ASL Hakkaa Paalle Errata Ver 1 PDF
ASL Hakkaa Paalle Errata Ver 1 PDF
ASL Hakkaa Paalle Errata Ver 1 PDF
10.6 RALLY: Broken units of both sides may attempt to rally during any 13.3 PANZERFAUST (PF): The PF31 is a potentially inherent SW of
RPh if a Good Order friendly leader is present in the same Location [EXC: every German Infantry unit after September 1943 (see A25.76 for Finnish
Armor Leader (D3.4); see D6.651 for Passengers]. In addition, Finns
[EXC: Conscripts (25.7)], broken leaders and crews as well as one MMC use and A25.85 for Romanian and Hungarian use), and uses the C3 To Hit
per Player Turn (18.11) may attempt Self-Rally without the presence of a Table (as per 13.33) and the C7.33 HEAT To Kill Table to resolve any
Good Order leader. To rally, a broken unit must make a DR ≤ the morale vehicular hit. PF are not normally available prior to 10/43; prior to that
number on its broken side. The leadership modifier of any Good Order date, encounters with PF were limited to some 5,000 weapons undergoing
leader attempting to rally a broken unit modifies the Rally DR. There is no combat trials, which in the game are termed PFk. Possible encounters with
penalty for failing a Rally attempt [EXC: Fate; 10.64]. No unit may PFk can occur anytime after July 1943, but only as per SSR.
attempt to rally more than once per Player Turn regardless of any Self-
Rally capability/leader access. However, one leader may attempt to
individually rally all the broken units in his Location.
Page D1: at end of Order of Presentation, add “17. Aerosans”.
1.82 LEADER EXCHANGE DR: After the player’s leaders have been
allotted, he may make one DR in an attempt to upgrade the quality of his best RUSSIAN SW ALLOTMENT CHART1,3
leader (only one DR regardless of how many leaders of that best quality his LMG MMG HMG .50cal ATR4 LT. MTR FT2 DC2
OB contains). If the Leader Exchange DR results in a better leader than his Thru 40 8 14 18 23 -- 6 4 3
current best, that leader is exchanged for the one indicated by the DR. 41 9 15 22 25 13 9 3 2
However, if the Leader Exchange DR is a 12, an 8-0 (or any other leader of his 423 10 18 24 26 10 12 3 2
choice, if no 8-0 is present) in his OB must be exchanged for a 6+1 [EXC: The
Finnish player may add an 8+1 in lieu of making a Leader Exchange DR]. 43 8 13 19 24 8 7 3 2
44 7 10 15 22 6 8 2 1
45 6 9 14 20 7 11 2 1
# In Game 17 12 8 6 10 5 4 10
8+1* 8+1*