Lehigh Steel

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Lehigh had gone from record profits to record losses in term decision-making that concentrated corporate re-
less than 3 years.
sources on delivering superior performance for specific
- Bob Hall, ABC Projec;tMa"ager products and markets. Palmer believed that long-term
specializationdeveloped knowledge and innovation, the
Bob Hall studied the product profit report prior to the true source of competitive advantage. Palmer's corpo-
1993 First Quarter Financial Review.The report was the rate objective was to "increase penetration in markets
culmination of a year's effort calculating and analyzing providing long-term profit opportunities" by taking "a
customer and product profitability using Activity-Based long-term view in decision making by strategically
Costing (ABC). Hall had been hired to implementABC managing [the] business," and "emphasizing the funda-
to restore profitability at Lehigh Steel. which had re- mental operating principles of quality, cost, investment
ported record losses in 1991 after posting record profits usage and timeliness."
in 1988. Not uncommon in an industry characterized by Founded in 1913, Lehigh Steel enjoyed a niche posi-
cyclic demand and large capital investment, such losses tion as a manufacturer of specialty steels for high
could not be long sustained. Lehigh was under pressure strength. high use applications. Products included high-
to return to profitability. speed, tool and die, structural, high temperature. corro-
The goal of this Quarterly Financial Review- and sion-resistant and bearing steels, available in a wide
the ABC program itself- was to rationalize Lehigh's range of grades in a variety of shapes and finishes. Mar-
product mix. Management felt that the decline from kets included aerospace, tooling, medical. energy and
record profits to record losses was only partially ex- other performance industries. Lehigh enjoyed a pre-
plained by the traditional profit driver, volume. Another mium market position because of its superior ability to
factor was the product mix running through the cost integrate clean materials with precision processing to
base. The recession of 1991had presented a very differ- produce high quality products, which were often cus-
ent demand profile offering limited contributions to tomized for specific applications. and bundled with
profit. With demand recovering in i993, the ABC profit metallurgy and other technical services. Primarily a
reports would enable marketing managers to identify manufacturer.Lehigh also operated a small distribution
profitableproducts, and select the 'right' mix. divisionwhich served certain market segments by offer-
Although the ABC model was running smoothly, the ing a broad product line comprising products from mul-
results were puzzling. Not only were product profits tiple manufacturers.
significantly different from those under standard cost- Palmer had acquired Lehigh in 1975 not for syner-
ing, but they were counterintuitive to operations staff, gies with its own specialty steel businesses, but for the
who believed that products that tied up critical re- Continuous Rolling Mill (CRM), specialized equip-
sources in the production process should reflect higher ment that could convert steel intermediate shapes to
costs. and lower profitability. They were advocating a wire for Palmer's bearing rollers. Only 6 such mills ex-
different approach called Theory of Constraints (TOe) isted in the US.
to enhance profitability. Quickly Hall ran through the Lehigh's financial performance trended with but
ABC model in his head. Which approach was right? generally outperformed the industry as a whole. driven
by the superior quality that had earned it numerous
Leltigh and Specialty Steel awards from customers. The years 1988 and 1989 had
been banner ones for Lehigh, which posted record prof-
The Palmer Company, Lehigh's parent, was a global
its during a period of general industry strength as re-
manufacturer of bearings and alloy steels with 1992
flected in shipments. operating rates and prices. But,
revenues of $1.6 billion. Palmer took pride in its long-
broad recessionary business conditions drove a severe
industrydecline in 1991, reducing shipments, operating
Professor V. G. Narayanan and Research Associate Laura E. Donohue pre- rates and prices. Lehigh posted record losses in 1991.
pared this case.
Copyright ~ 1998 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Har- Lehigh operated under a matrix organization struc-
vard Business School case 198-085. ture. Reporting to the company president were General

. Managers of Primary Operations. Finishing Operations, called for specific attributes. many products were cus-
and Marketing and Technology;Vice President of Sales; tomized along one or more attributes for the customer.
Director of Operations Planning and MIS; and CFO. However. of all attributes, customers valued most the.
Marketing managers assumed product line responsibili- grade. which determined primary product performance.
ties that crossed functional boundaries. They developed Producers typically focused on a selected portfolio
marketing strategies, determined product offerings, es~ of product shapes within a single segment, carving
tablished minimum order quantities. selected orders and niches out of the broad, industry. The. focus strategy
set price, all with the goal of building volume at strong helped to protect volume and capital investments. The
prices. Their performance was measured by product industry was capital intense in several areas. First, ca-
contribution margin calculated using standard costs: pacity additions were 'lumpy' and expensive. with
revenue .less materials. direct labor, and direct manufac- equipment scaled in 100,000 tons of annual production,
turing costs such as utilities and maintenance; other costing $10-$100- million, and requiring 18-24
overhead was considered beyond their control. Manu- months to install. Second, the cost structure was signifi-
facturing staff executed the orders brought in by the cantly changed only by new technologies, such as
marketing managers, and were measured on variances Lehigh's Precision Forging Facility (PFF), which were
from standard cost for the output mix produced. Their expensive, risky. generational ventures. Finally, knowl-
goal was to deliver quality product within the specified edge work performed by metallurgists and other techni-
lead time at the lowest cost. cal specialists was a significant portion of the cost
structure. Hall summarized the 'focus' strategy: "You
Industry Structure Specialty steel comprised choose to make product which ~'OU can make better [han
roughly 10% of the total US steel industry, and like the competition."
other high-tech, specialty industries. offered growth and Economics and 'focus' also divided producers into
profit opportunities to firms who targeted specific appli- manufacturers, who melted, refined, molded arid rolled
cations and developed unique technical competencies. steel into basic shapes; and finisher/distributors. who
Specialty steel was characterized by variations in the broke semi-finishedsteel orders and shapes down to spe-
metallic composition and manufacturing processing cific products for metalworking shops and original
which enhanced the properties of basic carbon steel. equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Manufacturers and
For example. adding nickel and chromium to carbon distributorsworked closely together,often as separate di-
steel created 'stainless' steel, which resisted corrosion, visions within a firm. The manufacturing process fo-
Tungsten and molybdenum combined to strengthen. cused largely on the materials science, in which metal-
harden and temper carbon steel for cutting applications. lurgistssupervisedthe careful blending of alloy additives
Several industry segments evolved reflecting basic with carbon steel to create the precise properties required
metallic combinations, which required different equip- in a product application. Formerly mere warehousing.
ment and knowledge bases for'manufacture, distribution had assumed the industry marketing role,
Steel products were defined by several attributes creating product lines across materia) segments and
which determined the 'product application and defined shapes, enabling a firm to serve a diverse metalworking
quality. Grade described the metallic (chemical)compo- market while maintaining focused manufacturing
sition of the steel, or the elements added to the basic processes. Both manufacturers and distributors provided
recipe of iron and carbon to create the desired proper- technical services for everything from material composi-
ties. Product described the shape of the product, includ- tion to design to installationof the finishedproduct.
ing semi-finished shapes, such as blooms, billets and
bars; and finished shapes, such as wires and coils. Sur- Industry Conduct and Performance Maintaining
face finish described the smoothness and polish that high standards of product quality while keeping costs
could be applied to the material's surface to enhance competitive were essential to compete in the specialty
presentation. Size described the latitudinal and longitu- steel industry. Quality differences among manufactur-
dinal dimensions of the product. Structural quality de- ers meant that products were not perfectly substi-
scribed the absence of breaks in the inner metallic struc- tutable. Considerable value differentiation across pro-
ture. Surface quality described the absence of cracks or ducers within product classes had actually been
seams on the surface. Because specific applications confirmed and quantified by the International Trade

Commission during trade case investigations. Intended ness to fill the plant, attracting many new customers in
to protect suppliers, differentiation also benefited buy- 1991- 2. Under standard costing this business looked
ers, who enjoyed a range of choices within a product potentially profitable. However, specialized products re-
category, and could pay for the precise level of quality quired specialized processing and were ordered in
required. Technical services also differentiated suppli- smaller quantities. The average order size declined from
ers while benefiting buyers, and were becoming in- 1600 pounds in 1988 to less than 1200 pounds in 1991.
creasingly important. Over time, customers had become Accordingly, Lehigh's sales distribution broadened:
sophisticated about the value of the product, and the customer salep ranged from $5.9 million for 2.7 million
price they would pay for it. pounds of steel, to $84 for 8 pounds, with the average
Not a commodity like carbon steel, which was sold customer buying 36,635 pounds of steel for $63.407.
primarily on a price and delivery basis, specialty steel Only 18 customers spent more than $1.0 million, and
was nonetheless highly price competitive. Producers only 130 spent more than $100,000; over 420 customers
were small, fragmented price takers in a market domi- spent less than $1,000.
nated by powerful, sophisticated customers. Market Lehigh had 7 product lines-Alloy, Bearing, Con-
share could be bought or sold by pricing slightly below version, Corrosion, Die Steel, High Speed and High
or above market price. Niches provided some protection Temp-of which three-Alloy, Die Steel and High
for producers. Reputation for exceptional quality and Speed-comprised 70% of sales. Die Steel was steel
technical services also earned producers some price hardened and strengthened for use in machine dies and
premium. However, when cost and price were notice- molds. The Die Steel market was broad, ranging from
ably out of alignment, manufacturers exited, pricing ingots to semi-finished and finished parts, and market
themselves quietly out of non-profitable products, participants felt the need to offer a full product line to
sourcing those critical to their product line from other maintain share, High Speed products served endurance
firms, Cost, therefore, was a significant competitive applications. such as metal cutting and punching, and
weapon in determining share and profits. were narrower in focus. Production of High Speed and
To manage utilization rates and unit costs, producers Die Steel products was relatively simple, requiring little
sought volume and long production runs. When demand technical or process support. By contrast, Alloy prod-
was strong, producers could select high volume orders ucts were complex. Their applications in aerospace
which allowed continuous operation at high-setup time frames, landing gears, missile cases and fasteners re-
workstations. In low demand, firms chased low-volume quired steel precisely graded by metallurgists within
niche business to fill plants, rationalizing the poor mar- tighter-than-standard ranges. super-cleaned by a double
gins as volume that would contribute against fixed-cost melt, and precisely rolled to narrow tolerances. By
while adding little variable cost. Unfortunately, this virtue of its superior product performance. Lehigh was
business required short production runs if Lehigh were able to command a small price premium for its alloys.
to avoid inventory buildupof customized products. Lehigh also carried niche product lines - Bearing,
Steel performance trended with the economy. Indus- Corrosion and High Temp-whose volume fluctuated
try profitabilityfluctuatedwidely,ranging from -16.7% with market conditions. Bearing steels were designed
to 5.0% in the late 1980s. Industry capacity utilization for a broad range of aircraft bearings and similar highly
peaked in 1988 at 89.2%, plummeted to 74.1% in 1991, stressed parts whose grade precision required a triple
and recovered partially to 82.2% in 1992. melt. Corrosion-resistant steels were designed to oper-
ate in challenging environments in markets such as oil
Markets and Products Customers ranged from large and gas exploration and medical implants. High Tem-
forge shops to original equipment manufacturers perature steels were designed to withstand sustained ex-
(OEMs), from distributors to tiny metalworkers, many posure to temperatures from 800F to 1300F, such as in
of whom added further value by cutting down the prod- jet engines. These product lines were highly complex.
uct or the order size. Lehigh classified its customers requiring significantly higher levels of support from
into 33 market segments whose requirements for grade metallurgy, for making very clean steel, and process en-
specificity. technical support and shipping varied. See gineering, for testing and certification. For example,
Exhibit l for a market summary. steel for artificial limbs had to pass stringent require-
During the recession, Lehigh pursued marginal busi- ments for purity, for which each part had to be certified.

.Almost 80% of metallurgists' time was spent on the onal Molds, forming ingots. Once solidified, ingots
niche product lines. were stripped and left to soak in a storage furnace to
Conversion involved the processing of non-Lehigh maintain malleability and prevent damage. Molding
owned material on equipment such as the PFF or the was a relatively laborious process, as each 2500-pound
CRM that was not economical for some producers to ingot had to be handled and moved manually. Some in-
own. The primary 'product' was the conversion of billet gots were then remelted to meet stringent purity re-
to roller wire for Palmer. Conversion was subtly com- quirements at either the Vacuum Arc Remelt Furnace or
plex, as the breadth of the end customer's product line the Electro Slafo Remelt Furnace, which cleansed the
translated into multiple rolling specifications, and mul- steel in solid form. Ingots were then Broken down into
tiple setups. semi-finished (rectangular) shapes such as billets and
Lehigh's product hierarchy was structured as fol- bars. The Mesta press hot-worked bars over 12/1ill di-
lows: product lines were broken down into grades, ameter, a small percentage of overall output. Most in-
which were subdivided into product shapes, and further gots were routed to the PFF. The PFF was $40 million
into skus, which reflected variations in size and finish. of relatively new technology in which an ingot was
In anyone year, Lehigh produced over 100 grades of heated and forged by 4 hammers progranuned to pro-
steel, 500 individual products, and over 7,000 individ- duce intermediate billets or bars. After being worked.
ual stock-keeping units (skus). Over multiple years, ac- the solid steel underwent a thermal treat called anneal-
tual production could span over 10,000 skus. See Ex- ing, or slow cooling, to prevent shrinking and cracking
hibit 2 for a product line summary. caused by air cooling.
Rolling transformed intermediate billets and bars
Production Operations Specialty steel producers into finished shapes. A hot rolling mill had a soaking
used steel scrap as the primary raw material. and essen- furnace to heat the steel, followed by a series of stands
tially recycled rather than manufactured steel. Produc- with progressively narrower rollers that pressed the hot
tion involved six steps, whose complexity varied by steel into progressively thinner sizes until it achieved its
product. See Exhibit 3 for a summary of the production final shape, such as a wire. A mill contained several sets
process. of stands to roll different shapes; however. only one
Hauled in with magnets and cranes, scrap purchased shape could be rolled at a time. Unique product shapes
for $114.20 per ton WaS pre-processed, or combined were rolled manually on the Hand Mill.' 95% of inter-
with iron-based compounds to achieve the low compos- mediates were rolled on the CRM into one of 4 prod-
ite residual (contaminant) levels required by Lehigh's ucts: rods, flats, coils and bars. Shape changeovers were
high-grade products. The scrap compound was Melted time-consuming events which dictated continuous 3
in the Electric Arc Furnace, where high-powered (80 shift production, as well as a set production schedule
megawatts) electrical charges heated the solid metal by with dedicated windows rotating within a 4 week cycle.
zapping it with arcs of electricity emanating from car- One out of four weeks was dedicated to the conversion
bon electrodes. Synthesized fluxes containing limes re- of billet to coil for Palmer. At $50 million, the CRM
fined the hot metal by binding with phosphorus and represented a capital investment that could not be dupli-
other impure elements, which were skimmed off. cated in less than five years. Labeling it the plant bottle-
The steel was further Refined by Argon Oxygen De- neck, Hall described the CRM as "the one manufactur-
carbeurization (AOD), in which oxygen or argon was ing process that has the most impact on Lehigh . . . in
bubbled through the molten metal to further burn off terms of the resources used and the schedule it drove."
impurities. Alloys were then added to achieve the spe- The final step was Finishing, which included a vari-
cial properties. The Melting and Refining processes ety of treatments. Most products were annealed a final
constituted chemical reactions between various ele- time to improve formability and make the surface more
ments which created the desired material. As tempera- durable, and rough turned, or straightened. Other treat-
ture was an essential factor in generating the appropri- ments included pickling (dipping in acid to clean off
ate chemical reaction, the hot metal processes were scaling) and polishing (grinding to produce a shiny,
carefully monitored and controlled by metallurgists to buffed finish). Pieces were tested or inspected if cus-
achieve the precise grade. tomer requested special tolerances in grade or shape.
The molten steel was teemed from ladles into octag- Finished product was shipped directly to customers.

Support activities were also critical to production. emphasize to convert sales into profits. Following its
Maintenance, depreciation and utilities were basic costs market strategy, Lehigh targeted a high value product
required to run the plant, and comprised 21% of rev- mix that would lever profits in strong demand, and
enues. Production support activities such as material cushion it in downturns with greater contributions to
handling/setup, production planning and order process- fixed costs per unit volume. CFO Jack Clark suggested
ing ebbed and flowed with order volume.Technical sup- a firm-wide product profitability analysis, which would
port-metallurgy and engineering-was considered enable market managers to rationalize unprofitable
the lifeblood of Lehigh's reputation. Around the indus- products and focus resources on high value ones.
try it was rumored that Lehigh had more metallurgists Clark reviewed the products' standard costs, which
per ton of steel than anyone in the world. General & ad- were used for both inventory valuation and decision-
ministrative included company-wide activities such as making. Product weight (pounds) was the primary unit
management, finance and research and development of measure for standard cost, which included materials,
(R&D). R&D combined raw research in materials sci- labor, direct manufacturing expense and overhead cost
ence with applied research in production technologies. categories. Standards for materials and direct labor
were based on the bill of materials and routings, and in-
cluded yield factors for scrap and rework. Scrap pre-
The Casefor Chang~ processing was handled as a material burden rather than
Industry wisdom stated that steel profits were a simple a routing step. Direct manufacturing costs such as
function of prices, costs and volume. However, 1991 maintenance and utilities were allocated to products
presented challenges in all three fundamental profit dri- based on machine hours. Indirect manufacturing and
vers. Market prices declined sharply to near or below administrativecosts were allocated to products based on
product cost, lower in real terms than 1982 levels. Vol- pounds produced, since weight was assumed to be the
ume was availableat market price, though in the form of primary driver of resource consumption.
niche specialties and small orders, but virtually disap- The results were not news: the most profitable prod-
peared at premium prices. Costs failed to decline with ucts-alloys-were already heavily promoted by mar-
price or volume: shrinking operating rates drove up unit keting and sales. If these products were truly profitable,
costs, and broader customer bases. and product lines where were profits?
bred complexity and increased labor resources, particu-
larly in scheduling.Profit could not be generatedsimply The Case for ABC In 1992, Clark attended a seminar
by working the tradition levers of price, cost or volume. on Activity-BasedCosting. He realized that Lehigh was
Particularly pressing were the simultaneous decline a perfect application for ABC as a discrete manufac-
of the' average order size and shortening of lead times, turer of thousands of skus that shared the same produc-
which had left volume-drivenLehigh flush with inven- tion processes, serving a diverse customer base with a
tories and cost. In an effort to meet these demands and wide range of support needs. They knew that individual
eliminate inventory 'waste', Mark Edwards,Director of customers and products made different demands for re-
Operations Planning and MIS, drove the 1991 move to sources, and that their standard cost system was likely
synchronous flow manufacturing.Edwardsbelieved that averaging the diverse resource use by products and cus-
Toyota's lean, pull-based manufacturing concepts were tomers. Resources were heavy on his mind: support re-
key to reducing inventory cost., and pushed for their sources had increased through the recession. The num-
adoption at Lehigh. The new approach appealed to the ber of production planners alone had increased by 25%
marketing managers, who could broaden their customer to handle the increased scheduling complexity of the
base by offering smaller orders. However, under the extra business.
current technology, it proved difficult to eliminate the Believing that ABC presented an opportunity to un-
steps in setups and changeovers critical to efficient derstand the drivers of profitability, Clark hired Bob
small order throughput, and production staff observed a Hall from Armco Steel. A steel industry accountant,
dramatic decline in efficiency. with undergraduate and MBA degrees in Accounting &
In late ·1992,Lehigh was reprieved somewhat by a Finance, Hall had spent a year developing an activity-
slow but steady market recovery. Facing an increase in based product costing application at Armco. As Man-
demand, Lehigh now had to choose which products to ager for Operations Accounting, Hall was assigned to

implement ABC at Lehigh. with the goal of arriving at a pared for the magnitude of the shift. Hall argued that
clearer sense of the product and customer channels that the ABC model was correcting distortions created by
were profitable to the company. standard costing, and that the ABC data was a true re-
Hall investigated the issue by performing a regres- flection of resource consumption. To facilitate accep-
sion analysis between the various product mixes and tance, the project team refined some allocations to more
overall company profitability over time. The results accurately reflect the consumption of certain activities
were curious': company profitability was highly corre- and resources. The refinements did not substantively
lated with high volumes of High Speed and Die Steel change the resu)ts.
sales. Under standard costing. the marketing managers Support for the ABC model began to grow. In partic-
had only tolerated these products, since they con- ular, production operations staff felt that the model con-
tributed against fixed costs, but believed that the real firmed some of their intuitions about profitable and un-
generators of profits were Alloys. Familiar with the the- profitable products, which were based on how smoothly
ory of ABC as well as the specialty steel business, Hall material flowed through the plant. Certainly, it was felt
agreed with Clark that standard costing was probably that ABC was an improvement over standard costing.
averaging uneven resource consumption across prod- However, some results remained counter-intuitive. For
ucts, and that resources thought to be benefiting the example, high temps showed a similar ABC profitabil-
whole business were in. fact only benefiting a subset. ity to high speeds, even though high speeds could be
The full ABC analysis would highlight the resource processed across the CRM At a rate 6 times faster.
consumption of individual products. Surely product profitability should reflect such vast dif-
The.ABC model encompassed all customers, prod- ferences in resource consumption.
ucts and operations. Hall followed the two stage
methodology of assigning general ledger account bal- The Case for TOe Edwards thought he understood
ances ('resource costs') to activities, using the resource why the ABC profit figures did not make sense. He had
driver 'percentage of time or effort expended'. and allo- thoroughly researched recent manufacturing theories in
cating activities to products and customers using cost his effort to reduce order planning and inventory costs,
drivers appropriate to that activity. The activity pools and had become a convert to lean manufacturing. He
and cost drivers reflected a 4 level ABC cost hierarchy had read all of Eli Goldratt's books on synchronous
of unit, batch, product and facility costs. The model in- manufacturing, summarized as the Theory of Con-
cluded 50 business processes and 270 activities. Activ- straints (TOe). TOC advocated proactive management
ity pools ranged from $5,017 for secretarial support to of the constraint in a business system, and vilified ab-
$1,096,952 for direct sales, with most covering $50,000 sorption accounting as the driver of unprofitable deci-
to $200,000. sion-making. It was intriguing that a theory of produc-
As with standard costing, material costs were based tion and operations management incorporated a theory
on the bill of materials structure (i.e. 14" ingot to 4 5/16/1 of management accounting. Perhaps the key to the
billet to 0.71" rod product), and included a burden rate profit puzzle would be found in TOC.
for material pre-processing, as well as a scrap yield fac- Edwards reread his notes on the principles of TOC
tor. Labor costs were based on the routing and standard accounting, which proposed a simple operational mea-
labor rates, and included a rework yield factor. Overhead sure to guide an organization toward the goal of making
. activities were driven to products using cost drivers that money. Throughput was defined as the quantity of
defined the causal relationship between the product and money which the (business) system generated through
the activity, such as number of orders, machine hours, or sales over a specified period of time. Generalized as
number of skus per product (a measure of product com- sales tess direct variable cost, it was most commonly
plexity). For activities that were environmentally re- calculated as sales less material cost, and was roughly
quired, such as administrative activities, costs were allo- comparable to contribution margin. Profit for the system
cated by the generic driver, 'pounds produced'. was increased by maximizing throughput per unit of the
The results were as. Hal! expected, and he was constrained resource. Interestingly. product costs played
pleased with the study. However, responses by the rest no part in TOC accounting. In fact, TOC proponents ar-
of the organization were understandably mixed. Antici- gued that product costing of any kind led to suboptimal
pating small changes in profits, managers were not pre- decision-making because it ignored the constraint of

time in a process. Edwards focused on a phrase he had he imagined the 'faster' products flowing smoothly
underlined several times that contradictedevery thing he through the plant, out the door to a customer. Other
had ever been taught about cost accounting: products seemed to crawl through the plant, requiring
slower machine speeds, and routing promptly to inven-
Throughput is not measured in terms of units produced, tory. He began to visualize the slowpokes at the bottle-
but in gross profit realized from units produced that are
sold. Emphasis is placed on getting products through the neck, tying up that critical resource, constraining
manufacturing process and sold in the least time possible. throughput and profits. Time was the only resource that
mattered in TOC, but time was not typically a factor
Edwards often walked through the plant as he rumi- used in Lehigh's decision-making.
nated. The ABC figures were not the only seemingly The key to profitability was to send only the most
contradictory results at that time. Despite a decrease in profitable products through the constraint. Operations
demand during the recession, Lehigh's lead times had staff would unequivocally identify the CRM as the con-
not decreased comparably.Excess material could easily straint in the plant. Edwards abandoned his production
be found on the shop floor despite the reduced process batch and returned to his desk to calculate Throughput
batches, which were supposed to facilitate the rapid for Lehigh's products. The results were almost as shock-
flow of material through the plant. and the reduction of ing as the ABC results, though for different reasons.
inventories. Had the reality of Lehigh's synchronous
manufacturing fallen short of the vision? Or was the tra- Accuunting for Change Edwards called Clark before
ditional accounting system contradicting the concepts the next Quarterly Financial Review,eager to share his
of synchronous flow. impeding its full implementation results. Concerned by the contradictions between the
and the realization of results? He decided to investigate three accounting theories--standard costing, ABC and
one batch of steel as it traveled through the plant. He TOC-Clark asked Hall and Edwards to present their
paused with his batch at rolling, where it would wait theories in the meeting. The managers would agree on
several days for its scheduled run. and reviewed what one and use it to target products. To simplify the ac-
he had seen. counting for the other managers, Hall and Edwards
He observed that some WIP piles were Jarger than agreed to model five products that were representative
others, and his batch had waited longer at some work- of the major product lines. Exhibit 4 contains product
stations than at others. He considered the possibility of data for the sample products. Exhibit 5 contains their
a constraint in the process. TOC advocated that man- standard costs used in the initial analysis. Exhibit 6 con-
agement attention be focused exclusively on the con- tains activity cost pools prior to Stage 2 cost allocation,
straint, which acted as the drum that set the pace for the The managers were equally confused by the differ-
entire operation. The capacity of the constraint deter- ent results. Surely calculating profits was a straightfor-
mined the capacity of the entire system. To increase ward exercise. They preferred to focus on the decision
throughput through the constraint was to increase at hand: which products to rationalize. Following
throughput for the entire system. Alternatively, to ig- either set of recommendations would likely have sig-
nore the constraint was to lose control of the process. nificant impact on Lehigh's product portfolio, not to
He also noted that products had moved at vastly differ- mention profits.
ent rates across workstations. Thinking of throughput,

EXIUBIT 1 Lehigh Market Summary

No. of 1992 Sal.. 1992 Sates
Market Segment
Cuatome ... ~Ibs) (S)
Auto Die 2 9,394 $30,595
Bar 16 966,896 $1,631,655
Bearing 8 130,714 ' $600.398
Billet 2 1,598,041 $556,615
Coil 7 981.341 $2,044,536
Cold Head 25 332,531 $876,704
Core Pin 7 1.044.121 $2,688,430
Die Cast 13 1,026,699 $1.487.216
Distributor 154 10.533,749 $15,585.553
Extrusion 28 5,667,407 $5,042,492
Fastener 10 148,345 $2,259,677
r:orge Billet 9 396.945 $395,515
Forge Die 6 323.131 $357,229
Forge Shop 34 7,416,347 $10,716,024
Gauge 3 10,274 $34.687
Ingot I Electrode 2 251.897 $56,269
Intercompany 1 431,672 $433,369
Knife 18 2,637,048 $2,893.755
Label Die 11 108,665 $153.991
Large OEM 92 7.576,997 $19,995.673
Mandrel Bar 19 19,452 $263.544
New 841 6,373.893 $12,811,325
Other 5 16..922 $39.651
Plastic Mold 6 51.906 $105,433
Punch 23 952,428 $1,967,775
Rock Bit 1 35,192 $33,784
RC>a1Form 8 291,928 $406,876
Special Machinery 11 3,725 $149,986
Spring 3 3,609 $118.992
Thread 3 614.882 $1.681,541
Wheel Mold 1 6,074 $8,204
Wire 1 5.074 $10,758
Z-Mill 3 332,021 $619.269

Total 1373 50,299.420 $87,057,521


EXHmlT 2 Lehigh Product Summary

No. of No. of 1992 Sales 1992 Sat..
Grades Products (Ibe) ($)

Alloy 21 153 11,836,227 $17,494,283

Bearing 7 24 329.816 $1,541.070
Conversion 16 16 5,516,107 $6,878,068
Corrosion 4 20 762,448 $1,327.111
Die Steel 49 156 22.336,768 $29,046,569
High Speed 24 97 9,375,129 $26,298.139
High Temp 3 16 142,925 $4,472,281

Total 124 482 50,299,420 $87,057.521

Proc ... Flow

Mold &
Melt -----+ Refine ~ Roll Finish



Electric Arc: Argon Oxygen Ingot Molda Continuoua Rolling Annealer

Furnace De<:arbuerlzer MUI(CRMI
(AOOI Precision Forging Bar Straightener
Facility (PFP) Hand Mill
Vacuum Arc B2 Turner
Remelt Melita Pre..

Electro Slag
Rem.elt Inspection

Vacuum Induction

EXHmIT 3 Lehigh Production Processes



EXHIBIT 4 Sample Product Data

Alloy: Ole Steel:
Converalon: Ole Steel: High Speed:
Condition Chtpper
Roller WIN Round Bar MaehineCoU
~ound Knife

Production (Jbs) 478,679 2,081,543 2,413,299 6,697,682 2,530,552

Number of skus 311 473 418 172 102
Number of orders 957 4,163 3,218 3,349 1,012

Bill of Materials (Ibs J Ib of output)

Steel scrap 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
AUoys 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01
(@ $48.29 J Ib) (@ S6.29/lb) (@ $15.29/Ib) (@ 5152.29/Ib)

Machine Time (min lIb; crew = 1)

Melting (Electric Arc Furnace) 0.20 0.00 0.09 0.09 0.09
Refining (YOo) 0.21 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.10
Molding I Breakdown (Ingot I PFF) 0.12 0.00 0.07 0.08 0.07
Rolling (CRM) 0.10 0.15 0.33 0.09 0.03
Finishing (multiple) 0.06 0.02 0.07 0.08 0.05

Total time 0.69 0.17 0.66 0.44 0.34


EXHIBIT 5 Standard Cost Results

Alloy: DleS*I:
Converaion: Ole Steel: High Speed:
Standard CoM ($ lib) Condition Chipper
Roner Wire Round a.r Machine Coli
Round Knife

Price S2.31 $0.77 S1.02 $0.93 $2.33

Materials SO.54 $0.00 $0.12 $0.21 $1.58

Dlredlabor $0.29 SO.07 $0.28 $0.18 $0.14
Oirect manufacturing expense $0.24 $0.06 $0,23 $0.16 $0.12

Contribution margin $1.24 SO.64 $0.39 $0.38 $0.49

Contribution margin (%) 53.7% 83.1% 38.2% 40.9% 21.0%
Total contribution $593,562 S1,332,188 $941,187 $2.545.119 $1,239.970

Manufacturing& administrative 50.64 $0.64 $0.64 $0.64 $0.64


Operating profit $0.60 50.00 ($0.25) ($0.26) ($0.15)

Operating profit (%) 26.0% 0.0% ·24.5% ·28.0% -6.4%
Totaloe!ratlns profit $287,207 $0 ~$603,325~ ~$1.741.39n ~$379,583~

EXHIBIT 6 Lehigh Activity Cost Pools

Activity Driver Amount

Melting: Depreciation melt machine minutes 5,145,632 $2,139,865

Melting: Maintenance melt machine minutes 5.145.632 $975.130
Melting: Utilities melt machine minutes 5,145.632 $2.036.477
Refining: Depreciation refine machine minutes 5.691.042 $1.711,892
Refining: Maintenance refine machine minutes 5,691,042 $780,104
Refining: Utilities refine machine minutes 5.691,042 $1,745,551
Molding: Depreciation mold machine minutes 4,226,965 $427.913
Molding: Maintenance mold machine minutes 4.226,965 $390,052
Molding: Utilities mold machine minutes 4.226,965 $290,925
Rolling: Depreciation roll machine minlJtes 8.258,382 $2,995,811
Rolling: Maintenance roll machine minutes 8.258,382 $975,130
Rolling: Utilities roll machine minutes 8.258.382 $872,1'/6
Finishing: Depreciation finish machine minutes 4,057,311 $1,283,919
Finishing: Maintenance finish machine minutes 4,057.311 $780,104
Finishing: Utilities finish machine minutes 4.057,311 $872,776
General & Administrative pounds 50.299,420 $5.400.955
Material Handling & Setup* orders 57.147 $4,936,068
Order Processing orders 57,147 $3,953.709
Production Planning orders 57,147 $3,339,500
Technical Support skus 6,642 $5.766,579
Total $41,675,296

·Material Handling & Setup includes Depreciation for setup hours


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