based on the available information. Nevertheless, as much as
possible, current technologies were considered in the design to minimize impacts on
public health and the environment.
From the field survey data, the estimated total surface area is 0.6 km2 covering the
section to be developed and the phase currently operates. The deepest possible
1) Two cells namely Advanced Cell 1 and Advanced Cell 2. Advanced cell 1 has a
capacity of 1.2 million cu. M while Advanced Cell 2 has a capacity of 92000 cu.
m. The Main Cell with a floor area of 29 ha is located above the two cells. Based
on a disposal rate of 2500 tonne/cu. m and proposed compacted density of 0.8
tonne/cu. m, the disposal rate in volume would be 3125 cu. m/day. In total, this
landfill will be able to cater for slightly more than 10 years of disposal.
2) Surface runoff will be diverted out of the landfill site to prevent infiltration and
formation of leachate. Consequently, the perimeter drainage system is provided
based on the contour levels and the direction of flow to the lowest point,
incorporating a prominent separator trench.
3) In order to prevent leachate contamination, the cells will be protected with 2.5
mm thick HDPE liner, provided with main and branch leachate collection pipes of
600 mm and 250mm diameters respectively.
4) At the downstream of the main leachate collection pipe, a leachate collection well
is provided. The leachate will be pumped into a retention pond. As agreed with
KAU counterpart, leachate will be collected from the retention pond and taken
away for off-site treatment at suitable industrial waste water treatment plant which
will be determined later.
5) A trench separator is proposed in order to separate the existing active cells and
the new proposed cells. The trench also is design to cater outflow leachate from
the existing active cells. A 500 meter of 4 meter wide with 4 meter depth trench is
proposed. The trench should be designed sloping (inverting) towards the new
proposed cells with a final end sump at the end.
6) Gas vents of 150 mm internal diameter will be constructed accordingly and
connected to a collection system. The gas will be conveyed to the flaring facilities
via vacuum system. This facility will be provided towards the final closure stage.
7) In the final capping, slope design considerations will be taken into account while
planning for protection against infiltration and controlling gas emission.
Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) will be provided as final cover. The choice of GCL
as the impermeable final barrier is considered as the most cost effective in
comparison with the alternatives.
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Figure 2.1: Map showing location of survey lines 2-6
Figure 2.2: The arrangement of electrodes for a 2-D electrical survey and the 2-7
sequence of measurement used to build up a pseudo section
Figure 2.3: Resistivity sections of Line L1 and L2 showing leachate and depth of 2-8
Figure 2.4: Map showing locations and results of resistivity survey lines and 2-9
estimated flow of leachate
Figure 2.5: Locations of BH1 and BH2 in Southern Makkah landfill 2-11
Figure 2.6: Interpreted profile at BH1, Southern Makkah landfill 2-12
Figure 2.7: Interpreted profile at BH2, Southern Makkah, inside existing depression 2-13
Figure 2.8: BH1 and BH2 put together in subsurface profile of Southern Makkah 2-14
landfill l
Figure 3.1: Conceptual view of leachate collection and drainage system 3-2
Figure: 5.1: Conceptual order of excavation and filling for Southern Makkah in side 5-4
Figure 5.2: Conceptual order of filling for Southern Makkah landfill in plan view 5-5
Figure 5.3: Liner design proposed for Southern Makkah landfill 5-6
Figure 5.4: Variables in the SCS method of rainfall abstractions: I a = initial 5-10
abstractions, P e = rainfall excess, F a = continuing abstraction, and P =
total rainfall.
Figure 5.5: Solution of the SCS runoff equations (Mays, 2001) 5-11
Figure 5.6: Conceptual diagram covering the main collection pipe 5-22
Figure 5.7: A photo showing well prepared bed, ready for waste disposal 5-23
Figure 5.8: Cross section of a leachate containment sump with surrounding items 5-24
Figure 5.9: Main collection perforated pipe 5-25
Figure 5.10: Schematic connection of main leachate pipe, branch leachate pipe 5-26
and gas vent at gas vent sump
Figure 5.11: Plan views of (a) retention pond and (b) air diffuser system 5-28
Figure 5.12: Example of weigh bridge in operation 5-31
Figure 5.12: An example of washing bay on site 5-31
Figure 5.13: Proposed cross section of access road 5-35
Figure 5.14: Proposed cross section of temporary access road 5-35
Figure 5.15: A recommended design for final cover (after Oweis and Khera, 1998) 5-35
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Table 1.1: List of USM researchers and their specialisations 1-4
Table 2.1 - Makkah soil classes according to USCS (Abdulaziz Al Solami et 2-3
Table 2.2: Rock types and RMR classification 2-5
Table 2.3: Excavate-ability classes of various rock types 2-5
Table 2.4: Resistivity of some common rocks, soil minerals, and chemicals in the 2-7
Table 5.1: The expected lifespan of the proposed landfill 5-2
Table 5.2: Runoff Curve Numbers (Average Washed Condition, I a =0.2S) 5-12
Table 5.2: Runoff Curve Numbers (continued) 5-12
Table 5.3: Runoff Coefficients C Recurrence Interval ≤10 years 5-15
Table 5.4: Runoff percentage 5-16
Table 5.5: Comparisons between two methods for the perimeter drain size 5-21
Table 5.5: Checklist of road design aspect 5-33
Table 5.6: Groundwater leachate and landfill monitoring program 5-42
The estimated amount of waste received at the landfills of Makkah hovers around 1800-
2000 ton/day in normal days, to 3000 ton/day during Ramadan, and 4500 ton/day during
Hajj. For the year 1426H, the per capita waste generation rate for pilgrims and local
residents were 1.55 kg/day and 1.69 kg/day, respectively. The waste mainly consisted of
organics, plastics, paper, and boxes.
The old landfill of Makkah was at Muassim, Mina (near Wadi Add) which operated
between 1406H and 1423H. The current landfill is in Southern Makkah (Kakia), near
Wadi Uramah and Wadi Malkan, which began operation in 2003. However, this new
landfill in Southern Makkah has not been properly designed and therefore allows much
opportunity for improvement. Hence, a proper and new sanitary landfill facility to
accommodate waste generation of Makkah and surrounding areas is urgently required.
The principle reasons for the Proposed Project are to address the following issues:
• To provide a facility with an average capacity of 2,000 - 2,500 ton/day to cater for
solid waste from whole of Makkah.
• Currently, the Southern Makkah landfill is operated as a non-systematic sanitary
landfill without any proper treatment of leachate, gases, and storm water.
• The existing method of solid waste dumping is not environmentally conforming
and needs to be replaced by a system whereby environment control measures
can be put in place.
• The proposed landfill will need to replace the operation of the existing non-
sanitary landfill of Southern Makkah.
• The proposed landfill will need to be more sustainable and will prevent potential
pollutions to the surrounding environment.
• The proposed landfill will need to meet current and future demand for waste
disposal that is estimated to grow at a rate of at least 2% per year.
1. Site study and data analysis of the existing facility. Site visits to collect and
establish meteorological, hydrological, geological and other relevant data are required.
4. Design of the landfill including cut, fill, and trenching, and planning for
construction of liners, leachate pipes, gas venting systems with collection system,
surface drainage control, perimeter bund, access road, on-site facilities, and leachate
collection and treatment system.
8. Preparation of reports.
Geologic factors which are not always obvious without extensive study may hamper later
landfill performance. Therefore, the geological investigation for this project was mainly
carried out for identification, description, and classification with emphasis to provide
information on engineering geology and characteristics of the site. The resulting
information will be useful for the technical design and construction particularly for the
construction of slope and excavation of Advanced Cell 1 and Advanced Cell 2.
The new proposed site is an east-west oriented zone confined in a valley, the Wadi-
Uranah. The surrounding rocky terrain is predominated by complex intrusions of igneous
rock. They are mainly consisted of coarse grained, greenish-white, hornblende,
granodiorite, biotite monzogranite, and sills of various size and orientation, in various
places. The intrusions are normally by fine-grained dolerite and other ulramafic rocks
(gabbro), as well as by less than 10cm thick milky white quartz vein. Occasional and
isolated, grey, granitic schist is found exposed at the lowest part of the valley (BH-1).
As observed in the field and from boreholes (BH-1 and BH-2), the unconsolidated wadi
alluvial of the site can be categorised as SW type – well graded sands, gravely sand,
little or no fine, and can be graded as loose to medium dense (SPTN-value of 4-10).
Table 2.1: Makkah soil classes according to USCS (Abdulaziz Al Solami et al, 2006).
Number of Soil Class
Samples Description Symbol
1 Sandy silt MS
10 Poorly graded sand SP
9 Silty sand SM
7 Poorly graded sand with silt SP-SM
4 Well graded sand with silt SW-SM
4 Silty sand with gravel SM
1 Poorly graded sand with sand GP
1 Poorly graded sand with gravel SP
1 Well graded sand SW
The rock mass quality of the site is variable with the types of rock, rate/degree of
weathering and alteration experienced by the outcrops, including distribution pattern of
joint sets, fractures, faults, bedding planes, and surface roughness.
There are many classifications that assign numerical values to properties of rocks.
Among them is the Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system proposed by Bieniaswski (1989)
which has been extensively applied in evaluating rock mass quality for different
engineering purposes.
The RMR system was the most suitable rock mass classification systems for engineering
purpose in the arid environments such as of Saudi Arabia (Al-Harthi, 1993). RMR is a
composite property of rock taking into account several other properties such as:
(a) Strength of intact rock mineral represented by Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS)
and Point Load strength index,
(b) Rock Quality Designation (RQD),
(c) Spacing of discontinuities,
(d) Condition of discontinuities or degree of weathering and
(e) Groundwater (Bieniaswaki 1989) – dry
The rock mass (RMR) is then defined as very good rock (100-81), good rock (80-61), fair
rock (60-41), poor rock (40-21) and very poor rock (<20) respectively as shown in Table
2.2. The rocks listed in the table can be found in the project area thus the values indicate
certain properties of the materials.
2.2.4 Conclusion
The rock mass categories in the proposed landfill generally fall into Class II to Class V on
the excavate-ability rating. This classification is mainly based on the density of joints set
(blocky). The rocks of the area are easy to excavated or ripped as indicated in Table 2.2.
The valley/wadi floor are overlain by thick sequence of silty sand to gravely sand which
can easily be removed by scraping machine (bulldozer). The underlying bedrock at the
Station 3
C1 P1 P2 C2 computer
3a 3a 3a Resistivity meter
Station 2
C1 P1 P2 C2
2a 2a 2a
Station 1
Data C1 P1 P2 C2 Electrodes
a a a
n=1 .• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
n=2 2 • . . . . . . . . . . . . .
n=3 3 • . . . . . . . . . .
n=4 • . . . . . . .
n=5 • . . . .
n=6 • .
Figure 2.2: The arrangement of electrodes for a 2-D electrical survey and the sequence
of measurement used to build up a pseudo section
The resistivity method basically measures the resistivity distribution of the subsurface
materials. Table 2.4 shows the resistivity and conductivity values of some of the typical
rocks and soil materials that are normally associated with landfills.
Table 2.4: Resistivity of some common rocks, soil minerals, and chemicals in the area
Material Resistivity
Leachate (plume) 0 to 5
Saturated fractured zone with leachate < 10
Groundwater (fresh) 10 to 100
Unsaturated fractured zone 200
Bedrock Granite > 4000
Figure 2.3: Resistivity sections of Line L1 and L2 showing leachate and depth of
BH1 was drilled on original ground while BH2 was drilled inside an excavated depression
of about 7 m lower than surrounding area. Both boreholes are 1 foot in diameter and
were cased down to about 3 m from surface. Water samples taken from boreholes
For BH2, the water level was recorded as 33 feet (10 m) below ground surface. Note that
since BH2 is located inside a depression, the ground surface is already 7 m below
surrounding area. In this location, the plan to prepare for Cell 1 was to excavate the area
a further 13 m so that the total depth would be 20 m. However, since water level was
found at 10 m, in order to avoid reaching ground water, the deepest possible excavation
would be to a depth of about 8 m, making total depth to about 15 m instead of the
planned 20 m.
Figure 2.8 also shows the limits of excavation for BH1 (Cell 1) and BH2 (Cell 2) put
together in a cross sectional profile.
Note: BH1, drilled and completed on March 2 , 2011, is located within the area of future Cell 2,
and not very far from the existing dump. BH2 drilled and completed on March 3 , 2011, is located
within the area of future Advanced Cell 1, and further away from the existing dump as compared
to the location of BH1. BH1 was drilled on original ground while BH2 was drilled inside an
excavated depression of about 7 m lower than surrounding area. Both boreholes are 1 foot in
diameter and were cased down to about 3 m from surface. Water samples taken from boreholes
indicate that the level of contamination at BH1 is more severe than at BH2, as evidenced by
relative darkness of the samples. The water sample from BH2 was clean and probably has not
been affected by the leachate of the existing dump.
Figure 2.7: Interpreted profile at BH2, Southern Makkah, inside existing depression
Limits of excavation
Figure 2.8: BH1 and BH2 put together in subsurface profile of Southern Makkah landfill
The proposed landfill in Southern Makkah shall be designed as a sanitary landfill with all
appropriate facilities and issues described above addressed to prevent pollution.
The proposed development of the landfill will have the following basic design and
operational components:
Certain data may still be unavailable. Thus, the design of the proposed new landfill will
make full use of available ones such as detailed in Section 2:
Advanced Cell 1 will be excavated first, while Advanced Cell 2 still remains intact.
Excavated material from Advanced Cell 1 will be deposited over Advanced Cell 2, into
stockpiles. This stockpiled material will be used for daily cover in the disposal operation
of Advanced Cell 1. Advanced Cell 1 is capable of catering 1.9 years of operation or
about 2.1 million cubic meters of waste.
As stockpiling of cover material for Advanced Cell 1 will continuously require ground
areas over Advanced Cell 2, the excavation of Advanced Cell 2 will only commence
when cover material running out, i.e., in the last year of operation of Advanced Cell 1 or
thereabouts. Advanced Cell 1 will be excavated in accordance with the attached
engineering drawings. The plan in associated with excavation and operation of
Advanced Cell 1 and Advanced Cell 2 are shown in Figures 5.1 and 5.2.
The described plan will avoid a situation where mound created by the filling of Advanced
Cell 1 preventing the area from being used as stockpile area while excavating Advanced
Thus the excavation of Advanced Cell 2 should begin when Advanced Cell 1 is into its
2nd year of operation, or thereabouts, i.e. when the ground over Advanced Cell 1 is more
or less flat. Thus the excavated material for Advanced Cell 2 may be deposited over
Advanced Cell 1, into stockpiles. The subsequent land-filling operation will make use of
the newly excavated Cell 2.
And when Advanced Cell 2 is full, i.e. after 0.8 years of operation or thereabouts, the
successive daily cells will be started next to the hills over the far reaches of the South
Eastern edge of Advanced Cell 2, as indicated in Figures 5.1 and 5.2.
Step 1: Excavate
Advanced Cell 1
and deposit material
into stockpile over
site of Advanced
Cell 2.
Step 2: Fill waste
into Advanced Cell
1. Each daily cell is
25m x 25m x 5m.
Lifespan is 1.9
Step 3: Advanced
Cell 1 once full,
excavate Advanced
Cell 2 and deposit
material into
stockpile over Cell
Step 4: Fill waste
into Advanced Cell
2. Advanced Cell 2
will be 0.8 years
before full and
Figure 5.2: Conceptual order of filling for Southern Makkah landfill in plan view
The liner design proposed for Southern Makkah is shown in Figure 5.3. Excavation will
be carried out to a depth of about 1 m above water Table. Over the limit of excavation, a
layer of cushion, 300 mm thick, will be laid and compacted, which will become the sub-
grade to the overlying HDPE Liner. The cushion material should be clean sands, clear of
any sharp rocks that may puncture, tear, or damage the HDPE Liner. The cushion layer
will need to be compacted, and the amount of compaction should cause the material to
achieve at least 90 % of the maximum dry density by modified proctor compaction.
The leachate collection and removal system over the GCL will consist of a layer of
mainly gravel material, 300 mm in thickness. Waste will be deposited over the gravel
layer. Leachate coming out of the waste will seep through the gravel layer and into the
leachate collection pipe.
The design of a drainage project requires a detailed map of the area with a scale
between 1:1000 and 1:5000. The contour interval should be small enough to define the
divides between the various sub-drainages within the system. Final design requires even
more detailed maps of those areas where construction is proposed. All existing
underground facilities must be accurately located, together with other structures that
might interfere with the proposed route. If rock is expected near the surface, rock profiles
as determined by borings along the proposed conduit lines are necessary to that pipe
layout can be selected to minimize rock excavation.
Drainage projects almost always deal with flows from ungaged areas, so that design
flows must be synthesized from rainfall data. For urban drainage the most widely used
method has been the rational formula using rainfall of the desired frequency.
The objective of many hydrologic design and analysis problems is to determine the
surface runoff from a watershed due to a particular storm. The process is commonly
referred to as rainfall-runoff analysis with the objective to develop the runoff hydrograph.
Where the system is a watershed or river catchment, the input is rainfall hyetograph, and
the output is the runoff or discharge hydrograph.
a) SCS rainfall-runoff
The depth of excess precipitation or direct runoff P e , is always less than or equal to
depth of precipitation P, likewise, after runoff begins, the additional depth of water
retained in the watershed F a , is less than or equal to some potential maximum retention
S (Figure 5.4). There is some amount of rainfall I a , (initial abstraction before ponding) for
which no runoff will occur, so the potential runoff is P-I a . The SCS method assumes that
the ratios of the two actual potential quantities are equal, that is,
𝐹𝑎 𝑃𝑒
= (5.1)
𝑆 𝑃 − 𝐼𝑎
𝑃 = 𝑃𝑒 + 𝐼𝑎 + 𝐹𝑎 (5.2)
(𝑃 − 𝐼𝑎 )2
𝑃𝑒 = (5.3)
𝑃 − 𝐼𝑎 + 𝑆
Which is the basic equation for computing the depth of excess rainfall or direct runoff
from a storm by the SCS method.
From the study by many small experimental catchments, an empirical relation was
developed for I a:
𝐼𝑎 = 0.2𝑆 (5.4)
(𝑃 − 0.2𝑆)2
𝑃𝑒 = (5.5)
𝑃 + 0.8𝑆
Empirical studies by the SCS indicate that the potential maximum retention can be
estimated as
𝑆= − 10 (5.6)
Where CN is a runoff curve number that is a function of land use, antecedent soil
moisture, and other factors affecting runoff and retention in a watershed. The curve
number is a dimensionless number defined such that≤ 0 CN≤100. For impervious and
water surfaces, CN = 100; for natural surfaces CN<100. The SCS rainfall-runoff relation
5 can be expressed in graphical using the curve numbers as illustrated in Figure 5.4.
Equation 5.5 or Figure 5.4 can be used to estimate the volume of runoff when the
precipitation volume P and the curve number CN are known.
For dry conditions (AMC I) or wet conditions (AMC III), equivalent curve numbers can be
computed using
4.2 𝐶𝑁 (𝐼𝐼)
𝐶𝑁(𝐼) = (5.7)
10 − 0.058 𝐶𝑁 (𝐼𝐼)
23𝐶𝑁 (𝐼𝐼)
𝐶𝑁(𝐼𝐼𝐼) = (5.8)
10 + 0.13 𝐶𝑁 (𝐼𝐼)
Curve numbers have been tabulated by the Soil Conservation Service on the basis of
soil type and land use in Table 5.2. The four soil groups are described as:
𝑄𝑝 = 𝐶𝑖𝐴 (5.9)
Q p = peak discharge (cm3/s)
C = runoff coefficient (dimensionless)
i = rainfall intensity (m/s)
A= watershed area (m2)
Calculation Reference
A) Design of the runoff
Method = SCS May, 2001
* From our
2 (a) Main landfill area = 640999 m study
* From our
b) Total catchment area = 1310000 m study
c) Hilly catchment area 669001 m
334501 2
d) Balance area divided by 2 = m
(assume some of the run off will flow into middle portion
of the landfill area)
g) Therefore, net total area will be = 362376 m
( P − 0.2S ) 2 S =
− 10
Pe = CN
P + 0.8S
P = Precipitation
Pe = Depth of precipitation
Potential maximum
S = retention
CN = Runoff curve number
In this case, CN is determined from adjustment of curve numbers of dry and wet
4 condition
a) Use CN = 90
= 6 inch
= 1.1111111
= 4.85 inch
= 123.0853 mm
= 0.12 m
5 Volume of A1 = 44603 m
6 Peak flow rate, = 6.19 m /s 2 h rainfall
(AxR x
7 Manning formula, S )/n
8 Qpeak = 6.19 m /s
n = 0.015
S = 0.0066667
9 Let w = 1.5 m
h = 1.5 m
10 Area, A = w*h
= 2.25 m
11 Wetted perimeter, P = w + 2h
= 4.5 m
13 Q capacity = 7.72 m /s OK
15 Therefore, Qcapacity>Qpeak
Calculation Reference
A) Design of the runoff Method = Rational Wanielista,
2 a) Main landfill area = 640999 m * From our
b) Total catchment area = 131000 m * From our
0 study
c) Hilly catchment area 669001 m
d) Balance area divided by 2 = 334501 m
(assume some of the run off will flow into middle portion
of the landfill area)
e) The balance area was divided into 1/4 portion, = 83625 m
f) Hilly catchment area, assume the hilly = 278750 m
catchment is
equivalent to both side of the landfill, where m
the runoff will flow directly to the proposed surface drain
g) Therefore, net total area will be = 362376 m
3 From rational formula,
Q= CiA
Q =
C = 0.7
i = 0.1 m/h
Total A = 362376 m
Q = 25366 m /2
= 3.52 m /s
Calculation Reference
B) Drainage design
Manning formula, Q=
Qpeak = = 3.52 m /s
n = 0.015
S = 0.006667
1 Let w = 1.5 m
h = 0.9 m
2 Area, A = w*h
= 1.35 m
3 Wetted perimeter, P = w + 2h
= 3.3 m
5 Q capacity = 4.05 m /s OK
6 Therefore, Qcapacity>Qpeak
Suitable size will be 1.5 X 0.9 m considering high flow rate contributed from
7 large area
The bottom pipe to be laid over the landfill basement and inclined pipe to be laid over the
slopes can again be categorized in main leachate pipe and branch leachate pipe
The general function of leachate collection facility is to quickly collect and channel the
leachate generated from the landfilled waste layers to the leachate treatment facility. For
the proposed site, the system for proper and quick leachate collection at the landfill
basement consist of main leachate pipes and branch leachate pipes, which are to be
hydraulically full-size enough to allow the maximum leachate flow and structurally strong
enough against maximum static and dynamic loads coming over from ultimate height of
waste filling and equipment in operation. Besides, they are also to be big enough to
maintain permanent semi-aerobic condition within the waste layers for the proposed
landfill system (Fukuoka method of semi-aerobic system).
Leachate from waste will trickle to the bottom of landfill, pass through a layer of drainage
filter, and into collection pipes. The conceptual diagram of covering the main collection
pipe is shown in Figure 5.6. A photo showing well prepared bed, ready for waste
disposal, is shown in Figure 5.7. In this photo, the gravel drainage appears to cover the
entire floor of the landfill.
In Advanced Cells 1 and Advanced Cell 2, one for each cell, the leachate collection
pipes lead to a segmental cylindrical sump which extends upwards as the thickness of
waste is increasing. Each pre-cast segment that makes up the sump is 3.0 m in diameter
and 2.0 m in thickness. The cross sectional diagram of each sump with surrounding
items is shown in Figure 5.8.
Figure 5.7: A photo showing well prepared bed, ready for waste disposal
The laying of main leachate collection pipes longitudinally over the prepared top layer of
compacted clay liner and along the gutter of basement prepared (sloped at 3%) as
shown in the typical cross-section, deserves special attention for technical perfection, i.e.
for being in line, level and position It is to be noted that laying of the main leachate pipe
over the jute mat (underlined additionally with a sheet of 350 micron-HDPE sheet
extended to the full width at the base of the filter material to be placed over the pipe)
shall be such that the top of its lower 1/3 part (i.e. the part without perforation) shall be in
level with the finished level of the top clay liner. This shall happen only when the curved
surface of contact of the pipe with the underlying jute mat, plastic sheet and top layer of
compacted clay liner are accordingly concavely shaped beforehand.
The leachate pipe is then covered longitudinally with well-compacted filter material of
riverbed shingles/ pebbles (grain size: 50 – 150mm) packed in shape and size as shown
in the drawing. The proposed width (more than 3d at the top and bottom) and thickness
The pipe shall be perforated in upper 2/3 part with circular holes of 10mm diameter and
in distance interval and pattern. The lower 1/3 part shall be non-perforated (full section)
to allow smooth flow of the leachate collected without leaking out from the pipe.
The laying of branch leachate collection pipes over the prepared top layer of compacted
clay liner and cross to the main leachate pipe deserves special attention for technical
perfection, i.e. for being in line, level and position. They shall be laid laterally (at intervals
of 20m) inclined on both sides of the main leachate pipe over the prepared top layer of
clay liner (sloped at 4% cross to the longitudinal direction of the valley). It is to be noted
that laying of the branch leachate pipe over the jute mat shall be such that the top of its
The leachate pipe is then covered longitudinally with well-compacted filter material of
riverbed shingles/ pebbles (grain size: 50 – 150mm) packed in shape and size as shown
in the drawing. The proposed width (more than 3d at the top and bottom) and thickness
of the packed filter material shall not only facilitate the filtration of leachate entering into
the pipe perforation, but also increase the bearing capacity of the pipe under static and
dynamic loading coming over it during operation at critical conditions. Figure 5.10 shows
the schematic drawing for main and branch leachate pipe to gas vent sump.
Figure 5.10: Schematic connection of main leachate pipe, branch leachate pipe and gas
vent at gas vent sump
A leachate retention pond of ~3750 cu. m capacity is provided at the designated location
shown in drawing. The retention pond will have a surface area of ~1500 sq. m and a
maximum depth of 3.0 m. The slope walls will be inclined at 1:1.75. The well-compacted
bottom and slopes will be lined with 2 layers of 350 micron HDPE sheet covering all
surfaces. The pond will be bordered at the top of its embankment along all sides with
stone masonry work. The aeration facility will have an air diffuser with a capacity of 50
cu. m/min. The estimated power requirement for the blower house is ~21 kW. The
aeration is expected to be running 6 to 8 hours daily. Figure 5.11 shows plan views of
the retention pond and a conceptual feature for the diffuser.
Leachate will generally be trucked away for further treatment in waste water treatment
facility to be identified later. Nevertheless, a recirculation procedure where leachate is
taken back to the landfill can also be considered as an option for disposal.
Figure 5.11: Plan views of (a) retention pond and (b) air diffuser system
Collection and utilization of landfill gas is usually not cost-effective under normal
condition. But however, it is necessary to carry out gas venting facility at landfill sites in
order to prevent the adverse impacts caused by the accumulation of these gases within
the waste mass. Besides, the gas venting facility also has an effect on accelerating the
decomposition process of organic materials and promoting the stabilization of waste
mass of the sanitary landfill site. The proposed simple but effective system for quick and
effective gas venting system is to be described as follows.
However, the gas vent system to be built over branch leachate pipe, that has to be
extended laterally at the bottom, shall have a manhole similar to that to be built over
main leachate pipe as described above.
Ideally, weigh data should be recorded electronically, which allows for better
management oversight of waste management operations. Additionally, incoming and
out-bound traffic should be weighed.
The weight bridge is the heart of the solid waste system’s management information
system. Computerized weighbridge systems installed will be connected directly to
municipal managers for purposes of oversight and data analysis. Figure 5.12 shows an
example of weighbridge. A detail of weighbridge specification is shown in Volume 2:
5.6.4 Workshop
Next to the administration building is a service station and maintenance facility. The
planned area of around 250 square meters is sufficient to accommodate several units of
heavy equipment for repair and maintenance. Only the service and maintenance portion
shall be covered. A storeroom for supplies and tools with an area of 30 sq. m. will be
5.7.1 Introduction
A landfill cover design for Southern Makkah, such as recommended in Figure 5.15,
should attempt to achieve the following five goals (Oweis and Khera, 1998).
A cover design for Southern Makkah should further consider the following matters.
At the current stage, the study investigates the effectiveness of using a single
geosynthetic clay liner (GCL), put together with 400 mm of topsoil on top of it. The GCL
must be protected by a bedding of sand (SP) free of stone or sharp objects 6 in.
(15 cm) above and below the barrier, wherever required. The complete study will
also look into the possibility of improving the cover by applying appropriate concepts and
aspects associated with a properly designed facility.
For Southern Makkah, after considering the weaknesses described above, the use
of synthetic clay liner (GCL) has been preferred for use. The clay liner, in this
case, is reinforced on both sides by strong fibres and fabrics. The top fibres are
unwoven and although very thin in dimension, can act as drainage layer. The
bottom geotextile is woven and act as reinforcement. The geo-synthetic clay liner
A geo-synthetic clay liner (GCL) is a thin layer (6 mm) of bentonite sandwiched between
two geo-textiles or glued to a geo-membrane. At placement time, the bentonite will be
dry and permeable to gas. After exposure to water and hydration, the bentonite barrier in
intact position, is virtually impermeable to gas and water. Because of the reinforcing
effect of the attaching geo-textile, and the moderate tensile strength of bentonite, the
GCL is expected to be more resistant to cap settlement. GCL requires lesser quality
control or maintenance than a clay liner or geo-membrane would need.
Top soils which were reportedly available in Wadi Fatimah can be used for landscaping
purpose in Southern Makkah. Watering using local ground water, pumped from local
wells can also be tested on the plants. Local plant species which require least
maintenance may be tried at the landfill. Bazromia is another plant variety popular with
the area but it is an imported species. Judging from the height of grown Bazromia trees
along the streets of Makkah, the roots can be very deep and therefore will be damaging
to the impermeable membrane intended to protect the waste against infiltration. The use
of shallow rooted grass therefore is recommended.
The final design proposal for the cap of Southern Makkah is shown in Figure 5.16, while
detail drawings are given separately in attachments. The construction will involve giving
the final disposal of waste a final cover amounting to 300 mm thick followed by a layer of
sand of about 300 mm to act as cushion to the GCL. Connections of gas pipes will also
be concealed within this sand cushion. The sand will be graded and moderately
compacted. GCL will be placed on top of the sand and finally a layer of topsoil will be
placed on top of it. The thickness of topsoil will be 600 mm.
The indicators of leachate quality and landfill gas quality must be decided after
conducting a study relating to the type of the waste, the age of the waste, the
composition of leachate and gas likely to be generated and the geotechnical as well as
hydro-geological features of the area. All monitoring programmes must first establish the
baseline/background conditions prior to landfill monitoring.
2. Al-Harithi, A. A. 1993. Application of CSIR and NGI classification systems along tunnel
No.3 at Al-Dela descent, Asir Province, Saudi Arabia. In: The Engineering Geology of
Weak Rock, 26th Annual Confernce of the Engineering Group of the Geological
Society. Special Puplication No.8., 323-328.
6. Mays, L.W. (2001). Water Resources Engineering, Second Edition, Hamilton Printing
Company, Danver, MA.
7. Nelson, K. D. (1985) Design & Construction Of Small Earth Dams, Elsevier Science &
STANDARD SIZE BOX CULVERTS TABLE 1 * tc=tb for b=600, 900, 1500 and 1800, tc=50 for
1500 1050 1700 1150 100 175 125 300 0.66 0.98
1800 1350 2030 1465 115 175 125 300 0.79 1.39
b h B H tb c tc e LID INVERT
1800 1350 2030 1690 115 1075 115 225 0.79 2.09