Lecture 04 - Macroscopic and Microscopic Forms of Energy

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Learning objectives

• Introduce the concept of energy and define its various forms.

• Discuss the nature of internal energy.
• Define the concept of heat and the terminology associated with energy
transfer by heat.
• Define the concept of work, including electrical work and several forms of
mechanical work.
• Introduce the first law of thermodynamics, energy balances, and mechanisms
of energy transfer to or from a system.
• Determine that a fluid flowing across a control surface of a control volume
carries energy across the control surface in addition to any energy transfer
across the control surface that may be in the form of heat and/or work.
• Define energy conversion efficiencies.
Energy conservation

• Temperature will rise

• On the basis of conservation
of energy
• Electrical energy thermal
energy stored in the room air

Forms of energy
• Thermal, Mechanical , Kinetics, Potential, Electrical, Magnetic,
Chemical, Nuclear
Total energy E is sum of all forms of energy provided to the system.
•Macroscopic – Kinetic and Potential
•Microscopic – related to molecular structure- independent of outside
• Sum of all microscopic forms of energy is called Internal Energy,
Forms of energy
Macroscopic forms of energy
• Related to motion, influence of external
field (gravity, magnetic field, electricity,
surface tension)
The macroscopic energy
Kinetic Energy of an object changes
• The energy of the system associated with with velocity and
its relative motion with reference frame elevation.

Potential Energy
• The energy of the system due to the
elevation in a gravitational field

In the absence of magnetic, electric, and surface tension , total

energy is given by
Internal energy
Sensible energy
Portion of energy associated with KE of
Latent energy
Energy required to change the phase of the
Chemical Energy
Energy associated with chemical bonds in
Nuclear Energy
Energy associated with the strong bonds
within the nucleus of the atom
Macroscopic vs. Microscopic Kinetic Energy
• The total energy of a system, can be
contained or stored in a system, and
The macroscopic kinetic energy
thus can be viewed as the static is an organized form of energy
forms of energy. and is much more useful than
• The forms of energy not stored in a the disorganized microscopic
system can be viewed as the kinetic energies of the
dynamic forms of energy or as molecules.
energy interactions.
• The dynamic forms of energy are
recognized at the system boundary
as they cross it, and they represent
the energy gained or lost by a
system during a process.
• The only two forms of energy
interactions associated with a
closed system are heat transfer
and work.
• The difference between heat transfer and work: An energy interaction is heat
transfer if its driving force is a temperature difference. Otherwise it is work.
Mechanical energy
Form of energy that can be converted
to mechanical work completely and
directly by an ideal mechanical device
such as an ideal turbine.
Examples: KE and PE

Mechanical energy per unit mass=flow energy+ KE + PE

Mechanical energy
Maximum (ideal) power
Energy transfer by heat
Heat- form of energy that is transferred,
by virtue of temperature difference,
• two systems
• a systems and its surrounding

Temperature difference is
the driving force for heat
Energy can cross the transfer. The larger the
boundaries of a closed temperature difference, the
system in the form of higher is the rate of heat
heat and work. transfer.
Energy transfer by heat

Energy is recognized as
During an adiabatic process, a
heat transfer only as it
system exchanges no heat with its
crosses the system

Usually Q (kJ), or q (kJ/kg)

Many occasion, rate of heat transfer is needed, which is denoted by
Historical Background of Heat

• Kinetic theory: Treats molecules

as tiny balls that are in motion and
thus possess kinetic energy.
• Heat: The energy associated with
the random motion of atoms and
Heat transfer mechanisms:
• Conduction: The transfer of energy
from the more energetic particles of
a substance to the adjacent less
energetic ones as a result of
interaction between particles.
• Convection: The transfer of energy
between a solid surface and the In the early nineteenth century, heat
adjacent fluid that is in motion, and
it involves the combined effects of was thought to be an invisible fluid
conduction and fluid motion. called the caloric that flowed from
• Radiation: The transfer of energy warmer bodies to the cooler ones.
due to the emission of
electromagnetic waves (or
Next lecture

• Introduce the concept of energy and define its various forms.

• Discuss the nature of internal energy.
• Define the concept of heat and the terminology associated with energy
transfer by heat.
• Define the concept of work, including electrical work and several forms of
mechanical work.
• Introduce the first law of thermodynamics, energy balances, and mechanisms
of energy transfer to or from a system.
• Determine that a fluid flowing across a control surface of a control volume
carries energy across the control surface in addition to any energy transfer
across the control surface that may be in the form of heat and/or work.
• Define energy conversion efficiencies.

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