Deep and Meaningful

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The key takeaways are that the workbook aims to help participants discover their life purpose through self-reflection exercises and exploring topics like astrology, personality types, and personal values.

The purpose of the workbook is to guide participants through a process of self-discovery to help them understand their life path and evolution.

The workbook covers topics like astrological and numerological reports, personal transformation, creativity exercises, and evaluating one's goals, values and sense of purpose.

Life Purpose Development

for your Body, Mind & Soul

Foundation Program

Participant Workbook

Program developed by: Katrena Friel

Copyright ©2008 by Katrena Friel

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system or transmitted in any form whatsoever, without the
permission in writing from the publisher.

Published by Katrena Friel



All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real
persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

ISBN 978-0-646-49155-4

Design and layout by Katrena Friel

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Foundation Program

Participant Workbook

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Greetings & Welcome
This workshop gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in
yourself. Teaching you about your path, with the aim to discover
through your own experience what your life purpose means to your

Wisdom is not one particular experience, nor a series of ideas or

knowledge to be collected. It is an ongoing process of discovery
that unfolds when we live with balance and full awareness in each
moment. It grows out of our sincerity and genuine openness, and
it can lead us to a whole new world of freedom.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Table of Contents
Greetings & Welcome 4
The 10 Rules for Being Human 8

Astrological & Numerological Report Review 14

Personal Transformation 16

Personality and Soul Cards 16

The Major Arcana 18
The Minor Arcana 32
The Minor Arcana – Court Cards 46

Year Card 55
Zodiac Card 57
Numerological Lessons & Opportunities Cards 59
Soul Number - Numerological Lessons & Opportunities 61
Sun Sign – Zodiac Lessons & Opportunities 61
Destiny Card 62
Persona Card 63
Personal Potential Card 63
Inner Teacher Card 64
Mode of Expression 65
Lifetime Year Card Graph 66

A Personal Renaissance 67

The 7 Da Vincian Principles 68

Curiosita 69
Dimostrazione 72
Sensazione 74
Sfumato 77

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Arte/Scienza 78
Corporalita 79
Connessione 80

Master Mind Map of your Life 81

Exploring your goals 82

Clarifying your Core Values 82
Contemplating Your Purpose 83
Statement of Purpose 83
Looking for Connections 83
Assessing Current Reality 83
Strategising for Change 84

The Invitation 85

Creative Dream 87

Games 88
Courage to let loose the wonders inside 89
Solo Adventures 90
Yes and No 91
Lie down immediately 92
Surprises 93

Gifts 94
More Self-Love 95
Clock of Forgiveness 96
Deep Gratitude 97
Breathe 98
Clock of Patience 99

Love 100
Inner Allies, Mentors, Teachers 101
Inspiration 102
Willingness 103
Experiencing Support 104
Radical Self-Acceptance 105

Positive Challenge 106

Grudge Island 107
Ask Yourself 108
Transforming Fears 109
Contacting People 110
Call for reach out for good things 111
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Time 112
Perfectionism 113
Micromovements 114
Procrastination 115
Time Stretcher 116
Overwhelm 117

Permission 118
Asking and Receiving 119
Napping 120
Doing things badly 121
Begin Again 122
To be Successful 123

Fear 124
Inertia 125
Inside Critics 126
Impatience 127
Resistance 128
Blaming 129

Reminders 130
Making it Real 131
Practice Micromovements 132
Make your most alive choices 133
Study Energy 134
Develop Support 135

Celebrating 136
Being of Service 137
Your are Inspiring 138
Welcoming Creative Dreams 139
Celebrating Mistakes 140
Acknowledging 141

A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity 142

Basic Principals 144

Childhood 145
Environment 150
Time Travel 150

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Wish List 153
Key Competencies Quiz 154
Personal 154
Creative 154
Technical 154
Managerial 154

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Summary 155

Life Plan Development 155

Program Evaluation 160

The 10 Rules for Being Human

1. You will receive a body
2. You will be presented with lessons
3. There are no mistakes only lessons
4. Lessons are repeated until learned
5. Learning does not end
6. There is no better than “here”
7. Others are only mirrors of you
8. What you make of your life is up to you
9. All the answers lie inside of you
10. You will forget all of this at birth

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.

Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel
insecure around you.

We were all meant to shine as children do.

It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
When booking your place at the Deep and Meaningful Life Purpose
Workshop please provide your:

Full Name:

Date of Birth:

Time Birth:

Place of Birth:

On arrival, as part of your materials you will have a full Astrological Chart and
Numerological Chart pre-prepared for you as a take home gift and great
reference document to continue your journey.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008

 A photo of yourself when you were a child.

 Any old journals

to use as a
particularly when
you were very

 Ensure you have

provided your date
of birth details prior
to the workshop.

 Any special food

requirements you
may have.


 Swimming costume and a towel

 If the weather is lovely, you are welcome to stay and have a swim and
champagne at the end of the day.
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008

All materials including:

 Workbook
 Text Books
 Personal Journal
 Pens & Paper
 Post-it Notes

Catering including:

 fresh fruit
 a variety of juices
 dried fruit & nuts
 crackers
 water
 tea & coffee, normal milk, a selection of herbal teas

We will be taking breaks for morning and afternoon tea and lunch.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Write your own Eulogy exercise.

A speech that someone would read at your funeral about you.

A half page to a full page of what kind of person you will become, what kind of
life have you lead, what were your major accomplishments and / or special

To help you, think of the many roles you will play in life:

 Parent
 Child
 Sibling
 Partner
 Business Partner
 Work Colleague
 Friend
 Community Leader
 Spiritual Advisor
 Confidant


 Select a partner in the room.

 Swap Eulogies.
 Take a moment to read, practice it, rewrite bits or edit slightly.
 Your partner then read it out allowed to the group.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Review your Astrological Chart and Numerology Profile

Highlighting key themes:

Sun Sign

Moon Sign

Ascendant Sign (Rising)

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Tarot for Your Self, Mary K Greer

A Workbook for Personal Transformation

This section uses the text as a tool for self-knowledge and a practical
resource on your journey.

The following activities are aimed at fast tracking our thinking around some
major concepts and looking for themes, all directed towards greater self-

By examining your past, present and future potential, you will deal more
effectively with problems, recognise choices and clarify your goals.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Personal Transformation

Your Personality and Soul Cards

Using your birth date you can numerologically calculate your Personality and
Soul Numbers.

The corresponding Personality Card indicates what you have come into this
particular lifetime to learn.

The corresponding Soul Card shows your life purpose through all your

To determine these two cards you add together your month, day and year of
birth like this:

October 14, 1947


Then you add each digit in the resulting number:

1+9+7+1 = 18

Keep any number from 22 to 1.

The resulting number is the Personality Number, which in this case

corresponds with the eighteenth Major Acana card: The Moon.

You then add together 1+8 = 9.

This is your Soul Number, which in this case corresponds with the ninth Major
Acana card: The Hermit.
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Sometimes the Personality and Soul Cards are the one number,
corresponding to the one card. Which means in this lifetime you are
specifically working on your soul purpose. It makes you more focused and

Once you have determined these cards, it is important to find out what they
mean to you.

Look up the meanings of the cards.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008

Live with the cards to get in touch with their personal significance – put them
up in front of you somewhere.

Identify with the images and visualise them in meditation.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Based on what you have just read from the last exercise - What do you need
to learn from this lifetime?

Write down the first answer you can think of.

Ask some more questions and write down your impulsive, uncensored

You will get different answers at different periods in your life, so go through
this process again at other times.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Gradually you will come to understand what those cards are to you. You will
gain more understanding the more time you contemplate them.


You can keep track of the Personality and Soul Cards of your relatives and

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Your Year Card

You also have a personal Year Card representing the tests, lessons and
experiences you will go through this year.

Add the month and date of your birth to the current year:

October 14

+2007 (current year)

Then you add each digit in the resulting number:


January to January is a time of significance in helping to understand the

events in your life. You will experience circumstances which demand you
learn new reactions or directions.

Birthday to Birthday is a time of integration during which the new lessons

become a part of you. Around your birthday you begin integrating learnings,
new awarenesses, which yield new actions, are tried and tested and become
a natural part of who you are.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Look up the meanings of the cards.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Your Zodiac Card

To determine which card corresponds with your astrological sun sign, check
the list below:

ARIES The Emperor 4

TAURUS The Hierophant 5
GEMINI The Lovers 6
CANCER The Chariot 7
LEO Strength/Lust 11/8
VIRGO The Hermit 9
LIBRA Justice/Adjustment 8/11
SCORPIO Death 13
SAGITTARIUS Temperance/Art 14
CAPRICORN The Devil 15
AQUARIUS The Star 17
PISCES The Moon 18

My Sun Sign is

My Zodiac Card is

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Look up the meanings of the cards.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Your Numerological Lessons & Opportunities Cards

These are the four Minor Arcana cards (one in each suit), which have the
same number as your Soul Number. For instance, if your Soul Number is
three, then your Lessons and Opportunities Cards are the Three of Wands,
the Three of Cups, the Three of Swords and the Three of Pentacles.

My Soul Number is:

My four Numerological Lessons and Opportunities Cards are:

the of Wands,

the of Cups,

the of Swords,

the of Pentacles.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Look up the meanings of the cards.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
There are three Minor Arcana cards which corresponds with your astrological
sun sign which represents your zodiac lessons and opportunities.

My Sun Sign is

My three Zodiac Lessons and Opportunities

Cards are:

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Your Destiny Card

My Birthdate is

My Destiny Cards are


Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Your Persona Card

You need to know your sun, moon and rising signs to determine these cards.

ARIES Queen of Wands

TAURUS King of Pentacles
GEMINI Knight of Swords
CANCER Queen of Cups
LEO King of Wands
VIRGO Knight of Pentacles
LIBRA Queen of Swords
SCORPIO King of Cups
SAGITTARIUS Knight of Wands
CAPRICORN Queen of Pentacles
AQUARIUS King of Swords
PISCES Knight of Cups

Your Personal Potential Card is the Court Card corresponding to your sun

My Sun Sign is

so my Personal Potential Card is


Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Your Inner Teacher Card is the Court Card corresponding to the sign your
moon is in.

My Moon is in

so my Inner Teacher Card is


Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Your Mode of Expression in the World is indicated by the Court Card
corresponding to your rising sign (ascendant).

My rising sign is

so my Mode of Expression in the World can be described by


Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008

Lifetime Year Card Graph

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008

The How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci Workbook

Michael J Gelb

This section is giving you the opportunity to look for sublime quality in
everyday life. Living the sweet, soulful life in the midst of modern pressures
requires the thinking, planning, and problem solving skills of a genius.

The aim is to ignite your journey to your own personal renaissance with seven
steps with Leonardo as our guide.

Leonardo carried a notebook with him at all times so that he could jot down
ideas, impressions, observations, jokes and fables, observations and
thoughts of others, personal financial records, letters, reflections on domestic
problems, philosophical musings and prophecies, plans and things of interest.

Busy lives and responsibilities drive us towards hard conclusions and

measurable results, but the exploratory, free-flowing, unfinished,
nonjudgmental practice of keeping a notebook encourages freedom of
thought and expansion of perspective. Don’t worry about order and logical
flow, just record

The average human has about 65,000 thoughts per day. 95% of those
thoughts are the same as yesterday. If you pursue the exercises with
passion, you’ll change your percentage in favor of greater creativity,
awareness, and quality of life.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008

The 7 Da Vincian Principles are:


An insatiably curious approach to life and an unrelenting quest for continuous



A commitment to test knowledge through experience, persistence, and a

willingness to learn from mistakes, as the means to enliven experience.


The continual refinement of senses, especially sight, as the means to enliven


Sfumato (literally "going up in smoke")

A willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty.


The development of the balance between science and art, logic and
imagination. "Whole-brain" thinking.


The cultivation of grace, ambidexterity, fitness, and poise.


A recognition and appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things and

phenomena. Systems thinking.
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
An insatiably curious approach to life and an unrelenting quest for continuous

Self Assessment: Curiosta

 I take adequate time for contemplation and reflection.

 I am always learning something new.
 When I am faced with an important decision, I actively seek out
different perspectives.
 I am a voracious reader.
 I learn from little children.
 I am skilled at identifying and solving problems.
 My friends would describe me as open-minded and curious.
 When I hear or read a new work or phrase I look it up and make a note
of it.
 I know a lot about other cultures and am always learning more.
 I know or am learning a language other than my native one.
 I solicit feedback from my friends, relations, and colleagues.
 I love learning.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008

100 Questions exercise

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
A commitment to test knowledge through experience, persistence, and a
willingness to learn from mistakes.

Self Assessment: Dimostrazione

 Do I seek out new experiences every day?
 Am I actively pursuing different perspectives and fresh insights?
 Can I articulate my most fundamental beliefs and the reasons I hold them?
 Have I changed a deeply held belief because of practical experience?
 Do I question "conventional wisdom" and authority?
 Do I ever practice cynicism and call it independent thinking?
 When a celebrity I admire endorses a product, am I more likely to buy it?
 Am I willing to acknowledge my mistakes?
 Would my closest friends agree that I am willing to acknowledge my
mistakes? Ask them and note their responses.
 Do I learn from my mistakes, and rarely make the same one twice?
 Do I persevere in the face of obstacles?
 Am I susceptible to superstition?
 In considering new ideas, my friends and associates would say that I am:
 A) gullible
 B) closed-minded cynic
 C) an open-minded skeptic.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Examining Experience exercise

How has experience determined your attitudes and behaviours?

What are the most influential experiences of your life?

Take about 10 minutes and list at least seven. Then, in one sentence,
summarise what you learned from each experience.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
The continual refinement of senses, especially sight, as the means to enliven

Self Assessments: Sensazione

Self Assessment: Vision

 I am sensitive to colour harmonies and clashes

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
 I know the colour of all my friends’ eyes
 I look out into the far horizon and up to the sky at least once a day
 I am good at describing a scene in detail
 I like doodling and drawing
 Friends would describe me as alert
 I am sensitive to subtle changes in lighting
 I can picture things clearly in my mind’s eye

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Self Assessment: Hearing

 Friends describe me as a good listener

 I am sensitive to noise
 I can tell when someone is singing off-key
 I can sing on-key
 I listen to jazz or classical music regularly
 I can distinguish the melody from the bassline in a piece of music
 I know what all the controls on my stereo system are for and can hear the
difference when I adjust them.
 I enjoy silence
 I am attuned to sutle changes in a speaker’s voice tone, volume and inflection

Self Assessment: Smell

 I have a favourite scent (What is it? Why do I like it? What does it remind me
 Smells affect my emotions strongly, for better or worse
 I can recognize friends by their scent
 I know how to use aromas to influence my mood
 I can reliably judge the quality of food and wine by its aroma
 When I see fresh flowers, I usually take a few moments to breathe in their

Self Assessment: Taste

 I can taste the “freshness” of fresh foods

 I enjoy many different types of cuisine
 I seek out unusual taste experiences
 I can discern the flavor contributions of different herbs and spices in a
complex dish
 I am a good cook
 I appreciate the pairing of food and wine
 I eat consciously, aware of the taste of my food
 I avoid junk food
 I avoid eating on the run
 I enjoy participating in taste tests and wine tastings
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Self Assessment: Touch

 I am aware of the “feel” of the surfaces that surround me daily, i.e. the chairs,
sofas, and car seats I sit on
 I am sensitive to the quality of fabric that I wear
 I like to touch and be touched
 Friends say I give great hugs
 When I touch someone, I can tell if they are tense or relaxed

Self Assessment: Synaesthesia

the feeling of sensation in one part of the body when another part is stimulated

the evocation of one kind of sense impression when another sense is stimulated, e.g. the
sensation of colour when a sound is heard

 I enjoy describing one sense in terms of another

 My experience of one sense affects all my other senses
 I intuitively understand which colours are “cold” and which are “hot”
 My response to art is visceral (instinctual - proceeding from instinct rather than
from reasoned thinking)
 I am aware of the role of synaesthesis in the thinking of great artists and


Decide on your new activities you would like to do and book them into your

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Literally “going up in smoke”
A willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox and uncertainty.

Self Assessment: Sfumato

 I am comfortable with ambiguity (a situation in which something can be understood

in more than one way and it is not clear which meaning is intended)
 I am attuned to the rhythms of my intuition
 I thrive on change
 I see the humour in life every day
 I have a tendency to “jump to conclusions”
 I enjoy riddles, puzzles, and puns
 I usually know when I am feeling anxious
 I spend sufficient time on my own
 I trust my gut
 I can comfortably hold contradictory ideas in my mind
 I delight in paradox and am sensitive to irony
 I appreciate the importance of conflict in inspiring creativity

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
The development of the balance between science and art, logic and
imagination. Whole Brain Thinking.

Self Assessment: Arte/Scienza

 I like details
 I am almost always on time  I am highly imaginative
 I am skilled at maths  I am good at brainstorming
 I rely on logic  I often say or do the
 I write clearly unexpected
 Friends describe me as very  I love to doodle
articulate  In school, I was better at
 Analysis is one of my strengths geometry than algebra
 I am organized and disciplined  I read a book by skipping
 I like lists
 I prefer to look at the big
 I read a book starting at page 1
picture and leave the details to
and go through in order
someone else
 I often lose track of time
 I rely on intuition

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
The cultivation of Grace, Ambidexterity, Fitness & Poise.

Self Assessment: Corporalita

 I am aerobically fit
 I am getting stronger
 My flexibility is improving
 I know when my body is tense or relaxed
 I am knowledgeable about diet and nutrition
 Friends would describe me as graceful
 I am becoming more ambidextrous
 I am aware of the way sin which my physical state affects my attitudes
 I have a good understanding of practical anatomy
 I am well coordinated
 I love to move

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
A recognition and appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things and
phenomena. Systems thinking.

Self Assessment: Connessione

 I am ecologically aware
 I enjoy analogies and metaphor
 I frequently make connections that other people don’t see
 When I travel I am struck more by people’s similarities than their differences
 I seek a “holistic” approach to diet, health and healing
 I have a well-developed sense of proportion
 I can articulate the systems dynamics – the patterns, connections, and
networks – in my family and workplace
 My life goals and priorities are formulated clearly and integrated with my
values and sense of purpose
 I sometimes experience a sense of connectedness with all creation.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Make a Master Mind Map of your Life

Version 1 – Big Picture

Create your own impresa (emblem or logo) for the centre of the page.

On lines radiating out from the central image, print a key word or sketch a
symbol for each of your life’s major areas, such as:

 People  Fun
 Career  Health
 Finances  Service
 Home  Travel
 Possessions  Learning
 Spirituality  Self

Feel free to add, delete or change the categories suggested here.

Ask yourself “what do I want?” in each areas. “Have I expressed all the areas
that are important to me? If I could have, do, or be anything at all, what would
it be?”

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008

DAY 1: Exploring your goals

• People
• Career
• Finances
• Home
• Possessions
• Spirituality
• Health
• Fun
• Service
• Travel
• Learning
• Self

DAY 2: Clarifying your Core Values

• Highlight ten
• List then in order of importance

DAY 3: Contemplating Your Purpose

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
• Write on “What my purpose is NOT!” This will help you define the
“negative space: around what is your purpose.
• Contemplate then write on “What is my purpose?”

DAY 4: Statement of Purpose

• Experiment with writing a “Statement of Purpose” in 25 words or

• Rewrite it once a month until you feel excited through your entire
body when you read it.

DAY 5: Looking for Connections

• Do I have clear, specific goals?

• Can I measure my progress toward achieiving my goals?
• Are my goals in proportion – do they fit together and support one
• What are my top priorities (List your goals in order of importance)

DAY 6: Assessing Current Reality

Where are you now with:

• People
• Career
• Finances
• Home
• Possessions
• Spirituality
• Health
• Fun
• Service
• Travel
• Learning
• Self
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
• Where are the greatest gaps between what I want and what I’ve
• Am I “on course” for realising my most important goals? What
course adjustments” do I need to bring my life into balance?
• Are you willing to embrace Sfumato? To hold the creative tension
between your highest ideals and goals and your current reality.
• Are you willing to “get on board” despite adversity, to embrace a
positive vision in the face of pain and fear?
• It is much easier to hold the tension between ideals and reality if
you have a strategy for closing the gap.

DAY 7: Strategising for Change

• You defined your goals and vision for “What do I want?”

• You clarified your values and purpose and know “Why you want
• You crafted your strategy “How will I get it?”
• Working backward from your ideal eulogy, go through your goals
and consider the resources and investments you will need.
• Translate your life mind map into a one year plan.
• Create an affirmation for each of your major life areas.
• Decide the steps you will take toward realizing your goals.
• Each week spend 10 minutes making a mind map of your weekly
goals, priorities and plans.
• Each day spend 5 minutes to make a mind map of your daily

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
The Invitation
by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache
for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.

It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking
like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if
you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by
life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain!

I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to
hide it or fade it, or fix it.

I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with
wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without
cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic, to remember the limitations of being

It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if
you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the
accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul; if you can be faithless
and therefore trustworthy.

I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not pretty, every day, and
if you can source your own life from its presence.

I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on
the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes!”

It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I
want to know if you can get up, after a night of grief and despair, weary and
bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done to feed the children.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
It doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to
know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to
know what sustains you, from the inside, when all else falls away.

I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the
company you keep in the empty moments.

copyright © 1999 by Oriah Mountain Dreamer.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
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Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008

The Artist’s Way

A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity

This section is about anyone interested in practicing the art of creative living.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Every blade of grass has its Angel

that bends over it and whispers,

“Grow, grow.”

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Basic Principals

1. Creativity is the natural order of life. Life is energy: pure creative


2. There is an underlying, in-dwelling creative force infusing all of life –

including ourselves.

3. When we open ourselves to our creativity, we open our selves to the

universe’s creativity within us and our lives.

4. We are, ourselves, creations. And we, in turn are meant to continue

creativity by being creative ourselves.

5. Creativity is The Universe’s gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift
back to The Universe.

6. The refusal to be creative is self-will and is counter to our true nature.

7. When we open ourselves to exploring our creativity, we open ourselves

to The Universe: good orderly direction.

8. As we open our creative channel to The Universe, many gentle but

powerful changes are to be expected.

9. It is safe to open ourselves up to greater and greater creativity.

10. Our creative dreams and yearnings come from a divine source. As we
move towards our dreams, we move toward our divinity.
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Allow yourself to free-associate for a sentence or so with each phrase.

1. My favourite childhood toy was

2. My favourite childhood game was
3. The best movie I ever saw as a kid was
4. I don’t do it much but I enjoy
5. If I could lighten up a little, I’d
6. If it weren’t too late, I’d
7. My favourite musical instrument is
8. The amount of money I spend on treating myself to entertainment each
month is
9. If I weren’t so stingy, I’d buy myself

10. Taking time out for myself is

11. I am afraid that if I start dreaming

12. I secretly enjoy reading

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
13. If I had had a perfect childhood I’d have grown up to be

14. If it didn’t sound so crazy, I’d write or make a

15. My parents think artists are

16. Learning to trust myself is probably
17. My most cheer-me-up music is
18. My favourite way to dress is

Describe your childhood room. If you wish, you could sketch this room.

What was your favourite thing about it?

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
What’s your favourite thing about your room right now?

Describe five traits you like in yourself as a child.

What did you want to be when you were a child?

List five childhood accomplishments.

List five hobbies that sound fun.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
List five classes that sound fun.

List five things you personally would never do that sound fun.

List five skills that would be fun to have.

List five things you used to enjoy doing.

List five silly things you would like to try once.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
As you may have gathered at this point you can approach things from many
different angles, all of them aimed at eliciting more information from your
unconscious about what you might consciously enjoy.

What have you learnt about yourself at this point?

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Describe your ideal environment. Town, country, modern, cozy?

What’s your favourite season? Why?

Time Travel
Describe yourself at eight.

What did you do after fifty that you enjoyed? Be very specific.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Write a letter from you at eighty to you at your current age. What would you
tell yourself? What interests would you urge yourself to pursue? What
dreams would you encourage?

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Remember yourself at eight. What did you like to do? What were your
favourite things? Write a letter from you at eight to you at your current age.
What would you tell yourself?

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Wish List

1. I wish
2. I wish
3. I wish
4. I wish
5. I wish
6. I wish
7. I wish
8. I wish
9. I wish
10. I wish
11. I wish
12. I wish
13. I wish
14. I wish
15. I wish
16. I wish
17. I wish
18. I wish
19. I wish
20. I most especially wish

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Key Competencies Quiz
Current Projected
Rating Rating




Problem Solving
Information Management


Technical Skills


Team Focus
Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Life Plan Development

Where are you now?

Where do feel you’d like to go now?

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
What are some things you’d like to do differently, now that you know what you

What help and support do you feel you will need?

What were some themes that you picked up today?

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
What limiting beliefs would you like to work on eliminating?

Here is a list of common limiting beliefs (circle any that may apply):

I am not good enough, I am not smart enough, It’s not OK to make mistakes, I have to be

I am not wanted, I am not needed, I am not lovable, I am not loved for myself, I don’t love

I am of no value, I have to put other people’s needs before my own, My needs are not

I am not safe, People are out to get me, It’s not OK to be comfortable in the world, It is never
OK to be vulnerable.

I have to be in control or things go wrong or don’t happen, I will not be taken care of, You
can’t depend on anyone for anything.

Other people can control me, I have to obey to be loved, I am not free, I do not have choice, I
have to do what other people want.

I cannot get my needs met, I can’t receive, Things don’t come to me easily, No-one can
understand me.

My presence doesn’t matter, I am not allowed to assert myself.

I cannot connect, I am alone in the world, Love is an illusion.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Go back to your Eulogy that you wrote at the beginning of the day and edit it
to suit your new view of the world.

What training do you feel would be useful to you at this point?

Would you be interested in developing your plans, goals and themes further in
the Masters Program?

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
What do you now feel is your Life Purpose at this point in time?

What is your soul’s mission to accomplish in this lifetime?

What can I do to help you?

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Program Evaluation

Course Name: Foundation Program

Your Name:

Facilitator’s Name: Katrena Friel

At the completion of every program we invite all participants to complete this

evaluation form. The purpose of this evaluation is to provide feedback on the
effectiveness of your experience, and to get your opinions on a range of

How would you describe the pace of the Comments:


 Too slow
 About right
 Too rushed

How would you describe the length of the Comments:


 Too short
 About right
 Too long

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
How would you describe the content of Comments:
the course?

 Too basic
 About right
 Too difficult

How valuable do you think the concepts Comments:

and/or skills will be to you?

 Very valuable
 Valuable
 Not valuable

How confident are you in being able to Comments:

apply what you have learned?

 Very confident
 Confident
 Not confident

What is one important thing you will do differently as a result of the program?

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
How much of what you have learned in this program do you expect to use?

 All  Almost all  About 50%  Very little  None

Rate your facilitator by checking a box beneath the response for each
statement and providing additional comments on the lines below.

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
The facilitator:
Had a thorough knowledge of the
program.    
Created a comfortable & open
environment.    
Seemed genuinely interested in my
experience.    
Explained the purpose of each activity
with clear directions.    
Provided useful answers to questions.
   
Led productive and meaningful
discussions.    
Provided application of concepts and
skills to my life.    
Tied course segments together.
   
What is your overall rating for the course. ‘1’ meaning the program was of no
value to you and ‘5’ meaning the course was of great value to you. (Circle the
appropriate number)

1 2 3 4 5
No Little Moderate Considerable Extensive
value value Value Value value

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Additional comments and feedback are encouraged and appreciated so we
can improve each time.

We would love to quote you on our website (with your permission), so that
people can hear your thoughts and experiences. Have you got a quote we
can used?

Would you recommend this experience to your friends and family?

Is there anyone you would like me to invite along to the next program?

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Thank you for helping evaluate this program.

I look forward to helping support you on your journey & love

to see your dreams come true.

Lots of Love & Support


Your Final Thoughts:

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008
Life Purpose Development
for your Body, Mind & Soul

This manual gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in

yourself. Teaching you about your path, with the aim to discover
through your own experience what your life purpose means to your

Wisdom is not one particular experience, nor a series of ideas or

knowledge to be collected. It is an ongoing process of discovery
that unfolds when we live with balance and full awareness in each
moment. It grows out of our sincerity and genuine openness, and
it can lead us to a whole new world of freedom.

Foundation Program

Participant Workbook
Program developed by: Katrena Friel

For further information on workshops visit: or

email or phone 0412 537 053.

Deep & Meaningful Foundation Program 2008

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