Competency Mapping
Competency Mapping
Competency Mapping
BSHRM Members
Md. Musharrof Hossain
Founder President, FBHRO
President, BSHRM & APFHRM
Head, HRM, icddr,b
World HR Congress in USA
Theme: Expand your World.
My takeaway from the Congress.
Tougher People Issue
Bigger Thinking
Building Trust
Being Human
What is our option?
Dave Ulrich, Author
HR Champions
“ To be more significant,
HR must become more
Competency Based HR Systems
Recruitment and
Career and
Change for HR Profession
Impacts of downsizing
Demographic makeup of HR profession
New and emerging roles
Alternative methods of service delivery
Increasing customer demands
Technology impacts
New skills and competencies
Aligning HR with mission
Retain talent staff
HR New Roles
HR must become more customer-focused and
HR must be creative and drivers of positive change
HR needs to be mission driven and aligned with
key organizational goals
HR must embrace new automated technologies to
aid in service delivery and workforce analysis
HR must be managed like a business regarding
return on investment and cost-benefits analysis
HR organizations must invest in the continual
development of their people
What Is a Competency?
A competency is any observable and/or measurable
knowledge, skill, ability, or behaviour that
contributes to successful job performance.
Necessary for
Skills top performance
but not sufficient
Traits Characteristics
that lead to
Motives longer-term
Observable Behavior
Job Performance
Why Competencies?
Promote a more open and transparent
Improve the way an organization selects
and develops employees
Identify and encourage corporate behaviors
Provide a common framework and language
to integrate HR processes
Support organizational change
Encourage employees take more ownership
for their own career development
Key Characteristics of Competencies
Knowledge, skills, and behaviors that
contribute to success in a job
Technical/Functional competencies
Refer to the specific knowledge and skills
required to be effective in the job and reflect
the “what” you know and what you can do
Key Points Of Competency
Competency integration into all HR
Use classification to slot the job into the
band at a particular level
Links individuals to the agency business
strategy and vision--communication is
This will be a major cultural change effort
HR Competency Mapping
Personal Attributes
HR Core Competencies
Role-Specific HR Competencies
HR Competency Mapping
Personal Attributes - Required for excellent
performance across all levels and functions
Leadership and Management Competencies -
Success factor that differentiate performance
across career levels or bands
HR Core Competencies - Success factors that are
shared across all HR roles
Role-Specific HR Competencies - Success
factors that distinguish sub-functional/role specific
Core HR Competencies
Communication skills
HR technical skills
Professionalism and ethics
Strategic thinking
People orientation and development
Organization diagnosis and development
Problem-solving and decision making
Personal development
Change management
Conflict management
Customer focus
Coaching and consulting
HR Role-Specific Competencies
Specific HR Roles:
HR Strategist
HR Generalist, and
HR Specialist roles
Pair work
2 participants in one group.
Identify one Behaviourial and one Functional
Competencies for General, Associate and
Fellow Members.
Report to audience.
BSHRM Competency Model
General Associate Fellow/Life Fellow
• Credible Activist • Credible Activist • Credible Activist
• Operational • Operational Expert • Capability Builder
• Change Agent • Change Champion • Talent Manager &
• HRIS & Social • HRIS & Social Organization Designer
Media Expert Media Expert • Change Champion
• Capability Builder • Business Partner
• Talent Manager & • Strategic
Organization Partner/Entrepreneur
• Business Partner
BSHRM Competency Model
General Associate Fellow/Life Fellow
Credible Acts as a trusted advisor to Acts as a trusted advisor to build Acts as a trusted advisor to build positive
Activist build positive relationships positive relationships within the relationships within the organization via
within the organization via organization via communicating communicating clear and consistent messages
communicating clear and clear and consistent messages with integrity. Provides viewpoint not only
consistent messages with with integrity. Provides about HR processes or activities but about the
integrity. Provides viewpoint viewpoint not only about HR business demands. Influences others in a
not only about HR processes processes or activities but about positive way through clear, consistent, and
or activities but about the the business demands. high-impact communications.
business demands. Influences Influences others in a positive
others in a positive way way through clear, consistent,
through clear, consistent, and and high-impact
high-impact communications. communications.
1. Communicates with 1. Influences others in a 1. Creates and maintains positive
effective interpersonal positive way through clear, connections with customers and co-
skills consistent, and insightful workers
2. Demonstrates high verbal and non-verbal high- 2. Reduces stress and increases productive
integrity and compliance impact communications energy by generating constructive
3. Does what is promised 2. Be self-aware and outcomes to the most challenging
4. Acts as role model in the committed to building own problems and toughest workplace
organization profession situations
5. Builds personal 3. Develops personal 3. Implements long-term behavior changes
relationships of trust accountability for that lead to truly remarkable results.
engagement and job 4. Takes strong positions about business
satisfaction issues that are grounded in sound data
4. Advocates the importance and thoughtful opinions.
of HR in driving business 5. Demonstrates leadership and acts as role
results model on organization’s values and
5. Provides credible opinions culture
about the business with
BSHRMCompetency Model
BSHRM Competency Model
General Associate Fellow/Life Fellow
Credible Activist V V V
Operational Expert V V NA
Change Agent V NA NA
Change Champion NA V V
HRIS & Social Media
Capability Builder NA V V
Talent Manager &
Organization Designer NA V V
Business Partner NA V V