Pentecost Sunday: University Catholic Center
Pentecost Sunday: University Catholic Center
Pentecost Sunday: University Catholic Center
Mon: Jas 1:1-11; Mk 8:11-13
Tues: Jas 1:12-18; Mk 8:14-21 $3,553
Wed: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Jn 15:9-17 $1,750 $2,055 $2,138 $2,008
Thurs: Jas 2:1-19; Mk 8:27-33 $2,000
Fri: Jas 2:14-24, 26; Mk 8:34 – 9:1
Sat: Jas 3:1-10; Mk 9:2-13 $0
Sun: Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9; Dn 3; 2 Cor 13:11-13; Jn 3:16-18 3/30 4/6 4/13 4/20 4/27 5/4
At mass today 16 students from our 2nd UCC FUNCTIONS FOR THIS WEEK
Grade Religious Education (RE) program
will celebrate the Sacrament of First Com-
munion at the 10:30 am mass. Please join Week of May 11, 2008
Fr. Dave, Fr. Ed, Deacon John, the UCC staff and community Monday May 12
in celebrating this accomplishment. Congratulations to the ∗ 12:05 pm Mass HSC
following students, their teacher Ann Phipps, and their par- ∗ 6:30 pm Social Justice MT
ents in achieving their First Communion: ∗ 7 pm RCIA BSMT
1. Atiyeh Assaf 9. Daniel Kauffman Tuesday May 13 Our Lady of Fatima
2. Owen Benner 10. Dominic Kinsey ∗ 12:30 pm Mass HSC
3. Molly Blankenship 11. AJ Marks ∗ 7 pm UGAP MT
4. Marcella Cannatti 12. Katie Montoya Wednesday May 14 St Matthias, Apostle (F)
5. Diego Carlson 13. Garrison Powell ∗ 8:30 am Leadership Day STML
6. Aidan Collier 14. Aidan Sankar ∗ 12:05 pm Mass HSC
7. Alejandra Escobar 15. Sean Seiley Thursday May 15
8. Hayes Ewald 16. Reed Syzdek ∗ 12:30 pm Mass HSC
∗ 8 pm Adoration HSC
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Friday May 16
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord ∗ 12:05 am Mass HSC
Jesus Christ! (Eph 1:2) St. Paul began many of his letters with Saturday May 17
this greeting. Paul wrote lots of letters because he traveled a
lot – 10,000 miles over a 10-year period. As missionaries to Sunday May 18 Most Holy Trinity
North America, Paulists travel a lot too. With this letter I in- ∗ 10:30 am Graduation Mass HSC
∗ 7 pm RCIA Dismissal MT
form you of my new assignment as Vocation Director of the
Paulist Fathers effective this summer. My office will be based
out of the Paulist mother house in New York City. Mixed This Gospel reading is the basis of the sacrament
emotions abound. On the one hand, I love the Paulists, and I of Penance. How frequently is this sacrament a
am excited to be asked by my community's leadership to be part of your spiritual life?
its chief recruiter. I will travel the country to encourage young
men to consider the way of life that gives me so much joy,
and serves the Catholic Church in North America in a On May 13 at 6:30 pm, St. Austin Social Justice Ministry
uniquely American way. No other Catholic religious order will host a viewing of the death penalty documentary At
speaks to our culture by giving the Word a voice in such a Death House Door in the Our Lady of Guadalupe room. The
modern way: reaching out, bringing peace, and seeking unity. movie follows Rev. Carroll Pickett, who served 15 years as
No other Catholic religious order invests money and man- the death penalty unit chaplain in Huntsville, Texas and also
power in areas like ecumenical and interreligious dialog, out- tells the story of Carlos De Luna, a convict whose execution
haunted Pickett more than any other.
reach to young adults, evangelization though media outlets,
and reconciliation of the hurt and alienated. I like introducing
folks to the Paulists. But saying goodbye hurts like hell. In
All are invited to attend the ordination of
two separate assignments I have served the UCC for a total of
Christopher John Downey, Justin Minh Nguyen,
seven years. In that time, you have inspired me with your Evaristus Uche Obikwelu, Jonathan Daniel Raia
faith stories, challenged my thinking with your insightful and William Robert Straten to the Order of
questions, and caused me to laugh with your keen senses of Deacon on May 17 at 10:30 a.m. at St. Margaret
humor. I have joined you at the altar for the breaking of the Mary Parish in Cedar Park.
bread, heard your confessions, witnessed your exchanges of Jonathan Raia is from the UCC, and was a very
vows, baptized your children, retreated, planned, prayed, and active member while attending The University of Texas.
eaten with you countless times. I will miss you so very much.
In a few weeks we should know the Paulist who will be lucky
Fr. Hecker Quote of the Week: The radical remedy for the
enough to serve you as the 10th director of the UCC in this
evils of our age consists in increased attention and
centennial year of Catholic campus ministry at UT. If you fidelity to the action of the Holy Spirit in the soul.
show my successor half the love you have offered me, he will Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created and
be blessed indeed. In the peace of Christ, Father Dave. You shall renew the face of the earth!