2018 December HIxnews Newsletter Page
2018 December HIxnews Newsletter Page
2018 December HIxnews Newsletter Page
Halloween at Cheryl Gries Brown’s House. Trying to figure out the various
I belong to the Northwest Civic Association of Hicksville. There have been and will be
a lot more changes in Hicksville over the next few years. Many vacant parcels of land are
being bought up by developers and monstrosities are being built on this once open space.
Most of us don't like it. Our group met with Lincoln Equities which are in the process of
purchasing 9 acres of undeveloped land on the corner of Charlotte Ave and Duffy Ave.
It's behind the old Ebbetts Field bar and most recently Sideline Grill. A 196,000 sq ft
industrial warehouse with 30 bays will be erected within the next few months. Duffy
Avenue is a two lane road and already very congested with trucks from other large
warehouses. Charlotte Ave is equally congested with large trucks, tow trucks and a
nearby car dealership which parks hundreds of new vehicles. We're upset that this is
being built and ruining our town. Just wanted to let all of you who aren't in Hicksville
know what going on where you grew up.
“It’s Never Too Late”… A saying that is almost always true except for when it deals with
keeping in touch with people. Over the last few years, I have lost a number of friends that
I grew up with. The sad part is, we only kept in touch through Facebook and even then it
was barely ever. I am sick of it being “Too Late”
To all my friends out there new and old, acquaintances and just Facebook Friends.
Remember this… “It can end up being Too Late.”
I will say that it is hard for me to be able to just get up and go meet up with people. I have
a disability which makes travel difficult although I'm not tethered to my house. However,
it would be great to catch up with some old friends and become closer with new friends. I
have always been a person that is there for anyone in need. If you ever want to catch up,
message me… If you are someone in need of venting, having issues, etc. and need to talk
to someone, message me on Facebook.
My door is open… I am not going to start reaching out to everyone because I know there
are some of you that don’t want to be bothered… So, I am telling you all that if you reach
out to me, it won’t be a bother. Let’s not let it be “Too Late”…
(Thank you to James Stayer for this post)
This isn’t even for Halloween. Just for this pirate thing that they have in Boynton every
Carol…You sent a thank you to HixNews for a card we sent to you. I always post a thank
you in the newsletter along with a yearbook photo. I don't know what year you graduated
and cannot find any information on classmates. I did find two email addresses on a site
called Spokeo and am sending this note to you using both of those addresses. Not sure
this will get to you and am not even positive if the person I found on Spokeo is you. If
you get this, please send me your year of graduation. I found what I believe is a photo of
you and it is attached. Is that YOU???
Buffalo Bob Casale, 1961 and editor HixNews
Editor note…The photo in question is shown below
Hi bob. This is Vince Piacenti. I graduated in 1965 and Carol is my wife. She went to St.
Mary’s in Akron Ohio. That is a picture of her at a B&B in Ashville. Thanks
It took 42 years but my wife finally broke it, kept pens in it forever!!!
my son Andrew, and daughter-in-law Heidi, were in New Orleans for the 2018
International Championships of Women's Roller Derby (WFTDA). They both have
volunteered for about 10 years at WFTDA events. Heidi began as a referee, but now she
usually serves in more senior off-track positions, and in other capacities (e.g., the UN has
sent her to China to coach women there about the sport). This is the second time that
Andrew has announced at the "worlds." He also has announced at roller derby events in
cities across the U.S,. and Canada, as well as in Europe (e.g., he announced at the most
recent European Championships, which were held in Spain). I'm proud of both of them.
According to Cheri Totter Mulholland, there is a crew filming a movie starring Hugh
Thanks Cheryl. As a radiology technician, all I ever had to worry about was over
exposure. Now I will have a whole new set of stuff to worry about. She is a quality
human being. I know she will fair very well in this role, she does well at everything she
sets her mind to. Still I am going to worry about her.
You're a loving, caring parent who worries about your children no matter what the
situation. And that, my friend, is the best quality one can have. Keep us posted on Jenna's
career. God Bless her always.
This may interest you, Bob. Here is a picture of my grandson, Bill Berry, 2017 HHS
He graduated from Marine Boot Camp at Parris Island in October. We were thrilled to be
at his ceremony. So proud of him. Hope you are well!
Our pup, who is somewhat adventurous, jumped the fence tonight. She has not done this
in a long time. She is black, and needless to say we were worried. It was the first time she
has done this at night. She has our phone number on her collar, and we waited. The call
came, and a young man told us he had a beautiful dog in his car, and he would bring her
to our house. He would not take anything, and told us he stopped when he saw her
running in the middle of the road. It is wonderful to know that there are kind and caring
people out there. Our pooch is now sound asleep on Susan's lap, and we are relieved.
Thank you for what you do every month with your buddies at HixNews.
We’re planning to go to (now uncrowded) Greenport and enjoy the nice weather.
Bob Masone 1962
Hi Bob & HixNews Staff. Thank you for the anniversary card and for remembering us on
this special day. It was greatly appreciated and very thoughtful. Love the newsletter and
thanks for doing a great job.
November 8, 2018
Happy Anniversary
Mommy and Daddy in heaven. Gayle and I miss you every day. Love you forever
Marlene Schoenberg O’Neill 1964 & Gayle Schoenberg Wenchell 1966
Thank you for the card on the occasion of our 47th wedding anniversary. We are looking
forward to having a wonderful day together. Thanks again.
Dinner at Rosie O’Gradys on 51st & 7th. then off to see Come From Away at the
Schoenfeld Theatre.
It all started with her Sweet Sixteen Party. Her grandmother actually told her mother that
she was going to marry that boy. That would be me. Happy Birthday to my beautiful
Happy birthday Margret Ryan Delaney. Miss you lots from here to the moon and back
and back and back. Love You…Daddy
Happy birthday, Joanna. I try to always wish a happy birthday to all my friends. I have
learned how important the birthday wish can be. It feels good to know your friends are
thinking about you on your birthday. So Happy birthday to you and I will never forget
your special day again. Your friend, Michael Crabtree
cousins, Patti Thomas Budinich & Rick Budinich a very happy 39th anniversary. May
you share many more wonderful years together. We love you!!!
Thanks for the card, Buff. Hope you and the gang at HixNews are doing well.
David Mac
Yup...awhile back, I saw the kid wearing an AC/DC concert shirt. I asked if he liked the
group. He looked and said...Oh; I don't know this group because this shirt belongs to my
Michael Tolleson
Woodland Av - 1963 - Class of 1974. Sorry, I forgot some names.
Gary Hertling
Tony Prete 1959 with his daughters Kim & Laura, then and now
A note to Chris Zettler class of 1974…
I put the completed list with your classmates photos into the newsletter portion for
December. You can see the finished product below. Thanks for your help.
Buffalo Bob
Bob…Atta Boy! You know, while I remembered those people from back then, I never
realized how many of them went to and graduated from HHS, and what they looked like
when they graduated. There were 965 people in my graduating class. The class was so
large, we had TWO graduations! Was there any interest in class of 1968 having a 50th
reunion this year? I know it has to come from the class itself. There was a 20th reunion,
and while there were names of students in that class on the announcements, frankly I
believe it was Reunions of America who organized it with little input from them. These
were people who, by and large, participated in few if any extracurricular activities in high
school (as evidenced by their senior pictures)... hard to believe that suddenly previously
disenfranchised students became that motivated to organize a reunion. Thanks for all you
have done and continue to do.
My class of 1961 had 468 graduates and I think I was 467 in the class. I never
concentrated until I met Kathy Kapsol who was so smart, it was disturbing. She was
captain of the varsity cheerleaders, President of the Student Council and on the local and
national honor society. I was Master at Arms for the Student Council and actually had to
ask a student to leave a meeting because he was being obnoxious. She was the one that
turned me around and, though I didn't do wonderfully, I did get a diploma and I actually
had a Regents Diploma as well. You asked about a reunion for the class of 1968.
Editor note…to make a long story short, read the following that appeared in the
November issue…
I had exactly 4 responses to the email I sent out a few months back to many classmates
from the class of 1968, so I've given up. Maybe someone who lives on the east coast
would take up the job and get something organized. Between the health issues that have
cropped up over the last few months, and the fact that I live out west, it's just become too
difficult. Thanx for your interest, Bob.
Below is a photo taken in 1961 of a 5th grade class at Burns Avenue. We tried to put
names to faces of the 5th grade class in 1961 and then at graduation. After much
going back and forth, think the listing below represents those pictured.
1 Richie Bowra 2 Kenny Sharpe 3 Ted Wolfe (No Photo)
4 Marshall Fogle (No Photo) 5 Mrs. Converse
6 Bobby Paterno 7 Fred Kurland 8 Steve Yocum (No Photo)
9 Steve Garcia 10 Richie Meslin & 11 Ruth Williams (No Photo)
12 Elyse Jonas 13 Laureen Ciline 14 Irene Posner
15 Jimmy McKessick (No Photo) 16 Brett Walker (No Photo)
17 Harold Dyckman (No Photo) 18 James Petrone
19 Thomas Draycott 20 Steve “Skippy” Stanton
21 Nancy Robertson 22 Cathy Herlihy (No Photo) 23 Jan Clayton
24 Shelly Wrubel 25 Pat Linahan 26 Christine Zettler
27 Karen Riscica 28 Lynda Kratchman 29 Ellen Babat
30 Sandy Schacter (No Photo)
After seeing the photos you took in 1978, I dug out a picture of a big storm right here in
It was taken about six or seven years ago.
Ron Wencer 1964
Ron…that was a great storm. It looks nice but the end results of melting makes for
dangerous conditions.
Buffalo Bob
In The News
4 Accused Of Gang Assault In Hicksville
A 17-year-old was hospitalized after a group of young men assaulted him on
Monday, police say.
By Paige McAtee, Patch Staff | Oct 3, 2018 1:46 pm ET
Four young men were arrested after police say they participated in a gang assault
on a 17-year-old, causing him several injuries in Hicksville on Monday.
According to authorities, the 17-year-old was playing cricket with his friends at
Glenbrook Road Park when he was approached by a large group of males, including
four of them who punched and kicked him in the head, back, neck and arms. The
17-year-old was also struck with a metal bat and suffered a broken left arm in
addition to contusions. He was taken to an area hospital for treatment.
An investigation led to the arrest of:
Rajan Kumar, 19, of Hicksville
Kuldeep Singh, 19, of Hicksville
Harpreet Singh, 19, of Hicksville
Ranjit Singh, 18, of Hicksville
All four men were charged with second-degree assault and first-degree gang assault.
Kuldeep Singh and Ranjit Singh were additionally charged with fourth-degree
criminal possession of a weapon.
They were arraigned Tuesday at First District Court in Hempstead.
Tomb of the Unknowns Guards Begin Use of Custom M17 Pistols
This ceremony marks the first use of the M17, which will accompany the Sentinels of the
Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers they stand guard 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365
days a year.
New Readers
Hi Bob, I graduated from Hix in 1965, heard you were looking for alumni. I’m now
down in Myrtle Beach, SC, but remember my roots! So sign me up.
On The Internet
Hey Bob, I'm Robert J. Gerrets Class of 66. Better known as Bob. I had mentioned to you
a while back that I was not listed on the month of my birthday. 11/18/1947. Since then I
haven't received my monthly newsletter . Please reinstate me as a member in good
standing. My e-mail address is (concealed) Thanks.
Vic, we don't send you the HixNews, we were just notifying you
that the newest issue is available online at hixnews.com. Our
notification system has broken down almost a year ago with the
passing of Henry Lichtenstein as nobody else had the password
for it. Simply remember to visit after the 1st of the month and
you'll see the latest edition.
Roger Whitaker, webmaster for hixnews.com
Hi, I believe there was a link posted by Bob in the “You know you’re from Hicksville, If”
Facebook page one time linking back to all the online yearbooks. I apologize if it was not
through the HixNews site. If you are aware of that link, I would greatly appreciate any
information on it (you just needed to change the year in the web address for all the
different years). It has been great to hear from and see so much of the hometown
past 😊 Appreciate it. Thanks,
Maryanne Fiorello
The link is https://hicksvillelibrary.org/yearbooks/1970.pdf Just change the year in the
above hyperlink by deleting the year shown then adding the year you want to view. One
year that doesn't pop up is 1985. Enjoy. Hope you are well and ready for winter.
love yah
Buffalo Bob Casale
Although my parents have not lived on Elm Street for about 30 years, I thought I would
share this sad news. Mom was active with Ladies Auxiliary and I have many memories of
making sandwiches & cold tea/ coffee with her for the men fighting signal 10 fires. She,
also, was great at driving all of our friends home & she also taught ceramics at the Bisque
Joan Lillian Stahley (Melville) born May 23, 1930 died peacefully in her sleep on
November 17, 2018. She waits in heaven for her one and only love, her husband, William
R. Stahley, Jr. She will be missed by her children, Richard, Susan, and Deborah, beloved
granddaughter Jaclyn, sister Barbara and brother Tom as well as their spouses, nieces,
nephews and her three great grandchildren. She was predeceased in death by her sister
Margaret. Joan was raised in Syosset NY, lived with her family in Hicksville NY, retiring
to Holiday, Florida in 1989. She was a past president and active life member of the
Holiday VFW Post Ladies Auxiliary, volunteering countless hours at the post. Joan was
an active volunteer for her church and past president of the Ladies Auxiliary - Hicksville
Fire Department. She was generous with her time, energy, creative talents and a
wonderful friend to many. She will be fondly remembered as an avid crafter, sewer, and
needlepoint enthusiast, as well as her love of playing cards. A celebration of her life will
take place on Saturday, November 24th, 11:30 am at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in
New Port Richey, Florida. The family asks that in her memory you dedicate time to
volunteer, emulating her love for helping others.
Hi Bob…I recently saw the HixNews In Memoriam listing for the class of 1959. I could
be wrong but, I think my oldest brother graduated in 1959. His name, Stephan Spector -
perhaps you could check. He passed away in Nov. 2010. I know he subscribed to
Lauri Spector
"Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain."
For In Memoriam
Class of 1958
Class of 1968
Christine Polidora
Class of 1973
Karla Jurgelevich
Lauri…I searched Spector on Classmates and found your brother Steve who is a graduate
from the class of 1958. I saw your name that came up on the search for other Spectors. I
would imagine the other Spectors are related.
Friends and Classmates…We lost a good man, Carl Probst, this week. He was a gentle
man and also a rock solid friend to many of our HHS classmates. Carl was always willing
to work on each of our Class of 59 reunions over the years. He will be missed by so many
of his friends. May he rest in peace. Thank you Joyce for sending along the sad news of
his passing.
A note to Joan…I'm so sorry. Joyce just called me. Carl was a great person. Always
ready to help. I enjoyed talking to him. He had so much info on different things. He was
so involved in his community. He loved his children & especially his grandchildren. He
will be missed . I'm very sorry for your loss.
Joan/Will…So sorry for your loss. Carl was one of the few who fed information to the
Hicksville High Newsletter over the years and I, for one, really appreciated his input. Our
encounters were few and far between but when we met, it was always a delight for him to
share his time with me. I've said a prayer asking that his path to heaven be smooth. We
recently lost Christine Heidt from your class.
I miss you every second of everyday. Please continue to watch over our children,
granddaughters, great grandson and me. Thank you for finding a friend to help me get
through, perhaps the most difficult part of this journey we call life. Until we are together
again for eternity.
Eileen Walter Toscano 1959
Wishing my “brother”, Danny, a happy birthday in heaven.
You were taken from us much too soon, but our memories of you live on with love and
Thanks Bob. Danny was my brother in law. Neither he nor my cousin, Karin attended
Carol Ann
Sad news for the class of 1964 and many friends and family. Just heard about the passing
of fellow classmate
Ted Robinson after a long battle of cancer. RIP!!! Prayers for his family at this difficult
I just saw that my cousin
Michael D’Antuono (Class of 1966) is on the Vietnam Memorial page but not on the In
Memoriam page. Please add his name, thanks!
wife of Bill Walden class of 1965. Linda will be missed by family and friends. So sorry
for your loss, Bill.
Buffalo Bob & the editors at HixNews
November 15, 2018…Checked in with Linda this morning after radiation treatment.
She has a U.S. Marine Vietnam Veteran on her left and the wife of an Army Lt. on her
right. I can rest easy knowing she is in good hands. Thank you everyone for your
thoughts, prayers, and condolences.
The last few months have been hard on all of us especially him. He is at Peace and so am
I knowing that he is no longer suffering and in the arms of Our Lord. Love you Dad and
miss you already. Rest in Peace. Hug and Kiss Mom for me.
away 12 years ago on October 17, 2006. What I’m writing about is that one of his or my
Mother's classmates sends my Mother a bouquet of Flowers every year on this Day. I,
and my Mother, really appreciate this act. As in the past 11 years, the flowers arrived at
my Mother’s house around 10 am this morning. I don’t know the name of this man, and
he may not want it shared? On the off chance that he is a member here I am posting this
to thank him. It really goes to show how special growing up in Hicksville was.
Pattie Hughes and she has agreed to chair if I will serve on the committee (that’s so much
more do-able than working alone!!). Pattie and I settled on a date: September 21, 2019
but Pattie or I will send you additional info as we work out the details so you can post it.
Hi Bob…I would deeply appreciate it if you can promote the Class of 1964 upcoming
55th Reunion plans in the next issue of HixNews. So far, we have received payment from
46 classmates planning to attend our 55th Reunion on Saturday evening, September 28,
2019 at the Plainview Holiday Inn. This dinner dance will run from 7 p.m. to midnight
and feature live music entertainment by Tommy Sullivan. The night before this event on
Friday, September 27, 2019, we will hold an informal "Meet and Greet" get-together
from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. in the atrium adjacent to bar area also at the Plainview Holiday
Inn. Cheese, crackers, fruit and drinks will be provided those attending.
We have arranged for discounted rooms to be made available for classmates coming to
the reunion from out-of-town. Anyone wishing to reserve a room at the Plainview
Holiday Inn for either Thursday evening, September 26th through Saturday night,
September 27th, 2019 can either call the 866-249-3515 reservations number or book
these discounted rooms at HolidayInnPlainview.com. Cost is $ 159.99/day plus tax. Use
the code "HHR" to get the discounted rate.
We want to make this reunion special and meaningful to all attending. We hope to create
a handout booklet of remembrances and memories containing contributions from fellow
classmates. If any classmates have pictures or written recollections about growing up in
Hicksville in the late 1950s and 1960s, we welcome those contributions. If classmates
have passed on and friends and family members want to describe their remembrances of
those individuals, we would like to add those statements to this handout of memories.
We also want to open up our reunion celebration to all Hicksville High School alumni
who graduated in years before or after 1964. We can designate tables at our dinner dance
for specific years.
The cost to join us on September 27th and 28th, 2019 is $100.00 per person. Made
checks payable John Maniec and mail them to his home at 260-12 74th Avenue, 2nd
floor, Glen Oaks, N. Y. 11004. Also mail any pictures or written remembrances to the
same address or if it's easier, email them to john@johnmaniec.com. For further
information, call John Maniec at (917) 750-7842.
Old 8mm film Steve Bodensiek had digitized. It's just over 4 minutes long. I have no idea
when this parade was. My best guess is early 1960's. Michele Bodensiek looks like you
at 1:30 minutes in or so.
This is a scam that you can prevent with an extra ounce of protection
Beauty in Norway