Competency Mapping

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Competency Mapping for

BSHRM Members
Md. Musharrof Hossain
Founder President, FBHRO
President, BSHRM & APFHRM
Head, HRM, icddr,b
World HR Congress in USA
 Theme: Expand your World.
 My takeaway from the Congress.
 Tougher People Issue
 Bigger Thinking
 Ourselves
 Building Trust
 Being Human
 What is our option?
Dave Ulrich, Author
HR Champions

“ To be more significant,
HR must become more
Competency Based HR Systems



Recruitment and

Career and
Change for HR Profession
Impacts of downsizing
Demographic makeup of HR profession
New and emerging roles
Alternative methods of service delivery
Increasing customer demands
Technology impacts
New skills and competencies
Aligning HR with mission
Retain talent staff
HR New Roles
HR must become more customer-focused and
HR must be creative and drivers of positive change
HR needs to be mission driven and aligned with
key organizational goals
HR must embrace new automated technologies to
aid in service delivery and workforce analysis
HR must be managed like a business regarding
return on investment and cost-benefits analysis
HR organizations must invest in the continual
development of their people
What Is a Competency?
A competency is any observable and/or measurable
knowledge, skill, ability, or behaviour that
contributes to successful job performance.

Necessary for
Skills top performance
but not sufficient

Traits Characteristics
that lead to
Motives longer-term

Skills, Job Attitude &


Observable Behavior

Job Performance
Why Competencies?
Promote a more open and transparent
Improve the way an organization selects
and develops employees
Identify and encourage corporate behaviors
Provide a common framework and language
to integrate HR processes
Support organizational change
Encourage employees take more ownership
for their own career development
Key Characteristics of Competencies
Knowledge, skills, and behaviors that
contribute to success in a job

Observable and measurable

Contribute to improved employee
performance and organizational success
Demonstrate knowledge and skill
Behaviors that reflect motivation and
Types of Competencies
Behavioral/Core competencies
 Refer to motives, traits and attributes that
shape behavior and reflect “how” you apply
your knowledge and skills to achieve results.

Technical/Functional competencies
 Refer to the specific knowledge and skills
required to be effective in the job and reflect
the “what” you know and what you can do
Key Points Of Competency
Competency integration into all HR
Use classification to slot the job into the
band at a particular level
Links individuals to the agency business
strategy and vision--communication is
This will be a major cultural change effort
HR Competency Mapping

Personal Attributes

Leadership and Management


HR Core Competencies

Role-Specific HR Competencies
HR Competency Mapping
Personal Attributes - Required for excellent
performance across all levels and functions
Leadership and Management Competencies -
Success factor that differentiate performance
across career levels or bands
HR Core Competencies - Success factors that are
shared across all HR roles
Role-Specific HR Competencies - Success
factors that distinguish sub-functional/role specific
Core HR Competencies
Communication skills
HR technical skills
Professionalism and ethics
Strategic thinking
People orientation and development
Organization diagnosis and development
Problem-solving and decision making
Personal development
Change management
Conflict management
Customer focus
Coaching and consulting
HR Role-Specific Competencies

Specific HR Roles:
HR Strategist
HR Generalist, and
HR Specialist roles
Pair work
2 participants in one group.
 Identify one Behaviourial and one Functional
Competencies for General, Associate and
Fellow Members.
 Report to audience.
BSHRM Competency Model
General Associate Fellow/Life Fellow
• Credible Activist • Credible Activist • Credible Activist
• Operational • Operational Expert • Capability Builder
• Change Agent • Change Champion • Talent Manager &
• HRIS & Social • HRIS & Social Organization Designer
Media Expert Media Expert • Change Champion
• Capability Builder • Business Partner
• Talent Manager & • Strategic
Organization Partner/Entrepreneur
• Business Partner
BSHRM Competency Model
General Associate Fellow/Life Fellow
Credible Acts as a trusted advisor to Acts as a trusted advisor to build Acts as a trusted advisor to build positive
Activist build positive relationships positive relationships within the relationships within the organization via
within the organization via organization via communicating communicating clear and consistent messages
communicating clear and clear and consistent messages with integrity. Provides viewpoint not only
consistent messages with with integrity. Provides about HR processes or activities but about the
integrity. Provides viewpoint viewpoint not only about HR business demands. Influences others in a
not only about HR processes processes or activities but about positive way through clear, consistent, and
or activities but about the the business demands. high-impact communications.
business demands. Influences Influences others in a positive
others in a positive way way through clear, consistent,
through clear, consistent, and and high-impact
high-impact communications. communications.
1. Communicates with 1. Influences others in a 1. Creates and maintains positive
effective interpersonal positive way through clear, connections with customers and co-
skills consistent, and insightful workers
2. Demonstrates high verbal and non-verbal high- 2. Reduces stress and increases productive
integrity and compliance impact communications energy by generating constructive
3. Does what is promised 2. Be self-aware and outcomes to the most challenging
4. Acts as role model in the committed to building own problems and toughest workplace
organization profession situations
5. Builds personal 3. Develops personal 3. Implements long-term behavior changes
relationships of trust accountability for that lead to truly remarkable results.
engagement and job 4. Takes strong positions about business
satisfaction issues that are grounded in sound data
4. Advocates the importance and thoughtful opinions.
of HR in driving business 5. Demonstrates leadership and acts as role
results model on organization’s values and
5. Provides credible opinions culture
about the business with
BSHRMCompetency Model

Operational Expert General Associate Fellow/Life Fellow

Has the ability to apply the Has the ability to apply the
principles and practices of principles and practices of human
human resource management to resource management to
contribute to the success of the contribute to the success of the
business and ensures HR business and ensures HR NA
processes are efficient and processes are efficient and
optimized through tracking, optimized through tracking,
monitoring and continuously monitoring and continuously
improving. improving.
1. Applies basic 1. Ensures integration of
skills/knowledge to policies and practice in line
perform HR service related with HR strategies
tasks 2. Adopts sound conceptual HR
2. Communicates and knowledge into practice that
processes HR services in an adds value to the
effective manner organization
3. Establishes mechanism and 3. Influences others to adapt
standard for effective work major changes/HR programs
routines 4. Supervises activities and NA
4. Anticipates and tasks to ensure internal
understands users’ needs customer satisfaction
and provide solution 5. Responses to HR practice’s
5. Displays professional ethics impact to organization in
in line with established terms of risk, governance,
policies and practices and sustainability
BSHRM Competency Model
General Associate Fellow/ Life Fellow
Change Agent Understands the dynamics of the
organization and undertakes the task of
initiating and managing changes in an
organization and Involves in facilitating a NA NA
team to bring about change in his/her

1. Delivers clear concept of the

change required for the business to
2. Builds an understanding of change
management processes to support
the change
3. Facilitates two-way communication
during the change process
4. Helps employees to understand the
personal behavioral implications of
the change
5. Understands the details of change
and acts as role models of the new
sets of behaviors required
General Associate Fellow/Life Fellow
Change Develops change mindset, provides Develops change mindset, provides visionary
Champion visionary leadership on change, leadership on change, involves key stakeholders
involves key stakeholders and builds and builds commitment, and facilitates and
NA commitment, and facilitates and implements a variety of activities in the change
implements a variety of activities in process.
the change process.
1. Promotes the need for change 1. Ensures the organization’s capacity for
and manages the integral steps change to make sure the change happens at
associated with the change. the organizational level in anticipation of
2. Designs and delivers innovative future and/or strategic business needs.
HR practices that create and 2. Manages the overall change program,
foster the desired culture designs and develops enablement
3. Identifies and engages people components, and identifies and supports
who can make change happen change agents
4. Inspires and motivates teams to 3. Communicates the outcomes of change to
support changes the organization and adapts the learning
5. Monitors progress and success of from change experiences to new change
change processes and sustains initiatives.
change through HR practices 4. Manages communications strategies to build
the case for strategic business change,
NA engages key stakeholders and overcomes or
manages the resistance.
5. Sustains change by ensuring the availability
of necessary resources and by capturing the
lessons of success and learnings from failure.
General Associate Fellow/Life Fellow
HRIS & Social Media Makes sense and good use of Makes sense and good use of
Expert what technology offers and what technology offers and
makes technology a viable, makes technology a viable,
productive part of the work productive part of the work
setting. setting.

1. Applies technology to 1. Accesses, analyzes and

deliver HR systems and aligns technology for
programs effectively and information, efficiency,
efficiently and relationships.
2. Monitors quality of HR 2. Encourages innovative
work and verifies HR methods and new
information technology to improve
3. Improves employee HR processes
communication through 3. Evaluates proper
technology technology tools to
4. Facilitates employee and promote good
manager to use HR cooperation and
information system and business intelligence
applications 4. Processes complex NA
5. Uses social media analysis and traces
technology to build and performance implication
maintain internal and to support HR decisions
external relationships 5. Leverages social media
to enhance employment
branding to support
future growth of the
General Associate Fellow/Life Fellow
Capability Builder Blends individual abilities into Blends individual abilities into
an effective and strong an effective and strong
organization by helping to organization by helping to
NA define, assess and build its define, assess and build its
organization capabilities to organization capabilities to
support business strategies. support business strategies.
1. Diagnoses gaps that 1. Facilitates capability
underline current and audits to determine the
future performance identity of the
2. Involves employee to organizations which
creates development includes customer
plans to enhance service, speed, quality,
performance and efficiency, innovation,
behavior collaboration, etc.
3. Arranges appropriate 2. Anticipates future
learning activities and talents/capability needs
assignments to acquire and take actions to
knowledge, skill and enhance the bench
experience. strength
4. Gives directions of 3. Institutes organization-
NA training roadmap and wide mechanisms and
career development process to promote
program continuous learning and
5. Supports employee with improvement
potential in seeking 4. Works with line
lateral and promotional managers to create an
opportunities to further organization where
their career employees find the
meaning and purpose at
5. Establishes learning
environment to
motivate self-
General Associate Fellow/Life Fellow
Talent Ensures the organization is capable in Ensures the organization is capable in
Manager & identifying, retaining and attracting key identifying, retaining and attracting key talents
Organization talents to create the competitive advantage to create the competitive advantage and fulfills
Designer and fulfills organization’s strategic needs. organization’s strategic needs. Designs the
NA Designs the organization appropriately to organization appropriately to deliver
deliver organizational short and long-term organizational short and long-term objectives
objectives and manages the structural and manages the structural changes effectively.
changes effectively.
1. Understands the business and 1. Responds efficiently to demand from the
competitive challenges and references business, ensuring priorities and resource
measures of commercial value of allocation in aligned with commercial ROI
TM&OD interventions on TM&OD interventions.
2. Develops and provides the strategies 2. Develops and provides the strategies and
and interventions that effectively interventions that effectively deliver
deliver people-related aspects of people-related aspects of change, facilities
change, facilitates effective effective implementation
implementation 3. Delivers to market standards in the
3. Drives effective and efficient development of TM&OD products and
deployment of TM&OD products and services, supporting and facilitating the
services into the business in alignment achievement of business plan
with wider HR services 4. Develops and sustains effective
NA 4. Develops and sustains effective relationship with Generalists and the
relationship with Generalists and the business, demonstrates a consultancy
business, demonstrates a consultancy approach to relationship development
approach to relationship development across the organizational matrix.
across the organizational matrix 5. Demonstrates personal commitment to
5. Demonstrates personal commitment and interest in the TM&OD agenda. Is
to and interest in the TM&OD agenda. professional, authentic and dedicated to
Is professional, authentic and the delivery of thought-leading expertise
dedicated to the delivery of thought- in support the business
leading expertise in support the
General Associate Fellow/Life Fellow
Business Understands the business functions and Understands the business functions and
Partner metrics within the organization and industry metrics within the organization and industry
and works closely with senior management to and works closely with senior management to
NA develop an HR agenda that closely supports develop an HR agenda that closely supports
the overall objectives of the organization. the overall objectives of the organization.

1. Uses knowledge and understanding of 1. Uses knowledge and understanding of

the business strategy and model to the business strategy and model to
consistently impact sustainable business consistently impact sustainable business
results results
2. Effectively manages demand from the 2. Delivers alignment between the people
business, ensuring priorities and strategy and the business strategy,
resource allocation is aligned with delivers commercial value through the
commercial ROI on HR interventions people agenda
3. Drives effective and efficient 3. Drives effective and efficient deployment
deployment of HR products and services of HR products and services into the
into the business business
4. Develops and sustains effective 4. Develops and sustains effective functional
functional relationship with the relationship with the business;
business; demonstrates a strategic demonstrates a strategic approach to
NA approach to relationship development relationship development across the
across the organization matrix organization matrix
5. Develops and sustains effective 5. Develops and sustains effective functional
functional relationship with the relationship with the business;
business; demonstrates a strategic demonstrates a strategic approach to
approach to relationship development relationship development across the
across the organization matrix organization matrix
General Associate Fellow/Life Fellow
Strategic Develops and aligns HR strategies to the business strategies with the
Partner/ ability to recognize local and global trends that impact the business and
Entrepreneur NA NA responds accordingly.

1. Uses knowledge and understanding of the business strategy and

model to consistently impact sustainable business results
2. Delivers alignment between the people strategy and the business
strategy; delivers commercial value through the people agenda
3. Effectively manages demand from the business, ensuring priorities
and resource allocation is aligned with commercial ROI on HR
4. Delivers on the strategic opportunities that significantly improve
business performance. Is a leader and active agent of change
5. Plans, organizes and manages the network of related activities and
resources that deliver successful completion of change projects

BSHRM Competency Model
General Associate Fellow/Life Fellow
Credible Activist V V V
Operational Expert V V NA
Change Agent V NA NA
Change Champion NA V V
HRIS & Social Media
Capability Builder NA V V
Talent Manager &
Organization Designer NA V V

Business Partner NA V V

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