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Disusun oleh:

Deri Fikri F, M.Hum

Tahun 2018


Dengan memanjatkan puji syukur ke hadirat Allah Swt, Buku Panduan Penyusunan Proposal Penelitian
Fakultas Humaniora telah dapat diterbitkan. Buku ini disusun atas kebutuhan Program Studi dan Mahasiswa
Program Studi Sastra Inggris, khususnya mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Metode Penelitian, guna
keperluan penyusunan Skripsi pada akhirnya.

Buku pedoman ini memuat informasi tentang tata cara menyusun sebuah kerangka penelitian yang baik
dan sesuai standar yang berlaku di Universitas Putra Indonesia. Sisi dalam merancang konsep penelitian yang
eligible dan menuangkannya dalam format yang seragam dibahas secara jelas, dengan harapan dapat
membantu mahasiswa dalam menuangkan gagasan rancangan penelitiannya.

Semoga Buku Panduan ini bermanfaat, dan atas bantuan semua pihak dalam penyusunan Buku Panduan
ini saya ucapkan terima kasih.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

I. Introduction

The research proposal is expected to be completed during the normal time for a two- credit course.
In a preliminary consultation, the advisor and the student determine the nature of the question the
student wishes to address, the approach the student wishes to take in addressing the question, a
methodology that is appropriate for the approach, and a format that is appropriate for the
The proposal is intended to specify what the student wishes to study, why this is worth studying, who
stands to benefit from the results of the study, how the investigation will unfold, and why this is an
appropriate approach to the investigation. Usually the proposal is written in future tense (as the work
is not yet done), except for the review of relevant literature which is written in the past tense.

NOTE: Students must work closely with their advisor to develop the proposal.
Completion of the paper proposal should take no more than one academic term.
All writing format MUST use APA Style (https://www.apastyle.org/)

II. Paper Format

The proposal can follow the outline used for the first three chapters of the completed paper. This
format is appropriate for studies using quantitative or qualitative methodologies.


(Cambria, 14, centered & bolded)

A Research Proposal
(Cambria, 12, centered & bolded)

(full or single color, centered)

Written by:
Students’ ID Number
(Cambria, 12, centered & bolded)





Written by:

is approved to be examined in Research Proposal Seminar of English Literature Department

Universitas Putra Indonesia
Academic Year 2018/2019

Cianjur, date

Approved by:

(Research Method Lecturer’s Name)

(12, capitalized, centered, bolded)

This chapter consists of:

I.1. Background of the Problem
I.2. Statement of the Problem
I.3. Purpose of the Study
I.4. Research Method
I.5. Research Procedures
I.6. Scope and Limitations of the Study
I.7. Organization of Paper

Notes: maximum of sub-level is 3

1. Introduction
1.1 First Degree of Sub-Chapter
1.1.1 First Point of First Degree of Sub-Chapter
1.1.2 Second Point of First Degree of Sub-Chapter First of Second Point of First Degree of Sub-Chapter (maximum sub-level)


The chapter should be sufficiently comprehensive to map out the literature foundation on which the
study is situated. The review should be organized conceptually or thematically, which establishes a
framework for the investigation.
This chapter consists of:
2.1. Previous Research
2.2. (Theories, sorted from grand theories to supported theories)

This section is a critical review of the literature that pertains to the topic under investigation. The
review should be organized conceptually or thematically, which sets out a framework that can serve
as a guide for the investigation.


This part lists the sources of theories used in the research. The sorting must follow APA style
(visit: https://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2011/07/punctuating-the-reference-list-

The basic APA Style reference list entry follows a familiar pattern: It can be divided up into four
parts (author, date, title, and source), and each of these parts is separated from the others by
punctuation. The following post shows in more detail how this process works and answers two
common reference punctuation-related questions.

Jacobson, N. S., & Truax, P. (1991). Clinical significance: A statistical approach to defining
change in psychotherapy research. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 59, 12–19.
American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental
disorders (4th ed., text rev.). Washington, DC: Author.
Reliability. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary (11th ed.). Retrieved from

The following explanations will assist in developing content for each of the sections of your paper

Chapter I: Introduction
Background of the Problem
This sub-chapter tells what the investigation is about. It is a brief and short overview of what the
student plans to do and how this area of investigation is situated.

Statement of the Problem

This part shows the questions you want to answer. Usually the form is in questions and we
usually only allow two questions to be answered. This is the reason for doing the study. It should
be derived directly from the literature or from compelling personal or professional reasons for
pursing the investigation.

Purpose of the Study

This sub-chapter is the answer of the sub-chapter above. The form takes declarative sentence
without any prior point to be highlighted. In general, there are two components to every
problem. The first is a general statement telling the reader exactly what is expected to be the
research focus. The second component is more specific. Often, it is stated in the form of a series of
empirical questions that reflect the conceptual framework developed from the review of the
literature or selected from an author’s published work.
The purpose should be of real interest to the student as it will “live with them” for at least one year.

Research Method
This part discusses about what kind of research method you want to use. Due to the fact that
this faculty deals with language, which is absolutely part of social research, so we limit it into
qualitative method only which can be applied. But further, it’s still possible to take quantitative
research in certain circumstances.
The student uses this section to describe the research design chosen to frame the study (e.g. case
study, experimental design, narrative, survey design, action research, single subject) and to justify
this design by linking characteristics of the design, as found in the research methods literature, to
aims and objectives of the student’s investigation. This section also outlines and describes the
chosen methodology or approach (e.g., positivist, interpretivist, critical theory) underpinning the
design and the methods (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, conceptual, philosophical) by which data will
be collected and analyzed.

Research Procedures
This sub-chapter tells about the way you collect and sort the data. You need to explain it clearly
as much as you can to make your research is easy to understand and to be examined whether
your research is eligible to do or vice versa.

This section specifies the instrument that should be used to collect data and the procedures that will
be followed. Instruments can be borrowed from others or developed by the researcher.
For qualitative studies, students must outline the questions they expect to ask in an interview or the
types of items they will look for in an observation. Paper must be accompanied by an explanation of
how the student decided on these questions/ items (e.g., from specific concepts in the literature,
from a previous study, or from some other source). If the student plans to analyze documents, the
proposal must specify which documents will be collected, where they can be found, and how the
documents advance the investigation.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This part shows the limitation of the study. A good research limits study to make it deep and
clear, so that’s why you need to make a clear limit in your research. This section is intended to
set out the parameters or boundaries within which the study is being conducted. In quantitative
studies these are concerned with the external and internal reliability and validity of the work. In
qualitative research these include a discussion of the researcher’s preconceptions, credibility,
trustworthiness, and epistemological stance.
Every undertaking has specific conceptual limitations and the researcher must acknowledge their
existence. External validity is related to selection, testing, and treatment biases. Internal validity is
confined largely to experimental studies. Here, concern is with the effects of extraneous variable on
the dependent variable. Factors to consider include a) maturation; b) statistical regression; c)
experimental mortality; and/ or d) deviations in the procedures for data collection.
In qualitative studies, the researcher’s preconceptions must be addressed with regard to their
previous experiences in the area under investigation, their social location Vis –a-Vis those researched,
and their understanding of the situation prior to undertaking the work. The epistemological stance
includes a discussion of the tradition of research within which they have chosen to work and a clear
indication of the assumptions upon which this work is based.

Organization of Paper
This part shows how your paper will be organized.

III. Closing

This book is a guideline for Faculty of Humanities UNPI’s students in arranging a research
paper. This is the part that every student here need to pass in order for them to make the
final paper as their last project in their study.
The writer realizes that there are so many mistakes in this book. All advice and suggestions is
needed to make it better.

Cianjur, November 2018

The Writer


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