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ert2484@yahoo.com>, Feb 26, 2010 936118
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paizo.com #1373088, Derek Albert <dalbert2484@yahoo.com>, Feb 26, 2010 936119
Lead Designer: Jason Bulmahn
Design Consultant: Monte Cook
Additional Design: James Jacobs, Sean K Reynolds, and F. Wesley Schneider
Additional Contributions: Tim Connors, Elizabeth Courts, Adam Daigle, David A. Eitelbach, Greg Oppedisano, and Hank Woon
Special Thanks: The Paizo Customer Service and Warehouse Teams, Ryan Dancey, Clark Peterson, and the proud participants of
the Open Gaming Movement.
Based on the original roleplaying game rules designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and inspired by the third edition of the
game designed by Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.
This game would not be possible without the passion and dedication of the thousands of gamers who helped playtest and develop it.
Thank you for all of your time and effort.
Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this Paizo Publishing game product are Open Game Content,
as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be
reproduced in any form without written permission.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is published by Paizo Publishing, LLC under the Open Game License version 1.0a Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast,
Inc. Paizo Publishing, LLC, the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and GameMastery are registered trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game,
Pathfinder Society, Pathfinder Chronicles, Pathfinder Modules, and Pathfinder Companion are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC. © 2009 Paizo Publishing.
Second printing November 2009.
Printed in China.
paizo.com #1373088, Derek Albert <dalbert2484@yahoo.com>, Feb 26, 2010 936120
Using This Book 9 Alignment 166 Dungeons 410
Common Terms 11 Vital Statistics 168 Traps 416
Example of Play 13 Movement 170 Sample Traps 420
Generating a Character 14 Exploration 172 Wilderness 424
Ability Scores 15 Urban Adventures 433
>7FJ;HÅyÅEC87JÅ rxy Weather 437
>7FJ;HÅsÅ79;IÅ s{ How Combat Works 178 The Planes 440
Dwarves 21 Combat Statistics 178 Environmental Rules 442
Elves 22 Actions in Combat 181
Gnomes 23 Injury and Death 189 >7FJ;HÅruÅH;7J?D=Å
Half-Elves 24 Movement and Distance 192 Adept 448
Half-Orcs 25 Combat Modifiers 195 Aristocrat 449
Halflings 26 Special Attacks 197 Commoner 449
Humans 27 Special Initiative Actions 202 Expert 450
Warrior 450
>7FJ;HÅtÅB7II;IÅ t{ >7FJ;HÅzÅ7=?9Å s{w Creating NPCs 450
Character Advancement 30 Casting Spells 206
Barbarian 31 Spell Descriptions 209 >7FJ;HÅrvÅ7=?9ÅJ;CIÅ uvy
Bard 34 Arcane Spells 218 Using Items 458
Cleric 38 Divine Spells 220 Magic Items on the Body 459
paizo.com #1373088, Derek Albert <dalbert2484@yahoo.com>, Feb 26, 2010 936121
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t started in early 1997. Steve Winter, Creative Director at One of the best things about the Pathfinder RPG is that
TSR, told a few of us designers and editors that we should it really necessitates no “conversion” of your existing books
start thinking about a new edition of the world’s most and magazines. That shelf you have full of great adventures
popular roleplaying game. For almost three years, a team and sourcebooks (many of them very likely from Paizo)?
of us worked on developing a new rules set that built upon You can still use everything on it with the Pathfinder RPG.
the foundation of the 25 years prior. Released in 2000, 3rd In fact, that was what convinced me to come on board the
Edition started a new era. A few years later, a different set of Pathfinder RPG ship. I didn’t want to see all the great stuff
designers made updates to the game in the form of 3.5. that had been produced thus far swept under the rug.
Today, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game carries on that Now, my role as “design consultant” was a relatively
same tradition as the next step in the progression. Now, small one. Make no mistake: the Pathfinder RPG is Jason’s
that might seem inappropriate, controversial, or even a baby. While my role was to read over material and give
little blasphemous, but it’s still true. The Pathfinder RPG feedback, mostly I just chatted with Jason, relating old
uses the foundations of the game’s long history to offer 3rd Edition design process stories. Jason felt it valuable to
something new and fresh. It’s loyal to its roots, even if know why things were done the way they were. What was
those roots are—in a fashion—borrowed. the thinking behind the magic item creation feats? Had we
The game’s designer, Jason Bulmahn, did an amazing ever considered doing experience points a different way?
job creating innovative new mechanics for the game, but How did the Treasure Value per Encounter chart evolve?
he started with the premise that he already had a pretty And so on.
good game to build upon. He didn’t wipe the slate clean It was an interesting time. Although I sometimes feel
and start over. Jason had no desire to alienate the countless I have gone on at length about every facet of 3rd Edition
fans who had invested equally countless hours playing the design in forums, in interviews, and at conventions, Jason
game for the last 35 years. Rather, he wanted to empower managed to ask questions I’d never been asked before.
them with the ability to build on what they’d already Together, we really probed the ins and outs of the game,
created, played, and read. He didn’t want to take anything which I think is important to do before you start making
away from them—only to give them even more. changes. You’ve got to know where you’ve been before you
paizo.com #1373088, Derek Albert <dalbert2484@yahoo.com>, Feb 26, 2010 936122
can figure out where you’re going. This is particularly series of house rules for the 3.5 version of the world’s oldest
true when you start messing around with a game as robust roleplaying game. In the fall of 2007, with a new edition of
and tightly woven as 3rd Edition. The game’s design is an that game on the horizon, it seemed only natural that some
intricate enough matrix that once you change one thing, gamers would prefer to stick with the rules they already
other aspects of the game that you never even suspected owned. It also made sense that those same gamers would
were related suddenly change as well. By the time we were like some updates to their rules, to make the game easier
done hashing things out, we’d really put the original to use and more fun to play. When design of this game first
system through its paces and conceived of some interesting began, compatibility with existing products was one of my
new ideas. Jason used that as a springboard and then went primary goals, but I also wanted to make sure that all of the
and did all the hard work while I sat back and watched with classes, races, and other elements were balanced and fun to
a mix of awe and excitement as the various playtest and play. In other words, I endeavored to keep all of the great,
preview versions of the game came out. iconic parts of the game, while fixing up the clunky rules
The Pathfinder RPG offers cool new options for that slowed down play and caused more than one heated
characters. Rogues have talents. Sorcerers have bloodline argument at the game table.
powers. It fixes a few areas that proved troublesome over As the rules grew in size, it became apparent that the
the last few years. Spells that turn you into something else changes were growing beyond a simple update into a full-
are restructured. Grappling is simplified and rebalanced. f ledged rules system. So while the Pathfinder RPG is
But it’s also still the game that you love, and have loved for compatible with the 3.5 rules, it can be used without any other
so long, even if it was called by a different name. books. In the coming months, you can expect to see a number
I trust the gang at Paizo to bear the game’s torch well. of brand-new products, made specifically to work with this
They respect the game’s past as much as its future. They version of the rules, from Paizo and a host of other publishers
understand its traditions. It was my very distinct and through the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility
sincere pleasure to play a small role in the Pathfinder RPG’s License. This license allows publishers to use a special logo to
development. You hold in your hands a truly great game that indicate that their product works with the rules in this book.
I’ve no doubt will provide you with hours and hours of fun. Making an already successful game system better is not a
simple task. To accomplish this lofty goal, we turned to fans
Enjoy! of the 3.5 rules, some of whom had been playing the game
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for over eight years. Since the spring of 2008, these rules
have undergone some of the most stringent and extensive
playtesting in gaming history. More than 50,000 gamers
Monte Cook have downloaded and used these rules. Moving through a
number of playtest drafts, the final game that you now hold
in your hands slowly started to come together. There were
Å plenty of missteps, and more than one angry debate, but I
Welcome to a world where noble warriors battle mighty believe that we ended up with a better game as a result. This
dragons and powerful wizards explore long-forgotten would not be the game you now hold without the passion
tombs. This is a world of fantasy, populated by mysterious and inspiration of our playtesters. Thank you.
elves and savage orcs, wise dwarves and wily gnomes. In In closing, this game belongs to you and all the fans of
this game, your character can become a master swordsman fantasy gaming. I hope that you find this system to be fun
who has never lost a duel, or a skilled thief capable of and simple to use, while still providing the same sort of
stealing the crown from atop the king’s head. You can play depth and variety of options you’ve come to expect from a
a pious cleric wielding the power of the gods, or unravel fantasy roleplaying game.
the mysteries of magic as an enigmatic sorcerer. The world There is a world of adventure waiting for you to explore.
is here for you to explore, and your actions will have a It’s a world that needs brave and powerful heroes. Countless
profound inf luence in shaping its history. Who will rescue others have come before, but their time is over. Now it’s
the king from the clutches of a powerful vampire? Who your turn.
will thwart the vengeful giants who have come from the
mountains to enslave the common folk? These stories wait
for your character to take center stage. With this rulebook,
a few friends, and a handful of dice, you can begin your
epic quest.
The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game did not start out Jason Bulmahn
as a standalone game. The first draft was designed as a Lead Designer
paizo.com #1373088, Derek Albert <dalbert2484@yahoo.com>, Feb 26, 2010 936123