ASL Hakkaa Paalle Errata Ver 1 PDF

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The document makes several errata changes to the rules for the game ASL regarding units and terrain. Specific changes are made for rules involving Finnish units. A new terrain type of 'Light Woods' is added to the game. The Panzerfaust is added as a potential weapon for German infantry after September 1943.

Specific changes are made to the rules to differentiate Finnish units from other Axis units, such as having different starting leader ratings and squad weapon allotments. Finnish conscripts and certain elite Finnish units are exempted from some suppression and rally rules.

A new terrain type of 'Light Woods' is added to the game and given a placement in the order of terrain presentation.

Hakkaa Päälle Errata Ver 1.

0 (31 July 2015)

Jonathan Nuwesra
Klas Malmström & Paul Ybarrondo Page B1: at end of Order of Presentation, add “35. Light
Woods” and “36. Prepared Fire Zone”.
Index: for Fire Lane “Hard” Hindrance, after “Graveyard”
add “/Light Woods”. 1. Open Ground 19. Gullies
2. Shellholes 20. Streams & Crest Status
3. Roads 21. Water Obstacles
Fire Lane “Hard” Hindrance (modifies Fire Lanes; AFV/ 4. Sunken Road 22. Valley
Bridge/Crag/Debris/Graveyard/Light Woods/Olive Grove/ 5. Elevated Road 23. Buildings
Orchard/Palm Trees/Seawall/Wooden Pier/Wreck): A9.222 6. Bridges 24. Rubble
7. Runways 25. Fire
8. Sewers & Tunnels 26. Wire
9. Walls & Hedges 27. Entrenchments
A7.9: line 11, after “Finns” add “[EXC: Conscripts (25.7)]”. 10. Hills 28. Minefields
11. Cliffs 29. Roadblocks
12. Brush 30. Pillboxes
Fire Lane, IFE, Canister, Aircraft, British Elite and First Line units, 13. Woods 31. Village Terrain
Finns [EXC: Conscripts (25.7)], Sniper, ordnance, OBA, or any form of 14. Orchard 32. Railroads
vehicular fire. Cowering FP penalties are doubled (i.e., resolved two 15. Grain 33. Stream-Hex Terrain
columns lower on the IFT) for an attack by Inexperienced (19.33) 16. Marsh 34. Towers
Personnel (even in conjunction with other troops). Cowering does not 17. Crag 35. Light Woods
affect CC or DC resolution (including Reaction Fire; D7.2). If a FG 18. Graveyard 36. Prepared Fire Zone
cowers, Random Selection is used to determine the unit(s) (and its SW)
that becomes marked with a Prep or Final Fire counter.

C13.3: line 2, after “September 1943” add “(see A25.76 for

A10.6: line 3, after “Finns” add “[EXC: Conscripts (25.7)]”. Finnish use and A25.85 for Romanian and Hungarian use)”.

10.6 RALLY: Broken units of both sides may attempt to rally during any 13.3 PANZERFAUST (PF): The PF31 is a potentially inherent SW of
RPh if a Good Order friendly leader is present in the same Location [EXC: every German Infantry unit after September 1943 (see A25.76 for Finnish
Armor Leader (D3.4); see D6.651 for Passengers]. In addition, Finns
[EXC: Conscripts (25.7)], broken leaders and crews as well as one MMC use and A25.85 for Romanian and Hungarian use), and uses the C3 To Hit
per Player Turn (18.11) may attempt Self-Rally without the presence of a Table (as per 13.33) and the C7.33 HEAT To Kill Table to resolve any
Good Order leader. To rally, a broken unit must make a DR ≤ the morale vehicular hit. PF are not normally available prior to 10/43; prior to that
number on its broken side. The leadership modifier of any Good Order date, encounters with PF were limited to some 5,000 weapons undergoing
leader attempting to rally a broken unit modifies the Rally DR. There is no combat trials, which in the game are termed PFk. Possible encounters with
penalty for failing a Rally attempt [EXC: Fate; 10.64]. No unit may PFk can occur anytime after July 1943, but only as per SSR.
attempt to rally more than once per Player Turn regardless of any Self-
Rally capability/leader access. However, one leader may attempt to
individually rally all the broken units in his Location.
Page D1: at end of Order of Presentation, add “17. Aerosans”.

A11.17: line 3, before “Finns” add “Elite/1st-Line”. 14. Radioless AFV

15. Motorcycles & Bicycles
11.17 STEALTH: A SSR may bestow special powers of Stealth on 16. DD Tanks & Amphibians
Good Order troops to reflect their ferocious nature in CC or adeptness 17. Aerosans
at night fighting or ambush. ANZAC, Gurkhas, Elite/1st-Line Finns,
Heroes, Commandos, and Partisans are always considered Stealthy
unless Lax. See G1.6 for Japanese. Such Good Order troops receive -1 D8.21: in the table, add a new row with “+1” in the “DRM”
drm to their Ambush status dr (11.4), Concealment Growth dr column and “Entry of Light Woods at one-third MP
(12.122), Searching dr (12.152), and Search Casualties dr (12.154). allotment” in the “Cause” column.

+1 Entry of Light Woods at one-third MP allotment

A20.55: next to last line, replace “non-Finnish Axis Minors
[EXC: Hungarians in Hungary; see 25.8]” with “Axis Minors * +1 instead if moving from Factory hex to non-rubble hex within the same Factory (B23.742)
[EXC: within own national borders vs Russians; 25.82]”. NA if ordnance is 76-107mm MTR
NA if on paved road or in building
NA if in building or on plowed road
subsequently eliminated or recaptured. Only Infantry may escape and
Italians, Japanese, and Axis Minors [EXC: within own national borders
vs Russians; 25.82] will not attempt escape unless abandoned.27
D8.23: line 2, change “motorcycle; 15.47” to “motorcycle +X SMOKE Hindrance DRM as per E.6
(15.47); Aerosans (17.24)”. +3 Target is in building/woods/rubble/orchard (in season)
+2 Target is in Light Woods
+1 Target is in brush/grain/marsh/crag/graveyard
+1 Target is within four hexes of non-HIP vehicle/MMC friendly to and in the
8.23 MUD & DEEP SNOW: When scenario Weather (E3) is “Mud” or LOS of the aircraft
“Deep Snow”, a vehicle [EXC: motorcycle (15.47); Aerosans (17.24)] must +1 Mist/Dust/Heat-Haze (regardless of Aerial Range)
chance a Bog DR whenever it enters a hex or hexside without benefit of a -1 Target is vehicular, or boat in water
-1 Target has entered a new hex/used VBM/been in Motion during this Player
paved/plowed road/runway hexside. The opponent makes one Secret (D.5) Turn*
Bog Check DR for the vehicle’s entire MPh (unless it enters—or, in the case -1 Target is part of a Convoy or Column
of a stream, exits—a regular Bog hex in which case a Bog DR is also made -1 Target has been attacked by a friendly plane during this Player Turn
for that hex; see also E3.752), plus a Secret dr. If the Secret Bog Check DR is -2 Target is not entirely concealed/HIP
sufficient to cause a Bog, note is taken of the Secret dr. The Bog takes place
in a hex along the vehicle’s path equal to the dr; e.g., if the dr was a 2, the
opponent must declare the vehicle bogged in the second hex (/Bypassed
hexside) moved into during that MPh which can cause such a Bog result. MP H1.202: lines 1 & 4, change “Ski capability” to “Skis”; line 5
expenditure is not a factor. If the vehicle does not move into that many hexes
& 12, change “ski capability” to “skis”; lines 8-9, change “ski
(/Bypassed hexsides) subject to Bog, no Bog result occurs.
capability has” to “skis have”.

1.202 SKI CAPABILITY: Skis (and Winter Camouflage; E4.4)

E1.23: in the table, after “Japanese” add “, Finns”. can be purchased for a DYO OB at a cost of two extra points per
elite MMC purchased [EXC: Sissi (A25.73) are ski-equipped as part
British, Partisans, Russians, Japanese, Finns +1 of their BPV]. Skis may not be selectively allotted to certain
Stealthy +1 Personnel; all elite Personnel of that side must be given skis, which
Germans, U.S. 0 is indicated on the Roster by recording in the “MPV ea” column the
All other nationalities -1 MMC’s BPV (first adjusted as per 1.22-.24, if applicable) increased
Lax -1 by two, and by recording “Sk” in the “A/B” column of the same line.
When skis have been purchased for all elite MMC on a side, all
SMC (as well as all crew counters that directly or indirectly result
from the purchase of Guns, and all elite HS counters that likewise
result from the purchase of vehicles) on that side are also considered
E1.61: line 2, before “Finns” add “Elite/1st-Line”. to have skis at no extra cost.

1.61 STEALTHY: At night, Stealthy units are generally those design-

nated as Commando, Ranger, ANZAC, Gurkha, Elite/1st-Line Finnish,
Good Order SMC, or Partisan. H1.28 and German DYO Divider: below the ELR Chart, in
the Axis Minor note, change “Finns’ ELR always equals
Germans’” to “see page H187 for Finns”.
E3.: fourth sentence, at the end add “and on page H186 for
use in Finland and the Leningrad-Murmansk area”. Axis Minors are always two less than Germans [EXC: see page H187 for Finns]
Non-Italian Allied Minors are always 3
ed in Chapters F (WEST OF ALAMEIN) and G (GUNG HO!) for use in
North Africa and the Pacific Theater respectively and on page H186 for
use in Finland and the Leningrad-Murmansk area. Weather dictated by
the Weather Chart always takes precedence over the determination of EC H1.44: at the end, add “or an Ahkio, which costs 1 BPV”.
(B25.5); e.g., an EC result of “Snow” or “Mud” does not activate those
respective weather rules if the Temperate Weather Chart result/SSR
1.44 HORSES & WAGONS: The BPV cost of
listing (or non-listing) is Clear—only their EC DRM/drm applies.
a wagon/sledge is five points. Horses can be pur-
chased only in squad-sized counters, at a BPV
E3.712: line 1, delete “Infantry”. cost of five points each. No Vehicle Availability
DR is necessary to purchase these units or an Ahkio, which costs 1 BPV.
3.712 WINTER CAMOUFLAGE: In any type of snow, any
unit/vehicle (not PRC) specified as having Winter Camouflage receives a

H1.53 and German DYO Divider: replace the “Finnish

OBA Availability Chart” with “See page H187 for Finns.”
E7.3: in the table, add a new row with “+2” in the “DRM”
column and “Target is in Light Woods” in the “Condition” (Place next to/to the right of the table to indicate redirection;
column. some players may prefer to simply add a note to the existing
table instead of deleting it completely.)
H1.83: delete “-FINNISH” from the GERMAN SW
ALLOTMENT CHART title and delete all the “/x” (slashes
See page H187 for Finns.

See page H187 for Finns.

and the number following them) from that chart in the “# In
Game” row. Add footnote 4 to the “ATR” heading in the
footnote 4 with “Not available until Dec. 1941.” (H190 errata
for rule H1.83: also delete all “/x” from all entries in the ATR
column, i.e., remove all information related to Finns from the
H1.83 table.)


H1.531: in the table, at the end of the † note add “See page 39-42 6 10 15 6 6 -- 2 1
H187 for Finns.” 43 5 9 13 6 9 125 2 1
44-45 4 6 10 -- 12 6 2 1
† If the German player in a pre-1944 scenario rolls < the exponent, he receives one or more # In Game 12 6 6 3 5 10 5 6
Stuka Dive Bombers; if he rolls equal to the exponent he receives one or more Fighter-
Bombers (E7.21). Axis Minors Air Support Availability Number is always two less than
German. †† See page H187 for Finns. RUSSIAN SW ALLOTMENT CHART1,3
Thru 40 8 14 18 23 -- 6 4 3
41 9 15 22 25 13 9 3 2
H1.6 and German DYO Divider: in the Fortification BPV 423 10 18 24 26 10 12 3 2
table, add a new row with “PFZ” in the “TYPE:” column and 43 8 13 19 24 8 7 3 2
“8 per factor16” in the “COST:” column, and in the footnotes 44 7 10 15 22 6 8 2 1
add “16: See B36.6; although PFZ are not a Fortification, list 45 6 9 14 20 7 11 2 1
these in the Fortifications section of the DYO Purchase
# In Game 11 6 4 2 5 5 4 6

PFZ 8 per factor16

: Not available until Dec. 1941.
: Not available until Sept. 1943.
: See B36.6; although PFZ are not a Fortification, list these in the
Fortifications section of the DYO Purchase Roster.
**The following table is for ASLRB’s published during BV2:


H1.82: last line, change “a 12 DR equals “no effect” for a
Finnish OB” to “The Finnish player may add an 8+1 in lieu of
39-42 6 10 15 6 6 -- 2 1
making a Leader Exchange DR”. In the table, add “8+1*” in
43 5 9 13 6 9 125 2 1
the “12” column of the Finnish row (this also applies to the
44-45 4 6 10 -- 12 6 2 1
German DYO Divider).
# In Game 18 10 9 7 5 10 9 15

1.82 LEADER EXCHANGE DR: After the player’s leaders have been
allotted, he may make one DR in an attempt to upgrade the quality of his best RUSSIAN SW ALLOTMENT CHART1,3
leader (only one DR regardless of how many leaders of that best quality his LMG MMG HMG .50cal ATR4 LT. MTR FT2 DC2
OB contains). If the Leader Exchange DR results in a better leader than his Thru 40 8 14 18 23 -- 6 4 3
current best, that leader is exchanged for the one indicated by the DR. 41 9 15 22 25 13 9 3 2
However, if the Leader Exchange DR is a 12, an 8-0 (or any other leader of his 423 10 18 24 26 10 12 3 2
choice, if no 8-0 is present) in his OB must be exchanged for a 6+1 [EXC: The
Finnish player may add an 8+1 in lieu of making a Leader Exchange DR]. 43 8 13 19 24 8 7 3 2
44 7 10 15 22 6 8 2 1
45 6 9 14 20 7 11 2 1
# In Game 17 12 8 6 10 5 4 10
8+1* 8+1*

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