01 Aei 200110
01 Aei 200110
01 Aei 200110
ABSTRACT: This work deals with the issues raised and the solutions developed for a potential strategy for the gradual
introduction of photovoltaic systems into Greek, Italian and French islands with autonomous grids. During the course of the
project JOR3-CT97-0158, titled: “PV System Technology Development for the Gradual Penetration of Photovoltaics into
Island Grids”, the basic technological components have been developed and tested (tolerant PV inverter, bi-directional
battery inverter and supervisory control).
The data collected from various Greek, Italian and French islands, about their population, installed utility capacity and the
cost of electricity production are very important in order to compare with the cost of PV systems introduction. A new model
for the calculation of Diesel generator based power production costs is introduced, which considers separately the cost share
related to the diesel operation time, allowing therefore to quantify the added value of the “capacity credit” provided by
Renewable Energy Systems.
On the less populated islands the diesel electricity 1000 Economic and Capacity Data of 1994 50000
produced is very expensive (exceeding 0,5 Euro/kWh) and
Capatity in kW
600 30000
cost-effective alternative. On islands with more than 500 500 25000
inhabitants, PV technology will mostly present higher 400 20000
overall costs than diesel powered ones (except in the case 300 15000
that externality costs are also considered). 200 10000
100 5000
0 0
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The goal in this project is to cover the energy needs of Cost in Dra/kWh
Total Installed Generating Capacity in kW
islands (or small communities), with a population less than
2000 people. In Figure 1, the installed generating capacity Figure 2: Installed generator capacity in the Greek islands
(data from PPC, 1994) per permanent island inhabitant is and cost of energy production per island.
presented. Note that in the Greek mainland grid the
installed capacity is approximately 1kW/inhabitant. Issues such as system reliability, easy maintenance and
The large values of installed capacity per inhabitant and the aesthetic integration are also important in the islands. Yet,
marked difference in energy utilization between winter and the most important issue is system expandability as the
summer seasons are due to the touristic character of these load demand is increasing at an average rate of 8.5% per
islands. Therefore, the consumption pattern of energy use year for the past ten years. The load increase is even
favors the use of solar energy. higher for small islands. Conventional (diesel) systems are
easily expandable and the existing technical personnel in
Installed Capacity per inhabitant in
Ag. Efstratios
PV becomes cost-effective and more convenient than All the other not mentioned islands present development
conventional power. Nevertheless, the practical situations somewhere in between the presented first three
implementation of PV technology on Italian islands has extremes. The assessment work focussed particularly onto
remained far below expectations. all those islands, which have an autonomous power supply
The two largest Italian islands, namely Sicily and Sardinia, (grid) system powered by diesel generators.
were deemed of little interest for the present investigation, The diesel capacities installed on the “isole minori” are
since the actual energy and water supply conditions do not presented per inhabitant by the following figure 3, which
differ substantially from the typical situation to be found clearly makes evident, that the generation capacities on
also on the continental mainland. Accordingly the project islands are much higher (per inhabitant) than on the Italian
team decided to exclude these two major islands from the mainland. At a first glance this may appear astonishing, if
present investigation, and to focus instead work onto the we consider that there is little or no industry on the islands
so-called “Isole minori” (minor Italian islands). and, if any, industries are present only on the larger islands
The Italian “isole minori” are more or less distributed along presenting the lowest values closest to national (mainland)
the coastlines of the Italian mainland, Sardinia and Sicily. average).
Only on the Adriatic sea, between the Venice lagoon islands
and the Tremiti islands in the south (near the Gargano 10 Vulcano
peninsula) there is a relatively long stretch of open sea
Panarea Stromboli
present arid climate with abundant solar resource of approx. 5
4,5 kWh/m2day annual average (1600 kWh/m2yr). 4
Levanzo Capraia
Giglio Favignana
3 Ventotene
Filicudi Ustica Ponza Lampedusa
Regardless of specific location and archipelago, generally 2
Marettimo Salina
Capri national
1 Alicudi
speaking, the Italian “isole minori” may roughly be 0
Pantelleria Lipari Elba average
classified for the purpose of this report as follows: 100 1.000 10.000 100.000
Island inhabitants (resident)
1. Islands of larger population (beyond 5000 resident
inhabitants) of basically stable number over the year, Figure 3: Generator capacities installed on Italian islands
and where local economy, although strongly affected (1991)
by tourism, still conserves other economic activities.
Typical examples for such islands are Ischia and The wide variation range among smaller islands allows to
Procida (inhabited to a large extent by commuters distinguish between strongly touristified islands (Vulcano,
working in the city of Naples), Elba, Lipari, La Giglio, Tremiti) on the one (high) extreme, and on the
Maddalena (offering logistic support to the known US other (low) extreme very recently electrified smallest
navy base), but also Pantelleria located roughly half islands like Alicudi and Filicudi, where local population
way between Sicily and southern Tunisia. has not yet become used to the benefits of electricity and
2. On the other extreme there are the islands oriented have not yet learned to exploit it fully.
exclusively towards tourism economy. Typical The low capacity factor observed (ratio between annual
examples are Vulcano, Panarea, Giannutri, Ustica etc. - electricity sales and the overall 100% [theoretical]
Here the seasonal variation in number of inhabitants generating capability over 8760 h/yr) in the less populated
becomes enormous (summer population grows 5-10 islands illustrates clearly that the power supply systems
and even more times in comparison to winter- serving larger island communities exploit much better
population), provoking same enormous differences in installed generator capacities, whereas smaller island
consumptions of, power, water and any other resources communities are unable to utilise in an effective way, the
(also the environment) available on the island. installed capacity which is oversized in order to be able to
3. Smaller islands resisting modern tourism economy, cope with sudden peaks in load demand. As known, load
which still try to conserve their traditional cultural peaks are statistically much more severe in a small grid
heritage and life-style. The best example for this kind with few connected subscribers than in a large grid, where
of island community appears to be Marettimo, the most different user habits smoothen the load curve by
distant island belonging to the Aegadi archipelago compensating each other. This phenomenon may be
located before the west coast of Sicily right in front of considered to affect significantly (and very negatively) the
Tunisia, where the local still intact fisher community costs of diesel power on smaller and smallest islands,
maintains its ancient way-of-life dominated by fishery which makes these islands particularly promising
and sailor traditions. candidates for PV applications, namely Alicudi, Levanzo,
4. Prison islands (Gorgona and Pianosa belonging to the Filicudi, Panarea and Stromboli island.
Tuscany archipelago. Generally the non-prisoners Unfortunately it was not possible to obtain data concerning
living on these prison islands are either some few effective costs of diesel power on Italian islands since local
fishermen or else people working for services related operators (especially local utilities) were reluctant to
more or less to the prison. Asinara, a former maximum provide information, especially of economic type. As a
security prison island located at the north-west corner result, relevant data had to be gathered indirectly.
of Sardinia, has to be considered separate, since only Actually, instead of the cost figures, figure 4 presents the
recently it has been transformed into a totally protected estimated revenues of local island utilities calculated by
and not inhabited national park subject to rigid adding to the subsidy paid by the “Cassa Conguagli”
regulations. (Compensation Fund established by the Italian Ministry of
Industry) a typical tariff amount expected to be paid by the
average consumer on islands. This tariff amount was EDF has losses up to 2.4 billions of French francs in 1998
estimated around 320 Lire/kWh = 0,16 Euro/kWh. thanks to the tariff obligations.
With the electricity low selling price, the take off of
renewable energy sources is difficult without specific
0,60 Linosa financial supports (subsidies, non taxation). The "price
flag" is absent, even if the electricity consumption
Revenues (ECU/kWh)
increases in the overseas departments (+ 8% per year since
Ustica Giglio
Lipari We assist to the development of fossil plants with carbon
emission more important than in the main country (680 g
0,10 Revenues estimated by adding 0,16 ECU/kWh (av.ge tariff paid by subscribers) to
subsidy paid by "Cassa Conguagli" according to CIP 16, 12-11-1992 of carbon per kWh against 183 g of carbon per kWh on the
100 1.000 10.000
Island inhabitants (resident) The French islands could be the most interesting
Figure 4: Revenues of local utilities on Italian islands for application field for renewable energy sources
conventional power (1992) implementation but incitement actions must be elaborated,
proposed actions are described at the end of this report.
Needless to say, that such subsidy mechanism favouring Thanks to a wide autonomy, the overseas territories have
conventional energy acts as a strong barrier against PV and each of them a specific regulation with private or public
renewables in general: on the one side, as already utilities; the regulation is conducted by the local
mentioned, they induce islanders to boost their government.
consumptions (making the PV alternative become larger
and more expensive), on the other they freeze the existing
5000 2,5
required to replace conventional (diesel) power by PV 4000 2
technology. 3000 1,5
2000 1
Note For comparison: The typical cost of PV power ranges 1000 0,5
around 1000 Lire/kWh (0,50 Euro/kWh), while wind- 0 0
Bora bora
The renewable energy sources have received new support Figure 5: Installed capacity and capacity per inhabitant in
in several European countries. The French framework various French islands.
changed in the last months, and permits a more offensive
and sustainable penetration of renewable energy sources. Figure 5, presents information about various French
The new law adopted in February 2000 about the islands, where the trends observed in Greek and Italian
electricity service modernisation and development with the islands are further confirmed.
one adopted in June 1999 on the territory management Two main actions are on going for the strategy penetration
enhance this target. Of course, the older laws on energy in this field in order to support this action:
saving and rational use of energy are always up to date.
All this legislation will be completed in order to reach the · The French government and the national agency for
objectives of gas emission reduction given by the European environment (ADEME) signed a specific contract and
White Paper strategy and the government future action. commitment for 2000 to 2006. The main objective is
Currently the main aspects are: to reduce gas emission (1.2 millions tonne avoided)
· Partial market liberalisation with purchase obligation thanks to renewable energy sources. Among the key
by the utility (up to 12 MW) in order to insure the actions, one is specifically dedicated to the French
selling and sustain the market before the total market islands (Corsica plus overseas islands) with a budget
opening. of 14 M Euro. For photovoltaic the main tasks are:
· Pay back tariff: 0.63 FRF/kWh for the photovoltaic +375 GWh / year produced by renewable energies 500
grid connected, with an expected increasing in a few sites equipped with renewable energies (stand alone
months. and grid connected).
· Fiscal incitement to RES implementation · A big assistance for RES in French island (with
department status) is the law on pay back tariffs.
EDF (Electricité de France), the French public utility is
involved in the French islands like in the main classical With these tools the strategy for photovoltaic system
grid; the particularity concerns the overseas territories technology development into French island grids (and
where local producers and distributors are also present. stand alone system) is on a good way and will be a good
The electricity production cost in the French islands is example for the main country.
double than the main country cost. So the French utility
by allowing to stop temporarily individual diesel generators
A new model for the calculation of Diesel generator based and to reduce thereby their operating hours.
power production costs is introduced, which considers Typical cost structure of Diesel-power on small islands
separately the cost share related to the diesel operation 2,00
time, allowing therefore to quantify the added value of the