Pathfinder 2e - Mythic Powers

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Mythic Powers

Comprehensive Sourcebook

AUTHOR Table of Contents
0 Introduction iii
none 1 Classes 1
Alchemist......................................................................................... 2 Ranger..............................................................................................16
Barbarian...........................................................................................4 Rogue...............................................................................................17
DESIGNERS Bard....................................................................................................5
Champion......................................................................................... 6
none Cleric...................................................................................................7 Swashbuckler................................................................................20
Druid.................................................................................................. 8 Witch................................................................................................21
Fighter.............................................................................................. 9 Wizard............................................................................................22
ADDITIONAL Gunslinger.......................................................................................10 Other Considerations..................................................................23
Inventor............................................................................................11 Spellcasting Archetypes............................................................23
DEVELOPMENT Investigator....................................................................................12 Animal Companions....................................................................23
none Magus..............................................................................................13 Futureproofing.............................................................................23
Monk................................................................................................14 Legendary Items..........................................................................24
EDITING LEAD 2 Low Level Mythic Play 27
Aberration......................................................................................32 Hierophant.....................................................................................68
Aeon................................................................................................34 Lich.................................................................................................. 72
Agathion.........................................................................................36 Marshal............................................................................................74
EDITORS Alignment......................................................................................38 Martial Master.............................................................................. 76
Silvermourn, Teshub, Zenith Angel...............................................................................................40 Occult Exemplar........................................................................... 78
Archmage.......................................................................................42 Ooze.................................................................................................80
Archon............................................................................................44 Primal Paragon.............................................................................82
Azata...............................................................................................46 Protean...........................................................................................84
COVER ARTIST Clockwork......................................................................................48
manbearscientist Demigod.........................................................................................52 Sahkil...............................................................................................90
Demon.............................................................................................54 Spirit................................................................................................92
Devil.................................................................................................56 Swarm-That-Walks......................................................................94
INTERIOR ARTISTS Dragon............................................................................................58 Titan.................................................................................................96
manbearscientist Elemental.......................................................................................60 Trickster.........................................................................................98
Ennosite..........................................................................................62 Vampire.........................................................................................100
Fey...................................................................................................64 Velstrac.........................................................................................102
ART DIRECTION AND Graveknight...................................................................................66 Werecreature.............................................................................. 104

GRAPHIC DESIGN 3 Mythic Feats 107

4 Mythic Spells 119
CREATIVE DIRECTOR Mythic Heightening Spells......................................................120 Reading Entries.....................................................................121
manbearscientist Heightened +X Spells............................................................120 New Heightened Effects (Focus Spells)............................... 124
New Heightened Effects (Spells)............................................121 New Heightening Effects (Rituals)........................................ 125


DESIGN Running Mythic Campaigns....................................................128 Reputation............................................................................... 145
Mythic Story Structure............................................................ 129 Leadership............................................................................... 145
none Elements of a Mythic Adventure...........................................131 Hexploration............................................................................ 145
Mythic Themes........................................................................... 132 Ability Score Variants........................................................... 145
PROJECT MANAGER Designing Encounters.............................................................. 136
Mythic Trials............................................................................... 137
Dual-Class PCs.............................................................. 145
Free Archetype PCs...................................................... 146
none Mythic Boons.............................................................................. 139
Ancestry ....................................................................... 146
Mythic DCs.................................................................................. 140
Simplified Ancestries PCs............................................ 146
PUBLISHER Treasure by Level........................................................................141 Simplified Skill Feats PCs............................................. 146
Treasure for New Characters...................................................141 Magic Item Variants.............................................................. 146
none Proficiency Without Level....................................................147
Relics............................................................................................. 142
Earn Income/Craft..................................................................... 144 Skill Points................................................................................147
Alternate Systems..................................................................... 144 Stamina......................................................................................147
Victory Points......................................................................... 144 Building Creatures......................................................................147
Influence.................................................................................. 145 Designing NPCs..........................................................................160
Research................................................................................... 145 Building Hazards........................................................................ 163

6 Mythic Monsters 167

7 Credits 177

Legends speak. Darkness gathers. When the stakes are at their highest, those that are beyond
exemplary answer the call. These are the mythic heroes.

(Repeated from Mythic Adventures) makes a mythic story exciting: these heroes might fall, just
WHAT IS MYTHIC? as non-mythic heroes might succumb to lesser threats.
And when they do succeed, their victory often comes at
Everyone knows the story of the blacksmith’s son who, a high cost, and usually leaves them scarred. The rules
after taking up arms to defend his village, continues on in this book give players and GMs the tools they need to
to become a renowned adventurer. And of the young elf run mythic adventures. The mythic rules add to the base
who spends years studying musty tomes and practicing rules of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, either as part
simple spells before she heads out into the world to seek of an adventure in which the PCs attain mythic power for
ancient lore. These are the stories of everyday adventur- a limited time, or as the backbone of an entire campaign
ers, risen from the ranks of the common folk to make charting the legend of a group of mythic characters.
a name for themselves in places harsh and unforgiving.
But these are not the only stories of heroism. Some
The original Mythic Adventures gave a system that ran
adventurers are beyond exemplary—their stories forge
alongside the regular level based system that Pathfinder
the greatest sagas of history, and their every deed births
1st Edition ran on. In contrast, this system is focusing
a legend. From the children of gods, blessed with the
on content that starts after a player has reached their fi-
divine spark, to the lucky heroes born under auspicious
nal level, colloquially "epic levels'.
stars, these characters are destined to greatness. They are
mythic: possessed of unparalleled heroism and capable Classes advance as they did previously, gaining access
of astounding acts. to boosts for their proficiencies and mythic feats, which
takes the place of path abilities and boons. Gaining a new
To be mythic means to draw upon a power that few
level also means progressing in tier (for the abilities that
even dare to understand, and even fewer hope to wield.
scale off tier).
An air of destiny surrounds mythic characters, and each
choice they make shapes the world at large. Their story is The content in this book attempts to address some of
intertwined with the great events of the day, and their ac- the criticisms of the mythic content in Pathfinder 1st
tions are central to the outcomes. Mythic characters are Edition, while maintaining the flavorful aspects of that
more resilient and powerful than others, and as a result content. In particular, it does not try to push a 'rock-
are awe-inspiring in ways their non-mythic counterparts et-tag' style of gameplay, where combat is decided upon
could never match. Other adventurers might balk at tak- rolling initiative as either party is capable of wiping the
ing on a dragon that plagues a village, but mythic heroes other out in a single turn. As such, all of the following
would not only take on the dragon, but also clear the en- were avoided when converting from 1st Edition:
tire region of threats.
• massive boosts to rolls
Ultimately, the story of mythic heroes is defined by the
• abilities that allowed a player to consider a roll as
challenges they face. The GM has a number of new and
a natural 20 on the dice
awe-inspiring tools with which to confront mythic play-
er characters, ranging from immense and deadly myth- • breaks in the action economy
ic monsters to vile and cunning mythic villains. Mythic
• anything that simply scales up damage beyond
monsters are unique creatures or remnants of a bygone
normal progressions (such as mythic disintegrate
age when such terrifying beasts ruled over the land. They
firing two beams in 1st Edition)
now dwell in the lost places of the world, waiting for their
time to bring great terror. Mythic villains have many of It is also less interested in the dichotomy between
the powers of mythic characters, but they use their abil- mythic and non-mythic characters. This is rather clean-
ities selfishly—to subjugate kingdoms, slaughter the in- ly addressed through 2nd Edition's incapacitation trait
nocent, and bring ruin to the world. Unless heroes rise where appropriate. Punching down doesn't exemplify
to stop them, mythic villains can cause destruction and the heroics of mythic characters, and it isn't great for
chaos on an unimaginable scale. gameplay. Simply having a higher tier is no guarantee of
success in this edition.
Even with such great power, mythic characters are not
invulnerable, just more able to deal with the dangers of This is particularly true because monsters are handled
the world around them. If a mythic character dies, her separately from mythic player characters. Obviously,
loss is a great tragedy to the world, as the light of one of monsters above level 20 already exist. A mythic party
its true champions has been extinguished. This is what will have to contend with many of these creatures before
running against foes that a non-mythic party of level 20 domains like a god or gaining access to your own
player characters could not hope to handle, such as full legendary items.
demon lords, kaiju, or Baba Yaga herself.
Chapter 4, as mentioned above, covers mythic
Spellcasting is another issue. While player characters heightening spells in full detail, and provides new
advance up to level 21, spellcasters will not gain access heightened versions of spells.
to further levels of spell. Rather than invalidating
Chapter 5 is all about the gamemastering for a
10th level spells, which already represent the peak of
mythic campaign, and provides the tools needed to do
magic's capabilities, this book introduces a new form of
so. This includes a wide variety of new or expanded
heightening spells: mythic heightening. This allows a
tables, especially relating to monster creation as well as
spell to be treated as if it were level 11 or higher even
information needed to run mythic content with alternate
though actual spells at that level do not exist. See
or variant system.
information under the spellcasting classes for more
information, and Spells to see new heightened effects for Chapter 6 will present some challenges appropriate for
spells. a mythic party to face. This is meant to act as inspiration.
Finally, a new level of proficiency has been added: GLOSSARY
mythic. Characters that have mythic proficiency add
This book uses several terms that are new to the Path-
their level + 10. For class abilities, characters may
finder 2nd Edition, or that previously existed but were
increase their proficiencies through mythic boosts in an
rarely used. These terms are worth reviewing before con-
a la carte manner, though no ability may be boosted more
tinuing on with the rest of this book.
than once. Skills may be increased to mythic proficiency
starting at level 21. Ascension The moment of ascension is the moment
when a normal character becomes a mythic character.
These boosts are largely numeric. There are no new
This event is usually a critical moment in the story that
class feats, general feats, skill feats, or, as mentioned
helps to define the mythic character’s origin and the
above, higher level spells in this book. By ascending to
source of her power.
level 20, a character has already reached the peak of what
they can accomplish by traditional means. Rather than Mythic With abilities seemingly beyond the those of
invalidate these as lesser options, this book chooses to ordinary mortals, a mythic character or mythic monster
allow these to still stand as capstones while keeping their becomes part of a story that plays out on a greater scale
functionality through numeric increases. than ordinary people can understand.
To allow GMs to run mythic games, this book will Mythic Boon When a mythic character completes
expand upon the level-based tables presented in various a particularly difficult task, the GM might reward that
2nd Edition books, including fully diving into mythic character with a mythic boon. A mythic boon represents
monster creation and providing a few examples of such having earned the favor of the source of the character’s
threats. It will also cover in brief detail the differences power. Mythic boons typically allow a character to ignore
between running such a game and a normal game, and the frequency limit on Quick Surge for one encounter,
cover using the material in this book with alternate but can include other temporary benefits (See Mythic
systems. Events). Boons can also provide permanent benefits,
such as additional mythic feats, access to powerful items
The main focus of this book is on expanding options
(such as relics, legendary items, and even artifacts), or
for level 20 characters, namely characters that have
even a deity's boon. More information is available under
completed a 2nd Edition Adventure Path. Chapter 2 will
Chapter 2: Mythic Events.
go into further detail on class advancement for each of
the current classes, and will also cover how to advance Mythic Boost Mythic boosts are the permanent man-
classes that don't yet exist as a form of future-proofing. ifestations of mythic power that separate mythic charac-
ters from their common counterparts. There are seven
Chapter 1 will give level tables for classes for level s 21
possible boosts, and players choose two each time they
through 25.
receive a mythic boost, with each boost increasing the
Chapter 2 will explore incorporating mythic play into proficiency of that aspect by one, up to mythic profi-
your campaigns from the very beginning. ciency (trained > expert > master > legendary > mythic).
Those boosts are: attacks, defense, spellcasting, Percep-
Chapter 3 will introduce mythic feats, includes a wide tion, Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. These boosts apply ret-
variety of mythic feats based largely on the archmage, roactively, and any future increases will instead increase
champion, guardian, hierophant, marshal and trickster your proficiency by one level.
paths from 1st Edition. These feats are about granting
you additional power and opportunities not available For instance, if a Fighter gains a mythic boost at level 3
to non-mythic characters, such as being able to grant and selects "attacks" and "AC", they would increase their

proficiencies to master in simple, unarmed, and martial When a mythic boost to Perception, Fortitude, Reflex,
weapons, and expert in advanced weapons. At level 5, or Will is taken, increase your proficiency in that catego-
they would choose a weapon group for Fighter Weapon ry. This does not convey any additional benefits.
mastery and increase that weapon group's proficiency to
Mythic Feat Mythic feats are special feats that be tak-
legendary, instead of master.
en at 21 and above or after a character has a mythic tier.
Likewise, they would increase their proficiency in light, Each character may select one mythic feat at 21, and again
medium and heavy armor to expert. At level 9, when they at each level past 21. Characters may also choose to ex-
gain Armor Expertise, their proficiency in light, medi- change ancestry, class, and general feats for mythic feats.
um, and heavy armor, as well as for unarmored defense,
Mythic Heightening When you mythic heighten a
instead increase to master.
spell, that spell increases in level, heightening to a spell
When a mythic boost to attacks is taken, increase the level equal to one level higher than you can cast without
proficiency of your simple weapons and unarmed attacks mythic heightening, or to the value given by your class
if you are at least trained in that category. Do the same progression, whichever is higher. When a spell cast from
with martial weapons and advanced weapons and any your spell slots is mythic heightened, you lose one of
other category you are at least trained in. Additionally, your highest remaining spell slots (up to 9th level).
you receive a +2 circumstance bonus on any skill attack
For example, a 7th level Wizard could mythic heighten
fireball to 5th level, rather than 4th, but even if they origi-
When a mythic boost to defense is taken, increase the nally cast fireball from their 3rd level slots, they lose a 4th
proficiency of your unarmored AC if you are at least level slot of their choice rather than the slot containing
trained in that category. Do the same with light armor, the 3rd level fireball. Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast
medium armor, and heavy armor and any other category from your 10th level spell slot are always mythic height-
you are at least trained in. ened.
When a mythic boost to spellcasting is taken, increase Both prepared and spontaneous casters can mythic
the proficiency of all spell attacks and DCs you have re- heighten spells. A prepared spellcaster does not need to
ceived from your primary class. Proficiencies gained prepare mythic heightened spells in a higher-level spell
from archetypes are not increased. slot, and spontaneous spell caster does not need to know

that spell at the specific level that they want to cast it. Table 0-1: Low Level Tiers
Mythic Tier An alternate name for the levels that myth-
ic features are given at. Mythic tiers are described in the YOUR
Table 0-1: Low-Level Tiers (assuming standard progres- LEVEL TIER
sion) and Table 0-2: Epic Level Tiers, which describe
3 1
when tiers are attained based on when a group started to
5 2
incorporate mythic elements into their game. In general,
8 3
if mythic elements were incorporated from the begin-
ning tiers are gained when mythic boosts or feats are giv- 10 4
en, and if mythic elements were incorporated with epic 13 5
levels each epic level is worth two tiers. Some mythic 15 6
feats and other aspects refer to tier. 18 7
20 8
Quick Surge An action that each mythic character re- 9
ceives at level 21, or as soon as they receive a mythic boost.
25 10
Quick Surge augments Surge, making it a free action.
Surge An action that each mythic character receives at
level 21, or as soon as they receive a mythic boost. Surge
Table 0-2: Epic Level Tiers
augments your next action, letting you utilize your myth-
ic power in a basic way. YOUR
21 2
22 4
SURGE a 23 6
25 10
Frequency Once per round
You empower your next action with mythic energy. This
always produces an obvious visual effect.
If you would gain a circumstance bonus and are at least 23rd
level, the bonus increases to +2. If you are at level 25th level,
the bonus increases to +3.

Choose one:
• You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to all checks (but not
DCs or saves) until the start of your next turn
• you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and saves until
the start of your next turn
• you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the DCs of your
spells and abilities until the start of your next turn

After gaining the ability to mythic heighten spells, you may

also use the below option.

• Surge gains the metamagic trait. If your next action is

to Cast a Spell from your spell slots, that spell is mythic


Frequency Once per 10 minutes

Trigger Your turn begins

If your next action is to use Surge, reduce the number of

actions to cast it to a free action.


Having reached the pinnacle of innovation, mythic alchemists strive to go even further beyond the
bounds of what lesser minds call 'the possible'.
Table 1-1: Alchemist Class Progression
Alchemical overdrive, ancestry feat, greater weapon Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
21 specialization, legendary alchemist, mythic boosts, 4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
mythic feat, quick surge, skill increase, surge expert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10
22 Alchemist feat, mythic feat, skill feat if you're mythic.
Alchemical overdrive, general feat, mythic boosts,
mythic feat, skill increase LEGENDARY ALCHEMIST 21ST
24 Alchemist feat, mythic feat, skill feat
Ability boosts, alchemical overdrive, ancestry feat, Your alchemical concoctions are the stuff of legend.
25 mythic alchemist, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill Your proficiency rank for your alchemist class DC in-
increase creases to legendary.


At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose two
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected only once):
only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
• When you use Quick Alchemy or Advanced Alche- trained or better proficiency in.
my to create an alchemical item, it is treated as • Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
being your level. Your counteract bonus for such trained or better proficiency in.
items is equal to your Class DC - 10. • Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
• Item bonuses from alchemical items produced by DCs for the tradition from your class. This benefit
advanced alchemy or quick alchemy increase by cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
+1, up to a maximum of +5. trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
• When you use Quick Alchemy or Advanced Al- DC with the same class features (such as Champion
chemy to create an alchemical poison that deals or Monk).
damage in stages it deals an additional 1d6 poison • Increase your proficiency in Perception.
damage at each stage of its affliction for each tier
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
you possess.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• When you use Quick Alchemy or Advanced Alche- • Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
my to create an elixir of life, it heals an additional
1d6 Hit Points for each tier your possess. MYTHIC FEATS 21ST
• When you use Quick Alchemy or Advanced Alche- You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
my to create a bomb, it deals an additional dice of thereafter.
damage. It also gains a bonus to splash and per-
sistent damage equal to your tier.
• When you use Quick Alchemy or Advanced Al-
chemy to create an alchemical item that requires
a saving throw, the DC is increased by up to 4, to At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
a maximum of your class DC. If you have Power- skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
ful Alchemy, you can increase it to your Class DC your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
instead. trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
mythic feats. ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
skill in which you're already legendary.
At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain an
alchemist class feat. These alchemist class feats can be
exchanged for mythic feats.


At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
skill feat.


At 23rd level, you gain a general feat. This general feat
can be exchanged for a mythic feat.


Your skill in alchemy is mythical. Your proficiency
rank for your alchemist class DC increases to mythic.

Add the following additional option:
• If you are at least level 21, you can spend up to a
month of downtime applying the quicksilver ei-
ther to iron to create silver or to lead to create
gold. Treat this as a task at your level to Earn In-
come using Crafting, except that you create twice
the value of your chosen metal on a Success or
Critical Success (example: at level 21, 600 gp on a
success and 1,200 on a critical success).

Standing atop the world as an exemplar of fury and violence, you transcend your limitations. When
you rage, the world itself watches with bated breath as you destroy all in your path.
Table 1-2: Barbarian Class Progression
your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
Your trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
Level Class Features
crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
Ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, quick
21 you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
surge, skill increase, surge
Barbarian feat, mythic feat, skill feat rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
General feat, legendary barbarian, major weapon ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
23 specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill skill in which you're already legendary.
24 Barbarian feat, mythic feat, skill feat BARBARIAN FEAT 22ND
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
feat, skill increase barbarian class feat. These barbarian class feats can be
exchanged for mythic feats.


You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for skill feat.
mythic feats.
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have Your fury is recorded in legend. Your proficiency rank
trained or better proficiency in. for your barbarian class DC increases to legendary.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have MAJOR WEAPON SPECIALIZATION 23RD
trained or better proficiency in.
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with if you're mythic.
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
or Monk).
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.


You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level thereafter.


At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase

You are an unparalleled artist, a scholar without repute, someone who could charm a devil or make
archon cry with a word. You don't just tell myths and legends, you make them.
Table 1-3: Bard Class Progression
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
Your trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
Level Class Features
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
11th-level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, greater
or Monk).
21 weapon specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat,
quick surge, skill increase, surge • Increase your proficiency in Perception.
22 Bard feat, mythic feat, skill feat
12th-level mythic heightening, general feat, mythic • Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase • Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
24 Bard feat, mythic feat, skill feat
13th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts, • Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill
increase MYTHIC FEATS 21ST
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten
your spells by using Surge. Your cantrips. focus spells,
and spells cast from your 10th level spell slot are always
mythic heightened. Spells that are mythic heightened are
heightened to half your level, rounded up even past the At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
normal bounds of 10th-level. At 21st level, your mythic skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
heightened spells are treated as being 11th-level spells. At your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
23rd level, your mythic heightened spells are treated as trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
being 12th-level spells. At 25th level, your mythic height- skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
ened spells are treated as being 13th-level spells. See crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
Mythic Spells for more information on mythic height- you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
ening. rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST skill in which you're already legendary.
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev-
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for
mythic feats. At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
bard class feat. These bard class feats can be exchanged
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
expert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10 At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
if you're mythic. skill feat.


At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-

You are no longer a mere emissary of your deity. You are a champion of myth of legend, a trusted ally
more than a capable servant. Your defenses are impregnable, protecting your faith and allies alike.
Table 1-4: Champion Class Progression
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
Level Class Features skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
Ancestry feat, legendary champion, mythic boosts, your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
mythic feat, quick surge, skill increase, surge trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
22 Champion feat, mythic feat, skill feat
skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
General feat, major weapon specialization, mythic
23 crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase
24 Champion feat, mythic feat, skill feat you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
25 ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
feat, mythical champion, skill increase
skill in which you're already legendary.
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev-
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
mythic feats. champion class feat. These champion class feats can be
exchanged for mythic feats.
Your devotion to your deity, tenet, and code is legend-
ary. Your proficiency ranks for your champion class DC At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
and for divine spell attack rolls and spell DCs increase to skill feat.
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
trained or better proficiency in. 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have if you're mythic.
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and MYTHICAL CHAMPION 25TH
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- Your divine cause is the subject of myth. Your profi-
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with ciency ranks for your champion class DC and for divine
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or spell attack rolls and spell DCs increase to mythic.
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
or Monk).
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.


You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level

You are more than a foot soldier in the army of your faith. You are a leader, a general, a symbol. Your
divine magic is spoken of as if it were the acts of the gods themselves.
Table 1-5: Cleric Class Progression
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
Your trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
Level Class Features
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
11th-level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, greater
or Monk).
21 weapon specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat,
quick surge, skill increase, surge • Increase your proficiency in Perception.
22 Cleric feat, mythic feat, skill feat
12th-level mythic heightening, general feat, mythic • Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase • Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
24 Cleric feat, mythic feat, skill feat
13th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts, • Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill
increase MYTHIC FEATS 21ST
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten
your spells by using Surge. Your cantrips. focus spells,
and spells cast from your 10th level spell slot are always
mythic heightened. Spells that are mythic heightened are
heightened to half your level, rounded up even past the At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
normal bounds of 10th-level. At 21st level, your mythic skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
heightened spells are treated as being 11th-level spells. At your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
23rd level, your mythic heightened spells are treated as trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
being 12th-level spells. At 25th level, your mythic height- skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
ened spells are treated as being 13th-level spells. See crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
Mythic Spells for more information on mythic height- you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
ening rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST skill in which you're already legendary.
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev-
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for
mythic feats. At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
cleric class feat. These cleric class feats can be exchanged
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
expert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10 At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
if you're mythic. skill feat.


At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
only once):
Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-

Nature is inevitable. So are you. Others stand in awe of the power you bring. You are a force of nature,
not a just a force for nature, and the primal magic you wield are the stuff of hushed stories.
Table 1-6: Druid Class Progression
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
Your trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
Level Class Features
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
11th-level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, greater
or Monk).
21 weapon specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat,
quick surge, skill increase, surge • Increase your proficiency in Perception.
22 Druid feat, mythic feat, skill feat
12th-level mythic heightening, general feat, mythic • Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase • Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
24 Druid feat, mythic feat, skill feat
13th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts, • Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill
increase MYTHIC FEATS 21ST
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten
your spells by using Surge. Your cantrips. focus spells,
and spells cast from your 10th level spell slot are always
mythic heightened. Spells that are mythic heightened are
heightened to half your level, rounded up even past the At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
normal bounds of 10th-level. At 21st level, your mythic skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
heightened spells are treated as being 11th-level spells. At your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
23rd level, your mythic heightened spells are treated as trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
being 12th-level spells. At 25th level, your mythic height- skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
ened spells are treated as being 13th-level spells. See crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
Mythic Spells for more information on mythic height- you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
ening rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST skill in which you're already legendary.
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev-
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for
mythic feats. At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
druid class feat. These druid class feats can be exchanged
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
expert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10 At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
if you're mythic. skill feat.


At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-

Your storied strikes are said to never fall short. If martial skills are truly an art, then you are no mere
painter. You are a virtuoso, an unmatched prodigy, and fighter unparalleled and unrivaled.
Table 1-7: Fighter Class Progression
Level Class Features SKILL INCREASE 21ST
Ancestry feat, improved weapon specialization At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
21 mythic boosts, mythic feat, quick surge, skill skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
increase, surge your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
22 Fighter feat, mythic feat, skill feat
trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
General feat, legendary fighter, major weapon
skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
23 specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill
crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
24 Fighter feat, mythic feat, skill feat you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
25 ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
feat, skill increase
skill in which you're already legendary.
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for a fighter class feat. These fighter class feats can be ex-
mythic feats. changed for mythic feats.
21ST At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to skill feat.
10 if you're mythic.
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have Your martial prowess is the stuff of stories. Your pro-
trained or better proficiency in. ficiency rank for your fighter class DC increases to leg-
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in. MAJOR WEAPON SPECIALIZATION 23RD
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or if you're mythic.
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
or Monk).
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.


You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
You are storied marksmen, a fabled sharpshooter of unmatched renown and skill. The deeds you
commit have passed into myth, the way you follow a code others can't help but follow.
Table 1-8: Gunslinger Class Progression
Your You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
Level Class Features thereafter.
Ancestry feat, improved weapon specialization,
21 legendary gunslinger, mythic boosts, mythic feat, SKILL INCREASE 21ST
quick surge, skill increase, surge
22 Fighter feat, mythic feat, skill feat At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
General feat, legendary fighter, major weapon skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
23 specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
increase trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
24 Fighter feat, mythic feat, skill feat skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
feat, mythical gunslinger, skill increase you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- skill in which you're already legendary.
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for
mythic feats. GUNSLINGER FEAT 22ND
IMPROVED WEAPON SPECIALIZATION At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain
a fighter class feat. These fighter class feats can be ex-
21ST changed for mythic feats.
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
10 if you're mythic. SKILL FEAT 22ND
At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
Your shooting prowess is the stuff of stories. Your pro-
ficiency rank for your gunslinger class DC increases to GENERAL FEAT 23RD
legendary. You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose MAJOR WEAPON SPECIALIZATION 23RD
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
only once): 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
trained or better proficiency in. if you're mythic.

• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have MYTHICAL GUNSLINGER 25TH
trained or better proficiency in.
Your fabled sharpshooting is the subject of myth. Your
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and proficiency rank for your gunslinger class DC increases
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- to mythic.
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
or Monk).
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
You aren't a mere tinkerer; you are a creator of myth. When others examine your work, it is as though
they wonder at the artifice of ages past or the fantastic advancements of the far future..
Table 1-9: Inventor Class Progression
Level Class Features SKILL INCREASE 21ST
Ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, precise At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
strike (7d6), quick surge, skill increase, surge skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
22 Mythic feat, skill feat, swashbuckler feat
your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
General feat, legendary swashbuckler, major weapon trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
23 specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill
skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
increase, vivacious speed +35 feet
Mythic feat, skill feat, swashbuckler feat crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
feat, precise strike (8d6), skill increase rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
skill in which you're already legendary.
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for swashbuckler class feat. These swashbuckler class feats
mythic feats. can be exchanged for mythic feats.
The inventions you'd made are the subject of myth. At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
Your proficiency rank for your inventor class DC increas- skill feat.
es to legendary
You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
trained or better proficiency in. 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
trained or better proficiency in. if you're mythic.

• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and MYTHICAL INVENTOR 25TH
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-
Your fabled inventions are the subject of myth. Your
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
proficiency rank for your inventor class DC increases to
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
or Monk).
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.


You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level

Your pursuit of the truth has led you to new heights. Nothing lays hidden with you involved. No problem
is too complicated. If knowledge is a weapon, then the arms you wield are the deadliest of all.
Table 1-11: Investigator Class Progression
in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one skill in
Your which you’re already trained to expert, or to increase
your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which you’re
Level Class Features
already an expert, or to increase your proficiency rank to
Ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, quick
legendary in a skill in which you’re already a master, or
21 surge, skill increase, skillful lesson, strategic strike
to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a skill in
6d6, surge
22 Investigator feat, mythic feat, skill increase, skill feat which you're already legendary.
General feat, legendary investigator, major weapon
23 specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill SKILLFUL LESSON 21ST
increase, skillful lesson At 21st level and every odd-numbered level thereaf-
24 Investigator feat, mythic feat, skill increase, skill feat
ter, you gain a skill feat. This feat must be for an Intelli-
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic gence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill, or for the skill
feat, skill increase, skillful lesson, strategic strike 7d6
you gained from your methodology.


You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- When you strike carefully and with forethought, you
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for deal a telling blow. When making a Strike that adds your
mythic feats. Intelligence modifier on your attack roll due to Devising
a Stratagem, you deal an additional 6d6 precision dam-
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose As your investigator level increases, so too does the
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected deadliness of your strategic strike. Increase the number
only once): of dice by one at 25th level.
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain an
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
investigator class feat. These investigator class feats can
trained or better proficiency in.
be exchanged for mythic feats.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- SKILL FEAT 22ND
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or skill feat.
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion GENERAL FEAT 23RD
or Monk).
You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
• Increase your proficiency in Perception. can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
Your detective talents have spawned legends. Your pro-
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves. ficiency rank for your investigator class DC increases to
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
thereafter. Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
SKILL INCREASE 21ST expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
At 21st level and every level thereafter, you gain a skill if you're mythic.
increase. You can use this increase either to increase your
proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re untrained

You are a master of both the arcane and martial arts. You have perfected the art of fusing spell and
strike. With tome or sword, your achievements have entered into the halls of myth.
Table 1-12: Magus Class Progression
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
Level Class Features
10th level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
mythic boosts, magus' majesty, mythic feat, mythic thereafter.
heightening, quick surge, skill increase, specialty
22 Mythic feat, skill feat, magus feat
11th-level mythic heightening, general feat, major
At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten
23 weapon specialization mythic boosts, mythic feat, your spells by using Surge. Your cantrips, focus spells,
skill increase and spells cast from your 10th level spell slot are always
24 Mythic feat, skill feat, wizard feat mythic heightened. Spells that are mythic heightened
12th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts, are heightened to half your level, rounded up minus 1
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill even past the normal bounds of 10th-level. At 23rd level,
increase your mythic heightened spells are treated as being 11th-
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST level spells. At 25th level, your mythic heightened spells
are treated as being 12th-level spells. See Mythic Spells
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- for more information on mythic heightening.
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for
mythic feats. SKILL INCREASE 21ST
MAGUS' MAJESTY 21ST At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
You break through all boundaries and gain the ability your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
to cast spells of truly incredible power. You gain a single trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
10th-level spell slot and can prepare a spell in that slot skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
using arcane spellcasting. You can't use this spell slot for crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
abilities that let you cast spells without expending spell you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
slots or that give you more spell slots. Unlike with other rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
spell slots, you don't gain more 10th-level spells as you ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
level up. skill in which you're already legendary.
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected a magus class feat. These magus class feats can be ex-
only once): changed for mythic feats.
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in. SKILL FEAT 22ND
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
trained or better proficiency in. skill feat.

• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and GENERAL FEAT 23RD
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
or Monk). Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves. if you're mythic.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.

You have transcended the limitations of an unperfected body and mind. Other may believe that you
have reached the peak of enlightenment, but now you strive to go beyond the merely perfect.
Table 1-13: Monk Class Progression
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
Level Class Features thereafter.
Ancestry feat, legendary monk, mythic boosts,
mythic feat, quick surge, skill increase, surge
Monk feat, mythic feat, skill feat
General feat, incredible speed +35 feet, major weapon At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
23 specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
increase your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
24 Monk feat, mythic feat, skill feat trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
feat, mythical monk, skill increase crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
skill in which you're already legendary.
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev-
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for MONK FEAT 22ND
mythic feats.
At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
LEGENDARY MONK 21ST monk class feat. These monk class feats can be exchanged
for mythic feats.
The strength of your fist is legendary. Your proficiency
rank for your monk class DC increases to legendary. If SKILL FEAT 22ND
you have ki spells, your proficiency rank for spell attack
rolls and spell DCs with the tradition of magic you use At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
for your ki spells increases to legendary. skill feat.


At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in. You gain a +35-foot status bonus to your Speed whenev-
er you're not wearing armor.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in. MAJOR WEAPON SPECIALIZATION 23RD
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or if you're mythic.
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion MYTHICAL MONK 25TH
or Monk).
Your search for perfection has given rise to myths and
• Increase your proficiency in Perception. legend. Your proficiency rank for your monk class DC in-
creases to mythic. If you have ki spells, your proficiency
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
rank for spell attack rolls and spell DCs with the tradition
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves. of magic you use for your ki spells increases to mythic.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.

Your conduit to divine power screams. No longer do does it whisper faint hints at divine truth. No, it
roars. Divine secrets and mysteries surround you, empower you, and draw you down to the abyss.
Table 1-14: Oracle Class Progression
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
Your trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
Level Class Features
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
11th-level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, greater
or Monk).
21 weapon specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat,
quick surge, skill increase, surge • Increase your proficiency in Perception.
22 Oracle feat, mythic feat, skill feat
12th-level mythic heightening, general feat, mythic • Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase • Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
24 Oracle feat, mythic feat, skill feat
13th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts, • Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill
increase MYTHIC FEATS 21ST
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten
your spells by using Surge. Your cantrips. focus spells,
and spells cast from your 10th level spell slot are always At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
mythic heightened. Spells that are mythic heightened are skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
heightened to half your level, rounded up even past the your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
normal bounds of 10th-level. At 21st level, your mythic trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
heightened spells are treated as being 11th-level spells. At skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
23rd level, your mythic heightened spells are treated as crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
being 12th-level spells. At 25th level, your mythic height- you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
ened spells are treated as being 13th-level spells. See rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
Mythic Spells for more information on mythic height- ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
ening. skill in which you're already legendary.


You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for an oracle class feat. These oracle class feats can be ex-
mythic feats. changed for mythic feats.


Your damage from weapon specialization increases to At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an skill feat.
expert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10
if you're mythic. GENERAL FEAT 23RD
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-

You laugh at civilization. You conquer the wilds. You protect what needs protected. Wherever there is
nature, you thrive. Wherever there is prey, you hunt. And you consider almost everything prey.
Table 1-15: Ranger Class Progression
Level Class Features
Ancestry feat, legendary ranger, mythic boosts, At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
mythic feat, quick surge, skill increase, surge skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
22 Ranger feat, mythic feat, skill feat your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
General feat, major weapon specialization, mythic trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
24 Ranger feat, mythic feat, skill feat crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
feat, mythical ranger, skill increase rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
skill in which you're already legendary.


You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for a ranger class feat. These ranger class feats can be ex-
mythic feats. changed for mythic feats.


Your talents in the wild are told of in legend. Your pro- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
ficiency rank for your ranger class DC increases to leg- skill feat.
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
trained or better proficiency in. 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have if you're mythic.
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and MYTHICAL RANGER 25TH
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- Your protection of the wilds has given rise to myths.
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with Your proficiency rank for your ranger class DC increases
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or to mythic.
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
or Monk).
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.


You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level

You are the bump in the night. The empty vault that shouldn't have been crackable. Your wits are
sharper than a knife's edge. The breadth and depth of your talents is unfathomable.
Table 1-16: Rogue Class Progression
At 21st level and every level thereafter, you gain a skill
Level Class Features increase. You can use this increase either to increase your
Ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill feat, proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re untrained
quick surge, skill increase, surge in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one skill in
22 Rogue feat, mythic feat, skill feat, skill increase
which you’re already trained to expert, or to increase
General feat, legendary rogue, major weapon
your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which you’re
23 specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, sneak
attack 5d6, skill feat, skill increase
already an expert, or to increase your proficiency rank to
24 Rogue feat, mythic feat, skill feat, skill increase legendary in a skill in which you’re already a master, or
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a skill in
25 which you're already legendary.
feat, skill feat, skill increase


ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST At 21st level and every level thereafter, you gain a skill
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev-
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for ROGUE FEAT 22ND
mythic feats.
At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST rogue class feat. These investigator class feats can be ex-
changed for mythic feats.
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected SKILL FEAT 22ND
only once):
At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have skill feat.
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have SNEAK ATTACK 23RD
trained or better proficiency in. When your enemy can’t properly defend itself, you take
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and advantage to deal extra damage. If you Strike a creature
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- that has the flat-footed condition with an agile or finesse
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with melee weapon, an agile or finesse unarmed attack, or a
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or ranged weapon attack, you deal an extra 5d6 precision
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell damage. For a ranged attack with a thrown melee weap-
DC with the same class features (such as Champion on, that weapon must also be agile or finesse.
or Monk).
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves. can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
Your roguish talents are talked of in legends. Your pro-
ficiency rank for your rogue class DC increases to leg-
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
if you're mythic.

You have ascended to the raw power that is your birthright. You didn't choose to become a spellcaster,
but your actions have made you a myth. The sorcery in your bloodline is practically overflowing.
Table 1-17: Sorcerer Class Progression
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
Your trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
Level Class Features
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
11th-level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, greater
or Monk).
21 weapon specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat,
quick surge, skill increase, surge • Increase your proficiency in Perception.
22 Mythic feat, skill feat, sorcerer feat
12th-level mythic heightening, general feat, mythic • Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase • Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
24 Mythic feat, skill feat, sorcerer feat
13th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts, • Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill
increase MYTHIC FEATS 21ST
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten
your spells by using Surge. Your cantrips. focus spells,
and spells cast from your 10th level spell slot are always At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
mythic heightened. Spells that are mythic heightened are skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
heightened to half your level, rounded up even past the your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
normal bounds of 10th-level. At 21st level, your mythic trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
heightened spells are treated as being 11th-level spells. At skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
23rd level, your mythic heightened spells are treated as crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
being 12th-level spells. At 25th level, your mythic height- you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
ened spells are treated as being 13th-level spells. See rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
Mythic Spells for more information on mythic height- ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
ening. skill in which you're already legendary.


You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for sorcerer class feat. These sorcerer class feats can be ex-
mythic feats. changed for mythic feats.


Your damage from weapon specialization increases to At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an skill feat.
expert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10
if you're mythic. GENERAL FEAT 23RD
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-

You and your eidolon have become the subject of myth and legend. The connection you share is just
one factor among many marking you as truly extraordinary, two beings that cannot be compared.
Table 1-18: Summoner Class Progression proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re untrained in,
or to increase your proficiency rank in one skill in which
Your you’re already trained to expert, or to increase your profi-
ciency rank to master in a skill in which you’re already an
Level Class Features expert, or to increase your proficiency rank to legendary in
10th level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, greater a skill in which you’re already a master, or to increase your
weapon specialization, mythic boosts, mythic proficiency rank to mythic in a skill in which you're already
feat, quick surge, skill increase, specialty spell, legendary.
summoner's ascension, surge
22 Mythic feat, skill feat, summoner feat
11th-level mythic heightening, general feat, mythic
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten your
24 Mythic feat, skill feat, wizard feat spells using Surge. Your cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast
12th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts, from your 10th level spell slot are always mythic heightened.
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill Spells that are mythic heightened are heightened to half
increase your level, rounded up minus 1 even past the normal bounds
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST of 10th-level. At 23rd level, your mythic heightened spells are
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 levels treated as being 11th-level spells. At 25th level, your mythic
thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for mythic heightened spells are treated as being 12th-level spells. See
feats. Mythic Spells for more information on mythic heightening.


Your damage from weapon specialization increases to 4 By fully embracing the power of your Eidolon, you gain
with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an ex- the ability to cast spells of truly incredible power. You gain a
pert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10 if you're single 10th-level spell slot and can prepare a spell in that slot
mythic. using your tradition. You can't use this spell slot for abilities
that let you cast spells without expending spell slots or that
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST give you more spell slots. Unlike with other spell slots, you
don't gain more 10th-level spells as you level up.
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose two
of the following benefits, which apply both to you and your SUMMONER FEAT 22ND
Eidolon (each benefit can be selected only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a sum-
trained or better proficiency in. moner class feat. These wizard class feats can be exchanged
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have trained for mythic feats.
or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs SKILL FEAT 22ND
for the tradition from your class. This benefit cannot At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill
be taken by classes that do not start with trained pro- feat.
ficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or for any class
that increases their Class DC and spell DC with the GENERAL FEAT 23RD
same class features (such as Champion or Monk).
You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat can
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
be exchanged for a mythic feat.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
Your eidolon's damage from weapon specialization in-
MYTHIC FEATS 21ST creases to 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which it is
an expert, 9 if they are a master, 12 if they are legendary , and
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level there-
15 if they are mythic.


You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat can
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill
be exchanged for a mythic feat.
increase. You can use this increase either to increase your
Your flair inspires poems, books, and not a few imitators. But you are far more than just a stylish
warrior. You are a graceful death, courting death and charming fate like others would a lover.
Table 1-19: Swashbuckler Class Progression
damage. If the strike is part of a finisher, the additional
Your damage is 7d6 precision damage instead.
Level Class Features As your swashbuckler level increases, so does your ad-
Ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, precise ditional damage for precise strike. Increase the amount
strike (7d6), quick surge, skill increase, surge of additional damage on a Strike and the number of ad-
22 Mythic feat, skill feat, swashbuckler feat ditional dice on a finisher by one at 25th level.
General feat, legendary swashbuckler, major weapon
23 specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill SKILL INCREASE 21ST
increase, vivacious speed +35 feet
24 Mythic feat, skill feat, swashbuckler feat At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
25 your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
feat, precise strike (8d6), skill increase
trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
mythic feats. skill in which you're already legendary.


At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected swashbuckler class feat. These swashbuckler class feats
only once): can be exchanged for mythic feats.
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
skill feat.
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and GENERAL FEAT 23RD
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell LEGENDARY SWASHBUCKLER 23RD
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
or Monk). The flair you fight with is storied. Your proficiency rank
for your swashbuckler class DC increases to legendary.
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves. VIVACIOUS SPEED 23RD
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves. You gain a +35-foot status bonus to your Speed whenev-
er you're not wearing armor.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
thereafter. expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
if you're mythic.
You strike with flair. When you have panache and you
Strike with an agile or finesse melee weapon or agile or
finesse unarmed attack, you deal 7 additional precision

You are an overflowing vessel. The powerful magic you wield has exceeded whatever plans your
patron may have had. Without study, without devotion, you wield the powers of myth.
Table 1-20: Witch Class Progression
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
Your for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
Level Class Features
or Monk).
11th-level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, greater
21 weapon specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, • Increase your proficiency in Perception.
quick surge, skill increase, surge
22 Mythic feat, skill feat, witch feat • Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
12th-level mythic heightening, general feat, mythic • Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase
24 Mythic feat, skill feat, witch feat • Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
13th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts,
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill MYTHIC FEATS 21ST
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten
your spells. Your cantrips. focus spells, and spells cast At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
from your 10th level spell slot are always mythic height- skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
ened. Spells that are mythic heightened are heightened to your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
half your level, rounded up even past the normal bounds trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
of 10th-level. At 21st level, your mythic heightened spells skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
are treated as being 11th-level spells. At 23rd level, your crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
mythic heightened spells are treated as being 12th-level you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
spells. At 25th level, your mythic heightened spells are rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
treated as being 13th-level spells. See Mythic Spells for ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
more information on mythic heightening. skill in which you're already legendary.


You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for witch class feat. These witch class feats can be exchanged
mythic feats. for mythic feats.


Your damage from weapon specialization increases to At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an skill feat.
expert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10
if you're mythic. GENERAL FEAT 23RD
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with

You are an archmage. When others speak of the titans whose work lays the foundations for new
magic, they are speaking of you. You've forgotten more than lesser spellcasters will ever know.
Table 1-21: Wizard Class Progression
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
Your trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
Level Class Features
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
11th-level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, greater
or Monk).
21 weapon specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat,
quick surge, skill increase, surge • Increase your proficiency in Perception.
22 Mythic feat, skill feat, wizard feat
12th-level mythic heightening, general feat, mythic • Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase • Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
24 Mythic feat, skill feat, wizard feat
13th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts, • Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill
increase MYTHIC FEATS 21ST
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten
your spells by using Surge. Your cantrips. focus spells,
and spells cast from your 10th level spell slot are always At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
mythic heightened. Spells that are mythic heightened are skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
heightened to half your level, rounded up even past the your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
normal bounds of 10th-level. At 21st level, your mythic trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
heightened spells are treated as being 11th-level spells. At skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
23rd level, your mythic heightened spells are treated as crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
being 12th-level spells. At 25th level, your mythic height- you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
ened spells are treated as being 13th-level spells. See rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
Mythic Spells for more information on mythic height- ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
ening. skill in which you're already legendary.


You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for a wizard class feat. These wizard class feats can be ex-
mythic feats. changed for mythic feats.


Your damage from weapon specialization increases to At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an skill feat.
expert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10
if you're mythic. GENERAL FEAT 23RD
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-


Some archetypes grant you a substantial degree of Ancestry Feats Continue progressing ancestry feats as
spellcasting, albeit delayed compared to a character from before. In general, this means one ancestry feat at 21st
a spellcasting class. At the time of this book's publication, level, and another at 25th level. For ancestry paragons,
these archetypes were the bard, cleric, druid, eldritch ar- instead gain an ancestry feat at 21st, 23rd, and 25th level.
cher, oracle, sorcerer, witch, and wizard. Class DC If a class increases their class DC to master
To emulate some of that progress, this book grants at 17th level, they gain legendary proficiency at 21th level
an additional level 22 feat to these archetypes. This feat and mythic proficiency at 25th level. If they gain master
grants the Legendary Spellcasting benefits described be- DC at 19th level, they gain legendary proficiency at 23rd
low. Other classes that come out after this book would level. Classes that increase their proficiency with spell at-
also have this benefit, so long as they already have the tacks and DCs at 17th level also increase them at 21st and
basic, expert, and master spellcasting feats. 25th, but can't increase them with mythic boosts.

Legendary Spellcasting Feat: Upon reaching 22nd level, Class Feats Classes continue to gain class feats at the
these feats make you legendary in spell attack rolls and same rate as before. In general, this means one class feat
DCs of the appropriate magical tradition and grant you a at 22nd level, and one at 22th.
9th-level spell slot. If you have a spell repertoire, you can Class Features Classes generally do not get expansions
select a fourth spell from your repertoire as a signature of their class features in mythic levels. The exception are
spell. At 24th level, they grant you a 10th-level spell slot, class features that advance numerically with levels, such
if you do not already have a feat granting an additional as sneak attack adding dice or incredible speed adding
10-level spell slot. You can never gain another 10th-level larger status bonuses to Speed. Continue progressing
spell slot from an archetype or class feat. these at the same rate.
You can still take the legendary spellcasting feat from General Feats Continue progressing general feats as
other archetypes. When you do, you decide which feat before. In general, this means one general feat at 23rd
grants the 10th level spell slot. level.
Archetypes refer to these benefits as the “legendary Greater Weapon Specialization Classes that gain weap-
spellcasting benefits". on specialization gain greater weapon specialization 8
levels later.
Item Based Boost Classes that grant increased access
Classes and archetypes that grant an may take the fol- to items as class features (but not feats) gain additional
lowing mythic feat at level 21 or after gaining a mythic boosts for their items at levels 21st, 23rd, and 25th levels.
tier. In general, these increase the following:
Mythic companion benefits: Your animal becomes a • The item bonus (up to a maximum of +5)
beast out of legend. It gains the following: its proficiency
rank for unarmed attacks increases to master. Its pro- • The damage (1d6 per tier, or 2d6 if the ability is
ficiency rank for unarmored defense and barding each more limited than an alchemist's bomb)
increase. Its proficiency ranks for saving throws and • The counteract level, to a maximum of the charac-
Perception increase to legendary. Increase its Strength, ter's level
Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom modifiers by 1. Its
unarmed attack damage increases from three dice to four • The healing (1d6 per tier)
dice, and it increases its additional damage on unarmed • The savings throws (+4, up to a maximum of class
attacks from 4 to 6 or from 6 to 9. It's proficiency in all or spell DC, whichever is higher)
skills it is at least trained in increases.
Major Weapon Specialization Classes that gain greater
FUTUREPROOFING weapon specialization gain major weapon specialization
8 levels later.
For future classes, follow the following guidelines
when extrapolating levels out beyond level 20: Mythic Power, Surge, Heightening, etc. Classes gain
mythic feats every level, mythic boosts at 21st, 23rd, and
10th-level Spell Slot A class that only gains 9th level
25th level, and surge at level 1. All classes gain mythic
spells through level 20 gains an additional class feature
heightening for spells at 21st, 23rd, and 25th level, but it
granting a 10th-level spell slot at level 21. This is on top
is only listed under spellcasting classes for brevity. Char-
of any spell slots they would normally earn (if they nor-
acters that gain class features that give proficiency boosts
mally lose access to spell slots after gaining a new level,
to two characters at once may apply their mythic boosts
this doesn't apply for this spell slot and they keep their
to the other character as well as their own. If a class gains
proficiency in something that is not a skill and isn't cov- hardness and hit points increase to match steel's
ered under mythic boosts, they might gain an additional statistics in the CRB if they were lower.
mythic boost at 21st level for each such feature that can
• Horacalcum - Weapons add a +1 circumstance bo-
only be applied to those features.
nus to your first attack roll each turn if you are
LEGENDARY ITEMS quickened. Armor grants a +1 status bonus to ini-
tiative. The items hardness and hit points increase
Like class advancement, Pathfinder Second Edition as- to match mithral's statistics in the CRB if they were
sumes that a character will accumulate larger and larger lower.
item bonuses in the form of stronger weapons and ar-
mor. Legendary items (available through treasure drops • Mithral - as per the CRB
and mythic feats) fulfill this progression under mythic • Noqual - Objects made of noqual gain a +3 circum-
advancement. All legendary items scale with the level of stance bonus vs any save against a magical effect,
their bonded owner, and are a minimum of level 21. and use your saving throw even if unattended.
A legendary item is typically bonded to a single crea- Weapons made of noqual gain a +1 damage bonus
ture. Others can pick up and use a legendary item for its per damage dice versus constructs and undead cre-
basic functions (like hitting a foe with a legendary mace), ated or controlled by magic (such as the Create Un-
but only the creature bonded to the item can utilize it dead Ritual or Summon Contruct). Armor made of
fully. Creatures that aren’t bonded to the legendary item noqual grant a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and
can typically use all of its special abilities that aren’t leg- saving throws versus such creatures. The items
endary item abilities. hardness and hit points increase to match mithral's
statistics in the CRB if they were lower.
LEGENDARY ITEM ABILITIES • Oricalchum - as per the CRB
Dedicated Bond: An item with this ability can’t be used • Sovereign Steel - as per Legends
by anyone not bonded with it. Furthermore, using a spe-
cial ritual that takes 10 minutes to perform, the bonded Endless Spell The item gains an innate spell, height-
creature can sequester the item in a solid object at least ened to 5th level. Its owner or the creature bonded to it
twice as large as the item (such as putting a sword in a can cast that spell at will from the item once per day.
stone or an oak tree). The item becomes impossible to Eternal Bond When this ability is taken, the item be-
remove by any creature not bonded to it, unless the bond comes intimately tied to the creature that gave it this
is transferred to another creature designated upon com- ability. This item can’t be bonded to another creature as
pleting the ritual. An item must be an artifact to have this long as the creature that gave it this ability is alive. An
ability. item must be an artifact to have this ability.
Empowered Any effect from the item that requires a Everlasting This ability grants its bearer limited im-
DC used the Class DC or Spell DC of its original owner, mortality. While in contact with this item, the bond-
whichever is higher. ed creature doesn’t age; doesn’t need to eat, drink, or
Enhanced Material When this ability is taken, the item breathe; and doesn’t suffer any ill effects from extreme
is infused with a specific material. This ability can be heat or extreme cold. An item must be an artifact to have
taken multiple times, but each time a different material this ability.
must be taken from the following options: Flexible Bond The bonded creature can lend this item
• Adamantine - as per the CRB out with full utility to other creatures. As a standard ac-
tion, the bonded creature can grant a temporary bond to
• Cold Iron - as per CRB up to 5 creatures. A creature with a temporary bond can
• Darkwood -as per the CRB fully utilize all of the item’s legendary abilities. This tem-
porary bond ends either when the bonded creature wills
• Djezet Alloy - Spell attacks and DCs for effects it—a mental command requiring no action, which can
generated by this item gain a +1 circumstance bo- be done at any time while she is conscious.
nus. The items hardness and hit points increase
to match steel's statistics in the CRB if they were Increased Charge If the item is a staff, it gains an addi-
lower. tional 10 charges when you invest in it, and gains addi-
tional spell options until it has two spell options from 1
• Dragonhide - as per the CRB to 9. If it is a wand, you may cast the spell in the wand an
• Elysian Bronze - Weapons add a +1 bonus per additional time with no penalties.
damage dice on attack rolls versus mythic beasts, Increased Rune Slots The item permanently gains the
humanoids, and giants. Armor grants resistance 3 effects of a property rune. Can only be taken if the item
versus attacks made by such creatures. The items
is armor or a weapon. uisite: Darkvision.
Intelligent A legendary item with this ability becomes Darkvision The item gains darkvision.
an intelligent magic item. It gains the ability to speak,
Fly The item gains a fly speed of 30 feet and an Acrobat-
with up to three languages chosen at the time it becomes
ics proficiency of trained. Prerequisite: Animate.
intelligent. It starts at +4 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom, and +4
Charisma. Increase these modifiers up to 4 times, with Read Languages This item can read script in any lan-
no bonus going above +7. It gains up to 5 skills. It is myth- guage regardless of its known languages.
ic in one of those skills, legendary in two of those skills,
Shape Change The item can change its shape into one
and master at two of those skills. It is legendary at Will
other form of the same size.
Saves. Choose up to three of the following bonuses:
Skill Ranks This item becomes an Expert in two skills,
Animate This item can sprout limbs and move with a
a Master in one skill, or increases one of its current skills
Speed of 10 feet.
by one level of proficiency. This must be an Intelligence-,
Blindsense This item gains blindsense 30 feet. Prereq- Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill, unless the item has
the animate ability (allowing it to choose Acrobatics). If the item deals damage, it should give at least a basic
save. Use table 5-22 to determine an appropriate amount
Spellcasting This item allows its bearer to cast a limit-
of damage for an item of a given level.
ed number of spells. This ability can be taken more than
once. Each time it’s taken, the bonded creature gains 5 If an item's ability is similar to a preexisting spell (such
points to spend on selecting what spells the item can as dealing damage in a given area or granting a condi-
cast. Choose a tradition the first time you select this abil- tion), it should have a Frequency of no greater than once
ity, all spells the item learns must come from that tradi- per day.
tion. A spell costs a number of points equal to its level
(minimum 1). The intelligent item can cast the spell as
an innate spell of the chosen tradition once per day. By
spending double the cost, the intelligent item can cast a
spell at will.
Telepathy This item can hold private mental conver-
sations with its bearer, regardless of whether they share
a known language. The item must be in physical contact
with a creature to communicate this way.
Item Knowledge Activate Single Action (divination,
scrying); Requirements You aren't wielding the bonded
item and you are its true owner. ; Effect You sense the
world around the item as though you were in its location
and can use any of your innate spells through the link
as if it were the source of the spell. If another creature is
wielding the item, it must succeed at a Will save against
the higher of your spell DC or class DC, or be slowed 2
until it relinquishes it.
Mythic Advancement The item’s item bonuses in-
crease to +4. This option can be taken a second time on
weapons to increase their weapon damage dice by one
(up to 5 dice).
Mythic Magical Item Spells cast from this staff or wand
are treated as heightened +2, up to a maximum of your
mythic heightened level.
Returning Activate Free Action command (conjura-
tion, teleportation) Requirements You aren’t wielding
the bonded item and you are its true owner. Effect The
bonded item appears in your hands, teleporting instantly
from its prior location.
Powerful Spell The item gains an innate spell, height-
ened to 10th level. Its owner or the creature bonded to it
can cast that spell from the item once per day.
Unique Ability The item gains a unique ability. This
ability should be thematic for the item, and gains all the
necessary traits. It should require at least one action (but
can require a longer activity), and should be no more
powerful than a grand gift of a relic, a spell heightened
to your mythic heightened level that requires a similar
number of actions, or a similar effect granted by an ar-
tifact. The item must be an artifact to select this ability.

If the item requires a save, use a High DC from Table
5-20 to determine the DC of that save.

Low Level
Mythic Play

Not All Mythic Characters Are Epic Adjustments
While the primary focus of this book is on creating Any ability that increases a bonus to +4 or above should
options for characters that have already reached the instead increase a bonus by +1 if it is accessible to low level
highest level of the game, it is also perfectly valid to play mythic players. For instance, a legendary item should have
mythic characters at a lower level, using a system similar a higher item bonus, but not a +4 item bonus unless the
to that practiced 1st Edition Pathfinder. player that wields it is above level 20. You may decide that
such boosts break the math of the game when accessed
However, there are some differences. The system
at a lower level; if you do, instead prohibit these abilities
described below still operates from levels 1 to 25, with
entirely until their appropriate level.
levels above 20 largely following the progression tracks
given earlier in this book. The party's effective party level for encounters should
be increased by 1 the first time they gain mythic boosts,
Rather than advancing their mythic tier twice at each
but not at any other time, and this stops applying after
level past 20, low level mythic characters will advance in
the party reaches level 21.
tier whenever they gain a mythic feat or mythic boost.
Even past level 20, ancestry, class, and general feats that Mythic monsters should be distinguished by their
can be exchanged for mythic feats do not advance a unique abilities, access to Surge, and ability to mythic
mythic tier for any character. The recommended levels heighten spells. They otherwise follow monster creation
to gain mythic tiers are 3, 8, 10, 13, 15, 18, 20, 23, and 25 guidelines and are not treated as being higher level
but these can be altered as appropriate for a given story. encounters. However, given the role mythic monsters
The chart below, however, will assume that these are the are meant to play, they should typically not be used as
levels that a party advances in tier. mooks or lackeys. Instead, they should normally be at
least equal to the party's adjusted level.
Additionally, characters that have gained mythic tiers
but are not yet level 21 may not replace ancestry, class, or
general feats with mythic feats.
Mythic Archetypes
Low level mythic characters get substantially fewer
Many mythic feats require mythic proficiency in a
opportunities to gain mythic feats, and players may find
given skill. As this is not possible to obtain before level
that a few options aren't enough to fully realize their
21, GMs running low level mythic adventures should
character. Like with regular archetypes, mythic archetypes
reduce this requirement. In general, a character should
allow a character to expand the scope of their ambitions.
require the maximum possible proficiency at a given
Applying a mythic archetype allows a character to select
level to select such a skill: expert at level 2, master at
feats from that archetype instead of class feats.
level 7, and legendary at level 15.
Start by finding the mythic archetype that best fits your
The following chart details the recommended
character concept, and select the archetype's dedication
mythic progression for lower level mythic characters;
feat using one of your mythic feat choices. Once you
mythic heightening and specialty spells are only
have the dedication feat, you can select any feat from that
granted to classes that gain spell slots. Once a low level
archetype in place of a class feat as long as you meet its
mythic character reaches level 21, they follow the class
prerequisites. The archetype feat is still subject to any of
progressions given earlier but do not gain mythic boosts,
the selection restrictions on the class feat it replaces. For
mythic feats, or mythic power until level 25.
example, if you gained an ability at 10th level that granted
you an 8th-level class feat with the dwarf trait, you could
Table 2-1: Standard Progression swap that class feat only for an archetype feat of 8th-level
or lower with the dwarf trait. Mythic archetype feats you
gain in place of a class feat are called mythic archetype
class feats.
Level Tier Mythic Features
Occasionally, an archetype feat works like a skill feat
3 1 mythic boosts, quick surge, surge
instead of a class feat. These archetype feats have the skill
5 2 mythic feat
trait, and you select them in place of a skill feat, otherwise
8 3 mythic boosts
following the same rules above. These are not mythic
10 4 mythic feat
archetype class feats (for instance, to determine the Hit
13 5 mythic boosts
Points you gain from Aberration Dedication).
15 6 mythic feat
18 7 mythic feat Each mythic archetype's dedication feat represents a
20 8 mythic feat certain origin or type of mythic power your character
23 9 mythic feat has tapped into, so once you select a dedication feat for
10 mythic feat a mythic archetype, you must satisfy its requirements
before you can gain another mythic dedication. Typically, relates to their archetype's tradition, and can have up to 3
you satisfy a mythic archetype's dedication feat by gaining secondary casters.
a certain number of feats from the mythic archetype's
The cost of the ritual is always 100 gp x the level of
list. You cannot retrain a mythic dedication feat as long
the character. The character with the transformation
as you have any other feats from that archetype.
feat corresponding to the ritual must be the primary
Sometimes a mythic archetype feat lets you gain spellcaster and they are the only character that can be
another feat. You must always meet the prerequisites of transformed by this ritual. No other character may learn
the feat you gain this way. this ritual, as it is unique to the primary spellcaster.
Higher level mythic characters may also take mythic A target can't be under the effect of more than one
dedications. However, this is less directly a benefit to transformation effect at a time. If it comes under the
them, as they may take mythic feats with class, ancestry, effect of a second transmutation effect, the second
or general feats already. A few mythic dedication feats transmutation effect attempts to counteract the first. If
may count the number of mythic archetype class feats for it succeeds, it takes effect, and if it fails, the spell has no
a numerical benefit, however, and this may be a reason to effect on that target. Any Strikes specifically granted by a
take a mythic archetype. Higher level characters may use transmutation effect are magical.
their general or ancestry feats to take mythic archetype
If a transformation feat specifies one or more creature
feats, and when they do so those feats will also count as
types, you lose all creature types after succeeding at the
mythic archetype class feats if they do not have the skill
ritual, and gain the types listed.
If a transformation feat specifies an alignment shift, you
Mythic Spellcasting Archetypes automatically become one of the alignments it specifies
Some mythic archetypes grant you a substantial degree after completing the ritual.
of spellcasting, albeit delayed compared to a character Transformation rituals create a permanent effect. Only
from a spellcasting class. A spellcasting archetype allows wish or similar spell can counteract the transmutation.
you to use scrolls, staves, and wands in the same way that Polymorph spells can temporarily suppress a
a member of a spellcasting class can. transformation for their duration.
Mythic spellcasting archetypes always grant the Each transformation ritual has the following outcomes:
ability to cast cantrips in their dedication and the
basic spellcasting benefits. They then have an expert Success You succeed at the transformation ritual. You gain
spellcasting feat, and a master spellcasting feat as normal the traits, alignment, and other benefits of the ritual as detailed
for a spellcasting archetype. These feats share their name in the transformation feat.
with the archetype. Mythic spellcasting archetypes also Failure You fail to complete the ritual. You can salvage the
grant the ability to mythic heighten spells, and access to raw materials you supplied for half of their value. You may not
the legendary spellcasting feat as detailed in the Class attempt the ritual again for at least a month.
section of this book.
Critical Failure You fail to complete the ritual. You ruin the
All spell slots you gain from spellcasting archetypes have materials supplied, and you may not attempt the ritual again
restrictions depending on the archetype; for instance, the for at least a year.
bard archetype grants you spell slots you can use only to
cast occult spells from your bard repertoire, even if you are Mythic Free Archetype Variant
a sorcerer with occult spells in your sorcerer repertoire.'
Sometimes the story of your game calls for a group
Mythic spellcasting archetypes gain the option to mythic where everyone draws power from the same source, or
heighten spells when they select their dedication. Other has a greater connection to mythic powers in general.
mythic archetypes gain the option to mythic heighten The mythic free archetype variant introduces a shared
spells when they gain a mythic focus power. aspect to every character without taking away any of that
character’s existing choices.
Mythic Transformations
Building a Character
Some mythic archetypes have a special feat, called a
transformation feat. These feats grant the character The only difference between a normal mythic character
a unique ritual, which has the transmutation and and a mythic free-archetype character is that the character
transformation traits, along with a trait associated with receives an extra class feat at the first even level after
the traditional most linked to the archetype. receiving their first mythic feat and every even level
thereafter that they can use only for mythic archetype
Each of these rituals take at least 1 day, require the feats. While playing with this variant, it is recommend
primary caster to make a Very Hard DC check that
but not required for the first mythic feat a character gets that grant additional Hit Points). Allowing a character to
to be a mythic archetype dedication feat. If they do not benefit from a number of these feats that provide no more
select such a feat, the GM may provide a list of mythic than 2 Hit Points times their level is appropriate, as this is
feats that best fits their concept that they may use instead the maximum amount that a player could normally take
of exploring a specific mythic archetype. under the standard progression.
Depending on the needs of the group and the theme PLAYING LOW LEVEL MYTHIC
of the game, you might restrict the free feats to those
of a single archetype each character in the group has CHARACTERS
(for a shared backstory), those of archetypes fitting Low level mythic characters will typically be balanced
a certain theme (such as only ones from magical with by considering the party to be one level higher
archetypes in a game set in a magic school), or entirely when it comes to encounters. However, there are still
unrestricted if you just want a higher-powered game. significantly differences when it comes to math and how
If the group all has the same archetype or draws encounters play out.
from a limited list, you might want to ignore For starters, characters are limited in what they can
the mythic free archetype’s normal restriction of boost at any given time. This is particularly true of the
selecting a certain number of feats before taking a level where a character receives their first mythic boosts.
new archetype. That way a character can still pursue In general, it is easier to increase a character's offense than
another archetype that also fits their character. their defense.
It is recommended to not allow characters to take mythic Low level mythic characters will also both be more
feats with class feats if the mythic free archetype variant susceptible to incapacitation effects and more capable of
is used. As mythic feats tend to be slightly more powerful inflicting them by mythic heightening spells. This can be
than normal feats, this can lead to characters that eschew a desired element of a low level mythic game, but if it is
building onto their class and instead simply pick as many not this can be offset in several ways.
dedications and mythic feats as possible.
First, mythic creatures (typically denoted by having
The most common level for mythic archetype feats Surge and unique abilities related to it) should be
to start is level 6, after receiving a mythic tier at level 3 generally resistant to incapacitation effects. This can be
granting mythic boosts and another at level 5 granting a shown by treating their level as two levels higher for the
mythic feat. If you want to start mythic advancement at purposes of incapacitation trait effects, or simply treating
level 1, it is recommended to change the order of mythic them as being more than twice the level of any spell with
progression to that described in the below table. incapacitation trait, regardless of their actual level.
Table 2-2: Fast Progression The same adjustments can be made to players, however
incapacitation traits can alternatively be handled in more
Your active ways. Players may gain access to more consumables
Level Tier Mythic Features that can negate the effects of such spells and abilities, or
1 1 mythic feat, quick surge, surge
they may be able to counteract all active spells and effects
2 mythic boosts with the incapacitation trait with Surge, even if they would
3 mythic feat otherwise be prevented from acting. Using Surge this
way should count as a high investment, preventing the
8 4 mythic boosts
character from using Surge again for at least 10 minutes.
11 5 mythic feat
13 6 mythic boosts MYTHIC EVENTS
16 7 mythic feat
18 8 mythic feat Incorporating mythic features into a low level game
21 9 mythic feat can require more than just mythic characters and mythic
10 mythic feat enemies. While the tools mentioned in Chapter 5 can
help develop mythic stories, some additional care should
Playing With Mythic Free Archetypes be taken to make a low level mythic game feel both mythic
Mythic free-archetype characters are a bit more versatile and still grounded for its level.
and powerful than normal, but usually not so much One way to accomplish this is to lean into the premise of
that they unbalance your game compared to the generic borrowed power or outside forces. Occasionally, normal
mythic progression. However, due to the characters’ characters will be enveloped in an area that allows them
increased access to mythic archetype feats, you should access to fantastic powers or abilities, some of which they
place a limit on the number of feats that scale based on can draw permanent power from in the form of mythic
a character’s number of archetype feats (mainly feats boosts and feats.

Some examples of this type of phenomenon include: doesn't mean that the character that possesses it is evil,
but it can be a draw to evil actions. The Refocus require-
Abundant Energy While this is active, each characters' Strikes
ments are particularly noteworthy in that regard, often
deal an additional 1d6 damage of a type relevant to the source
requiring a character commit heinous activities. At the
of power and each character's spells do an additional 1 damage
GM's discretion, alternative Refocus activities may be al-
of the given type per spell level.
lowed for Good or Neutral characters with such paths.
Endless Power While this is active, characters may ignore the
As noted, these archetypes do not require a charac-
frequency limit of Quick Surge. They may also regain Focus
ter to actively seek power from evil sources. A non-Evil
Points easily, Refocusing with just a single action even if they
character might have acquired such a archetype by being
haven't fulfilled the requirements.
cursed, or by calling on such power in desperate times
Magical Renewal While this active, a character that defeats an for a Good-aligned cause.
enemy may siphon the residual mythic energy and regain one
As a general rule, it is a good idea to keep in mind the
of their highest level spell slots.
topics of consent and comfort when allowing players to
New Options While this is active, a character may tap into take a mythic archetype. Keep in mind the "A Welcoming
the mythic energy in the surroundings to use their Surge in Environment" and "Tools for Responsible Play" sections
a different way. For example, they may gain the option to fire of the Core Rulebook, page 485 when considering allowing
a mythic heightened one-action magic missile, or they might such mythic archetypes.
gain the passive effect of regaining Hit Points whenever they
GMs are free to modify the rarity of any mythic arche-
use Surge.
type to suit the needs of their campaign or setting. See
Nullifying Atmosphere While this is active, mythic powers are "Rarity in Your Game" in the Gamemastery Guide, page
difficult to activate. Using Surge requires a player to make a 35, for more information.
DC 11 flat check, and a failure wastes the action. Creatures
A full list of evil-aligned mythic archetypes and a
native to the area or carrying protective gear may be able to
non-exhaustive list of their potentially negative aspects
ignore this effect.
can be found below:
Omnipotence While this is active, characters receive no
• Aberration body horror, mental health issues
experience from defeating enemies. All enemies have their Hit
Points reduced to 1, and treat their saves and checks as one • Evil Alignment various
degree worse. Characters treat their saves and checks as one
degree better. • Daemon corruption, destruction, death, cannibal-
ism, trading souls
Reknitting Flesh While this is active, characters gain
regeneration equal to their level, making them virtually • Demon corruption, sin, torture, non-consensual
incapable of dying. Alternatively, they may gain a flawed form sex, real world religion
of regeneration that makes one particular mythic enemy halt • Devil corruption, slavery, real world religion
their regeneration.
• Graveknight undeath
Shifting Form While this is active, the appearance of each
character is altered. They either take on aspects relevant to • Lich undeath, sacrificing living creatures
their dedication, or to the source of the energy. • Rakshasa taboo, cannibalism
Siphon While this is active, mythic energy is actively siphoned • Sahkil nightmares, torture, phobias, mental health
to a single item, location, or creature. Whenever a player uses issues
Surge, a portion of that energy is visibly sucked up by the
siphon. If it is a creature, it regains Hit Points equal to half • Vampire undeath, non-consensual sex, slavery,
its level whenever it drains mythic energy. It may also grow cannibalism
in size, or gain a circumstance bonus to its checks and DCs. If • Velstrac torture
it is an item, it may charge up a particularly powerful effect,
or even explode once it gathers too much energy. Locations,
on the other, have no effect unless they absorb a particularly
large amount energy. Once charged this way, the air fills with
ambient energy, possibly changing the event.


Many of the mythic archetypes described in the next
section represent a character gaining power from evil
sources, such as demons. Having such an archetype
Power surges from creatures beyond the plane. You are the vessel of the power, and the cup overflows
with a strange energy unlike any other. You embody the corruption that power represents.

ABERRATION DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action.
When you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE MYTHIC DEDICATION higher than the maximum level you could cast without
mythic heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell
You gain power from your connection to the aberrations, slots, you lose access to one of your highest level spell
whether they be creatures from beyond the planes or slots (of your choice) rather than the slot you originally
corruptions of the natural order. cast the spell from. Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast
You become an expert in Occultism, or in another trained from your 10th level slot are always mythic heightened.
skill if you were already expert in Occultism. You gain Power Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select
Attack, or another 1st- or 2nd-level fighter feat if you already a different aberration focus spell and increase your Focus
possess Power Attack; this does not count as a mythic Points by 1, to a maximum of 3.
archetype feat. You must meet the requirements
for these feats. You gain 4 additional Hit
Points for each aberration mythic archetype
feat you have. As you continue selecting ATTACK CONJURATION FLOURISH
aberration mythic archetype feats, you
continue to gain additional Hit Points in MYTHIC ARCHETYPE TELEPORTATION
this way.
Prerequisite Aberration Dedication
Whenever you use the Surge action, you
gain Temporary Hit Points equal to half You twist space to Strike your
your level. You gain the option to use foes. Make a melee Strike against
Surge to gain resistance to physical each enemy with 30 feet, with a
and precision damage equal to half -2 circumstance penalty. Each
your level, and resistance to critical attack counts toward your
hits equal to your level. multiple attack penalty, but do
not increase your penalty until
Special You may not take another you have made all your attacks.
mythic dedication feat until you You teleport all foes you hit this
have taken two feats from the way to new positions within
aberration mythic archetype. a 30-foot emanation, with
Additional Mythic Feats Available each hit creature attempting a
Absorb Blow, Adamantine Mind, Will save. The creatures must
Beyond Mortal Needs, Hard to Kill, each be able to fit in their new
Shapeshifting Mastery space, and their positions must
be unoccupied, entirely within
the area, and in your line of sight.
After making attacks and choosing
teleportation destinations, you may
ABERRATION POWERS FEAT6 teleport to a space within 30-feet.

Critical Success The target can teleport
Prerequisite Aberration Dedication if it wants, but it chooses the destination
within range.
You gain the ability to use occult magic using focus spells Success The target is unaffected.
specific to aberrations. You learn an aberration focus spell of Failure You teleport the target and choose its destination.
your choice: twisted shape, mindbreak, or outside causality. If
you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus
Point, which you can Refocus by pursuing occult means or
embracing your aberration connection. Aberration spells are
occult spells, and the key spellcasting ability for these is Cha.
You become trained in occult spells if you were not already.


Prerequisite Aberration Dedication
Requirement Have succeeded a mythic quest to find a way to Cast A (verbal)
transform into an outsider, often in service of an Outer God Range touch; Targets 1 creature
You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and Saving thow Will
permanently turn into an aberration. This ritual should cost
rare occult supplies and reagents worth the target's level Your touch forcibly scrambles the targets mind. The target
(minimum 1) × 100 gp. After transforming, you will gain the must attempt a Will saving throw. Regardless of the result
following benefits and/or traits: of that save, the target is then temporarily immune for 10
minutes. Mindbreak's effects happen instantly, so dispel
Darkvision magic and other effects that counteract spells can't counteract
Aberration trait them. However, alter reality, miracle, primal phenomenon,
Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Neutral Alignment
restoration, or wish can still counteract the effects.
+1 status bonus to all saves vs magic
Reposition a (concentrate, conjuration, flourish, occult, Critical Success The target is unaffected.
teleportation) You teleport into an unoccupied space you can Success The target takes 1d6 mental damage.
see within 30 feet. Failure The target is confused for 1 rounds and takes 1d6
Amorphous Anatomy You permanently gain resistance to mental damage at the start of each of its turns.
physical and precision damage equal to half your level and Critical Failure The target is confused for 1 minute and takes
resistance to critical hits equal to your level. 2d6 mental damage at the start of each of its turns.
Aberration Surge When you use Surge, you gain Temporary
Hit Points equal to your level. You gain the option to deal an Heightened (+2) The mental damage increases by 1d6.
additional 2 damage per weapon dice whenever you make a

Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast

Aberration focus spells. You may instead cast them with a
cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting
them to ignore the cooldown cost. You may ignore the
frequency limit of Beyond Causality. TWISTED SHAPE FOCUS 3

ABERRATION SPELLS Cast D (somatic, verbal)

Duration 1 minute
BEYOND CAUSALITY FOCUS 3 You warp your form into something that appears to defy the
laws of biology and physics. Your equipment alters to match
your new shape.
TELEPORTATION Your melee Strikes gain reach 10 feet, and if they already have
reach 10 feet they gain reach 15 feet. You can slip through
Cast r (somatic) tiny cracks in this form, and your Strikes deal an additional
Trigger A creature successfully hits you with a Strike or spell 1d6 piercing damage. Each time you’re critically hit while in
attack this form, attempt a DC 17 flat check. On a success, it becomes
Requirements You must be aware of the Strike or spell a normal hit.
attack Heightened (6th) The flat check is 16.
Frequency once per 10 minutes Heightened (9th) The flat check is 15.
You attempt to counteract the Strike or spell attack. If you Heightened (12th) The flat check is 14.
succeed, you may redirect the Strike or spell attack to another
creature within 30 feet (using the same attack roll as the
original Strike or spell attack) and cannot use Surge for the
next minute.

To mortals, aeons sometimes seem to combine elements that are fundamentally incompatible. But you
are more than mortal. You are the embodiment of these caretakers of order and balance.
AEON DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT your spell slots, you lose access to one of your highest level
spell slots (of your choice) rather than the slot you originally
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE MYTHIC DEDICATION cast the spell from. Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast
from your 10th level slot are always mythic heightened.
You gain power from your connection to the caretakers of
reality and defenders of the natural order of balance, the Special: You may take this more than once. If you do, select
aeons. a different aeon focus spell and increase your Focus Points by
You become an expert in Arcana, or in another trained skill 1, to a maximum of 3.
if you were already expert in Arcana. You gain Combat
Assessment, or another 1st- or 2nd-level fighter feat if you
already possess Combat Assessment. You must meet the TRUESPEECH FEAT 14
requirements for these feats. You gain 4 additional Hit
Points for each aeon mythic archetype feat you have. As you
continue selecting aeon mythic archetype feats, you continue Prerequisite Aeon Dedication
to gain additional Hit Points in this way.
Whenever you use the Surge action, your attacks deal an You can speak with and understand any creature with a
additional 4 lawful damage until the start of your next round. language.
You gain the option to use Surge to alter all rolls made by
or against you until the start of your next turn: all critical
successes become successes, and all critical failures become AEON TRANSFORMATION FEAT 18
failures (this is applied after any other effects that may effect
rolls); this ability has a frequency of once per 3 rounds. MYTHIC ARCHETYPE TRANSFORMATION

Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat Prerequisite Aeon Dedication
until you have taken two feats from the aeon archetype. Requirements Have succeeded a mythic quest connected to
Additional Mythic Feats Available: Beyond Mortal Needs, becoming an aeon, such as serving a Pleroma in enforcing
Farwalker, Force Reality, Longevity, Relativity cosmic law
You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
AEON POWERS FEAT6 permanently turn into an aeon. This ritual should cost rare
arcane supplies and reagents worth the target's level (minimum
1) × 100 gp. You choose a concept and its opposite; you represent
Prerequisite Aeon Dedication the balance between those two concepts as an aeon. After
transforming, you will gain the following benefits and/or traits:
You gain the ability to use arcane magic using focus spells
specific to aeons. You learn an aeon focus spell of your Darkvision
choice: inevitable, law of neutrality, or temporal reversion. If True Seeing (as a constant spell)
you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Aeon and Monitor traits
Focus Point, which you can Refocus by exploring Lawful Neutral Alignment.
concepts of balance and investigating those +1 status bonus to all saves vs magic
that break laws of any type. Aeon spells Resistance 10 to negative and positive damage.
Weakness 20 to chaotic damage
are arcane spells, and the key spellcasting Immunities death effects, disease, emotion,
ability for these is Wis. You become trained poison, unconscious
in arcane spells if you were not already. Aeon Surge When you use Surge, you gain
Temporary Hit Points equal to your level.
You may mythic heighten spells with the You gain the option to gain a 30-foot aura
Surge action. When you mythic heighten that attempts to counteract any effect
a spell, it is heightened to one higher than with the teleportation, misfortune, or
fortune traits cast by a creature other than
the maximum level you could cast without you; this effect counts as being mythic
mythic heightening. If the spell is cast from heightened for the purposes of determining
the counteract level.

Special You no longer need to pay focus points

to cast Aeon focus spells. You may instead
cast them with a cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or
pay 1 Focus Point while casting them to ignore the
cooldown cost. You may ignore the frequency limit on
Temporal Reversion.

Cast A (verbal)
Duration 5 rounds
Requirement You you missed a Strike this round.
You no longer suffer multiple attack penalties for the duration
of this spell. You take a -2 circumstance penalty to all attacks;
this penalty is reduced to -1 for agile weapons. Make a Strike
against an opponent that you have missed during this round.



Cast D (somatic, verbal)

Duration 10 minutes
You grasp the strands of fate, and pull even mediocrity to
your benefit. Attacks you make count as a critical success on
a 10 on the die as long as that result is a success. The same
is true of saves.



Cast F (verbal)
Trigger You fail or critically fail a check
Frequency once per 10 minutes;

You reroll the triggering check and take the better result.

Nirvana is plane of purest good, and the agathions are the celestial outsiders that call it home. All
agathions start as mortals that were rewarded for their determination, self-awareness, and purity.


Prerequisite Agathion Dedication
You gain power from your connection to the agathions,
You gain the ability to use divine magic using focus spells
native celestials to Nirvana. Agathions start out as mortals
specific to agathions. You learn an agathion focus spell of your
who were rewarded for their determination, self-awareness,
choice: agathion shape, agathion value, or agathion's blessing
and purity of heart and are the most likely good celestials to
If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus
intervene nonviolently on the behalf of mortals.
Point, which you can Refocus by acting in line with your
core value or by performing acts of good. Agathion spells are
All agathions possess animal-like aspects, some appear
divine spells, and the key spellcasting ability for these is Cha.
more anthropomorphic, while others spend most of their
time in forms nearly indistinguishable from true animals.
Still others prefer to shapeshift as they see fit, or present as Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select a
humanoid when in the company of humanoid mortals. They different agathion focus spell and increase your Focus Points
also each serve a specific role in Nirvana. Their duties and by 1, to a maximum of 3.
forms generally reflect the core value they cultivated in life
to reach their enlightenment. Choose a specific animal. You
gain a hybrid form and an animal form related to that animal,
though you need other feats to access these forms. You MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
manifest small aspects of that animal in your natural form.
Additionally, choose a value such as wisdom, grace, cunning, Prerequisite Agathion Dedication
or whimsy.
Agathions have served as moderators between the
You become an expert in Religion, or in another trained chaotic azatas and lawful archons, so they know how vital
skill if you were already expert in Religion. You gain access communication with mortals can be to bridge differences
to the Cast a Spell activity. You can prepare two common and ensure that evil doesn't win out. You are affected by
cantrips each day from the divine spell list. You're trained tongues and speak with animals heightened to your highest
in spell attack rolls and spell DCs for divine spells. Your key non-mythic spell level. These count as constant spells. You
spellcasting ability for agathion archetype spells is Charisma, don't need to cast them, their duration is unlimited, and if
and they are divine agathion spells. they get counteracted you can reactivate them by spending
the normal spellcasting actions the spells require without
You gain basic spellcasting benefits. expending a spell slot. You also gain a +1 circumstance bonus
to Diplomacy when interacting with Good-aligned outsiders
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When and mortals, which increases to +2 until the start of your next
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher round after using Surge.
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic AGATHION BREADTH FEAT 8
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level Prerequisite Agathion Dedication
slot are always mythic heightened.
You can cast more divine spells each day. Increase the spell
slots you gain from agathion archetype feats by 1 for each
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat
spell level other than your two highest agathion spell slots.
until you have taken two feats from the agathion archetype.
Additional Mythic Feats Available: Alignment Insight, Bleed
Holy Power, Divine Guardian, Pure Form, Shapeshifting MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
Prerequisites Agathion Dedication, master in Religion
You gain the expert spellcasting benefits.

Requirement Have succeeded a mythic quest connected to
becoming an agathion, such as serving a draconal in enacting Cast D (somatic, verbal)
virtue Duration 1 hour
You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and You infuse yourself with the essence of Nirvana and
permanently turn into an agathion. This ritual should cost transform yourself into either the animal shape or hybrid
rare divine supplies and reagents worth the target's level shape you chose with your dedication. This allows you to
(minimum 1) × 100 gp. Your alignment becomes Neutral choose any form from animal form with the same attacks
Good and you permanently gain the hybrid animal shape
you chose with your dedication. After transforming, you will and movement as your chosen animal; you may use the size
gain the following benefits and/or traits: and statistics of that form. When you choose to use your
own attack modifier while polymorphed instead of the form's
Darkvision default attack modifier, you gain a +2 status bonus to your
Agathion and Celestial traits attack rolls. If you choose a hybrid shape, you do not gain
Neutral Good alignment any attacks but also are not prevented from casting spells,
+1 status bonus to all saves vs magic speaking, and using manipulate actions that require hands.
Weakness 10 vs. evil
Change Shape a (concentrate, divine, polymorph,
transmutation) You can transform only into a specific UNCOMMON AGATHION DIVINATION
individual Small or Medium humanoid, typically your form
before transforming. Cast D (somatic, verbal)
Agathion values You gain the ability to perform a basic Duration 1 minute
trained action that embodies your core value as a free action
with Trigger: Your turn begins (Such as Recall Knowledge for You embody the value you chose with your dedication.
wisdom). Choose one:
• You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to all checks (but not
Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast DCs)
agathion focus spells. You may instead cast them with a • You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and saves
cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting • You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the DCs of your
them to ignore the cooldown cost. spells and abilities
MASTER AGATHION SPELLCASTING FEAT 18 So long as you continue to act in line with your value, you
retain the bonus for the duration of the spells. Casting this
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE Spell counts as using Surge.

Prerequisite Expert Agathion Spellcasting, legendary in Heightened (11th) The bonus increases to +2.
Heightened (13th) The bonus increases to +3.
You gain the master spellcasting benefits. AGATHION'S BLESSING FOCUS 3


Range touch Targets 1 willing living creature
Prerequisite Master Agathion Spellcasting, mythic in Your hands become infused with positive energy,
Religion healing a living creature. You restore 20 Hit Points to
the target; if the target is one of your allies, they also
You gain the legendary spellcasting benefits. gain a +2 status bonus to ACs and saves for 1 round.
Heightened (+1) The healing increases by 8.

You draw your power not from an outsider or a place on the Material Plane, but directly from an
alignment. You are either a champion of Good, Evil, Chaos, Law, or a Neutral agent of cosmic balance.

lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
ALIGNMENT DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE MYTHIC DEDICATION are always mythic heightened.

You gain power from your connection to celestials, monitors, Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select a
or fiends or from any divinity, but from your primordial different alignment focus spell and increase your Focus Points
connection with an alignment itself. Choose an alignment by 1, to a maximum of 3.
you possess: Good, Evil, Chaotic, or Lawful. If your alignment CHAMPION FORM FEAT 6
changes and you no longer possess the alignment you chose
with this archetype, you lose access to its features until you MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
regain that alignment or cast an atone ritual, which will reset
Prerequisite Alignment Dedication
your alignment.
Requirements Good or Evil Alignment chosen with
You become an expert in Religion, or in another trained skill dedication
if you were already expert in Religion. You gain Intimidating
Strike, or another 1st- or 2nd-level fighter feat if you already You gain lay on hands as an alignment focus spell if the
possess Intimidating Strike. You must meet the requirements alignment you chose was good, or touch of corruption as an
for these feats. You gain 4 additional Hit Points for each aeon alignment focus spell if the alignment you chose was evil.
mythic archetype feat you have. As you continue selecting However, you are not bound the tenet of good or the tenet
aeon mythic archetype feats, you continue to gain additional of evil.
Hit Points in this way. Additionally, you gain a blade ally as per a champion's divine
Whenever you use the Surge action, your Strikes deal an ally. A spirit of battle dwells within your armaments. Select
additional 1d6 damage of the alignment you chose. You one weapon or handwraps of mighty blows when you make
gain the option to use Surge to allow your alignment based your daily preparations. In your hands, the item gains the
damage to deal half damage even to creatures that are neutral effect of a property rune and you also gain the weapon's
to that alignment, and to deal an additional 1d6 damage of the critical specialization effect.
alignment you chose on your Strikes. If you chose a good alignment, choose disrupting (greater),
holy, flaming, or ghost touch.
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until
you have taken two feats from the alignment archetype. If you chose evil, choose fearsome (greater), corrosive,
unholy, or grievous.
Additional Mythic Feats Available: Alignment Insight,
Contingent Channel, Planar Companion, Sanctum, Deific Bolt
Prerequisite Alignment Dedication
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE Requirements Chaotic or Lawful Alignment chosen with
Prerequisite Alignment Dedication dedication
You can sense the presence of magic auras as though you
You gain the ability to use divine magic using focus spells were always using a 1st-level detect magic spell. This detects
specific to those that gain power directly from an alignment. magic in your field of vision only. When you Seek, you gain
You learn an alignment focus spell of your choice: alignment the benefits of a 3rd-level detect magic spell on things you
smite, alignment armor, or self-actualization. If you don't see (in addition to the normal benefits of Seeking). You can
turn this sense off and on with a free action at the start or
already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, the end of your turn. Additionally, you gain the ability to
which you can Refocus by acting according to your alignment. cast a mythic heightened zone of truth once per day as a
Alignment spells are divine spells, and the key spellcasting divine innate spell if the alignment you chose was lawful,
ability for these either Int, Wis, or Cha (your choice). You or a mythic heightened zone of lies once per day as a divine
become trained in divine spells if you were not already. innate spell if the alignment you chose was Chaotic (which
work identically to zone of truth, but compels creatures to
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When believe lies, rather than speak truth).
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher Additionally, you may cast a 6th dominate as an at-will divine
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic innate spell but may only target creatures of the alignment
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you you chose with this dedication. You may not order them to
do any action that would go against that alignment.
ALIGNMENT SPELLS increase by 2d6, and the damage to adjacent creatures dealt
while in your shining state increases by 1.
Cast D to 2 rounds
Cast A (verbal)
Range 500 feet; Area 20-foot burst
Area 10-foot emanation
Save Reflex (basic)
Saving thow Reflex (basic)
You draw forth the raw energy of your alignment and blast You heal 3d6 Hit Points and deal 10 damage of the alignment
it onto an area. You deal 4d6 damage corresponding to the you chose at your dedication to creatures within the
alignment you chose with the dedication to all creatures not area. You attempt to counteract any magical effect on you
of that alignment; half of this damage is divine and bypasses that originates from a creature of the opposite alignment.
any immunity or resistance that creature may have had Heightened (+1) The healing increases by 1d6. The damage
(including the natural immunity from not being a neutral increases by 2.
Creatures that fail their saves are also sickened 1; creatures ALIGNMENT ARMOR FOCUS 3
that failed their saves from the opposite alignment are UNCOMMON ABJURATION ALIGNMENT
instead drained 1. The number of actions you spend when
Casting this Spell determines the area and other parameters. Cast D (somatic, verbal)
Duration 1 minute
Creatures with that alignment instead are healed 4d6 Hit
Points. You gain armor fashioned from the primordial energies
d (somatic, verbal) The burst is 20-feet. associated with your alignment. You gain resistance 5 to
physical and resistance 10 to critical hits, but weakness 5 to
t (material, somatic, verbal) The burst is 40-feet.
your opposing alignment.
Two Rounds The burst is 40-feet. If you spend 3 actions
Casting the Spell, you can avoid finishing the spell and spend Heightened (+1) The resistance to physical and weakness
another 3 actions on your next turn to empower the spell increases by 1. The resistance to critical hits increases by 2.
even further. If you choose to do so, the damage and healing
dealt by this spell increases by 2d6, and you gain resistance
to all elements other than your own for 1 minute.
Heightened (+1) The initial damage and healing, as well as
the additional damage for the 2-round casting time, each
Your power has connections to the celestial hosts, whether it be to the messengers that bring tidings
to and from the Material Plane to the good-aligned planes, the warrior host, or even the Empyreal Lords.



Prerequisite Angel Dedication

You gain power from angels, the celestial hosts that primarily
live in Nirvana and serve as messengers and warriors for the Area 60-foot emanation; Duration 1 minute
forces of good. . You focus your mythic energy and create an angelic halo.
You become an expert in Religion, or in another trained Your halo sheds light with the effects of a divine light cantrip.
skill if you were already expert in Religion. You gain access You can suppress or reestablish the halo with a single action,
to the Cast a Spell activity. You can prepare two common which has the concentrate trait. Additionally, you and allies
cantrips each day from the divine spell list. You're trained within the area gain Temporary Hit Points equal to twice your
in spell attack rolls and spell DCs for divine spells. Your key level when you first use this ability.
spellcasting ability for agathion archetype spells is Wisdom, While the halo is active, you and allies within 60-feet gain fast
and they are divine angel spells. healing 1. Whenever you use Surge, you gain the option to
You gain basic spellcasting benefits. increase this to fast healing equal to your level until the start
of your next round.
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher ANGELIC BREADTH FEAT 8
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from. Prerequisite Angel Dedication
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level You can cast more divine spells each day. Increase the spell
slot are always mythic heightened. slots you gain from angel archetype feats by 1 for each spell
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat level other than your two highest angel spell slots.
until you have taken two feats from the angel archetype. EXPERT ANGELIC SPELLCASTING FEAT 12
Additional Mythic Feats Available: Bleed Holy Power,
Alignment Insight, Deific Bolt, Fleet Warrior, Divine Guardian
Prerequisites Angel Dedication, master in Religion

ANGEL POWERS FEAT 6 You gain the expert spellcasting benefits.


Prerequisite Angel Dedication ANGEL TRANSFORMATION FEAT 18

You gain the ability to use divine magic using focus spells
specific to angels. You learn an angel focus spell of your Prerequisite Angel Dedication
choice: cleanse form storm of justice, or sword of heaven,. If Requirement Have succeeded a mythic quest connected to
you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus becoming an angel, often involving assisting the celestial
Point, which you can Refocus by studying or performing
You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
magic. Angel spells are divine spells; the key spellcasting permanently turn into an angel. This ritual should cost
ability for these spells is Wisdom. rare divine supplies and reagents worth the target's level
(minimum 1) × 100 gp. After transforming, you will gain the
Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select a
following benefits and/or traits:
different angel focus spell and increase your Focus Points by
1, to a maximum of 3. Darkvision
Angel and Celestial traits
Neutral good Alignment
+1 status bonus to all saves vs magic
Weakness 10 vs. evil
Resistance 10 vs. fire
Angelic Halo becomes permanent, and always fast healing
equal to your level. You may spend an action once per STORM OF JUSTICE FOCUS 3
minute to grant Temporary Hit points equal to your level.
Angelic Wings granting a flight Speed equal to 30 or your UNCOMMON ANGEL DIVINE ELECTRICITY EVOCATION
Speed, whichever is greater Cast A to 2 rounds
Change Shape a (concentrate, divine, polymorph,
Range Varies Duration varies
transmutation) You can transform only into a specific
individual Small or Medium humanoid, typically the form You unleash a bolt of divine justice, dealing 2d12 electricity
you had before the ritual. You can't transform into a generic damage with a basic Reflex save. Half of this damage is
member of a given ancestry. divine and ignores the target’s electricity resistance. The
Flaming Armaments Any weapon gains the effect of a number of actions you spend when Casting this Spell
greater flaming property rune while you wield it. determines the area and other parameters.

Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast angel a (somatic) The area is a 10-foot burst
focus spells. You may instead cast them with a cooldown d (somatic, verbal) The area is up to four different 10-foot
of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting them to bursts. The bursts can't overlap, and a creature takes the
ignore the cooldown cost.
same amount of damage no matter how many bursts it's
caught in
t (somatic, verbal, material) The area is up to eight
MASTER ANGELIC SPELLCASTING FEAT 18 different 10-foot bursts, and the damage increases to 3d12.
The bursts can't overlap, and a creature takes the same
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE amount of damage no matter how many bursts it's caught in.
Two Rounds The area is up to eight different 10-foot bursts,
Prerequisite Expert Angelic Spellcasting, legendary in and the damage increases to 3d12. The bursts can't overlap,
Religion and a creature takes the same amount of damage no matter
how many bursts it's caught in. This effect repeats for the
You gain the master spellcasting benefits.
next 5 rounds, in the same areas.
LEGENDARY ANGELIC SPELLCASTING FEAT 22 Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d12.


Prerequisite Master Angelic Spellcasting, mythic in UNCOMMON ANGEL FIRE LIGHT TRANSMUTATION

Religion Cast D (somatic, verbal)

Targets 1 weapon; Duration 1 minute
You gain the legendary spellcasting benefits.
Angels can imbue their weapons with holy power. The
weapon gains the holy property rune. Additionally, you may
Angel Spells make a ranged attack using that weapon by pointing the
weapon at a target and spending one action to fire a beam of
CLEANSE FORM FOCUS 3 fire towards the target. The attack has the divine, fire, light
traits, does not benefit from property runes, and has a range
of 120 feet. This beam attack deals 2d6 fire damage, and
Cast D (somatic, verbal) evil creatures hit by the beam take 10 good damage with a
You heal 3d6 Hit Points, and attempt to counteract all diseases, basic Fortitude save. On a failure, they are also sickened 1.
poisons, and curses as well as the blinded, clumsy, confused, Heightened (+1) The fire damage increases by 1d6, and the
deafened, drained, enfeebled, or sickened conditions from good damage increases by 5.
spells affecting you.
Heightened (+1) The healing increases by 1d6.

You derive your power from arcane magic itself. Through creativity and study, through talent and
hard work, you have tapped into the essence of magic and beaten it to your will.


Prerequisite Archmage Dedication
You gain power from your own mastery of magic.
You make countermeasures against one tradition of magic.
You become an expert in Arcana, or in another trained skill Choose arcane, divine, occult, or primal. Until the start of
if you were already expert in Arcana. You cast spells like your next turn, whenever you make a saving thow against
a wizard, gaining a spellbook with four common arcane an effect of that tradition, you roll twice and take the better
cantrips of your choice. You gain the Cast a Spell activity. result and this gains the fortune trait. Additionally, whenever
You can prepare two cantrips each day from your spellbook. an effect from that tradition attempts to counteract you, the
You're trained in arcane spell attack rolls and spell DCs. Your source must roll twice and take the lesser result and this
key spellcasting ability for archmage archetype spells is gains the misfortune trait.
either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (your choice), and
they are arcane archmage spells. ARCHMAGE BREADTH FEAT 8
You gain basic spellcasting benefits.
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher Prerequisite Archmage Dedication
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic You can cast more arcane spells each day. Increase the spell
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you slots you gain from archmage archetype feats by 1 for each
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your spell level other than your two highest archmage spell slots.
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level
slot are always mythic heightened. EXPERT ARCHMAGE SPELLCASTING FEAT 12
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
until you have taken two feats from the archmage archetype
Prerequisites Archmage Dedication, master in Arcana
Additional Mythic Feats Available Deep Understanding,
Eldritch Breach, Enduring Armor, Spell Perfection, You gain the expert spellcasting benefits.



Prerequisite Archmage Dedication Prerequisite Archmage Dedication

Frequency Once per hour
You gain the ability to use arcane magic using focus spells
specific to archmages. You learn an archmage focus spell Your mastery of magic allows you to modify your spells to
of your choice: abjuring shield, evocative blast, or instant great effect. If the next action you use is to Cast a Spell that
movement. If you don't already have one, you gain a focus targets one or more non-mythic creatures, each of those
pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by studying or creatures must roll any saving throws against the spell twice
performing magic. Archmage spells are arcane spells; the key and take the lower result.
spellcasting ability for these spells is the same as what you
chose with your dedication.
Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select a
different archmage focus spell and increase your Focus Points MASTER ARCHMAGE SPELLCASTING FEAT 18
by 1, to a maximum of 3.

Prerequisite Expert Archmage Spellcasting, legendary in

You gain the master spellcasting benefits.

Prerequisite Archmage Dedication Cast A to T

Frequency Once per hour Targets 1 creature; Range 60 feet
You summon a blast of force and impel towards your target.
You channel your energy, preparing to cast a flurry of spells. You deal force damage to the target, and they get a basic
You cannot make reactions until the start of your next turn, Fortitude save. The number of actions you spend when
but you gain the benefits of Archmage Defenses if you have Casting this Spell determines its damage, area, and other
possess that feat. At the start of your next turn you can use parameters.
up to 8 actions to use the Cast a Spell Activity. Each spell you
cast must have a different name and counts as being mythic a (somatic)The damage is 3d6.
heightened. After you use these actions, you are slowed 1 for d (somatic, verbal) The damage increases to 6d6, and if the
1 minute, cannot use Surge for 1 minute, and your turn ends. target fails the Fortitude save they are knocked back 10 feet
t (material, somatic, verbal) The damage increases to 6d6,
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE and creatures within 10 feet of the target take 12 force
Prerequisite Master Archmage Spellcasting, mythic in
Heightened (+1) The damage by 1d6 for one-action version
Arcana fo the spell, 2d6 for the two-action version of the spell, and
You gain the legendary spellcasting benefits. 2d6 and 4 for the three-action version of the spell

Archmage Spells

Cast r (somatic) Cast F (somatic)

Area varies; Range 30 feet Trigger Your turn starts; Range 60 feet
Trigger A creature succeeds at a melee attack Frequency Once per minute
against you, makes a ranged attack against you, You instantly transport yourself and any items
or moves towards you you're wearing and holding from your current
Requirements You’re aware of the attack or space to a clear space within range you can
movement, and are not flat-footed against it see. If a magical effect would prevent you
or the moving creature from teleporting, you may counteract it. If
you succeed at counteracting the effect,
You quickly summon a force barrier. You
it is suppressed for one minute unless
may summon this barrier around yourself
it originated from a mythic creature or
to prevent 12 damage from a melee attack,
gain a +4 circumstance bonus against the
ranged attack, or counteract the movement Heightened (6th) The range increases to
(the level of movement is the level of the 100 feet.
creature moving). Heightened (9th) The range increases to
400 feet.
If you succeed at counteracting movement Heightened (12th) The range increases to 1
with this spell, the action is wasted and the mile.
barrier remains until the start of your turn.
It has 10 AC, 20 Hit Points, and 20 Hardness.
Heightened (+1) You block an additional 4
damage, or the force wall gains 5 Hitpoints.

You derive your power from the archons, the celestial guardians of Heaven, forever sworn to serve the
cause of justice and teach the denizens of the Material Plane how to act with honor and integrity.

ARCHON DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select
a different archon focus spell and increase your Focus Points

You gain power from your connection to the Archons, native

celestials to Heaven. ARCHON'S DOOR r FEAT 6
Each archon represents a particular virtue, such as hope, MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
charity, justice, or courage, and they gain strength in the
Prerequisite Archon Dedication
presence of mortals who exemplify this virtue. Choose one
Trigger You see another creature use dimension door
such virtue to embody.
Frequency Once per 10 minutes
You become an expert in Religion, or in another trained skill
You attempt to follow that creature by casting dimension
if you were already expert in Religion. You gain Combat Grab,
door. If your dimension door has enough distance, appear the
or another 1st- or 2nd-level fighter feat if you already possess
same distance and direction from the creature as before either
Combat Grab. You must meet the requirements for these
creature used dimension door.
feats. You gain dimension door as a 4th-level divine innate
spell that you can cast once per day; this spell is automatically
mythic heightened. You become trained in divine spells if you
were not already.
Whenever you use the Surge action, your attacks deal an
additional 1d4 lawful and 1d4 good damage until the start of
your next round. You gain the option to use Surge emit a 30-
foot aura that attempts to counteract any teleportation effect
by non-good creatures.
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until
you have taken two feats from the archon archetype
Additional Mythic Feats Available Teleportation Master,
Dimensional Retributions, Adamantine Mind, Bleed Holy
Power, Eldritch Flight



Prerequisite Archon Dedication

You gain the ability to use divine magic using focus spells
specific to archons. You learn an archon focus spell of your
choice: divine shield, flame of justice, or trumpet blast. If you
don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point,
which you can Refocus by acting in line with your core virtue
or by performing acts of good. Archon spells are divine spells,
and the key spellcasting ability for these is Wis.
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
are always mythic heightened.


Cast D (somatic, verbal)

Prerequisite Archon Dedication
Requirements Have succeeded a mythic quest connected Duration 10 minutes
to becoming an archon, often involving the protection of Frequency once per 10 minutes;
Heaven Like a legion archon, you manifest a spirit of righteousness
You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and manifests in your hands as a mighty two-handed sword
permanently turn into an archon. This ritual should cost called the flame of justice. This sword is treated as a +1
rare divine supplies and reagents worth the target's
striking flaming greatsword, except that it can be thrown
level (minimum 1) × 100 gp. You gain a new shape that
corresponds to your virtue. After transforming, you will gain to make ranged attacks at a distance of 60 feet, reappears
the following benefits and/or traits: instantly in your hands if disarmed or thrown, and uses your
highest weapon proficiency. When you cast this spell, you
Archon and Celestial traits may make a melee Strike with the flame of justice.
Lawful Good alignment Heightened (5th) The flame of justice counts as a +2 striking
Darkvision greatsword instead
True Seeing (as a constant spell) Heightened (6th) The flame of justice counts as a +2 greater
Either a fly Speed equal to your Speed and wings or air walk striking greatsword instead
(as a constant spell) Heightened (7th) The flame of justice counts having the
+1 status bonus to all saves vs magic
flaming and holy property runes instead
Weakness 15 vs. evil
Heightened (8th) The flame of justice counts as a +3 greater
Archon Surge When you use mythic surge, your attacks do
an additional 2d4 lawful and 2d4 good damage until the striking greatsword instead
start of your next round. You gain the option to heal Hit Heightened (9th) The flame of justice counts as having
Points equal to your level. the greater flaming, holy, and greater anchoring properties
Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast Heightened (10th) The flame of justice counts as a +3 major
archon focus spells. You may instead cast them with a striking greatsword instead
cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting Heightened (11th) The flame of justice counts as a +4 major
them to ignore the cooldown cost. You gain a 5th level striking greatsword instead
dimension door that you can cast as a divine innate spell
at-will, and you can ignore the frequency limit on Archon's TRUMPET BLAST FOCUS 3
Targets Any number of non-archon creatures
Cast D (somatic, verbal) You bring forth a trumpet archon's eponymous horn, blowing
Duration 10 minutes it mightily horn to create a tone of such beauty and grandeur
You call forth the power of a shield archon transforming one those who hear it are paralyzed in awe. Target creatures must
of your hands into a shield archon's shield. You always have attempt a Fortitude save. They are temporarily immune for
your shield raised without needing to Raise a Shield, and you 10 minutes.
can use Shield Block as a free action instead of a reaction Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
(Hardness 10, HP 80, BT 40). You can trigger your Shield Success The creature is flat-footed.
Block free action when an ally within 10 feet is the target of Failure The creature is stunned 1 and flat-footed as long as
an attack, reducing damage to that ally instead of yourself but it's stunned.
otherwise following the normal rules of Shield Block. Critical Failure The creature is paralyzed for 1 round.
Heightened (5th) The shield has Hardness 13, HP 104, and BT 52.
Heightened (6th) The shield has Hardness 15, HP 120, and BT 60.
Heightened (7th) The shield has Hardness 17, HP 136, and BT 68.
Heightened (9th) The shield has Hardness 20, HP 160, and BT 80.
Heightened (10th) The shield has Hardness 22, HP 176, and BT 88.
Heightened (11th) The shield has Hardness 24, HP 192, and BT 96.
Heightened (12th) The shield has Hardness 26, HP 208, and BT 104.
Heightened (13th) The shield has Hardness 28, HP 224, and BT 112.
You draw strength from the manifestations of freedom, the celestial outsiders that match the
untameable wilds of the Elysium they hail from. You have a personal connection to a particular freedom.

Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level
slot are always mythic heightened.
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat
until you have taken two feats from the azata archetype.
Additional Mythic Feats Available Transformative Familiar,
Instrument of Faith, Impressible Soul, Pilgrim of Waves,



Prerequisite Azata Dedication

You gain the ability to tap into the freedom of Elysium using
focus spells specific to azatas. You learn an azata focus spell
of your choice: field of flowers, protection of nature, or song
of broken chains. If you don't already have one, you gain a
focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by dancing
to song or performing. Azata spells are primal spells; the key
spellcasting ability for these spells is Charisma.
Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select a
different azata focus spell and increase your Focus Points by
1, to a maximum of 3.




Prerequisite Azata Dedication
Trigger You start your turn and are currently suffering
You gain power from the azatas, the chaotic muses of
a penalty to your speed or are immobilized, grabbed, or
Elysium. Azatas are passionate and mercurial manifestations
of freedom. Each azata represents a specific type of restrained
freedom. Frequency Once per minute
You become an expert in Nature, or in another trained skill You immediately attempt to counteract every effect hindering
if you were already expert in Nature. You cast spells like a your movement. You then become immune to penalties to
druid. You gain access to the Cast a Spell activity. You can your speed until the start of your next round.
prepare two common cantrips each day from the primal
spell list.. You're trained in spell attack rolls and spell DCs AZATA BREADTH FEAT 8
for primal spells. Your key spellcasting ability for Azata
archetype spells is Charisma, and they are primal azata
spells. Prerequisite Azata Dedication
You gain basic spellcasting benefits. You can cast more primal spells each day. Increase the spell
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When slots you gain from azata archetype feats by 1 for each spell
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher level other than your two highest azata spell slots.
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
Prerequisites Azata Dedication, master in Nature
Cast t (material, somatic, verbal)
You gain the expert spellcasting benefits. Range 120 feet; Area 20-foot burst

MYTHIC ARCHETYPE TRANSFORMATION You summon a burst of flowers. The area counts as difficult
terrain. Each round that a creature starts its turn in the area,
Prerequisite Azata Dedication
Requirement Have succeeded a mythic quest connected it must attempt a Reflex save. On a failure, it takes a –10-foot
to becoming an azata, such as assisting a veranallia in circumstance penalty to its Speeds until it leaves the area,
transforming a demon blighted forest and on a critical failure, it is also immobilized for 1 round.
You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and Creatures can attempt to Escape at field of flower's DC to
permanently turn into an azata . This ritual should cost remove these effects. On the second consecutive round in the
rare primal supplies and reagents worth the target's level field of flowers, enemies must make a Will save; if they fail
(minimum 1) × 100 gp. After transforming, you will gain the they are fascinated by the flowers. On the third consecutive
following benefits and/or traits: round in the field of flowers, enemies must make another
Will save or fall unconscious. If it's still unconscious after 1
minute, it wakes up automatically.
Azata and Celestial traits
Chaotic Good Alignment Heightened (6th) Increase the area to a 60 feet burst.
+1 status bonus to all saves vs magic
Weakness 10 evil and 10 cold iron PROTECTION OF NATURE FOCUS 3
You are affected by endure elements, speak with animals, UNCOMMON ABJURATION AZATA
speak with plants, and tongues heightened to your highest
non-mythic spell level. These count as constant spells. You Cast T
don't need to cast them, their duration is unlimited, and if Area 60-foot emanation Duration 1 minute
they get counteracted you can reactivate them by spending You protect yourself and your allies in a shroud of swirling
the normal spellcasting actions the spells require without
leaves. The cover of leaves has the following effects:
expending a spell slot.
• You and your allies are concealed to all enemies.
You gain immunity to one of the following conditions:
controlled, fleeing, grabbed, paralyzed, petrified, slowed, or • You and your allies are immune to cold.
stunned. • Whenever you or your allies is targeted by an op-
ponent's spell, that opponent takes 4d6 sonic dam-
Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast Azata age with a basic Reflex save.
focus spells. You may instead cast them with a cooldown Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 1d6.
of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting them to
ignore the cooldown cost. You may ignore the frequency SONG OF BROKEN CHAINS FOCUS 3
limit on Break Free!.
Area 60 foot emanation; Duration sustained up to 1 minute
You start a song that protects your allies from hindering
Prerequisite Expert Azata Spellcasting, legendary in Nature effects. All allies within 60 feet gain the effects of freedom
of movement. You may spend 1 action each round to sustain
You gain the master spellcasting benefits. this effect.

Prerequisite Master Azata Spellcasting, mythic in

You gain the legendary spellcasting benefits.

Whether you wield the power of a clockwork beast, or have become one yourself, you bring the
mechanical might of precision-tuned gears to the fore and have become something more in the process.

that start their turn in the aura or enter it.

Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until
you have taken two feats from the clockwork archetype.
Additional Mythic Feats Available Beyond Mortal Needs,
Destroyer, Fleet Warrior, Longevity, Mythic Recovery

Prerequisite Clockwork Dedication

You gain the ability to use arcane magic using focus spells
specific to clockwork. You learn a clockwork focus spell of
your choice: reconstruct, shock!, or whirring doom. If you
don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point,
which you can Refocus by performing maintenance on your
mechanical parts or studying magical engineering. Clockwork
spells are arcane spells, and the key spellcasting ability for
these is Int. You become trained in arcane spells if you were
not already.
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
are always mythic heightened.
Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select
CLOCKWORK DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT a different clockwork focus spell and increase your Focus
Points by 1, to a maximum of 3.

You gain power from your connection to the clockwork,

intricate, complex machines that use a combination of arcane WIND UP A FEAT 6
and engineering mastery to function. Though their creation
involves some amount of magic, they're primarily mechanical, MANIPULATE MYTHIC ARCHETYPE

packed with precision-tuned gears and springs working Prerequisite Clockwork Dedication
in concert. As you tap into their power, your body adopts Frequency Once per minute
clockwork characteristics and features.
You gain the quickened condition for three rounds, after which
You become an expert in Crafting, or in another trained skill if you become slowed for 1 round. You may use the quickened
you were already expert in Crafting. You gain 4 additional Hit condition to Strike, Stride, Step, Fly, or Cast a Spell with the
Points for each clockwork mythic archetype feat you have. As clockwork trait.
you continue selecting clockwork mythic archetype feats, you
continue to gain additional Hit Points in this way.
Whenever you use the Surge action, your attacks deal an
additional 1d4 electricity damage under the start of your next
turn and you shoot a force missile that automatically hits and
deals 1d4+1 force damage. You gain the option to use Surge
emit a 30-foot aura that deals 5 electricity damage to enemies


Prerequisite Clockwork Dedication Cast t (somatic)

Requirements Have succeeded a mythic quest in service of a Frequency Once per round
mythic craftsmen or mage in the quest of transforming into
a clockwork creation You become a blur of spinning weaponry. You make up to
You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and five melee Strikes, as copies of your weapons or appendages
permanently turn into a clockwork creature. This ritual emerge from your body. You take a –4 penalty to the attack
should cost rare arcane supplies and reagents worth the roll for each attack, but ignore the multiple attack penalty
target's level (minimum 1) × 100 gp. After transforming, you until you have made all of the attacks. You can target each
will gain the following benefits and/or traits: creature in reach only once.
Construct and Clockwork traits
If you used Whirring Doom in the previous round, you can
Immunity bleed, death effects, disease, doomed, drained, use it again this round using only 2 actions instead of 3. If
fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, you do, your Speed is halved until the end of your next turn.
paralyzed, poisoned, sickened, unconscious
Self-winding For you to act, you must have your internal Heightened (9th) If you used Whirring Doom in the previous
mechanisms wound. Unlike other constructs, you can round, you can use it again this round using only 1 action
wind your own mechanisms, albeit inefficiently. If another instead of 3. If you do, your Speed is halved until the end of
creature instead winds your mechanisms, you gain a +10 your next turn.
circumstance bonus to your Speeds for the next 24 hours.
Weakness 15 to electricity, orichalcum
Clockwork Surge Whenever you use the Surge action, your
attacks deal an additional 2d4 electricity damage until the
start of your next turn and you shoot two force missiles
which automatically hit and deal 1d4+1 force damage. You
gain the option to use Surge to increase grant your attacks
the reach 10 feet trait, or the reach 15 feet trait if they
already have reach.
Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast
clockwork focus spells. You may instead cast them with a
cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting
them to ignore the cooldown cost.

Clockwork Spells

Cast T (material, somatic, verbal)

You regain 50 Hit Points.
Heightened (+1) You regain 15 additional Hit Points

Cast t (material, somatic, verbal)

Area 30-foot emanation
Saving thow Reflex (basic)
You send a wave of energy from your internal components,
dealing 4d12 electricity damage to all other creatures.
Enemies that fail that save also take 4 persistent electricity
damage, and are flat-footed so long as they are taking
persistent damage.
Heightened (+1) You deal 1d12 additional electric damage, and
1 additional persistent electric damage

Abaddon is a bleak and terrible plane, and its residents are devoted to naught but the destruction of
life in all its forms. You have tapped in this urge and power, whether by choice or accident.

DAEMON DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT Point, which you can Refocus by performing acts of evil or
pursuing your method of death. Daemon spells are divine
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE MYTHIC DEDICATION spells, and the key spellcasting ability for these is Cha. You
become trained in divine spells if you were not already.
You gain power from your connection to the daemons,
fiendish denizens of the bleak and terrible plane of Abaddon, You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When
that are shaped by and devoted to the destruction of life in all you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher
its forms. They seek the death of every mortal being by the than the maximum level you could cast without mythic
most painful and horrible means possible, all in service to the heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
apocalyptic entities known as the Four Horsemen. Each kind lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
of daemon represents a different way to die, and their powers choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
are nearly always aimed at spreading that particular form of Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
death. Choose one such form of death to embody. are always mythic heightened.

You become an expert in Religion, or in another trained skill if Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select
you were already expert in Religion. You gain Sudden Charge, a different daemon focus spell and increase your Focus Points
or another 1st- or 2nd-level fighter feat if you already possess by 1, to a maximum of 3.
Sudden Charge. You must meet the requirements for these SOUL SIPHON FEAT 6
feats. You gain dimension door as a 4th-level divine innate
spell that you can cast once per day; this spell is automatically AURA DIVINE FORCE MYTHIC ARCHETYPE NECROMANCY

mythic heightened. Prerequisite Daemon Dedication

Whenever you use the Surge action, your attacks deal an Like an astradaemon, you draw power from the souls of the
additional 2d6 evil damage until the start of the next round; recently slain. If a Small or larger living creature dies within
this does half damage even to non-good, non-evil creatures. the 30-foot aura you emit, you gain 5 temporary Hit Points
You gain the option to use Surge to force a creature within and a +1 circumstance bonus to attack and damage rolls for
30 feet to make a Fortitude save (this effect gains the death 1 round, unless the creature was slain by your Devour Soul
trait): focus spell. Incorporeal undead and living spirits traveling
Critical Success Unaffected outside the body take 1d8 force damage each round within
Success They take persistent evil damage equal to your level. your aura from the spiritual pressure as you pull in fragments
This does half damage even to non-good, non-evil creatures of their soul.
Failure They take persistent evil damage equal to your level DAEMON TRANSFORMATION FEAT 18
and are drained 1. This does half damage even to non-good,
Critical Failure They take persistent evil damage equal to Prerequisite Daemon Dedication
twice your level and are drained 2. This does half damage Requirements Have succeeded a mythic quest to become a
even to non-good, non-evil creatures daemon
You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until
permanently turn into a daemon. This ritual should cost
you have taken two feats from the daemon archetype. rare divine supplies and reagents worth the target's
Additional Mythic Feats Available Alter Channel, Backlash, level (minimum 1) × 100 gp. You gain a new shape
that corresponds to your chosen form of death. After
Destroyer, To the Death, Virulent Persistence
transforming, you will gain the following benefits and/or
DAEMON POWERS FEAT 6 Fiend and Daemon traits
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE Neutral Evil alignment
Prerequisite Daemon Dedication True Seeing as a constant spell
You gain the ability to use divine magic using focus spells +1 status bonus to all saves vs magic
specific to daemons. You learn an daemon's focus spell of your Immunity death effects
choice: devour soul, terrifying gaze, or swarming infestation. If Weakness 10 vs. good
you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Daemon Surge When you use Surge, you gain a +2 status
bonus to the DCs of any effect with the death trait you inflict
before the start of your next turn. You gain the option to use save or become fleeing for 1d4 rounds; this second effect has
Surge to force a creature within 30 feet to make a Fortitude the incapacitation trait. After attempting its save, the creature
save (this effect gains the death and curse traits): is temporarily immune to this ability until the start of your
next turn.
Success The creature is unaffected
Failure The creature becomes marked for death. For the next SWARMING INFESTATION FOCUS 3
minute, whenever they would make a save against a death
effect, they roll twice and take the worse result. UNCOMMON ATTACK CONJURATION DAEMON
Critical Failure As failure, but the effect is permanent. Cast D
Range 60 feet; Targets 1 or 2 creatures
Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast Saving thow Reflex
daemon focus spells. You may instead cast them with a
cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting The channel the ability of a derghodaemon to spew a large
them to ignore the cooldown cost. You may ignore the swarm. You make spit Strike against the targets, using
frequency limit of Devour Soul. your spellcasting proficiency (or your attack modifier if it is
higher). This spit Strike has the evil and magical traits and
Daemon Spells deals 4d6 piercing damage plus 1d6 evil damage.
DEVOUR SOUL FOCUS 3 Whether or not the targets are hit, each must attempt a
UNCOMMON DAEMON DEATH INCAPACITATION NECROMANCY Reflex save (at a –2 circumstance penalty if it was actually
hit by the swarm spit). Persistent damage caused by the
Cast A (somatic)
swarming infestation ends as soon as the creature takes any
Frequency Once per day
amount of damage from an area effect.
Requirement You haven't used an attack with the attack trait
this turn and you have a target grabbed Critical Success The swarm disperses as soon as it deals its
Saving thow Fortitude swarm spit Strike damage.
Success The swarm clings to the target and infests it, dealing
You draw out and consume the soul of a living creature you
1d6 persistent piercing damage.
have grabbed. The creature must succeed at a Fortitude save.
Failure The swarm clings to the target and infests it, dealing
Success The creature takes 2d6 negative damage 2d6 persistent piercing damage.
Failure The creature dies. Critical Failure As failure, but the hissing sounds caused by
Critical Failure As failure, but the creature cannot be re- the infestation also cause the target to become confused for
stored to life except through miracle or similar magic 1 round; this additional effect has the auditory, emotion, and
mental traits.

If it dies, you gain 10 temporary Hit Points and a +2 circum- Heightened (+2) The swarm spit damage increases by 2d6.
stance bonus to attack and damage rolls for 1 minute, or for 1 The persistent piercing damage increases by 1d6 damage for
day if the victim was 15th level or higher or mythic. A victim a success, and 2d6 persistent damage for a failure.
slain in this way can be returned to life normally. A creature
that survives is temporarily immune for 1 minute.




Cast D (somatic, verbal)

Area 30-foot emanation; Duration 1 minute
Saving thow Will
When a creature ends its turn inside the area, it must attempt
a Will save. If the creature fails, it becomes frightened 2. The
creature is then temporarily immune to terrifying gaze (but
not Focus Gaze) for 24 hours. You gain the Focus Gaze action.
Focus Gaze a (concentrate, divine, fear, visual) Like a
thanadaemon, you glare at a single creature you can see
within 30 feet. If the target wasn't already frightened, they
must immediately attempt a Will save against terrifying gaze.
If the target was already frightened, they must attempt a Will
You aren't a mere vessel for another power, you are a power unto yourself. You have taken the first
steps towards divinity itself, and now have enough of the divine spark to grant aid to your followers.



Prerequisite Demigod Dedication

Frequency Once per day
You can call upon your divine nature to empower your
abilities. As part of using this ability, you may use any action
or activity that takes three or less actions to use and does not
effect another creature. You automatically critically succeed
at any checks required to perform that action. At the GM's
discretion, you may also use this for untrained and trained
skill actions that take longer to perform and are related to
your deific portfolio.

Prerequisite Demigod Dedication

Choose a weapon. That weapon becomes a favored weapon
for our followers, and your connection to that weapon grows.
Whenever you wield a weapon of that type, you gain a +1
circumstance bonus to your first attack each round and it
gains a fundamental weapon rune per below with the effects
of an additional property rune depending on your alignment:
holy for good, unholy for evil, anarchic for chaotic, axiomatic,
for lawful, or brilliant for true neutral).
Below level 10: +1 striking
Level 12: +2 greater striking
You gain power from your own growing grasp on divinity. If Level 16: +3 greater striking
you do not already have a deific portfolio, you generate one Level 19: +3 major striking
now. A deific portfolio includes the following: Level 21: +4 major striking
• Edicts
In addition to this, you cannot be disarmed while wielding
• Anathema
your chosen weapon.
• Areas of concern
• Follower alignments
You become an expert in any two skills. You gain a bonus skill INSTRUMENT OF FAITH FEAT 6
feat; this does not count as a mythic archetype feat. You must MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
meet the requirements for this feat.
Prerequisite Demigod Dedication
Whenever you use the Surge action, you gain a +1 status
bonus to all checks and DCs. You gain the option to use Surge Choose a item in your possession. That item becomes a
to gain resistance to damage from non-mythic sources equal divine artifact related to your faith. This has the following
to half your level. effects:
• The item can be damaged only by a disintegrate spell
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until (roll damage as if against a creature that failed its save)
you have taken two feats from the demigod archetype. or by an artifact tied to destruction, such as a sphere of
Additional Mythic Feats Available Assured Skill, Deific Bolt, annihilation.
Divine Source, Ruler, Sanctum • Any item bonuses the item would give increase by 1, to
maximum of +4, per the GM's discretion
• If you have Focus Points, you don't need to do anything returns to a hidden location within your divine realm, and
specific to Refocus as long as the item is in your posses- you are immediately restored to life at that location. You are
sion; the power flowing from the item naturally replen- restored to your maximum Hit Points without any negative
ishes your focus pool physical conditions.
• You may use Act of Divinity once per hour on skill checks
Once this occurs, you can’t use this resurrection ability this
that gain an item bonus from your chosen item, even if
way again until a full year has passed, and gain the doomed
you have already used Act of Divinity that day. 1 condition until you can resurrect this way. If you are slain
• Your power becomes tied to that item. If another char- again during this year or are killed by unusual methods (such
acter wields the item, you become enfeebled 2 until you as by a true deity or an artifact created for this purpose) you
wield, wear, or have the item stored on your person. are slain forever.
Likewise, if your chosen item is more than 1 mile from
your character you are enfeebled 2 until you wield, wear, EXPAND REALM RITUAL 9
or have the item stored on your person.

DIVINE REALM FEAT 18 Cast 9 days; Cost precious materials worth a total value of
15,000 gp; Secondary Casters 3
Primary Check Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE (legendary); Secondary Checks Arcana, Nature, Occultism,
Prerequisite Demigod Dedication Religion (whichever three aren't used for the primary check)
You gain access to a mythic realm suited to your needs and You increase the size of your divine realm. To cast this ritual,
desires. This realm can be located in the Astral or Ethereal you must be inside your divine realm, and there must be no
Planes, or in an Inner Plane appropriate for your alignment. other claimants for the area you seek to expand into.
The realm is a square area no more than 5,000 on a side, Critical Success You expand your demiplane by adding two
with a ceiling up to 100 feet high. continuous squares, each 500 feat on a side. The ceiling is
20 feet high.
This realm is a demiplane. It can have the appearance of Success As critical success, but the demiplane's area is a
any mundane environment or structure, such as a glorious single square, 500 feet on a side and a ceiling 20 feet high.
cathedral, a clearing in a forest, a comfortably furnished Failure The ritual has no effect.
cavern, or anything else one can imagine. All realms have Critical Failure Something goes horribly wrong, and all
finite, unbreachable boundaries, which might resemble casters are teleported to an unknown but likely hostile plane.
stone, wood, or something more unnatural, such as a wall of
mist or unceasing void.

Divine realms have environmental conditions as appropriate

for the Material Plane, though you can dictate a general
climate or light level, as well as whether the divine realm
experiences seasons or a day-night cycle. The divine realm
has no native plants or animals, but they can be introduced,
and plants will grow in a realm's light.

You can modify the properties of your divine realm at

will, with a 10 minute action that replicates the effect of a
Success on a Create Demiplane ritual. Expanding the divine
realm is more difficult. You learn the Expand Realm ritual.

The divine realm has no direct access to other worlds, so

plane shift or similar abilities are necessary to access it
unless it is accessible from an Inner Plane. You do not
need a key to plane shift to your divine realm, but all other
creatures do.

In addition to this, your spells are automatically mythic

heightened in your divine realm. You may use Act of Divinity
once per hour instead of once per day, and you may use any
action or activity requiring an hour or less to perform while
using Act of Divinity.

Finally, you gain the divine resurrection ability.

Divine Resurrection If you die, your body will melt away

(leaving behind any gear you held or carried), while your soul
You are closely connected to the living incarnations of sin. Denizens of the Abyss may seek to corrupt
you or empower you, but you are no mere cultist or lackey. You grasp the true power of the Abyss.

DEMON DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT spells are divine spells, and the key spellcasting ability for
these is Cha. You become trained in divine spells if you were

You gain power from your connection to the demons, native You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When
fiends of Abyss. Demons exist for one reason—to destroy. you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher
Where their more lawful counterparts, the devils of Hell, seek than the maximum level you could cast without mythic
to twist mortal minds and values to remake and reshape them heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
into reflections of their own evil, demons seek only to maim, lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
ruin, and feed. They recruit mortal life only if such cohorts choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
speed along the eventual destruction of hope and goodness. Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
Death is, in some ways, their enemy—for a mortal who dies are always mythic heightened.
can often escape a demon’s depredations and flee to his just Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select
reward in the afterlife. It is the prolonging of mortal pain a different demon focus spell and increase your Focus Points
and suffering that fuels a demon’s lusts and desires, for it is by 1, to a maximum of 3.
partially from mortal sin and cruelty that these monstrous
fiends were born.
Each demon represents a particular sin, and they gain strength
in the presence of mortals who exemplify this sin. Choose one Prerequisite Demon Dedication, Demonic Powers
such sin to embody.
You gain the ability to cast dimension door as a 4th level
You become an expert in Religion, or in another trained divine innate spell at will, except that it has a maximum range
skill if you were already expert in Religion. You gain Power of 100 feet unless mythic heightened.
Attack, or another 1st- or 2nd-level fighter feat if you already
possess Power Attack. You gain 4 additional Hit Points for DEMON TRANSFORMATION FEAT 18
each demon mythic archetype feat you have. As you continue
selecting demon mythic archetype feats, you continue to gain
additional Hit Points in this way. Prerequisite Demon Dedication
Requirements Have succeeded a mythic quest to become a
Whenever you use the Surge action, your melee Strikes deal demon, often involving a demon lord
an additional 1d6 persistent bleed damage until the start of You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
your next round; this stacks with other sources of persistent permanently turn into an demon. This ritual should cost
bleed damage, including itself. You gain the option to use rare divine supplies and reagents worth the target's
Surge to grow in size by up one size category (or two if you level (minimum 1) × 100 gp. You gain a new shape that
are level 15 or higher); your reach increases by 5 foot per size corresponds to your demonic nature and the sin you chose
with the dedication. After transforming, you will gain the
category increased and you gain a +2 status bonus to melee
following benefits and/or traits:
damage per size category increased as well.
Fiend and Demon traits
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until Chaotic Evil alignment
you have taken two feats from the demon archetype. Darkvision
Additional Mythic Feats Available Destroyer, Divine Guardian, True Seeing as a constant spell
Pierce the Darkness, Speedy Summons, Teleportation Master Either a fly Speed equal to your Speed and wings or a
constant air walk
DEMONIC POWERS FEAT 6 Claws (evil, magical, agile) that count as +3 greater striking
weapons with the unholy, bloodthirsty, and keen runes.
+1 status bonus to all saves vs magic
Prerequisite Demon Dedication Weakness 15 vs. good
Demonic Surge Whenever you use the Surge action, your
You gain the ability to use divine magic using focus spells melee Strikes deal an additional 1d6 evil and 1d6 persistent
specific to demons. You learn an demon focus spell of your bleed damage; this stacks with other sources of persistent
choice: abyssal storm, flames of the abyss, or infectious rage. bleed damage, including itself. You gain the option to use
Surge to make your melee Strikes inflict demonic wounds.
If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Demonic Wound (divine, necromancy) The flat check to
Point, which you can Refocus by performing acts of evil or stop the persistent bleeding you inflict starts at DC 20. The
indulging in the sin you chose with the dedication. Demon DC is reduced to 15 only if the bleeding creature or an ally
successfully assists with the recovery. INFECTIOUS RAGE FOCUS 3
The DC to Administer First Aid to a creature with a demonic UNCOMMON DEMON INCAPACITATION TRANSMUTATION
wound is increased by 5. A spellcaster or item attempting to
use healing magic on a creature suffering from an demonic Cast D (somatic, verbal)
wound must succeed at a counteract check with a DC equal Duration 5 rounds; Area 30-foot emanation
to your highest spellcasting or class DC or the magic fails to
Targets Any number of creatures in the emanation
heal the creature.
Saving thow Will
Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast
Demon focus spells. You may instead cast them with Each target must make a Will saving thow. They are then
a cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while immune to Infectious Rage for 10 minutes.
casting them to ignore the cooldown cost. If you have
Evil Unbounded, you may treat each the dimension door Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
as mythic heightened and ignore the 100 foot restriction. Success The creature gains a +4 status bonus to melee
Additionally, you deal 9d6 piercing damage in a 10-foot
damage until they have made their first action, and must
emanation with a basic Reflex save at your original and
ending locations when using dimension door; a creature can spend their first action on a melee Strike against a random
only be damaged this way once per cast. creature in range, or to Stride or otherwise move to the
closest creature if no creature is in range.
Failure The creature gains a +4 status bonus to melee
damage, and must spend each action on their turn making
Demon Spells melee Strikes against a random creature in range, or to
Stride or otherwise move to the closest creature if no
ABYSSAL STORM FOCUS 3 creature is in range. They can attempt a Will save at the end
UNCOMMON DEMON EVOCATION ELECTRICITY of each of its turns. On a success, the spell ends.
Critical Failure The creature gains a +4 status bonus to
Cast T (material, somatic, verbal)
melee damage, and must spend each action on their turn
Area 40-foot emanation; Saving thow Basic Reflex
making melee Strikes against a random creature in range,
You create a devastating storm of abyssal energies, which or to Stride or otherwise move to the closest creature if no
deals 4d12 electric damage. Because the lightning is infused creature is in range.
with divine energy, creatures in the area apply only half
their usual electric resistance. Creatures that are immune to
electric damage, instead of gaining the usual benefit of im-
munity, treat the results of their saving throws as one degree
of success better.
Heightened (+1) The electric damage increases by 1d12.



Cast D (somatic, verbal)

Duration 1 minute
You conjure abyssal energies to empower your attacks. You
gain four charges of demonic energy. You may use those
charges to either deal extra damage after a melee Strike hits
a target, or to make a ranged Strike at your highest weapon
proficiency with an abyssal bolt, which has the evil, demon,
fire, magical, and 120-feet range traits and deals 1d10 fire + 1d6
evil damage. Alternatively, you may burn one charge to deal
an additional 1d10 fire and 1d6 evil damage on a successful
melee Strike (or double on a critical success).
Heightened (+2) You gain an additional charge, and deal an
additional 1d10 fire damage.

Your strength has ties to the masters of corruption from the nine layers of Hell. Whether you signed
an infernal contract for power or gained it by force, your path is shaped by the infernal bureaucracy.



You gain power from your connection to the devils, native Prerequisite Devil Dedication
fiends of Hell. Masters of corruption and architects of
conquest, devils seek both to tempt mortal life to join in You can cast more divine spells each day. Increase the spell
their pursuit of all things profane and to spread tyranny slots you gain from devil archetype feats by 1 for each spell
throughout all worlds. level other than your two highest devil spell slots.

You become an expert in Religion, or in another trained PERSONAL HELLMOUTH FEAT 10

skill if you were already expert in Religion. You gain access
to the Cast a Spell activity. You can prepare two common
cantrips each day from the divine spell list. You're trained Prerequisite Devil Dedication
in spell attack rolls and spell DCs for divine spells. Your key While travel to and from Hell is possible with plane shift,
spellcasting ability for devil archetype spells is Intelligence, another way to reach and traverse the infernal realms is
and they are divine devil spells. via hellmouths, strange living portals connecting different
layers or even different planes. A hellmouth takes the form
You gain the basic spellcasting benefits. of a grimacing face, distended maw, or other distressingly
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When organic aperture, and no two share the same appearance.
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher You have access to a personal hellmouth on the material
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic plane, which connects to a specific location in Hell.
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from. MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level
slot are always mythic heightened. Prerequisites Devil Dedication, master in Religion
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat You gain the expert spellcasting benefits.
until you have taken two feats from the devil archetype.
Additional Mythic Feats Available Alignment Insight,
Charmer, Perfect Preparation, Pierce the Darkness, Ruler MYTHIC ARCHETYPE TRANSFORMATION
Prerequisite Devil Dedication
Requirement Have succeeded a mythic quest connected to
becoming an devil, often involving service to Hell
You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
DEVIL POWERS FEAT 6 permanently turn into a devil. This ritual should cost
rare divine supplies and reagents worth the target's level
(minimum 1) × 100 gp. You permanently gain the shape of a
Prerequisite Devil Dedication unique devil. After transforming, you will gain the following
benefits and/or traits:
You gain the ability to use divine magic using focus spells
specific to devils. You learn an devil focus spell of your Fiend and Devil traits
choice: contractual command, hellflame, or legal subjugation. Lawful Evil alignment
If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Greater Darkvision
Point, which you can Refocus by participating in the infernal Access to the infernal pact ritual
bureaucracy or planning acts of evil. Devil spells are divine +1 status bonus to all saves vs magic
spells, and the key spellcasting ability for these is Int. Immunity fire
Weakness 10 vs. good
Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select
Change Shape a (concentrate, divine, polymorph,
a different devil focus spell and increase your Focus Points by transmutation) You can transform only into a specific
1, to a maximum of 3. Small or Medium humanoid (usually your form before your

Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast devil
focus spells. You may instead cast them with a cooldown
of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting them to
ignore the cooldown cost.



Prerequisite Expert Devil Spellcasting, legendary in Religion

You gain the master spellcasting benefits.

Prerequisite Master Devil Spellcasting, mythic in Religion

You gain the legendary spellcasting benefits.

Devil Spells

Cast a (verbal)
Range 60 feet; Targets 1 willing creature for 3 actions. These attacks each increase
You give a command to a willing ally. You can command the your multiple attack penalty, but you don't
target to approach you, run away (as if it had the fleeing increase your multiple attack penalty until
condition), release what it's holding, drop prone, or stand in after you make all the spell attack rolls for
place. It can't Delay or take any reactions until it has obeyed scorching ray. If you spend 2 or more actions Casting
your command. After the target follows your command, it the Spell, the damage increases to 6d6 fire and 6d6 evil dam-
gains a +1 status bonus to attacks and 10 Temporary Hit age on a hit, and it still deals double damage on a critical hit.
Points for 1 minute.
Heightened (+1) The damage to each target increases by 1d6
Heightened (6th) You may give a command to up to 3 fire and 1d6 evil for the 1-action version, or by 2d6 fire and
creatures, but it must be the same command to all creatures. 2d6 evil for the 2-action and 3-action versions.
The commands now include to Attack a particular enemy or
Take Cover. The bonuses increase to +2 and 20 temporary LEGAL SUBJUGATION FOCUS 3
hit points.
Heightened (9th) You may give a command to up to 6 crea-
tures, but it must be the same command to all creatures. The Cast D (verbal)
commands now include to bow down or Cast a Spell. The Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature
bonuses increases to +3 and 30 temporary hit points. Duration varies; Saving thow Will
Heightened (12th) You may give a command to up to 666 You take command of the target, forcing it to obey your
creatures, but it must be the same command to all creatures. orders. If you issue an obviously self-destructive order, the
The bonuses increases to +4 and 40 temporary hit points. target doesn't act until you issue a new order. The effect
depends on its Will save. Lawful non-mythic creatures are
HELLFLAME FOCUS 3 particularly susceptible to legal subjugation, and this spell
loses its incapacitation trait when used on such a creature.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Cast a to t (verbal)
Success The target is stunned 1 as it fights off your commands.
Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature
It takes 2d6 lawful damage.
You fire a ray of hellfire. Make a spell attack roll against a Failure You control the target. It gains the controlled condition,
single creature. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 fire damage and takes 2d6 lawful damage with a basic Will save at the end
and 3d6 evil damage, and on a critical hit, the target takes of each of its rounds. On a success, the spell also ends.
double damage. Critical Failure As a failure, but the target receives a new save
only if you give it a new order that is against its nature, such
For each additional action you use when Casting the Spell,
as killing its allies.
you can fire an additional ray at a different target, to a
maximum of three rays targeting three different targets Heightened (+1 ) The damage increases by 1d6 lawful damage
Heightened (10th) The duration is unlimited.
You have a stark connection to a particular type of dragon. You might have draconic blood, wield a
draconic artifact, or work with the blessing of a great and terrible Wrym of legend.

DRAGON DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE MYTHIC DEDICATION are always mythic heightened.

You gain power from your connection to dragons, the flying Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select
reptilian juggernauts that dominate any area they live in. a different dragon focus spell and increase your Focus Points
Choose a dragonic origin, from the same sources that Sorcerer by 1, to a maximum of 3.
choose for their draconic bloodline. Note the energy type and
breath weapon characteristics of that dragon.
You become an expert in Intimidation, or in another trained
skill if you were already an expert in Intimidation. You gain
Snagging Strike, or another 1st- or 2nd-level fighter feat if Prerequisite Dragon Dedication
you already possess Snagging Strike. You must meet the
You make two claw Strikes and one horns Strike in any order.
requirements for these feats.
When you take this feat, you grow draconic horns and claws. DRAGON TRANSFORMATION FEAT 18
The horns are finesse unarmed attacks that deal 1d10 piercing
damage, and the jaws are agile finesse unarmed attacks that MYTHIC ARCHETYPE TRANSFORMATION
deal 1d8 slashing damage.
Prerequisite Dragon Dedication
Whenever you use the Surge action, you grow thick scales Requirements Have succeeded a mythic quest to become a
that grant 10 Temporary Hit Points and your claws and horn dragon
attack deal an additional 1d6 energy damage per your draconic You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
permanently turn into a dragon. This ritual should cost
origin. You gain the option to use Surge to become immune to rare arcane supplies and reagents worth the target's level
the damage type of your origin, or to increase the Temporary (minimum 1) × 100 gp. After transforming, you will gain the
Hit Points and damage for your claw and horn attacks by 5. following benefits and/or traits:
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until
Large size
you have taken two feats from the dragon archetype.
Dragon creature type
Additional Mythic Feats Available Abundant Form, Elemental An alignment that matches the alignment of that dragon
Fury, Hard to Kill, Longevity, Partial Transformation type
Immunity sleep, paralyzed, the damage type of your
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE dragonic origin
+1 status bonus to all saves vs magic
Prerequisite Dragon Dedication
Draconic Momentum You recharge your focus spells
You gain the ability to use arcane magic using focus spells whenever you score a critical hit with a Strike, or restore one
specific to dragons. You learn a dragon focus spell of your Focus Point if no spells are on cooldown.
choice: draconic dominance, overwhelming breath, or Draconic Toughness Increase your maximum Hit Points by
reflecting scales.
Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC
If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 equal to your highest class or spellcasting DC
Focus Point, which you can Refocus by interacting with the Claws attacks that are reach 10 agile unarmed attacks that
native habitat of your dragonic origin or embracing your deal 1d10 slashing damage.
draconic power. Dragon spells are arcane spells, and the key Horn attacks that are reach 10 unarmed attacks that deal
1d12 piercing damage.
spellcasting ability for these is Cha. You become trained in
Wing attacks that are reach 10 unarmed attacks that deal
arcane spells if you were not already. 1d8 bludgeoning damage.
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When Jaws attacks that are reach 10 unarmed attacks that deal
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher 1d12 piercing damage and 2d6 energy damage of the type
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic corresponding to your draconic origin (which does not scale
with striking runes.
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
Tail attacks that are reach 15 unarmed attacks that deal 1d12
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your bludgeoning damage.

Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast OVERWHELMING BREATH FOCUS 3
dragon focus spells. You may instead cast them with a
cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting UNCOMMON DRAGON EVOCATION
them to ignore the cooldown cost.
Cast D (somatic, verbal)
Area 30-foot cone or 60-foot line originating from you or 10
Dragon Spells ft. burst within 30 ft.
Saving Throw Basic Reflex
You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 damage. The
UNCOMMON DRAGON ENCHANTMENT MENTAL area, damage type, and save depend on your draconic origin,
Cast D (somatic, verbal) as per the spell Breath Weapon. In addition to this, all ene-
Duration 1 minute mies that fail their save take an additional 1d6 bludgeoning
You tap into draconic energy to fuel your power. You gain damage and are knocked prone.
a +1 status bonus to melee Strikes, the DC of spells with Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.
the dragon trait, and saves against magic. Additionally,
whenever you deal acid, cold, electric, fire, poison, or sonic REFLECTING SCALES FOCUS 3
damage you deal an additional 2 damage of that type.
Heightened (6th) You instead gain a +2 status bonus and
Cast D (verbal)
deal an additional 4 damage.
Duration 1 minute
Heightened (9th) You instead gain a +3 status bonus and
This abjuration reflects certain spells cast at you back at
deal an additional 6 damage.
their caster. Whenever you are targeted by a spell with the
Heightened (12th) You instead gain a +4 status bonus and
acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, negative, poison, positive, or
deal an additional 8 damage.
sonic trait, you can spend a free action to attempt to reflect
it. This uses the rules for counteracting the spell, but if the
spell is successfully counteracted, the effect is turned back
on the caster. Reflective Scales can't affect spells that aren't
targeted (such as area spells).
If reflective scales reflects a spell back at a caster who is also
under the effect of spell turning or reflective scales, their spell
can attempt to reflect their own spell back at you again; if
they do so, their counteract attempt automatically succeeds.
You wield the energies of the Inner Sphere, of the Elemental Planes. Perhaps an Elemental Lord has
cast you its favor, or exposure to the planes inevitably changed the very fabric of your existence.

ELEMENTAL DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT are always mythic heightened.


Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select a
different elemental focus spell and increase your Focus Points
You gain power from your connection to elementals, native by 1, to a maximum of 3.
denizens of the Elemental Planes. Choose an elemental type
to gain power from: Air, Earth, Fire, or Water. ELEMENTAL CONNECTION FEAT 6
You become an expert in Athletics or Acrobatics, or in another MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
trained skill if you were already an expert in Athletics and Prerequisite Elemental Dedication
Acrobatics. You gain Power Attack, or another 1st- or 2nd-level
fighter feat if you already possess Power Attack; this does not You gain the ability to cast a plane shift as a 7th level primal
count as a mythic archetype feat. You gain 4 additional Hit innate spell twice per day, but can only travel between the
Points for each aberration mythic archetype feat you have. As material plane and the plane corresponding to your elemental
you continue selecting elemental mythic archetype feats, you type (Air | Earth | Fire | Water). You learn Aquan, Auran, Ignean,
continue to gain additional Hit Points in this way. and Terran and gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy or
Intimidation against creatures with the elemental trait.
Whenever you use the Surge action, you deal an additional
5 damage of a type corresponding to your elemental origin ELEMENTAL TRANSFORMATION FEAT 18
(electric, bludgeoning, fire, or cold) whenever you deal
damage of that type until the start of your next round. You
gain the option to use Surge change all energy or physical Prerequisite Elemental Dedication
damage you deal to damage corresponding to your origin Requirements Have succeeded a mythic quest to become an
(electric, bludgeoning, fire, or cold) and replace any energy elemental
traits that ability may have had (electric and air, earth, fire, or You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
cold and water). permanently turn into an elemental. This ritual should
cost rare primal supplies and reagents worth the target's
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until level (minimum 1) × 100 gp. You gain the shape of an Large
you have taken two feats from the elemental archetype. elemental of the type you chose with the dedication. After
transforming, you will gain the following benefits and/or
Additional Mythic Feats Available Adamantine Mind, Beyond traits:
Mortal Needs, Elemental Bond, Elemental Fury, Longevity
Large size
A trait corresponding to the elemental type you chose with
your dedication
Prerequisite Elemental Dedication Darkvision
One of the following senses:
You gain the ability to use primal magic using focus spells
• Scent 200 ft (air)
specific to elementals. You learn an elemental focus spell of
• tremorsense 30ft (earth)
your choice: elemental blast, elemental cascade, or elemental
• flamesense 60ft (fire)
landscape. If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool • tremorsense 60ft (water only) (water)
of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by interacting with Immunity drained, charm and compulsion effects, death
elementals of your chosen type or with anything sharing the effects, petrification and one energy type:
trait of your type. Elemental spells are primal spells, and the • electric (air)
key spellcasting ability for these is Wis. You become trained • acid (earth)
in primal spells if you were not already. • fire (fire)
• cold (water)
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When
+1 status bonus to all saves vs magic
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher
One of the following movement types:
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic
• 80 fly Speed (air)
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
• burrow 25 ft (earth)
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your • 40 fly Speed and 10 circumstance bonus to Speed (fire)
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from. • swim 80 ft (water)
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
Slam attacks that deal 2d10 bludgeoning plus 2d6 energy ELEMENTAL LANDSCAPE FOCUS 3
damage (which does not scale with striking runes):
• acid (earth) Cast T (material, somatic, verbal)
• fire (fire) Range 120 feet; Area 30-foot burst
• cold (water)
Duration 1 minute
Elemental Surge Whenever you use the Surge Action, you
deal an additional 10 damage of a type corresponding to Saving thow Reflex
your elemental origin (electric, bludgeoning, fire, or cold) You channel energy from your connected plane to warp the
whenever you deal damage of that type, until the start of battlefield. The area becomes inhospitable to those without
your next turn. You gain the option to use Surge to gain the trait associated with your element's trait.
resistance to physical damage equal half your level and
resistance to critical hits equal to your level until the start of The elemental terrain counts as difficult terrain for all
your next round. movement for creatures without the appropriate trait.
Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast
elemental focus spells. You may instead cast them with a Any creature without the appropriate trait that is occupying
cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting the elemental terrain's area at the start of its turn takes 3d6
them to ignore the cooldown cost. damage. The type of damage depends on the element:
ELEMENTAL Spells • electric (air)
ELEMENTAL BLAST FOCUS 3 • acid (earth)
• fire (fire)
Cast A to T Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6
Range Varies; Targets 1 creature Heightened (6th) The elemental terrain counts as greater
You channel energy from your connected plane to damage difficult terrain to creatures without the appropriate trait
your targets. If the target is you or an elemental of the
appropriate type, they heal 10 Hit Points. If they are any
other type of creature, they take 1d10 damage corresponding
to your elemental origin (electric for air, bludgeoning for
earth, fire for fire, and cold for water).
a (somatic) The spell has a range of touch.
d (somatic, verbal) The spell has a range of 30 feet. If you're
healing, increase the Hit Points restored by 10. if you are
dealing damage, increase the damage by 10.
t (material, somatic, verbal) You deal damage or heal in a
30-foot emanation. This targets all creatures in the area.
Heightened (+1) The healing increases by 10. The damage
increases by 1d10.

Cast d (somatic, verbal)

Range 60 feet; Targets 1 or more creatures
You fire six rays of a type corresponding to your elemental
origin. Make a single spell attack roll and compare that result
the AC of each creature targeted. Each subsequent ray on
the same target takes a stacking -2 circumstance penalty,
and subsequent attacks on the same target cannot critically
succeed, even on a natural 20.
On a hit, the target takes 2d6 damage of the appropriate
type, and on a critical hit, the target takes double damage.
These attacks each increase your multiple attack penalty, but
you don't increase your multiple attack penalty until after
you make all the spell attack rolls for elemental cascade.
Heightened (+1) The damage for each ray increases by 1d6
It is rare for a creature to live in the realm of timeless silver known as the Astral Plane, but the thought-
spawned ennosites are its chief denizens. Their esoteric power has somehow found its way to you.



Prerequisite Ennosite Dedication

You gain power from the native denizens of the Astral Realm,
the thought-spawned creatures known as ennosites. Choose an 3rd level or lower occult spell with the mental trait.
You can cast that spell at will. Whenever you cast a spell with
You become an expert in Society and Occultism. If you are
the mental trait, your ranged and melee Strikes gain the fatal
already an expert in Society, selected another trained skill to
d12 trait until the end of your next turn.
raise to expert instead. Do the same if you are already an
expert in Occultism. You gain a bonus skill feat; this does
not count as a mythic archetype feat. You must meet the ENNOSITE TRANSFORMATION FEAT 18
requirements for this feat.
Whenever you use the Surge action, you gain a +2 status
bonus to checks to Recall Knowledge until the start of your Prerequisite Ennosite Dedication
next turn. You gain the option to use Surge to gain a +4 status Requirements Have succeeded a mythic quest to become an
bonus to saves against enchantments and illusions until the
You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
start of your next turn.
permanently turn into an ennosite thoughtform. This ritual
Special You can cast plane shift as a 7th level occult innate should cost rare occult supplies and reagents worth the
spell twice per day. You may only use this to travel to Astral target's level (minimum 1) × 100 gp. After transforming, you
will gain the following benefits and/or traits:
Plane or the Material Plane.
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until Monitor and Ennosite traits
you have taken two feats from the ennosite archetype. Neutral Good, True Neutral, or Neutral Evil alignment
Thoughtsense (imprecise) 120 feet You sense all non-
Additional Mythic Feats Available Adamantine Mind, Beyond mindless creatures at the listed range.
Mortal Needs, Farwalker, Flash of Omniscience, Longevity Telepathy 120 feet
Immunity to bleed, death effects, disease, doomed, drained,
ENNOSITE POWERS FEAT 6 fatigued, healing, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed,
poisoned, sickened, unconscious
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE Resistance 25 to mental
Prerequisite Ennosite Dedication
Special Choose one 7th level or lower occult spell with the
You gain the ability to use occult magic using focus spells mental trait. You can cast that spell at will.
specific to ennosites. You learn an ennosite focus spell of Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast
your choice: splinter sycophant, consume thoughts, or psychic ennosite focus spells. You may instead cast them with a
blast. If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting
Focus Point, which you can Refocus by organizing or studying. them to ignore the cooldown cost.
Ennosite spells are occult spells, and the key spellcasting
ability for these is Int.
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
are always mythic heightened.
Special: You may take this more than once. If you do, select a
different ennosite focus spell and increase your Focus Points
by 1, to a maximum of 3.

ennosite Spells PSYCHIC BLAST FOCUS 3
Cast A to t
Range varies; Targets 1 creature without the mindless trait;
Cast r (verbal) Saving thow Will (basic)
Trigger You take 25 or more bludgeoning, piercing, or slash-
You send off psychic energy to damage your foes. You deal
ing damage;
3d10 mental damage, and the target makes a basic Will save.
Like an adalchros, you can break off a part of your body to
On a failure, as long as you and the target are on the same
protect yourself from an attack. This fragment reshapes
plane of existence and both alive, you remain aware of their
and animates into an ioton with the minion trait under your
present state as per the status spell. The number of actions
control. The ioton sycophant can't move more than 120
you spend when Casting this Spell determines its targets,
feet from you and crumbles after 1 minute. If you give it
range, area, and other parameters.
no other commands, the ioton sycophant spends its turn
praising you and affirming the your infallibility; this grants a (somatic) The spell has a range of touch.
you 4d6 temporary Hit Points that last for as long as the d (somatic, verbal) The spell has a range of 30 feet and deals
ioton sycophant exists, and a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, an additional 30 damage.
Perception checks, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 t (material, somatic, verbal) You disperse psychic energy in
round. a 30-foot emanation. This targets all creatures without the
mindless trait in the area.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d10 or by 10 for
CONSUME THOUGHTS FOCUS 3 the two-action version.

Cast D (somatic, verbal)

Duration 1 minute
Saving thow Will
You channel a caulborn's ability to consume thoughts into
your strikes. For the duration, whenever you deal damage
with a melee Strike, the damaged creature must make a Will
Success The target is unaffected.
Failure The target becomes stupefied 2 for 1 minute, and you
regain 1d12 Hit Points.
Critical Failure As failure, but the target is stupefied 3 for
1 minute and you regain 2d12 Hit Points. If the target was
already stupefied when you used this ability, the target is
also confused for 1 round.
Heightened (+3) The amount of healing increases by 1d12 for
a failure or 2d12 for a critical failure.

The First World of the fey is a place of strangeness and power, and you draw from its power. It is hard
to tell if the power you wield is a blessing from The Eldest, or an example of fey mischief gone awry.



You gain power from the fey, the mysterious inhabitants of Prerequisite Fey Dedication
the First World. Requirements Have succeeded a mythic quest to become an
fey, such as serving the capricious needs of the Eldest
You become an expert in Deception and Nature. If you are You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
already an expert in Deception, selected another trained skill permanently turn into an fey monarch. This ritual should
to raise to expert instead. Do the same if you are already cost rare primal supplies and reagents worth the target's
an expert in Nature. You gain a bonus skill feat; this does level (minimum 1) × 100 gp. After transforming, you will
gain the following benefits and/or traits:
not count as a mythic archetype feat. You must meet the
requirements for this feat.
Fey trait
Whenever you use the Surge action, you may select a target Darkvision
within 30 feet. That target gains the marked condition for Detect Magic and true seeing as constant spells heightened
1 hour. Marked creatures can't become concealed to you or to 10th level
creatures with the fey trait, and if they are invisible while A fly speed equal to 40 feet or your land Speed, whichever
is greater
marked they are concealed rather than being undetected.
Regeneration 15 (deactivated by cold iron)
You gain the option to use Surge to gain a +1 circumstance
Weakness 25 to cold iron
bonus to all checks and DCs against your marked targets.
You count as a potential bardic muse, and gain the
This increases to a +2 circumstance bonus at 23, and a +3 inspiration ability.
circumstance bonus at 25.
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until Inspiration (emotion, enchantment, mental, primal) You can
you have taken two feats from the fey archetype. inspire a single intelligent creature by giving that creature a
token of their favor, typically a lock of their hair. As long as
Additional Mythic Feats Available Assured Skill, Clown, the creature carries the token and remains in good standing
Impossible Prestidigitation, Ruler, Tangible Illusion with you, the creature gains a +1 status bonus to all Crafting
checks, Performance checks, and Will saves.
If you grant your Inspiration to a bard and they are that
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE bard's muse, the bard gains an additional benefit depending
on their muse theme: for lore muse, the bard also gains a
Prerequisite Fey Dedication +1 status bonus to all Lore checks; for maestro muse, the
You gain the ability to use primal magic using focus spells status bonus to Performance checks increases to +2 for
the purpose of determining the effects of compositions;
specific to the fey. You learn an fey focus spell of your choice:
for polymath muse, the bard gains a +4 status bonus to
nymph's beauty, shadow doubles, or shift fate. If you don't untrained skill checks; and for all other muses, the Will save
already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which bonus increases to +2 against fey.
you can Refocus by interacting with nature or interacting with
the First World or its inhabitants. Fey spells are primal spells, Special You may cast a 2nd level hideous laughter, a 4th
and the key spellcasting ability for these is Cha. level suggestion, or an 8th level uncontrollable dance as at-
will primal innate spells.
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast fey
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher focus spells. You may instead cast them with a cooldown
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting them to
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you ignore the cooldown cost.
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
are always mythic heightened.
Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select
a different fey focus spell and increase your Focus Points by
1, to a maximum of 3.

fey Spells

Prerequisite Fey Dedication VISUAL

Frequency Once per week; Duration 8 hours Cast D (somatic, verbal)
You raise your hand, a ghostly hunting horn appears in it. Area 30-foot emanation; Duration 1 minute
At its call, the retinue of the wild hunt appears and marked
You focus on the First World and draw out the beauty of a
creatures within planetary range become doomed 1 (this has
nymph. You gain an aura and the focus beauty ability. Creatures
no effect on those not marked before the hunt was called).
that start their turn in the aura must succeed at a Will save. Af-
You gain a weakness to splash and area damage equal to your
ter saving against this affect, a creature is immune to Nymph's
level, and if you die the wild hunt dissipates.
Beauty for 1 minute. You also gain the Focus Beauty action.
For the duration, the wild hunt fills up 16 squares, replenishing
Success The creature is unaffected
its ranks if any members fall. You gain the Troop Movement
Failure The creature is transfixed in awe, causing them to be
and Form Up abilities, but because you are obviously the
stunned 1.
leader of the hunt, you do not benefit from Troop Defenses.
Critical Failure the creature is transfixed in awe, causing them
The spectral figures of the wild hunt protect you, the most to be stunned for 1 round.
valuable position in the hunt being at your right hand, Focus Beauty a (emotion, enchantment, mental, primal, visual)
disguised as you. At the beginning of each of your turns, you You can focus your beauty upon a target within your aura. The
are affected by a 2nd level mirror image, except that only a creature must attempt a Will save. On a failure, it is affected
single image protects you. as if by your beauty aura. You can Focus Beauty on a given
creature only once per turn.
You also mount a ghostly steed that acts as a mythic
heightened phantasmal steed. You and your spectral SHADOW DUPLICATES FOCUS 3
procession are also under the effects of air walk. Finally, UNCOMMON FEY ILLUSION SHADOW
you can call upon the wild hunt host to attack your marked
targets with the following actions: Cast a to t (material, somatic, verbal)
Trigger A creature within 120 feet attempts a saving throw
Wild Hunt Volley d (flourish) The wild hunt shoots a hail of Frequency Once per Day, Duration sustained up to 1 minute
arrows from their crystal bows, dealing 8d6 piercing damage Like an ankou, you can make shadowy duplicates of yourself.
to creatures in a 10-foot burst within 120 feet with a basic For each action spent to use this ability, you create one
Reflex save (equal to your highest class DC or spellcasting shadowy duplicate of yourself anywhere within 60 feet of you.
DC). Marked creatures take an additional 4d6 force damage.
Shadow doubles have the same statistics as you, but they have
Wild Hunt Gaze a (flourish, visual) The wild hunt focus their the summoned trait, have half your hit points, can't use Shadow
gazes on creatures below. Each creature in a 20-ft burst with Doubles or cast spells, and a -2 circumstance penalty on their
60-feet must make a Will save equal to your highest class DC Strikes. A shadow double that attempts a saving throw against
or spellcasting DC. They are then immune to Wild Hunt Gaze a light effect can't get a result better than failure. Each double
for 10 minutes. remains for 1 round, until it's reduced to 0 Hit Points, or until it
Success The creature is unaffected. moves further than 120 feet from you, whichever comes first.
Failure The creature is dazzled. If the creature is marked, Each round thereafter, you can spend a single action that
they are also stunned 1. has the concentrate trait to extend the duration of surviving
Critical failure The creature is blinded. If the creature is duplicates by 1 round, to a maximum duration of 1 minute. You
marked, they are also paralyzed for 1 minute. It can attempt can see through the eyes of all of the shadow doubles at once. A
a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC character who Seeks can identify the real you with a Perception
cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save. check against your spellcasting DC.
Wild Hunt Charge (flourish) d to t Effect You Stride, then
the wild hunt engages in a coordinated melee attack against UNCOMMON DIVINATION FEY
each enemy within 10 feet with basic Reflex save equal to
Cast r (verbal)
your highest class DC or spellcasting DC. The damage depends
Trigger A creature within 120 feet attempts a saving throw
on the number of actions. Marked targets take force damage
instead of slashing damage. You invoke the power of a norn, the fey women known for
weaving the skein of fate. The creature rolls the saving throw
d 8d6 slashing damage
twice, and then you decide which result applies. If you choose
t 12d6 slashing damage
the lower roll, this is a misfortune effect; if you choose the
higher roll, it's a fortune effect; if they're the same, you decide
which trait to apply.
When a fearsome combatant falls in battle, their vengeful spirit can sometimes fuse with their armor,
a graveknight. You walk the path towards eventually becoming one of undeath's fiercest fighters.



Prerequisite Graveknight Dedication

You draw your power from the armor-bound undead masters
of warfare. Whether you are cursed or drawn towards this You gain the ability to use necromantic magic using focus
path by your own actions, your fate is inextricably linked to spells specific to graveknights. You learn a graveknight focus
the greatest of the undead warriors, the mighty graveknight. spell of your choice: bone shield, devastating blast, or false
You may choose to gain the basic undead benefits. grace. If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1
Focus Point, which you can Refocus by studying necromancy
You become an expert in Athletics or Arcana, or in another
or warfare. Graveknight spells are arcane spells, and the key
trained skill if you were already expert in Athletics or Arcana.
spellcasting ability for these is Int.
You become trained in light armor, medium armor, and heavy
armor. Whenever you gain a class feature that grants you You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When
expert or greater proficiency in any type of armor (but not you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher
unarmored defense), you also gain that proficiency in the than the maximum level you could cast without mythic
armor types granted to you by this feat. heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
You gain Combat Assessment, or another 1st- or 2nd-level
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
fighter feat if you already possess Combat Assessment;
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
this does not count as a mythic archetype feat. You gain 4
are always mythic heightened.
additional Hit Points for each graveknight mythic archetype
feat you have. As you continue selecting graveknight Special: You may take this more than once. If you do, select
archetype feats, you continue to gain additional Hit Points in a different graveknight focus spell and increase your Focus
this way. Points by 1, to a maximum of 3.
Whenever you use the Surge action, you gain an additional +1 GRAVEKNIGHT TRANSFORMATION FEAT 18
circumstance bonus to AC and your attacks deal an additional
1d6 negative damage. You gain the option to use Surge to RARE MYTHIC ARCHETYPE TRANSFORMATION
give a melee weapon you are wielding the thrown 100 foot
Prerequisite Graveknight Dedication
trait and returning traits, and immediately make a Strike with Requirements Have succeeded a mythic quest to become a
said weapon. graveknight
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
until you have taken two feats from the graveknight mythic permanently turn into a graveknight. This ritual should cost
archetype. rare arcane supplies and reagents worth the target's level
(minimum 1) × 100 gp and will always result in the creation
Additional Mythic Feats Available Beyond Mortal Needs, of a unique set of armor in addition to the transformation. If
Clean Blade, Indomitable, Mythic Recovery, Penetrating Strike wielded, a this armor will count as a legendary item.
After transforming, you will gain the following benefits and
RARE MYTHIC ARCHETYPE Undead and Graveknight traits
Neutral Evil alignment
Prerequisite Graveknight Dedication
You have access to the critical specialization effects of any Advanced Undead Benefits (See Book of the Dead)
weapons you wields, and can use the following abilities: Negative healing
Phantom Steed t (arcane, conjuration) You summon a Immunity death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison,
supernatural mount as per phantom steed, heightened your unconscious
mythic heightening level. If the steed is destroyed, you must Resistance cold 20, physical 15 (except magic bludgeoning)
wait 1 hour before using this ability again. Rejuvenation (arcane, necromancy) When you are destroyed,
your armor rebuilds its body over the course of 1d10 days—or
Sacrilegious Aura (abjuration, aura, divine, evil) 30 feet. more quickly if the armor is worn by a living host. If the
When a creature in the aura uses a positive spell or ability, body is destroyed before then, the process restarts. You can
you automatically attempt to counteract it, with a counteract only be permanently destroyed by obliterating your armor
modifier equal to your highest spell attack or weapon attack (such as with disintegrate), transporting it to the Positive
modifier. Energy Plane, or throwing it into the heart of a volcano.
+1 status bonus to all saves vs positive DEVASTATING SMASH FOCUS 3
Attack of Opportunity (or an additional reaction that can
only be used for Attack of Opportunity, if you already have RARE COLD EVOCATION GRAVEKNIGHT
Attack of Opportunity) Cast D (somatic)
Ruinous Weapons Any weapon you wield gains the effect of Area 30-foot cone;
a greater frost weapon rune. Frequency Once per minute; Requirement You are holding a
Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 60 feet, DC weapon
equal to your highest class or spellcasting DC
Graveknight's Curse This curse affects anyone who wears You slam your weapon into the ground, unleashing a blast of
a graveknight’s armor for at least 1 hour. Saving Throw Will arctic wind. A 5-foot square in front of you becomes greater
save (DC of your highest class or spell DC); Onset 1 hour; difficult terrain. Creatures in the area are assaulted by arctic
Stage 1 doomed 1 and cannot remove the armor (1 day); winds, taking 6d6 cold damage with a basic Reflex save.
Stage 2 doomed 2, -10 status penalty to Speed, and cannot Those that fail the save also take a -10 status penalty to their
remove the armor (1 day); Stage 3 dies and transforms into Speeds, while those that critically fail take a -15 status bonus
the armor’s graveknight.
to their Speeds and are slowed 1 for one round.
Graveknight Surge When you use the Surge action, you gain
an additional +1 status and +1 circumstance bonus to AC, Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.
and your attacks deal an additional 1d6 negative and cold
damage until the start of your next turn. You gain the option FALSE GRACE FOCUS 3
to ward your mind, gaining resistance equal to half your RARE GRAVEKNIGHT NECROMANCY
level against mental and gaining a +4 status bonus to saves
against spells or effects with the mental, illusion, or emotion Cast D (somatic, verbal)
traits until the start of your next round. Area 30-foot emanation; Duration 1 minute
Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast Saying a quick martial oath, you grant yourself and those
graveknight focus spells. You may instead cast them with a around you a reservoir of necromantic energy. You and allies
cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting in the area gain 15 Temporary Hit Points.
them to ignore the cooldown cost. You may ignore the
frequency of bone shield. Heightened (+1) You and allies in the area gain an additional 3
Temporary Hit Points.

graveknight Spells
Cast D (somatic)
Duration 1 minute; Requirements You have a hand free.
Frequency Once per minute
You raise a massive shield of bone around your free hand.
This counts grants a +2 circumstance bonus to AC. While the
spell is in effect, you can use the Shield Block reaction with
your bone shield. So long as the shield isn't broken, you gain
the effects of a fortification armor rune.
The shield has Hardness 10, HP 80, and BT 40.
Heightened (5th) The shield has Hardness 13, HP 104, and BT 52.
Heightened (6th) The shield has Hardness 15, HP 120, and BT 60.
Heightened (7th) The shield has Hardness 17, HP 136, and BT 68.
Heightened (9th) The shield has Hardness 20, HP 160, and BT 80.
Heightened (10th) The shield has Hardness 22, HP 176, and BT 88.
Heightened (11th) The shield has Hardness 24, HP 192, and BT 96.
Heightened (12th) The shield has Hardness 26, HP 208, and BT 104.
Heightened (13th) The shield has Hardness 28, HP 224, and BT 112.

Those who draw upon a god’s power find themselves becoming closer to the divine. Some aspire to
become immortal servants of their gods, and others reach for apotheosis itself.



You gain power from the divine. Prerequisite Hierophant Dedication

You call upon divine power to defend yourself from magic.
You become an expert in Religion, or in another trained For the next minute, whenever you make a saving thow
skill if you were already expert in Religion. You cast against a magical effect, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus
spells like a cleric. You gain access to the Cast a Spell on your save. This increases to +2 at level 23, and +3 at
activity. You can prepare two common cantrips level 25. You may also end this effect to reroll one
each day from the divine spell list. Your key saving throw; if you do, you must take the roll (even if
spellcasting ability for Hierophant archetype it is worse) and this effect ends.
spells is either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
(your choice), and they are divine hierophant
You gain the basic spellcasting benefits.
Prerequisite Hierophant Dedication
You may mythic heighten spells with the You can cast more divine spells each day.
Surge action. When you mythic heighten a Increase the spell slots you gain from Hierophant
spell, it is heightened to one higher than the archetype feats by 1 for each spell level other
maximum level you could cast without mythic than your two highest Hierophant spell slots.
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell
slots, you lose access to one of your highest level EXPERT HIEROPHANT SPELLCASTING FEAT 12
spell slots (of your choice) rather than the slot
you originally cast the spell from. Cantrips, focus
spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot are Prerequisites Hierophant Dedication, master in Religion
always mythic heightened.
You gain the expert spellcasting benefits.
Special You may not take another mythic
dedication feat until you have taken two feats MASTER HIEROPHANT SPELLCASTING FEAT 18
from the Hierophant archetype.
Additional Mythic Feats Available Alignment
Insight, Bleed Holy Power, Contingent Channel, Prerequisite Expert Hierophant Spellcasting, legendary in
Instrument of Faith, Perfect Preparation, Religion
You gain the master spellcasting benefits.



Prerequisite Hierophant Dedication Prerequisite Hierophant Dedication

You gain the ability to use divine magic using focus spells Your mastery of the divine allows you to greatly empower
specific to Hierophants. You learn an Hierophant focus spell your spells. If the next action you use is to Cast a Spell
of your choice: beatific form, divine blast, or touch of power. that targets one or more creatures and either inflicts a
If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 status penalty or bestows a status bonus, it also inflicts a -1
Focus Point, which you can Refocus by studying religion or circumstance penalty or bestows a +1 circumstance bonus of
performing magic. Hierophant spells are divine spells; the key the same type as the original spell and for the same duration.
spellcasting ability for these spells is the same as what you For example, a 6th level heroism would grant a +2 status
chose with your dedication. bonus to attack rolls, Perception checks, saving throws, and
skill checks and a +1 circumstance bonus to each of those
Special: You may take this more than once. If you do, select rolls.
a different Hierophant focus spell and increase your Focus
Points by 1, to a maximum of 3.

Prerequisite Hierophant Dedication UNCOMMON Hierophant POLYMORPH
Frequency Once per hour
Cast D (somatic, verbal)
You tap into your mythic resources to empower either you or
Duration 1 minute
one of your allies. You cannot make reactions until the start
of your next turn, but you gain the benefits of Hierophant You take on divine aspects and transform yourself into a
Defenses if you have possess that feat. At the start of your Medium battle form, similar to your normal form but armed
next turn you can use up to 10 actions to use the Cast a Spell with powerful divine armaments. While in this form, you
Activity. Each spell you cast must have a different name and gain the statistics and abilities listed below. You have hands
counts as being mythic heightened. All spells must target in this battle form and can use manipulate actions. You can
the same individual and no other target, and all spells must Dismiss the spell.
target either you or an ally. After you use these actions, you You gain the following statistics and abilities:
are slowed 1 for 1 minute, cannot use Surge for 1 minute, and AC = 19 + your level. Ignore your armor's check penalty and
your turn ends. Speed reduction.
10 Temporary Hit Points.
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE Resistance 3 against physical damage.
Prerequisite Master Hierophant Spellcasting, mythic in A special attack with a divine version of a weapon you are
Religion at least trained in, which is the only attack you can use.
You gain the legendary spellcasting benefits. Your attack modifier with the special weapon is +15, and
your damage bonus is +5 (or +3 for a ranged attack). If your
attack modifier with your chosen weapon is higher, you can
use it instead. You deal two of your weapon's normal damage
dice, or two damage dice of one size larger if your weapon
is a simple weapon with a d4 or d6 damage die. The weapon
has one of the following properties anarchic, axiomatic, holy,
unholy. If you are true neutral, you may instead deal an extra
1d6 precision damage.
Athletics modifier of +14, unless your own modifier is higher.
Heightened (4th) Attack modifier +17, damage bonus is +9 attacks have 10-foot reach, or 15-foot reach if your chosen
(or +6 for a ranged attack), and Athletics +16 weapon has reach. You must have enough space to expand
Heightened (5th) Attack modifier +19, damage bonus is +11 into or the spell is lost. You instead gain AC = 23 + your
(or +8 for a ranged attack), and Athletics +20 level, 40 Temporary Hit Points, Attack modifier +34, damage
bonus +9 (+6 for a ranged attack), deal four of your weapon's
Heightened (6th) Your battle form is Large, and your
normal damage dice,and Athletics +36.
attacks have 10-foot reach, or 15-foot reach if your deity's
favored weapon has reach. You must have enough space to Heightened (11th) Your battle form is Large, and your attacks
expand into or the spell is lost. You instead gain AC = 20 + have 10-foot reach, or 15-foot reach if your chosen weapon
your level, 15 temporary HP, resistance 4 against physical has reach. You must have enough space to expand into or
damage, attack modifier +21, damage bonus +8 (+6 for a the spell is lost. You instead gain AC = 24 + your level, 50
ranged attack), deal three of your weapon's normal damage Temporary Hit Points, Attack modifier +36, damage bonus
dice, and Athletics +23 +11 (+8 for a ranged attack),and Athletics +37.
Heightened (7th) Your battle form is Large, and your attacks Heightened (12th) Your battle form is Large, and your
have 10-foot reach, or 15-foot reach if your chosen weapon attacks have 10-foot reach, or 15-foot reach if your chosen
has reach. You must have enough space to expand into or weapon has reach. You must have enough space to expand
the spell is lost. Attack modifier +23, damage bonus +10 (+8 into or the spell is lost. You instead gain AC = 25 + your level,
for a ranged attack), and Athletics +25 60 Temporary Hit Points, Attack modifier +38, damage bonus
+15 (+10 for a ranged attack), and Athletics +39.
Heightened (8th) Your battle form is Large, and your attacks
have 10-foot reach, or 15-foot reach if your chosen weapon Heightened (13th) Your battle form is Large, and your
has reach. You must have enough space to expand into or attacks have 10-foot reach, or 15-foot reach if your chosen
the spell is lost. You instead gain AC = 21 + your level, 20 weapon has reach. You must have enough space to expand
temporary HP, attack modifier +28, damage bonus +15 (+12 into or the spell is lost. You instead gain AC = 26 + your level,
for a ranged attack), and Athletics +29. 70 Temporary Hit Points, Attack modifier +40, damage bonus
+18 (+12 for a ranged attack), and Athletics +41.
Heightened (9th) Your battle form is Large, and your attacks
have 10-foot reach, or 15-foot reach if your chosen weapon Heightened (14th) Your battle form is Large, and your
has reach. You must have enough space to expand into or attacks have 10-foot reach, or 15-foot reach if your chosen
the spell is lost. You instead gain AC = 22 + your level, 30 weapon has reach. You must have enough space to expand
Temporary Hit Points, Attack modifier +30, damage bonus into or the spell is lost. You instead gain AC = 27 + your level,
+17 (+12 for a ranged attack), and Athletics +33. 80 Temporary Hit Points, Attack modifier +42, damage bonus
+20 (+14 for a ranged attack), and Athletics +43.
Heightened (10th) Your battle form is Large, and your

Cast a to t
Target 1 creature; Range 60 Feet
Area 10-foot burst; Saving thow Reflex (basic)
You blast an area with divine energy. You deal 2d6 divine
damage to all targets in the area, and they get a basic Reflex
save. The number of actions you spend when Casting this
Spell determines the area and other parameters.
a (somatic) The area is 10-feet.
d (somatic, verbal) The area increases to 20-feet, and the
damage to 4d6. Targets that fail the Reflex save are dazzled
for 1 round.
t (material, verbal, somatic) The area increases to 30-feet,
and the damage to 6d6. Targets that failed the Reflex are
blinded for 1 round and knocked prone.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6 for the one-
action version of the spell, 2d6 for the two-action, and 3d6
for the three-action.



Cast D (somatic, verbal)

Target 1 creature; Range touch
Duration 1 minute
Target creature gains resistance 5 to one tradition (arcane,
divine, occult, or primal), and a +1 status bonus to attacks,
saves, DCs, AC, and skill checks. They may choose to reroll a
check during the duration of this spell. If they do, they take
the result (even if it was worse) and this spell ends.
Heightened (+3) The resistance increases by 5, and the status
bonus increases by 1.

You draw your power from the undead, twisted energies of lichdom. Whether cursed by an lich's looted
tomb or a diligent understudy to an even more powerful lich, your fate draws you to undeath.



You draw your power from the undead, twisted energies of Prerequisite Lich Dedication
lichdom. You may have been cursed by an artifact looted Undead minions you control gain a circumstance bonus to
from the tomb of a great necromancer, or decided to work their attacks, AC, DCs, and saves equal to the circumstance
under one of great liches of your time. Regardless, your fate bonus you gain from surge (1 from 1-21, 2 at 23, 3 at 25).
is inextricably linked to the strongest of the undead magic Their attacks now count as magical for the purposes of
users, the mighty lich. You may gain the basic undead bypasses resistances.
You become an expert in Arcana, or in another trained skill
if you were already expert in Arcana. You cast spells like
a wizard, gaining a spellbook with four common arcane Prerequisite Lich Dedication
cantrips of your choice. You gain the Cast a Spell activity. You can cast more arcane spells each day. Increase the spell
You can prepare two cantrips each day from your spellbook. slots you gain from lich archetype feats by 1 for each spell
You're trained in arcane spell attack rolls and spell DCs. Your level other than your two highest lich spell slots.
key spellcasting ability for lich mythic archetype spells is Int.
You gain basic spellcasting benefits. Each time you gain a EXPERT LICH SPELLCASTING FEAT 12
spell slot of a new level from the lich archetype, add two
common spells of that level to your spellbook.
Prerequisites Lich Dedication, master in Arcana
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher You gain the expert spellcasting benefits.
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic LICH TRANSFORMATION FEAT 18
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your RARE MYTHIC ARCHETYPE TRANSFORMATION
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level Prerequisite Lich Dedication
slot are always mythic heightened. Requirement Have succeeded a mythic quest connected to
becoming a lich, often involving artifacts of death or dealing
Special You may not take another mythic dedication with a legendary lich.
feat until you have taken two feats from the lich mythic You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
archetype. permanently turn into a lich. This ritual should cost rare
arcane supplies and reagents worth the target's level
Additional Mythic Feats Available Beyond Mortal Needs,
(minimum 1) × 100 gp and will always result in the creation
Eldritch Breach, Eldritch Flight, True Necromancy, Zealous of a soul vessel in addition to the transformation. If wielded,
Ritualist a soul vessel will count as a legendary item.
After transforming, you will gain the following benefits and
Prerequisite Lich Dedication Neutral Evil alignment
You gain the ability to use necromantic magic using focus +1 status bonus to all saves vs positive
spells specific to liches. You learn a lich focus spell of your Avanced undead benefits (see Book of the Dead)
choice: corrupted blood, negative eruption, or vampiric blade. Negative healing
If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Immunity death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison,
Point, which you can Refocus by studying necromancy or unconscious
controlling undead minions. Lich spells are arcane spells, and Rejuvenation (arcane, necromancy) When a lich is destroyed,
the key spellcasting ability for these is Int. its soul immediately transfers to its soul vessel. A lich can
be permanently destroyed only if its soul vessel is found and
Special: You may take this more than once. If you do, select destroyed.
a different lich focus spell and increase your Focus Points by Resistances cold 20, physical 15 (except magic bludgeoning)
1, to a maximum of 3. Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 60 feet, DC
equal to your highest class or spellcasting DC
Hand of the lich Your unarmed Strikes deal an additional 1d6
negative damage and inflict paralyzing touch
Paralyzing Touch (arcane, curse, incapacitation, necromancy)
A creature damaged by the lich's hand Strike must succeed
at a Fortitude save your highest class or spellcasting DC - 4.
The creature becomes paralyzed for 1 round on a failure. On
a critical failure, the creature is paralyzed permanently, falls
prone, and seems dead. A DC 25 Medicine check reveals the
victim is alive.
Drain Phylactery f Frequency once per day; Effect You tap
into your phylactery's power to cast any arcane spell up to
the highest level you can cast, even if the spell being cast
is not one of your prepared spells. Your phylactery doesn't
need to be present for the lich to use this ability.

Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast lich

focus spells. You may instead cast them with a cooldown
of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting them to
ignore the cooldown cost.

Prerequisite Expert Lich Spellcasting, legendary in Arcana

You gain the master spellcasting benefits.

Prerequisite Master Lich Spellcasting, mythic in Arcana

You gain the legendary spellcasting benefits. NEGATIVE ERUPTION FOCUS 3
Lich Spells
Cast t (material, somatic, verbal)
CORRUPTED BLOOD FOCUS 3 Area 30 foot emanation; Targets All living and undead
creatures in the area
Saving thow Fortitude (basic)
Cast D (somatic, verbal)
Range 60 feet; Targets 1 living creature You channel negative energy to harm the living or heal the
Duration 1 minute undead. Living creatures in the area take 3d8 negative dam-
Saving thow Fortitude and Reflex (basic) age, and get a basic Fortitude save. Willing undead creature
You point at a target in range, and its blood is filled with in the area restore 24 Hit Points and gain a +2 status bonus
caustic necromantic energy. The target must attempt a to attacks and saving throws for 1 minute. Heightened (+1)
Fortitude save. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d8 and healing
Critical Success Unaffected increases by 8.
Success The target becomes sickened 1. If they die while VAMPIRIC BLADE FOCUS 3
sickened, a 10-ft burst of negative energy explodes from
their corpse, dealing 6d6 negative damage with a basic RARE HEALING LICH NECROMANCY NEGATIVE
Reflex save. Any character that takes damage becomes Cast D (somatic, verbal)
sickened 1. Range touch; Target 1 melee weapon
Failure As success, but target is sickened 2 instead. Duration 1 minute
Critical Failure As success, but target is sickened 2 instead
and immediately takes 6d6 negative damage. Target weapon becomes bloodthirsty. It deals an additional
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6 for both the 1d6 negative damage. Whenever the weapon deals negative
burst and the critical failure effect. damage, it heals the wielder for the same amount.
Heightened (+3) The weapon deals an additional 1d6 negative

Some are destined not only to achieve personal greatness, but also to inspire armies, rally the fallen,
and bring the most out of those who follow them. The marshal is such a leader, renowned for his vision.



Some are destined not only to achieve personal greatness, Prerequisite Marshal Dedication, Master in Diplomacy or
but also to inspire armies, rally the fallen, and bring the most
out of those who follow them. The marshal is such a leader, When you first enter an area or make your presence known
renowned for his vision, courage, and strategic acumen. to a group of strangers, your mythic nature becomes
Soldiers flock to a marshal’s banner for a chance to serve apparent. You may Make an Impression, Coerce, or
under such a commander, confident that his skill will see them Demoralize any number of creatures within 120 feet.
through even the most difficult challenges. Non-mythic creatures are particularly susceptible to these
attempts; you treat your skill check as one step better
You become an expert in Society and Diplomacy. If you are against non-mythic creatures. This ability has no effect on
already an expert in Society, selected another trained skill to those that have seen you before.
raise to expert instead. Do the same if you are already an
expert in Diplomacy. You gain a bonus skill feat; this does
not count as a mythic archetype feat. You must meet the
requirements for this feat.
Whenever you use the Surge action, you and all your allies
gain a +10 circumstance bonus to all your speeds. You gain
the option to use Surge to make your allies within 120 feet
quickened until the start of your next round. They may use
the action to make any action with the move or attack trait.
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until
you have taken two feats from the Marshal archetype.
Additional Mythic Feats Available Advance, Assured Skill,
Deadly Guidance, Stand Tall, Visionary Commander



Prerequisite Marshal Dedication

You gain the ability to use special powers unique to those on
the martial path. You learn a special marshal archetype feat of
your choice: Focus, Heroic Block, Inspire Minions, Perfect Aid,
Redirect Attention, or Unwavering Skill.
Special: You may take this more than once. If you do, select a
different marshal archetype feat from those listed.


Prerequisite Marshal Dedication

Frequency Once per Round
Trigger You and/or your allies fail a saving thow or skill check
You and any number of allies that failed the same skill check
or saving thow may reroll the failed check or saving thow.
Any creature that rerolls the check must take the result of the
reroll, even if it is lower.

Frequency Once per 1d4 rounds

Target One location you can see or general direction
Area 60-foot burst; Range 60 feet
Where you point, others feel overwhelmingly compelled
to look. Creatures in the area must make a Will save with
a DC equal to your highest class DC or spellcasting DC.
Non-mythic characters have a much harder time resisting
this effect and treat the result of their saving throw as one
degree worse.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected
Success The creature is fascinated for 1 round, and must
spend at least one action on their turn to move towards the
location or direction as long as they are fascinated. This
counts as forced movement.
Failure The creature is fascinated for 1 minute, and must
Marshal Abilities spend at least one action each turn to move towards the lo-
FOCUS A MYTHIC FEAT cation or direction as long as they are fascinated. This counts
as forced movement.
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE Critical Failure The creature is fascinated for 10 minutes, and
Frequency Once per 1d4 rounds must spend at least twos action each turn to move towards
the location or direction as long as they are fascinated. This
All allies within 30 feet may immediately use Surge as a free counts as forced movement.

Frequency Once per 1d4 rounds Frequency Once per 1d4 rounds
Trigger An ally becomes the target of an attack Trigger You or an ally within 60 feet chose to forgo rolling a
skill check using Assurance
You may make an action with the move trait. Then, if you The creature using Assurance may instead receive a result
are next to your ally you may make a DC 5 flat check. If of 12 + either your or their proficiency bonus, whichever is
you succeed, the ally gains +2 status and a +2 circumstance higher.
bonus to their AC.

Frequency Once per 1d4 rounds

Whenever you grant a circumstance bonus to a creature
with the minion trait, that circumstance bonus increases to
+3 if it was lower. If you are at least level 21, that circum-
stance bonuses increases to +4 instead.



Frequency Once per 1d4 rounds

Trigger You use the Aid reaction.
You critically succeed at the Aid reaction. If you are at least
level 10, you grant your ally a +3 circumstance bonus if you
have expert proficiency in the skill (rather than +2), and you
grant your ally a +4 circumstance bonus if you have master
proficiency (rather than +3).
You approach the pinnacle of skill at arms and armor. Whatever cause you fight for, whether good or
evil or entirely personal, is elevated from the mere mundane to the stuff of myth and legend.

MARTIAL MASTER DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT stance for one round. A fused stance gains the effects of both
stances, including the requirements and restrictions.
Special You gain the Mythbound Stance action.
You gain power from your own martial prowess.
You become an expert in Athletics or Acrobatics, or in MYTHBOUND STANCE a
another trained skill if you were already expert in Athletics or
Acrobatics. You gain Lunge, or another 1st- or 2nd-level fighter MYTHIC ARCHETYPE STANCE
feat if you already possess Lunge. You gain 4 additional Hit
Points for each martial master mythic archetype feat you Prerequisite Martial Master Dedication, at least one stance
have. As you continue selecting martial master archetype Requirements You have used Surge before the end of your
feats, you continue to gain additional Hit Points in this way. last turn
Whenever you use the Surge action, you gain resistance 5 to You pour your mythic energies into your stance. For 1 minute,
physical damage. You gain the option to use Surge to restore you gain a circumstance bonus to your attacks, AC, and saves
Hit Points equal to your level and refresh the frequency limits equal to the circumstance bonus you would gain from Surge.
of your martial master mythic archetype feats. This counts as using Surge at the start of your turn.
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until
After 1 minute you leave this stance, become fatigued, and
you have taken two feats from the martial master mythic
cannot use this action again for 1 hour.
Additional Mythic Feats Available Always Armed, Hard
to Kill, Mythic Recovery, Stand Tall, To the Death UNMATCHED VERSATILITY FEAT 10
Through your unparalleled experience, you can
FORTUNE MYTHIC ARCHETYPE prepare your tactics to suit different situations.
Prerequisite Martial Master Dedication When you make your daily preparations, you
Trigger You make an attack roll against a foe gain one class feat of your level or lower that you
and miss don’t already have. You can use that feat until
Frequency Once per minute your next daily preparations. You must meet
all of the feat’s other prerequisites. That class
Immediately roll again. You must take the feat must be from the barbarian, champion,
second roll, even if it’s lower. fighter, gunslinger, inventor, investigator,
monk, ranger, or swashbuckler classes.
MYTHIC RESOLVE r FEAT 6 Special You may take this up to three times. Each
time you take this feat, you may gain an additional
class feat of your level or lower when you take your
Prerequisite Martial Master Dedication daily preparations.
Trigger You have rolled for a saving thow but the
result hasn't been declared yet. HERO'S FATE A FEAT 14
Frequency Once per minute
Immediately roll again. You must take the FORTUNE MYTHIC ARCHETYPE

second roll, even if it’s lower. Prerequisite Martial Master Dedication

Frequency Once per minute
ASCENDED STANCE F FEAT 10 You tread the best path possible by fate. For one round, if
you would roll an 18, 19, or 20, your result is one degree
better than it would be by numbers alone.
Prerequisite Martial Master Dedication, at least one stance
Trigger You roll for initiative
You enter a stance without a thought. Use an action that has
the stance trait.
Special You gain the option to use Surge to enter into a fused

Prerequisite Martial Master Dedication

Frequency Once per minute
In burst of incredible speed and power you make up to eight
actions from among the following: Strike, Stand, Step, Climb,
Jump, Grapple, Feint, Disarm, or Shove. You may take each
action up to twice during this flurry.
Each attack counts toward your multiple attack penalty, but
do not increase your penalty until you have made all your
attacks. After making this flurry, end your turn. You are
slowed 1 on your next turn, and can't remove this condition
by any means.

You take power from the unexplainable, the bizarre, the ephemeral. Strange esoterica and mystery
fuel your story and you find the unknowable and that which should not be known to be your tools.


Prerequisite Occult Exemplar Dedication
You gain power from your own mastery of occult magic.
You make countermeasures against the bizarre and unnatural.
You become an expert in Occult, or in another trained skill You gain resistance equal to twice your level to mental and
if you were already expert in Occult. You cast spells like a negative damage and gain immunity to visual until the start
Bard. You gain access to the Cast a Spell activity. You gain a of your next turn. If you fail a save against a mental effect
spell repertoire with two common cantrips from the occult originating from a creature during this duration, that creature
spell list. You're trained in spell attack rolls and spell DCs faces psychic recoil. They may attempt a Will save.
for occult spells. Your key spellcasting ability for occult
exemplar archetype spells is either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Charisma (your choice), and they are both occult and occult Success You deal 3d6 mental damage.
exemplar spells. Failure You deal 6d6 mental damage.
Critical Failure You deal 12d6 mental damage.
You gain basic spellcasting benefits.
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher OCCULT EXEMPLAR BREADTH FEAT 8
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your Prerequisite Occult Exemplar Dedication
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level You can cast more occult spells each day. Increase the spell
slot are always mythic heightened. slots you gain from occult exemplar archetype feats by 1 for
each spell level other than your two highest occult xemplar
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat spell slots.
until you have taken two feats from the occult exemplar
Additional Mythic Feats Available Deep Understanding, EXPERT OCCULT SPELLCASTING FEAT 12
Eldritch Breach, Flash of Omniscience, Force Reality, Spell

Prerequisites Occult Exemplar Dedication, master in Occultism

OCCULT EXEMPLAR POWERS FEAT 6 You gain the expert spellcasting benefits.


Prerequisite Primal Paragon Dedication IT IS ALL CONNECTED! A FEAT 16

You gain the ability to use occult magic using focus spells METAMAGIC MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
specific to occult exemplars. You learn an primal paragon Prerequisite Occult Exemplar Dedication
focus spell of your choice: crush the inner self, release the Frequency Once per hour
bizarre, or what should not be known. If you don't already
have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you You can remove a single grain of sand from its place without
can Refocus by studying the occult or performing magic. changing something throughout all parts of the immeasurable
Occult exemplar spells are primal spells; the key spellcasting whole. Chaos is deterministic to the occult and bizarre. If the
ability for these spells is the same as what you chose with next action you use is to Cast a Spell that targets a single
your dedication. creature, you may modify the targets of that spell. You may
target an additional creature with that spell; that creature
Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select a must be either you, or one of your allies.
different primal paragon focus spell and increase your Focus
Points by 1, to a maximum of 3.


Cast T (material, somatic, verbal)

Prerequisite Expert Occult Exemplar Spellcasting, legendary
Range 30 feet
in Occultism Duration sustained up to 1 minute
You gain the master spellcasting benefits. You summon something from parts unknown. This works
like summon animal, except you summon a common creature
BIZARRE RITES T FEAT 20 that has the aberration, ethereal, or time trait and whose
level is 2.
Heightened (4th) Level 3
Prerequisite Occult Exemplar Dedication Heightened (5th) Level 5
Frequency Once per hour Heightened (6th) Level 7
You tap into the unknowable to produce the unpredictable. Heightened (7th) Level 9
You cannot make reactions until the start of your next turn, Heightened (8th) Level 11
but you gain the benefits of Occult Defenses if you have Heightened (9th) Level 13
possess that feat. At the start of your next turn you can use Heightened (10th) Level 15
up to 8 actions to use the Cast a Spell Activity. Each spell you Heightened (11th) Level 17
cast must have a different name and counts as being mythic Heightened (12th) Level 19
heightened. Additionally, the spells must be cast in this order, Heightened (13th) Level 21
if possible: Heightened (14th) Level 23
First, The Spread A spell that lists an area WHAT SHOULD NOT BE KNOWN FOCUS 3
Second, The Choosing A spell that can target only 1 creature
Third, Anointing A spell that only affects you UNCOMMON ENCHANTMENT MENTAL OCCULT PARAGON
Fourth, Unknowing A spell without the mental trait Cast D to T
After you use these actions, you are slowed 1 for 1 minute, Area varies; Range 30 feet
cannot use Surge for 1 minute, and your turn ends. Targets 1 creature; Saving Throw Will (basic)
You pull the thin veneer covering the fabric of reality, dealing
LEGENDARY OCCULT SPELLCASTING FEAT 22 3d10 mental damage to target creature as they grapple with
the unfathomable truth. They may attempt a basic Will save.
The number of actions you spend when Casting
Prerequisite Master Occult Spellcasting, mythic in this Spell determines its duration, targets,
area, and other parameters.
d (somatic, verbal) The spell has
You gain the legendary spellcasting benefits. a range of 30 feet and deals an
additional 12 damage.
Occult Exemplar Spells t (material, somatic, verbal)
You reveal a greater truth,
CRUSH THE INNER SELF FOCUS 3 affecting and dealing damage
to all other creatures in a 30-
Cast d (material, somatic, verbal) dealt to the fabric of reality
Area 20-foot burst; Range 60 feet is severe and disorienting.
Duration varies; Saving thow Will Creatures making move or
You beat down the minds of all the creatures in the area. teleportation actions inside
They take 9d6 mental damage, and must attempt a Will the area must attempt a DC
save. 11 flat check, and become
stupefied 1 for 1 minute if
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
they fail.
Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage. Their mind is Heightened (+1) The amount
crushed by the assault that it breaks, making them stupefied of damage increases
2 and giving them immunity to mental for 1 minute by 1d10, and the extra
Critical Failure As failure, but the duration is 1 day. damage for the 2-action
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 3d6. version increases by 4.

Your power is drawn from insatiable, amorphous dwellers in darkness, the ooze. Through your
journeys, you may find that all your physical weaknesses will disappear; but your hunger will not.


Prerequisite Ooze Dedication
You gain power from oozes.
You become an expert in Athletics, or in another trained skill Your appendages melt back into your form. Though you
if you were already expert in Athletics. You gain Lunge, or can form pseudopods to make manipulate actions or wield
another 1st- or 2nd-level fighter feat if you already possess weapons, it requires you to spend a three-action activity
Lunge. You gain 4 additional Hit Points for each martial (once formed, a pseudopod will remain until your next daily
master mythic archetype feat you have. As you continue preparations). You can manifest any unique feature required
selecting ooze archetype feats, you continue to gain additional for a spell or ability you control, such as claws or horns, on a
Hit Points in this way. pseudopod you have created. You can only hold items with a
Whenever you use the Surge action, you gain resistance 10 to maximum of 2 pseudopods at the same time.
precision damage and critical hits. You gain the option to use You gain a climb Speed equal to your Speed. You can Squeeze
Surge to increase the reach on your melee Strikes by 10 feet, at full Speed.
and gain the Grab and Constrict abilities. You may make an
attack when you use this option. UNPARALLELED DIGESTION FEAT 10
Grab a Requirement Your last action was a success with
a melee Strike, or you have a creature grabbed using this
action. Effect You automatically Grab the target until the end Prerequisite Ooze Dedication
of your next turn. The creature is grabbed by a surge of gooey Your stomach dissolves, as your entire body grows capable
matter from whatever limb struck or held the weapon that of digestion. You can consume up half your Bulk in food in a
struck the target, and that body part can't be used to Strike single sitting (or one creature of your size in a day), and you
creatures until the Grab has ended. Using Grab extends of gain a permanent +2 circumstance bonus to checks resulting
your Grab until the end of your next turn for the creatures from anything you have eaten.
grabbed by you. You also gain the Engulf ability.
Constrict a Requirements You have a foe grabbed. Effect
Engulf d Frequency Once per hour Effect You Stride twice,
You contrict the grabbed foe. It takes bludgeoning damage
and can move through the spaces of creatures in your
equal to 1d10 plus your Strength modifier and your weapon
path. Any creature of your size or smaller whose space the
specialization damage (plus your Rage damage, if applicable).
you move through can attempt a Reflex save against your
The foe must attempt a basic Fortitude save against your
highest class DC to avoid being engulfed. A creature unable
class DC.
to act automatically critically fails this save. If a creature
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until succeeds at its save, it can choose to be either pushed aside
you have taken two feats from the ooze mythic archetype. (out of the your path) or pushed in front of the monster to
Additional Mythic Feats Available Abundant Form, Absorb the end your movement. You can attempt to Engulf the same
Blow, Destroyer, Hard to Kill, Shapeshifting Mastery creature only once in a single use of Engulf. You can contain
as many creatures as can fit in your space.
OOZE SENSES FEAT 6 A creature that fails its save is pulled into your body. It is
grabbed, and slowed 1. It takes damage equal to one your
Strikes when first engulfed and at the end of each of its
Prerequisite Ooze Dedication turns while it's engulfed.
You lose access to any sight-based sense you once had, as A creature get free by Escaping against your highest Class
your eyes dissolve into your body, permanently digested by DC. An engulfed creature can attack you, but only with
your ooze powers. unarmed attacks or weapons of Light Bulk or less. You
You becomes immune to any effect with the visual trait and are flat-footed against such attacks. If you take piercing
gain tremorsense 60 feet (imprecise). This becomes a precise or slashing damage equaling or exceeding one quarter of
sense you have no other precise senses after losing your sight. your maximum Hit Points from a single attack or spell, the
engulfed creature frees itself. A creature that gets free by
either method exists your space.
If you die, all creatures you have engulfed are automatically
Prerequisite Ooze Dedication
Prerequisite Ooze Dedication You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
You are capable of hiding in plain sight. You can store permanently turn into an ooze. This ritual should cost
any equipment you were holding or wearing in an rare arcane supplies and reagents worth the target's level
extradimensional stomach with a 1 minute activity. You still (minimum 1) × 100 gp.
gain the effects of any invested items that you previously After transforming, you will gain the following benefits and
wore. traits:
Ooze trait
While motionless and without anything inside your body
Ooze Hardiness Increase your maximum Hit Points by 50.
digesting, you become transparent and gain a +4 status You take a -4 penalty to your AC. Reduce this penalty to -2 if
bonus to Stealth DC. A success Perception check is whenever your size is Medium or Small.
necessary to detect you at all in this state, and a creature Large size
must be Searching to attempt this check. Immunity critical hits, precision, unconscious, visual
If you have Appendages Not Needed, you gain the Resistance 10 vs physical, 10 vs mental
Pseudopod Strike reaction. Pseudopod Eruption d You concentrate your mass into
several pseudopods, increasing your reach to 30 feet until
Pseudopod Strike r Requirements You are transparent and the end of your turn, or 35 feet if you are Huge. You then
motionless Trigger A creature makes a move action within Strike up to 4 different creatures within your reach. This
your reach. Effect You manifest a pseudopod, withdrawing counts as two attacks for your multiple attack penalty, but
a weapon from your interdimensional stomach or creating the penalty doesn't increase until after you make all the
an appendage you can use to make an unarmed Strike. You attacks.
make a melee Strike against the creature. If you succeed, Glutton You can eat up to twice your Bulk in one sitting, and
they are automatically grabbed. you can ignore the frequency limit for engulf.
Ooze Surge Whenever you use Surge, your size increases
If you have Unparalled Digestion, a creature that walks into by one size category and your Strikes deal an additional 1d6
your space while you are motionless must attempt a Reflex acid damage; this acid damage only deals damage to organic
or be engulfed. materials and creatures. You gain the option to Split, or Split
PARALYZING VENOM FEAT 16 Split You divide your mass into two identical oozes for one
minute, one of these copies is your prime body; the other
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE POISON becomes a slime minion that shares your stats and abilities.
Prerequisite Ooze Dedication Both your prime body and your copy are a size category
smaller than your original form before splitting. Your
Your mucus becomes a paralyzing poison. Any enemy that slime minions, cannot use the Cast a Spell activity or any
takes damage from your melee Strikes, constrict, or engulf other action that requires the concentration trait, but gains
must attempt a Fortitude save. A creature that critically immunity to mental. Even if you don't use the Command
succeeds against your mucus becomes immune to ooze action, your minion oozes can still use 1 action on your turn
mucus for 24 hours, and immediately goes to stage 0 of ooze that round to Stride or Strike. Your slime minions take a -2
mucus. circumstance penalty to Strikes.
You share a single pool of Hit Points between your prime
Ooze Mucus (injury) Saving thow Your highest Class DC; body and all slime minions you possess. Damage taken by
Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison damage either you or the slime minions reduces your Hit Points,
and clumsy 1 (1 round); Stage 2 2d6 poison damage and while healing either recovers your Hit Points. If your prime
clumsy 2 (1 round); Stage 3 2d6 poison damage, clumsy 2 body and slime minion are both subject to the same effect
and paralyzed (1 round); that affects your Hit Points, you apply those effects only
once (applying the greater effect, if applicable). Whenever
you use Surge, it applies to your prime body and all slime
minions. If your Hit Points are reduced to zero or if the one
minute duration expires, you reabsorb your slime minions.
Split Again If you already control one minion ooze, you
can Split one further time into four identical oozes. One of
these copies is your prime body, the other three become
minions that share your stats and abilities. Each copy is a
size category smaller than your prime body before you split
again, or two size categories smaller than before you split.

You derive your power from an instinctual connection to and faith in the world. You will master the
cycle of day and night, the turning of the seasons, and the natural selection of predator and prey.


Prerequisite Primal Paragon Dedication
You gain power from your own mastery of primal magic.
You make countermeasures against natural phenomenon.
You become an expert in Nature, or in another trained skill Choose energy or physical. If you chose energy, you gain
if you were already expert in Nature. You cast spells like a resistance equal to your level to cold, electric, and fire until
druid. You gain access to the Cast a Spell activity. You can the start of your next turn. If you chose physical, you gain
prepare two common cantrips each day from the primal resistance equal to your level against bludgeoning, piercing,
spell list. You're trained in spell attack rolls and spell DCs for and slashing until the start of your next turn. You also ignore
primal spells. Your key spellcasting ability for primal paragon natural difficult terrain and take no fall damage until the start
archetype spells is either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma of your next turn.
(your choice), and they are arcane archmage spells.
You gain basic spellcasting benefits. PRIMAL BREADTH FEAT 8
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic Prerequisite Primal Paragon Dedication
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you You can cast more primal spells each day. Increase the spell
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your slots you gain from primal paragon archetype feats by 1 for
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from. each spell level other than your two highest primal paragon
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level spell slots.
slot are always mythic heightened.
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat EXPERT PRIMAL SPELLCASTING FEAT 12
until you have taken two feats from the primal paragon

Additional Mythic Feats Available Deep Understanding,

Prerequisites Primal Paragon Dedication, master in Nature
Eldritch Breach, Eldritch Flight, Energy Conversion, Spell
Perfection You gain the expert spellcasting benefits.


Prerequisite Primal Paragon Dedication Prerequisite Primal Paragon Dedication
You gain the ability to use primal magic using focus spells Frequency Once per hour
specific to primal paragons. You learn an primal paragon Your mastery over nature allows you to modify your spells
focus spell of your choice: curse of nature unloving, renew, or to great effect. If the next action you use is to Cast a Spell
wrath. If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of that targets a creature with Animal, Beast, Amphibious, or
1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by studying nature or Humanoid trait, you may modify the duration of the spell. If
performing magic. Primal paragon spells are primal spells; the the spell has a duration of at least 1 minute, you can extend it
key spellcasting ability for these spells is the same as what until your next daily preparations.
you chose with your dedication.
Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select a
different primal paragon focus spell and increase your Focus
Points by 1, to a maximum of 3.

Prerequisite Expert Primal Paragon Spellcasting, legendary UNCOMMON PRIMAL PARAGON TRANSMUTATION

in Nature Cast d (somatic, verbal)

Area 20-foot burst; Range 60 feet
You gain the master spellcasting benefits.
Duration varies; Saving thow Will
You curse an area to make all within more vulnerable to
SPEED OF NATURE T FEAT 20 nature's primal wrath. Each creature gains weakness 3 to
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, slashing as well as to
Prerequisite Primal Paragon Dedication cold, electric, and fire. They must attempt a Will save.
Frequency Once per hour Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The duration is 1 round
You tap into the reserves of your energy to gather nature's Failure The duration is 3 rounds
strength. You cannot make reactions until the start of your Critical Failure The duration is 1 minute
next turn, but you gain the benefits of Primal Defenses if you Heightened (+1) The weakness increases by 1.
have possess that feat. At the start of your next turn you
can use up to 8 actions to use the Cast a Spell Activity. Each RENEW FOCUS 3
spell you cast must have a different name and counts as being
mythic heightened. Each spell must also affect a target other
than you. After you use these actions, you are slowed 1 for 1 Cast F (somatic)
minute, cannot use Surge for 1 minute, and your turn ends. Trigger Your turn starts; Range 60 feet
Targets One willing living creature;
LEGENDARY PRIMAL SPELLCASTING FEAT 22 Duration until the next time you make your daily
preparations; Frequency Once per minute
All things end, and all things begin again. You channel
Prerequisite Master Primal Spellcasting, mythic in positive energy to heal a living creature. They restore 12 Hit
Points and are protected from the elements as per endure
Nature element.
You gain the legendary spellcasting benefits. Heightened (+1) The amount of healing increases by 4.

Cast D to T
Area varies; Range 30 feet
Targets 1 creature; Saving Throw Reflex (basic)
You conjure nature's wrath, dealing 3d10 damage to target
creature. The damage type this inflicts is determined by
what form this wrath takes, and can be either: bludgeoning,
cold, electric, fire, piercing, or slashing. If you choose to deal
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing you may choose whether
that damage counts as magical or not. The number of actions
you spend when Casting this Spell determines its duration,
targets, area, and other parameters.
d (somatic, verbal) The spell has a range of 30 feet and deals
an additional 12 damage.
t (material, somatic, verbal) You disperse wrath in a 30-foot
emanation, dealing damage to all other creatures in the area.
The area remains warped by the wrath, and difficult terrain
for 1 minute.
Heightened (+1) The amount of damage increases by 1d10, and
the extra damage for the 2-action version increases by 4.

Guardians of disorder and natives of primal plane of chaos known as the Maelstrom, proteans consider
it their calling to spread bedlam and hasten entropic ends. You fit into that calling, some way or how.

PROTEAN DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT actions or actively increasing entropy. Protean spells are
arcane spells, and the key spellcasting ability for these is Wis.
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When
You draw your power from the guardians of disorder and you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher
natives of the primal plane of chaos known as the Maelstrom, than the maximum level you could cast without mythic
the proteans who consider it their calling to spread bedlam heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
and hasten entropic ends. lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
You become an expert in Athletics or Acrobatics, or in Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
another trained skill if you were already expert in Athletics are always mythic heightened.
or Acrobatics. You gain Lunge, or another 1st- or 2nd-level
fighter feat if you already possess Lunge; this does not count Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select
as a mythic archetype feat. You gain 4 additional Hit Points a different protean focus spell and increase your Focus Points
for each protean mythic archetype feat you have. As you by 1, to a maximum of 3.
continue selecting protean archetype feats, you continue to PROTEAN SHIFT A FEAT 8
gain additional Hit Points in this way.
Whenever you use the Surge action, your attacks do an ARCANE CONJURATION MYTHIC ARCHETYPE TELEPORTATION

additional 1d12 chaotic damage; this deals half damage Prerequisites Protean Dedication, Protean Powers
(rounded up) even to non-chaotic, non-lawful creatures. You Frequency Once per day
gain the option to use Surge to force an enemy within 30 feet You blink quickly between the Material Plane and the Ethereal
to make a Fortitude save with a DC equal to your highest Plane. For one minute, you gain resistance equal to half your
Class or Spell DC or be affected by a warpwave level (rounded down) to all damage (except force). You gain
Table 2-3: Warpwave Effects the following action:
d8 Warpwave Effect Split Space a (envision) You vanish and reappear 10 feet away
in a direction of your choice.
1 Clumsy 2 (3 on a critical failure)
2 Confused and gains 4d6 temporary Hit Points
3 Dazzled (permanent on a critical failure) MYTHIC ARCHETYPE TRANSFORMATION

4 Enfeebled 2 (3 on a critical failure) Prerequisite Protean Dedication

5 Immobilized by filaments of energy Requirements Have succeeded a mythic quest connected to
becoming an protean
6 Quickened (Stride, Strike, or Step only) You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
7 Slowed 1 permanently turn into a protean. This ritual should cost
rare arcane supplies and reagents worth the target's level
8 Stupefied 2 (3 on a critical failure) (minimum 1) × 100 gp.

Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until After transforming, you will gain the following benefits and
you have taken two feats from the protean mythic archetype. traits:
Additional Mythic Feats Available Absorb Blow, Abundant Chaotic Neutral alignment
Form, Always Armed, Instant Healing, Shapeshifting Mastery Darkvision
PROTEAN POWERS FEAT 6 Entropy Sense You can anticipate the most likely location of
a creature through their supernatural insight into the forces
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE of chaotic probabilities and chance. This grants you the
ability to sense creatures within the listed range. A creature
Prerequisite Protean Dedication under the effects of nondetection or that is otherwise
shielded from divinations and predictions cannot be noticed
You gain the ability to use chaotic magic using focus spells
via entropy sense.
specific to proteans. You learn a protean focus spell of your Protean and Monitor traits
choice: entropic acceleration, garbled thoughts, or leaching +1 status bonus to all saves vs magic
glare. If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of Fast Healing 10
1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by committing chaotic
Immunity death effects, disease, emotion, poison, GARBLED THOUGHTS FOCUS 3
Resistances precision 10, protean anatomy 20 UNCOMMON EMOTION ENCHANTMENT MENTAL PROTEAN
Weakness 20 to lawful damage
Cast D (somatic, verbal)
Protean Anatomy (divine, transmutation) Your vital organs
shift and change shape and position constantly. Immediately Duration 1 minute
after you take acid, electricity, or sonic damage, you gain Saving thow Will
the listed amount of resistance to that damage type. This Whenever you hit a creature with a melee Strike during the
lasts for 1 hour or until the next time you take damage of duration, that creature takes 1d6 chaotic damage and must
one of the other types (in which case its resistance changes make a Will save.
to match that type), whichever comes first. You are immune
to polymorph effects unless you are a willing target. If Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
blinded or deafened, you automatically recover at the end Success The creature takes half damage.
of its next turn as new sensory organs grow to replace the Failure The creature takes full damage and is stupefied 1 for
compromised ones. 1d4 rounds.
Protean Surge When you use surge, the Chaotic damage Critical Failure As failure, but the creature takes double
increases to 2d12. You gain the option to subject a creature damage and is also confused for 1 round.
to a creature to a greater warpwave rather than a normal
one, rolling the warpwave dice twice and taking both results. Heightened (+3) The damage increases by 1d6
Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast
Protean focus spells. You may instead cast them with a LEACHING GLARE FOCUS 3
cooldown of 1d4 rounds
Protean Spells Cast A (somatic)
Targets Any number of non-protean creatures
Cast A (somatic) Saving thow Will
Area 30-foot emanation You open a third eye bewildering those around you. Creature
Targets Any number of creatures not including you in the area take 2d6 chaotic damage and must make a Will
Frequency Once per minute save
Saving thow Will Critical Success The creature is unaffected
You speed up entropy in the area. Each target must make a Success The creature takes half damage.
save. A target can choose to take the effects of a failure. Failure The creature takes full damage and is stupefied 2.
Critical Success The creature may immediately make a Stride Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is
or Strike as a free action. If multiple creatures receive a free stupefied 3.
action, they resolve in initiative order. Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 1d6
Success As per critical success, but the creature is also slowed
1 until the end of their next round.
Failure As per success, but If the creature is affected by any
persistent damage sources, they take a turn of damage without
the usual recovery save immediately. If they are afflicted by
a poison or disease with a stage length of 1 round, they make
a new save against that poison or disease and advance to a
further stage if they fail (if they succeed or critically succeed,
they take the effects of the current stage).
Critical Failure As per failure, but the creature takes two turns
of damage rather than one and are slowed 2 instead.

Psychopomps are guardians and shepherds of the dead native to the Boneyard. You have been
bestowed not just with the power of those that sort the souls of men, but some of their obligations.

PSYCHOPOMP DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select
a different pyschopomp focus spell and increase your Focus
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE MYTHIC DEDICATION Points by 1, to a maximum of 3.

You draw your power from the guardians and shepherds of

the dead native to the Boneyard, the vast plane of graves
where mortal souls are judged and sent on to their eternal
rewards or damnations MYTHIC ARCHETYPE

You become an expert in Religion, or in another trained skill Prerequisite Psychopomp Dedication
if you were already expert in Religion. You cast spells like a Your strikes affect incorporeal creatures with the effects of
sorcerer. You gain access to the Cast a Spell activity. Choose a ghost touch property rune and deal 1d6 negative damage
the divine or occult tradition, you gain a spell repertoire with to living creatures and 1d6 positive damage to undead.
two common cantrips from that tradition's spell list. You're You gain a circumstance bonus equal to your Surge bonus
trained in spell attack rolls and spell DCs for your tradition's to Perception checks to detect incorporeal creatures, and
spells. Your key spellcasting ability for psychopomp whenever you use Surge you may deal 1d6 negative damage
archetype spells is Wisdom, and they are psychopomp spells to living creatures and 1d6 positive damage to undead in a
of your chosen tradition. You learn the call spirit ritual. 20-ft emanation.

You gain basic spellcasting benefits. Each time you gain a PSYCHOPOMP BREADTH FEAT 8
spell slot of a new level from the psychopomp archetype,
add a spell of the appropriate spell level to your repertoire: a
common spell of your chosen tradition or another spell you Prerequisite Psychopomp Dedication
have learned or discovered.
You can cast more spells each day. Increase the spell slots you
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When gain from devil archetype feats by 1 for each spell level other
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher than your two highest devil spell slots.
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you EXPERT PSYCHOPOMP SPELLCASTING FEAT 12
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level Prerequisites Psychopomp Dedication, master in Religion
slot are always mythic heightened.
You gain the expert spellcasting benefits.
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat
until you have taken two feats from the psychopomp mythic MASTER PSYCHOPOMP SPELLCASTING FEAT 18
Additional Mythic Feats Available Alignment Insight, Alter
Channel, Beyond Mortal Needs, Farwalker, Reactive Ward Prerequisite Expert Psychopomp Spellcasting, legendary in
You gain the master spellcasting benefits.
Prerequisite Psychopomp Dedication
You gain the ability to use divine or occult magic using focus Prerequisite Psychopomp Dedication
spells specific to psychopomps. You learn a psychopomp Requirement Have succeeded a mythic quest connected to
becoming a psychopomp, often involving working with a
focus spell of your choice: catrina's calm, mask of the nosoi, psychopomp usher
or yamaraj feather cloak. If you don't already have one, you
You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by permanently turn into a psychopomp. This ritual should cost
studying the records of the dead or psychopomp bureaucracy. rare divine or occult supplies and reagents worth the target's
Psychopomp spells are the same tradition you chose with the level (minimum 1) × 100 gp and will always result in the
dedication feat, and the key spellcasting ability for these is creation of a unique mask. If wielded, this mask counts as a
Wis. legendary item.
After transforming, you will gain the following benefits and MASK OF THE NOSOI FOCUS 3
Monitor and psychopomp traits Cast a (material) or d (material, somatic)
True Neutral Alignment Duration 3 rounds
Lifesense 60ft (imprecise)
+1 status bonus to all saves vs magic You don the mask of the nosoi The number of actions you
Fast healing 5 spend when Casting this Spell determines the area and other
Immunity to death effects, disease parameters.
Resistance 15 negative, 15 poison a (material) You become invisible. This makes you unde-
Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 60 feet, DC tected to all creatures, though the creatures can attempt to
equal to your highest class or spellcasting DC find the target, making it hidden to them instead. If you use
Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast a hostile action, the spell ends after that hostile action is
psychopomp focus spells. You may instead cast them with a completed.
cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting
them to ignore the cooldown cost. d (material, somatic) You draw the attention of living and
undead creatures in a 60-foot burst with a range of 120 feet.
LEGENDARY PSYCHOPOMP SPELLCASTING FEAT 22 Each living and undead creature in the area must make a
Will save.
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE Success The target is unaffected.
Prerequisite Master Psychopomp Spellcasting, mythic in Failure The target is fascinated by you.
Religion Critical Failure The target is fascinated by you. While it
You gain the legendary spellcasting benefits. remains fascinated, it can't use reactions.
Psychopomp Spells
CATRINA'S CALM FOCUS 3 Cast D (material, somatic)

PSYCHOPOMP You draw upon your connection with Yamaraj to gain immunity
to electricity. Whenever you would take electricity damage
Cast D (material, somatic)
if not for your immunity, you gain fast healing 5 or increase
Area 30-foot emanation; Duration 1 minute
your fast healing by 5. If fast healing would bring you above
Saving thow Will
your maximum Hit Points, you gain that amount as Temporary
You emit an aura of calm. All creatures that enter the area
Hit Points, up to a maximum of 15 Temporary Hit Points.
must make a Will save. Regardless of the result of the
saving throw, the creature is temporarily immune to this Heightened (+1) The fast healing increases by 1, and the
effect for 1 minute. This effect loses the incapacitation trait Temporary Hit Points increases by 5.
against non-mythic undead. Heightened (6th) The duration increases to 1 minute
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature has –1 status penalty to attack rolls
while within the aura.
Failure Any emotion effects that would affect the creature
are suppressed and the creature can't use hostile actions. If
the target is subject to hostility from any other creature, it
ceases to be affected by catrina's calm.
Critical Failure As failure, but hostility doesn't end the effect.

You draw strength from evil spirits that cloak themselves in the guise of humanoid creatures and walk
unseen among their prey. Their power is in taboo, and so is the power you draw from them.

RAKSHASA DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
are always mythic heightened.
Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select a
You gain power from the rakshasa, evil spirits that represent different rakshasa focus spell and increase your Focus Points
what is taboo among most societies. They are among the by 1, to a maximum of 3.
few fiends that are native to the Material Plane, living in
urban areas where humanoids congregate and disguising
themselves among them. MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
You become an expert in Deception and Stealth. If you are Prerequisite Rakshasa Dedication
already an expert in Deception, selected another trained skill Frequency once per 1d4 rounds
to raise to expert instead. Do the same if you are already Trigger An enemy creature's turn begins
an expert in Stealth. You gain a bonus skill feat; this does
not count as a mythic archetype feat. You must meet the You harness the power of the near mythic maharaja, invoking
requirements for this feat. the ability to cast spells even though you lack additional
Whenever you use the Surge action, you gain a +2 status heads. You cast one of your cantrips, focus spells, or 8th-level
bonus to checks to Deception and Stealth checks. You gain or lower spells that normally take 2 actions or fewer to cast.
the option to use Surge to gain a +2 status to all saves vs.
magic, +3 status to all saves vs. divine magic until the start of RAKSHASA TRANSFORMATION FEAT 18
You gain the Change Shape ability.
Prerequisite Rakshasa Dedication
Change Shape a (concentrate, occult, polymorph, Requirements Have succeeded a mythic quest to become a
transmutation) You take on the appearance of any Medium rakshasa, often requiring indulging in taboo
humanoid, but your hands are always backward while in You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
this form . This doesn't change your Speed or your attack permanently turn into an rakshasa. This ritual should cost
and damage modifiers with their Strikes but might change rare occult supplies and reagents worth the target's level
the damage type your unarmed Strikes deal (typically to (minimum 1) × 100 gp. After transforming, you will gain the
bludgeoning). following benefits and/or traits:
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until
Fiend and Rakshas traits
you have taken two feats from the rakshasa archetype. Lawful Evil Alignment
Additional Mythic Feats Available Abundant Form, Assured Darkvision
Skill, Charmer, Ruler, Shapeshifting Mastery Tongues as a 10th level constant spell
Telepathy 120 feet
RAKSHASA POWERS FEAT 6 Resistance 20 to physical (except piercing)
Weakness 20 to good
Reincarnation You reincarnate as a unique rakshasa 24
Prerequisite Rakshasa Dedication hours after dying, somewhere in the general region where
you died if possible. Unique normal rakshasa, you retain
You gain the ability to use occult magic using focus spells your memories of your past life and return to maturity
specific to rakshasa. You learn an rakshasa focus spell of your within the span of a week. Typically reincarnating this way
choice: acquire head, first taboo, or scoff at the divine. If you requires taking over the body of an infant, but you may also
don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, spontaneously return to existence as an infant, using your
which you can Refocus by committing evil or taboo acts. mythic powers to form a new body.
Rakshasa spells are occult spells, and the key spellcasting
ability for these is Cha. Special Choose one 7th level or lower occult spell with the
illusion trait. You can cast that spell as an innate occult spell
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When at will. That spell cannot be used with Autonomous Spell.
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic rakshasa focus spells. You may instead cast them with a
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your them to ignore the cooldown cost.
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
Rakshasa Spells Two Rounds If you spend 3 actions Casting the Spell, you
can avoid finishing the spell and spend another 3 actions on
ACQUIRE HEAD FOCUS 3 your next turn to empower the spell even further. If you do,
the spell is as 3 actions, but the area is a 60-foot emanation,
UNCOMMON EVIL MORPH RAKSHASA TRANSMUTATION deals an additional 6d6 evil damage, and each creature that
Cast r (somatic) fails their Will save believes that they have partaken in the
Trigger An evil creature dies with range; Range 30 feet; ghastly ritual. Good creatures are sickened 2, while neutral
Targets 1 evil creature that just died creatures are sickened 1.
You wrench the target's soul away before it can pass on to
the afterlife and use it to create a second head, as is common SCOFF AT THE DIVINE FOCUS 3
among the most powerful rakshasa. The head is only tem- UNCOMMON ABJURATION RAKSHASA
porary, lasting only for the duration of the spell. While you
have a second head, you may cast confusion as a 4th level Cast r (verbal)
at-will occult innate spell and gain the following abilities: Trigger A creature within range casts a divine spell or uses a
divine ability
All-Around Vision Range 30 feet
Consume Soul a (occult, necromancy, negative) You consume
the soul. The soul is utterly destroyed, and the you regain HP You attempt to counteract the spell. If you succeed, you deal
equal to double the creature’s level. This ends the spell. 2d6 evil damage to the spellcaster.
Heightened (6th) You may cast crushing despair as a 5th Heightened (+1) You deal an additional 1d6 evil damage.
level at-will occult innate spell
Heightened (8th) You may cast hallucination as a 6th level
at-will occult innate spell
Heightened (10th) You may cast possession as a 7th level
at-will occult innate spell
Heightened (12th) You may cast prismatic wall as an 8th
level at-will occult innate spell

Cast A to two rounds

Range varies; Target 1 living creature
Duration varies; Saving thow Will basic
You conjure the image of the first rakshasas, human
sorcerers that devoured their foes and spirit animals alike
to commit their souls to a cycle of reincarnation, becoming
the first rakshasas. The number of actions you spend when
Casting this Spell determines its targets, range, area, and
other parameters.
a (somatic) The spell has a range of touch. It deals 6d6
mental damage with a basic Will save.
d (somatic, verbal) The spell has a range of 30 feet and
deals 8d6 mental damage with a basic Will save. If a
creature fails the save, it has to deal with lingering after
effects, seeing their allies as rakshasa with animal heads
and reversed joints. They are frightened 2, and must make a
DC 11 flat check to count as a willing creature for their allies
spells and abilities.
t (material, somatic, verbal) You disperse your illusion in a
30-foot emanation. This targets all living creatures in the em-
anation. It deals 6d6 mental damage with a basic Will save.
If a creature fails the save, it has to deal with lingering after
effects, seeing their allies as rakshasa with animal heads
and reversed joints. They are frightened 2, and must make a
DC 11 flat check to count as a willing creature for their allies
spells and abilities.
Fear is a powerful thing. That power is yours, thanks to your connection with a Sahkil from the Ethereal
Plane, a primordial embodiment of mortal fears that slip into nightmares to torment the living.



You draw your power from former psychopomps who rebel Prerequisite Sahkil Dedication
against their role as soul shepherds for the River of Souls and Trigger A creature within your reach uses a manipulate
embrace the cause of furthering mortal fears. Your powers action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a
are particularly tied to one specific fear or phobia; note which square during a move action it's using
source of fear you draw power from.
You lash out at a foe that leaves an opening. Make a melee
You become an expert in Intimidation, or in another trained
Strike against the triggering creature. If your attack is a critical
skill if you were already expert in Intimidation. You gain
hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, you disrupt that
Intimidating Strike, or another 1st- or 2nd-level fighter feat
action. This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack
if you already possess Intimidating Strike; this does not
penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this
count as a mythic archetype feat. You gain 4 additional Hit
Points for each Sahkil mythic archetype feat you have. As you
continue selecting Sahkil archetype feats, you continue to If the creature that triggered this reaction is frightened, you
gain additional Hit Points in this way. may make an additional Strike at a -5 circumstance penalty.
Whenever you use the Surge action, your attacks do an SAKHIL TRANSFORMATION FEAT 18
additional 1d6 mental damage to frightened creatures, and
you heal 6 Hit Points whenever you Strike a frightened
creature. You gain the option to use Surge to generate a 15 Prerequisite Sahkil Dedication
foot aura for one round that prevents the frightened condition Requirements Have succeeded a mythic quest connected to
from lowering inside its area. becoming an sahkil, often involving terrifying a creature to
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until death
you have taken two feats from the sahkil mythic archetype. You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
permanently turn into a sahkil. This ritual should cost
Additional Mythic Feats Available Dimensional Retribution, rare occult supplies and reagents worth the target's level
Farwalker, Hard to Kill, Instant Healing, Penetrating Strike (minimum 1) × 100 gp.
After transforming, you will gain the following benefits and
Fiend and Sahkil traits
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE Neutral Evil alignment
Prerequisite Sahkil Dedication +1 status bonus to all saves vs magic
You gain the ability to use fear magic using focus spells specific Feed on Fear You regain 10 Hit Points at the start of your
to sahkils. You learn a sahkil focus spell of your choice: eternal turn if any creature within 100 feet is afflicted by the
fear, taint fears, or isolate foes. If you don't already have one, frightened condition.
you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus Immunity death effects, fear
Weakness good 20
by committing chaotic actions or actively increasing entropy. Skip Between a (conjuration, divine, teleportation) You move
Sahkil spells are occult spells, and the key spellcasting ability from the Material Plane to the Ethereal Plane or vice-versa,
for these is Cha. with the effects of ethereal jaunt except that the effect has
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When an unlimited duration and can be Dismissed.
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher Sahkil Surge When you use surge, the mental damage
increases to 2d6 and the healing to 12 Hit Points. You
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic gain the option to create a 15 foot aura for one round that
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you prevents the numerical value of frightened, sickened,
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your drained, enfeebled, clumsy, or stupefied from being lowered
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from. inside its area.
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast Sahkil
are always mythic heightened. focus spells. You may instead cast them with a cooldown
of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting them to
Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select a ignore the cooldown cost. You may ignore the frequency
different sahkil focus spell and increase your Focus Points by limit of isolate foes.
1, to a maximum of 3.
Sahkil Spells can't perceive or interact with the affected creatures with one
exception: an ally can target an effected creature with remove
ETERNAL FEAR FOCUS 3 curse to remove the effects.
Critical Failure As failure, but the effect is permanent


Area 100-foot emanation; Targets Any number of creatures Cast D (somatic, verbal)
Duration Varies; Saving thow Will Area 100-foot emanation
You conjure the impression of a kimenhul's distorting faces, Targets Any number of frightened creatures
making enemies see a terrifying and traumatic display that Saving thow Will
causes lingering fear. Each target must make a Will save.
They are then temporarily immune for 10 minutes. You grasp the fear present in those in the area, and inject a
new poisonous strand of fright into the mix. All targets must
Critical Success The target is unaffected. attempt a Will save.
Success The target becomes frightened 1.
Failure The target becomes frightened 3 and is fleeing as Critical Success The creature is unaffected
long as it's frightened. Even after recovering from the initial Success The creature takes 1d6 persistent mental damage.
experience, the trauma is lodged in the target's mind for 1 Failure The creature takes 2d6 persistent mental damage and
year. Once per day, you can communicate telepathically with is stupefied 2 as long as they are frightened.
the target for 1 minute as long as both creatures are on the Critical Failure The creature takes 4d6 persistent mental
same plane. Any time a creature under the effect of Eternal damage and is stupefied 2 as long as they are frightened.
Fear is in a stressful situation (such as combat or intense Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 2d6.
social pressure), they must succeed at a DC 11 flat check or
become frightened 2. While Eternal Fear lasts, the target
always becomes fleeing as long as it's frightened, regardless
of the source of the fear. The target can attempt a new sav-
ing throw each week to remove these effects, but they can
otherwise be removed only by powerful magic such as wish.
Critical Failure As failure, but the effects are permanent and
the target doesn't get to attempt a weekly save to end the




Cast D (somatic, verbal)

Range 60 feet; Targets Up to four creatures that are each
adjacent to up to at least one other target
Duration Varies; Saving thow Will
Like a ximtal, you attempt to isolate your enemy's companions,
forcing an impression that each creature's friends and allies
have vanished and they are all alone against an insurmountable
threat. Each target must attempt a Will save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected
Success The creature can't perceive their allies for 1 round or
interact with them in any way, and they can move into allies'
spaces as if their allies simply weren't there. This does not
apply to their allies, who can spend a single action with the
Manipulate trait to end this effect, though this only ends the
effect for that ally.
Failure The target becomes out of phase with all allies for 1
minute. The affected creatures can't perceive their allies or
interact with them in any way, and they can move into allies'
spaces as if their allies simply weren't there. Allies similarly
You draw strength from the ephemeral. Whether your ancestors guide you, nature spirits bless you,
or a malevolent spirit possesses you, power flows from your connection to the spiritual.

SPIRIT DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE MYTHIC DEDICATION than the maximum level you could cast without mythic
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
You gain power from spirits, ephemeral creatures that are
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
defined by their spiritual selfs and are often lacking a physical
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
form. Some spirits are undead, but others arise naturally
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
from areas with strong emotions. These can include spirit
are always mythic heightened.
guides, which arise from nature and the reverence of local
communities, or even spirits of battle that follow in the wake Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select a
of war. different spirit focus spell and increase your Focus Points by
You become an expert in Acrobatics and one other skill. If you 1, to a maximum of 3.
are already an expert in Acrobatics, selected another trained SPIRITUAL MEDIUM FEAT 12
skill to raise to expert instead. You gain a bonus skill feat; this
does not count as a mythic archetype feat. You must meet the MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
requirements for this feat.
Prerequisite Spirit Dedication
Whenever you use the Surge action, you gain a +2 status
bonus to checks to Fly, Seek, and Recall Knowledge until the You refine your spiritual essence, expanding your senses and
start of your next turn. You gain the option to use Surge to power. You are affected by spirit sense heightened to your
enter your spirit form, gaining following effect. highest non-mythic spell level. This counts as a constant spell.
You don't need to cast it, its duration is unlimited, and if it gets
Enter Your Spirit Form You gain a fly Speed equal to 30 feet
counteracted you can reactivate it by spending the normal
or your Speed, whichever is greaterand can pass through solid
spellcasting actions the spell requires without expending a
objects. When inside an object, you can't perceive, attack, or
spell slot.
interact with anything outside the object. If you end your
turn inside of an object, you will be shunted out to the nearest In addition, choose one 3rd level or lower occult spell with the
5-ft square. emotion trait. You can cast that spell at will.
You can't make Strength-based checks against physical SPIRIT TRANSFORMATION FEAT 18
creatures or objects unless either you or the object has the

You gain resistance equal to your level against all damage Prerequisite Spirit Dedication
except force damage and damage from Strikes with the ghost Requirements Have succeeded a mythic quest to become
touch rune, with double the resistance against non-magical a spirit, often requiring enlightenment or a connection to a
damage. specific spiritual concept
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
you have taken two feats from the spirit archetype. permanently turn into a spirit. This ritual should cost
rare occult supplies and reagents worth the target's level
Additional Mythic Feats Available Assured Skill, Bit of Fun, (minimum 1) × 100 gp. After transforming, you will gain the
Beyond Mortal Needs, Impossible Prestidigitation, Impressible following benefits and/or traits:
Soul Spirit and Incorporeal Trait
SPIRIT POWERS FEAT 6 You may take gain the Undead trait. If you do, your
alignment becomes Neutral Evil, and you gain negative
Prerequisite Spirit Dedication
Telepathy 120 feet
You gain the ability to use occult magic using focus spells Immunity disease, paralyzed, poison, precision
specific to spirits. You learn a spirit focus spell of your Resistance 20 to all (except force and ghost touch), doubled
choice: ominous footsteps, spiritual control, or wail. If you against non-magical damage
don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Fly Speed equal to 30 feet or your Speed, whichever is
Point, which you can Refocus by committing communing with greater
spirits. Spirit spells are occult spells, and the key spellcasting Special Choose one 7th level or lower occult spell with the
ability for these is either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma emotion trait. You can cast that spell as an innate occult
spell at will.
(your choice).
Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast WAIL FOCUS 3
spirit focus spells. You may instead cast them with
a cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while UNCOMMON AUDITORY DEATH NECROMANCY SPIRIT
casting them to ignore the cooldown cost.
Cast D or t
Area 40-foot emanation; Duration 1 round
Spirit Spells Saving thow Fortitude
You mimic the soul chilling scream of perhaps the most
OMINOUS FOOTSTEPS FOCUS 3 known spirit, the banshee. Each living enemy in the area
takes 2d10 negative damage and must attempt a Fortitude
save. The wail resonates for 1 round, and any living creature
that comes within the area during that time must attempt
a save against the effect. A creature can't be affected more
Cast D (somatic, verbal) than once by the same wail.
Area 60 feet; Duration 1 minute
The number of actions you spend when Casting this Spell
Saving thow Will
determines how effective it is at overcoming silence and
Your footsteps seem to draw ever closer, yet the source re-
similar effects.
mains difficult to pinpoint. Each creature that starts its turn
within 60 feet of the you must attempt a Will save. D (verbal) The spell overcomes effects of 5th level and
Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily lower.
immune for 1 minute. t (verbal) The spell overcomes effects of 8th level and
Success The creature becomes frightened 1. lower.
Failure The creature becomes frightened 2. Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Critical Failure The creature becomes frightened 4. Success The creature takes full damage.
Heightened (6th) You are also invisible unless within an area Failure The creature takes full damage and is drained 1.
of bright light. Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is
drained 2.
SPIRITUAL CONTROL FOCUS 3 Heightened (+1) The damage goes up by 1d10
Heightened (6th) The drained level on a failure becomes 1d2.
UNCOMMON ABJURATION SPIRIT Heightened (9th) The drained level on a failure becomes 1d4,
Cast d (somatic, verbal) and the drained level on a critical failure becomes 4.
Duration 1 minute
You heighten your control over your spiritual self, and spirits
in the area. While this spell is active, you gain a +2 status
bonus to Deception, Diplomacy, and Intimidation against
creatures with the spirit trait.
You also manifest your spiritual self by gaining 10 temporary
Hit Points and gaining a +1 status bonus to your saves and
the saving throw of spells you cast with the spirit trait.
You also gain the ability to make spirit blasts. You can attack
with a spirit blast once when you finish Casting the Spell,
and can repeat the attack once on each of your subsequent
turns by taking a single action, which has the attack,
concentrate, and spirit traits. After your fourth attack total,
the spells ends.
When you make an attack with spiritual control, make a
ranged spell attack roll against a creature within 30 feet,
dealing 6d6 force damage if you hit (or double damage on a
critical hit.)
Heightened (+1) The damage goes up by 2d6, and the
temporary Hit Points go up by 2

You are on the path of a Swarm-That-Walks, a powerful spellcaster whose soul has been consumed by
hideous hive mind whose goals and missions derive from the flesh on which they sup.



Prerequisite Swarm-That-Walks Dedication

You draw your power from the all-consuming gluttony of the
swarm-that-walks, a hive mind that eclipses the menace of You gain the ability to use swarm magic using focus spells
the already threatening worm-that-walks. specific to swarm-that-walks. You learn a swarm focus spell
of your choice: devour, swarm feast, or wriggling death. If you
You become an expert in Nature or Occultism, or in another don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point,
trained skill if you were already expert in Nature or which you can Refocus by controlling insects or studying
Occultism. You cast spells like a druid. You gain access to to become a swarm-that-walks. Swarm spells are the same
the Cast a Spell activity. Choose primal or occult. You can tradition you chose with the dedication feat, and the key
prepare two common cantrips each day from that tradition's spellcasting ability for these is Int.
spell list. You're trained in spell attack rolls and spell DCs for
that tradition spells. Your key spellcasting ability for swarm- Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select
that-walks archetype spells is Intelligence and they are a different swarm focus spell and increase your Focus Points
swarm-that-walks spells matching the tradition you chose. by 1, to a maximum of 3.

You gain basic spellcasting benefits. SWARM BREADTH FEAT 8

You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher Prerequisite Swarm-That-Walks Dedication
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic You can cast more of your tradition's spells each day. Increase
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you the spell slots you gain from swarm-that-walks archetype
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your feats by 1 for each spell level other than your two highest
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from. devil spell slots.
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level
slot are always mythic heightened. EXPERT SWARM SPELLCASTING FEAT 12
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat
until you have taken two feats from the swarm-that-walks Prerequisites Swarm-That-Walks Dedication, master in Nature
mythic archetype. You gain the expert spellcasting benefits.
Additional Mythic Feats Available Earth Protection, Eldritch MASTER SWARM SPELLCASTING FEAT 18
Breach, Hard to Kill, Instant Healing, Virulent Persistence

Prerequisite Expert Swarm-That-Walks Spellcasting,

legendary in Nature
HOST OF THE GREAT SWARM FEAT 6 You gain the master spellcasting benefits.
Prerequisite Swarm-That-Walks Dedication
You are affected by speak with animals heightened to your
highest non-mythic spell level, but this only allows you Prerequisite Swarm-That-Walks Dedication
to speak to insects. This counts as a constant spell. You Requirement Have succeeded a mythic quest connected to
don't need to cast it, its duration is unlimited, and if it gets becoming a Swarm-That-Walks, often involving Deskari or
counteracted you can reactivate it by spending the normal vescavor swarms
spellcasting actions the spell requires without expending a You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
spell slot. Insects start off as Friendly to you, and you gain permanently turn into a swarm-that-walks. This ritual should
a +4 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks to influence cost rare occult or primal supplies and reagents worth the
target's level (minimum 1) × 100 gp.
insects. Your spells are altered to be particularly effective
against clouds of insects and other swarms; you ignore the After transforming, you will gain the following benefits and
immunity granted by swarm mind.
Aberration and Swarm traits
Neutral Evil Alignment
Tremorsense 30 feet The swarm descends on an area. All
Fast healing 10 creatures in that area take 3d6
Immunity disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, swarm mind, piercing damage and must
unconscious attempt a basic Fortitude
Resistances physical 10 save. If they fail, they are
Weaknesses area damage 10, splash damage 10 also sickened 1. If any
Discorporate When a swarm-that-walks is reduced to 0 HP, creatures in that area
it discorporates and the component insects that make up die, summon a swarm.
its body disperse in every direction. If even a single insect This works like sum-
escapes, the swarm-that-walks will eventually re-form using
a process that typically takes 1d10 days. mon animal, except
Squirming Embrace a The swarm-that-walks Strides, ending that you summon a
its movement sharing a space with a creature, and deals 7d8 common creature
piercing damage to the creature. The creature can attempt with the swarm
a basic Reflex save with a DC equal to your highest class or trait that is level 2
spellcasting DC. or lower.
Swarm Shape a (concentrate) The swarm-that-walks
collapses into a shapeless swarm of insects. It drops all held, Heightened (+1)
worn, and carried items. While discorporated, the swarm- The deal increases
that-walks can't use attack actions and can't cast spells, but by 2d6.
it can move through areas small enough for its individual Heightened (4th)
insects to fit without having to Squeeze. It can use the same Level 3.
action to coalesce back into its normal form. Heightened (5th)
Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast Level 5.
swarm-the-walks focus spells. You may instead cast them Heightened (6th)
with a cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while Level 7.
casting them to ignore the cooldown cost.
Heightened (7th)
Heightened (8th)
Prerequisite Master Swarm-That-Walks Spellcasting, mythic Heightened (9th) Level 13.
in Nature Heightened (10th) Level 15.
Heightened (11th) Level 17.
You gain the legendary spellcasting benefits.
Heightened (12th) Level 19.
Swarm Spells Heightened (13th) Level 21.
Heightened (14th) Level 23
Cast a (somatic)
Range 60 feet; Targets 1 living or dead creature Cast t (material, somatic, verbal)
Saving Throw Fortitude (basic) Range 120 feet; Area 20-foot emanation
You send your swarm out to devour a creature. If it is living, Duration 1 minute
it takes 3d6 piercing damage and must attempt a basic For- You summon a mass of wriggling flesh that attempts to
titude save. If it is dead or the damage kills a living creature, capture creatures in the area. Make spell attack rolls against
the swarm devours it in an instant and you restore 30 Hit the Fortitude DC of each creature in the area. Any creature
Points. If this would bring you above your maximum Hit you succeed against is grabbed by a wriggling mass and takes
Points, you gain that amount as Temporary Hit Points, up to 1d6 piercing damage and 1d6 poison damage. Whenever a
a maximum of 30 Temporary Hit Points. creature ends its turn in the area, the mass attempts to grab
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6. The healing that creature if they haven't already, and they deal 1d6 piercing
increases by 10, and the maximum Temporary Hit Points and 1d6 poison damage to any creature already grabbed.
increases by 10. The mass's Escape DC is equal to your spell DC. A creature
can attack the mass in an attempt to release its grip. Its AC is
SWARM FEAST FOCUS 3 equal to your spell DC, and the portion grabbing that creature
is destroyed if it takes 12 or more damage. Even if destroyed,
additional pieces of swarm mass continue to grow in the area
Cast t (material, somatic, verbal) until the duration ends. You can Dismiss the spell.
Range 120 feet; Area 20-foot burst
Heightened (+3) The damage increases by 1d6 piercing and
Saving Throw Fortitude (basic)
1d6 poison
Little embodies strength more than the colossal war-bringers that attempted to overthrow the
divinities that created them. That strength is now yours, and now the ancient treason stirs again.

TITAN DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
are always mythic heightened.
Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select
You draw your power from a race that was old when the a different titan focus spell and increase your Focus Points by
universe was young. The titans were the gods first children, 1, to a maximum of 3.
a race formed from the raw substance of the planes to help
them refine and develop the new, and still roughly-formed
multiverse. Some of the titans noted their closeness to divinity AURA DIVINE ILLUSION MENTAL MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
and the favoritism they shared to their mortal followers, and
rebelled against divinity. Others fought for peace with the Prerequisite Titan Dedication, Titan Powers
gods and were greatly rewarded when the gods emerged Frequency Once per day
victorious. Titans warp perception and distance around them to seem
even larger and more imposing. You draw on this space
You become an expert in Athletics, or in another trained skill if
warping effect to create a 100 foot emanation that effects
you were already expert in Athletics. You gain Power Attack,
how creatures perceive you for 1 minute. A creature that
or another 1st- or 2nd-level fighter feat if you already possess
enters or begins its turn within the emanation must succeed
Power attack; this does not count as a mythic archetype
at a Will save against your highest class DC or spellcasting DC
feat. You gain 4 additional Hit Points for each titan mythic
or its movement toward you is movement over difficult terrain
archetype feat you have. As you continue selecting titan
(greater difficult terrain on a critical failure) for 1 round. You
archetype feats, you continue to gain additional Hit Points in
may exempt allies from this effect.
this way.
Whenever you use the Surge action, your attacks do an TITAN TRANSFORMATION FEAT 18
additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage. You gain the option to
use Surge to become particularly resistant to divine effects, MYTHIC ARCHETYPE TRANSFORMATION
treating all successes on saves against divine effects as
critical successes until the start of your next turn Prerequisite Titan Dedication
Requirements Have succeeded a mythic quest connected to
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until becoming a titan
you have taken two feats from the titan mythic archetype. You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
permanently turn into a titan. This ritual should cost
Additional Mythic Feats Available Destroyer, Lesson Learned, rare divine supplies and reagents worth the target's level
Limitless Range, Ruler, Stand Tall (minimum 1) × 100 gp.
After transforming, you will gain the following benefits and
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE Humanoid and Titan traits
Prerequisite Titan Dedication Darkvision
True Seeing (as a constant spell)
You gain the ability to use ancient divine magic using focus +4 status bonus to all saves vs divine
spells specific to titans. You learn a titan focus spell of your Impossible Stature becomes a permanent aura
choice: godslayer, hundred-dimension grasp, or titan's strike. Gargantuan size (all equipment resizes with you)
If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Immunity death effects, disease
Focus Point, which you can Refocus by committing acts to Melee Strikes gain the reach 30 feet trait, or reach 40 feet if
spite divine beings. Titan spells are divine spells, and the key they already had reach
spellcasting attribute for titan spells is either Intelligence, You may ignore the penalty for attacking up to two range
Wisdom, or Charisma (your choice) increments away when using Ranged Strikes.
Titan Surge When you use surge, the bludgeoning damage
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When increases to 3d6. You gain the option to become incredibly
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher resistant to divine effects, treating the results of all saving
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic throws against divine effects as one degree better
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast titan
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your focus spells. You may instead cast them with a cooldown
of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting them to
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
ignore the cooldown cost.

Titan Spells

Cast F (somatic) Cast d or t

Trigger You damage a creature capable of using divine spells Area 100-foot emanation; Duration 1 minute
or abilities Targets Up to 2 creatures
Duration Varies; Saving Throw Will The number of actions you spend when Casting this Spell
The creature must attempt a Will save. determines its targets and other parameters.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. d (somatic, verbal) For the duration of the spell, you may
Success The creature can't use divine spells or abilities for make melee Strikes anywhere within the emanation (which
1 round and is stupefied 2. Only powerful non-divine magic, moves with you). As long as you have a hand free, you may
such as wish, can undo this effect. Grab any foe struck this way as a free action.
Failure As success, but the duration is 1 minute.
t (material, somatic, verbal) For the duration of the spell,
Critical Failure As success, but the duration is unlimited.
you may make melee Strikes anywhere within the emanation
(which moves with you). As long as you have a hand free,
HUNDRED-DIMENSION GRASP FOCUS 3 you may Grab any foe struck this way as a free action. When
UNCOMMON CONJURATION TELEPORTATION TITAN you cast this spell, make attacks against up to 2 creatures in-
side the emanation. Additionally, you gain the Send Beyond
Cast A (somatic)
Area 120 foot emanation; Targets Up to 100 creatures
Duration Sustained up to 3 rounds Send Beyond d Requirements You have a creature grabbed;
You reach between realities to drag foes closer. You may attempt Effect You thrust the creature into a nightmare realm full
a single Athletics check or spellcasting check and compare the of lightless hands and eyes. This has the effects of maze,
result to the Fortitude DCs of each target. On a success, a foe is but the creature can use Occultism to escape in addition to
teleported to any square you choose within 120 feet; on a critical Perception or Survival. You can't use Send Beyond for 1d4
success, it's also paralyzed for 1 round. rounds.
After the targets have been teleported, you can manifest the
hundred arms of a Hekatonkheires Titan. You may make a
single Athletics check or spellcasting check to Grab any number
of targets brought within 30 feet, comparing the result to the
Fortitude DCs of each target.
The arms remain for 1 round. Each round thereafter, you may
Sustain the spell to extend the duration of the arms and make
another Athletics check or spellcasting check to Grab up to 100
creatures within 30 feet, comparing the result to the Fortitude DCs
of each target.

Seen only when they choose to be seen, tricksters manipulate kings and peasants alike, usually without
anyone sensing their influence. You wield the mischievous power of trickery and bend it to your will.



You gain power from your own mastery of trickery. For the Prerequisite Trickster Dedication
trickster, nothing is set in stone, because every stone can be You gain the ability to use arcane magic using focus spells
smashed to pieces - if one is powerful enough. With every specific to tricksters. You learn an trickster focus spell of
tweak and twist they make to the world, the trickster shatters your choice: extraordinary intimidation, glorious beard, or
mundane understandings of reality, often simply for the fun summon lager elemental. If you don't already have one, you
of it. gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by
You become an expert in Deception and Thievery. If you are committing chaotic acts or playing pranks. Trickster spells are
already an expert in Deception, selected another trained skill arcane spells, and the key spellcasting ability for these is Cha.
to raise to expert instead. Do the same if you are already
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When
an expert in Thievery. You gain a bonus skill feat; this does
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher
not count as a mythic archetype feat. You must meet the
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic
requirements for this feat.
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
Whenever you use the Surge action, you gain a +2 status lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
bonus to checks to Lie, Steal, Feint, or Create a Diversion until choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
the start of your next turn. You gain the option to use Surge Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
to Play a Joke, gaining one of the following effects. are always mythic heightened.
Put Something Where It Doesn't Belong (arcane, conjuration,
Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select a
teleportation) You attempt the Steal combat maneuver against
different trickster focus spell and increase your Focus Points
a creature or object within 60 feet. If you succeed, rather
by 1, to a maximum of 3.
than taking something, you put something of negligible Bulk
there instead. This can put an object in a covered bag, onto
a bandolier, or into a free-hand. If the target possesses none DISABLE TARGET CREATURE!? d FEAT 7
of these, you may attach the object with magical glue to the
target. If you have Legendary Thief, you may place something
of light Bulk instead. Prerequisite Trickster Dedication, Master in Thievery
Convince the Gullible (arcane, enchantment) You attempt to Requirements You are using Thieves' Tools
Lie to the target. If you succeed, in addition to the effects Living creatures are also just complex devices and can also be
of the lie, the target falls under the effect of a 5th level easily disabled. You can try to disable them. Make a Disable
hallucination for 1 round whose effects mimic lie you told. For Device check against an adjacent creature. The creature is
example, if you said "The sky is green" and succeeded at the temporarily immune for 1 minute.
Lie, the target would see the sky as green for one round. Critical Success The target must succeed at a Fortitude save
Trick Reality You attempt the Steal combat maneuver against against your Thievery DC or either die or become unconscious
reality itself, at a very hard DC for your level. If you succeed, (your choice). If the target succeeds at its save, it is paralyzed
you take a common item of level 1 or lower and negligible for 1 round, and then becomes enfeebled 2 and clumsy 2 for 1
or light Bulk in an unlikely location. For example, You might round; it suffers no effect on a critical success.
pluck a piece of fruit from a painting, or find 50-feet of rope Success The creature becomes enfeebled 2 and clumsy 2 for
inside a coat pocket. These items inevitably end up going 1 round.
missing soon thereafter, making it impossible to sell them. Failure The creature becomes enfeebled 1 and clumsy 1 for 1
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until Critical Failure The target is unaffected.
you have taken two feats from the trickster archetype.
Additional Mythic Feats Available Assured Skill, Bit of Fun,
Clown, Impossible Prestidigitation, Master of Shadows

Cast t (material, somatic, verbal)
Prerequisite Trickster Dedication Range 30 feet
Trigger A creature within 30 feet rolls a natural 1 or a
Duration sustained up to 1 minute
natural 20
Frequency Once per hour You conjure an elemental to fight for you. This works like
You twist fate, warping it to play a marvelous trick. You summon animal, except you summon a common creature
change the result of the dice roll to its opposite. If a creature that has the elemental trait and water trait and whose level
rolled a natural 1, they rolled a 20 instead and vice versa. is 1 or lower, such as those below. That creature's melee
If you change a 1 to 20, this gains the fortune trait. If you Strikes also inflict alcoholic.
change a 20 to 1, this gains the misfortune effect.
Using this ability is harder on an enemy; they may attempt Alcoholic (poison) Take 1d6 poison damage with a basic
a Will save equal to your highest spellcasting or class DC. If Fortitude save (equal to the spellcasting DC of the summoner).
they succeed, this ability has no effect but you can ignore If you fail, you are also stupefied 2.
the frequency limit until the next time you use this effect. You may consume your summoned lager elemental, treating
it as an alcoholic beverage of size equal to its Bulk. Each
Trickster Spells creature that drinks what it treats as L Bulk (L for Small or
Medium creatures, 1 Bulk for large, 2 Bulk for Huge, 4 Bulk for
EXTRAORDINARY INTIMIDATION FOCUS 3 Gargantuan) counts as drinking 1 day's worth of water for the
purposes of survival, but must make Fortitude save against
your spellcasting DC or be affected by alcohol.
MENTAL TRICKSTER Alcohol Onset 10 minutes; Stage 1 +1 item bonus to saving
throws against fear effects (10 minutes); Stage 2 flat-footed, +1
Cast T (verbal)
item bonus to saving throws against fear effects (10 minutes);
Range 60 feet; Area 30 foot burst
Stage 3 clumsy 1, flat-footed, stupefied 2 (10 minutes); Stage
Saving thow Will; Targets Any number of living creatures
4 clumsy 2 and sickened 2 (10 minutes); Stage 5 clumsy 2,
You are so good at demoralizing your enemies that they lose sickened 2, and stupefied 2 (10 minutes); Stage 6 unconscious
the will to live. Each enemy in the area makes a Will save. (8 hours); Stage 7 death
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Heightened (4th) Level 3.
Success The creature is stunned 1 as they attempt to fight Heightened (5th) Level 5. Alcoholic deals an additional 1d6
off the urge to hurt themselves. poison damage.
Failure The creature is controlled. They spend the first Heightened (6th) Level 7.
action of their turn attacking themselves, automatically Heightened (7th) Level 9.
succeeding. They then lose the controlled condition. Heightened (8th) Level 11. Alcoholic deals an additional 1d6
Critical Failure As failure, but the creature automatically poison damage.
critically succeeds at attacking themselves, and is also Heightened (9th) Level 13.
paralyzed until the start of their next turn after losing the Heightened (10th) Level 15.
controlled condition. Heightened (11th) Level 17. Alcoholic deals an additional 1d6
GLORIOUS BEARD FOCUS 3 poison damage.
Heightened (12th) Level 19.
Cast D (somatic, verbal) Heightened (14th) Level 23. Alcoholic deals an additional 1d6
Range touch; Target 1 creature poison damage.
Duration 10 minutes
This spell causes a glorious beard to erupt from the face
of a target. The beard grants a +1 status bonus to AC, and
resistance 3 to slashing.
Additionally, it makes you look so glorious!
Heightened (+1) The resistance increases by 1.
Heightened (6th) The status bonus increases to +2
Heightened (9th) The status bonus increases to +3
Heightened (12th) The status bonus increases to +4

You wield the power of the vampire, the bloodsucking undead that are known for being the best
manipulators and charmers of all undead, but suffer from bizarre compulsions and impulses.


Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until
RARE MYTHIC ARCHETYPE MYTHIC DEDICATION you have taken two feats from the vampire archetype.
You gain power from your connection to the primordial Additional Mythic Feats Available Charmer, Longevity, Pierce
bloodsuckers, the vampires. You may gain the basic undead the Darkness, Ruler, You'd Make Me Bleed!?
You become an expert in Athletics and Diplomacy. If you are
already an expert in Athletics, selected another trained skill RARE MYTHIC ARCHETYPE

to raise to expert instead. Do the same if you are already an Prerequisite Vampire Dedication
expert in Diplomacy. You gain a bonus skill feat; this does You gain the ability to use divine magic using focus spells
not count as a mythic archetype feat. You must meet the specific to vampires. You learn an vampire focus spell of your
requirements for this feat. choice: bend the blood, steal power, or the bats descend. If you
Whenever you use the Surge action, you gain a +2 status don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point,
bonus to checks to Climb, Gather Information, Grapple, or Fly which you can Refocus by committing charming potential
until end the start of your next turn. You gain the option to victims or committing evil acts. Vampire spells are divine
use Surge to entrance a creature within 30 feet; this ability spells, and the key spellcasting ability for these is Cha.
gains the mental and visual traits. The target may attempt
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When
a Will save.
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. than the maximum level you could cast without mythic
Success The creature takes a -2 circumstance penalty to Will heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
saves for 1 round. lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
Failure The creature takes a -2 circumstance penalty to Will choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
and Fortitude saves for 1 minute. It is particularly susceptible Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
to Charm and Dominate, taking a -3 circumstance penalty are always mythic heightened.
Critical Failure The creature takes a -2 circumstance penalty Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select a
to Will and Fortitude saves for 10 minutes. It is particularly different vampire focus spell and increase your Focus Points
susceptible to the charm and dominate spells, taking a -3 by 1, to a maximum of 3.
circumstance penalty to these spells ahead instead.
You gain the Embrace and Drink Blood abilities and a bite
attack. The bite attack is a finesse unarmed attack that deals RARE DIVINE ENCHANTMENT INCAPACITATION MENTAL
1d6 piercing damage.
Embrace a (attack) You attempt to Grapple a creature. You
may use your Diplomacy bonus instead of Athletics. If the Prerequisite Vampire Dedication, Vampire Powers
creature is willing, you grapples it automatically. You can cast dominate at will as a divine innate spell. You
Drink Blood a (divine, necromancy) Requirement A grabbed, cannot mythic heighten this spell. Casting it requires staring
paralyzed, restrained, unconscious, or willing creature is into the target's eyes, giving the spell the visual trait. A
within your reach. Effect You sink your fangs into that creature creature that succeeds is temporarily immune to your
to drink its blood. This requires an Athletics check against the Vampiric Domination for 24 hours. If you are fully destroyed,
victim's Fortitude DC if the victim is grabbed and is automatic the domination ends but merely reducing you to 0 HP is
for any of the other conditions. The victim is drained 2 and insufficient to break the spell.
you regain 10 HP, gaining any excess HP as temporary Hit VAMPIRE TRANSFORMATION FEAT 18
Points. Drinking Blood from a creature that's already drained
doesn't restore any HP to you but increases the victim's drain RARE MYTHIC ARCHETYPE

value by 1. You can also consume blood that's been emptied Prerequisite Vampire Dedication
into a vessel for sustenance, but you gain no HP from doing Requirement Have succeeded a mythic quest connected to
so. becoming a vampire
A victim's drained condition decreases by 1 per week. A blood You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
permanently turn into a vampire. This ritual should cost
transfusion, which requires a DC 20 Medicine check and rare divine supplies and reagents worth the target's level
sufficient blood or a blood donor, reduces the drain by 1 after (minimum 1) × 100 gp. After transforming, you will gain the
following benefits and/or traits: Heightened (5th) The shield has Hardness 15.
Undead and Vampire traits Heightened (7th) The shield has Hardness 20.
Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, or Lawful Evil Alignment Heightened (9th) The shield has Hardness 25.
Advanced Undead Benefits STEAL POWER FOCUS 3
Fast healing equal to your level RARE TRANSMUTATION VAMPIRE
Immunity death effects, disease, paralyze, poison, sleep Cast D (somatic, verbal)
Resistance 15 physical damage (except for darkwood or
Range touch; Duration 1 minute
Target one creature; Saving Throw Will
Weakness Vampire weaknesses
Coffin Restoration (divine, necromancy, negative) Unlike With a touch, you drain power from your opponents, and
other undead, you aren't destroyed at 0 HP. Instead, you fall put it to better use. Choose either enfeebled, clumsy, or
unconscious. If your body rests in its coffin for 1 hour, you stupefied. The target may attempt a Will save.
gain 1 HP, after which your fast healing begins to function
normally. Critical Success The creature is unaffected
Mist Escape F Trigger You are reduced to 0 HP. Effect You Success The creature is afflicted by that condition at a value
use Turn to Mist. You can take move actions to move toward of 1.
your coffin even though your are at 0 HP. While at 0 HP Failure As success, but you also gain a +1 status bonus to
in this form, you are unaffected by further damage. You whatever that condition reduced, such as Strength-based
automatically returns to its corporeal form, unconscious, if rolls and DC if you chose enfeebled.
you reach your coffin or after 2 hours, whichever comes first. Critical Failure As failure, but the creature takes a -2 status
Change Shape a (concentrate, divine, polymorph, penalty and you gain a +2 status bonus.
transmutation) Giant bat or wolf as per a mythic heightened
Animal Shape Heightened (8th) The value of the condition increases by one
Turn to Mist a (concentrate, divine, teleportation, for failures and critical failures and the value of the status
transmutation) You turn into a cloud of mist as the gaseous bonus increases to +2 for a failure or +3 for a critical failure.
form spell, or back to its normal form. You lose your fast
healing while in gaseous form. You can remain in this form THE BATS DESCEND FOCUS 3
indefinitely. When you use this effect, you may teleport up
to 30-feet to any point you can see, or to your coffin. RARE CONJURATION INCARNATE VAMPIRE

Cast T (material, somatic, verbal)

Special You may cast vampiric exsanguination as a 6th level
Range 100 feet
divine innate spell at will.
Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast Duration Until the end of your next turn
vampire focus spells. You may instead cast them with a You briefly conjure a massive swarm of bats. The massive
cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting bat swarm occupies the space of a Huge creature and has a
them to ignore the cooldown cost. fly Speed of 60 feet.
Arrive Vampiric Bites Each enemy creature within a 60-foot
Vampire Spells emanation takes 4d6 piercing damage with a basic Fortitude
BEND THE BLOOD FOCUS 3 save. If they fail, they are also drained 1.
Depart (fear, emotion, healing, mental, necromancy)
Consume the Offering You drain the bat swarm of blood.
Cast r (somatic) As they fill the air with their dying shrieks, thick rivulets
Trigger A creature attempts to Strike you. of blood fly through the air to your square. You heal 4d6
Duration Until the start of your next turn damage, gaining any excess HP as temporary Hit Points, and
With a flick of your wrist, you create a shield of blood to all creatures within 60 feet must make a Will save.
defend yourself from an attack. If a creature within 30 feet Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
is under a persistent bleed effect, that creature takes 10 Success The creature is frightened 1.
damage as you pull blood from their body and use it as a Failure The creature is frightened 2
shield. Critical Failure The creature is frightened 2 and deafened for
This counts as using the Raise a Shield action, giving you 1 minute.
a +2 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next Heightened (+1) The damage and healing increase by 1d6
turn, but it doesn't require a hand to use.
While the spell is in effect, you can use the Shield Block
reaction as a free action with your blood shield. The shield
has Hardness 10. After you use Shield Block, the spell ends
and you can't cast it again for 10 minutes.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 5

You have been drawn into the world of the hideous shadow-dwelling fiends known for the debased,
sadistic suffering they inflict. Your connection to the Shadow Plane and denizens is fraught with peril.

VELSTRAC DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE MYTHIC DEDICATION are always mythic heightened.

You draw your power from the Shadow Planes native denizens, Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select
fiends who seek ultimate sensation through self-mutilation. a different velstrac focus spell and increase your Focus Points
They transcend their stoic detachment only when inflicting by 1, to a maximum of 3.
pain and terror upon their victims, practicing new forms of
debasement and torture before then turning their knives on UNNERVING GAZE D FEAT 6
themselves. Although velstracs consider themselves beyond
such limitations as morality or mortal taboos, their victims
know them as emotionless tormentors who inflict debased, VISUAL
sadistic suffering.
Prerequisite Velstrac Dedication, Velstrac Powers
You become an expert in Stealth or Medicine, or in another Frequency Once per hour
trained skill if you were already an expert in Stealth or Most velstracs have the ability to project an aura that greatly
Medicine. You gain Double Slice, or another 1st- or 2nd-level inhibits the mental state of their enemies. You tap into their
fighter feat if you already possess Double Slice; this does not power to create a 30 foot aura that replicates this ability
count as a mythic archetype feat. You gain 4 additional Hit for 1 minute. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, the
Points for each velstrac mythic archetype feat you have. As creature must succeed at a Will save at your highest class
you continue selecting velstrac archetype feats, you continue or spellcasting DC or become frightened 2, sickened 1, and
to gain additional Hit Points in this way. stunned 1 (frightened 3, sickened 2, stunned 1 on a critical
Whenever you use the Surge action, your attacks do an failure). You also gain the Focus Gaze ability.
additional 1d6 persistent bleed damage, which stacks. You Focus Gaze a (concentrate, divine, enchantment, fear,
gain the option to use Surge to become meld into the shadows, mental, visual) The interlocutor stares at a creature they can
turning invisible until the start of your next turn whenever see within 30 feet. The creature must immediately attempt a
you are in an area of dim light or darkness. Will save against Unnerving Gaze. If they fail, they are also
doomed 1 and take 2d6 persistent mental damage.
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until
you have taken two feats from the velstrac mythic archetype.
Additional Mythic Feats Available Master of Shadows,
Penetrating Strike, Pierce the Darkness, Sanctum, You'd Make
Me Bleed? Prerequisite Velstrac Dedication
VELSTRAC POWERS FEAT 6 Requirements Have succeeded a mythic quest connected to
becoming a velstrac
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
Prerequisite Velstrac Dedication permanently turn into a velstrac. This ritual should cost
rare occult supplies and reagents worth the target's level
You gain the ability to use ancient occult magic using focus (minimum 1) × 100 gp.
spells specific to velstracs. You learn a velstrac focus spell of After transforming, you will gain the following benefits and
your choice: exquisite pain, surgical rend, or precentor's choir . traits:
If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Velstrac and Fiend traits
Point, which you can Refocus by committing evil actions or Lawful Evil alignment
devoting yourself to the pain of yourself or another. Velstrac Painsight (divination, divine) A velstrac automatically knows
spells are occult spells, and the key spellcasting attribute for whether a creature it sees has any of the doomed, dying, and
Velstrac spells is charisma. wounded conditions, as well as the value of those conditions.
Greater Darkvision
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When +1 status bonus to all saves vs magic
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher Unnerving Gaze becomes a permanent aura
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic Regeneration 15 (deactivated by good or silver)
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you Immunity cold
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your Weakness good 20, silver 20

Velstrac Surge When you use surge, the persistent bleed screams are fascinated by each other and you, and they can’t
increases to 2d6, which stacks. You gain the option to use hostile actions toward each other or you. When you cast
teleport yourself and any items you're wearing and holding a spell, you can cause the effect to originate from any member
from your current space to a clear space you can see that's in of your choir instead of yourself, using your saving throw DC
dim light or darkness and within range.
and attack bonus.
Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast
velstrac focus spells. You may instead cast them with a Tormenting Touch a (divine, emotion, enchantment, mental)
cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting You touch a creature within 10 feet, causing it to constantly
them to ignore the cooldown cost. scream in agony. The target must attempt a Will save. While
the target is stupefied by this effect, its continual screams
Velstrac Spells cause it to automatically fail Stealth checks.
EXQUISITE PAIN FOCUS 3 Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is stupefied 1.
Cast D (somatic, verbal) Critical Failure The target is stupefied 4.
Duration 1 minutes The target can attempt a new Will save at the start of each
Saving Throw Fortitude of its turns, reducing the stupefied condition by 1 on each
You channel an eremite's unsurpassed knowledge of pressure successful save. If the target reduces its stupefied condition
points and pain centers is unsurpassed. During the duration to 0 in this way, the target is no longer affected.
of this spell, a creature hit by one of your melee Strikes must
succeed at a Fortitude save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is immune for
1 hour.
Success The creature takes 1d6 mental damage.
Failure The creature is stunned 2 and takes 2d6 mental
Critical Failure The creature is stunned 4 and takes 4d6
mental damage
Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 1d6 for the failure
and 2d6 for the critical failure


Cast A (somatic)
Range touch
Targets one living creature with organs and muscle
Make a Strike against the target. This gains a +2 circumstance
bonus if both you and the target are in an area of dim light or
darkness. If the Strike is successful, it opens a precise wound.
Until the creature is restored to its maximum Hit Points, thus
closing the wound, Strikes against the creature deal 1d6 extra
precision damage.

Cast D (somatic, verbal)

Duration 1 minute
For the duration of this spell, you gain the tormenting touch
and assemble choir abilities.
Assemble Choir d You add a creature that is affected by
its Tormenting Touch and is within 100 feet to your choir
of screams. You can have any number of creatures in your
choir, although a creature no longer affected by Tormenting
Touch leaves the choir immediately. Creatures in your choir of
Whether cursed by a powerful being, or born with the change in your blood, you manifest your powers
by warping in to a creature of myth. You draw from the primordial origin of such curses and bloodlines.


Prerequisite Werecreature Dedication
You draw your power from the origin of werecreatures, You gain the ability to use ancient primal magic using focus
humanoids doomed to transform into animals and animal spells specific to werecreatures. You learn a werecreature
human hybrids under the light of the full moon. focus spell of your choice: impart curse, invoke the ancient, or
You become an expert in Athletics of Sruvival, or in another pack leader. If you don't already have one, you gain a focus
trained skill if you were already an expert in Athletics or pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by communing
Survival. You gain Combat Grab, or another 1st- or 2nd-level with nature. Werecreature spells are primal spells, and the
fighter feat if you already possess Combat Grab; this does not key spellcasting attribute for Werecreature spells is charisma.
count as a mythic archetype feat. You gain 4 additional Hit
Points for each werecreature mythic archetype feat you have. You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When
As you continue selecting werewolf mythic archetype feats, you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher
you continue to gain additional Hit Points in this way. than the maximum level you could cast without mythic
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
Whenever you use the Surge action, you gain fast healing lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
equal to your level until the start of your next turn. You gain choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
the option to use Surge to increase your speeds, gaining a +10 Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
circumstance bonus to your Speed or gaining a Climb speed are always mythic heightened.
equal to your Land speed until the start of your next turn. You
may make a Leap, Step, Stand, Stride, or Climb action as part Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select
of using this option. a different werecreature focus spell and increase your Focus
You choose an animal. You gain a Bestial and Hybrid Shape Points by 1, to a maximum of 3.
related to that animal and the Wereshift action. You also gain SILVER EYES FEAT 6
Moon Frenzy.
Wereshift a (concentrate polymorph, primal, transmutation)
You change from your human form, to either of your other Prerequisite Werecreature Dedication
Bestial or Hybrid Shape. If you are in either shape, you may You become more closely aligned with the primordial origin.
use wereshift to shift to either your human form or the other You gain darkvision and animal empathy. Additionally, the
shape. bonus fast healing you gain from using Surge now lasts 3
Bestial Shape You gain the effects of a mythic heightened
animal form, except that you may use your human form's AC However, you gain a weakness to silver equal to your level.
if it's higher than what the animal form grants and you must
transform into a single specific creature. If your chosen animal Animal Empathy You are affected by speak to animals
isn't among the animals listed in the form, you default to the heightened to your highest non-mythic spell level. This
statistics and abilities of either the bird battle form (aerial counts as a constant spell. You don't need to cast it, its
form), cat battle form, deinonychus battle form (dinosaur duration is unlimited, and if it gets counteracted you can
shape), or ant battle form (insect) per the GM's discretion. reactivate it spending the normal spellcasting actions
Hybrid Shape You gain your chosen animal's unarmed attack the spell requires without expending a spell slot. This is
or attacks, as per the Barbarian's animal instinct. If your particularly effective with the animals you chose with your
chosen animal isn't listed, you default to the closest related dedication; you gain a +2 bonus to Deception, Diplomacy,
form. You gain a +2 status bonus to damage with these and Intimidation checks against animals of that type.
Moon Frenzy When a full moon appears in the night sky, you APEX FEAT 18
must enter hybrid form, can't Wereshift again until the moon
sets or the sun rides. MYTHIC ARCHETYPE

Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat Prerequisite Werecreature Dedication
until you have taken two feats from the werecreature mythic Requirements Have succeeded in a mythic quest connected
archetype. to the origin of werecreatures
You rise to become the strongest. Your fast healing from
Additional Mythic Feats Available Devastating Smash, Fleet Surge becomes permanent and you may reject or embrace
Warrior, Hard to Kill, Indomitable, Ruler the ancient origin of your curse.
Reject You lose moon frenzy, and any weakness to silver you PACK LEADER FOCUS 3
may have. You gain Noble Apex Surge.
Accept You gain a +4 status bonus to damage with unarmed
Strikes, but lose access to your human shape. Your silver Cast D (somatic, verbal)
weakness increases to twice your level. Under Moon Frenzy, Duration 1 minute
you can grow to an additional size category larger (up to
Gargantuan). You gain Frenzied Apex Surge. For the duration of this spell, you gain the inspiring aura and
Noble Apex Surge Whenever you use Surge, you gain a +2 assert dominance abilities.
status bonus to the DCs of werecreature spells. You gain the Inspiring Aura (aura, emotion, enchantment, mental, primal)
option to free an ally, countering a polymorph effect, charm 30 feet. Your allies are bolstered by your presence. They gain
effect, domination effect, or illusion effect on an ally within fast healing 3, and a +1 status bonus to attacks and saving
60 feet. This ability counts as being mythic heightened. throws.
Frenzied Apex Surge Whenever you use Surge, you lose Assert Dominance d (emotion, enchantment, fear,
your fast healing and gain regeneration (silver) equal to your incapacitation, mental, primal) You touch a creature within 10
level until the start of your next turn (the regeneration starts feet and invoke your power. The creature must attempt a
again at the same time). You gain the option to dominate the Will save.
minds of lesser creatures. This counts as casting dominate, Critical Success The target is unaffected.
heightened to your highest non-mythic spell level, but can Success The target is frightened 2
only target animals and beasts. If you spend an additional Failure The target is frightened 3 and falls prone.
action, this may be used against humanoids as well but the Critical Failure The target is frightened 4, stunned 1, and falls
effect is reduced to a 6th level dominate. prone.
Heightened (+1) The fast healing increases by 1
Werecreature Spells Heightened (6th) The status bonuses increases to +2
IMPART CURSE FOCUS 3 Heightened (9th) The status bonuses increases to +3
Heightened (12th) The status bonuses increases to +4


Cast D (somatic, verbal)

Range touch; Target 1 living creature with the humanoid trait
Duration varies; Saving Throw Fortitude
You make a unarmed melee Strike against a humanoid
creature. If it succeeds, the target must attempt a Fortitude
Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is immune for
1 hour.
Success The creature is stunned 1 but resists the effect of
the curse.
Failure The creature is stunned 2 as they transform into a
hybrid form matching your chosen creature. They gain the
beast and werecreature types The duration of the curse is
one month, at which point they must attempt another Forti-
tude save and succeed or the curse becomes permanent.
Critical Failure As failure but the creature is stunned 3 and
the curse duration is permanent.

Cast D (verbal)
Area 30-foot cone
Saving thow Reflex (basic)
You draw on the ancestral power of the First, empowering a
bestial roar like none other. Creatures in the area take 6d6
sonic damage, and must attempt a basic Reflex save. If the
fail, they become deafened and prone.
Heightened (+1) The spell deals an additional 2d6 damage.
Mythic Feats

creature you see casting a divine spell; if that creature worships
a deity, you also learn its deity. Spells and effects that mask a
MYTHIC creature's alignment prevent the use of this ability. Whenever
you cast a spell that affects creatures differently based on
Trigger You take damage from a single source (such as a their alignment (such as holy smite), you may have the spell
dragon’s breath, a spell, or a weapon) treat creatures of one particular alignment as an alignment
Frequency Once per hour one step away from that alignment. For example, when
You shield yourself with mythic energy to reduce the damage casting holy smite, you could treat all lawful neutral creatures
you take from that source by 25 (to a minimum of 0 points of as lawful good or lawful evil, all chaotic neutral creature as
damage taken). This counts as using Surge. chaotic good or chaotic evil, or all neutral creatures as neutral
good or neutral evil.
Prerequisite can cast spells
Prerequisite mythic in religion
Whenever you cast a spell that specifically targets a limited Trigger An enemy casts heal or harm
number of targets but not a single target (such as “two Frequency Once per minute
creatures” or “one or more creatures”), you add half your tier
You use of mythic energy to attempt to counteract the spell.
to the number of targets the spell can affect.
If you succeed, you can change a harm spell to a heal spell
(or vice-versa) rather than countering the spell. It maintains
ABUNDANT FORM FEAT 21 the spell level and all choices made when casting the original
spell, such as the numbers of actions used or target, and
original caster still casts the spell.
Prerequisite can cast a spell with a battle form
You can cast humanoid form heightened to 10th-level at will
as an arcane innate spell. You can cast any polymorph spell MYTHIC
even if in a battle form.
You don't take any penalties from using an improvised weapon.
ADAMANTINE MIND FEAT 21 In addition, improvised weapons you wield gain deadly d12.

Your mind is as hard as any armor, and is dangerous to engage.
You gain a resistance 10 to mental and a +2 circumstance Prerequisite Assurance
bonus equal to your tier on saving throws against emotion
effects. You can add your tier whenever you use Assurance.
Trigger You are critically hit by an adjacent enemy.
Trigger Your turn starts.
Frequency Once per 3 rounds You Strike the triggering creature. You gain a +2 circumstance
bonus on this Strike
You use your mythic power to spur your allies to move
forward. You and each ally within 30 feet may Stride. This BEYOND MORALITY FEAT 21
movement must take you and each ally closer to an enemy.
This ability counts as using Surge.
You can treat your alignment as any of the possible
ALIGNMENT INSIGHT FEAT 21 combinations for the purposes of accessing classes, using
weapons, casting spells, using abilities, or being affected by
MYTHIC anything that has different effects depending on the alignment
of the target. You make this choice for each such instance,
You can automatically detect the alignment of any outsider
even if the results are contradictory. For instance, you could
you can see. This ability doesn't function if the creature is
treat your alignment as lawful good to be a paladin, wield an
magically disguised or has been polymorphed into a different
unholy weapon without suffering the drained condition, and
shape. You can automatically detect the alignment of any
treat your alignment as neutral when attacked by divine lance.

You require no air, food, water, or sleep. You may choose to Frequency Once per hour
partake in these indulgences. If you do, you are still susceptible You can use your mythic energies to cast hideous laughter.
to inhaled or ingested poisons or any effect that would take You don’t have to have the spell prepared or in your spell
place while sleeping, such as the effects of nightmare. repertoire, and this counts as it being mythic heightened. If
BLEED HOLY POWER r FEAT 21 you aren't in combat when you use this ability, it can affect
any number of creatures in an emanation with a radius of 50
MYTHIC feet. This counts as using Surge.
Prerequisites mythic in religion, 7th level spell slots CONTINGENT CHANNEL FEAT 21
Trigger An adjacent undead creature damages you
You use mythic energy to cast a 2-action heal targeting the
Requirement Can cast heal or harm.
triggering creature. You must expend a 7th level or higher
Frequency Once per day
spell slot when using this effect, but do not need to have heal
prepared or in your spell repertoire. The heal spell counts as You use your mythic prowess to cast a mythic heightened
being mythic heightened. This counts as using Surge. contingency, but the only spells it can contain are heal and
BIT OF FUN FEAT 21 harm.

Special You may have two contingency spells active at a time:
one normal contingency, and one cast using this ability.
Prerequisite can cast mirror image
Frequency Once per 10 minutes
You can use your mythic power to cast mirror image. You don’t FORTUNE MYTHIC

have to have the spell prepared or in your spell repertoire, and Prerequisite mythic Crafting
this counts as it being mythic heightened. You may Sustain
the Spell to mentally dictate a course of action for each of You can replace any spell needed as a prerequisite to craft
your duplicates to follow that round. Each duplicate acts as an item with another spell from the same school. Whenever
though it had your full number of actions, though it can't you are Crafting an item, roll twice and use the higher result.
actually affect anything in the environment. Additionally, reduce the materials needed to complete the
item by twice as much for a success or critical success.
If you Cast a Spell, attack, or otherwise interact with another
creature, as a part of that action you can attempt a Deception DEADLY GUIDANCE FEAT 21
check against observers' Perception DCs to convince them MYTHIC
a duplicate used that action. This doesn't fool anyone who's
aware that the duplicate is an illusion, nor does it work if Prerequisites can cast true target
the attack obviously couldn't have come from the duplicate. Frequency Once per hour
For instance, if you fired a ray, you could make it look like it You use your mythic power to cast true target. You do not
came from a duplicate as long as the duplicate was positioned need to have the spell prepared or in your spell repertoire,
appropriately, but if you attacked with a sword and your and it counts as being mythic heightened. All allies within
duplicate was across the room from the target, your Deception 30 feet of that opponent gain 2d6 precision damage on their
check would automatically fail. first attack against the target.
You can cast charm heightened to your highest non-mythic
Prerequisite mythic in Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion.
spell level at will as an arcane innate spell.
CLEAN BLADE r FEAT 21 Choose arcane, divine, occult, or primal spells. You
automatically identify any spell of that type that you can see..
Trigger You critically hit an opponent with a melee Strike.
You can fling the blood and gore at another opponent within
30 feet. That foe makes a Fortitude save against your class Whenever you attack an object you ignore any Hardness
DC or Spell DC (whichever is higher). If they fail, they are the object might possess. This includes spell effects such as
sickened 1 and blinded. As a two action activity, they can wall of force, but not objects that are also creatures, such as
remove the blinded condition. animated objects or constructs.
You grant access to those abilities as if you were a deity. You
become trained in divine spell attacks and DCs, if you were
MYTHIC not already.
Special Whenever a mythic feats grants access to a domain or
You make a destructive attack, fully intent to break what is spell, you gain the focus spells of that domain or gain the spell
in front of you. Make a Strike. The Strike gains the following as a divine innate spell. If you don't already have one, you also
success and failure effects. gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can refocus by
acting according to your faith.
Success If the target was a construct or object, treat the
Hardness of the target construct or object 10 less than normal Special You can select this ability up to three times. The
and add your tier to the damage roll. second time you select it, add another domain and a 4th level
Failure Deal damage equal to your Strength plus your tier. cleric spell to what you grant. The third time you select it,
This ignores Hardness. add two other domains and a 7th level cleric spell to what
you grant.
Prerequisite Can cast divine lance. Trigger You are targeted by a spell.
You may cast divine lance using a single verbal or somatic Frequency Once per 10 minutes
component. If you damage a target with divine lance, they You cast dimension door. You don’t have to have the spell
must make a Reflex savings throw. prepared or in your spell repertoire, and this counts as it being
mythic heightened. You must target a square adjacent to the
Critical Success Target is unaffected. spellcaster that cast the spell.
Success Target is clumsy 1 until their next turn.
Failure Target is prone and clumsy 2 until their next turn
Critical Failure Target is prone and clumsy 4 until their next MYTHIC
Trigger A creature within 60 feet casts a domain spell you
Attempt to counteract that spell using your spell attack roll.
This has the same counteract level as a mythic heightened
Requirement can cast summon celestial, summon fiend, or spell.
summon aberration EARTH PROTECTION A FEAT 21
Frequency Once per hour
You use your mythic power to cast summon celestial, summon MYTHIC
fiend, or summon aberration. You do not need to have these Requirement You are in contact with earth or unworked stone.
spells prepared or in your spell repertoire, and using this You draw energy from the earth and radiate it outward,
ability counts as mythic heightening. granting yourself and allies within 30 feet resistance 10 to
DIVINE SOURCE FEAT 21 physical damage for 1 minute.

You can grant divine spells to those who follow your cause,
allowing them to select you as their deity for the purposes of Requirement can cast spells.
determining their spells and domains. Choose: You are adept at breaching magical defenses and overcoming
resistance to your magic. Whenever a spell you cast
• Edicts
counteracts a magical effect, roll twice and take the higher
• Anathema
• Areas of Concern
• Follower Alignments (up to four) ELDRITCH FLIGHT FEAT 21
These determine the nature of your faith. You may also MYTHIC
choose: Requirement can cast fly
• two Divine Abilities You have mastered the magic of flight. You are affected by fly
• a divine skill heightened to your highest non-mythic spell level. This counts
• one domain as a constant spell. You don't need to cast it, its duration is
• a 1st level divine spell. unlimited, and if it gets counteracted you can reactivate it
• a chosen weapon spending the normal spellcasting actions the spell requires
• a chosen font (healing, or harm) without expending a spell slot.

ELEMENTAL BOND FEAT 21 can reactivate it spending the normal spellcasting actions the
spell requires without expending a spell slot.
Requirement can cast spells
You are connected to one of the elemental planes. Select one MYTHIC
elemental plane: air, earth, fire, or water. Whenever you cast
You no longer take a multiple attack penalty on your second
a spell with that trait, it is heightened by one level up to a
or subsequent attacks in a turn. However, all attacks you
maximum of one level higher than your mythic heightening
make have a -2 circumstance penalty.
level. You gain resistance 10 against an energy type associated
with your chosen plane—electricity for air, acid for earth, fire FAMILIAR CONNECTION FEAT 21
for fire, and cold for water.

Prerequisite familiar
Frequency Once per minute You have bound yourself so deeply to your familiar that your
life forces are intertwined. Anytime you or your familiar takes
You can cause your body to erupt with elemental power. Pick
damage, you may split the damage evenly between you and
one of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, or
your familiar. Using this ability doesn’t require an action,
fire. For five rounds, you are immune to this energy type and
but it works only if you’re conscious and both you and your
all of your melee and ranged Strikes deal an extra 1d6 points
familiar are alive.
of damage of this energy type. This counts as using Surge.
Trigger Your turn begins, or you take damage
The boundaries of the Material Plane mean little to you. You
You Interact to withdraw a potion from your inventory, then can cast plane shift twice per day as an arcane innate spell,
Interact to consume it. and it counts as being mythic heightened.
Prerequisite mythic in Crafting, Magical Crafting
Frequency Once per 10 minutes Prerequisite Assurance in Intelligence-based skill
You may empower a magical item with mythic power. You Frequency Once per 10 minutes
may mythic heighten spells cast from magical items by using Your ability to recall information is astounding. You cast
Surge. If the item is a permanent item, and not a consumable, augury as an arcane innate spell and it counts as being mythic
it is temporarily unable to cast spells after using it in this heightened.
way. You may not cast any other spell from that item for 10

MYTHIC You use mythic power to cast dispel magic targeting any
Requirement can cast spells number of illusions or negative magical effects affecting your
Trigger You cast a spell with acid, cold, electricity, or fire trait allies within 60 feet. You don’t have to have the spell prepared
Frequency Once per minute or in your spell repertoire, and this counts as it being mythic
heightened. This counts as using Surge.
You use your mythic prowess to switch the energy type to a
different one of those energy types. If the spell normally has FLEET WARRIOR FEAT 21
its original energy type as a trait, it loses that trait and gains
the new trait. MYTHIC

ENDURING ARMOR FEAT 21 You are quickened, and can use the extra action to Stride,
Step, Stand, Fly, Burrow, Swim, or Climb.
Requirement can cast mage armor HARD TO KILL FEAT 21
You are protected by armor made of force. You are affected
by mage armor heightened to your highest non-mythic spell MYTHIC

level. This counts as a constant spell. You don't need to cast Whenever you’re at 0 hit points, you automatically stabilize
it, its duration is unlimited, and if it gets counteracted you without needing to attempt a recovery check.

Special You can take this two additional times. The second
you select it, you increase your maximum hit points by 25
and become immune to the doomed condition. The third time MYTHIC
you select it, you return to life 24 hours after being killed
unless killed by an artifact or a creature of level 26 or greater. Trigger Your turn starts
You return in the closest empty 5-ft square at full health, Frequency Once per 10 minutes
regardless of the condition of your body when you were killed. You use mythic power to gain fast healing 10 for 1 minute.
This counts as using Surge.
IMPOSSIBLE SPEED FEAT 21 Special You may take this feat up to two additional times.
MYTHIC Each time you do, the fast healing increases by 5.

Your Speed increases by 20 feet. INSTRUMENT OF FAITH d FEAT 21


Requirement Worship a deity, or can grant a favored weapon

Frequency Once per minute
Trigger Your turn starts, and you are affected by a polymorph
You channel your mythic power into your favored weapon,
effect, charm effect, domination effect, or illusion effect that
and trigger a sympathetic surge in each similar weapon within
changes your appearance.
60 feet. You attempt to Disarm each opponent within the area
Frequency Once per hour
that is wielding such a weapon.
You use mythic power to attempt to end one effect that is
Special You passively gain resistance 15 against attacks made
currently affecting you. You make an additional saving throw
with a favored weapon granted by you or a deity you worship.
against the effect at its original DC, even if one would not
normally be allowed. This ability can only end only polymorph
effects, charm effects, domination effects, and illusion effects LEGENDARY ITEM FEAT 21
that change your appearance. If you succeed at the second MYTHIC
saving throw, the effect immediately ends. This counts as
using Surge. One of your items becomes a legendary item. This item
gains a number of legendary item abilities equal to your tier
HURLING VENGEANCE FEAT 21 (maximum 3). (See: Legendary Items).

MYTHIC Special You can select this ability up to five times, and can
select the same item multiple times. The second time you
Requirement Worship a deity select it choosing the same item, increase the maximum to
Whenever you are wielding your deity's favored weapon, it six abilities and the item becomes a artifact. The third time
gains the thrown 20-foot trait and the effects of a returning you select this feat choosing the same item, increase the
rune. maximum to 10 abilities.



Prerequisite mythic in Thievery Whenever you fail a saving throw against a spell or an ability
You can hide or retrieve objects in a personal extradimensional of a supernatural creature, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus
space, similar to a glove of storing. In combat, this is typically on all further saving throws against that spell or ability,
a hard DC for your level, but you automatically succeed including subsequent saves against an ongoing effect, or
otherwise. The space can hold up to 5 Bulk. Storing an item against the same spell or ability from a different creature.
is a free action, and retrieving takes one action. You gain the This bonus lasts for 10 minutes.
option to use Surge to retrieve any number of items from your
extradimensional space in one action. LIMITLESS RANGE FEAT 21

MYTHIC Multiply the range increment on all of your ranged and

thrown weapons by 5, and these weapons no longer have a
Select one of the following: bleed, blinded, confused, dazzled, maximum range increment for you. You can throw any melee
deafened, immobilized, fatigued, frightened, or sickened. You weapon as if it had the thrown-10 foot trait—this increment
are immune to that condition. isn't multiplied by 5, but the weapon doesn't have a maximum
Special You can select this up to two additional times. range increment.

Upon taking this ability, you can no longer die from old age. Prerequisite can cast waterbreathing and water walk
MASTER OF SHADOWS FEAT 21 You are blessed by the ocean. You are affected by
waterbreathing and water walk heightened to your highest
non-mythic spell level. These count as constant spells. You
Prerequisite mythic in Stealth don't need to cast them, its duration is unlimited, and if they
You are a master of moving unseen and unheard, and adept gets counteracted you can reactivate them by spending
at guiding others in quiet and undetected movement. When the normal spellcasting actions the spell requires without
you attempt a Stealth check or an ally attempts to Follow the expending a spell slot.
Expert and chooses you while you are Avoiding Notice, each PLANAR COMPANION FEAT 21
of you rolls twice and takes the higher result.
Prerequisite control a permanent minion or Eidolon
Select one Eidolon or minion you permanently control (such
Trigger Your turn starts as a familiar or animal companion). It gains resistance 10
Prerequisite you know at least one metamagic feat or spell to physical, acid, cold, electric, fire, and sonic damage, and
Frequency Once per hour weakness 10 to an alignment (good, evil, chaotic, lawful) you
You shape your mythic power, harnessing it to use any one don’t possess.
metamagic feat or spell. This bypasses any other frequency Special You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you
restrictions, such as Quickened Casting only being usable must select different permanent minion or Eidolon
once per day. This counts as using Surge. PLANTBRINGER FEAT 21
Prerequisite mythic in Nature
Prerequisite can cast prepared or spontaneous spells from
All plants within a 1-mile radius of you grow at double their
the Arcane, Divine, Primal, or Occult lists
normal rate and don't suffer from any diseases or maladies.
You gain access to another spell list. You may add spells from Furthermore, allied plant creatures within 30 feet of you gain
that list to your spell repertoire, spellbook, or familiar. fast healing equal to your tier. You gain the plant trait, and
MYTHIC RECOVERY FEAT 21 are also affected by this fast healing. This stacks with Instant
Healing, but not with any other ability that grants fast healing.
Whenever you are dazzled, deafened, or sickened reduce the
duration of that effect to a maximum of three rounds.
Special You can select this ability twice. The second time Prerequisite Counterspell
you select it, you also reduce the duration of the blinded and Trigger A creature casts a spell within 60 feet of you
paralyzed conditions to a maximum of three rounds. Frequency Once per minute
PARTIAL TRANSFORMATION a FEAT 21 Your mythic power enhances your ability to counter others’
spells. You blast the spell with mythic power to attempt to
counteract it. This has a counteract level equal to your highest
Requirements in a battle form non-mythic spell level and counts as using Surge.
You have refined control over your transformation ability. You REACTIVE WARD R FEAT 21
can partially transform out of your battle form with a single MYTHIC
action with the transmutation trait. You can gain the attacks,
movement, and any special abilities from that altered form. For Prerequisite mythic in Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion
example, you could transform your hands into tiger claws and Trigger A creature casts a spell within 60 feet of you
your head into a tiger's head (giving you low-light vision and Frequency Once per hour
scent, and allowing you to make claw and bite attacks but still You defend yourself with mythic power to ward against a
wear armor and use worn magic items normally), transform spell that would require you to make a saving throw. You
into a deinonychus with human hands (allowing you to still may attempt an Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion check
manipulate objects and gain the benefit of rings), or transform instead of your saving throw. You must choose to use this
into a constrictor snake with a humanoid head (allowing you ability before rolling the saving throw. This counts as using
to speak and cast spells with verbal components). Surge

Make a Strike. Whenever this Strike deals damage to a You can cast command and admonishing ray heightened to
creature with a resistance to a type of damage this Strike your highest non-mythic spell level at will as arcane innate
deals, ignore up to 10 points of this resistance. Whenever spells. If you are at least level 17, you can cast overwhelming
this Strike deals damage to a creature with a weakness to the presence as an arcane innate spell once per day. You don’t
following types of damage, you can deal 1d6 damage of that have to have the spell prepared or in your spell repertoire,
type: chaotic, cold iron, evil, good, lawful, or silver. and this counts as it being mythic heightened.



Prerequisite prepares spells from spellbook or familiar You gain access to your own personal extradimensional
sanctum. By using a 1 minute activity with the concentration
You have discovered the secret to preparing spells without
trait, you conjure the door to your own personal sanctum,
having to refer to outside sources. You no longer need to
similar to mage’s magnificent mansion, but with the following
prepare spells from a spellbook or a familiar. You still must
spend the normal amount of time preparing spells.
The sanctum takes up a space equal to thirty 20-foot cubes,
PIERCE THE DARKNESS FEAT 21 shapeable when you first create it as if it were a spell whose
area or effect is shapeable. The sanctum is permanent and
persistent, so you can store objects within the sanctum and
You gain darkvision. If you already have darkvision, you gain retrieve them on future visits. The sanctum includes one five
greater darkvision. If you already have Pierce the Darkness, unseen servants.
you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to
When you conjure the sanctum’s door, you decide which
Seek in areas of dim light or Darkness.
creatures can see and use it (to all other creatures it’s invisible
and impermeable). The door remains until you dismiss it—an
action with unlimited range as long as you are on the same
MYTHIC plane as the door.

Prerequisite Can cast heal. If you dismiss the door while you are outside the sanctum,
Frequency Once per day all creatures other than your familiar, animal companion,
Eidolon, and/or unseen servants are immediately shunted
You can cast a one or two-action heal targeting yourself.
outside. Conjuring the door automatically dismisses any other
You don’t have to have the spell prepared or in your spell
active door. As a two-action activity, your familiar can enter or
repertoire, and this counts as it being mythic heightened.
leave the sanctum from any square adjacent to you, without
Additionally, this spell may attempt to counteract all negative
using the conjured door.
conditions affecting you.
Prerequisite can cast a spell with the polymorph trait
Frequency Once per hour
You create a 10-foot sphere within 60 feet. Choose acid, Your ability to magically adopt other forms is unparalleled,
cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Creatures inside the sphere and you can expertly translate your arcane might into brawn.
are immune to that energy type. The sphere lasts for 1 You can use your spell attack bonus instead of the spell’s
minute. listed natural attack bonus, and have a +2 status bonus while
doing so.
Frequency Once per hour
Prerequisite can cast one of the affected spells
You use mythic power to cast slow targeting up to five
enemies and haste targeting yourself. You don’t have to have When you cast animate dead, summon animal, create
the spells prepared or in your spell repertoire, and this counts construct, summon elemental, summon dragon, summon
as the spells being mythic heightened. This counts as using celestial, summon fiend, summon aberration, or summon giant,
Surge. the casting time is 2 actions.
stated direction at the same speed until an outside force slows
MYTHIC The air in the sphere is constantly refreshed and kept at a
Prerequisite can cast spells from spell slots constant temperature, protecting occupants from the void of
Frequency three times per day space, but not necessarily the harsh climates of other planets
or planes.
Choose a spell. When you mythic heighten this spell from a
spell slot, you can choose to treat its spell level as one level Using a one-minute activity, you can increase the size of the
higher than your mythic heightened level (up to 14th). bubble to a 10-foot-radius sphere and you can bring along up
to 11 Medium creatures within the bubble. Other creatures can
enter or exit the bubble freely.

Prerequisite Counterspell STASIS T FEAT 21

Trigger You successfully counteract a spell on your tradition's MYTHIC
You use mythic power to enter a trance that drastically slows
You absorb the countered spell’s power and use it for your
your vital functions. You are helpless and can't move or take
own purposes. On your next turn, you can cast that spell
other actions, but you age and consume bodily resources as
without expending a spell slot. It is heightened to whatever
though each year that passes were 1 minute.
level the original spell was, up to a maximum of your mythic
heightened spell level. For example, if you could normally hold your breath for 3
minutes, you can use this ability to survive without air for 3
STAND TALL R FEAT 21 years. You remain partially aware during this stasis and can
detect any lethal threats within 5 feet of you.
MYTHIC There are several ways to end this stasis. By using a 10 minute
Trigger attempt a saving throw against a spell or effect that activity, you can awaken from your stasis at any time by brute
also targets one or more allies forcing your way with mythic power.
Area 30 feet burst If you take damage while in stasis, you immediately awaken,
Frequency Once per hour though you are slowed 1 for 1 hour. Finally, you can use sheer
You use mythic power to allow all allies in the area to use your force of will to awaken from stasis without expending any
saving throw result or their own, whichever is higher. mythic force, taking 1d4 weeks for you to awaken but gaining
the effects of nondetection while you attempt to awaken.
STAR WALKER d FEAT 21 When activating this ability, you can put adjacent willing allies
into stasis as well. There is no limit to the number of allies you
MYTHIC can put into stasis in this way, but they may only reawaken
Prerequisite can cast fly by using their own mythic power, by taking damage, or by
Frequency Once per day using force of will.

You can transform your power to enable you to travel great

distances. You surround yourself with a bubble of air enclosed SUPERNOVA T FEAT 21
by a thin iridescent layer of force. While this bubble offers
no protection from attacks, you can use it to propel yourself FIRE LIGHT MYTHIC
through the air at great speed.
Duration One minute; Area 30 feet emanation
You gain a fly speed of 120 feet, and must spend one action Frequency Once per hour
each round with the concentration trait to maintain this effect
You may use your mythic power to become a raging
(this action also counts as using the Fly action). If you cease
supernova. At the start of each of your turns, you explode
concentrating, the bubble stops and then sinks 30 feet per
violently, dealing 1d6 fire damage per two levels to enemies
round until it reaches the ground and collapses; you can Surge
within 30 feet (basic Reflex save). Enemies within 120 feet
action before the bubble collapses to regain control.
must also make a Fortitude save. Fire damage dealt by this
In the void of outer space, the bubble's speed is much faster. effect ignores fire resistance. This counts as using Surge.
Although exact travel times vary, a trip within a single solar
system takes 3d20 hours, while a trip beyond takes 3d20
Critical Success Target is unaffected
days (or more, at the GM's discretion).
Success Target is blinded until the start of their turn and
Ceasing concentration while in the void of outer space has no dazzled for 1 minute
effect on the bubble—it continues traveling in the previously Failure Target is blinded for 1 minute
Critical Failure Target is blinded for 1 hour
While in item form, your familiar retains its original hit points,
but gains the hardness of the item it transforms into. If your
MYTHIC familiar takes enough points of damage in item form to
become broken, it automatically reverts to its familiar form
Prerequisite can cast illusory object and cannot change to item form again until it is healed to its
Frequency Once per day maximum hit point total.
You can temporarily transform an illusory object into a real
one. You use mythic energy to temporarily transform a
single object created by an illusion spell that you cast into a
physical, nonmagical version of that object. The object lasts TRUE NECROMANCY FEAT 21
for 10 minutes, after which it reverts to being an illusion (or
vanishes, if the duration of the original illusion has expired).
This counts as using Surge. Prerequisite know create undead ritual
You can cast create undead without needing any secondary
TELEPORTATION MASTER F FEAT 21 casters, create undead can make minions whose level is only
three levels lower than yours, and the casting time for this
ritual is just 1 minute. If you would get a critical failure on
Prerequisite can cast a spell with the teleportation trait your check, you get a failure instead.
Trigger You are about to cast a spell with the teleportation Special You can assign undead you create into troops of at
trait most one level lower than yours. Troops are Gargantuan
Frequency Once per hour monsters with the troop trait and typically are seven to eight
You have become unmatched at teleportation magic. You levels higher than their component monsters. If the troop is
expend use mythic energies to visualize your destination at least 3 levels lower than you, you can control it as a minion.
before you fully materialize there, gaining sensory information Troops follow special monster creation rules. See Pathfinder
of the area as if casting clairvoyance and clairaudience. After Bestiary 3 for more information on troops.
gaining this sensory information, you can choose to alter your
teleportation destination by up to 100 feet in any direction
(this doesn’t affect the maximum range of the original spell). ULTIMATE VERSATILITY FEAT 21
The new destination must be a legal location for the effect. MYTHIC
This counts as using Surge.
Once per day, you can temporarily change one decision
made for one of your class features. This change lasts for 10
minutes. During this time, you're treated as if you had always
MYTHIC had the new class feature. For example, a Wizard could
change their thesis from Staff Nexus to Spell Substitution
You can shrug off wounds that others would find devastating. or a Monk could change their option for Path to Perfection.
When at 0 hit points, you don't fall unconscious, but are You may also instantly retrain any feats that required that
instead slowed 1 as long as you are at 0 hit points. Each time option as a prerequisite. This does not change the spells you
you make a move or attack action at 0 points, you must roll have prepared or the spells in your spell repertoire, though if
a recovery save. you have the Signature Spell class feature you may change
your Signature Spell. When this ability ends, also options
TRANSFORMATIVE FAMILIAR FEAT 21 (and feats, if retrained) return to what they were before. This
cannot be used to bypass timing restrictions, such as once per
MYTHIC day restrictions on abilities.
Prerequisite familiar
Your familiar is able to assume the shape of a single amulet,
ring, staff, wand, or weapon. By default, these items have no VICTORIOUS ANCESTRY FEAT 21
magical properties except that it is treated as an intelligent
item that has all of its familiar and master abilities (however, it
may not be able to use abilities requiring a physical form such Prerequisite can cast an innate spell granted by an ancestry
as manual dexterity or movement). feat
You may Craft the item into any similar item, i.e., Crafting Innate spells granted by your ancestry are heightened to your
a staff into a Staff of the Magi. The familiar can switch in maximum non-mythic spell . You can mythic heighten them
and out of its item form in one action and does so in such by using Surge as if they were cast from a spell slot, but you
a way that you can have it immediately equipped when the do have to give a spell slot when heightening an innate spell
transformation is complete. this way.

Whenever an enemy would roll a flat check to end a persistent

damage condition you inflicted, they must roll twice and take
the lesser result.

Whenever you roll for initiative, either you or one of your

allies may roll twice and take either result.

Prerequisite can cast blood vendetta

Frequency Once per hour
You can use mythic power to cast blood vendetta. You don’t
have to have the spell prepared or in your spell repertoire,
and this counts as it being mythic heightened. This counts
as using surge.

Prerequisite know a ritual

Choose a ritual. Whenever you cast that ritual, you can
heighten it to one level higher than your maximum mythic
heighten level (up to 14th). You gain a +2 circumstance bonus
on checks relating to that ritual, and secondary casters gain
a +1 circumstance bonus when working with you to cast that
Special You can choose this feat more than once. You must
choose a different ritual each time you select this feat.


MYTHIC HEIGHTENING SPELLS from spell slots would typically gain mythic power at the
same rate as a player character and use the same system
This book does not contain any new spells to represent to mythic heighten spells.
a character's increasing mythic power. Rather than make
10th level spells obsolete and create a bunch of splashy Creatures below level 25 generally do not have the abil-
new 11th, 12th, and 13th level spells, the mythic spellcast- ity to mythic heighten spells. However, they can option-
ing system has been designed to let a character contain ally can gain 2 to 4 uses of mythic power and the Surge
to show off the spells that took them to level 20 and let ability even as at level 21.
them go to 21 and beyond. Creatures typically gain 2 points of mythic power and
When a character reaches level 21, they gain the ability the Surge ability at level 26. They gain an additional two
to mythic heighten spells. Spellcasters have this called points of mythic power for every level beyond 26. Par-
out on their level progression charts, but all characters ticularly powerful enemies may have even more mythic
gain this ability. Most types of spell can be mythic height- power than this.
ened including cantrips, spells cast from spell slots, fo- If a creature casts a spell from a spell slot, they fol-
cus spells, and even rituals. Of these, the following are al- low the same rules as a player character, except that they
ways mythic heightened: cantrips, focus spells, and spells heighten spells to a different as given below.
cast from 10th level spell slots. Mythic heightened spells
gain the mythic trait. If a creature casts an at-will spell, they typically cannot
mythic heighten that spell. If they mythic heighten an
To mythic heighten a spell cast from a spell slot, you innate spell, they expend that use of the innate as nor-
first use the Surge ability. The next spell you cast will be mal.
mythic heightened. Instead of using the spell slot it was
originally cast from, you must expend a spell slot of your Creatures from level 21 to 24 can mythic heighten a
highest remaining level other than 10th. spell up to 11th level. Creatures from level 25 to 26 can
mythic heighten a spell up to 12th level. Creatures from
When a spell is mythic heightened, it is treated as if level 27 to 28 can mythic heighten a spell up to 13th level.
it were a higher level spell, as normal for a heightened Finally, creatures of level 29 to 30 can mythic heighten a
spell. For characters below level 21, this is typically equal spell to 14th level. This only matters for incapacitation
to half their level, rounded down, plus one. For exam- trait spells and spells with Heightened +X; no spell listed
ple, a 9th level Sorcerer could normally mythic heighten in this book has a listed effect when heightened to level
spells to 6th spell level. Characters of level 21 may mythic 14. The GM may allow certain spells to gain an effect
heighten up to the level listed in their class progression. when heightened to level 14 (such as a summon spell
Additionally, certain feats may allow a spell or ritual to pulling a creature of up to level 23), but these should
a level one level higher than what mythic heightening stick to logical increments of power based on previous
would normally allow, up to a maximum of 14th spell heightened effects and not new splashy effects.
The same methodology should be used when convert-
A character can choose to mythic heighten a spell to ing spells printed after the release of this book. If a 5th
any lower spell level that spell could normally be cast at level spell has effects at Heightened (7th) and Heightened
if desired, though this typically gives no mechanical ben- (9th), it is reasonable to extrapolate continued growth at
efit. Heightened (11st) and Heightened (13th). Polymorph spells
Mythic heightened spells are treated as being the should typically use similar stats as animal form if their
mythic heightened spell level for the purposes of coun- maximum listed heighten level is 7th or lower, simi-
teracting and incapacitation. This means that a 21st level lar stats to Monstrosity Form if their maximum listed
character mythic heightening a spell to 11th level treats heighten level is 8th or higher, and similar stats to Avatar
that spell's counteract level as 11th and that spell effects if they are originally 10th level spells.
creatures up to 22nd level normally with an incapacita-
tion trait spell.
Many spells have heightened effects in the form of
When a spell is cast from a 10th level spell slot, it is Heightened +1, Heightened +2, and so on. These spells
automatically mythic heightened. You do not need to use continue that progression when mythic heightened. For
Surge for this effect, and even lower level spells height- example, fireball is a 3rd level spell that deals 6d6 fire
ened to 10th level will be mythic heightened so long as damage and has Heightened (+1): The damage increases
you expend a 10th level slot to cast them. by 2d6. When mythic heightened to 12th level, it
Innate spells typically cannot be heightened. The Vic- deals 6d6 + 18d6 fire damage or 24d6 fire damage.
torious Ancestry feat allows innate spells granted by an
ancestry feat to be heightened. Creatures use a differ-
ent system, though non-player characters that cast spells
SCROLLS, WANDS, AND STAVES Heightened (13th) You instead gain 75 temporary HP, AC = 28
+ your level, attack modifier +40, an additional damage bonus
When you cast a spell from a scroll, wand, or stave you
of +12, and Athletics +41.
cannot normally mythic heighten that spell. However,
a staff or wand that becomes a legendary item can gain
the ability Mythic Magical Item, which makes spells BANE
cast from that item count as heightened an additional 2 Heightened (11th) The –1 status penalty applies on attack rolls,
levels, up to a maximum of your mythic heightened level. weapon damage rolls, and all saving throws. Targets that
failed their saves must roll twice for their first attack roll each
NEW HEIGHTENING EFFECTS (SPELLS) round, and take the worse result. This is a misfortune effect.

Read these entries as if they were directly underneath Heightened (12th) The tentacles deal an additional 2d6 acid
the spells current effects and listed heightened benefits. damage to each creature when you hit with your spell attack
See the below example: roll or when the target ends its turn in the area. You summon
twice as many tentacles, which has the following effects: the
FLY SPELL 4 area is treated as difficult terrain, the tentacles attack with
a +2 circumstance bonus, and whenever this spell requires
a spell attack roll, you may attempt two spell attack rolls
Cast d somatic instead of one and take the better result.
Range touch; Target 1 creature
The target can soar through the air, gaining a fly Speed equal Heightened (11th) The +1 status bonus applies on attack rolls,
to its Speed or 20 feet, whichever is greater. weapon damage rolls, and all saving throws. Once during this
Heightened (7th) The duration increases to 1 hour. spell’s duration, an affected creature can roll an attack roll or
(INSERT NEW LISTED EFFECT BELOW) saving throw twice and take the higher result. The target must
Heightened (11th) The duration increases to 1 hour. The fly decide to use this ability before the first roll is attempted.
speed increases to 80 feet, and you gain a +1 status bonus to CATACLYSM
Reflex saves and Acrobatics Heightened (11th) Roll 7d6s instead of 6d6s.
Heightened (13th) Roll 8d6s instead of 6d6s.
Heightened (11th) Your battle form is Huge, your fly Speed CONTINGENCY
gains a +25-foot status bonus, and your attacks have 10-foot Heightened (11th) You can choose a spell of 8th level or lower.
reach. You must have enough space to expand into or the spell Heightened (12th) You can choose a spell of 9th level or lower.
is lost. You instead gain AC = 24 + your level, 45 temporary HP, Heightened (13th) You can choose a spell of 10th level or
attack modifier +35, damage bonus +18 and double damage lower. It is not mythic heightened normally (unlike a spell
dice (including persistent damage), and Acrobatics +37. cast from a 10th level spell slot), but you spend mythic power
as you cast the spell to mythic heighten it.
Heightened (11th) Your battle form is Gargantuan (25-foot-by- CONTINUAL FLAME
25-foot space) and your attacks have 25-foot reach. You must Heightened (+1) The cost increases as follows: 16 gp for 3rd
have enough space to expand into or the spell is lost. You level; 30 gp for 4th, 60 gp for 5th, 120 gp for 6th,; 270 gp for
instead gain 45 temporary HP, AC = 24 + your level, attack 7th, 540 gp for 8th, 1,350 gp for 9th, and 3,350 gp for 10th
modifier +35, damage bonus +18 and double the number of and above.
damage dice, and Athletics +37.
ANIMATE DEAD Heightened (11th) The level for each category increases by 2.
Heightened (11th) Level 17 Heightened (12th) The level for each category increases by 4.
Heightened (12th) Level 19 Heightened (13th) The level for each category increases by 6.
Heightened (13th) Level 21
AVATAR Heightened (11th) The duration of this spell changes to 3
Heightened (11th) You instead gain 45 temporary HP, AC = 26 rounds, and it creates a temporary, invisible, one-way portal
+ your level, attack modifier +36, an additional damage bonus in your square to your destination. You immediately pass
of +4, and Athletics +37. through the portal and arrive at the destination, but you can’t
Heightened (12th) You instead gain 60 temporary HP, AC = 27 take any other creatures with you.
+ your level, attack modifier +38, an additional damage bonus When casting the spell, you can designate up to 10 creatures.
of +8, and Athletics +39. These creatures can see and use the portal, passing through
it to arrive at the destination. If they Interact with the portal, Heightened (12th) The healing and damage increase to 2d10.
they instantly travel to the other side. A creature that passes Heightened (13th) The healing and damage increase to 2d12
through the portal can’t take any other actions until its next
Heightened (11th) The burst's damage increases to 7d6, and
the continuing flames damage increases to 4d6.
DINOSAUR FORM Heightened (12th) The burst's damage increases to 8d6, and
Heightened (11th) Your battle form is Gargantuan (25-foot-by- the continuing flames damage increases to 4d6.
25-foot space) and your attacks have 25-foot reach. You must
have enough space to expand into or the spell is lost. You FLY
instead gain 45 temporary HP, AC = 24 + your level, attack Heightened (11th) The duration increases to 1 hour. The fly
modifier +35, damage bonus +18 and double the number of speed increases to 80 feet, and you gain a +1 status bonus to
damage dice, and Athletics +37. Reflex saves and Acrobatics.


Heightened (11th) The temporary Hit Points increase to 80, Heightened (11th) The HP increases to 80.
the weakness increases to 20, and the duration increases to
1 hour. GREASE
Heightened (13th) The temporary Hit Points increase to 100, Heightened (11th) If you target the area or target with
the weakness increases to 25, and the duration increases to anything that has the fire trait, it combusts dealing 6d6
1 hour. persistent fire damage.


Heightened (12th) Your battle form is Gargantuan (25-foot-by- Heightened (13th) You can target up to 6 creatures. You can
25-foot space), you gain a +40-foot status bonus to your fly use the extra action for anything except activities with two or
Speed, and your attacks have 20-foot reach (or 25-foot reach more actions (including using the Cast a Spell activity to cast
if they previously had 10-foot reach). You instead gain AC = a Two-Action spell).
26 + your level, 60 temporary HP, an attack modifier of +38, a
damage bonus of +24, Athletics +39, and a +28 status bonus
to breath weapon damage.
Heightened (12th) The status bonus increases to +4.

Heightened (11th) Your battle form is Gargantuan (25-foot-by-
Heightened (12th) The item bonus to AC increases to +4, and
25-foot space) and your attacks have 25-foot reach. You must
you gain a +4 item bonus to saving throws.
have enough space to expand into or the spell is lost. You
instead gain 45 temporary HP, AC = 24 + your level, attack
modifier +35, damage bonus +18 and double the number of MASSACRE
damage dice, and Athletics +37. Heightened (11th) The spell can affect creatures up to 21st
level. Increase the damage to 12d6 on a success, and to 115
on a failure.
ENERGY AEGIS Heightened (12th) The spell can affect creatures up to
Heightened (11th) The resistances increase to 15.
23rdlevel. Increase the damage to 14d6 on a success, and to
Heightened (13th) The resistances increase to 20.
130 on a failure.
Heightened (13th) The spell can affect creatures up to 25th
ENLARGE level. Increase the damage to 16d6 on a success, and to 145
Heightened (12th) The creature instead grows to size on a failure.
Gargantuan (20-foot-by-20-foot space). The status bonus to
melee damage is +8 and the creature's reach increases by 15
feet (or 20 feet if the creature started out Tiny). The spell has
Heightened (11th) A spectral minotaur hunts the target
no effect on a Gargantuan or larger creatures.
trapped in the maze. Every round the creature fails to escape
from the maze, it takes 4d8 force damage from this opponent.
Heightened (11th) The spell affects up to 10 creatures. The
targets don't have to be within 20 feet of each other.
Heightened (11th) Increase the number of images to 6.

Heightened (11th) The healing and damage increase to 2d8.
Heightened (12th) Your battle form is Gargantuan (25-foot-

by-25-foot space), and your attacks have an additional 10 feet RIGHTEOUS MIGHT
of reach. You instead gain AC = 26 + your level, 40 temporary Heightened (12th) Your battle form is Huge, and your attacks
HP, attack modifier of +38, increase damage by one damage have 15-foot reach, or 20-foot reach if your deity's favored
die, a damage bonus of +16, and Athletics +38. weapon has reach. You must have enough space to expand
into or the spell is lost. You instead gain AC = 26 + your level,
35 temporary HP, resistance 7 against physical damage,
NATURE INCARNATE attack modifier of +38, damage bonus +29 (+24 for a ranged
Heightened (11th) You instead gain 45 temporary HP, AC = 26 attack), and Athletics +38.
+ your level, attack modifier +36, an additional damage bonus
of +4, and Athletics +37. SHAPECHANGE
Heightened (12th) You instead gain 60 temporary HP, AC = 27 Heightened (12th) You can transform yourself into any
+ your level, attack modifier +38, an additional damage bonus form you could choose with a polymorph spell in your spell
of +8, and Athletics +39. repertoire or that you could prepare of 11th level or lower,
Heightened (13th) You instead gain 75 temporary HP, AC = 28 including mythic heightened forms.
+ your level, attack modifier +40, an additional damage bonus Heightened (13th) You can transform yourself into any
of +12, and Athletics +41. form you could choose with a polymorph spell in your spell
repertoire or that you could prepare of 12th level or lower,
OBSCURING MIST including mythic heightened forms.
Heightened (11th) Double the area.
PLANT FORM Heightened (11th) The shield has Hardness 30.
Heightened (11th) Your battle form is Gargantuan (25-foot-by- Heightened (13th) The shield has Hardness 35.
25-foot space) and your attacks have 25-foot reach. You must SOLID FOG
have enough space to expand into or the spell is lost. You Heightened (11th) Double the area.
instead gain 84 temporary HP, AC = 25 + your level, attack
modifier +34, a damage bonus +8 and double the number of STATUS
damage dice, and Athletics +37. Heightened (11th) The spell's range increases to planetary, and
you can target up to 10 creatures.
Heightened (11th) The targets instead gain 30 temporary HP, SUMMON ABERRATION
AC = 23 + the target’s level, a damage bonus of +20, Athletics Heightened (11th) Level 17
+32, and has a Trample DC of 21 + the target’s level. Heightened (12th) Level 19
Heightened (12th) The targets instead gain 40 temporary HP, Heightened (13th) Level 21
AC = 24 + the target’s level, a damage bonus of +24, Athletics
+34, and has a Trample DC of 22 + the target’s level.
Heightened (13th) The targets instead gain 50temporary HP,
Heightened (11th) Level 17
AC = 25 + the target’s level, a damage bonus of +28, Athletics
Heightened (12th) Level 19
+36, and has a Trample DC of 23 + the target’s level.
Heightened (13th) Level 21

Heightened (11th) The maximum level the target increases
Heightened (11th) Level 17
to 23. The cost increases to the target's level (minimum 1) ×
Heightened (12th) Level 19
4,000 gp.
Heightened (13th) Level 21
Heightened (12th) The maximum level the target increases
to 25. The cost increases to the target's level (minimum 1) ×
Heightened (11th) Level 17
Heightened (12th) Level 19
Heightened (13th) Level 21
Heightened (11th) The regeneration increases to 25.
Heightened (13th) The regeneration increases to 30.
Heightened (11th) Level 17
Heightened (12th) Level 19
Heightened (11th) The resistance increases to 25, and you can
Heightened (13th) Level 21
target up to five creatures.
Heightened (13th) The resistance increases to 30, and you can
target up to five creatures. SUMMON ELEMENTAL
Heightened (11th) Level 17

Heightened (12th) Level 19 Heightened (12th) The mental damage increases by 6d6.
Heightened (13th) Level 21 Heightened (13th) The mental damage increases by 9d6.


Heightened (11th) Level 17 Heightened (12th) The temporary Hit Points increase to 24,
Heightened (12th) Level 19 and the status bonus to Will saves increases to +4.
Heightened (13th) Level 21
Heightened (11th) Level 17
Heightened (12th) Level 19 ANCESTRAL MEMORIES
Heightened (13th) Level 21 Heightened (11th) You temporarily become a master in the
skill you choose.
Heightened (11th) Level 17 ANGELIC WINGS
Heightened (12th) Level 19 Heightened (11th) The duration increases to 10 minutes.
Heightened (13th) Level 21
SUMMON PLANT OR FUNGUS Heightened (11th) Increase the temporary Hit Points to 40.
Heightened (11th) Level 17 Heightened (12th) Increase the temporary Hit Points to 50.
Heightened (12th) Level 19 Increase the status bonus to Speed to +20-foot.
Heightened (13th) Level 21 Heightened (13th) The animal companion can become Gargan-
tuan instead, gaining 20-foot reach. Increase the temporary
TANGLEFOOT Hit Points to 60. Increase the status bonus to Speed to +20-
Heightened (11th) The duration is permanent until removed. foot. Its damage dice increase by two steps and it gains the
fatal d12 trait rather than the deadly 12 trait.
Heightened (13th) Instead of only affecting you, you can ARTISTIC FLOURISH
choose to have this spell affect up to 5 creatures. If you do, Heightened (13TH) If you have mythic proficiency in Crafting,
instead of immediately gaining 9 actions in sets of 3, each the item grants a +4 item bonus instead.
creature gains 3 actions they must use as a set of 3, acting
in initiative order. After the last creature has acted, 1 round BEASTMASTER TRANCE
passes, but only for the targets, effects specifically targeting or Heightened (12th) Increase the range to galactic and the dura-
affecting the targets, and effects the targets create during the tion sustained up to 1 day.
stoppage. All other creatures and objects are invulnerable to
the targets attacks, and they can't target or affect unaffected
creatures with anything, but can affect themselves normally.
Heightened (11th) The status bonus increases to +3.
Once all targets have finished their actions, time begins to
flow again for the rest of the world. If the targets created an
effect with a duration that extends beyond the time stop's BOTTLE THE STORM
duration, such as wall of fire, it immediately affects others Heightened (13th) The resistance increases to 20, and you can
again, but it doesn't have any of the effects that happen only immediately make the spell attack roll granted by bottle the
when they first cast the spell.. storm as part of the reaction used to cast the spell.


Heightened (11th) The negative damage increases by 2d8 Heightened (12th) The bonus increases to +5.
Heightened (12th) The negative damage increases by 4d8
Heightened (13th) The negative damage increases by 6d8 CALL TO ARMS
Heightened (11th) Increase the base bonus to +3 and the in-
WEAPON OF JUDGMENT creased bonus after an enemy critically succeeds to +5.
Heightened (11th) The force damage increases by 2d10.
Heightened (12th) The force damage increases by 3d10. DRAGON CLAWS
Heightened (13th) The force damage increases by 4d10. Heightened (12th) The extra damage increases to 4d6, and the
resistance increases to 20.
Heightened (11th) The mental damage increases by 3d6.

Heightened (11th) The duration increases to one hour. Heightened (12th) The bonus increases to +3.


Heightened (12th) The status bonus increases to +30 feet. Heightened (13th) You can choose up to three of the effects
from the list. Wild claws deal 4d6 persistent bleed damage
FATAL ARIA on a hit, and wild jaws deal 4d6 persistent poison damage
Heightened (11th) Increase the levels affected by 2, and the on a hit.
damage by 25.
Heightened (12th) Increase the levels affected by 4, and the NEW HEIGHTENING EFFECTS (Rituals)
damage by 50.
Rituals may be mythic heightened just as spells can.
Heightened (13th) Increase the levels affected by 6, and the
However, mythic heightening a ritual does not require
damage by 70.
the expenditure of mythic power. The following rituals
have mythic heightening effects.
Heightened (11th) Increase the healing to 12d4+30. Rituals that create a creature should refer to the follow-
Heightened (12th) Increase the healing to 14d4+40. ing expanded chart, similar to Table 7-1: Creature Cre-
Heightened (13th) Increase the healing to 16d4+50 ation Rituals on page 411 of the Core Rulebook.


Heightened (11th) You can target up to 5 creatures. CREATION
Creature Level Spell Level Required Cost
Heightened (12th) The duration increases to 1 day. -1 or 0
1 2 60 gp
2 3 105 gp
KI FORM 3 180 gp
Heightened (12th) The extra damage on Strikes increases to
4 4 300 gp
2d6. The corona's radius increases to 10-feet and its damage
5 4 480 gp
increases to 3d6. When you concentrate, the corona expands
6 5 750 gp
out to a 60-foot emanation. The status penalty to emotion ef-
fects increases to -3, and the status bonus to all other mental 7 5 1,080 gp
effect increases to +3. 8 6 1,500 gp
9 6 2,100 gp
10 7 3,000 gp
11 7 4,200 gp
Heightened (12th) You can target 5 creatures other than you.
Increase the initial healing to 12d4 and the maximum damage 12 8 6,000 gp
reduced and Hit Points lost to 20. 13 8 9,000 gp
. 14 9 13,500 gp
15 9 19,500 gp
16 10 30,000 gp
Heightened (11th) The status bonus increases to +4..
17 10 45,000 gp
18 11 73,500 gp
Heightened (11th) The duration becomes 1 century.
20 12 190,000 gp
21 12 321,000 gp
OBJECT MEMORY 22 13 504,750 gp
Heightened (11th) Your proficiency rank increases to master 13 388,500 gp
instead of trained.
24 14 940,000 gp
25 14 1,283,000 gp
Heightened (12th) Increase the damage to 16d6.

Heightened (11th) The bonus to saves increases to +3, or +4
against emotion effects.

Heightened (11th) See Table 4-1. Heightened (11th) As 10th level. The ritual requires 12
Heightened (12th) See Table 4-1. secondary casters, each of whom must be at least half the
Heightened (13th) See Table 4-1. target's level. The target can be up to 22nd level, and the
ritual's base cost is 1,500 gp.
AWAKEN ANIMAL Heightened (12th) As 10th level. The ritual requires 16
Heightened (11th) See Table 4-1. secondary casters, each of whom must be at least half the
Heightened (12th) See Table 4-1. target's level. The target can be up to 24th level, and the
Heightened (13th) See Table 4-1. ritual's base cost is 3,000 gp.
Heightened (13th) As 10th level. The ritual requires 20
secondary casters, each of whom must be at least half the
CLONE target's level. The target can be up to 26th level, and the
Heightened (11th) As 9th level. The target can be up to 22nd
ritual's base cost is 4,500 gp.
level, and the ritual's base cost is 300 gp.
Heightened (14th) As 10th level. The ritual requires 24
Heightened (12th) As 9th level. The target can be up to 24th
secondary casters, each of whom must be at least half the
level, and the ritual's base cost is 600 gp.
target's level. The target can be up to 28th level, and the
Heightened (13th) As 9th level. The target can be up to 26th
ritual's base cost is 8,000 gp.
level, and the ritual's base cost is 1,200 gp.
Heightened (14th) As 9th level. The target can be up to 28th
level, and the ritual's base cost is 2,000 gp. TELEPORTATION CIRCLE
Heightened (13th) The cost increases to 1,250,000 gp, the
duration is unlimited, and the destination can be anywhere in
CREATE UNDEAD the same solar system.
Heightened (11th) See Table 4-1.
Heightened (12th) See Table 4-1.
Heightened (13th) See Table 4-1.

Heightened (11th) The maximum level of the target increases
to 22. The cost is the target's level x 1,000 gp. The target
must have died in the last century
Heightened (12th) The maximum level of the target increases
to 24. The cost is the target's level x 1,500 gp. The target
must have died in the last 1,000 years
Heightened (13th) The maximum level of the target increases
to 26. The cost is the target's level x 3,000 gp. The target
must have died in the last 5,000 years
Heightened (14th) The maximum level of the target increases
to 26. The cost is the target's level x 6,000 gp. The target
must have died in the last 10,000 years.

Heightened (11th) As 10th level. The ritual requires 20
secondary casters, each of whom must be at least half the
target's level. The target can be up to 22nd level, and the
ritual's base cost is 1,500 gp.
Heightened (12th) As 10th level. The ritual requires 24
secondary casters, each of whom must be at least half the
target's level. The target can be up to 24th level, and the
ritual's base cost is 3,000 gp.
Heightened (13th) As 10th level. The ritual requires 28
secondary casters, each of whom must be at least half the
target's level. The target can be up to 26th level, and the
ritual's base cost is 4,500 gp.
Heightened (14th) As 10th level. The ritual requires 32
secondary casters, each of whom must be at least half the
target's level. The target can be up to 28th level, and the
ritual's base cost is 8,000 gp.


This chapter provides a variety of tools to help you in- adventuring careers, taking on other mythic foes and ri-
corporate mythic elements into your game, and tools to valing the power of the gods. Ultimately, it’s up to the
design new mythic creatures and hazards to challenge GM to decide how much influence these rules have on
your players with. This chapter is organized into the fol- the campaign and world as a whole. The following types
lowing sections: of scale are provided to give GMs an easy guideline for
incorporating mythic rules into their games.

• Running Mythic Campaigns discusses thematic Rare: At this scale, mythic creatures live only in remote
and mechanical differences between mythic and parts of the world, content to be bygones of a lost age.
non-mythic play. It addresses building mythic sto- People speak of them in stories, but none have actually
ries, designing encounters, and differences in expe- encountered them. The PCs are not themselves mythic
rience costs for mythic and non-mythic games. It in this type of campaign, but throughout their travels,
also covers the optional system of mythic trials and they may be up against a mythic creature at the conclu-
boons, and gives some ideas for mythic adventures. sion of a noteworthy quest. Alternatively, a mythic crea-
ture might be forced into the world to terrorize the land,
• Mythic DCs expands tables from the Core Rule- driving the PCs to find a way to deal with such a powerful
book and gives some rules of thumb for mythic threat.
Limited: At the limited scale, the PCs get a taste of
• Treasure covers how valuable items are distributed mythic power through some extraordinary event, albeit
in a mythic campaign, and the differences between only for a short time. For the duration of an adventure or
running a game where normal items are predomi- short campaign arc, they can wield this power to further
nant and one where both players and enemies have their goals. Unfortunately, it’s fleeting, and they soon be-
access to artifacts. come normal once again, perhaps with a few remnants
• Relics expands how the relic system works and of power they might call on in a future time of need.
adapts it to mythic campaigns. Perhaps their power will return at a later date—possibly
even regularly according to some mysterious cycle, al-
• Earn Income/Craft explores how mythic characters lowing them to plan out when they take on more difficult
might interact with downtime activities, including challenges coinciding with their resurgence of power.
crafting and money making.
Uncommon: Mythic creatures and characters are un-
• Lower Level Mythic Variant addresses converting common in this scale of game, but not wholly resigned
Pathfinder 1st Edition character to 2nd Edition, to the whispers of legend. The PCs also get mythic power,
and introduces optional rules for running a myth- but their advancement in tier is slow. The GM can con-
ic campaign that incorporates some elements of trol this by limiting the number of trials that are pre-
mythic play to the lower levels. sented. Likewise, mythic foes are still not pervasive, but
• Alternate Systems dives into various subsystems are found with some regularity—leading secret cabals,
and variant rule systems including victory points, harassing quiet villages on the edge of civilization, and
influence, research, reputation, leadership, hexplo- dwelling in the dark places of the world.
ration, ability score variants, dual-class PCs, free Common: In the common scale, mythic characters and
archetype PCs, ancestry paragon PCs, simplified monsters are an everyday part of life. This doesn’t mean
ancestries and skill feats, magic item variants, pro- that every town has a group of mythic heroes defending
ficiency without level, skill points, and stamina. it, but that such characters are known to exist and their
• Building Creatures expands the top-down ap- deeds are common knowledge. Nobles, priests, and other
proach for quickly and easily constructing crea- powerful people call upon the PCs for help against those
tures and NPCs by rebuilding tables to account for dangerous monsters and villains others are powerless to
mythic level ranges. fight. In this type of campaign, the PCs begin play with
mythic power and see it grow as they gain levels, roughly
• Building Hazards gives rules and advice for creat- at the rate of one mythic tier per two character levels.
ing mythic-level hazards.
This book largely assumes that mythic creatures and
characters are limited or uncommon. This works within
RUNNING MYTHIC CAMPAIGNS a narrative structure where the player characters are par-
(Partially reprinted from Mythic Adventures) agons that have reached the pinnacle of their class, but
still have plenty of foes to fight. If you incorporate myth-
The mythic rules can be used in a number of ways to ic ideas earlier into your campaign, you may want to treat
add truly fantastic elements to your game, from simply the mythic characters as common. If you want to run a
including a mythic foe at the end of an adventure to al- more political game focusing on the player characters as
lowing the PCs to play mythic characters for their entire
strong individuals with a hand over entire nations, it may
be wise to treat mythic content as rare.
length. This formula can work for a single session, where
the PCs gain mythic power at the beginning and lose it
by the end. Or you can apply it to an entire campaign,
MAKING A MYTHIC ATMOSPHERE where the PCs gain mythic power early on and retire af-
(Reprinted from Mythic Adventures) ter of dozens of adventures.
For a game to feel mythic, it must evoke wonder and Many mythic stories follow a common narrative struc-
awe in the GM and the players. It represents a power ture (see The Monomyth under Mythic Themes). This
shrouded in mystery and beyond the reach of mortals. structure is divided into five parts: the contact, the awak-
When characters encounter the mythic, they should feel ening, the journey, the return, and the life after. In the
as though they’ve just received a glimpse into an unseen contact, the PCs encounter a threat too great for them to
world, promising so much more if they’re bold enough handle. In the awakening, they’re granted mythic power
to explore its wonders and face its dangers. A mythic at- to handle this threat. In the journey, the heroes quest to
mosphere involves legends coming to life, and the char- increase that power and gain what they need to vanquish
acters will have a part to play in shaping these myths. that threat. In the return, they finally encounter the
If they succeed, they’ll be the subject of tales and epic threats as equals (or near-equals) and have the opportu-
ballads for generations to come. nity to forever right the world. In the life after, the mythic
heroes deal with the aftermath of their trials, and either
Running a mythic game requires more than just allow-
become normal characters once again or hold onto their
ing the players to have mythic power and face off against
new power.
mythic foes. While that is certainly part of it, creating a
mythic atmosphere is just as important. The world itself This structure isn’t set in stone. GMs should improvise
and the structure of the story need to change to make details to suit the campaign. The steps represent story
room for the mythic to exist alongside the normal. This ideas that might reveal themselves in one or more en-
change doesn’t require you to reinvent the world, but counters.
mythic creatures and their environments should feel
as if they are part of the world; they may be hidden, but The Importance of Failure
they should still be tied to the mundane events and lands In a mythic game, failure can play an important role in
around them. motivating the characters. Failure doesn’t need to mean
Contrasting the mythic with the normal world is cru- death, but instead that the PCs’ efforts aren’t enough to
cial to conveying an atmosphere of legend and mystery. solve all problems before them. They might win the bat-
The extraordinary only seems that way if it’s in sharp tle, but find that around them the town was destroyed,
contrast with the mundane. For example, a flying castle or someone close to them died during the conflict. This
with a 1,000-foot-tall tower at its heart, drifting through failure is a story opportunity—it can be used as motiva-
the air on a thunderous storm cloud, is certainly a dra- tion to continue on their journey, even against loss and
matic sight, but only when compared to the pastoral extreme adversity. This also illustrates that the PCs’ en-
farmland and grime-covered town in its shadow. Picture emies have power similar to theirs, and that challenges
the same floating castle in a world of towering volca- ahead will test the heroes’ limits and resolve.
noes, and 500-foot-tall fortresses and the castle just be- For a game to feel mythic, it must evoke wonder and
comes another extreme element in a world of extremes. awe in the GM and the players. It represents a power
If your game is set on Golarion (or some other estab- shrouded in mystery and beyond the reach of mortals.
lished world), inserting contrasting mythic elements is When characters encounter the mythic, they should feel
easy, since the world already has a specific feel. Making as though they’ve just received a glimpse into an unseen
your game mythic simply requires you to push beyond world, promising so much more if they’re bold enough
the boundaries of the setting, identifying hidden places to explore its wonders and face its dangers. A mythic at-
where mythic elements have always dwelled, waiting to mosphere involves legends coming to life, and the char-
be discovered. acters will have a part to play in shaping these myths.
If they succeed, they’ll be the subject of tales and epic
ballads for generations to come.
(Partially Reprinted from Mythic Adventures) Cam-
paigns and adventures come in many forms, taking shape When the PCs first come in contact with something
organically with the whims of the players and the needs truly wondrous, the mythic campaign starts in earnest.
of the Game Master, but the key to running a success- They learn that there’s much more to the world around
ful mythic campaign or adventure involves a little more them than they first realized. This can take the form of
planning. The following structure is a guide to help GMs some great, emerging danger that the PCs cannot hope to
in planning out their mythic experience, regardless of defeat as they currently are. Perhaps an incredibly pow-

erful dragon threatens the land, a long-dead god returns they could find a child in the clutches of a enemy, only
to the world, or the fearsome tarrasque reawakens. The to learn that he’s the key to their diabolical plan, and the
PCs are drawn into this story as their lives are forever PCs must succeed if they’re to save him in time. If the
changed by this unchallengeable threat. These low-lev- threat is powerful enough, the PCs may even come to
el characters should not combat such a beast, but they learn that their own survival is secondary their quest’s
might be in a town ravaged by the threat, leaving them completion.
with no choice but to flee along with everyone else or
Temptation is another type of test, one that has differ-
perish. After that event, they’re linked to the threat, but
ent twists. Some temptations are obvious, and you expect
right now have no means of dealing with it.
the heroes to refuse, such as discovering a bucolic valley
In this book, it is assumed that the player characters where they could forgo their journey and retire in peace,
reach level 20 before encountering mythic level threats. or a dubious stranger offering them a shortcut through a
This can be incorporated into the story by allowing cursed forest. Such temptations are important to a myth-
the characters to believe that they are untouchable ic tale because refusal defines the characters and shows
pillars, before opening the door to mythic content with us their limits. Then there are the subtle temptations,
a threat they cannot face at their current level. They ones that heroes might actually consider—either because
introduction of mythic systems could start with a the price seems small (or even nonexistent) compared to
demoralizing loss, or the discovery of new and exciting the gain or because the source seems trustworthy: taking
avenues to progress as suits the campaigns needs. food from an evil witch after starving for days, or choos-
ing to give up a child they’re protecting in exchange for
an entire city’s safety. Keep in mind that forces of good
The next step is for the PCs to receive the aid they need, and evil are equally likely to test the heroes, to either re-
in the form of mythic power. The actual means by which veal their mettle or lead them down the path of corrup-
the PCs receive this power may vary ), even between PCs tion. In any case, the PCs might be tempted a number of
in the same game. By the end of this part of the story, times along their journey and they must find the resolve
the PCs have had their moment of ascension, whether to- to carry on and stay on the path.
gether or separately, and are now mythic. They are not yet
The PCs will eventually come to a point where they
ready to face their primary challenge, but the first steps
must confront the source of their own power, which
down the path to victory should be revealed at this point.
provides another form of test. During their travels, they
This can be as simple reaching enough experience learn more and more about that source, ultimately re-
to get to level 21, or as complex as seeking the aid of a vealing the truth about its nature. This might lead to a
powerful entity beyond the party's comprehension. confrontation with the source of their power, after which
After awakening, the player characters should be the PCs feel they are equals to this source rather than its
ready to begin their mythic journey. If the intention servants. For example, the PCs might learn their power
is to truly separate themselves from their past lives, comes from a divine source, and that deity is using them
they must first leave those lives behind. This can be for its own ends. At great risk, they confront an aspect of
a good time to present their first major challenge the god to find answers. At the conclusion of the conflict,
in a context of their newly awakened powers. the PCs realize that while they’re only a piece of the god’s
grand scheme, they’re no mere pawns. Just as the god is
Journey using them to achieve her ends, they’re using the god to
The next step is for the PCs to receive the aid they need, achieve theirs.
in The second part of the mythic structure is the jour-
At the end of their journey, the PCs find their ultimate
ney. This part of the story can be nearly any length, from
goal just within reach. Achieving this should be their
composing the middle of one session to encompassing
most difficult test yet. Some foes are there to cull the un-
dozens of sessions. The PCs, now enhanced with mythic
worthy, while others are agents of evil set to destroy the
power, must contend with various trials and dangers. Al-
PCs. This last step in the journey should include a reward
though these tests can take many different forms, there
the likes of which the PCs have never seen, the culmina-
are some common types.
tion of their entire journey. With our earlier example, the
One type of test is that of the heart, compelling the PCs arrive at the resting place of the legendary sword ca-
PCs to struggle for something they care about other than pable of ending the tarrasque. Retrieving the sword from
themselves. These tests provide the PCs with a goal other its ancient tomb is no easy task though, as the weapon is
than their own well-being and power. There should be guarded by a host of mythic monsters and deadly traps.
something threatened if they fail, which serves to give With the sword in hand, they must return to defeat the
the PCs resolve, a reason to carry on. As they visit a city danger.
in the path of the monster, the PCs might encounter
people who remind them of home, or of friends lost. Or Return

The trip back can be just as perilous as the journey to are still people—complicated and flawed. Mythic heroes
achieve their goal. The heroes are at the height of their suffer or witness dramatic consequences in stories all the
power, but they are now beset on all sides by those who time, and it’s those moments that define a hero and help
would see them fail. Their enemies should be aware of us connect with her. There are different ways to bring
this quest, and go to any means to put an end to the PCs. about consequences. Failure is one option, whether it
The mythic characters have the tools necessary, however, is failing a combat or skill check or to failing to make
to brush aside such lesser threats and travel back to the the right decision (see The Importance of Failure under
beginning of their journey. This gives them a chance to Mythic Story Structure). There are other ways to bring
fully appreciate their power, and use it to defeat foes that about consequences, though, such as having something
would have been truly dangerous not long ago. unforeseen happen because of the PCs’ actions. Imagine
During the journey back, the PCs can take a different watching the countryside burn because you used a myth-
path than before. They might travel the planes, use a ic fireball to defeat a foe. And there is always the classic
magic carpet, or use some other wondrous means to story moment of presenting a hard choice, where no op-
expedite their trip. Or they simply take a more direct tion is without cost. It’s through suffering and reacting to
route, no longer needing to roam about the land such consequences that the true nature of these mythic
searching for clues. They might receive aid from their heroes emerges.
patron should they get lost or need help tracking down Impressive Settings: The world of mythic adventures
the monster that started their journey. Regardless of is enormous and dramatic. While a large keep is certainly
their method of travel, they should get a sense that impressive, one with a 200-foot-tall tower at its heart is
they are leaving the mythical world behind, returning more suitably awe-inspiring. This applies to natural en-
to the mundane. They are returning home changed vironments as well, such as an entire forest with plants
and ready to take on the challenge that awaits them. five times the normal size, waterfalls more than 100 feet
At the conclusion of the mythic game, the heroes face high, or an immense volcano erupting at its heart. This
their ultimate foe. This final encounter will be their greatest might also take the form of a location with supernatural
challenge, one that might even claim their lives. By now, if effects, such as a lake that is perfectly calm even when
properly motivated, the PCs will make the sacrifice gladly disturbed, or a swamp that is preternaturally dark. These
to end the threat. When the conflict is over and the threat places should appeal to all the senses, making them vi-
has been dealt with, the PCs’ journey is finally complete. brant and memorable.
Legendary Creatures: Some creatures the PCs face
should be legends in their own rights. While those that
ELEMENTS OF A MYTHIC ADVENTURE are drawn from ancient myth (such as the minotaur and
(Reprinted from Mythic Adventures) the medusa), are likely candidates, any monster can fit
into this category given the proper backstory. A random
Beyond the story, there are a wide variety of elements
encounter with a dire wolf in the wilderness isn’t espe-
you can add to give your campaign a mythic feel. These
cially legendary, but if the PCs visit the nearby town first
elements are different ways of looking at various parts of
and learn that there’s a feral monster that’s been feed-
an adventure. A mythic adventure should contain some
ing on townsfolk for a decade, and there are many local
of these, though not necessarily all at once.
myths about the beast, that same encounter gains a leg-
endary quality. Defeating such foes adds to the mythic
Cunning Foes: The enemies mythic characters face characters’ story, making these moments important to a
should be cunning and devious in their plans. Unlike mythic adventure.
normal monsters that tend to wait around to be fought,
Otherworldly Influence: Whether from artifacts, an-
a cunning foe is proactive in its efforts to defeat the PCs.
cient magic, or the gods, mythic power is beyond that
Such enemies use the environment to their benefit, uti-
of the mortal realm. When the PCs gain such power,
lize their abilities to the fullest, and have at least one
they attract the attention of mysterious forces that seek
contingency plan. Cunning foes frequently escape a los-
to control or otherwise influence them. This can take
ing battle to regroup and prepare another attack. After
many forms, from a deity speaking to them through a
the PCs’ first encounter with a cunning enemy, their foe
cryptic seer, a strange sign from the stars, or gifts left in
learns from that experience and uses new tricks and tac-
a tranquil glade to aid the heroes on their journey. Not
tics to neutralize the PCs’ strengths. The foe might even
all such influences will be beneficial—the PCs might be
do research or conduct reconnaissance before the fight,
hammered by powerful storms, led astray by a constant-
pitting the PCs against her minions while she watches
ly changing map, or attacked by agents of an evil power.
silently, noting the PCs’ capabilities.
The PCs should feel like their quest has caught the atten-
Hard Consequences: With all the incredible power at tion of powerful forces, even if they do not understand
characters’ fingertips, it’s easy to forget that the heroes their sources or motives.

Powerful Enemies: Foes should have powers and abil- reach its mythic climax.
ities far beyond those the PCs normally expect to face.
Through their mythic abilities, the PCs have the tools to The Monomyth
defeat these challenges, but such foes are powerful and The structure of a mythic game is drawn from the con-
dangerous nonetheless—more than capable of bringing cept of the “monomyth,” outlined in Joseph Campbell’s
pain to the world if not defeated. Battles with powerful book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces. This pattern is
foes make it clear that the PCs truly need their myth- found throughout countless modern and ancient mytho-
ic power to survive. Of course, not every fight should be logical tales, from the Bible to The Lord of the Rings. You
against a powerful foe; lesser foes give the PCs a chance won’t have to search hard to find examples in books and
to show off their talents. films. Game Masters are encouraged to read up on the
Supernatural Events: Strange and wonderful events monomyth in more detail, as well as examine other sto-
surround mythic characters, events that twist and alter ries and media that use this pervasive narrative structure.
the world around them. Such events might be local (a Running a mythic game requires more than just allow-
perpetual blizzard in a small valley) or they might cover ing the players to have mythic power and face off against
a vast area (a gloom that covers the sun). These supernat- mythic foes. While that is certainly part of it, creating a
ural events are in some way tied to the story of the char- mythic atmosphere is just as important. The world itself
acters. Perhaps the blizzard is the sign of a mystical fro- and the structure of the story need to change to make
zen water elemental seer who is trying to get the heroes’ room for the mythic to exist alongside the normal. This
attention. Or the gloom covering the sun is caused by a change doesn’t require you to reinvent the world, but
mythic demon seeking to bring ruin to the surface world. mythic creatures and their environments should feel as
if they are part of the world; they may be hidden, but
they should still be tied to the mundane events and lands
MYTHIC THEMES around them.
(Reprinted from Mythic Adventures) Contrasting the mythic with the normal world is cru-
Mythic adventures can gain their legendary powers in a cial to conveying an atmosphere of legend and mystery.
variety of ways, from a gift from the gods, to the influence The extraordinary only seems that way if it’s in sharp
of ancient magic thought lost to the world, to traveling contrast with the mundane. For example, a flying castle
to a distant land filled with power. Such themes describe with a 1,000-foot-tall tower at its heart, drifting through
the source of mythic power in a given campaign and give the air on a thunderous storm cloud, is certainly a dra-
general guidelines about how it functions. Some cam- matic sight, but only when compared to the pastoral
paigns will focus on one theme to tell a mythic story, and farmland and grime-covered town in its shadow. Picture
others will include multiple themes—although the GM the same floating castle in a world of towering volca-
should be careful when using more than one theme, as noes, and 500-foot-tall fortresses and the castle just be-
this might muddle the story behind such power. In some comes another extreme element in a world of extremes.
cases, merging various themes will make more dramatic If your game is set on Golarion (or some other estab-
sense than using one theme alone. lished world), inserting contrasting mythic elements is
easy, since the world already has a specific feel. Making
The following themes are just a few types that the GM your game mythic simply requires you to push beyond
can work into the world when introducing the mythic the boundaries of the setting, identifying hidden places
rules into her campaign. These are generally compatible where mythic elements have always dwelled, waiting to
with any type of mythic game. Each one includes the fol- be discovered.
lowing sections.
Eldritch Magic
Description: This gives a basic overview of the theme.
An ancient artifact, forgotten spell, or fantastic magi-
Scope: This describes how much of an impact the
cal event grants the PCs mythic powers. Regardless of its
mythic elements have on the campaign, indicating how
particular source, this power comes from the very fabric
those elements change the tone of the game.
of magic itself, a power few dare to harness.
Ascension: This includes some sample ways the PCs
Scope: While the scope of a campaign featuring el-
might become mythic using this theme.
dritch magic can be broad, since this power comes from
Story: This describes the types of adventures and cam- a particular item or event, the powers should be tied to
paigns that work well with this mythic theme. it. Perhaps the ancients created a sacred seal to be broken
if certain signs presented themselves, such as a week of
Challenges: This lists some types of mythic challenges a blood-red moon or three comets in the sky at the same
relating to this theme that the PCs will likely face. time. In this way, the mythic rules have an impact on the
Ending: This describes a few ways the campaign might entire setting, but their direct influence can be limited by

the source of the power. take it from them. If the PCs’ power stems from an event,
perhaps they are not the only ones to gain power in this
Ascension: Rumors persist of books that, once read,
way. If their power comes from an artifact, perhaps there
unlock potential hidden deep within the mind and body.
are other relics granting power to their enemies. In ei-
An ancient seer possesses these volumes and offers the
ther case, the PCs must deal with foes who not only un-
heroes a chance to read one that will grant them mythic
derstand their power (possibly better than the PCs do),
power, but only if they will defeat a creature terrorizing
but wield it as well.
the city.
Ending: The heroes take on an ancient mythic crea-
While exploring a long-forgotten valley, the PCs en-
ture, the very one that has been placing challenges before
counter a strange stone monument with an ancient spell
them. It does this not to defeat the PCs, but to force them
carved upon it. They discover that this is a relic from a
to gain more power—power it seeks to rip from them.
bygone age of magic, and that it grants mythic power.
This foe has designs upon the power that the PCs possess
Unfortunately, they aren’t the only ones who’ve found it,
and wishes to either take it all for itself or remove the
and now this power has been loosed upon the world.
threat of that power from the world.
Deep inside a forgotten dungeon, the PCs discover a
room sealed by a series of complicated mundane and Legendary Encounter
powerful arcane locks. Promises of great treasure led the After the heroes achieve a monumental task thought
PCs to this spot. As they break the seal on the door, a to be too much for them, the essence of the mythic world
blast of arcane energy emanates from the door, knocking bows to their achievement and fills them. This could
out the heroes and imbuing them with mythic powers. come from destroying a plane-shattering artifact, defeat-
While the heroes are stunned, a creature bashes through ing a legendary monster, or surviving a deadly journey to
the doors with such force that it breaks the hinges and a wondrous location.
escapes. When the PCs come to, a guardian spirit waits
over them, imploring them to recapture the monstrosity Scope: The scope of this campaign can be quite far
they unleashed. ranging. The experience that grants the heroes mythic
powers could occur anywhere in the campaign world
The PCs realize that each of them inherited a curved (though that could be merely one of many such moments
piece of metal inscribed with symbols in an archaic happening all around the world). Events related to the
script. By placing the pieces together, they form a cir- experience could send the heroes to distant lands—per-
cle. When the circle is complete, the PCs each feel energy haps the heroes gain their powers from destroying an
pulse through them that causes them to ascend. evil artifact, and learn of other such artifacts hidden in
Story: Adventures using this theme are always tied to dungeons around the world.
the source of power, either by those who wield it or those Ascension: An NPC begs the heroes to destroy an arti-
who seek to steal such power away for themselves. The fact that’s corrupting the land. After a deadly adventure,
PCs are drawn into this struggle and must prevent such the PCs finally manage to destroy the object, but in do-
power from falling into the wrong hands… possibly even ing so release a wave of energy that grants them mythic
realizing that those hands are their own. power.
Ancient artifacts and items from distant planes carry Reports of an ancient dragon ravaging an entire valley
secrets and abilities rarely accessible to those living to- reach the heroes’ ears. When they battle the beast, they
day. Interacting with such items is dangerous, and will find themselves vastly outmatched, but through cunning
forever change the wielder in unforeseen ways. These and luck, they manage to slay the dragon. Upon its death,
items find their ways into the collections of great and its blood washes over them, infusing them with mythic
long-living creatures, such as dragons and liches, or power.
are buried in the most remote areas beyond the known
world. Not only will interacting with these items change While traveling overland, the heroes become lost in a
a character, but the power released is a beacon for fright- wild storm. For hours, they’re battered by sheets of rain,
ening entities linked into that same source. and surrounded by unnaturally thick mist that refuses
to be dispersed. When the storm lifts, the heroes find
Some of these items are part of a set or pieces of a larg- themselves on the rim of an ancient, enchanted valley—
er item. Collecting the various pieces will increase the one told of in many tales but few people believed to truly
PCs’ powers and give them further insight into the world exist.
of mythic creatures that surrounds them. But such items
are jealously guarded, and it may cost the PCs even more Story: Any sort of adventure could appeal to parties
than they expect to attain this greater power. of legendary origin. The nature of their mythic powers
could inspire certain storylines, such as recovering piec-
Challenges: The PCs must face off against foes who es of an artifact or hunting down the source of a pack of
have harnessed the same power they have, or who seek to mythic monsters. The heroes may realize that if their ex-
perience granted them power, it could do the same for around the world, seeking knowledge of its origins, what
others, including those with sinister or chaotic motives. caused its downfall, and how it can be used. Of course,
The mythic power in the heroes’ bodies seems attuned others have also learned about this power, and they in-
to other such sources of power, and the main campaign tend to use it for nefarious ends.
arc involves the heroes tracking down these sources and
Challenges: The PCs aren’t the only ones to gain myth-
keeping them from becoming tools of evil.
ic power from this source. Perhaps there are others of
Challenges: Since many different experiences, ob- this bloodline, or other creatures that discover a way to
jects, and places in the world can be sources of mythic awaken power within them. Most mysterious, however,
power, mythic villains and monsters could appear fre- are creatures from the lost age, returned to the world
quently. If the PCs destroyed an artifact or killed an an- to take back what they see as rightfully theirs—whether
cient beast to gain their power, others may seek revenge that’s the mythic power or the whole world.
for that act.
Ending: As events draw to a conclusion, the PCs must
Ending: At the end of their journey, the heroes should choose whether this power remains in the world. Keeping
come full circle, perhaps even returning to the place it for themselves means the power can be taken by other
where they first gained their mythic power. They might villains, and the heroes will need to keep constant vigil
have to face off against the villain that precipitated their for the sake of their mythic nature. Or they can let this
journey, or maybe even the source of their power itself. power fade away, even knowing there are other threats
In the end, they should feel like their legend has clo- out there that could use their mythic talents. Alternative-
sure, even if they keep their mythic power. ly, there may be no choice in the matter; the power has
returned and the PCs must find a way to deal with it. In
Lost Inheritance any case, the villains that seek to abuse this power must
Mythic power comes from a lost age when mythic be stopped, no matter the cost.
creatures and characters were common. That power has
Planar Might
faded from this world, but once an age, when the time is
right, mythic power returns for a short time. Upon traveling to another plane, the PCs acquire
mythic power. These powers might last only as long as
Scope: In this theme, mythic power is a rarity, held
the PCs are on this plane, or the PCs may be forever
only by a few who often hide from the world and those
transformed by the visit.
who would seek to take it from them. To widen the
scope, mythic power might be returning to the world, Scope: This might only apply to one plane of exis-
heralded by some grand conjunction of events. tence, with the power fading immediately when the he-
roes leave and resurging the moment they return. The
Ascension: A celestial event marks the return of
scope can be extended by making the campaign about a
mythic power to the world. Possibly by accident, the
group of planes somehow mythically connected. Or the
PCs are standing in just the right place at the time of
powers last beyond the visit, but fade over time, requir-
this omen, and are imbued with such power. The PCs
ing return trips for the heroes so they may drink from
are not alone, however—others were also at different
the mythic wellspring and renew their powers.
places of power at the same time.
Ascension: Before a powerful wizard ally can complete
At the conclusion of an adventure, the PCs learn that
an important ritual to save the country, a strange crea-
their births had been carefully arranged over the past
ture steps through a nearby mirror and steals him away.
100 years in an attempt to recreate a powerful, mythic
The mirror portal remains open behind it, allowing the
lineage long thought to be lost. With this discovery, they
PCs to follow. They emerge onto an unknown plane, and
also find the means to unlocking their potential.
the physics of this place are nothing like those of home.
Exploring a fabled lost city, the PCs learn its inhabi- As a result, the PCs now have access to a wide range of
tants held power far beyond that of their modern cous- abilities they once considered unthinkable.
ins. The secret to this magic came from a special ritual
A messenger of the gods appears to the PCs, asking
that could only be performed once every 1,000 years,
them to deliver a relic to a plane where even the gods
but it came at a terrible price and with a great deal of
fear to tread. It gives them each a blessing that, upon en-
risk. The next ritual is fast approaching, presenting
tering this fearsome plane, provides protections through
an opportunity for the PCs to become mythic if they
choose to pursue this dangerous path.
Found guilty of high treason for a crime they didn’t
Story: With these adventures, mythic power itself is
commit, the PCs are sentenced by a tribunal to wander
the story. They contain a great deal of mystery, as there
the endless planes, wearing the “collars of judgment,”
are few in the world who know about mythic power and
until they prove themselves worthy to return. They now
what perils come along with wielding it. The PCs travel

jump from plane to plane, attempting to defeat oth- Ascension: The PCs are actually children of a god, the
er threats to their homeland. The collars around their result of a pairing with a mortal. This is unknown to
necks give them access to mythic powers and transport them until the appointed hour, when their divine her-
them to their next labor when they finish their current itage manifests. Using this hook, it’s possible that all of
one. Hopefully their last will be against the one who the PCs are related, even if they don’t realize it at first
framed them. (each having been raised by a mortal surrogate parent).
Story: While some planes function much like the Ma- During a vicious battle at an especially holy site, one of
terial Plane—in that they have gravity, breathable air, the heroes is slain. As her companions use resurrection
etc.—other planes have truly alien environs. Several of magic to bring her back from the dead, the spell expands
the latter augment those who enter to allow them to sur- in a glowing aura that imbues all the heroes, including
vive; this power sometimes lasts only while a visitor is on the newly risen one, with mythic powers.
that plane, while other times it’s permanent. (Some be-
The heroes fight bravely to defend or restore a site of
lieve this augmentation occurs when latent abilities that
worship. When the last enemy is slain and the site is re-
reside in all life forms are triggered.) In other instances,
consecrated, the heroes are filled with a sense of divine
special items or rituals grant these powers during travel
gratitude and blessed with mythic powers.
through specific planes.
A messenger of the gods appears to the PCs, asking
Challenges: The planes are full of unpredictable odd-
them to deliver a relic to a plane where even the gods
ities and surreal monsters. Many of these creatures are
fear to tread. It gives them each a blessing that, upon en-
incredibly powerful without being mythic at all, making
tering this fearsome plane, provides protections through
them more than a match for the PCs. Despite their pow-
er, the PCs must tread lightly in the presence of arch-
angels and demon princes. Ultimately, they will have to Found guilty of high treason for a crime they didn’t
face such beings, even if they start by challenging their commit, the PCs are sentenced by a tribunal to wander
minions and other, lesser agents. the endless planes, wearing the “collars of judgment,”
until they prove themselves worthy to return. They now
Ending: At the end of their journey, the heroes must
jump from plane to plane, attempting to defeat oth-
ultimately face some sort of gatekeeper that keeps them
er threats to their homeland. The collars around their
from going home. This creature might literally be pre-
necks give them access to mythic powers and transport
venting their travel, or it might be so great a threat that
them to their next labor when they finish their current
it must be defeated before the heroes can return to their
one. Hopefully their last will be against the one who
ordinary lives. Even if the PCs traveled to the plane acci-
framed them.
dentally, there should be some incredibly powerful force
standing in the way of their return to normal life. Story: In this theme, the gods take a much more active
role in the world. They may be only able to act indirectly,
Powers of the Gods and need heroes like the PCs to carry out their will. Or
A god grants the heroes mythic powers, either in re- there are too many threats for even the gods to face, so
sponse to deeds they have accomplished or in anticipa- they need champions to fight on other fronts.
tion of deeds they have yet to perform. In this theme, A party with several members dedicated to the same
mythic power is the provenance of the gods and only di- god lends itself naturally to such a story. These heroes
vine agents may wield such power. receive occasional divine communications from their pa-
Scope: Since the heroes’ mythic powers come from a tron through dreams, omens, or visitations. While they
specific deity, their activities may occur in places where may go on adventures unrelated to their deity, the overall
the deity is popularly worshiped or challenged. The he- arc of the campaign is guided by their faith and culmi-
roes could function as champions of the deity, protecting nates in a battle against an enemy of their patron.
lands their god has deemed only for the righteous. They In a party of mixed faiths, the story could center on dis-
could also be emissaries, traveling to distant lands where covering the identity of the mysterious benefactor who
their god is unknown. A campaign could even take place gifted the PCs with mythic powers. Dreams and omens
in lands where worship of the heroes’ god is strictly out- could still trigger adventures, but these are muddled and
lawed by the ruling religion. cloudy. In the end, the heroes could find their power
In any case, the scope is somewhat defined by the gods’ came from one particular patron, or from an alliance of
wishes, for what they give they can just as easily take away. deities who have joined together against a particularly
(Or perhaps they can only bestow mythic powers, and are formidable villain.
incapable of removing them, making ascending mortals Challenges: Rival gods can imbue their own champi-
a risky proposition.) ons with power, or create mythic monsters to oppose
the heroes. While not every adventure needs to contain
a mythic challenge, the major villains and ultimate chal- beings now hunt them down to kill them for what they
lenge should be mythic in nature and diametrically op- possess. It’s through a chance meeting with a friendly
posed to the PCs’ patrons. mythic character that the PCs understand what has be-
fallen them.
Ending: The final stage of the journey for the heroes
should center on the goals of their patron deity. A rival Story: The PCs might go on plenty of regular adven-
deity almost always opposes the goals, and will stop at tures in this theme, but every encounter they have with a
nothing to see the PCs fail. The PCs might have to face mythic creature or character is fraught with peril. These
off against a powerful agent of that rival or maybe even rivals might seek to steal their power, or help explain
against some sort of avatar of the divine being itself. At how their power might be used. The PCs will have to de-
the loftiest heights of power, the PCs might be tasked cide if taking it is something they can morally accept. If
with going to the rivals’ home realm and fighting the an- gaining mythic power requires the death of others who
gry god directly. They might not survive such an encoun- possess it, the power itself becomes a sort of curse, with
ter, but with the backing of their patron, they might still villains around every corner seeking to end the PCs’ lives
accomplish their goal—and their heroism may become a and steal their mythic spark.
religious story to be told down through the ages.
Challenges: Mythic foes will be relatively uncommon
Stolen Might in this theme, because each successful encounter with
one causes the PCs to increase in power. As they gain
The PCs gain mythic power by taking it from anoth- tiers, the PCs might discover that slaying a being of less-
er mythic creature, either by force, happenstance, or er tier is not enough to advance their power. Or perhaps
through some more elaborate ritual or ceremony. In the highest tiers are only possible to those willing to kill
this theme, the amount of mythic power is finite; to gain a great many mythic creatures, collecting all that power
more, one must take it from another. into one body. The PCs must constantly be vigilant for
Scope: The amount of mythic power in the world is other mythic foes, both above them in power and below.
limited, but the actual amount can vary depending on Ending: Ultimately, the PCs will reach the final tier and
the needs of the campaign. Maybe there are many mythic be left with no more to gain. From this lofty perch, they
beings scattered throughout the world, some secret and must defend themselves from all mythic threats seeking
others overt about their mythic nature. Or there are few to steal what they have earned. Alternatively, those who
such people in the world, but each one is a force to be reach that height of power might find there is only one
reckoned with. Regardless, there are those with power more step to take—stealing more power from a deity or
who forever crave more, while others are merely content other source of immense power. Or there may be a grand
to possess what power they have and to use it wisely. The reward awaiting those who capture all the mythic power
PCs must decide how to handle their power, whether or in the world.
not to seek out more, and how to deal with those who
come to take theirs away.
Ascension: After the heroes defeat a particularly pow- DESIGNING ENCOUNTERS
erful foe, a storm of lightning emerges from his body, Designing a mythic encounter is for the most part the
washing over the PCs and granting them mythic power. same as designing an encounter for any other adventure.
They quickly learn that to gain additional tiers, they must It may be grander in scope, or have deeper consequences,
defeat other mythic foes and harvest power from them. but it should use the same tools as any other encounter.
The PCs are summoned to a lonely mountaintop where The scope of a mythic campaign can play into the de-
an ancient monk awaits. Before succumbing to old age, sign of encounters. If mythic power is rare, then mythic
the monk grants them the mythic power that he’s held enemies are rare as well. Encounters may need to in-
for many years, entrusting them to guard it and carry on corporate large numbers of non-mythic characters or
his legacy. utilize legions, saving mythic opponents for bosses that
A strange messenger from a mysterious cult approach- deserve a party's full respect. In general, mythic creatures
es the PCs and offers them membership. They’re brought are never run of the mill. Even lower level creatures with
to a strange ritual and infused with mythic power sto- mythic abilities are unique characters in their own right
len from a bound captive. They soon learn that the cult and should be treated as such.
they have joined is in an eternal struggle with their ri- When designing a mythic encounter, first consider the
vals, both sides playing a centuries-long game of stealing difficult you want the encounter to be. If your charac-
power from the other using this ancient ritual. ters are not facing mythic foes or facing hazards worth a
After some chance omen, the PCs wake up with mythic mythic character, consider making the encounter trivial
power. They discover that this very power means they’re to moderate in threat as per the encounter building rules
now a part of a secret world, one where other mythic in the Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook.

Are there mythic foes? A mythic foe should be at least a ing points in mind. Trials represent important stories
low to moderate threat boss. There may be multiple such in the legend of mythic characters. Unlike an anecdote
bosses, for a severe or extreme encounter, but is often about particularly nasty fight or dangerous trap, trials are
better to have a single moderate boss and a large number lengthy tales of multiple dangerous encounters, against
of non-mythic lackeys. mythic foes and unimaginable adversity. A trial should
be the culmination of an entire adventure or a short se-
Use Table 10-1: Encounter Budget and Table 10-2:
ries of adventures.
Creature XP and Role from the Core Rulebook to design
mythic encounters. Adjust for player size as normal. In addition, each trial should include at least three of
the elements noted in Elements of a Mythic Adventure.
If you are using the lower mythic level variant, treat the
These elements define a trial as mythic and help the
players as one level higher than their actual level each
players understand that they’re approaching a vital stage
time they select mythic boosts. Gauge difficult carefully,
of their journey without directly telling them that a trial
and consider using more severe and extreme encounters
is forthcoming.
if the party does not face an adequate level of difficulty.
Sample Trials
Rewarding Mythic Characters
The following trials should give GMs ideas of the var-
Mythic characters should gain the same experience
ious challenges mythic characters need to face to gain
for combat as non-mythic characters. However, due to
tiers. Use these as is or as inspiration for designing your
the scope of mythic games and the fewer opportunities
own. Some of these suggest a mythic origin as well, but
to engage in combat, it may be wise to give your players
can be reworked for other mythic characters. Note that
more opportunities to earn achievement experience.
some of these are larger in scope and might represent an
In general, if you would normally aim for 4 sources of entire campaign arc. At the GM’s discretion, such longer
combat to every 1 equivalent source of achievement expe- events might represent several trials.
rience, adjust that so that the ratio for mythic characters
A Noble’s Mind Overthrown: A great king or emperor
is closer to 1:1. It may also be wise to reduce the expe-
succumbs to a strange madness, either from some un-
rience cost to level by half (400 for quick-progression,
foreseen disease or a villain’s magical corruption. In the
500 for standard progression, 600 for slow progression).
ensuing mania, the ruler declares war on followers of the
If you do this, combat should rarely be trivial. Each in-
major religions, hitherto great supporters of the crown
stance is a unique, specific encounter between named
and a boon to the common people. Not wanting to pro-
foes with serious stakes.
voke outright war between the crown and the faiths, the
mythic characters are charged by their patron to discover
the cure for their monarch’s besieged mind.
Abyssal Parasite: A powerful interaction of multiple
(Partially Reprinted from Mythic Adventures)
mythic spells destroyed the body of a powerful demon,
Mythic trials are an optional system that can be used in but in its place created a vengeful spirit neither dead
combination with experience to describe how a character nor alive. The spirit is capable of possessing others and
levels up past 21 (or gains mythic tiers if using the lower infusing its host with demonic powers, using this as an
level mythic variant). opportunity to gather evil allies and gain strength. A ce-
lestial being that opposes demonkind calls the upon PCs
If you choose to incorporate trials consider the requir-
to stop the vile being. They must then track the demon
ing an initial trial to gain mythic power, and then addi-
spirit as it moves from victim to victim, until the heroes
tional number of trials equal to the twice the next mythic
can eradicate the demonic shade.
tier for each additional level. For example, it would take
one trial to level to 21, four to level to 22, and six to level Aftermath: The kingdom has been ravaged by a terrible
to 23. battle with an invading force. The king’s armies suffered
a pyrrhic victory—the realm is all but destroyed. The PCs
The saga of mythic heroes is filled with wild adven-
must help restore the domain to its former glory by root-
tures, deadly foes, and mysterious forces. For most, their
ing out remaining enemies, tending to the suffering peo-
journey is defined by such moments. These trials are the
ple, rebuilding the cities, striking deals with neighboring
peaks of the story, turning points at which one wrong
nations for aid, and protecting the kingdom against fur-
move or costly mistake might cause the entire quest to
ther attack by emboldened foes.
fail. In the game, these events denote the stages of the
mythic character’s journey. Think of trials as an import- First Steps: The PCs are normal adventurers who come
ant plot point, one that is intrinsically tied to the legend to the aid of a strange creature beset by vicious enemies.
of the characters. Unfortunately, by the time the PCs fend off the attackers,
the gravely wounded creature is drawing its last breaths.
When designing a trial, GMs should keep the follow-

Just before dying, it bestows mythic power upon the he- the PCs are victorious, a great boon might be bestowed
roes and entrusts them with a quest that it was not able upon them, so when the chance to escape presents itself,
to complete. With their new abilities, the PCs can fin- they must decide whether or not to continue.
ish the mission, avenge their fallen benefactor, and take
Redemption: Pursuing a once-strong champion of
their first steps into a larger world of challenges and foes
goodness like a fallen angel or an antipaladin, the PCs
greater than they ever knew existed.
use mythic power not to oppose their enemy but to dis-
For Those Who Must Follow: The PCs are heroes in cover the source of his defection in the hopes of turn-
the days before a coming apocalypse at the hands of a ing him back to the light. Or they must cleanse a relic
dark divine or even extraterrestrial power. Unlike a cam- that’s been polluted by some festering malignancy. The
paign where the PCs must stop a cataclysm, in this trial corruption is so deep-seated that the PCs must journey
they have no hope of averting the impending disaster. to a distant place of renown that can be reached only by
Instead, they must draw on mythic power to lay a founda- heroes wielding the strongest of mythic powers.
tion for future heroes to save the world. Their adventures
Revenge Unyielding: Some legendary warrior or
will lead them to create secret repositories containing
powerful monster returns, like a dragon or giant once
knowledge and small slivers of their own mythic power.
imprisoned in stasis, petrified, or under an enchanted
While doing this they also attempt to form deep alliances
sleep. Finding its world gone and all of its family and kin
with disparate groups the world over, laying the ground-
perished at the hands of heroes long since past, its mind
work for the heroes that will one day rise and change the
collapses into madness. The creature vows revenge on all
fate of a world that they themselves had not time enough
its foes’ descendants, or perhaps even the entire world,
to save.
and slaughters in blind rage. The heroes must find a way
Into the Abyss: The PCs go on a quest to the Abyss, and to stay the avenger’s madness or put the tormented soul
must endure a harrowing expedition through the infinite to rest.
layers of that chaotic evil realm. They’re tasked to rescue
The Culling Plague: A rare disease has stricken one of
an important mortal sold into demonic slavery, retrieve a
the great races of the world. Giants, dragons, even out-
soul that was condemned to the Abyss by mistake, or top-
siders might be victim to this debilitating plague. The
ple a particularly destructive demon lord. Whatever the
oldest members of the afflicted species beseech the ad-
reason, the adventurers face challenges that push their
venturers to stem this horrible contagion. Such a quest
new abilities to the limit.
could take the PCs to far-flung parts of the world (and
Lost Souls: The souls of the dead are not reaching their perhaps even beyond) searching for rare ingredients to
final destinations, but are instead trapped in a state of concoct a cure. Alternatively, a sickness that strikes a
waiting. The PCs must discover what is powerful enough species spread across the spectrum of good and evil, like
to interfere with this cosmic process—and for what dark outsiders or dragons, might make the PCs unlikely peace
purpose. Worse, the denied souls are being twisted into brokers between angels and devils or chromatic and me-
monstrous forms, causing pockets of corruption and in- tallic dragonkind while trying to find the cure.
stability, and presenting other threats to the world. The
The Giving Rain: The flensed flesh of a deity execut-
PCs struggle to unravel the mystery and defeat the furtive
ed for unknowable crimes falls in a gory rain across the
villain behind it all.
land. The areas with the highest concentration exhibit
Mirror through the Multiverse: A sudden magical bizarre, troubling effects. The PCs, being close to one
event, like an arcane earthquake, shreds the barrier be- such place, gain mythic powers. Drawn to other epicen-
tween parallel worlds. The divine powers of each realm ters as if pulled by the godflesh, the heroes must deal
perceive the others as threats and seek to do away with with the changes wrought by the storm. This includes
the rival “mockeries” of their own world through their putting down monsters that have likewise gained strange
ascended champions. The PCs are selected on behalf of new abilities, hunting down masses of godflesh that are
their world’s pantheon of gods while searching out their hidden deep underground or atop the highest peaks, and
opponents, some of whom might be eerily similar to restoring peace to kingdoms that have gone to war over
them. GMs can offer players the choice of vanquishing possession of these divine blessings.
their opponents or of allying with them in a joint effort
The Old Guard: The PCs inherit a grand duty from
to stop this cosmic bout.
a group of aging heroes with a sacred and momentous
Proving Grounds of the Great Beyond: The PCs are charge. This might be guarding a rift in the multiverse,
captured and taken to a grand arena where they must manning the prison of a dreaded lich or even an elder
fight against other legendary creatures for the amuse- god, or preserving the first teachings of arcane magic or
ment of powerful planar entities. Each round of the com- a hallowed fighting style. The aging guardians deputize
petition proves more deadly than the last, as it becomes the PCs and charge them with a sacred quest to find oth-
clear that only one team will survive this tournament. If ers able to wield mythic power and take over for the au-

gust veterans when their time has come, or grant the PCs Included below are example moments worthy of a
a chance to become the new guardians themselves. In the boon. This is not an exhaustive list, as any situation can
latter case, the older heroes direct the PCs toward quests result in an extraordinary outcome. These should not be
and accomplishments that will increase their mythic automatic; if a character is built to perform critical hits,
power to the levels needed to replace the retiring guard- he shouldn’t be rewarded every time he scores three or
ians. Perhaps the PCs don’t even realize they’re being vet- more in one combat, but only when he does so in ex-
ted for this crucial role as they undergo their adventures. treme circumstances.
To Challenge a God: An evil deity and its minions are Many of these boons require the character to perform
making a play for ultimate power in the mortal realms. the task against a mythic foe, but a suitably challenging
Other gods, prevented from interfering in the matter normal foe might qualify as well, as determined by the
by a divine compact, task the characters to oppose the GM. Unless otherwise specified, these moments must
usurper. The PCs must disrupt the schemes of the dei- take place within the same encounter— the indestructi-
ty’s minions and work their way up through the ranks, ble boon moment doesn’t count if you survive two criti-
breaking the chain one link at a time, until they finally cal hits in one combat and one in the next, for instance.
confront the ambitious god.
Assassinate: With just a single melee or ranged attack,
Uniting the Armies: War rages across the land. Dispa- the character defeats a mythic creature that has its full
rate humanoid and monstrous races fight with one an- hit point total.
other, oblivious to a rising threat that will soon endanger
Behind Me: The PCs defeat at least four or more crea-
them all—and that might have orchestrated their con-
tures, but only one (or none) of the PCs takes any damage
flicts in the first place to keep their armies occupied. The
during the battle.
heroes alone learn the truth and must use their mythic
powers to unite the warring groups—but doing so means Bloodless Victory: The PCs defeat a mythic foe by deal-
facing a series of challenges of diplomacy, intrigue, and ing nonlethal damage only.
brute force. Only by banding together will the land be
Calm Down: The character ends or prevents a combat
able to fight off their immense foe in the ultimate battle.
against a mythic foe with a single skill check, most likely
MYTHIC BOONS Diplomacy or Deception.

(Partially Reprinted from Mythic Adventures) Cling to Life: The character survives a single attack that
deals massive damage to her (damage equal to or greater
Mythic boons are an optional system to give special than half her maximum hit point total, minimum 50) or
rewards for moments of dramatic achievement. Mythic makes a recovery save at Wounded 3.
PCs should repeatedly act in a heroic fashion, charging
boldly into danger with confidence, and they should be Close Call: The character defeats a creature that has
rewarded for accomplishing such astonishing feats of him grappled.
daring, luck, and courage. Awarding mythic boons is one Counter Caster: The character counteracts two or more
way for the GM to encourage the players to push their spells from a single enemy spellcaster.
characters to their limits.
Critical Chain: Without failing any attack rolls, the
Granting a boon is simple: when the PCs accomplish character scores three critical hits in a row.
an astounding feat of bravery, cunning, or luck, they
should regain one use of their mythic power (but may Deadly Dance: In 1 round, the character provokes four
not exceed their total uses). This can represent different or more reactions without taking damage.
things depending on the origin: the divine smiling upon Death’s Door: The character deals a critical hit to a
the PCs, eldritch energy surging within, or even a charac- mythic foe while at 10 or fewer hit points.
ter’s pride made manifest as actual power.
Deep Breath: The character defeats a mythic foe en-
When rewarding boons, the GM should reward all the tirely while underwater, without the aid of any spells or
PCs involved in that moment and keep these rewards abilities that allow the character to breathe.
balanced across the whole group. For example, if a bar-
barian charges forward and slays a powerful villain with a Desperate Measures: The character starts a combat
lucky critical hit with his axe, you might reward the bar- against a mythic foe while unable to use Surge remaining
barian, but don’t neglect the rogue flanking the villain (or confidence).
with the barbarian and the bard granting bonuses on the Final Gift: While at 10 or fewer hit points, the character
attack roll with his bardic performance as well. A charac- uses a spell, item, or special ability to heal an ally instead
ter should get a boon no more than once per encounter, of herself.
but the GM might waive this guideline in special circum-
stances. First to Fall: The character defeats a mythic foe at the

beginning of combat, before any other creature has a Unstoppable: The character suffers the effects of at
chance to act. least three of the following conditions at the same time
while in combat with a mythic foe: blinded, confused,
Indestructible: The character survives taking three
deafened, drained, frightened, paralyzed, restrained, and
critical hits in a single combat.
Maneuver Display: The character successfully per-
Wild Warrior: While using wild shape or some other
forms at least four different actions requiring an Athlet-
polymorph effect with a battle form, the character defeats
ics check in a single combat.
a mythic foe.
Mass Obliteration: Using only one spell, the character
defeats six or more creatures, ending the encounter. MYTHIC DCS
Massive Attack: The character makes a single attack (Partially Reprinted from Core Rulebook)
against a mythic creature that deals massive damage When you’re determining a skill DC based on some-
(equal to or greater than half its total hit points, mini- thing that has a level, use Table 5–1 to set the DC. Find the
mum 50). level of the subject, and assign the corresponding DC.
Massive Swing: The character deals damage to four or Since spells use a 1–14 scale, use the Spell Level column
more creatures in a single round with melee or ranged for them.
attacks. Use these DCs when a PC needs to Identify a Spell or
Master Healer: Using only a single spell, item, or abil- Recall Knowledge about a creature, attempts to Earn In-
ity, the character heals a dying creature to at least half come by performing a task of a certain level, and so on.
health You can also use the level-based DCs for obstacles instead
of assigning a simple DC. For example, you might deter-
Outrageous Lie: Using Deception, the character con- mine that a wall in a high-level dungeon was constructed
vinces a creature of a nearly impossible lie (Hard or very of smooth metal and is hard to climb. You could simply
hard mythic check) say only someone with master proficiency could climb it,
Pinpoint: The character makes four successful attacks and use the simple DC of 30. Or you might decide that
against a creature that is concealed or hidden from him. the 15th-level villain who created the dungeon crafted the
wall, and use the 15th-level DC of 34. Either approach is
Push On: The group overcomes four or more encoun- reasonable!
ters without using resting, or using Refocus or Treat
Wounds. Note that PCs who invest in a skill become more likely
to succeed at a DC of their level as they increase in level,
Return to Sender: The creature catches an arrow or and the listed DCs eventually become very easy for them.
other projectile from a ranged attack and uses it to make
a successful hit on the attacker within 1 round.
School Display: The character casts at least one spell
from each school of magic in a single combat, includ-
ing at least four mythic heightened spells cast from spell
Skill Supremacy: The character exceeds the DC of a
skill check by 20 or more.
Solo Warrior: The character defeats a mythic creature
without assistance from any allies, including animal
companions, and etc.
Swift Doom: The character defeats a mythic creature
with a single spell on the first round of combat, before it
has a chance to act.
Swift Victory: The group defeats an encounter in a sin-
gle round.
Tumbler: In 1 round, the character uses Tumble
Through to move through the areas of at least three foes.
Undead Bane: With a single use of heal, the character
defeats four or more undead creatures.

TABLE 5–1: DCS BY LEVEL ply giving larger quantities of level 20 items. However, a
player should have the option of upgrading any of these
Level DC Spell Level DC items to a higher level at the cost of an increasing cost
14 1 15
of gold. This is no benefit exception increasing DCs (as
per the simple DC table), and increasing the item bonus
1 15 2 18
up to a maximum of +4 if the item is at least level 23. In
2 16 3 20
general, the players should still have limited or no access
3 18 4 23
to items other than themselves.
4 19 5 26
5 20 6 28 In addition to this, player characters have access to
6 22 7 31 three categories of items outside of the normal bounds
7 23 8 34 of treasure: relics, legendary items, and artifacts. These
8 24 9 36 should not be simple pieces of dropped gear, but instead
26 10 39 should require a mythic trial or similarly epic encounter
27 11 42
to acquire. Each of these is a unique, special item with its
own history. Consider giving roughly two opportunities
11 28 12 46
to acquire these items per party level.
12 30 13 50
13 31 14 53 The purpose of treasure for mythic characters is largely
14 32 to further their other goals. They might use the wealth
15 34 they gain for powerful rituals, to bring their trusted allies
16 35 back from the dead, or to build nations. Keep this in
17 36 mind when distributing treasure.
18 38
20 40 (Partially Reprinted from Core Rulebook)
21 42
Table 5-3: Party Treasure By Level on the next page
22 44
shows how much treasure you should give out over the
23 46 course of a level for a group of four PCs. The Total Value
24 48 column gives an approximate total value of all the trea-
25 50 sure, in case you want to spend it like a budget. The next
26 51 several columns provide suggestions for breaking down
27 53 that total into permanent items, which the PCs keep and
28 54 use for a long time; consumables, which are destroyed af-
29 56 ter being used once; and currency, which includes coins,
30 57 gems, and other valuables primarily spent to acquire
items or services. The final column gives the amount of
TABLE 5–2: SIMPLE DCS currency to add for each PC beyond four in the group;
use this only if you have more than four characters in
Proficiency Rank DC the game.
Untrained 10
Expert 20 (Partially Reprinted from Core Rulebook)
Master 30
Legendary 40 When your new campaign starts at a higher level, a
50 new player joins an existing group, or a current player’s
character dies and they need a new one, your campaign
will have one or more PCs who don’t start at 1st level. In
TREASURE these cases, refer to Table 5–4: Character Wealth on the
Treasure is still an important part of play in mythic next page, which shows how many common permanent
adventures, though it serves a slightly different role. The items of various levels the PC should have, in addition to
GM is still responsible for distributing treasure to the currency. A single item on this table is always a baseline
players in the form treasure hordes or prized items of item. If the player wants armor or a weapon with prop-
defeated enemies. However, while the party grows in lev- erty runes, they must buy the property runes separately,
el, the items they collect will not. Rather than making and for armor or a weapon made of a precious material,
treasure from levels 1 to 20 obsolete by introducing new they must pay for the precious material separately as well.
items from levels 21 to 25, this book recommends sim-
These values are for a PC just starting out at the given
Total Value Permanent Items Consumables Party Currency Currency per
Level (By Item Level) (By Item Level) Additional PC
1 175 gp 2nd: 2, 1st: 2 2nd: 2, 1st: 3 40 gp 10 gp
2 300 gp 3rd: 2, 2nd: 2 3rd: 2, 2nd: 2, 1st: 2 70 gp 18 gp
3 500 gp 4th: 2, 3rd: 2 4th: 2, 3rd: 2, 2nd: 2 120 gp 30 gp
4 860 gp 5th: 2, 4th: 2 5th: 2, 4th: 2, 3rd: 2 200 gp 50 gp
5 1,350 gp 6th: 2, 5th: 2 6th: 2, 5th: 2, 4th: 2 320 gp 80 gp
6 2,000 gp 7th: 2, 6th: 2 7th: 2, 6th: 2, 5th: 2 500 gp 125 gp
7 2,900 gp 8th: 2, 7th: 2 8th: 2, 7th: 2, 6th: 2 720 gp 180 gp
8 4,000 gp 9th: 2, 8th: 2 9th: 2, 8th: 2, 7th: 2 1,000 gp 250 gp
9 5,700 gp 10th: 2, 9th: 2 10th: 2, 9th: 2, 8th: 2 1,400 gp 350 gp
10 8,000 gp 11th: 2, 10th: 2 11th: 2, 10th: 2, 9th: 2 2,000 gp 500 gp
11 11,500 gp 12th: 2, 11th: 2 12th: 2, 11th: 2, 10th: 2 2,800 gp 700 gp
12 16,500 gp 13th: 2, 12th: 2 13th: 2, 12th: 2, 11th: 2 4,000 gp 1,000 gp
13 25,000 gp 14th: 2, 13th: 2 14th: 2, 13th: 2, 12th: 2 6,000 gp 1,500 gp
14 36,500 gp 15th: 2, 14th: 2 15th: 2, 14th: 2, 13th: 2 9,000 gp 2,250 gp
15 54,500 gp 16th: 2, 15th: 2 16th: 2, 15th: 2, 14th: 2 13,000 gp 3,250 gp
16 82,500 gp 17th: 2, 16th: 2 17th: 2, 16th: 2, 15th: 2 20,000 gp 5,000 gp
17 128,000 gp 18th: 2, 17th: 2 18th: 2, 17th: 2, 16th: 2 30,000 gp 7,500 gp
18 208,000 gp 19th: 2, 18th: 2 19th: 2, 18th: 2, 17th: 2 48,000 gp 12,000 gp
19 355,000 gp 20th: 2, 19th: 2 20th: 2, 19th: 2, 18th: 2 80,000 gp 20,000 gp
20 490,000 gp 20th: 4 20th: 4, 19th: 2 140,000 gp 35,000 gp
21 960,000 gp 20th: 8 20th: 8 240,000 gp 60,000 gp
22 1,600,000 gp 20th: 12 20th: 16 400,000 gp 100,000 gp
23 2,560,000 gp 20th: 16 20th: 24 640,000 gp 160,000 gp
24 3,920,000 gp 20th: 20 20th: 32 980,000 gp 245,000 gp
25 6,080,000 gp 20th: 24 20th: 40 1,520,000 gp 380,000 gp
level. If the PC is joining a party that has already made with a lump sum of currency and buy whatever common
progress toward the next level, consider giving the new items they want, with a maximum item level of 1 low-
character an additional item of their current level. If your er than the character’s level. This has a lower total val-
party has kept the treasure of dead or retired PCs and ue than the normal allotment of permanent items and
passed it on to new characters, you might need to give the currency, since the player can select a higher ratio of
new character less than the values on the table or reduce high-level items.
some of the treasure rewards of the next few adventures.
Item Selection (Partially Reprinted from Gamemastery Guide)
You should work with the new character’s player to Some extraordinary magic items grow in power along
decide which items their character has. Allow the player with a character, gaining abilities that add to an adven-
to make suggestions, and if they know what items they turer’s legend. These are called relics, and owning one
want their character to have, respect their choices unless can define a character more than any other magic item
you believe those choices will have a negative impact on could.
your game. At your discretion, you can grant the player
character uncommon or rare items that fit their back- Relics begin as a simple item, called a relic seed, which
story and concept, keeping in mind how many items of is little more than a functional item with a minor mag-
those rarities you have introduced into your game. The ical effect associated with it. As the owner of the relic
player can also spend currency on consumables or low- grows in power, so does the relic. It develops gifts, which
er-level permanent items, keeping the rest as coinage. As are new magical abilities and activations. These abilities
usual, you determine which items the character can find might be themed to the relic, the character, or the nature
for purchase. of the campaign. If a relic is passed to another character,
this process begins anew, sometimes granting the same
A PC can voluntarily choose an item that has a lower abilities again over time, but possibly unlocking entire-
level than any or all of the listed items, but they don’t ly new powers. If someone else takes the relic from its
gain any more currency by doing so. owner, it usually works for a while, though it might lose
If you choose, you can allow the player to instead start its power incrementally over time if not returned to its

ground relic; through play, the item will reveal another
Level Permanent Items Currency Lump Sum aspect associated with it. In the previous example, the
1 - 15 gp 15 gp mace might reveal itself to have powers against demons
2 1st: 1 20 gp 30 gp as well, in which case its aspects might be celestial and
3 2nd: 1, 1st: 2 25 gp 75 gp life.
4 3rd: 1, 2nd: 2, 1st: 1 30 gp 140 gp
5 4th: 1, 3rd: 2, 2nd: 1, 1st: 2 50 gp 270 gp ADVANCING A RELIC
6 5th: 1, 4th: 2, 3rd: 1, 2nd: 2 80 gp 450 gp As a relic’s bearer performs mighty deeds and advanc-
7 6th: 1, 5th: 2, 4th: 1, 3rd: 2 125 gp 720 gp es their story, the relic gets stronger. The most basic ad-
8 7th: 1, 6th: 2, 5th: 1, 4th: 2 180 gp 1,100 gp vancement for a relic is its level, which always matches
9 8th: 1, 7th: 2, 6th: 1, 5th: 2 250 gp 1,600 gp that of its owner. Weapons and armor can gain funda-
10 9th: 1, 8th: 2, 7th: 1, 6th: 2 350 gp 2,300 gp mental runes normally. You decide what, if any, property
11 10th: 1, 9th: 2, 8th: 1, 7th: 2 500 gp 3,200 gp runes can be added to a given relic; by default, they can’t
12 11th: 1, 10th: 2, 9th: 1, 8th: 2 700 gp 4,500 gp have property runes, like any other specific item.
13 12th: 1, 11th: 2, 10th: 1, 9th: 2 1,000 gp 6,400 gp The more complex advancement comes from gifts. Ta-
14 13th: 1, 12th: 2, 11th: 1, 10th: 2 1,500 gp 9,300 gp ble 5-5: Relic Gifts shows the typical number of gifts a rel-
15 14th: 1, 13th: 2, 12th: 1, 11th: 2 2,250 gp 13,500 gp ic should have at a given level, but relics don’t follow this
16 15th: 1, 14th: 2, 13th: 1, 12th: 2 3,250 gp 20,000 gp strictly. Rather, gifts arise according to the pace of the
17 16th: 1, 15th: 2, 14th: 1, 13th: 2 5,000 gp 30,000 gp story, the needs of the campaign, and the relationship
18 17th: 1, 16th: 2, 15th: 1, 14th: 2 7,500 gp 45,000 gp between the character and the relic. Generally speaking,
19 18th: 1, 17th: 2, 16th: 1, 15th: 2 12,000 gp 69,000 gp this results in a relic gaining one gift for every 4 levels
20 19th: 1, 18th: 2, 17th: 1, 16th: 2 20,000 gp 112,000 gp its bearer has, but this might fluctuate as the campaign
21 20th: 1, 19th: 1; 17th: 1; 16th: 1 35,000 gp 174,000 gp progresses. For example, a relic might gain its first gift at
22 20th: 2: 19th: 1; 18th: 1 60,000 gp 276,000 gp 4th level after the bearer defeats a powerful foe. It might
23 20th: 4: 19th: 1 100,000 gp 438,000 gp then gain its second at 7th, after they perform a special
24 20th: 6 160,000 gp 700,000 gp ritual. That same relic might not gain another gift until
25 20th: 8 245,000 gp 1,092,000 gp 13th level and then again at 16th as the player reaches
other major milestones.
owner. How the relic changes in such a circumstance is
up to you, and should fit the story. The gift types—minor, major, grand, and mythic—in-
dicate their general power level. Again, the table indicates
The decision to add relics to the game is entirely up to what’s generally appropriate at certain levels, but you can
you as the GM. If you decide to add them, you’ll need to alter them as you see fit. You should usually avoid giv-
adjust treasure somewhat. It’s also wise to consider how ing a minor gift at 10th level or higher, because it just
many players you expect to end up with relics. Will they won’t be that impressive, though some of them scale well
each get one? Or will there be just one or two tied to the enough to be interesting at higher levels. The Gold Piece
theme of the campaign? Equivalent entry for each gift helps you determine how
much you should reduce treasure when using relics (see
RELIC ASPECTS Adjusting Treasure).
Each relic is associated with aspects—typically two—
that speak to its overall concept and purpose. The indi- ADJUSTING TREASURE
vidual gifts each have an associated aspect. You should al- When you incorporate relics into your game, you can
most always select gifts that have an aspect matching one adjust the treasure gained by the party down to account
of those found on the relic. For example, a brass dagger for the relics increasing in power. Essentially, some of the
recovered from the City of Brass might have the fire and treasure from Table 5–1: Party Treasure by Level should
mind aspects, which means that it could have the flare be replaced with relic seeds and gifts instead. You can use
bolt gift (which has the fire aspect), but not the rolling the relic’s minimum level, replacing a permanent item of
geode gift (which has the earth aspect). that level, or you can use the gp equivalent. Keep in mind
Usually you can determine at least one aspect of a relic that relic gifts are often a little more powerful than other
easily by looking at the history of the item or person- items with the same Price even when they start out, and
ality of the character. For example, if a player decides they often scale without any additional costs, so PCs with
that their background relic is a rusty mace wielded by relics will usually be a bit more powerful.
the character’s great grandmother in battle against rising If you prefer, you can grant relics in addition to other
undead hordes, the mace might have the life aspect, as it rewards. This means PCs will be much more powerful,
was used to slay countless undead creatures. There’s no
harm in letting the player choose an aspect for a back-

Number of M i n i m u m Gift Type Gold Piece
Gifts Level Equivalent As mythic games typically feature fewer opportunities
1 1st Minor 20 gp for combat encounters, it is expected that characters will
2 5th Minor 160 gp make more use out of Earn Income and Craft to reach
9th Major 700 gp the wealth values in Table 5-1: Party Wealth by Level. See
13th Major 3,000 gp
Table 5-6: Income Earned.
5 17th Grand 15,000 gp
6 21st Mythic 75,000 gp
7 25th Mythic 225,000 gp TABLE 5–6: EARN INCOME
but you’re rewarding their investment in the story. Level DC Fail T E M L Y
0 14 1 cp 5 cp 5 cp 5 cp 5 cp 5 cp
1 15 2 cp 2 sp 2 sp 2 sp 2 sp 2 sp
RELIC GIFTS 16 4 cp 3 sp 3 sp 3 sp 3 sp 3 sp
Gifts are divided up into four tiers. Minor gifts grant 3 18 8 cp 5 sp 5 sp 5 sp 5 sp 5 sp
useful, often scaling abilities and are available early in a 4 19 1 sp 7 sp 8 sp 8 sp 8 sp 8 sp
character’s career. Major gifts define a relic, determining 5 20 2 sp 9 sp 1 gp 1 gp 1 gp 1 gp
its true purpose and granting powerful abilities. Grand 22 3 sp 1 gp, 5 2 gp 2 gp 2 gp 2 gp
gifts are the pinnacle of power, and most relics nev- 6
er have more than one. Mythic gifts can be grand gifts, 7 23 4 sp 2 gp 2 gp, 5 sp 2 gp, 5 sp 2 gp, 5 sp 2 gp, 5 sp
or give the character a mythic feat or access to a mythic 24 5 sp 2 gp, 5 3 gp 3 gp 3 gp 3 gp
heightened spell once per day. sp
The more gifts there are of one aspect, the more the 9 26 6 sp 3 gp 4 gp 4 gp 4 gp 4 gp
relic reflects that aspect, and the more influence the aspect 10 27 7 sp 4 gp 5 gp 6 gp 6 gp 6 gp
has on the character who wields it. An item with multiple 11 28 8 sp 5 gp 6 gp 8 gp 8 gp 8 gp
shadow gifts might begin to lose its color. With four or 12 30 9 sp 6 gp 8 gp 10 gp 10 gp 10 gp
five, the character that wields it might take on an ashen 13 31 1 gp 7 gp 10 gp 15 gp 15 gp 15 gp
tone and the relic might become entirely made of shadow. 14
32 1 gp, 5 8 gp 15 gp 20 gp 20 gp 20 gp
See the Gamemastery Guide for more information on 15 34 2 gp 10 gp 20 gp 28 gp 28 gp 28 gp
relic gifts and full descriptions of their abilities. 35 2 gp, 5 13 gp 25 gp 36 gp 40 gp 40 gp
17 36 3 gp 15 gp 30 gp 45 gp 55 gp 55 gp
GIFT SAVES AND SPELL ATTACK ROLLS 18 38 4 gp 20 gp 45 gp 70 gp 90 gp 90 gp
19 39 6 gp 30 gp 60 gp 100 gp 130 gp 130 gp
Many gifts allow for a saving throw or have other abil-
20 40 8 gp 40 gp 75 gp 150 gp 200 gp 200 gp
ities that change as the relic goes up in level. The DC for
21 42 10 gp 50 gp 90 gp 175 gp 300 gp 300 gp
any saving throw called for by a gift is its owner’s class
22 44 15 gp 60 gp 130 gp 200 gp 400 gp 600 gp
DC or spell DC. The spell attack modifier of a gift is 10
23 46 20 gp 70 gp 200 gp 300 gp 600 gp 800 gp
lower than that DC. A relic’s counteract modifier is equal
to its owner’s counteract modifier. 24 48 25 gp 80 gp 300 gp 400 gp 800 gp 1000 gp
25 50 30 gp 100 gp 400 gp 600 gp 1000 gp 1300 gp
25 (crit) — — 150 gp 600 gp 800 gp 1300 gp 2000 gp

To give some guidance on how the new rules in this
book interact with various alternate rules introduced in
the Gamemastery or subsystems from various Adventure
Paths, this section will a large of alternate rule systems
and the adjustment that should be made to the mythic
system when using them.

Victory point subsystems should be easy to adjust to
mythic levels. Simply use level appropriate DCs and suit-

ably mythic obstacles, and the basic mechanics should A major favor or disservice may be enough to make
translate. Most Victory Point subsystems should be a god make personal actions toward the party, such as
large scale by the time you incorporate them into mythic granting them a boon or cursing them.
games. When dealing with non-mythic foes, it can be
appropriate to have quick encounter or long encounter LEADERSHIP
scales, but you should consider longer scales when deal-
Mythic characters operate on a broader scale than nor-
ing with mythic foes.
mal PCs, and the leadership subsystem can be used to
Encourage the creativity of your players and coopera- represent this. See Table 5-8: Organization Statistics By
tion, just as you would at lower levels. Keep in mind that Level.
mythic characters have access to a wider variety of feats,
skills, and spells than characters at lower levels. HEXPLORATION
INFLUENCE The concept of long, heroic journeys is a good fit for
a mythic themed game. However, in practice it can be
As with Victory Points, Influence should be easy to in- difficult to justify a sandbox style game or a long journey
corporate into mythic games. Use level appropriate DCs in a world where the PCs are assumed to have access to
when players are attempting to influence a mythic level the strongest teleporation and scrying effects.
character. Lesser characters might be empowered by a
mythic force to resist influence. If you choose to use hexploration in your games, con-
sider why the PCs are exploring an unknown wilderness,
When running an influence encounter, let the PCs be and make clear what options are and are not available
creative and use a diverse set of skills whenever possible. and why. Perhaps they are stuck on an unknown plane
Be open to improvisation, and change the structure of that is interfering with teleportation, or are being hunted
the encounter if something interesting presents itself. by a foe that can easily see magical energy but struggles to
The PCs set the pace and choose with whom they inter- catch prey by traditional means.
act. It’s up to you to make sure every NPC is distinct, react The various rules of Hexploration activities
to the PCs’ interactions with the NPCs, and lend overall can be adapted as is if you consider these caveats.
structure to the encounter by making sure it feels like a
living, breathing event rather than just a series of skill
RESEARCH In general, mythic options do not interact with ability
scores. But the following considers should be made.
Some mythic themes translate well to the Research
subsystem. A mythic game with the Lost Inheritance Gradual Ability Boosts
theme might see a party studying a deadly foe before they
wake from their long slumber, or trying to find a cure If you are using this variant, instead of granting ability
for an ancient plague. As with Victory Points, use level boosts at 25th level, give a boost at 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and
appropriate DCs for checks. 25th level.

The PCs gain 5 ability points at 21st level, and an addi-
As mythic characters, the PCs have ample opportunity
tional 5 points at each level after that. There are no other
to make foes and enemies. Even though most groups
changes under this variant
will still ignore them, they mind find themselves revered
or hunted even by enemies they haven't encountered. Alternate Scores
In most cases, non-mythic groups simply aren't worth If you are using this variant, there should be no chang-
the PCs time. If you use the reputation system, make es necessary for mythic games.
sure that the group as a whole has some relevance to the
PCs. They could be a powerful agency with the tools to
take on mythic characters, or a group that the PC has a
personal connection with.
Dual-Class PCs progress under both their classes. This
One simple example of a mythic level group are the
means that they get class features, class feats, extra skill
various parties that make up the pantheon. The PCs are
feats, and skill increases for Rogues and so on.
on a level where they might interact with gods or their
agents, gaining their favor or earning their distrust They still only receive mythic boosts once. This means
through their actions. that they do not receive additional points of mythic pow-
er, extra mythic boosts, or extra mythic feats. However,
they do gain the ability to heighten their spells to a high- feats for mythic feats, in additional to the other feats that
er mythic heightening level, and can exchange class feats can be exchanged normally.
from either class for mythic feats.
Due to the increased number of class feats a dual-class
character has, you should limit how much of a benefit a Simplified Ancestry PCs receive no additional ancestry
character gets from feats that scale based on the number feats, they should receive an additional mythic feat at 21
of feats you have, such as Resiliency feats from multiclass and again at 25.
archetypes. Typically, the limit should be half the num-
ber of total class feats the character has (included those
exchanged for mythic feats). SIMPLIFIED SKILL FEATS PCS
If you are using the lower level mythic variant, you No changes should be necessary to incorporate mythic
may want to use more severe and extreme encounters (as rules for characters in games using the simplified skill
well as counting the party as 1 level higher for the pur- feats variant.
poses of building encounters). This does not stack with
the effective level increase from mythic boosts.


(Partially reprinted from Gamemastery Guide)
Free-archetype characters may exchange their extra ar-
chetype feat for mythic feats, in additional to the other Pathfinder’s magic item system is calibrated for a
feats that can be exchanged normally. high-fantasy world like Golarion, with plenty of access
to magic. However, not all settings, games, or subge-
nres match those assumptions. Varying from the default
ANCESTRY PARAGON PCS magic item system can help your group build games in
Ancestry paragons may exchange their extra ancestry low-magic settings, where the availability of magic items
is unreliable, or where most or all of the power comes
TABLE 5–8: ORGANIZATION STATISTICS BY LEVEL from the character and not their gear.

Followers Max Follower Lt.s Lt. Automatic Bonus Progression

Level Level Levels Rather than continuing to gain the extra class features
1 1-2 0 — — from Gamemastery Guide's Table 4-11: Automatic Bonus
2 3-4 0 — — Progression, players can accentuate their abilities with
3 5-6 0 1 1 mythic boosts and mythic feats. Legendary items can
4 7-9 0 1 1 provide an additional +1 item bonus, letting a charac-
5 10-13 0 1 1 ter reach up to +4 item bonus when combines with au-
6 14-18 1 2 2 tomatic bonus progression. This means that no further
7 19-27 1 2 2 changes are necessary to incorporate mythic rules into
8 28-36 1 3 2-3 an automatic bonus progression game.
9 37-53 1 4-5 2-3
10 54-75 2 6-7 3-4
11 76-99 2 8-10 3-4 As with the previous section, few changes are neces-
12 100-150 2 11-15 3-5 sary to incorporate mythic rules. Simply allow normal
13 151-215 2 16-22 3-5 mythic progression, and allow mythic feats and features
14 216-300 3 23-30 4-6 to accentuate power level. Legendary items should be
15 301-425 3 31-42 4-6 able to expand item bonuses to +4.
16 426-600 3 43-60 4-7
17 601-850 3 61-85 4-7
18 851-1,200 4 86-120 5-8
19 1,201-1,700 4 121-170 5-8
20 1,701-2,400 4 171-240 5-9
21 2,401-3,000 4 245-335 5-9
22 3,001-4,000 5 336-450 6-10
23 4,001-6,000 5 451-625 6-10
24 6001-8000 5 626-875 7-11
25 8,001-9,999 5 876-1,200 7-11

To incorporate proficiency without level, it is neces- (Partially reprinted from Gamemastery Guide)
sary to adjust the DCs used for most encounters. For
level-based DCs, simply reduce the DC by the character's Making your own creatures fleshes out your game
level. See Table 5-9: Simple Skill DCs (No Level) for sim- world and lets you introduce concepts not yet available
ple DCs and Table 5-10: Creature XP (No Level) for adjust- in published products like the Bestiary volumes. These
guidelines help you customize creatures to your speci-
ments to creatures.
fications and explore your imagination. From strange
beasts to canny political rivals, you have the power to de-
sign creatures that fit the narrative needs of your story.
At 21st level and every level thereafter characters should
Creatures aren’t built the same way PCs are. The rules
receive 8 Skill Points. Increasing skills to mythic has a
for building them are more flexible, and their statistics
minimum level of 21 and requires 16 Skill Points.
are based on benchmark final numbers rather than com-
Rogues and Investigators gain twice this amount of bining each individual modifier together. This is called
Skill Points. Characters can retrain as normal. top-down design, in which you consider the design pro-
cess as a whole and select the details that reflect your
STAMINA intended result, rather than building statistics from the
No changes should be necessary to incorporate mythic bottom up and hoping the finished creature matches
rules into a game using the Stamina variant rule. your vision.
This guide provides a step-by-step process to build
Proficiency Rank DC creatures, but as you get more comfortable with crea-
Untrained 10 ture creation, you may prefer to use different methods.
Trained 15 You could start with one ability you think is cool, or
TABLE 5–9:
20LEVEL) you might look to create a spellcaster of a certain type.
Master 25 There’s no wrong starting place or wrong way to compile
Legendary 30 and present your creation; some GMs prefer to generate
35 a stat block that is as similar to an official Bestiary entry
as possible, while others prefer to compile just a brief set


Party level – 7 9
To begin making a creature, you should first come up
Party level – 6 12
with its concept. You likely already have the basic idea. As
Party level – 5 14 you add details to the general idea, taking notes can help
Party level – 4 18 keep your creature on track. Consider the parts of your
Party level – 3 21 creature you find most compelling and that you want to
Party level – 2 26 emphasize when the creature hits the table. For exam-
Party level – 1 32 ple, in the Bestiary, demons are creatures of sin, and are
Party level 40 designed to have weaknesses against specific virtues that
Party level + 1 48 oppose them. Harpies enchant creatures by singing, rep-
Party level + 2 60 resented by their centerpiece ability, Captivating Song.
Party level + 3 72 Note your creature’s core aspects, and if you feel uncer-
Party level + 4 90 tain later, you can look back and ask yourself, “Does this
Party level + 5 108 emphasize a core aspect or not?”
Party level + 6 135 Next, look at the creature’s role in your game. Is it
Party level + 7 160 meant to be a combatant? A social creature? A trusted
ally? Figuring this out will help you determine whether
to give it strong combat abilities or to focus on skills,
spells, and special abilities. Think about how the creature
might behave if it’s in a fight, if someone tries to talk to
it, or if it’s in a social situation. Does it work better alone
or with allies? What sort of character should be best at
facing it or be particularly weak against it?
Consider also the complexity of the creature. This mat-

ters most when you plan to use a large number of crea- succubus’s Diplomacy and the lich’s spell DC.
tures of that type. If you’ll use five at the same time, you’ll
High: Extremely capable but not world class, the crea-
want their turns to move swiftly and avoid complex spe-
ture presents a challenge for most characters. Just about
cial actions. A creature likely to face a group of PCs alone
all creatures have at least one high value. Most combat-fo-
can have more abilities, and it might need a more ver-
cused creatures have high AC and either a high attack bo-
satile set of defenses against PC tactics. Cut complexity
nus and high damage, or a merely moderate attack bonus
as much as you can while retaining your desired theme.
but extreme damage. An ogre warrior’s attack bonus and
Now, how do you want an encounter with this creature a kobold scout’s Stealth are high values.
to feel? Should it be scary? Mobile? Confusing? A mysti-
Moderate: A middle-of-the road statistic can cover
cal duel or a knock-down, drag-out fight? What can you
anything unremarkable about the creature. Use this one
give your creature to convey those characteristics? Note
that much of this feel will come from your choice of the
creature’s special abilities or spells, rather than its raw Low: The creature is actively bad at this. Choose these
numbers. intentionally to represent the creature’s weak points.
Most creatures should have at least one low statistic; an
With all this in mind, think about the specific abilities
example is the goblin pyro’s Will save.
your creature should have. Take a few notes now, and get
to the details later. You can use abilities from the Bestiary Terrible: Some statistics can dip even lower than low,
or feats in the Core Rulebook, adjusting as needed, to to terrible. This indicates a truly awful statistic that still
save yourself time. It helps to think of a creature that’s isn’t game-breakingly bad. A spider’s Intelligence is terri-
similar to yours and see what makes it tick—and what ble, as is a dero stalker’s Will save.
you can steal from it. Maybe you can just reskin that crea-
ture (page 58), instead of making a new one from scratch. DEVELOP THE CONCEPT
Now that you understand your creature’s concept, it’s When it comes to statistics, a creature should be bal-
time to get to the statistics. Remember that you can al- anced overall. That means if you’re giving a creature an
ways change your concept later on. Your creation might extreme statistic, it should have some low or terrible sta-
evolve and transform as you go, so be open to change and tistics to compensate. For example, if you were making
revisions. a creature extremely hard to hit by giving it an extreme
An additional step in the concept should be added for AC, you’d likely give it lower saving throws or low HP. If
mythic games. Is this creature a mythic foe, a unique and a creature is great at spellcasting, it might need several
powerful entity in its own right? Or is it better serves as a low statistics to be a balanced challenge. There’s no per-
minion for a powerful mythic opponent? fect system for making these decisions. If you’ve made
a creature that has four high stats and nothing low, or
Mythic creatures are typically those above level 26, but vice-versa, take another look. A creature’s strengths and
creatures at any level can become mythic, which is par- weaknesses change the PCs’ strategies for dealing with it,
ticularly relevant for lower level mythic games. In ad- and that’s what makes playing the game fun!
ditional to the default mythic abilities, Surge and Quick
Surge, most mythic creatures have the ability to mythic EXTREME INCREASES
heighten spells or their own unique mythic abilities, and
usually have a unique ability that triggers when they use At the higher levels of the game, PCs have more tools at
Surge. These typically are comparable to the abilities their disposal, so the creatures they face need to hit back
granted by mythic feats. harder! At higher levels, give each creature more extreme
statistics. Having one extreme statistic becomes typical
UNDERSTANDING AND CHOOSING around 11th level. A creature of 15th level or higher typi-
cally has two extreme statistics, and one of 20th level or
STATISTICS higher should have three or four. A creature of level 29
Most of the statistics in this section use a scale of ex- or 30 should have up to five extreme increases. Keep in
treme, high, moderate, and low—some use terrible val- mind that these should be relevant to the encounters you
ues as well. expect them to have—extreme social skills aren’t much
use to a combat-focused creature. Be careful about giv-
Extreme: The creature is world class in this statistic ing multiple extreme statistics that are closely linked: a
and can challenge almost any character. Most creatures creature with extreme damage and Fortitude saves is one
have no extreme statistics or only one extreme statistic, thing, but having an extreme attack bonus and extreme
although some creatures might have additional extreme damage allows the creature to apply both extreme statis-
statistics and weaker related statistics elsewhere (a com- tics to each attack
mon example being a creature trading accuracy for ex-

treme damage). Examples from the Bestiary include the

LEVEL realize during play that you didn’t add a trait the creature
really should have, you can usually apply it retroactively.
For most creatures you build, their level depends on
the level of the party who will encounter it. Look at other ABILITY MODIFIERS
creatures you think are similar in power to yours to de-
termine its level. Note that level represents a creature’s Next, figure out your creature’s ability modifiers, since
combat ability, so a creature that’s more social might these will suggest what their other statistics should be.
have, for example, 3rd-level combat statistics and 6th-lev- You don’t have to determine the exact numbers, but it’s
el skills but remain a 3rd-level creature. Most such crea- good to avoid creating creatures whose ability modifiers
tures are NPCs; for more information on this distinction are at odds with their abilities, like creatures with a ter-
and how to use it, see Non-Combat Level on page 72 of rible Wisdom modifier and very high Perception. Most
the Gamemastery Guide. of the time, you’ll just be using ability modifiers for un-
trained skills, so they’re useful as a guide but not crucial.
Some abilities are hard for PCs to deal with at low lev-
els. For instance, creatures that can fly and have ranged Table 5–10 shows some benchmarks for your creatures.
attacks should typically appear around 7th level, when Use high for the creature’s best ability modifiers, mod-
PCs gain access to flight. Natural invisibility or at-will erate for ones they’re okay at, and low for the rest. If a
invisibility as an innate spell should come at around 6th creature has a truly bad ability, you can go as low as –5.
level, when PCs are more likely to prepare see invisibility That’s the terrible range for ability modifiers, and doesn’t
in lower-level spell slots, or 8th level, when some PCs get really change by level. This is most common with ani-
the Blind-Fight feat. mals, which have an Intelligence modifier of –4 (for dogs,
The tables in this chapter go up to 30th level— dolphins, and such) or –5 (for more instinctual animals
the highest-level extreme encounter a party might like spiders), and for mindless creatures, which have a –5
face. This expansion over the Gamemastery Intelligence modifier.
Guide is the main motivation for this section. Few creatures use the extreme column. A powerful,
dedicated spellcaster might use an extreme spellcast-
ALIGNMENT, SIZE, AND TRAITS ing statistic, or a preternaturally charming creature like
Fill out the trait line of your creature’s stat block. The a succubus or nymph might have an extreme Charis-
alignment can be whatever suits your story, though some ma modifier. However, the most common way extreme
types of creatures must be or tend to be certain align- numbers are used is for really big, really strong creatures.
ments. Creatures can be whatever size you need them This happens with only Large or larger creatures from
to be, though you seldom find Large creatures below 1st to 5th level, only Huge or larger creatures from 6th
1st level, Huge creatures below 5th level, or Gargantuan to 9th level, and only Gargantuan creatures from 10th to
creatures below 10th level. Generally, you don’t automat- 15th level. Beyond that level, a creature doesn’t gain an
ically adjust statistics for size, except for an exception to extreme Strength modifier from size alone.
Strength modifiers for Large and bigger creatures, which
you’ll find in Ability Modifiers on the next page. PERCEPTION
Your creature will almost certainly have one of the fol- Perception is a fairly straightforward statistic. Use Wis-
lowing traits to define its type: aberration, animal, astral, dom as a guide for setting it, and adjust to the high side
beast, celestial, construct, dragon, elemental, ethereal, if your creature has acute senses or extra training. If your
fey, fiend, fungus, giant, humanoid, monitor, ooze, plant, creature has low Wisdom, for example, it would probably
or undead. If you’re making a creature from an existing have a low Perception modifier, or moderate if it’s sup-
category of a type, such as demon, it also has that catego- posed to be a great hunter. Don’t make your creature’s
ry as a trait. Creatures with a close affinity to elements— Perception higher just because it’s often used for ini-
air, earth, fire, and water—or types of energy—like acid, tiative; creatures with poor Perception could use a skill
cold, and electricity—have those traits. check for initiative instead, such as Stealth.

Some abilities typical of creatures with the traits listed SKILLS

above can be found in Trait Abilities on page 70 of the
You have lots of flexibility in setting your creature’s
Gamemastery Guide. As with the other steps, looking at
skills. Pick some skills you think are appropriate, and
similar creatures will give you an idea of what traits to
consider how good the creature is at them. High skills
are roughly on par with a specialized PC of the creature’s
Add any traits that have detailed rules attached to them, level, though they could be a little lower or higher. Most
like amphibious, aquatic, incorporeal, mindless, and creatures have at least one high skill, but no more than
swarm. You can add traits related to the creature catego- three. The best skills should go with the best ability mod-
ry, such as dinosaur or werecreature, but most of these ifiers, and you might even want to estimate the creature’s
traits are pretty self-evident in play. If at any point you proficiency rank for these skills. Some skills can get a
high bonus for free to fit the creature’s theme, particu-
larly Lore skills. Level Extreme High Moderate Low Terrible
–1 9 8 5 2 0
Most creatures don’t have an extreme skill unless they 0 10 9 6 3 1
are world class for their level, like a succubus’s Diplo- 11 10 7 4 2
2 12 11 8 5 3
4 15 14 11 8 6
Level Extreme High Moderate Low 5 17 15 12 9 7
–1 — 3 2 0 6 18 17 14 11 8
0 — 3 2 0 7 20 18 15 12 10
1 5 4 3 1 8 21 19 16 13 11
2 5 4 3 1 9 23 21 18 15 12
3 5 4 3 1 10 24 22 19 16 14
4 6 5 3 2 11 26 24 21 18 15
5 6 5 4 2 12 27 25 22 19 16
6 7 5 4 2 13 29 26 23 20 18
7 7 6 4 2 14 30 28 25 22 19
8 7 6 4 3 15 32 29 26 23 20
9 7 6 4 3 16 33 30 28 25 22
10 8 7 5 3 17 35 32 29 26 23
11 8 7 5 3 18 36 33 30 27 24
12 8 7 5 4 19 38 35 32 29 26
13 9 8 5 4 20 39 36 33 30 27
14 9 8 5 4 21 41 38 35 32 28
15 9 8 6 4 22 43 39 36 33 30
16 10 9 6 5 23 44 40 37 34 31
17 10 9 6 5 24 46 42 38 36 32
18 10 9 6 5 25 47 43 40 37 34
19 11 10 6 5 26 48 44 41 38 35
20 11 10 7 6 27 50 46 42 40 36
21 11 10 7 6 28 51 47 44 41 38
22 11 10 8 6 29 52 48 45 42 39
23 11 10 8 6 30 53 50 46 43 40
24 13 12 9 7
25 13 12 9 7 if a 6th-level creature has a +1 weapon, that item’s not
26 13 12 9 7 worth so much that the PCs would be massively rich if
27 15 14 9 7 they encountered many creatures of that type and sold
28 15 14 10 7 everything they found. You can give a creature several
29 15 14 10 8 lower-level items too. Just pay attention to your over-
30 17 16 10 8 all treasure as measured against the guidelines on pag-
es 508–510 of the Core Rulebook. At the lowest levels, a
macy. Having an extreme skill is less impactful than an
creature can certainly have multiple level 0 items, even
extreme AC or attack bonus, but still might warrant a sac-
though normally a creature should have only one item of
rifice elsewhere, especially if the creature also has more
the level listed in the Safe Item Level column.
high skills than usual. There’s no need for terrible skill
modifiers, since an untrained skill usually represents
Specific creatures or NPCs have more leeway to break
these guidelines because you can plan the rest of your
ITEMS adventure’s loot around them. Also, giving a boss villain
a powerful magic item makes the fight and its aftermath
If you gave a creature gear equivalent to a PC, your more interesting.
PCs would gain a huge amount of treasure by defeating
a large group of them. Using Table 5–13: Safe Items can Particularly interesting mythic opponents might have
help you avoid that. A creature can have a single perma- relics, legendary items, or even artifacts. These are nev-
nent item of the listed level without issue. For example, er considered when adjusting for treasure in this book.

Level Extreme High Moderate Low BASE ROAD MAPS
8 5 4 +2 to +1 You can use the following suggestions to set the baseline
when creating your road map. For example, use brute for a
0 9 6 5 +3 to +2
big, tough creature like an ogre, and skirmisher for a darting
1 10 7 6 +4 to +3 enemy. Each entry is a starting point you can customize as
2 11 8 7 +5 to +4 you see fit. Any core statistic that isn’t listed should typically
3 13 10 9 +7 to +5 use moderate numbers. You can set ability modifiers and add
4 15 12 10 +8 to +7 additional abilities as needed. To make a creature that resembles
5 16 13 12 +10 to +8 a character of a certain class, see Class Road maps on page 73.
6 18 15 13 +11 to +9
20 17 15 +13 to +11 Brute low Perception; high or extreme Str modifier, high to
moderate Con modifier, low or lower Dex and mental modifiers;
8 21 18 16 +14 to +12
moderate or low AC; high Fortitude, low Reflex or Will or both;
9 23 20 18 +16 to +13
high HP; high attack bonus and high damage or moderate attack
10 25 22 19 +17 to +15 bonus and extreme damage
11 26 23 21 +19 to +16
12 28 25 22 +20 to +17 Magical Striker high attack and high damage; moderate to high
13 30 27 24 +22 to +19 spell DCs; either a scattering of innate spells or prepared or
14 31 28 25 +23 to +20 spontaneous spells up to half the creature’s level (rounded up)
15 33 30 27 +25 to +21 minus 1
16 35 32 28 +26 to +23
Skill Paragon high or extreme ability modifier matching its best
17 36 33 30 +28 to +24
skills; typically high Reflex or Will and low Fortitude; many skills
18 38 35 31 +29 to +25
at moderate or high and potentially one or two extreme skills;
19 40 37 33 +31 to +27 at least one special ability to use the creature’s skills in combat
20 41 38 34 +32 to +28
21 43 40 36 +34 to +29 Skirmisher high Dex modifier; low Fortitude, high Reflex; higher
22 45 42 37 +35 to +31 Speed than typical
23 46 43 38 +36 to +32
24 48 45 40 +38 to +33 Sniper high Perception; high Dex modifier; low Fortitude, high
49 46 41 +39 to +34 Reflex; moderate to low HP; ranged Strikes have high attack
bonus and damage or moderate attack bonus and extreme
26 50 47 42 +40 to +35
damage (melee Strikes are weaker)
27 52 49 43 +41 to +37
28 53 50 44 +43 to +38 Soldier high Str modifier; high to extreme AC; high Fortitude;
29 54 51 45 +44 to +39 high attack bonus and high damage; Attack of Opportunity or
30 56 52 47 +46 to +40 other tactical abilities
See the Gamemastery Guide for more information on
Spellcaster high or extreme modifier for the corresponding
creating these relics and artifacts. For a rule-of-thumb,
mental ability; low Fortitude, high Will; low HP; low attack
legendary items and relics are reasonable rewards when bonus and moderate or low damage; high or extreme spell DCs;
the party defeats a mythic creature that is at least a mod- prepared or spontaneous spells up to half the creature’s level
erate-to-severe threat boss or conquers a mythic trial in (rounded up)
a satisfying manner, while artifacts should be reserved
for extremely notable mythic creatures that are severe
extreme bosses, or even bosses that represent an extreme
encounter in and of themselves. These can be in addi- ARMOR CLASS
tion to, or instead of any item the boss would normally Because AC is one of the most important combat stats,
have. you need to be more careful with setting this number
Consider how such a boss might use an the item. It for any creature you expect will end up in a fight. Low
should not merely be a reward, but should instead serve AC typically fits spellcasters, who compensate with their
as an interesting component of the fight as well. If nec- selection of powerful spells. Most creatures use high or
essary, use a DC appropriate for the boss when they are moderate AC—high is comparable to what a PC fight-
using the item, regardless of its actual DCs. The item er would have. Reserve extreme AC for a creature that is
should have one to two unique, obvious abilities separate even better defended; these values are for creatures that
from those of the boss themselves; these can be items have defenses similar in power to those of a champion
actual abilities, or variants thereof. or monk.

SAVINGS THROWS Level Extreme High Moderate Low
You can often set saves quickly by assigning one high, –1 18 15 14 12
one moderate, and one low modifier. Some creatures 0 19 16 15 13
might vary from this, either because they have poor AC 1 19 16 15 13
but better saves or because they should thematically have 2 21 18 17 15
multiple good saves and compensate elsewhere. You have 3 22 19 18 16
more flexibility with saves, and having one save off the 24 21 20 18
5 25 22 21 19
6 27 24 23 21
TABLE 5–13: SAFE ITEMS 7 28 25 24 22
8 30 27 26 24
Level Safe Item level 9 31 28 27 25
3 or lower 0 33 30 29 27
4–5 1 34 31 30 28
6 2 (+1 weapon) 36 33 32 30
7 3 37 34 33 31
8 4 (+1 striking weapon) 39 36 35 33
9 5 (+1 armor) 40 37 36 34
10 6 42 39 38 36
11 7 43 40 39 37
12 8 (+1 resilient armor) 45 42 41 39
13 9 46 43 42 40
14 10 (+2 striking weapon) 48 45 44 42
15 11 (+2 resilient armor) 49 46 45 43
12 (+2 greater striking 51 48 47 45
16 22
13 23 52 49 48 46
14 (+2 greater resilient armor) 24 54 51 50 48
15 25 55 52 51 49
16 (+3 greater striking 26 56 53 52 50
20 27 58 55 54 52
21 17 28 59 56 55 53
22 18 (+3 greater resilient armor) 29 60 57 56 54
23 19 (+3 major striking weapon) 30 62 59 58 56
24 20 (+3 major resilient armor)
20 (+3 major resilient armor)
you don’t want a creature with extreme AC to have high
HP too.
listed number by 1 is rarely a big deal. Pay attention to the Hit Points are closely tied in with immunities, weak-
creature’s Con, Dex, and Wis modifiers—these don’t have nesses, and resistances, so if your creature has any of
to correspond to the creature’s saves exactly, but should those, look at that section before finalizing HP.
inform your choices.
Extreme saves often pair with extreme or high ability Regeneration and Healing Abilities
modifiers. Almost no creature should have more than Your creature might have regeneration, fast healing, or
one extreme save, even at high levels. Assign terrible saves some other ability to heal itself. These healing abilities
to creatures that have a clear weak point—for example, can greatly affect the flow of a fight. Regeneration or fast
a nearly immobile creature would have a terrible Reflex healing heals some number of hits each round—usual-
save. ly one to one and a half hits. To determine the number
of Hit Points it should restore, look at the high damage
HIT POINTS value on Table 5–19: Strike Damage and multiply that
Give a creature HP in the moderate range unless its value by the number of hits healed. For instance, if the
theme strongly suggests it should use another range. high damage is 20, regeneration between 20 to 30 makes
Spellcasters, for example, often have low HP. Brutish sense. The value should be higher if the regeneration is
creatures usually have high HP, compensating with low- easy to overcome—and remember that most regenera-
er AC, weaker saves, few tactical options, or other limita- tion gets easier to overcome at higher levels. Also, you
tions. As mentioned in the Armor Class section above, might want to decrease the creature’s total HP by dou-

Level Extreme High Moderate Low Terrible IMMUNITIES, WEAKNESSES, AND
–1 9 8 5 2 0 RESISTANCES
0 10 9 6 3 1
If it’s highly thematic for a creature to have an immu-
1 11 10 7 4 2 nity, weakness, or resistance, consider adding it.
2 12 11 8 5 3
3 14 12 9 6 4 Immunities are generally reserved for creatures made
4 15 14 11 8 6 of an unusual substance (like a fire elemental being im-
5 17 15 12 9 7 mune to fire) or if a creature’s biology or construction
18 17 14 11 8 would logically cause it to be unaffected (like a mindless
20 18 15 12 10
creature’s immunity to mental effects).
8 21 19 16 13 11 If the creature should be hard to affect with something
9 23 21 18 15 12 but the conditions above aren’t true, give it a resistance
10 24 22 19 16 14 instead. For instance, a giant octopus isn’t actually made
11 26 24 21 18 15 of cold water, so it wouldn’t be immune to cold, but its
12 27 25 22 19 16 life in the ocean depths make it resistant to cold. You’ll
13 29 26 23 20 18 typically use the lower end of the value on Table 5–16 for
14 30 28 25 22 19 a broad resistance that applies to a wide range of effects,
15 32 29 26 23 20 like “physical 5 (except silver)” and the higher end for
16 33 30 28 25 22 something narrower, like a single damage type. A crea-
17 35 32 29 26 23
36 33 30 27 24
19 38 35 32 29 26 Level High Mod Low
20 39 36 33 30 27 –1 9 8–7 6–5
21 41 38 35 32 28 0 20–17 16–14 13–11
22 43 39 36 33 30 1 26–24 21–19 16–14
23 44 40 37 34 31 2 40–36 32–28 25–21
24 46 42 38 36 32 3 59–53 48–42 37–31
25 47 43 40 37 34 4 78–72 63–57 48–42
26 48 44 41 38 35 5 97–91 78–72 59–53
27 50 46 42 40 36 6 123–115 99–91 75–67
28 51 47 44 41 37 7 148–140 119–111 90–82
29 52 48 45 42 39 8 173–165 139–131 105–97
30 54 50 46 44 40 9 198–190 159–151 120–112
10 223–215 179–172 135–127
11 248–240 199–191 150–142
ble its regeneration value. Fast healing follows the same
rules, but because it can’t prevent a creature’s death and 12 273–265 219–211 165–157
there isn’t always have a way to deactivate it, you might 13 298–290 239–231 180–172
want to give the creature more HP instead of fast healing 14 323–315 259–251 195–187
to keep things simple. 15 348–340 279–271 210–202
16 373–365 299–291 225–217
If a creature can use an ability that heals it, that abil- 398–390 319–311 240–232
ity typically restores more HP since it costs actions. An
18 423–415 339–331 255–247
at‑will healing ability should be based on a heal spell 2
19 448–440 359–351 270–262
levels lower than the highest-level spell a creature of
20 473–465 379–371 285–277
that level could ordinarily cast (for example, an 11th-level
21 505–495 405–395 305–295
creature can typically cast up to 6th-level spells, so you
would base its healing ability on a 4th-level heal spell). If 22 544–532 436–424 329–317
the ability both deals damage and heals, use that same 23 581–569 466–454 351–339
baseline scale from above but with vampiric touch instead 24 633–617 508–492 383–367
of heal. 25 683–667 548–532 413–397
26 733–717 588–572 443–427
27 783–767 628–612 473–457
28 833–817 668–652 503–487
29 883–867 708–692 533–517
30 933–917 748–732 563–547

ture with a resistance, especially a broad resistance or a Strike Attack Bonus
physical resistance, usually has fewer HP.
Use a high attack bonus for combat creatures—fight-
STRIKES er types—that also usually have high damage. A creature
could have a higher attack bonus and lower damage, or
When building your creature’s selection of Strikes, use vice versa.
the following sections to set the Strike’s attack bonus
and damage. Give the attack all the normal traits if it’s a
weapon; for unarmed attacks or weapons you invent, give Strike Damage
whatever traits you feel are appropriate. Note that these
traits might influence the damage you give the Strike. Table 5–19 on the next page gives the damage a creature
should deal with a single Strike. You might use a lower
You might want to make sure a creature has an un- category if the creature has better accuracy, or a higher
armed attack if you think it’s likely to get disarmed. At category if its accuracy is lower.
7th level and higher, PCs might have the ability to fly,
which makes it more important for creatures to have de- A creature that’s meant to be primarily a combat threat
cent ranged Strikes to make sure they aren’t totally hope- uses high damage for its melee Strikes, or moderate for
less against flying PCs (though they could instead have melee Strikes that have the agile trait. Ranged attacks
fast fly Speeds or something similar). more typically use the moderate value, or even low. A
creature that’s meant to be highly damaging uses the ex-
treme damage values, but might then have a moderate
attack bonus. As with most statistics, extreme damage is
Level Max Min
–1 1 1 Level Extreme High Moderate Low
0 3 1 10 8 6 4
1 3 2 10 8 6 4
2 5 2 11 9 7 5
3 6 3 13 11 9 7
4 7 4 14 12 10 8
5 8 4 16 14 12 9
6 9 5 17 15 13 11
7 10 5 19 17 15 12
8 11 6 20 18 16 13
9 12 6 22 20 18 15
10 13 7 23 21 19 16
11 14 7 25 23 21 17
12 15 8 27 24 22 19
13 16 8 28 26 24 20
14 17 9 29 27 25 21
15 18 9 31 29 27 23
16 19 9 32 30 28 24
17 19 10 34 32 30 25
18 20 10 35 33 31 27
19 21 11 37 35 33 28
20 22 11 38 36 34 29
21 23 12 40 38 36 31
22 24 12 41 39 37 32
23 25 13 43 41 39 33
24 26 13 44 42 40 35
25 27 14 46 44 42 36
26 28 14 47 43 41 37
27 29 15 48 44 42 39
28 31 15 50 46 44 40
29 32 16 51 47 45 41
30 33 16 52 48 46 42
30 54 50 48 44
more likely at higher levels. You can also use the extreme
value for special attacks that the creature can use only Level Extreme High Moderate Low
a limited number of times or under circumstances that –1 1d6+1 (4) 1d4+1 (3) 1d4 (3) 1d4 (2)
aren’t likely to happen every round. 0 1d6+3 (6) 1d6+2 (5) 1d4+2 (4) 1d4+1 (3)
More versatile creatures, such as ones that can cast 1 1d8+4 (8) 1d6+3 (6) 1d6+2 (5) 1d4+2 (4)
some spells and aren’t meant to primarily get their dam- 2 1d12+4 (11) 1d10+4 (9) 1d8+4 (8) 1d6+3 (6)
age through Strikes, go one category lower: moderate 3 1d12+8 (15) 1d10+6 (12) 1d8+6 (10) 1d6+5 (8)
for their main melee Strikes, low for agile and ranged 4 2d10+7 (18) 2d8+5 (14) 2d6+5 (12) 2d4+4 (9)
Strikes. Spellcasters and other creatures that aren’t meant 5 2d12+7 (20) 2d8+7 (16) 2d6+6 (13) 2d4+6 (11)
to be competent in a direct fight might use the low dam- 6 2d12+10 (23) 2d8+9 (18) 2d6+8 (15) 2d4+7 (12)
age value, or even less if they completely don’t care about 7 2d12+12 (25) 2d10+9 (20) 2d8+8 (17) 2d6+6 (13)
their Strikes. On Table 2–10, you’ll find a damage expres- 8 2d12+15 (28) 2d10+11 (22) 2d8+9 (18) 2d6+8 (15)
sion (a die roll or rolls plus a flat modifier) you can use as 9 2d12+17 (30) 2d10+13 (24) 2d8+11 (20) 2d6+9 (16)
is, or you can take the damage in parentheses and build 10 2d12+20 (33) 2d12+13 (26) 2d10+11 (22) 2d6+10 (17)
your own damage expression to hit that number. If you 11 2d12+22 (35) 2d12+15 (28) 2d10+12 (23) 2d8+10 (19)
do the latter, remember that a d4 counts as 2.5 damage, 12 3d12+19 (38) 3d10+14 (30) 3d8+12 (25) 3d6+10 (20)
a d6 as 3.5, a d8 as 4.5, a d10 as 5.5, and a d12 as 6.5. Usu- 13 3d12+21 (40) 3d10+16 (32) 3d8+14 (27) 3d6+11 (21)
ally a damage expression works best when roughly half 3d12+24 (43) 3d10+18 (34) 3d8+15 (28) 3d6+13 (23)
the damage is from dice and half is from the flat mod- 3d12+26 (45) 3d12+17 (36) 3d10+14 (30) 3d6+14 (24)
ifier. If your creature deals special damage, like 1d6 fire
16 3d12+29 (48) 3d12+18 (37) 3d10+15 (31) 3d6+15 (25)
from flaming attacks, that counts toward its total damage
17 3d12+31 (50) 3d12+19 (38) 3d10+16 (32) 3d6+16 (26)
per Strike. Keep in mind that a creature using a weapon
18 3d12+34 (53) 3d12+20 (40) 3d10+17 (33) 3d6+17 (27)
should have a damage value that feels right for that weap-
19 4d12+29 (55) 4d10+20 (42) 4d8+17 (35) 4d6+14 (28)
on. Extreme damage works well for two-handed weapons
that uses d10s or d12s for damage. On the other hand, 20 4d12+32 (58) 4d10+22 (44) 4d8+19 (37) 4d6+15 (29)
a dagger uses only d4s, so a dagger wielder would need 21 4d12+34 (60) 4d10+24 (46) 4d8+20 (38) 4d6+17 (31)
something like sneak attack to deal extreme damage, or 22 4d12+37 (63) 4d10+26 (48) 4d8+22 (40) 4d6+18 (32)
you might compensate for the dagger’s lower damage per 23 4d12+39 (65) 4d12+24 (50) 4d10+20 (42) 4d6+19 (33)
Strike by giving the creature the ability to attack more 24 4d12+42 (68) 4d12+26 (52) 4d10+22 (44) 4d6+21 (35)
efficiently or use other tricks. 25 5d12+38 (71) 5d12+21 (54) 5d12+12 (45) 5d12+3 (36)
26 5d12+41 (74) 5d12+23 (56) 5d12+13 (46) 5d12+4 (37)
SPELLS 27 5d12+44 (77) 5d12+25 (58) 5d12+15 (48) 5d12+6 (39)
Your creature might have magical abilities that are best 28 5d12+47 (80) 5d12+27 (60) 5d12+16 (49) 5d12+7 (40)
represented by spells. If you’re making a highly spellcast- 29 5d12+50 (83) 5d12+29 (62) 5d12+17 (50) 5d12+8 (41)
ing-themed creature, give it prepared or spontaneous 30 5d12+53 (86) 5d12+31 (64) 5d12+18 (51) 5d12+10 (43)
spells. For a creature that has spells due to its magical usefulness for a creature that’s expected to last only a
nature, especially if that magic isn’t its core focus, con- single fight. A damaging spell 2 levels below the highest
sider giving it some innate spells instead. How many level a creature of that level can cast is still potentially
spells you should give a creature depends on how you useful, but beyond that, don’t bother. Spells that have the
expect it to spend its actions in combat. If it’s primarily incapacitation trait should be in the highest level slot if
going to be making Strikes, it might not have any spells, you want the creature to potentially get their full effect
or it might just have a few to help it move around better against PCs.
or protect against certain types of magic.
Spell DC and Spell Attack Roll
When choosing spells, lean hard into the creature’s
theme. While many PCs choose spells to cover a wide va- Set the creature’s spell DC and spell attack roll using
riety of situations, creatures are more evocative the more Table 5–20. Most creatures use the same DC for all their
focused they are. Consider selecting about three-quarters spells, even if they have multiple types, such as a creature
of the spells based on relevance to the theme and the re- with both prepared spells and innate spells.
mainder for other things. However, make sure the spells
Use the high numbers for primary casters, and the
aren’t one note—selecting fireball for most of a creature’s
moderate numbers for creatures that have some supple-
spell slots doesn’t make for a compelling fire creature in
mental spells but are focused more on combat. At 15th
the way a diverse selection of fire spells would.
level and higher, the extreme numbers become standard
When choosing spells, some spells won’t be very useful for spellcasters. A few creatures might use the extreme
if cast at an extremely low level compared to the crea- numbers at lower levels, but they tend to be highly spe-
ture’s levels. Most notably, damaging spells drop off in cialized, with very weak defenses and Strikes. Secondary

Level Extreme Ex. Spell High High Spell Mod. Mod . Spell
DC Atk. Bns. SX Atk. Bns. DC Atk. Bns.
–1 19 11 16 8 13 5
0 19 11 16 8 13 5
1 20 12 17 9 14 6
2 22 14 18 10 15 7
3 23 15 20 12 17 9
4 25 17 21 13 18 10
5 26 18 22 14 19 11
6 27 19 24 16 21 13
7 29 21 25 17 22 14
8 30 22 26 18 23 15
9 32 24 28 20 25 17
10 33 25 29 21 26 18
11 34 26 30 22 27 19
12 36 28 32 24 29 21
13 37 29 33 25 30 22
14 39 31 34 26 31 23
15 40 32 36 28 33 25
16 41 33 37 29 34 26
17 43 35 38 30 35 27
18 44 36 40 32 37 29
19 46 38 41 33 38 30
20 47 39 42 34 39 31
21 48 40 44 36 41 33
22 50 42 45 37 42 34
23 51 43 46 38 43 35
24 52 44 48 40 45 37
25 54 46 49 41 46 38
26 55 47 50 42 47 39
27 56 48 51 43 49 41
28 58 50 52 44 50 42
29 59 51 54 46 51 43
30 60 52 55 47 53 45

spellcasters can go up to high numbers if they’re above abilities. Typically, at-will spells and constant spells
15th level and have offensive spells. There is no low val- should not be able to be mythic heightened. Spells of
ue—the creature shouldn’t have any spells in the first more limited use, particularly damage spells, should be
place if it would be that bad at using them! appropriate to mythic heighten. This is doubly true for
creatures without spell slots, as many are. Cantrips, fo-
cus spells, and spells cast from 10th level spell slots are
Mythic Heightening Spells still always mythic heightened, and creatures can always
Creatures do not scale their mythic heightened spells use the Surge or Quick Surge ability to heighten spells
in the same way that players do, nor do they gain mythic cast from spell slots.
power at the same rate. See Table 5-21: Mythic Heighten-
ing Spells for general guidelines.
In this step, you’ll take the ideas for abilities you not-
Creatures under level 25 generally do not have mythic
ed when you developed your concept and design these
power or the ability to mythic heighten spells. However,
abilities for your creature. You can look at existing crea-
it is possible to create such creatures, either for notable
ture abilities from the Bestiary and feats from the Core
boss encounters or lower level mythic variants. This ta-
Rulebook and use them as is or modify them to fit your
ble will address this.
needs. Mythic creatures might use feats from this book,
A creature with innate spells may or may not be able or effects from past mythic creatures for inspiration.
to mythic heighten those spells, as appropriate for their

• Respect the action economy.
Level Mythic Heightening Level
1 • Make sure abilities are level appropriate.
0 1 • Avoid “invisible” abilities.
1 2
2 2
3 3 Action Economy
4 3 Understanding a creature’s action economy is key for
5 4 making it work in play. Remember how short the lifes-
6 4 pan of a typical combat creature is. Including a bunch
7 5 of combat abilities might mean you spend time building
8 5 actions the creature will never have time to use. Narrow
9 6 your selections down to the smallest and most compel-
10 6 ling set that makes sense. Also keep in mind that special
11 7 actions will compete for time with any combat spells you
12 7 gave the creature.
13 8 Reactions can help, giving the creature a way to act
14 8 when it’s not its turn. See Reactive Abilities for advice on
15 9 designing these tricky abilities.
16 9
Because of PC capabilities at higher levels, creatures
at those levels should get more abilities that improve
18 10
their action economy. For instance, creatures that grap-
19 10
ple should have Improved Grab instead of Grab, Speeds
20 10
should be higher, and many abilities that would have cost
21 11 an action at a lower level should be free actions.
22 11
23 11 Level Appropriate
24 11
The effects of an ability should be appropriate to the
25 12
creature’s level. For damaging abilities, that means they
26 12
follow the damage guidelines from Table 5-22: Area Dam-
27 13 age and Table 5-19: Strike Damage. For others, take a look
28 13 at spells and feats with a similar effect to see if they’re lev-
29 14 el appropriate. For instance, say you’re considering giv-
30 14 ing a 6th-level creature the ability to teleport a short dis-
When choosing abilities, think about both the number tance. Dimension door is comparable—that’s a 4th-level
of abilities and the diversity of abilities. Having a large spell, normally cast by a 7th-level or higher creature. That
number of similar abilities can make the creature tough- means 6th level probably isn’t too low, but the creature
er to run, and it probably can’t use them all anyway. Di- shouldn’t be able to use the ability more than once. You
versity of abilities gives the creature different ways to act can also compare your creature to those in a Bestiary vol-
in different situations, and helps guide you as the GM. ume to see if the special abilities seem similar in power
For instance, a combat creature might have one ability it to those of other creatures of the same level.
uses to get into position, another to use when it wants to
Invisible Abilities
focus damage on a single enemy, and a third that’s more
defensive. Avoid abilities that do nothing but change the crea-
Mythic creatures always have a unique Surge ability. ture’s math, also known as “invisible abilities.” These al-
Consult these pointers, and the Surge abilities listed ter a creature’s statistics in a way that’s invisible to the
under the Low Level Mythic Play section to create Surge players, which makes the creature less engaging because
abilities. the players don’t see it using its abilities in a tangible
or evocative way. For example, an ability that allows a
Basics of Ability Design creature to use an action to increase its accuracy for the
There are a few principles of ability construction that round with no outward sign (or worse, just grants a pas-
you’ll want to keep in mind. Some guidance for specific sive bonus to its accuracy) isn’t that compelling, where-
types of abilities will come later, but these apply to ev- as one that increases its damage by lighting its arrows
erything. on fire is noticeable. These both work toward the same
goal—dealing more damage this round—but one is far

more memorable. cally allow a basic saving throw. The table includes values
for unlimited‑use abilities (ones that can be used at-will)
Active Abilities and limited-use ones (which can be used once or, like
Abilities a creature uses on its turn have the most flex- a Breath Weapon, once or twice but not on consecutive
ibility and scope. You can use Table 5–20 to determine turns).
active ability DCs as well as spell DCs. You can have an You can use the dice given or generate your own ex-
ability use 1 to 3 actions as needed (or be a free action pression based on the damage in parentheses, as detailed
in rare cases) and use just about any type of tactic. Feats, in the Strike Damage. If a high-level effect has a small
spells, and existing creature abilities provide a wide va- area compared to similar abilities, you have it deal more
riety of examples, so look for something similar to your damage.
idea to use as a basis.
Consider how you want your creature to spend its turns.
Two-action activities pretty much define the creature’s
turn, and single actions work best for supplemental ben-
efits or normal Strikes. And as you build out your idea of
a creature’s turn, don’t forget about movement! A crea- TABLE 5–22: AREA DAMAGE
ture often needs to spend actions getting into position,
especially early in a fight. This is especially challenging Level Unlimited Use Limited Use
with melee-only creatures. You can give such creatures –1 1d4 (2) 1d6 (4)
abilities similar to Sudden Charge or the deadly mantis’s 0 1d6 (4) 1d10 (6)
Leaping Grab. 1 2d4 (5) 2d6 (7)
2 2d6 (7) 3d6 (11)
Be especially careful with activities when designing
3 2d8 (9) 4d6 (14)
boss creatures. They’re likely to get targeted with the PCs’
4 3d6 (11) 5d6 (18)
most powerful detrimental effects, get grabbed, become
slowed, or otherwise have their actions restricted. Bosses 5 2d10 (12) 6d6 (21)
need to have solid options they can use with 1 or 2 ac- 6 4d6 (14) 7d6 (25)
tions. This lets them use their remaining actions to get 7 4d6 (15) 8d6 (28)
away, use a simple ability, or otherwise keep the fight dy- 8 5d6 (17) 9d6 (32)
namic. 9 5d6 (18) 10d6 (35)
10 6d6 (20) 11d6 (39)
Free Actions 11 6d6 (21) 12d6 (42)
Use free actions that don’t have triggers sparingly, and 12 5d8 (23) 13d6 (46)
when you do, they should almost always be used for sup- 13 7d6 (24) 14d6 (49)
port or utility actions, not Strikes or movement. If you 14 4d12 (26) 15d6 (53)
come up with a free action, consider whether it should 15 6d8 (27) 16d6 (56)
be its own action or part of a combo, such as drawing a 16 8d6 (28) 17d6 (60)
weapon and attacking. In cases like the latter, you might 17 8d6 (29) 18d6 (63)
be better off making a single action that allows the crea- 18 9d6 (30) 19d6 (67)
ture to draw a weapon and then Strike. 19 7d8 (32) 20d6 (70)
20 6d10 (33) 21d6 (74)
Damage Dealing Abilities 21 10d6 (35) 22d6 (77)
If a special action is a single action with only one tar- 22 8d8 (36) 23d6 (81)
get, you can often set damage using Table 5–20: Strike 23 11d6 (38) 24d6 (84)
Damage. If it uses more than 1 action or requires setup 24 11d6 (39) 25d6 (88)
in some way, it might deal higher damage than is typi- 25 9d8 (41) 26d6 (91)
cal; often, you can just use the extreme column in these 26 12d6 (42) 27d6 (94)
cases. 27 10d10 (44) 28d6 (98)
For abilities that deal damage in an area, use Table 5–22 28 13d6 (45) 29d6 (101)
below. These numbers are based on a 2-action activity 29 13d6 (47) 30d6 (105)
(e.g., most damaging spells). Single actions should deal 30 14d6 (49) 31d6 (108)
much less damage. An ability that has another signifi-
cant effect, like applying a condition, should deal less
damage; for this, look at the damage for 2 or more levels
lower, and judge which value would best match based on
the severity of the additional effect. These abilities typi-
Defensive Abilities by the players as uninteresting because it’s so predictable.

Active offensive abilities usually fit creatures better The best reactions should be telegraphed so when they
than defensive abilities do. Save defense increases for happen, it makes sense to the players. Think of one of the
creatures that are strongly defense-themed. For martial core reactions of the game: Shield Block. The creature
creatures, something as simple as a shield and Shield raises its shield—an obvious action the PCs can see—so
Block is usually plenty. Defensive abilities often run the when it blocks damage from an attack, that makes perfect
risk of being invisible abilities. For examples of good de- sense. Similarly, if you made a crystalline creature, you
fensive abilities, look at spells like sanctuary for ideas, might have it build up sonic energy in a low thrum, so
or other spells that create interesting protective effects when it uses a reaction to release a burst of sonic energy
instead of just granting a bonus. If you do want to make a when hit, the players can say, “Oh, I should have seen
creature defensive, pick one defensive ability rather than that coming.”
several, since stacking up multiple defenses can make for
a frustrating fight. One solid style of defensive ability is
Reaction Damage
a mode switch, which causes the creature to get stronger Reactions should use lower damage, usually that of a
defenses, but limits its attacks, spells, or other offensive moderate Strike. A reaction that deals area damage might
options. deal low damage, though use such reactions with cau-

Reactive Abilities Constant and Automatic Abilities

Reactions and free actions with triggers can give a crea- Certain abilities shouldn’t use any actions. Auras are
ture an impact outside its turn. This can make the fight a common constant ability, with frightful presence, an
more interesting, but may also be risky. It’s tempting to adult red dragon’s dragon heat, and a xulgath’s stench as
give every creature a reaction, but that’s not necessarily a notable examples. An aura needs a range, and if it needs
good idea. a DC, you’ll usually set it to the moderate spell DC unless
the aura is one of the creature’s defining concepts. For
To decide whether your creature should have a reac-
example, the xulgath’s stench DC is significantly higher
tion, first consider if the creature has the reflexes or in-
because the aura is such an iconic part of the creature.
sight to react well in the first place—for instance, an ogre
doesn’t have Attack of Opportunity because it’s a big oaf. Abilities the creature has no control over should be au-
Oozes, constructs, and unintelligent creatures are less tomatic. For example, the living wildfire fire elemental
likely to have reactions than others for this reason. explodes into flame when it dies. It has no option not to,
so this wouldn’t make sense as a reaction or free action.
Second, look at the complexity of the encounter your
Conversely, the Ferocity ability is a reaction because it
creature is likely to appear in. If you’ll have a large num-
requires the creature to give itself a last push to stay at
ber of creatures, skipping reactions can make the fight
1 HP.
flow faster. A creature that’s more likely to fight solo, on
the other hand, might have a reaction to give it a way to Constant and Automatic Damage
continue to be dangerous amid an onslaught of attacks
by the party. Much like for reactions, damage for a constant abili-
ty should be pretty low. Usually this value is just below
When creating reactions, be careful with “gotcha” abil- low Strike damage. Automatic abilities like the living
ities—ones that punish players for making perfectly wildfire’s explosion ability tend to deal moderate Strike
reasonable choices, for rolling poorly, and so on. If you damage or unlimited-use area damage, and can deal even
include abilities like this, they need to reinforce the crea- more if they happen only after the creature is dead or
ture’s core theme and the play style you want it to use in otherwise no longer presents a threat.
combat. For example, a creature that Strikes as a reaction
when someone fails an attack roll will encourage PCs to Skill Abilities
use their actions on other tactics, rather than attacking A skilled creature might have abilities related to its
multiple times each turn. Is that what you want? Is this skills. The skill feats in the Core Rulebook make for a
dynamic essential for making the creature feel like it’s good baseline. Avoid giving your creature skill abilities
supposed to? This isn’t the type of ability you’d give to that won’t matter in its interactions with PCs.
any old creature— only an incredible duelist or some-
thing similar.
Reactions should require something out of the ordi-
nary to happen, or should be relatively weak if triggered
by something ordinary. A reaction that triggers anytime
someone tries to Strike a creature is likely to be perceived

REVIEW HOLISTICALLY This is usually the case with creatures untrained in men-
tal skills. You can improvise this as you run the game, or
Now it’s time to look over your completed creature as a you can plan ahead if you have something particular in
whole and make sure it’s living up to your concept. Can mind.
it do everything you wanted? Does it fit its intended role?
Is there anything you could add or anything superfluous Building an NPC’s non-combat level is pretty simple.
you could cut to get the creature where it needs to be? Choose the level you want the NPC to be for the type of
challenge you have in mind, and use the skill numbers
If this creature is built for combat, run through a few for that level—typically high or even extreme. Some chal-
turns in your head. Does it still work decently if it gets lenges, such as social challenges, require the creature to
slowed? Can it move into combat against the PCs effec- have a high Perception and Will DC, so in those cases,
tively given their mobility options compared to its own? you should increase those values as well. These should
Does it have any abilities it’ll never use given its other be set at the moderate or high values for the non-combat
actions? level, usually, depending on how adept you want the NPC
When you’re satisfied with your creation, it’s ready to to be.
hit the table. But that’s not necessarily the end! If you The Experience Points gained for besting an NPC
notice issues during the game, you can fix them on the depend on how the party overcame them, because XP
spot. It’s your game, and you can freely change what you comes from overcoming a specific challenge. If the PCs
wrote if you think differently later on. defeat the NPC in a non-combat setting of the NPC’s spe-
cialty, the party gets XP based on the NPC’s non‑combat
DESIGNING NPCs level. If they just beat the NPC up, the XP would be based
on the NPC’s creature level. Quite often, that means 0
Creatures that are meant to cleave closely to character XP and failure at the PCs’ objective; for instance, during
classes or intended to represent people rather than mon- a baking contest, if the PCs murder the other baker, not
sters are NPCs. They might face more scrutiny around only would they be disqualified, but they would likely be
their mechanics than creatures, because a player can apprehended for their crime.
more directly compare their rogue to an NPC who acts
like a rogue. That doesn’t mean you have to build an NPC PC-STYLE BUILD
exactly like a PC, though.
If you do choose to build an NPC fully using the PC
You can build NPCs just like you would any other crea- rules, your NPC should generally end up being an ap-
tures. If an NPC should work like they have a class, use propriate challenge as a creature of their level. They will
the class features and feats of a suitable class to pick abil- likely have lower statistics in some areas than if you had
ities, and look at both the class’s proficiencies and ability built them using the creature rules, but more options
modifiers to determine how strong the NPC’s statistics due to their full complement of feats and class features.
should be. Class Road Maps has prebuilt road maps for This is best saved for important, recurring NPCs, espe-
the Core Rulebook and Advanced Player's Guide classes cially if they’re meant to engage in social or exploration
to get you started. endeavors rather than just battles.
It’s highly recommended that you select NPC skills There are still some considerations and shortcuts that
using proficiency ranks as you would a PC, though you can expedite the process while ensuring the NPC works
don’t need to be precise about the number of skill in- as you intend.
creases you give the NPC. You can give them earlier ac-
cess to expert, master, or legendary proficiency if they’re • The creature’s treasure should follow the Treasure
a skill-based NPC, and better proficiency in narrow areas for New Characters rules on page 510 of the Core
of expertise, like Engineering Lore for a tinker NPC. Rulebook. You’ll need to account for this in your
campaign’s overall treasure. You might even want
NON-COMBAT LEVEL to give the NPC a higher-level item appropriate as a
treasure allotment for the level.
An NPC’s level should represent their combat prowess.
A common person might not be a combat threat, even if • You can expedite ability score generation by mak-
they’re important or highly skilled, and they consequent- ing the starting ability modifiers add up to +9, with
ly have a low level. However, that doesn’t mean they can’t no more than one modifier at +4 (and typically no
present a challenge in other types of encounters. This is more than one negative modifier). You can skip
represented by a non-combat level, and tends to be spe-
cific to their area of expertise.
This can go the other way as well, such as with a pow-
erful combat creature that’s not suited to social settings.

You can use these suggestions when creating your road map to
emulate a PC class, customizing as you see fit. You’ll still need to
look through the class to pick feats, weapons, and the like. Any
statistic that isn’t specifically listed can use moderate numbers.

Alchemist low Perception; high Crafting; high Int, moderate or Oracle low Perception; high Religion, moderate or high skill
better Dex or Str; low to moderate HP; moderate attack with themed to mystery; low AC; high Cha; low Fortitude, high Will;
bombs; infused alchemical items, Quick Bomber if a bomber low to moderate HP; low accuracy; high to extreme spell DC;
alchemist, a few other alchemist abilities; it’s usually easier to spontaneous divine spellcasting as an oracle of their level; curse,
give the alchemist its bomb items rather than use Quick Alchemy revelation spells
on the spot.
Ranger high Perception; moderate Nature and moderate to high
Barbarian high Athletics; high Str, high to moderate Con; high AC; Survival; high Str or Dex; high AC; moderate attack and high
high Fortitude; high HP; moderate attack and extreme damage damage (or for a simpler ranger, remove Hunt Prey and just use
(when raging); Rage and a few barbarian abilities high attack and high damage); a few ranger abilities

Bard moderate Occultism, high Performance, high Rogue high Perception; high Dex (or key ability score for a specific
Charisma‑based skills; high Cha; low Fortitude, moderate to rogue’s racket); high Stealth and Thievery, plus more skills than
high Will; low to moderate HP; low accuracy; high to extreme usual; high AC; low Fortitude, high Reflex; low to moderate HP;
spell DC; spontaneous occult spellcasting as a bard of their level; moderate attack and low to moderate damage before sneak
composition spells attack plus high or extreme damage with sneak attack; sneak
attack, a few rogue abilities
Champion low Perception; moderate Religion; high Str or Dex,
moderate Cha; extreme AC; low Reflex; moderate attack and high Sorcerer low Perception; moderate bloodline skills and high
damage; champion’s reaction, devotion spells, Shield Block Charisma-based bloodline skills; high Cha; low AC; low Fortitude;
low HP; low accuracy; high to extreme spell DC; spontaneous
Cleric (Cloistered Cleric) high Perception; high Religion, moderate spellcasting of a tradition based on bloodline as a sorcerer of
or high skill themed to deity; low AC; high Wis; low Fortitude, their level; bloodline spells
high Will; low to moderate HP; low accuracy; high to extreme
spell DC; prepared divine spellcasting as a cleric of their level; Swashbuckler high Acrobatics or Athletics; high Str or Dex; high
divine font; domain spells AC; low Will; high attack and high damage; Panache, Precise
Strike, Confident Finisher, a few swashbuckler abilities
Cleric (Warpriest) moderate Perception; moderate Religion,
moderate or high skill themed to deity; high Str, moderate Wis; Witch low Perception; high tradition skill's; high Int; low AC;
high AC; low Reflex, high Will; high spell DC; prepared divine low Fortitude; low HP; low accuracy; high to extreme spell DC;
spellcasting as a cleric of their level; divine font, Shield Block prepared spellcasting of their tradition as a witch of their level;
cantrip and focus hexes , familiar
Druid high Perception; high Nature, moderate or high skill from
order; high Wis; high Will; low to moderate HP; low accuracy; Wizard low Perception; high Arcana; high Int; low AC; low
high to extreme spell DC; prepared primal spellcasting as a druid Fortitude; low HP; low accuracy; high to extreme spell DC;
of their level; order ability and order spell for their order; Shield prepared arcane spellcasting as a wizard of their level; Drain
Block; add an animal to the encounter for animal order Bonded Item, school spells and additional slots for a specialist
(or additional uses of Drain Bonded Item for a universalist)
Fighter high Acrobatics or Athletics; high Str or Dex; high AC; low
Will; high attack and high damage; Attack of Opportunity, Shield
Block, a few fighter abilities

Investigator high Perception; high Int; high Society and Crafting,

plus more skills than usual; high AC; low Fortitude, high Reflex;
low to moderate HP; moderate attack and low to moderate
damage before devise a stratagem and strategic strike plus
high or extreme damage with devise a stratagem and strategic
strike; devise a stratagem and strategic strike , a few investigator

Monk high Acrobatics, Athletics, or both; high Str or Dex,

moderate Wis; high or extreme AC; moderate attack and high
damage; Flurry of Blows, a few monk abilities (possibly including
ki spells)

You don’t need to give an NPC all the abilities from its class—
especially those that just alter numbers. The following abilities
are good quick choices that make for more interesting encounters.

Alchemist Feats 1st: Quick Bomber; 6th: Debilitating Bomb; 8th: Oracle curse, mystery and related feats; Feats 1st: Reach Spell;
Sticky Bomb; 10th: Expanded Splash, Greater Debilitating Bomb; 4th: Bespell Weapon; 6th: Steady Spellcasting; 10th: Oracular
14th: True Debilitating Bomb; 18th: Miracle Worker Warning, Quickened Casting; 20th: Mystery Conduit

Barbarian instinct ability and related feats, raging resistance; Ranger Hunt Prey, hunter’s edge, nature’s edge, masterful
Feats 1st: Raging Intimidation; 2nd: No Escape, Shake it Off; 4th: hunter, swift prey, companion or combat style and related feats;
Fast Movement, Swipe; 6th: Attack of Opportunity, Cleave; 8th: Feats 2nd: Quick Draw, Wild Empathy; 4th: Scout’s Warning;
Sudden Leap; 10th: Come and Get Me, Knockback, Terrifying 6th: Skirmish Strike; 8th: Blind-Fight, Warden’s Boon; 10th:
Howl; 14th: Awesome Blow, Whirlwind Strike; 18th: Vicious Camouflage; 14th: Sense the Unseen; 18th: Shadow Hunter; 20th:
Evisceration Ultimate Skirmisher

Bard muse feats; Feats 4th: Melodious Spell; 6th: Dirge of Doom, Rogue surprise attack, deny advantage, debilitating strike, master
Steady Spellcasting; 10th: Quickened Casting; 14th: Allegro, strike, rogue’s racket and related feats; Feats 1st: Nimble Dodge;
Soothing Ballad; 16th: Effortless Concentration; 20th: Fatal Aria 2nd: Mobility, Quick Draw; 4th: Scout’s Warning; 6th: Gang Up,
Skirmish Strike, Twist the Knife; 8th: Blind-Fight, Opportune
Champion divine ally and related feats, divine smite, exalt, feats Backstab; 10th: Sneak Savant; 12th: Fantastic Leap, Spring from
based on cause; Feats 1st: Deity’s Domain; 2nd: Divine Grace; 4th: the Shadows; 14th: Sense the Unseen; 16th: Dispelling Slice,
Aura of Courage, Aura of Despair, Cruelty, Mercy; 6th: Attack of Perfect Distraction; 20th: Hidden Paragon, Reactive Distraction
Opportunity; 8th: Greater Cruelty, Greater Mercy; 12th: Aura
of Faith; 14th: Aura of Righteousness, Divine Reflexes; 18th: Sorcerer bloodline and related feats; Feats 1st: Counterspell,
Celestial Form, Fiendish Form, Ultimate Mercy Dangerous Sorcery; 4th: Bespell Weapon; 6th: Steady
Spellcasting; 10th: Overwhelming Energy, Quickened Casting;
Cleric Feats 1st: Harming Hands, Healing Hands; 2nd: Sap Life, 16th: Effortless Concentration; 20th: Metamagic Mastery
Turn Undead; 4th: Command Undead, Necrotic Infusion; 6th:
Divine Weapon, Selective Energy; 8th: Channeled Succor; 12th: Swashbuckler confident finisher, panache, precise strike,
Defensive Recovery; 14th: Fast Channel; 16th: Eternal Bane, swashbuckler's style and related feats; Feats 1st: Nimble Dodge;
Eternal Blessing 2nd: Tumble Behind; 4th: Swaggering Initiative; 6th: Attack of
Opportunity; 8th: Vivacious Bravado; 10th: Derring-Do; 12th:
Druid order feats; Feats 6th: Steady Spellcasting; 8th: Fey Caller Cheat Death; 14th: Flamboyent Leap; 16th: Deadly Grace; 18:
(only the added spells); 10th: Overwhelming Energy; 12th: Primal Incredible Luck; 20th: Panache Paragon
Summons; 16th: Effortless Concentration, 20th: Leyline Conduit
Witch lessons and related feats; Feats 1st: Counterspell;
Fighter bravery, feats associated with a combat style; Feats 1st: 4th: Eldritch Nails; 6th: Steady Spellcasting; 8th: Murksight;
Power Attack, Sudden Charge; 2nd: Intimidating Strike, Lunge; 10th: Quickened Casting; 14th: Reflect Spell; 16th: Effortless
4th: Knockdown, Swipe; 6th: Shatter Defenses; 8th: Blind- Concentration; 18th: Infinite Possibilities; 20th: Metamagic
Fight, Felling Strike, Sudden Leap; 10th: Certain Strike, Combat Mastery, Spell Combination
Reflexes, Disruptive Stance, Fearsome Brute; 12th: Spring Attack;
14th: Determination, Whirlwind Strike; 20th: Weapon Supremacy Wizard school and related feats; Feats 1st: Counterspell; 4th:
Bespell Weapon; 6th: Steady Spellcasting; 10th: Overwhelming
Investigator devise a strategy, strategic strike, on the case, Energy, Quickened Casting; 12th: Clever Counterspell; 14th:
pursue a lead, clue in, methodology and related feats; Feats 1st: Reflect Spell; 16th: Effortless Concentration, Siphon Power; 18th:
Known Weaknesses, Takedown Expert; 2nd: Athletic Strategist; Split Hex; 20th: Hex Master
4th: Strategic Assessment; 6th: Thorough Research; 8th: Blind-
Fight, Clue Them All In; 10th: Ongoing Strategy, Suspect of
Opportunity; 12th: Foresee Danger; 14th: Sense the Unseen,
Strategic Bypass; 16th: Didactic Strike; 18th: Trickster's Ace;
20th: Everyone's a Suspect

Monk metal strikes, mystic strikes, perfected form, stance and

related feats; Feats 1st: Ki Rush, Ki Strike; 2nd: Crushing Grab,
Stunning Fist; 4th: Deflect Arrow, Flying Kick; 6th: Abundant
Step, Ki Blast, Whirling Throw; 8th: Wall Run; 10th: Winding Flow;
16th: Quivering Palm, Shattering Strike; 18th: Diamond Fists,
Swift River; 20th: Enduring Quickness, Impossible Techniques

adding a background if you do this, but you might terrain or environment, like avalanches or rockslides.
want to give the creature two skills, which includes While they are always physical, some environmental haz-
one Lore skill, to represent the skills granted by a ards can’t reasonably be attacked or damaged, such as a
background. cloud of poisonous gas or a patch of quicksand. Survival
is the most common skill used to disable environmental
• It’s not necessary to assign every skill feat, particu-
larly for a higher-level NPC. You can just pick the
most emblematic ones and gloss over the rest. Haunts are spiritual hazards, usually formed when the
spiritual essence of a location is imprinted with the in-
• For general feats, Incredible Initiative and Tough-
stincts and emotions from a living being’s demise. Be-
ness make good choices.
cause haunts lack matter, they rarely involve a physical
• Most of the guidelines about choosing spells still component, and when they do, that component is gener-
apply, though you might want a few more utility ally incorporeal or might even be damaged only by posi-
spells that deal with non-combat challenges, par- tive energy. The skills and options used to disable haunts
ticularly in low-level slots. vary, though using Religion for an exorcism is common.
However, even with a successful check to disable a haunt,
• Mythic characters should get 1 to 3 mythic feats re-
it can reoccur until its unfinished business is resolved.
gardless of level (to help them feel distinct), rather
Typically, successfully disabling or enduring a haunt
than picking as a player would.
provides clues to determine what it would take to lay it to
rest permanently.
(Partially reprinted from Gamemastery Guide) UNDERSTANDING AND CHOOSING
Building hazards designed for your game allows you STATISTICS
to customize them to match your story, location, and Much like for creatures, hazard statistics can be ex-
needs, as well as to surprise the other players at every treme, high, or low (hazards don’t need as much granu-
turn. There’s no wrong way to create a hazard, but this larity, so they usually don’t have moderate or terrible val-
guide presents the information in the order you might ues for their statistics). While they are defined in creature
see it in a hazard stat block. creation, when building a hazard, you’ll use the values
slightly differently.
Extreme: While extreme values remain world-class
The first thing you’ll need is a concept for your haz-
statistics that are extremely difficult to meet or exceed,
ard. What level is your hazard? Will it be simple or com-
unlike with monsters, almost all hazards have one ex-
plex? Is it a trap, a haunt, an environmental hazard, or
treme statistic because hazards normally activate only if
something else? If it’s a trap, is it mechanical, magical,
they have gone unnoticed or if someone critically failed
or both? This is a good time to brainstorm the hazard’s
to disable them. Does it have an extreme Stealth DC that
name and description, as this will help you decide how
makes it incredibly hard to find, an extreme Disable DC
the hazard can be disabled.
that makes it perilous to disable, or an extreme save DC
The following information builds on concepts from that makes it deadly in the event it triggers? These are the
Building Creatures, which starts on page 58. most common choices, as each affects a different phase
of encountering the hazard.
Hazard Types
High: This is a capable level, and can generally serve as
The three main types of hazards are traps, environ- a baseline value; this value for hazards covers what would
mental hazards, and haunts. be the high and moderate ranges for creatures.
Traps are usually built or placed, though they can also Low: If a hazard has a weakness, like a poor Reflex save
form accidentally, such as if a magic portal, through mil- for a bulky mechanical trap or an easy DC to disable for
lennia of disuse, malfunctions as its magic warps. Me- a hard-to-find trap, it usually has a low value. If you need
chanical traps always have some physical component, something even lower, use a terrible value from Building
whereas purely magical traps typically don’t. Magical Creatures or just an incredibly low value like the Arma-
traps can usually be counteracted by dispel magic, and geddon orb’s Stealth.
those without a listed proficiency rank for Stealth can be
found using detect magic. Thievery is the most common
skill used to disable traps.
Environmental hazards are either living things, like
dangerous spores and molds, or simply features of the
Level Extreme High Low Level High Moderate
–1 18 15 12 to 11 0 or lower Untrained Untrained
0 19 16 13 to 12 1-4 Trained (Expert for Perception) Trained
1 20 17 14 to 13 5-8 Expert Trained
2 21 18 15 to 14 9-18 Master Expert
3 23 20 17 to 15 19-24 Legendary Master
4 25 22 18 to 17 25 or higher Mythic Legendary
5 26 23 20 to 18 and moderate proficiency requirements by level; you can
6 28 25 21 to 19 use lower proficiency ranks than the ones listed, and if
7 30 27 23 to 21 you use the high rank, consider a secondary, perhaps less-
8 31 28 24 to 22 efficient method to disable the hazard using a lower rank.
9 33 30 26 to 23 For instance, the bloodthirsty urge haunt in the Core
10 35 32 27 to 25 Rulebook can be disabled with master Religion, or by a
36 33 29 to 26 higher DC with expert Diplomacy.
38 35 30 to 27
If you need a Stealth modifier for a complex hazard, just
13 40 37 32 to 29
41 38 33 to 30
TABLE 5–24: Defenses
15 43 40 35 to 31 Level EAC HAC LAC E Sv H Sv L Sv Hard. HP
16 45 42 36 to 33 -1 18 15 12 +9 +8 +2 2–4 11–13
17 46 43 38 to 34 0 19 16 13 +10 +9 +3 3–5 15–17
18 48 45 39 to 35 1 19 16 13 +11 +10 +4 5–7 23–25
19 50 47 41 to 37 2 21 18 15 +12 +11 +5 7–9 30–34
20 51 48 42 to 38 3 22 19 16 +14 +12 +6 10–12 42–46
21 53 50 44 to 39 4 24 21 18 +15 +14 +8 11–13 46–50
22 55 52 45 to 41 5 25 22 19 +17 +15 +9 12–14 50–54
23 56 53 46 to 42 6 27 24 21 +18 +17 +11 13–15 54–58
24 58 55 48 to 43 7 28 25 22 +20 +18 +12 14–16 58–62
25 59 56 49 to 45 8 30 27 24 +21 +19 +13 15–17 62–66
26 60 57 50 to 46 9 31 28 25 +23 +21 +15 16–18 66–70
27 62 59 51 to 47 10 33 30 27 +24 +22 +16 17–19 70–74
28 63 60 53 to 49 11 34 31 28 +26 +24 +18 19–21 78–82
29 64 61 54 to 50 12 36 33 30 +27 +25 +19 20–22 82–86
30 66 62 55 to 51 13 37 34 31 +29 +26 +20 21–23 86–90
14 39 36 33 +30 +28 +22 22–24 90–94
STEALTH AND DISABLE 15 40 37 34 +32 +29 +23 23–25 94–98
When determining a hazard’s combat statistics, first
16 42 39 36 +33 +30 +25 25–27 101–107
decide how the hazard can be located and how hard it
17 43 40 37 +35 +32 +26 27–29 109–115
is to disable. A hazard where the main challenge is how
difficult it is to find, like the Core Rulebook’s hidden pit, 18 45 42 39 +36 +33 +27 29–31 117–123
might have a very different effect for its level than a hazard 19 46 43 40 +38 +35 +29 31–33 125–131
out in plain sight, daring a PC to try to disable it, like the 20 48 45 42 +39 +36 +30 33–35 133–139
Armageddon orb. 21 49 46 43 +41 +38 +32 36–38 144–152
The values for this are given on the next page, in Table 22 51 47 45 +43 +39 +33 39–41 156–164
5-23: Stealth and Disable DCs. 23 52 48 46 +44 +40 +34 44–46 168–176
When deciding how your hazard is disabled, come up 24 54 51 48 +46 +42 +36 46–50 180–188
with a narrative description of how it would happen, 25 55 52 49 +47 +43 37 47-51 192-200
which will inform which methods and skills disable 26 56 53 50 +48 +44 +38 48-52 204-212
the hazard. You’ll need to decide the proficiency rank 27 58 55 52 +50 +46 +40 50-54 216-224
necessary to find the hazard as well as disable it with each 28 59 56 53 +51 +47 +41 51-55 228-236
method. Remember, a hazard without a listed rank next to 29 60 57 54 +52 +48 +42 52-56 240-248
its Stealth DC is obvious enough that creatures can find it 30 62 59 56 +54 +50 +44 54-60 252-260
without Searching, and magical hazards without a listed * The Broken Threshold is usually half the hazard’s HP. Some hazards, even high-
rank are not normally protected against detect magic. level ones, don’t make sense with a high Hardness value. In those cases, you can
Most hazards built by intelligent creatures are concealed skip the Hardness and use the HP values from table 5–15: Hit Points. Especially for
complex hazards, you might want to divide the durability over multiple sections,
have at least a trained rank. Table 2–14 indicates the high located in different positions, to encourage teamwork and mobility.

a creature (abbreviated as C. Atk in Table 5–25). You can
Level S. C. Simple Complex EDC HDC
adjust them further using Table 5–18: Strike Attack Bo-
Atk Atk Dmg Dmg
nus on if your hazard needs it. Simple hazard DCs aren’t
-1 +10 +8 2d4+1 (6) 1d4+1 (3) 19 16 as high for their level as their attack bonuses are, since
0 +11 +8 2d6+3 (10) 1d6+2 (5) 19 16 effects with DCs usually have some effect even on a suc-
1 +13 +9 2d6+5 (12) 1d6+3 (6) 20 17 cessful saving throw; use the EDC and HDC columns for
2 +14 +11 2d10+7 (18) 1d10+4 (9) 22 18 extreme and hard DCs on Table 5–25: Offense below.
3 +16 +12 2d10+13 (24) 1d10+6 (12) 23 20 The damage columns on the table give a damage
4 +17 +14 4d8+10 (28) 2d8+5 (14) 25 21 expression you can use, followed by the average damage
5 +19 +15 4d8+14 (32) 2d8+7 (16) 26 22 in parentheses. If you want to make your own damage
6 +20 +17 4d8+18 (36) 2d8+9 (18) 27 24 expression, remember that average damage is 2.5 for a d4,
7 +22 +18 4d10+18 (40) 2d10+9 (20) 29 25 3.5 for a d6, 4.5 for a d8, 5.5 for a d10, and 6.5 for a d12.
8 +23 +20 4d10+22 (44) 2d10+11 (22) 30 26
9 +25 +21 4d10+26 (48) 2d10+13 (24) 32 28 DESIGNING SIMPLE HAZARDS
10 +26 +23 4d12+26 (52) 2d12+13 (26) 33 29
When designing a simple hazard, make sure to select
11 +28 +24 4d12+30 (56) 2d12+15 (28) 34 30 an appropriate trigger and effect. Often, a simple hazard
12 +29 +26 6d10+27 (60) 3d10+14 (30) 36 32 that merely damages its target is little more than a speed
13 +31 +27 6d10+31 (64) 3d10+16 (32) 37 33 bump that slows down the game without much added
14 +32 +29 6d10+35 (68) 3d10+18 (34) 39 34 value, so think about the purpose of your hazard care-
15 +34 +30 6d12+33 (72) 3d12+17 (36) 40 36 fully, both in the story and in the game world, especially
16 +35 +32 6d12+35 (74) 3d12+18 (37) 41 37 when it’s a hazard that a creature intentionally built or
17 +37 +33 6d12+37 (76) 3d12+19 (38) 43 38 placed in that location. A great simple hazard does some-
18 +38 +35 6d12+41 (80) 3d12+20 (40) 44 40 thing interesting, has a longer-lasting consequence, or
19 +40 +36 8d10+40 (84) 4d10+20 (42) 46 41 integrates with the nearby inhabitants or even the en-
20 +41 +38 8d10+44 (88) 4d10+22 (44) 47 42 counters in some way.
21 +43 +39 8d10+48 (92) 4d10+24 (46) 48 44
22 +44 +41 8d10+52 (96) 4d10+26 (48) 50 45 DESIGNING COMPLEX HAZARDS
23 +46 +42 8d12+48 (100) 4d12+24 (50) 51 46 Unlike a simple hazard, a complex hazard can play the
24 +47 +44 8d12+52 (104) 4d12+26 (52) 52 48 part of a creature in a battle, or can be an encounter all its
25 +48 +45 10d10+53 (108) 4d12+30 (56) 54 49 own. Many of the concerns with damaging effects when
26 +50 +46 10d10+57 (112) 6d10+27 (60) 55 50 designing a simple hazard don’t apply when designing a
27 +51 +48 10d12+51 (116) 6d10+31 (64) 56 52 complex hazard. A complex hazard can apply its damage
28 +52 +49 10d12+55 (120) 6d10+35 (68) 58 51 over and over again, eventually killing its hapless victim,
29 +54 +50 12d10+58 (124) 6d12+33 (72) 59 52 and isn’t intended to be a quick-to-overcome obstacle.
30 +55 +52 12d20+62 (128) 6d12+35 (74) 60 54 Complex hazards have a lot more in common with crea-
tures than simple hazards do, and you’ll see that a com-
subtract 10 from the listed DC. plex hazard’s statistics are similar to those of a creature.
A good complex hazard often requires disabling multiple
DEFENSES components or otherwise interacting with the encoun-
ter in some way. For instance, while the Core Rulebook’s
If there’s a physical component that a character could
poisoned dart gallery requires only one Thievery check to
break, you’ll need to determine the hazard’s AC, Forti-
disable, the control panel is on the far end of the gallery,
tude save, and Reflex save, using the extreme, high, and
so a PC would need to make their way across first.
low values (preceded by E, H, or L on the table) as well
as its Hardness, HP, and Broken Threshold (BT). When Building Routines
building a purely magical or formless hazard, you can
skip this section. A complex hazard has a routine each round, whether
it stems from preprogrammed instructions built into a
OFFENSE trap, instincts and residual emotions swirling around a
complex haunt, or a force of nature like sinking in quick-
Almost all hazards need an attack bonus or a save DC,
sand. Make sure to build a routine that makes sense for
and hazards that deal damage need to list a damage val-
the hazard; an environmental lava chute that ejects lava
ue. Simple hazards deal about twice as much damage as
into the area each round shouldn’t be able to seek out and
complex hazards and have an attack bonus even higher
precisely target only the PCs, but it might spatter random
than the extreme attack bonus for a creature (abbreviated
areas within range or everything within range, depend-
as S. Atk in Table 5–25: Offense). Complex hazards usu-
ing on how you describe the hazard. However, a complex
ally have attack bonuses akin to a high attack bonus for
haunt might be able to recognize life force and target liv-
ing creatures.
If you create a hazard that can’t consistently attack the
PCs (like the Core Rulebook’s blade pillar, which moves in
a random direction), you can make it deadlier than nor-
mal in other ways.
The hazard should have as many actions as you feel it
needs to perform its routine. If you split the routine out
into several actions, you can also remove some of the haz-
ard’s actions once partial progress is made in disabling or
destroying it; this can give the PCs a feeling of progress,
and it can encourage them to handle the hazard if it ap-
pears in a encounter alongside creatures.


Haggard and hunched, this blind and snaggletoothed This misshapen giant is covered in horns, tumorous
crone guides herself by a gruesomely bloated eyeball she tentacles, unsightly warts, and strange, staring eyes. An
clutches in her claws. argus is an ancient creature related to the titans trans-
GRAEAE CREATURE 6 formed by a deity into a vigilant and restless sentry, usu-
ally as a punishment for some affront or rebellion. With-
RARE NE MEDIUM MYTHIC HUMANOID in its hideous and misshapen body lies a lonely heart that
Perception +15; darkvision, fatesense (imprecise, 30 feet) craves music and beauty to comfort it in its forlorn and
Languages Aklo, Common, Goblin, Jotun, Sylvan unending vigil. It might talk peaceably with visitors if
Skills Acrobatics +15, Crafting +15, Deception +11, Nature +15, they promise to sing songs or tell stories (and it believes
Medicine +15, Occultism +15 its guests don’t intend to harm it or steal what it guards).
Str +4, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +4, Wis +4, Cha +4 If insulted or mocked, an argus is quick to anger, dis-
Coven A graeae adds subconscious suggestion, hallucination, patching foes so it can go back to brooding in peace.
confusion, and fly to her coven's spells. An argus stands 25 feet tall and weighs 18,000 pounds.
Items +1 dagger
AC 24, Fort +12, Reflex +15 Will +18
HP 90; Weaknesses eye of the graeae RARE LN GARGANTUAN ABERRATION MYTHIC
Eye of the Graeae Each graeae possesses a mystic eyeball. A
graeae can sense the location of her eyeball from anywhere Perception +33; all-around vision, greater darkvision,
on the same plane. She must remain within 30 feet of her mistsight, detect magic, detect scrying, see invisibility, true
eyeball or she gains the blinded condition and cannot use any seeing
of her spells or her fatesense ability. The eyeball only works Languages Aklo, Celestial, Common
for its graeae. If a graeae is slain, her mystic eye instantly Skills Acrobatics +28, Athletics +32, Intimidation +32
turns to dust. Str +10, Dex +6, Con +6, Int +6, Wis +6, Cha +6
Mythic Power (3rd) Mistsight An argus can see through fog, mist, murky water,
Graeae Surge When a graeae uses Surge, they gain a +2 and smoke as if they were perfectly clear.
status bonus to the DC of Luck Ripple AC 39, Fort +30, Reflex +28 Will +28
Speed 30 feet HP 295 (all-around vision); Immunities blinded, dazzled,
flat-footed; Resistances 15 physical (except adamantine);
Melee a claw +14 (agile) Damage 2d6+10 slashing Weaknesses Sleep and fascination vulnerability
Melee a dagger +14 (agile, magical, versatile S) Damage Sleep and Fascination Vulnerability Whenever an argus rolls
2d4+12 a savings throw against an effect with the sleep trait or that
Ranged a dagger +14 (agile, magical, thrown 10 feet, versatile could cause them to gain the fascinated condition, they treat
S) Damage 2d13+12 the result of that save as one level worse than their actual
Occult Innate Spells (DC 25, Attack +14); 4th dull ambition, result.
outcast's curse; 3rd agonizing despair, paralyze, slow; 2nd Mythic Power (8th)
augury, feast of ashes, touch of idiocy; 1st ill omen (at will); Argus Surge When an Argus uses Surge, they gain a +1 status
Cantrips(3rd) chill touch, daze, detect magic bonus to Ranged strikes for one minute.
Speed 30 feet
Surge a
Melee a bite +32 (reach 15 feet) Damage 3d12+18 piercing
Quick Surge f
plus Grab
Fate Casting t (mythic) A graeae has the ability to predict
Melee a claw +32 (agile, reach 15 feet) Damage 3d10+16
future events. On a creature's request, a graeae can use Surge
slashing plus Grab
to answer single question as if the requesting creature had
gotten a success on a commune ritual. Ranged a rock +32 (brutal, range increment 120 feet) Damage
3d10+16 bludgeoning
Luck Ripple a (misfortune) One creature within 30 feet
Occult Innate Spells (DC 38); 8th prying survey, unrelenting
must make a DC 29 Will save. The graeae chooses one of
observation; 7th scintillating pattern, visions of danger;
the following: Spell attack rolls and spell DCs, AC, attack rolls,
Constant (8th) detect magic, detect scrying, see invisibility,
Class DC, saving throws, or skill checks.
true seeing
Critical Success No effect.
Success The creature has a -1 circumstance penalty to the Rend a
chosen roll for 1 round. Constrict a
Failure The creature has a -1 circumstance penalty to the Focused Stare a (concentrate, visual) The argus focuses
chosen roll for 1 minute. most of its eyes on one creature. Its next attack against that
Critical Failure The creature has a -2 circumstance penalty creature ignores all concealment, all cover except greater
to the chosen roll for one round.
cover, and gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll. the creature can be reasoned with. Typically, the titan di-
vulges its charge and purpose, and explains the need for
God's Strike f (fortune, mythic) If the argus has used Surge its actions, but without looking for pardon or expressing
this turn, they may roll three dice and take the highest result remorse. Danavas see the absolutes of the universe and
on its next attack. This effect is treated as casting a 9th level rarely appreciate complexity or nuance. While danavas
true strike, and can be counteracted with Counterspell. are usually lawful neutral, some lawful good and lawful
evil danavas do exist. Lawful good danavas endeavor to
Fascinating Gaze d (concentrate, emotion, enchantment, cause the minimum necessary destruction to achieve
mental, occult, visual) One creature within 100 feet must their goals. Once they have righted whatever imbalance
make a DC 38 Will save after which they are temporarily they were released to fix, danavas return to the fathomless
immune to Fascinating Gaze for 1 minute. depths until again no living memory of them remains.
Critical Success No effect.
Success The creature is fascinated for 1 round.
Failure The creature is fascinated for 1 minute. Danava Pillar
Critical Failure The creature is fascinated for 10 minutes, Certain danavas have, over the eons, merged with the
and dazzled for 10 minutes once the fascination ends. cruxes of the universe they oversee. These danava pillars
Surge a are more powerful than normal, and destroying one
Quick Surge f would be a step toward unraveling reality itself, so they are
targets for creatures like the hundun, who wish to destroy
DANAVA entire dimensions.
Chained for eons beneath the deepest waves of the DANAVA CREATURE 24
endless seas, danavas are the eldest and first of the great
outsiders collectively known as titans. Conceived origi- RARE LN GARGANTUAN GIANT MYTHIC
nally at the foundation of reality to govern and regulate Perception +38; darkvision
the mercurial forces that shaped the cosmos, danavas ul- Languages Aklo, Celestial, Common
timately proved too harsh, too rigid, and too unflinching Skills Arcana +40, Acrobatics +40, Athletics +48, Diplomacy
for their mission. Finally, when the danavas went to war +35, Intimidation +40, Nature +40
with their chaotic and less powerful brethren, the gods Str +13, Dex +9, Con +9, Int +9, Wis +9, Cha +9
interceded before creation was rent asunder, placing Items +3 major resilient full plate
their elder children in stasis beneath the waves, buried at
the cruxes of many worlds. AC 51, Fort +42, Reflex +38, Will +38
HP 505
Danavas resemble thick—even rotund—but extremely Fortifying Pillar Reduce the damage the danava is dealt by
muscular humans of incredible size. Reaching heights of critical hits by 40.
75 to 100 feet, danavas can weigh up to 200 tons. Their
Attack of Opportunity a
ancient ornamentations cover most of their red-brown
skin, and their helmets always reveal their wagon-wheel- Iron Resilience f (mythic) A danava can either make an
sized, pupilless eyes. attacking creature roll twice and take the lower result on an
attack roll or the danava can roll twice and take the higher
Since the time of their imprisonment, the danavas have result on a saving throw. This gains the fortune trait if the
seldom emerged from beneath the waves. When freed danava uses this versus a savings throw, and the misfortune
from its sequestration, a danava surfaces in an attempt to trait if the danava uses this versus an attack roll. This counts
restore balance to the world, whether through the raising as using Surge.
of an elder god, perhaps devastating a race of humanoids
Mythic Power (11th)
on the brink of a destructive discovery or crushing the
unchecked hubris of their own lesser kin. And although Danava Surge Whenever the danava uses Surge, creatures
danavas focus singularly on their targets, they coldly and within 10 feet must make a Fortitude save or become slowed 1
ruthlessly dispatch enemies attempting to thwart that Speed 60 feet
goal, raining down lightning and laying waste to entire Melee a tetsubo +46 (deadly d12, magical) Damage 4d12+26
cities, wreaking fearsome havoc that becomes the stuff of bludgeoning plus 2d6 lawful
legends. In combat, the titans typically use their massive
Ranged a rock +45 (brutal, range increment 120 feet) Damage
brawn in conjunction with its mythic resilience to out-
4d12+26 bludgeoning
last enemies, saving their spell-like abilities for specific
targets that pose a greater danger. Divine Innate Spells (DC 45); 10th chain lightning, harm, heal;
9th dispel magic (at will), scrying; 8th suggestion; 5th sending
While the forces that release danavas into the world are
(x3); Constant (10th) air walk, haste, mind blank, true seeing,
mysterious, the great outsiders function with autonomy.
water walk
If a danava’s fury is successfully checked or resisted,
Trample t Gargantuan or smaller, tetsubo, DC 47 Hard to Kill
Devastating Smash a Rejuvenation
Temporal Lord f (mythic) Frequency Once per year; Effect Domain Immunity f (confidence, freedom, pain, protection,
The danava can cast time stop mythic heightened to 12th level sorrow)
(even though normally it would not be able to cast 12th level Contingency r (9th level harm, if brought below 200 HP)
spells). When it does so, it can either use the spell as normal, Counterspell r
or gain an extra action at the start of each other creature's Steady Spellcasting
turn for the next four turns. The danava can teleport up to Mythic Power (12th)
their Speed before taking their action, and teleports back to
their original position after taking the action. This action is Survivor's Surge Whenever Arazni uses Surge, she gains a +4
not limits by the normal constraints of the time stop spell. status bonus vs. positive and regains 25 Hit Points
Surge a Speed 30 feet, fly 30 feet
Quick Surge f Melee a rapier +44 (deadly d8, disarm, finesse, magical)
Damage 5d8+24 piercing
Melee a harlot's kiss +43 (two-hand d8) Damage 5d4+24
More than anything, Arazni is a survivor. Once, long Melee a hand +43 (finesse, magical) Damage 9d8 negative
ago, she was a force for good, a warrior-mage who sought plus paralyzing touch
to improve the quality of life for residents of her home-
land. Long after her mortal death, she returned as a Cleric Domain Spells DC 55, attack +47, 3 Focus Points; 12th
herald of the god Aroden and fought alongside mortals delusional pride, lament, retributive pain, overflowing sorrow,
during one of their darkest hours. But humanity and her protector's sacrifice, protector's sphere, savor the sting,
patron alike abandoned her—first to the Whispering Ty- unimpeded stride, veil of confidence, word of freedom,
rant, then to the necromancer Geb—and the torments Divine Innate Spells (DC 55, attack +47); 12th harm; 6th
she endured because of it changed her deeply. Still she feeblemind 2nd animus mine; 1st endure
survived, her broken body reanimated against her will as
a powerful undead monstrosity. For over a millennium Arcane Prepared Spells (DC 55, attack +47); 10th remake,
she was held captive as the lich queen of the undead na- indestructibility; 9th implosion, massacre, power word kill,
tion of Geb, and her view of mortals, and humanity in weird; 8th disappearance, horrid wilting maze, mind blank,
particular, soured. power word stun; 7th eclipse burst, force cage, spell turning;
6th chain lightning, disintegrate, true seeing; 5th cloudkill, false
ARAZNI CREATURE 26 vision, sending, shadow siphon; 4th enervation, phantasmal
killer, stoneskin, vampiric maiden; 3rd haste, paralyze, slow,
vampiric touch; 2nd mirror image, dispel magic, false life, see
Perception +41; darkvision invisibility; 1st admonishing ray, befuddle, ray of enfeeblement,
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Ancient Osiriani, Aquan, Auran, true strike; Cantrips (12th) detect magic, ghost sound, mage
Azlani, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, hand, message, ray of frost; Constant (10th) fly, freedom of
Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Ignan, Infernal, Kelish, Orc, movement, tongues, true seeing, haste, resist energy (fire),
Osiriani, Sylvan, Terran, Undercommon resist energy (acid)
Skills Arcana +50, Acrobatics +42, Deception +44, Diplomacy Harlot's Kiss Spells DC 55, attack +47, 37 charges; 9th dispel
+46, Intimidation +44, Nature +44, Society +44, Stealth +44, magic, meteor swarm, summon dragon; 8th fireball, mage
Religion +44 armor; 7th cone of cold, passwall, plane shift, wall of fire; 6th
Str +6, Dex +6, Con +6, Int +13, Wis +9, Cha +7 disintegrate, dispel magic, fireball, lightning bolt; 5th cone of
Items Arazni’s staff of the magi (Harlot’s Kiss), scroll of scrying cold, passwall, telekinetic haul; 4th invisibility, enlarge, fireball,
(10th), scroll of teleport, scroll of tongues, wand of inflict harm wall of fire, web; 3rd dispel magic, fireball, lightning bolt; 2nd
(9th), mithral buckler, dusty rose prism ioun stone, pale green enlarge, glitterdust, invisibility, knock, telekinetic maneuver,
ioun stone, spellbook (includes all common sorcerer/wizard web; 1st lock; Cantrips (12th) detect magic, light, mage hand,
spells, plus unique spells Arazni personally researched), telekinetic projectile
diamond worth 25,000 gp
Drain Phylactery f Frequency once per day; Effect Arazni
AC 50, Fort +36, Reflex +39, Will +42, +2 status bonus to all
taps into her phylactery’s power to cast any arcane spell up
saves vs. positive and +1 circumstance to saving throws vs
to the highest level she can cast, even if the spell being cast is
not one of her prepared spells. The phylactery doesn’t need to
HP 530 (negative healing); Immunities death effects, disease,
be present for Arazni to use this ability.
paralyzed, poison, unconscious; Resistances cold 25, physical
25 (except magic bludgeoning) Quickened Casting f

Paralyzing Touch (arcane, curse, incapacitation, necromancy) upon which the universe should be modeled. He is calm,
A creature damaged by the Arazni's hand Strike must succeed creative, careful, and deliberate, in some ways the picture
at a DC 53 Fortitude save. The creature becomes paralyzed of a just sovereign, yet he is also unforgiving, ruthless,
for 1 round on a failure. On a critical failure, the creature is manipulative, and arrogant in the extreme. The rules
paralyzed permanently, falls prone, and seems dead. A DC 25 of rank, station, and courtly life are his meat and drink,
Medicine check reveals the victim is alive. and he is swift to deride any who violate the tiniest rule
Divine Source (x3) of etiquette, though he quickly discards decorum when
necessary to further his elaborate schemes. Alone among
Chosen Font (harmful font) the archdevils, he maintains a passing acquaintance with
Chosen Weapon (rapier) courtly love and marriage, conferring with his advisors
Harlot's Kiss Arazni possesses an unusual staff of the magi on matters of state.
that Geb recovered from a nameless pharaoh’s tomb and Dispater is every inch the image of a devil, 13 feet tall
offered his newly risen bride. Arazni’s staff of the magi can with rippling, rust-colored muscles and a refined and
create unique fireballs. These fireballs begin as eruptions majestic style, eschewing the opulent grandiosity of some
of black fire, but coalesce into explosive waves of freezing of his brethren.
darkness. These fireballs can deal fire damage, cold damage, DISPATER CREATURE 27
or half cold and half fire. Creatures failing their saving throws
against such a fireball are slowed 1 for 1 round by the force UNIQUE LE LARGE DEVIL FIEND MYTHIC
of the explosion. In addition, the area of the fireball is treated Perception +40; greater darkvision, detect alignment (good or
as a 4th level darkness spell until the end of the wielder’s chaos only), true seeing
next turn. Any creature or object that enters the darkness Languages all (language mastery); telepathy 300 feet
during this time must take damage as if it had been in the area Skills Arcana +45, Acrobatics +49, Athletics +47, Deception
when the fireball was cast. Like a normal staff of the Magi, +49, Diplomacy +47, Intimidation 47, Religion +45, Society
Arazni can break the staff with the following action, however +47, Stealth +43
because the staff is an artifact this only destroys part of the Str +13, Dex +13, Con +14, Int +9, Wis +9, Cha +12
staff, allowing it to be restored using remake. Items the Eclipsing Eye
Activate a Interact; Effect Release a 30-foot‑burst magical AC 57, Fort +42, Reflex +45, Will +46, +2 status bonus to all
explosion centered on the staff. This deals 2d10 force saves vs. mind-affecting
damage per charge remaining in the staff (DC 53 basic HP 630, regeneration 30 (deactivated by good); Immunities
drained, charm, controlled, death, fire, petrification, poison;
Reflex save), Arazni automatically critically fails her save.
Resistances physical 30 (except silver), acid 30, cold 30;
The explosion continues to echo beyond the initial blast
Weaknesses good 30
zone, dealing half as much damage to creatures beyond 30
Infernal Resurrection If Dispater is killed, his body crumbles
feet but within a 60-foot burst. into ashes, leaving behind any gear he held or carried, while
Surge a he is immediately restored to life in a location of his choosing
Quick Surge f in his infernal realm. Dispater can’t use this ability again for
1 year, and will avoid direct combat if possible until that year
DISPATER, IRON LORD has passed. If slain again or killed by unusual methods (such
as by a true deity or an artifact created for this purpose),
Hell’s second layer is the Infernal City, Dis, and its rul- Dispater is slain forever.
er is the archdevil Dispater. The Iron Lord is the archi- Frightful Presence (DC 50) 120 feet
tect of the orderly perfection of Hell as a blueprint for Commander's Aura f (aura, divine, enchantment) 100 feet.
the rest of the multiverse, responsible for Dis’s own dark Commanded or allied evil creatures in the aura of lower level
and startling perfection. He remains distant from the than Dispater gain a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls,
scheming and machinations of the other archdevils and damage rolls, AC, saves, and skill checks.
the Material Plane, instead modeling calm and deliberate Attack of Opportunity r
action combined with ruthless, merciless arrogance. As Mythic Power (13th)
the most urbane of the archdevils, he attracts many fol- Iron Lord's Surge Whenever Dispater uses Surge, all non-
lowers among those who wish to see Hell’s dark majesty artifact metal objects within 10 feet rust and become Broken.
spread across the universe. Those holding such items can attempt a DC 52 Will save to
Dispater is one of Asmodeus’s oldest and most loyal avoid this effect.
allies, with a favored place in the hierarchy of Hell. He Speed 50 feet, fly 60 feet
generally keeps his distance from the machinations of Melee a eclipsing eye +50 (deadly d8, magical, mythic, shove)
the other archdevils, and of all their number he cares Damage 5d8+16 bludgeoning plus 2d6 evil, 2d6 lawful, 2d6
least about the tedious and trivial affairs of the Material persistent bleed and mythic heightened blindness
Plane. His focus is on building the eternal and glorious Melee a horns +49 (agile, magical, mythic) Damage 5d6+16
perfection of Hell, the model community and system bludgeoning plus 2d6 evil, 2d6 lawful

Cleric Domain Spells DC 52, attack +44, 3 Focus Points; 13th axiomatic unholy wounding heavy mace; it is a token of esteem
commanding lash, delusional pride, dutiful challenge, face in and power granted by Asmodeus himself to the governor of
the crowd, oathkeeper's insignia, pulse of the city, touch of Hell’s greatest city. It grants its wielder the Ruler mythic
obedience, veil of confidence, feat, though these effects only affect demons. When used
Divine Innate Spells (DC 52, attack +44); 13th harm, as a weapon, The Eclipsing Eye has the deadly d8 trait. The
overwhelming presence; 10th admonishing ray (at will), alter Eclipsing Eye automatically casts blindness (as per blindness
self (at will), charm (at will), command (at will), disjunction, mythic heightened, using the creature's spell DC or class
divine decree (at will), dominate (at will), teleport (at will), DC, whichever is higher) on the first creature it strikes each
summon fiend (x3, devils-only), time stop, wish; 9th blade round. The Eclipsing Eye is Dispater’s rod of office, and he can
barrier (x3); 8th force cage; 6th flesh to stone; 5th dimension summon it to his hand as a free action from any distance, even
door; 4th dimension door (at will); 2nd suggestion; 1st tether; across planar boundaries. As long as he wields it, all lawful
Constant (10th) detect alignment (chaos or good only), mind evil, neutral evil, and lawful neutral creatures treat him as if
blank, true seeing he were under a sanctuary spell (mythic heightened to level
13, DC 50). Three times per day, The Eclipsing Eye can create
Caustic Wit a (acid, auditory, concentration, divine, evocation, any of the following spell effects, mythic heightened to 13th
emotion, linguistic, mental) Dispater is a master of urbane level: calm emotions, discern lies, and discern location.
insults and flippant dismissals. He launches a magically
Surge a
enhanced barb at a creature within 30 feet. That creature
makes a DC 52 Will save. If Dispater has used Surge this turn, Quick Surge f
this also deals 10d6 acid damage.
Critical Success No barb is atrocious. The creature is
unaffected, and instead Dispater takes a -2 status penalty YMERI, QUEEN OF THE INFERNO
to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute or until a creature
fails against Caustic Wit. Ymeri, Queen of the Inferno, dwells within the Auroric
Success The creature is unaffected, and takes half damage. Palace on the Elemental Plane of Fire, and is one of the
Failure The creature takes a -2 status penalty to Perception four powerful beings collectively known as the elemental
and Will saves for 1 minute and full damage. lords. She has declared herself the eternal ruler of the
Critical Failure As failure, but the penalty is -3 instead Plane of Fire, going so far as destroying all known records
and the creature takes double damage. The creature can of her origins to suggest she has existed since the dawn
end the effect early with a retort to Caustic Wit. This can of time. Ever since she sealed away her good-aligned ri-
either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or val Atreia, the Lambent Prince, within a steam-shrouded
an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. . Typically, garnet, she has driven the efreet in the City of Brass to
the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill battle their earth-blooded shaitan cousins.
action that takes at least 1 action. The Queen of the Inferno rarely has cause to leave the
Lord of Iron Rust effects (such as rusting grasp) do not Auroric Palace, from which she rules. When she does, it is
function within 60 feet of Dispater unless he allows them at the head of an army. She typically follows such raids by
to function. Dispater can command unintelligent iron cobras, parading across the Plane of Fire, daring others to defy
iron golems, and any other construct made entirely out of iron her will.
as if he were the construct’s creator.
Mortal Gaze f (divine, curse, necromancy) Frequency Once
per round. Effect Dispater can level his gaze upon any one UNIQUE NE LARGE ELEMENTAL FIRE MYTHIC
creature within 60 feet. The creature must make a DC 50 Will Perception +41; darkvision, flame sense
save, or become drained 2. If the creature that is drained this Languages Aquan, Auran, Draconic, Ignan, Terran, telepathy
way dies, they are healed to full, gain negative healing and the 120 feet.
zombie trait, and are under Dispater's control. Skills Arcana +46, Acrobatics +48, Athletics +50, Diplomacy
Divine Source (x3) +48, Intimidation 48, Religion +46, Society +46, Stealth +44
Chosen Font (harmful) Str +13, Dex +13, Con +14, Int +10, Wis +10, Cha +12
Chosen Weapon (rapier) Items four legendary +4 major striking longswords

Ruler AC 58, Fort +44, Reflex +47, Will +44

HP 675, regeneration 35 (deactivated by cold from a mythic
Infernal Realm All of Dispater's spells are mythic heightened source); Immunities drained, charm, controlled, death, fire,
while inside his realm. Additionally, he can use summon fiend petrification; Resistances physical 20 (except adamantine);
(devils only) at will and devils he summon are not considered Weaknesses cold 30
minions for the purposes of gaining actions. If he loses his Elemental Revival If Ymeri is killed, her body crumbles into
realm, he also loses his infernal resurrection ability. ashes, leaving behind any gear she held or carried, while she
The Eclipsing Eye The Eclipsing Eye is a +4 adamantine
is immediately restored to life in a location of her choosing Speedy Summons
in her elemental realm. Ymeri can’t use this ability again for Legendary Item (x4) - Once for each of her longswords
1 year, and will avoid direct combat if possible until that year (Eternal Bond, Mythic Advancement, Returning)
has passed. If slain again or killed by unusual methods (such
Elemental Realm All of Ymeri's spells are mythic heightened
as by a true deity or an artifact created for this purpose),
while inside the Plane of Fire. She is also able to use discern
Ymeri is slain forever.
location and fabricate (heightened to level 10) at will and
Multiple Opportunities Ymeri gains three extra reactions per
dimension lock, miracle (limited to physical effects that
round, which she can use only to make Attacks of Opportunity.
manipulate the realm or to effects that are relevant to her
It can’t use more than 1 reaction on the same triggering action,
areas of concern, but without any material costs), and power
even if a creature leaves several squares within its reach,
word stun once per day. Additionally, she rolls twice and
and Ymeri must use a different weapon for each Attack of
takes the better result for initiative rolls.
Opportunity she makes.
Surge a
Attack of Opportunity r
Mythic Power (13th) Quick Surge f
Queen of the Inferno Surge Whenever Ymeri uses Surge,
creatures within 30 feet take 30 fire damage with a basic TAR-BAPHON, THE WHISPERING TYRANT
Reflex save (DC 54).
The Whispering Tyrant was perhaps the greatest threat
Speed 60 feet, fly 80 feet, pyroportation that the people of the Inner Sea have ever known. Even
Melee a longsword +50 (magical, mythic, versatile P), after his defeat atop Gallowspire, he wasn’t finished. The
Damage 5d8+26 slashing plus 4d6 persistent fire forces that brought him low had no choice but to seal
him within the tower that was once his capital.
Cleric Domain Spells DC 54, attack +46, 3 Focus Points; 13th
cry of destruction, destructive aura, dust storm, fire ray, flame Before becoming a lich, the Whispering Tyrant was
barrier, parch, weapon surge, zeal for battle a powerful necromancer by the name Tar-Baphon.
Though his origins are lost to time, it’s thought that he
Divine Innate Spells (DC 54, attack +46); 13th harm; 4th wall
grew up on the shores of Lake Encarthan, where he first
of fire; 2nd summon elemental (fire only); 1st burning hands;
studied the necromantic arts. As his power grew, so did
Primal Innate Spells (DC 54, attack +46); 10th cataclysm, fiery his ambition, eventually leading him to the Cenotaph,
body, fireball (at will), flame strike (x3), flaming sphere, heat the resting place of the slumbering runelord of gluttony.
metal (x3), meteor swarm (x3), pyrotechnics (at will), searing After unlocking the powers of Zutha, Tar-Baphon gained
light (x3), summon elemental (fire-only, at will), sunburst (x3), power beyond that of mortals. He realized then that true
volcanic eruption (x3), wall of fire (at will); Cantrips produce greatness required bringing the world itself under his
flame; Constant (10th) fire shield, freedom of movement control—alive or dead, all would serve him.
Limitless Fire f (fire, mythic, primal) Frequency Once per His campaign was brutal. Enlisting nearby orcs and
round. Effect Ymeri can cast any two spells with the fire trait undead, he quickly conquered Ustalav and began a con-
requiring no more than 2 actions as a two-action activity. quest that consumed most of central Avistan. He set
These spells count as being mythic heightened. Creatures down stones on the Isle of Terror, intent upon making it
damaged by these spells take 4d6 persistent fire damage in his capital. His actions drew the attention of Aroden, the
addition to the effects of these spells). This counts as using Last Azlanti, who knew what destruction the runelords
Surge. had caused, and refused to allow the world to return to
Pyroportation Ymeri can move effortlessly through fiery those ancient ways. The two met on the Isle of Terror
areas, including lava, superheated metal, and volcanic ash. in 896 ar. The battle raged for days and leveled the en-
This effectively grants her the earth glide ability of a magma tire surface of the island. Tar-Baphon’s broken form lay
elemental; allows her to ignore difficult terrain; and grants her among the rubble, and Aroden buried him there, think-
a burrow, climb, and swim speed equal to her base speed while ing that was the end of the threat.
in these areas. With rare exceptions, this ability functions in However, Tar-Baphon had intended to die by Aroden’s
all parts of the Plane of Fire. In addition, as a free action, hand all along. His studies had revealed to him that his
Ymeri can teleport to a square in line of sight that is adjacent only true path to immortality lay in undeath. For Tar-Ba-
to a fire of her size or larger once per turn. phon’s last step in becoming a lich beyond compare, he
Divine Source (x3) needed to be killed by a god, and Aroden served this pur-
Chosen Font (harmful) pose. The process sparked by Aroden took time, however,
and for 2,307 years Tar-Baphon’s body laid dead in the
Chosen Weapon (longsword)
ground before he returned to grim unlife. The Whisper-
Virulent Pestilence ing Tyrant was born.
Legendary Champion
He soon reestablished his power, animating thousands

of dead. For centuries, the forces of the living were un- Alter Channel r
able to resist the tide of the dead—with Aroden gone,
Counterspell r
nothing could stop the Whispering Tyrant. Only the
Shining Crusade had a chance to end his threat. Bearing Steady Spellcasting
the Shield of Aroden, General Arnisant faced the lich, but Mythic Power (14th)
when the Whispering Tyrant used a wish to summon the Whispering Tyrant's Surge When Tar-Baphon uses Surge, all
general’s heart to his waiting claw, the symbol of Aroden living creatures within 120 feet take 25 negative damage and
flared to life, the shield shattered, and the lich’s body was all dead creatures within 120 feet regain 25 Hit Points.
destroyed. Without a means to locate the Tyrant’s phylac- Speed 30 feet, fly 30 feet
tery, let alone destroy it, the crusaders instead sealed him
Melee a dagger +46 (agile, finesse, magical, versatile S),
away in his tower, where their descendants remain ever
Damage 5d4+18 plus 5d6 negative
watchful for his return.
Melee a hand +46 (finesse, magical), Damage 11d8 negative
And return he did. Using the Radiant Fire, a super- plus paralyzing touch
weapon devised from the Shattered Shield of Arnisant, he
Ranged a longsword +46 (agile, finesse, magical, thrown 10
destroyed the Great Seal. While trying to take over Abso-
feet, versatile S), Damage 5d4+18 plus 5d6 negative
lom and become a deity, he was defeated again and was
forced to relocate to the Isle of Terror. Arcane Innate Spells DC 59, attack +51; 14th animate dead (at
will); Constant (10th) freedom of movement
THE WHISPERING TYRANT CREATURE 29 Arcane Prepared Spells DC 59, attack +51; 14th animate dead
(at will); Constant (10th) detect alignment (good only), detect
magic, fly, freedom of movement, true seeing
Perception +45; greater darkvision, detect alignment (good
only), detect magic, see invisibility, true seeing Arcane Prepared Spells (DC 55, attack +47); 10th enervation,
Languages Aquan, Auran, Draconic, Ignan, Terran, telepathy massacre; 9th disjunction, foresight, meteor swarm, wail of
120 feet. the banshee; 8th disintegrate, horrid wilting, maze, polar
Skills Arcana +54, Acrobatics +41, Deception +42, Diplomacy ray; 7th contingency, eclipse burst, spell turning, warp mind;
+42, Intimidation +46, Society +42, Stealth +43, Religion +45 6th disintegrate, repulsion, wall of force, dominate; 5th black
Str +8, Dex +8, Con +8, Int +15, Wis +10, Cha +7 tentacles, blister, cone of cold, cloudkill; 4th dimension door,
Items scrolls (10th level contingency, discern location, gate, discern lies, globe of invulnerability, rebounding barrier;
teleport, harm, disjunction, charm, project image, soul bind, 3rd bind undead, fireball, lightning bolt, vampiric touch; 2nd
time stop, and wish), Horns of Naraga, lavender and green darkness, dispel magic, mirror image, see invisibility; 1st color
ellipsoid ioun stone, pale green prism ioun stone, robe of the spray, fleet step, feather fall, shocking grasp; Cantrips (14th)
archmagi (black), tyrant’s ring chill touch, detect magic, mage hand, message, ray of frost

AC 54, Fort +40, Reflex +43, Will +46, +2 status bonus to all Arcane Rituals DC 55; 14th create undead
saves vs. positive Drain Phylactery f Frequency once per day; Effect The
HP 630 (negative healing); Immunities acid, death effects, Whispering Tyrant taps into his phylactery’s power to cast
electricity, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious; any arcane spell up to the highest level he can cast, even
Resistances cold 30, physical 30 (except magical bludgeoning), if the spell being cast is not one of his prepared spells. The
positive 40 phylactery doesn’t need to be present for the Whispering
Rejuvenation Tyrant to use this ability.
Aura of Absolute Terror (aura, emotion, fear, incapacitation, Paralyzing Touch (arcane, curse, incapacitation, necromancy)
mental) 60 feet. Tar-Baphon's presence goes beyond a mere A creature damaged by the Whispering Tyrant's hand Strike
fright. Any living creature that starts its turn in the aura must must succeed at a DC 55 Fortitude save. The creature becomes
make a DC 57 Will save. paralyzed for 1 round on a failure. On a critical failure, the
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. creature is paralyzed permanently, falls prone, and seems
Success The creature is frightened 1. dead. A DC 25 Medicine check reveals the victim is alive.
Failure The creature is frightened 2 and stunned 1.
Quickened Casting f
Critical Failure The creature is paralyzed for 1d4 rounds.
It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, Reach Spell a
and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save. Widen Spell a
When it is no longer paralyzed, it is frightened 4. Conceal Spell a
Contingent Channel r (if Tar-Baphon brought below 150 HP, Silent Spell a
10th-level harm)
Overwhelming Energy a
Contingency r (if Tar-Baphon is affected by an effect with a
Arcane Surge f
duration of 3 or less rounds, 10th-level time stop)
Metamastery f

True Necromancy a single day in a conflict known as the 24-Hour War. A
Tyrant's Ring This ring constantly provides the wearer the century later, Queen Aelena abdicated without the slight-
benefits of freedom of movement. Activate >>> (command), est hesitation, most likely remembering her sister's futile
envision, interact; Frequency once per day; Requirements struggle against their mother.
The wearer must be undead; Effect The ring creates a 50-foot These relatively quiet successions continued through
emanation around the undead. Living creatures must make a the reigns of Queens Harcatha, Sascha, and Karina, but
DC 55 Will or be unable to enter the field. Additionally, the came to an end with the Witchwar of 4213 AR. During this
wearer may name one spell and gain the effects of a mythic conflict, Queen Tashanna used the power of the Torc of
heightened spell immunity against the spell. Kostchtchie to summon the demon lord Kostchtchie and
Horn of Naraga As per Gamemastery Guide. forced him to assist her in fending off the Witch Queen.
Surge a Despite this assistance, Tashanna and her followers were
quickly defeated by Baba Yaga. Tashanna and the first gen-
Quick Surge f eration of her offspring were banished to a place beyond
BABA YAGA, THE QUEEN OF WITCHES Golarion, while her former loyalists were executed, and
their bodies hidden in the necropolis known as the Veil
Around campfires and in front of hearths on cold win- of Frozen Tears.
ter nights, wise grandmothers and favored uncles recite
countless tales of a stern and powerful woman. Some After this unpleasantness, the next queen of Irrisen, Ve-
know her as the Old Crone, others as Old Knobby Legs. likas renounced her throne quietly in 4413 AR, but trouble
She’s often called the Queen of the Witches, but those was once again stirred up by her successor, Queen Kseni-
who are wise call her Dear Grandmother. She is Baba ya. When Baba Yaga came in 4413 AR, Kseniya attempted
Yaga, and on Golarion, she has an oppressive and violent to take her life. Many of her children tried to do the same,
legacy. But, on other worlds, the foolhardy and the brave but were ultimately prevented by the Witch Queen, who
seek her for wisdom and magic. took them all with her and installed Betyrina as the new
monarch of Irrisen.
Baba Yaga (pronounced BAH-ba YAH-guh), the Queen
of Witches, is perhaps the greatest witch in existence. She Since Kseniya's futile gesture of resistance, the Queens
has a hundred schemes on Earth (where she originated), of Irrisen have once again given up their thrones quiet-
Triaxus, Golarion and across the Great Beyond alike.[2] ly. It was the case again in 4713 AR when Queen Elvanna
In 3313 AR, she invaded Golarion, declared war on the rebelled against Baba Yaga and attempted to usurp her
Lands of the Linnorm Kings, and established her realm power. A band of adventurers thwarted the plan of Elvan-
of Irrisen after the 23-day-long Winter War. na and released Baba Yaga, after which she accepted their
request to crown Anastasia as Irrisen's new queen. After
Return of the Witch Queen this incident, Baba Yaga is considering that she might
have been too dismissive of Golarion and is willing to be
Old-Mage Jatembe takes tea with Baba Yaga in the more involved.
Dancing Dolphin in Taldor.
Baba Yaga was not heard from for nearly a century after BABA YAGA CREATURE 30
the founding of Irrisen. In 3413 AR, Baba Yaga returned
to Golarion and removed her daughter, Queen Jadwiga, UNIQUE NE MEDIUM MYTHIC HUMAN HUMANOID
from the throne, placing her younger daughter Morgan- Perception +47; darkvision, see invisibility
nan in charge. She left again shortly thereafter, taking Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common,
Jadwiga with her along with the first generation of Jadwi- Draconic, Giant, Ignan, Infernal, Iobarian, Polish, Russian,
ga's offspring. This process was to reoccur every 100 years Sarmatian, Sylvan, Terran, Triaxian; tongues
like clockwork, and continues to this day. Skills Arcana +56, Acrobatics +42, Deception +44, Diplomacy
+44, Intimidation +44, Medicine +42, Nature +42, Occultism
Rebellions against Baba Yaga
+56, Religion +42, Society +42, Stealth +44
Baba Yaga has quelled many a rebellion against her rule. Str +9, Dex +9, Con +9, Int +16, Wis +11, Cha +8
Items Baba Yaga's besom, bracelet of second chances, cackling
Not every daughter of Baba Yaga has quietly acquiesced
witch's blouse, corset of dire witchcraft, gem of seeing, grim
to her mother's demand to give up the throne of Irris-
lantern, haunted shoes, hexing doll, crystal ball (obsidian)
en, and a few have even openly rebelled against the Witch
Queen. Although the first three queens of Irrisen (Jadwi- AC 56, Fort +42, Reflex +45, Will +48, +2 status bonus to all
ga, Morgannan, and Urvalane) are said to have abdicated saves vs. positive
with little fighting, Urvalane's successor, Pjallarane, did HP 640; Immunities drained, charmed, confusion, controlled,
not go quietly. She and her children (the Jadwiga Pjallar- death effects, disease, petrification, poison;
ane) launched an open rebellion against their progenitor Immortal Baba Yaga has hidden her death to make herself
in 3713 AR, but were ruthlessly put down by Baba Yaga in even more difficult to kill. Baba Yaga always returns to life
24 hours later, regardless of how she is killed. In order to the arcane, divine, occult, and primal spell lists and can
permanently kill Baba Yaga, her death must be found and prepare them as occult spells (in addition to other uncommon
released back into her body, at which point she can be killed and rare spells, and spells she has personally created). She
with an artifact created specifically for the task. can replace any spell component with any other component,
Contingent Hex r (Baba Yaga takes damage, 14th-level glacial though this never changes the number of actions it takes to
heart) cast a spell. This also counts as Mythic Access, taken three
Contingency r (Baba Yaga starts her turn in combat, 10th
level mislead) Besom The handle of this simple straw broom, or besom, is
capped with a small skull with long white hair. On command,
Counterspell r
the broom sweeps away any tracks or traces of passage, as
Steady Spellcasting pass without trace, and wards its user with nondetection. The
Mythic Power (14th) broom can be used in this capacity for a total of 8 hours each
Queen of Witches Surge When Baba Yaga uses Surge, she can day. By sweeping the broom in a circular motion, the user can
cast any two-action or less Occult spell of 9th level or lower also learn the location of both secret doors and simple natural
without expending a spell slot. trap.
Speed 30 feet, fly 30 feet Bracelet of Second Chances As a reaction, the wielder of the
Melee a besom +48 (magical), Damage 5d8+18 plus blinded bracelet can turn one critical hit against them into a normal
1 round hit. They can do this up to 7 times before the bracelet is
Witch Hex Spells DC 61, attack +53, 3 Focus Points; 14th
cackle, clinging ice, curse of death, evil eye, glacial heart, Cackling Witch's Blouse While wearing this blouse, a witch
needle of vengeance, personal blizzard, spirit object can cast cackle as a free action with Trigger Your turn starts.

Occult Innate Spells DC 61, attack +53; Constant (10th) Corset of Dire Witchcraft While wearing this blouse, a witch
freedom of movement, see invisibility, tongues may use Surge to enhance a hex spell. Whenever a creature
rolls a save against that hex, they roll twice and take the
Occult Prepared Spells DC 63, attack +51; 10th alter reality, lower result. This is a misfortune effect.
time stop; 9th foresight, overwhelming presence, wail of the
Gem of Seeing Looking through this gem allows the user to
banshee, weird; 8th heal, maze, spirit song, uncontrollable
see as though affected by a 10th level true seeing up to 30
dance; 7th finger of death, mask of terror, possession, warp
minutes per day.
mind; 6th chain lightning, feeblemind, phantasmal calamity,
true seeing; 5th banishment, command, cone of cold, grisly Grim Lantern Glows as per light. Can cast a 10th-level burning
growths; 4th charm, confusion, invisibility, phantasmal killer; hands by consuming its energy source, and regains that
3rd fireball, fly, haste, mind reading; 2nd blood vendetta, feast energy when a level 1 or higher living creature is slain within
of ashes, mirror image, touch of idiocy; 1st color spray, fleet 30 feet.
step, feather fall, shocking grasp; Cantrips (14th) chill touch, Haunted Shoes Can summon 2 spirit servants as per unseen
detect magic, mage hand, message, ray of frost servant, or make them dance around the user as per blur.
Occult Rituals DC 63; 14th astral projection, call spirit, control Hexing Doll A creature holding or carrying the doll takes a —4
weather, freedom, imprisonment, primal call, planar binding, penalty on saving throws against witch hexes
resurrect, teleporation circle, ward domain Surge a
Quickened Casting f Quick Surge f
Reach Spell a
Widen Spell a
Overwhelming Energy a
Arcane Surge f
Metamastery f
Eldritch Breach
Familiar Connection
Shapeshifting Mastery
Teleporation Master
True Archmage
You'd Make Me Bleed?
Queen of Witches Baba Yaga knows all common spells from

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