Espinosa 2008

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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675

DOI 10.1007/s00253-011-3589-4


Influence of adhesion on aerobic biodegradation

and bioremediation of liquid hydrocarbons
Hassan Abbasnezhad & Murray Gray & Julia M. Foght

Received: 9 May 2011 / Revised: 27 August 2011 / Accepted: 15 September 2011 / Published online: 1 October 2011
# Springer-Verlag 2011

Abstract Biodegradation of poorly water-soluble liquid Keywords Adhesion . Attachment . Bioavailability .

hydrocarbons is often limited by low availability of the Hydrophobicity . Uptake
substrate to microbes. Adhesion of microorganisms to an
oil–water interface can enhance this availability, whereas
detaching cells from the interface can reduce the rate of Introduction
biodegradation. The capability of microbes to adhere to the
interface is not limited to hydrocarbon degraders, nor is it The ability of a microorganism to biodegrade hydrocarbons
the only mechanism to enable rapid uptake of hydro- depends on its genetic complement and the expression of
carbons, but it represents a common strategy. This review this genetic information as well as the properties of the
of the literature indicates that microbial adhesion can hydrocarbon itself. The potential to apply this biodegrada-
benefit growth on and biodegradation of very poorly tion capability in the environment (e.g., bioremediation of
water-soluble hydrocarbons such as n-alkanes and large contaminated soil or water) is also influenced by physico-
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons dissolved in a non- chemical conditions (Singh and Ward 2004). Thus, the
aqueous phase. Adhesion is particularly important when parameters impacting the success of bioremediation may be
the hydrocarbons are not emulsified, giving limited inter- broadly classified into three inter-related categories (Fig. 1):
facial area between the two liquid phases. When mixed (a) properties of the microorganism or community of
communities are involved in biodegradation, the ability of microbes, (b) environmental conditions supporting micro-
cells to adhere to the interface can enable selective growth organism growth, and (c) properties of the hydrocarbon
and enhance bioremediation with time. The critical chal- substrate.
lenge in understanding the relationship between growth rate One of the important factors in biological removal of
and biodegradation rate for adherent bacteria is to accu- hydrocarbons from a contaminated environment is their
rately measure and observe the population that resides at bioavailability to an active microbial population. A general
the interface of the hydrocarbon phase. definition of bioavailability is “the degree of interaction of
chemicals with living organisms” (Harms et al. 2010a, which
contains an extensive discussion of bioavailability). In the
current review, we use a narrower definition of bioavailabil-
This review is dedicated to the memory of our colleague Dr. Hassan
Abbasnezhad. ity: the degree to which a contaminant can be readily taken
up by a microorganism (Atlas and Philp 2005).
H. Abbasnezhad : M. Gray
Bioavailability of a contaminant is controlled by factors
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering,
University of Alberta, such as the physical state of the hydrocarbon in situ, its
Edmonton, AB, Canada hydrophobicity, water solubility, sorption to environmental
matrices such as soil, and diffusion out of the soil matrix.
J. M. Foght (*)
When contaminants have very low solubility in water, as in
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, AB T6G 2E9, Canada the case of n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
e-mail: (PAHs), the organic phase components will not partition
654 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of

the main parameters that affect Microbial properties
biodegradation of hydrocarbons • Genetic complement
• Expression and regulation of genes
in the environment to
• Surface hydrophobicity
bioremediate contaminated • Metabolic diversity and flexibility
soil or water • Substrate uptake or adherence mechanisms
• Tolerance of solvent effects
• Adaptation to environmental conditions
• Competition with other microbes
Hydrocarbon Properties
• Aqueous solubility and volatility
• Molecular weight and complexity
• Octanol-water coefficient
• Cell toxicity
• Physical state in situ
• Surface area of hydrocarbon phase
• Presence of other organic compounds
Environmental Parameters
• pH
• Temperature
• Water availability
• Surface area and sorptive surfaces
• Nutrient availability
• Redox conditions (terminal electron acceptors)
• Presence of toxic compounds
• Flux of key chemicals

efficiently into the aqueous phase supporting the microbes. application of synthetic surfactants to overcome bioavail-
In the case of soil, the contaminants will also partition to the ability limitations have attracted the bulk of the attention in
soil organic matter and become even less bioavailable. Two- the literature to the point that the role of adhesion has been
phase bioreactors containing an aqueous phase and a non- ignored in many studies. The adhesion of a microbe to the
aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) have been developed and used oil–water interface enhances the rate of transport of
for bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil to hydrocarbon from the non-aqueous phase to the cell by
address this very problem, but the adherence of microbes reducing the effective distance for mass transfer between a
to the NAPL–water interface can still be an important factor microorganism and its substrate (Harms and Zehnder
in reaction kinetics. Similarly, two-phase bioreactors, some- 1995), especially when diffusive boundary layers are taken
times with silicone oil as the non-aqueous phase, have been into consideration (Harms et al. 2010b). Adhesion with
proposed for biocatalytic conversion of hydrocarbons like substrate uptake can also generate steep concentration
styrene (Osswald et al. 1996) to make the substrate more gradients to drive flux of the hydrocarbon from the non-
bioavailable to microbes in the aqueous phase. When the aqueous phase (Ortega-Calvo and Alexander 1994). In an
carbon source is in limited supply, then its availability will oil–water mixture, a further benefit is that the adhesion of
control the rate of metabolism and hence biodegradation, bacterial cells to the oil–water interface can stabilize
rather than catabolic capacity of the cells or availability of emulsions, thereby increasing the oil–water interfacial area
oxygen or other nutrients. (Dorobantu et al. 2004).
Adhesion to hydrophobic surfaces is a common Microbial adhesion is usually defined as the process of
strategy used by microorganisms to overcome limited transferring unbound, suspended cells from the aqueous
bioavailability of hydrocarbons (Bouchez-Naïtali et al. 1999). phase to an interface (Hermansson 1999), in this case an
Intuitively, one would assume that adherence of cells to a “oil”: pure or mixed liquid hydrocarbon or a mixture of
hydrocarbon would correlate with the ability to utilize it as a hydrocarbons dissolved in a water-immiscible phase (i.e.,
growth substrate and conversely that cells able to utilize NAPL). However, the term “microbial adhesion” is used by
hydrocarbons would be expected to be able to adhere to them. different researchers to describe different phenomena
However, Rosenberg et al. (1980) have shown that species (Busscher et al. 2010). The terms adhesion and attachment
like Staphylococcus aureus and Serratia marcescens unable to are often used interchangeably, whereas some researchers use
grow on hydrocarbons nonetheless adhered to them. Thus, attachment to describe only the initial stage of the microbial
adherence to hydrocarbons does not necessarily predict adhesion process (reversible adhesion as described by
utilization. Marshal et al. 1971). In this case, attachment implies simple
Another natural microbial response to limited bioavail- physical contact rather than the subsequent complicated
ability is production of biosurfactants (Johnsen and Karlson chemical and cellular interactions (An and Friedman 1998).
2004). Biosurfactant production by microorganisms and the The term adhesion has been used more frequently in the
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675 655

scientific literature in recent years; it usually indicates both Mechanisms of adherence to hydrocarbons
the initial reversible and the second irreversible stages
(Christensen et al. 2000). Here, we use the term adhesion Most studies of microbial adhesion measure the macro-
to refer to the overall process. scopic properties of cell populations and overall number of
In this review, we focus on the significance of microbial cells that adhere, without considering the role of the
adhesion to hydrocarbon biodegradation. Because of the microbial surface components. The exterior of the cell
difficulty of measuring adhesion of bacteria during biore- typically displays lipids, proteins, and/or oligosaccharides
mediation in situ, the reports reviewed here are all from that influence cell hydrophobicity and adhesion to inter-
laboratory studies. Most reports that examine the role of faces (Doyle and Rosenberg 1990; Norman et al. 2002;
adhesion have been conducted as pure culture-pure sub- Baldi et al. 2003). Additional extracellular structures can
strate biodegradation studies, with fewer reports for mixed include outer membrane lipopolysaccharides and proteins,
culture-mixed substrate studies that are more relevant to exopolysaccharide layers (capsule), and fimbriae (adhesive
bioremediation. The literature reviewed here exclusively pili), which can extend a considerable distance from the cell
describes aerobic cultures: Although the general conclu- wall and which may constrain how closely the cell surface
sions made under aerobic conditions likely hold true can approach the oil–water interface. For a recent review
anaerobically, they currently lack experimental confirma- summarizing some of the cell surface structures influencing
tion. The main emphasis of the review is adhesion to oil– microbial adhesion to hydrocarbons, see Grimaud (2010).
water interfaces, rather than water–solid adhesion, but a few Specific structures are summarized below.
relevant papers describing the latter are included. The
review describes the diverse mechanisms used by microbes Proteins Baldi et al. (1999) concluded that “Cell adhesion
to adhere to hydrocarbon surfaces, laboratory methods for to hydrocarbons seems to proceed mainly via proteins.”
measuring their adhesion, modeling of adhesion effects on Although other biomolecules have been shown to mediate
hydrocarbon biodegradation, and the effects of adhesion on adherence to hydrocarbons, as discussed below, there are
bioremediation, whether neutral or positive. numerous reports of adherence achieved through proteins
exposed on the cell surface. The most visually apparent of
these proteins are the fimbriae (pili) of Gram-negative
Mechanisms, measurement, and modeling of adhesion bacteria. For example, Acinetobacter venetianus (formerly
to hydrocarbons Acinetobacter calcoaceticus) strain RAG-1 adheres to
hydrocarbons via numerous thin fimbriae (Rosenberg et al.
In most hydrocarbon-degrading organisms, the relevant 1982); mutation of fimbriae genes or physical shearing of the
catabolic enzymes are intracellular. Consequently, biodeg- fimbriae reduces adherence. Acinetobacter haemolyticus
radation requires the diffusion of the substrate from the oil strain AR-46 uses long fimbriae to mediate interfacial
phase through an aqueous phase and then across the cell contact with n-alkane droplets (Bihari et al. 2007) whereas
wall and cell membrane. The adhesion of cells to the oil– its shorter fimbriae do not enhance attachment. The
water interface can minimize the diffusion distance and toluene-degrading Acinetobacter sp. strain Tol5 can
thereby facilitate diffusion of hydrophobic substrates to produce three morphological types of “nanofibers”
cells, although adhesion may occur due to physical (fimbriae), differential expression of which was correlated
interactions without any capability for catabolism. Multiple with hydrophobicity of the growth substrate (Hori et al.
factors are involved in adhesion, including physicochemical 2011). A mutant of strain Tol5 that lacked fimbriae
factors such as shear, surface charge on the hydrocarbon showed reduced adherence to silicone oil yet maintained
phase, microbial species-dependent factors like cell a hydrophobic cell surface that allowed cells to reversibly
surface composition and external structures, and biolog- attach to droplets of silicone oil in a monolayer and to
ical factors such as cell age and nutritional status. Like biodegrade the toluene dissolved in the oil phase (Watanabe
any interaction of a colloidal particle with a surface, the et al. 2008). Thus, the fimbriae were not essential for
force between a cell and a hydrocarbon surface is adherence to the organic phase. In fact, the lack of
influenced by surface charge on the cell, the surface fimbriae may have improved biodegradation because of
charge on the hydrocarbon, and the ionic strength of the efficient assembly of the cells in a monolayer on oil
suspending medium (de Carvalho et al. 2009). Adhesion droplets so that toluene was degraded with zero-order
is also influenced by chemical species on the cell surface kinetics, being dependent upon mixing (as droplet surface
that determine hydrophobicity and the length and confor- area) rather than substrate concentration.
mation of attached biopolymers (Chakraborty et al. 2010),
which can give adhesion even when the electrostatic force Lipopolysaccharides and extracellular polymeric
is repulsive. substances The presence of hydrophilic lipopolysacchar-
656 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675

ides (LPS) on the outer surface of Gram-negative microbes degrading Rhodococcus spp., was found to correlate well
has been shown to influence adhesion to hydrocarbon with cell surface hydrophobicity, although this property was
droplets through modulation of cell surface hydrophobicity. tested only by adhesion to hydrophobic solid surfaces rather
For example, removing or decreasing the LPS content of than by adhesion to liquid hydrocarbons (Bendinger et al.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains capable of growing on 1993). Johnsen and Karlson (2004) found that Mycobacterium
alkanes resulted in increased hydrophobicity and attach- spp. (which also possess mycolic acids) generally partitioned
ment to n-hexadecane (measured by microbial adhesion to to the aqueous phase (as suspended cells) in proportion
hydrocarbons (MATH)) and enhanced biodegradation; to the aqueous solubility of the hydrocarbon substrate and,
regeneration of LPS reversed the hydrophobicity and conversely, attached to PAHs as aqueous solubility decreased.
attachment potential (Al-Tahhan et al. 2000).
Biopolymer complexes comprising polysaccharides, Dynamic adhesion mechanisms An intriguing mechanism
proteins, and/or nucleic acids are frequently found on the for colonization of oil–water interfaces has been outlined
cell surface of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative recently by Notomista et al. (2011) for the aromatic
bacteria (external to the LPS) and have been given the hydrocarbon-degrading strain Novosphingobium sp. PP1Y.
generic name “extracellular polymeric substances” (EPS) The authors propose that extracellular biopolymers (but not
or, in the older literature, “capsule.” EPS can be compact or polysaccharides) help stabilize oil–water droplets to which
diffuse and, depending on the composition, more or less Novosphingobium sp. PP1Y attaches, providing that suit-
hydrophilic. Unfortunately, the general term EPS can refer able mono- and polyaromatic hydrocarbon substrates are
to surface layers dominated by polysaccharide or by protein present in the oil phase. The adherent cells then produce
and to diffuse hydrophilic EPS or to compact EPS tightly cell-bound EPS to further stabilize the droplets, induced by
bound to the cell surface. This loose terminology has led to the presence of the aromatic substrates.
descriptions of different effects of EPS on adhesion to It is noteworthy that adhesion to an oil–water interface
hydrocarbons. In some reports, EPS was observed to may be beneficial to the organism initially by providing
contribute to enhanced interfacial uptake and biodegrada- access to substrate, but when the surface becomes fully
tion of hydrocarbons and in other cases to have a neutral or colonized by adherent microbes and their progeny, it may
deleterious effect. For example, protein-rich EPS tightly be beneficial to detach in order to colonize fresh hydrocarbon
bound to the cell walls of Sphingobium and Micrococcus surfaces. The classic example is A. venetianus RAG-1
strains had little effect on interaction of cells with (reviewed by Neu 1996), which produces fine fimbriae to
phenanthrene dissolved in silicone oil, whereas the produc- mediate initial adherence to hydrocarbons (Rosenberg et al.
tion of loosely bound EPS proteins enhanced growth of the 1982). As the cells grow on the hydrocarbon, they produce
strains at the oil–water interface and correlated with emulsan, a cell-associated surface-active biopolymer, which
increased phenanthrene biodegradation (Zhang et al. is shed by starving cells and causes them to detach from the
2011). Loosely bound polysaccharides from these strains interface. Thus, emulsan functions as an anti-adhesin and
released from the cell surface increased phenanthrene coats droplets that are depleted in growth substrate. This
solubility in the bulk aqueous phase (Zhang et al. 2011) general behavior also has been observed with the alkane-
likely by sorbing PAHs and increasing their bioavailability degrading Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus SP17, which
(Johnsen and Karlson 2004). Baldi et al. (1999, 2003) produces both adherent and planktonic cell forms: Dispersed
monitored the activity of an EPS glycoprotein whose cells exhibit greater affinity for n-hexadecane, presumably to
production by A. venetianus strain VE-C3 was induced by enable colonization of fresh hydrocarbon droplets (Vaysse et
growth on diesel fuel and contributed to emulsification. Other al. 2011). The adhesion of this strain also may be mediated
constitutively expressed outer membrane glycoproteins in the by modification or production of cell envelope proteins
same strain were inferred to be involved in cell attachment at (Vaysse et al. 2011) and surface-active compounds, depend-
the diesel–water interface (Baldi et al. 2003), likely by ing upon the hydrocarbon substrate provided (Klein et al.
physically incorporating hydrocarbons into the EPS layer 2010). Alcanivorax sp. PA2 avidly attached to n-hexadecane
and increasing cell surface hydrophobicity (Baldi et al. in exponential and late logarithmic phases of growth on the
1999). In contrast, Iwabuchi et al. (2003) concluded that alkane (by an unknown mechanism), but this adherence
EPS inhibited the adhesion of various Rhodococcus decreased significantly in stationary phase, possibly mediated
species to n-hexadecane, with “rough” strains (lacking by biosurfactant production, and resulted in detachment of
EPS) showing greater adherence than corresponding cells from the oil droplets (Olivera et al. 2009).
mucoid (EPS-producing) morphotypes. Despite the mechanisms of adherence briefly outlined
above, it is important to note that there is not a sharp
Mycolic acids The presence and chain length of mycolic interface between hydrocarbon and adherent bacterial cell
acids in coryneform bacteria, including hydrocarbon- (Harms et al. 2010b). Rather, the hydrated boundary layer
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675 657

surrounding the bacterial cell still imposes the need for organic phase selected can influence the results and requires
transport of the hydrocarbon through an essentially aqueous some forethought.
layer. Uptake and biodegradation of the hydrocarbon from Importantly, adherence in the MATH test does not
this layer will establish a concentration gradient that can necessarily predict or correlate with ability to utilize the
drive substrate flux and increase bioavailability. hydrocarbon as a growth substrate because it examines
Another important concept to note is that the microbes physical interactions only (Chakraborty et al. 2010). A
are dynamic entities and can adapt to the presence of variety of cell surface properties can affect the results of a
hydrocarbons, responding by modifying their cell surface MATH test, including surface charge and biopolymer
composition to increase or decrease adherence. For example, composition. However, the results usually (but not always)
adhesion of Burkholderia strains to n-hexadecane was correlate with other measurements of cell surface properties
significantly affected by the growth substrate provided (Jones et al. 1996; Rosenberg and Kjelleberg 1986) such as
(Chakraborty et al. 2010), in addition to pH and ionic hydrophobicity and contact angle measurement (Rosenberg
composition of the suspending medium. In fact, even 2006). The formation of emulsions stabilized by bacteria can
relatively small changes in the composition of the hydro- lead to discrepancies between contact angle measurements
carbons serving as growth substrates affected subsequent and apparent adhesion from the MATH test (Dorobantu
adherence to other hydrocarbons. et al. 2004).

MATH test variations Several modified MATH tests have

Measurement of adhesion been developed, such as the kinetic MATH test (Harms and
Wick 2010) and the use of direct cell counts (rather than
A major problem when studying the effect of cell adhesion spectrophotometry) to account for turbidity errors caused
on biodegradation is the lack of appropriate methods to by the presence of NAPL droplets in the aqueous phase
directly measure adhesion in situ. Methods for measuring (Warne Zoueki et al. 2010a). Rosenberg (2006) recounts
adhesion can be divided into those based on adhesion to proposing the use of a salting out test in conjunction with
solid surfaces and to liquid–liquid interfaces. Because it MATH to distinguish between hydrophilic strains; this
is easier to manipulate and characterize adhesion to method should also allow discrimination between ionic and
solid surfaces, methods belonging to the first group are hydrophilic interactions in adhesion. A solid-phase version
more prevalent and diverse in the literature. Early of MATH is described by Harms and Wick (2010), in
methods of this type included testing the adhesion of which glass beads coated with hydrocarbons or solid-phase
bacteria to low energy surfaces like polystyrene (Rosenberg hydrocarbons themselves are placed in a column as the
1981), typically measuring the number of adherent wild- sorbent phase to separate adherence cells from a mixture, as
type bacteria by direct counting. Common methods for cell “chromatography.” Interestingly, a modified MATH test
studying cell adhesion to liquid interfaces are described that monitors protein adhesion to hydrocarbons (PATH test;
below. van der Mei et al. 1998) could be used as an aid to
understanding how cell surface protein interactions with
MATH test In 1980, the simple and convenient MATH hydrocarbons affect cell adhesion at oil–water interfaces.
(or more specifically bacterial adhesion to hydrocarbons) Most techniques for measuring microbial adhesion
test was introduced to estimate cell surface hydrophobicity involve harvesting microorganisms from their growth
(Rosenberg et al. 1980). The method is based on removal of medium then measuring their adhesion under standard test
cells from suspension in an aqueous phase by mixing with a conditions. Although this preparatory technique can yield
liquid hydrocarbon to which the cells adhere. The optical useful information, it may not accurately represent the
density of the initial and final cell suspensions in the aqueous adhesion properties of cells in the original medium. For
phase is determined spectrophotometrically to measure bulk example, as noted above, the simple act of harvesting the
adhesion semi-quantitatively. Thus, the MATH test can be cells for use in the test may affect surface structures.
used as both a hydrophobicity and adherence assay, and its Adhesion tests such as MATH are usually performed using
ease of preparation and analysis has resulted in the test being an aqueous buffer of defined pH and ionic strength that
used extensively (Rosenberg 2006). The hydrocarbon phase may differ from the conditions in the actual biodegradation
can be selected based on the organism or the application, experiment, or use a test hydrocarbon different from that
with n-hexadecane or toluene being commonly used, being biodegraded, even though such variables can greatly
although any liquid hydrocarbon or NAPL can be used in affect the microbial adhesion (Babu et al. 1986; Warne
a non-specific test. However, because the growth substrate Zoueki et al. 2010b). Another consideration is that the
can cause microbes to exhibit differential adherence to growth medium composition changes during incubation
hydrocarbons (Wick et al. 2002; Notomista et al. 2011), the with hydrocarbons as substrates are transformed, nutrients
658 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675

are consumed, and metabolites are produced. Some panied by online microscopic detection methods provide
metabolites such as long chain alcohols can influence the more information and are becoming more common
adhesion of microorganisms even if they are present for a (Busscher and van der Mei 2006; Seo and Bishop 2007;
short period of time or at low concentration (Marchesi et al. Meinders et al. 1995).
1994a, b; Abbasnezhad et al. 2011). To reduce these
problems, the ideal case would be measurement of bacterial Atomic force microscopy Recently the use of atomic force
adhesion in real time. Some new developments approach microscopy (AFM) has enabled direct measurements of
this ideal case, including recent studies (Power et al. 2007; adhesion forces and surface properties of cells (Fang et al.
Rodrigues et al. 2003; Seo and Bishop 2007) on the real- 2000; Ahimou et al. 2002; Wright and Armstrong 2006;
time visualization of bacterial adhesion to surfaces using Bolshakova et al. 2004; Dorobantu et al. 2008, 2009). AFM
confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). For instance, utilizes a cantilever that can scan a planar substrate and has
colonization of crystalline phenanthrene and fluorine by the capability of imaging surface topography under phys-
Pseudomonas putida ATCC 17514 expressing green fluo- iological conditions (which is not possible by other high-
rescent protein has been studied (Rodrigues et al. 2005). resolution methods such as electron microscopy). AFM has
Using CLSM, the strain was observed to form biofilms on also been used for measuring local physical properties such
the surface of phenanthrene crystals but to grow between as adhesion forces and elasticity. The cantilever tip can be
clusters of fluorene crystals, suggesting that attachment to modified by attaching different compounds or particles
phenanthrene through EPS compensated for its lower having hydrophilic or hydrophobic properties. Therefore,
aqueous solubility. AFM can measure adhesion between a variety of micro-
organisms and surfaces (reviewed by Dorobantu and Gray
Quartz crystal microbalance Another method of online 2010), and the detailed information provided by AFM can
measurement of microbial adhesion to surfaces is the quartz be used to better understand changes in surface properties
crystal microbalance (QCM) technique. Attachment or of bacteria during growth on hydrocarbons. A major
detachment of biomass at the surface of an oscillating advantage of AFM is that, unlike other microscopic
quartz crystal is measured as a change in frequency of methods like scanning electron microscopy, it does not
oscillation. Recent developments enable researchers to require an extensive pre-treatment of the microorganisms.
obtain information about the adhesion process, including AFM provides much more detailed analysis of microbial
changes in the viscoelasticity of the adhered layers with cell surface hydrophobicity and gives information unob-
time (Rodahl et al. 1997). By coupling the QCM method tainable by other methods. For example, AFM was
and microscopic visualization of adherent cells, cell employed to determine the heterogeneity of adhesion forces
adhesion to hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces could and hydrophobic regions on surfaces of individual bacterial
be discriminated (Fredriksson et al. 1998a, b). However, cells capable of degrading hydrocarbons (Dorobantu et al.
although different microbial species showed different QCM 2008, 2009). For a recent review of QCM and AFM
response on a single surface, there was not a clear pertaining to microbial adhesion to surfaces, see Busscher
relationship between the QCM data, the adhesion mecha- et al. (2010).
nisms, and the biological properties (such as cell surface
composition) of the adherent bacteria, nor is adhesion to the Other methods The attachment of cells to hydrocarbons at
solid quartz surface necessarily a direct proxy for a liquid the oil–water interface has also been studied using a
hydrocarbon surface. Thus, the QCM technique is limited micropipette technique that allows visualization of cell–oil
to measuring the adhesion to solid surfaces, but it illustrates interactions and measurement of the change in interfacial
the desirable direction for investigation of adhesion of cells properties (Kang et al. 2008a). Self-assembly of A.
to liquid–liquid interfaces. With advancements in under- venetianus RAG-1 cells onto the surface of n-hexadecane
standing the relationship between QCM response and droplets in aqueous medium generated surface biofilms in
physical properties of adherent cell layer, this method can which the bacteria interacted with each other as elastic sheets.
be utilized more broadly in applications such as monitoring In contrast, the dynamic pendant drop method showed that
adhesion during microbial growth on hydrocarbons. biofilms of RAG-1 and Rhodococcus erythropolis strain
20S-E1-c that assembled on hexadecane droplets exhibited
Flow systems The process of adhesion can be studied as a non-linear behavior, likely due in part to cell–cell interactions
steady-state process after some defined time (static experi- (Kang et al. 2008b).
ments, as described above) or as a function of time in flow Although there have been significant advances in
systems. Researchers have frequently used the static developing facile but robust adhesion measurement techniques,
systems because of their simplicity; however, well-defined the available methods are still not mature enough to be applied
flow systems such as parallel plate flow chambers accom- in the field during bioremediation. Further developments in
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675 659

methodology will be key in all research fields dealing with Measurement of the contact angle of bacteria is
microbial adhesion including the clarification of role of challenging due to their small size and the heterogeneity
adhesion in biodegradation. of the bacterial cell surface. These features suggest that the
measured contact angle θ will exhibit hysteresis between
advancing and receding liquid contact experiments, which
Modeling microbial adhesion produces ambiguous results from Eq. 1. Further complica-
tions are introduced by changes that occur on the cell
Bacteria have been modeled as living colloidal particles surface during sample preparation (Neufeld and Zajic 1984;
with a negative surface charge (zeta potential), and their Krekeler et al. 1989), such as loss of fragile surface
adhesion has been interpreted based on colloidal theories structures like pili during cell harvesting and washing, or
(Hermansson 1999; Skvarla 1993). The interfacial tensions differences that arise under specific growth conditions that
involved when a bacterium approaches the interface are promote or repress synthesis of surface structures like
schematically shown in Fig. 2. In this figure, γbo is the capsule, flagella, fimbriae, outer membrane proteins, etc.
tension at bacterium–oil interface, γbw that at the bacterium– (Bihari et al. 2007; Baldi et al. 2003). Whereas most studies
water interface, and γow that at the oil–water interface; then measuring bacterial contact angles have been conducted
an equilibrium force balance equation can be written as: using water and air systems, it is also possible to determine
the contact angles of cell layers in systems with two
g bo ¼ g bw þ g ow  cos q ð1Þ immiscible liquids (Neufeld et al. 1980). Although the
measurement and interpretation of contact angle data for
where θ is the contact angle between aqueous phase and microbial cells can be controversial, studies (e.g., Reid et al.
bacterial surface. 1992; van Oss et al. 1975; van Merode et al. 2006) suggest
In principle, only θ and γow can be measured experi- that such data are valuable for predicting cellular inter-
mentally; therefore, an additional equation is required to actions at interfaces.
obtain γbo and γbw. One method is to calculate the solid
surface tensions by measuring contact angle of particles
against different liquids, as recently reviewed by Tavana Adhesion and microbial uptake and growth
and Neumann (2007). By measuring the contact angle of on hydrocarbons
the bacterial surface and obtaining the interfacial tensions, it
is possible to predict the positioning of bacteria with respect As Grimaud (2010) noted, “Although the presence of
to the oil–water interface. Such criteria have been devel- hydrocarbon bound cells at the interface assumes interfacial
oped based on the three interfacial tension components used growth, demonstration of actual substrate degradation and
in Eq. 1 (Neufeld et al. 1980; Marshall 1986; Albertsson growth of the attached cell has been provided in only a few
1986). The scant literature in this area includes some cases.” Therefore, before discussing the effects of adhesion
interesting observations; for example, some very hydro- on biodegradation of hydrocarbons, it is useful to look at a
phobic bacteria completely penetrate into the non-aqueous broader relationship between adhesion, substrate uptake,
phase by crossing the oil–water interface (MacLeod and and microbial growth on hydrocarbons.
Daugulis 2005). These bacteria presumably carry some In an early extensive review of cell adhesion to diverse
surface-associated water with them, but the role of surfaces (van Loosdrecht et al. 1990), the effect of adhesion
extracellular in modifying the liquid–liquid interface has on cell growth was divided into two distinct mechanisms:
not been reported. direct and indirect. In a direct mechanism, the properties of
the microbes would be altered by adhesion, for example,
the membrane permeability might change. In an indirect
mechanism, the adhesion of the cell would change its
subsequent growth due to physical factors such as diffusion
of substrates to the surface. The review concluded that none of
the data accumulated to that point could be attributed to direct
influences; all of the changes in the cell behavior could be
attributed to indirect effects, i.e., subsequent growth.
A number of studies have considered the effect of
adhesion on the growth of microbes on n-alkanes and
examined the mechanisms of hydrocarbon uptake for
Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of interfacial tensions acting on the interface growth. These studies tried to discern specific patterns of
between a bacterium and oil and water phases growth kinetics among the microbial cultures that were
660 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675

attached to the oil–water interface. The mechanism of cell by controlling the distance between the cell wall and
substrate uptake is a key point in any process involving the oil phase. Adhesion of cells to the interface will
sparingly soluble substrates because hydrocarbons need to minimize the diffusion path from the oil phase to the cell
cross the cell wall and membrane in order to contact interior (Harms et al. 2010b). This minimum distance will
membrane-bound or cytoplasmic enzymes (reviewed by vary depending on the characteristics of microorganisms
Bressler and Gray 2003). and the surfaces they attach to. A basic diffusive mass
Three major uptake modes can be proposed: transfer equation for the rate of compound transfer, Qd
(mass/time), to the microbial cell boundary can be written
1. Uptake from the aqueous phase, in which the compound
as (Harms and Bosma 1997):
can only be used when it is dissolved in the aqueous
environment. According to this mechanism, if substrate is Qd ¼ k ðCd  Cc Þ ð2Þ
present as a pure phase, then the solubility of compound
in water will be the most important factor controlling the where Cd is the aqueous concentration of the substrate
biodegradation rate. If the compound is present in a (mass/volume) at the oil–water interface, k is the mass
NAPL of mixed composition, the biodegradation rate will transfer coefficient, and Cc is the concentration at the cell
depend on the rate and extent of partitioning from the surface. When a compound is being actively biodegraded,
NAPL to the aqueous phase and will be influenced by the Cc ≈0, while Cd ≈ CsolxHC, i.e., the aqueous solubility of the
solubility of other NAPL components. component (Csol) multiplied by its concentration in the oil
2. Surfactant-mediated uptake, where microorganisms phase (xHC). For a linear concentration gradient, the mass
excrete compounds (e.g., biosurfactants) that can either transfer coefficient can be written as (Koch 1990):
increase apparent solubility or emulsify hydrocarbons,
hence making them more available for microorganisms. k ¼ Deff  A=L ð3Þ
For liquid hydrocarbons or hydrocarbons dissolved in
in which A is the surface area through which the diffusion
NAPL, surfactants can emulsify the non-aqueous phase
occurs, L is the distance of diffusion, and Deff (area/time) is
and increase the bioavailability of the non-aqueous
the effective diffusivity. Combining these relationships, the
phase to the microorganisms.
maximum rate of diffusion of the substrate to the cell will be:
3. Direct contact mode, which implies that cells attach to
the substrate or the NAPL in which the hydrocarbons Deff ACsol xHC
Qd;max  ð4Þ
are dissolved. The role of microbial adhesion has long L
been thought to be of great importance for direct uptake
Equation 4 shows that the mass flow will increase with a
of substrate (Mudd and Mudd 1924). In the current
decrease in diffusion distance (L) and increase with the
literature, the term interfacial uptake is often used to
surface area (A). If Qd,max exceeds the rate of enzymatic
describe this phenomenon.
conversion within the cells, then diffusion is not a
All these mechanisms have been reported for various constraint. For low-solubility hydrocarbons such as n-alkanes,
microorganisms. The first uptake mode (which is also the aqueous solubilities are so low that the rate of transport to
known as homogenous uptake mode) is common with, but a competent degrading cell will invariably control the rate of
not limited to, substrates that are completely water-soluble biodegradation. The distance (L) and surface area (A) will
or have relatively high solubility in the aqueous phase depend on the nature of adhesion and the type of surface. For
(therefore with limited relevance to water-insoluble hydro- example, adhesion mediated by interaction of fimbriae with
carbons). Although surfactant-enhanced uptake, the second the hydrocarbon surface can result in a diffusion length of
mode, can be very important in biodegradation of hydro- several micrometers and consequently an effective diffusive
carbons, discussion of this mechanism is beyond the scope area that is smaller than the projected area of the cell onto the
of this review. Interested readers are referred to several interface. If the cell wall interacts directly with the oil–water
extensive review papers on this topic (Singh et al. 2007; interface, the diffusion distance could be as little as tens of
Van Hamme et al. 2006; Mulligan et al. 2001). nanometers, whereas adhesion of a compact capsule layer to
As the aqueous solubility of the hydrocarbon substrate the hydrocarbon interface would give an intermediate
approaches zero, the importance of the distance for diffusion length up to hundreds of nanometers. These short
transport through aqueous phase increases to the point distances can be very important in determining mass transfer
where a difference of nanometers can significantly affect rates when solubilities in water are on the of order
the rate of uptake (Weisz 1973). The exterior surface of nanograms per liter (parts per billion). The second important
microorganisms presents macromolecular structures such as factor in Eq. 4 is the actual surface area of hydrocarbon for
hydrophilic exopolysaccharides which may reduce the rate transport to the microbial cell. When the substrate is a solid,
of diffusion from the oil phase to the aqueous milieu of the the interfacial area will be the surface of microorganism that
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675 661

is in contact with oil surface. In the case of liquid where XS is the cell concentration at the interface (the total
hydrocarbons, the actual interfacial area can vary greatly number of cells that are located at interface). Writing Eq. 7 in
depending on the interfacial tensions between the aqueous terms of the fractional area coverage (σ) and the area occupied
phase, the organic phase, and the microbial cell surface. The by unit mass of microorganisms (a) gives:
orientation of the microorganism at the interface can range
dX A
from complete immersion in organic phase (MacLeod and ¼ mð Þs ð8Þ
dt a
Daugulis 2005) to just barely touching the surface (see
Fig. 2) All these cases have been observed in laboratory Assuming a Langmuir isotherm model for the adsorption
studies, depending on the contact angle of cells (MacLeod and desorption of cells to the interface gives:
and Daugulis 2005; Marshall 1980). Although it might
appear that complete immersion of microbes in the organic s¼ ð9Þ
1 þ bX
phase would maximize the contact area and provide the best
biodegradation of compounds in organic phase, this situation where b is the adsorption equilibrium constant. Equation 8
can limit growth rate due to lack of access to nutrients in the therefore can be rewritten as:
aqueous phase (MacLeod and Daugulis 2005). These aspects
dX A bX
of micro-scale and nano-scale mass transfer dictate the role ¼mð Þð Þ ð10Þ
dt a 1 þ bX
of adhesion in biodegradation, but to date, there is an almost
complete lack of discussion of this point in the literature on Considering the two limiting cases, for low cell
hydrocarbon biodegradation processes. concentration at the interface, the increase in X with time
Direct interfacial uptake has been reported primarily in will result in greater interfacial area coverage and the
cases of poorly soluble compounds such as long chain alkanes growth rate will be proportional to the both interfacial
and PAHs. It is often experimentally difficult to distinguish area and total cell concentration. Equation 10 would then
between direct contact uptake and uptake through the aqueous reduce to:
phase; therefore, kinetic behaviors of these two different
dX A
mechanisms have been used as a means to differentiate which ¼ m  ð Þ  bX ð11Þ
mechanism was involved in the biodegradation process. Dunn dt a
(1968) conducted a simple analysis of the growth at an oil– At high cell concentration, when the interface is fully
water interface and in the aqueous phase and considered the covered, Eq. 10 would become:
two extreme cases for each mechanism. When a microor-
dX A
ganism utilizes the hydrocarbon only in its dissolved form ¼ mð Þ ð12Þ
dt a
(homogeneous uptake), the growth is exponential, with two
extreme cases. At very low cell concentration, the growth is In this case, the growth rate is proportional to the
limited by the number of cells, assuming that other nutrients interfacial area and independent of the total cell concentra-
are available in excess, so that: tion. The predictions of the two models mentioned above,
illustrated in Fig. 3, suggest that it may be possible to
dX distinguish between the two mechanisms using kinetic data.
¼mX ð5Þ
dt For the interfacial mechanism at lower cell concentrations
according to Eq. 11, the plot of growth rate versus X will be
with X being the cell concentration (mass of cells per volume
logarithmic and would change in proportion to the
of aqueous phase) and μ being the specific growth rate of the
interfacial area. For the homogeneous model, however, it
microorganism. At high cell density, the hydrocarbon
will not depend on the surface area at a similar cell
transfer from organic phase to the aqueous phase would be
concentration range, as indicated by Eq. 5. This distinction
rate limiting, and the equation would be:
could only be made when the cell concentration is
dX sufficiently low and all substrates are at high concentrations
¼k A ð6Þ
dt (to have a constant value of μ). Otherwise, the rate will
where k is a coefficient incorporating effects of many variables change with interfacial area for both models according to
including mass transfer and the specific growth rate and A is Eqs. 6 and 12. The other important point to consider is the
the total oil–water interfacial area. In the case of interfacial fact that this distinction in kinetic mode requires experi-
growth, it was argued that cell division occurs while the cell is mental measurement of the initial rate of biodegradation,
at the interface and described by the equation: which can be difficult to determine in many cases.
Another experimental method to distinguish between
dX interfacial and homogenous uptake modes is based on
¼ m  XS ð7Þ
dt comparing cell growth at high cell populations. According
662 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675

Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of


increase in oil-water interfacial area

increase in oil-water interfacial area
growth rate versus cell concen-
tration based on two modes of
substrate uptake: a kinetic

growth rate (dX/dt)

model for homogeneous uptake

growth rate (dX/dt)

(substrate dissolved in aqueous
phase), based on Eqs. 5 and 6
for low and high cell concen-
trations, respectively; b kinetic
model for interfacial uptake,
based on Eqs. 11 and 12
(adapted from Dunn 1968)
Rate is independent of
the interfacial area Rate is proportional to
the interfacial area
(equations 5 and 6)
(equations 11 and 12)
cell concentration (X) cell concentration (X)

to Eqs. 6 or 12, at high cell concentrations, the growth rate 1995) or utilizing a water-soluble substrate in the presence
is controlled by interfacial area and/or the mass transfer. of an organic phase (MacLeod and Daugulis 2005) were
The method is based on discriminating between these two intended to clarify the importance of uptake from the
factors and was first proposed during a study of the aqueous phase versus direct uptake from the hydrocarbon
bacterial production of menthol, where the substrate was phase. Such experiments should be interpreted carefully
provided as an immiscible organic liquid (Westgate et al. since multiple factors can control the outcome. For
1995). Although the reaction did not involve hydrocarbons, example, important variables such as inhibition of micro-
the principles are applicable to oil–water systems. Two bial growth by the NAPL, mixing, and emulsification were
racemic isomers of menthyl acetate were provided to the not controlled or monitored during these experiments. The
bacteria, but only one isomer could be used as substrate other point to consider is the fact that in an agitated culture,
whereas the other was not metabolized. The menthol the cells can be in a dynamic equilibrium between attached
production rate was proportional to the organic phase and planktonic phases, as discussed above. The Langmuir
volume, both when substrate was provided as a pure isomer isotherm in Eq. 9 is an equilibrium relationship that does
and when the organic phase was a racemic mixture of not account for the possibility that cells attach and detach
isomers. Equal volumes of the racemic and single enantio- from the interface dynamically, as has been reported for A.
meric substrates were used; therefore, the interfacial area venetianus RAG-1 (Neu 1996). Such transient attachment is
was the same but the rate of mass transfer of the actual most likely to occur in an agitated bioreactor.
substrate to the aqueous phase was expected to be less for Therefore, as discussed below, it is quite possible to have
the racemic mixture. Thus, the menthol production rate was different uptake modes that prevail in different stages of
proportional to the interfacial area (i.e., volume of the liquid growth or modes of mixing. In summary, the interfacial
of the actual substrate) and was independent of the growth mechanism is usually too complicated for analysis by
enantiomer concentration, indicating that the reaction rate macroscopic kinetic data. It is very important to combine
was controlled by the direct access of bacteria to the microscopic observation with kinetic measurements and also
interface and not by mass transfer to the aqueous phase. examine all the assumptions of kinetic models before applying
The authors recommended a general method to distinguish these models to experimental data.
between mass transfer- and surface area-controlled mecha-
nisms based on the dilution of substrate with a structurally
similar but non-metabolizable compound (Westgate et al. Adhesion and biodegradation
1995). This approach provides an opportunity to design
parallel experiments having the same interfacial area but An early study of yeast cells growing in a medium
different mass transfer rates. Comparable reaction rates containing liquid hydrocarbons demonstrated that most of
under both conditions would mean that interfacial uptake is the cells attach to the hydrocarbon droplets (Bos and de
the controlling step rather than mass transfer. A similar Boer 1968). Kennedy et al. (1975) and Miura et al. (1977)
approach was used to demonstrate active uptake of n- found that the ability of certain yeasts and bacteria to
hexadecane by dilution with a highly branched alkane (Kim adhere to hydrocarbons was correlated with their ability to
et al. 2002). utilize them, whereas other researchers, using different
Other experiments such as using a co-solvent to increase microorganisms, showed that biodegradation of hydro-
the solubility of the organic substrates (Westgate et al. carbons was not related to direct contact between micro-
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675 663

organisms and hydrocarbons (Yoshida et al. 1971; have measured the cell surface hydrophobicity distinct from
Wodzinski and Coyle 1974). These conflicting conclusions interfacial area. The same research group recently published
have raised questions about the importance of interactions two other studies on the effect of the phytogenic surfactant
between biodegradation and adhesion, reviewed in the Quillaya saponin on rates of hydrocarbon biodegradation
following sections. rates by different bacterial strains (Pijanowska et al. 2007;
Kaczorek et al. 2011), but the same experimental method
Adhesion-independent biodegradation was used and no clear conclusions can be drawn from the
results regarding the effect of adhesion on biodegradation
Adhesion can increase biodegradation and growth on rates.
hydrocarbons, but biodegradation does not necessarily Mohanty and Mukherji (2007) suggested that biodegra-
require cell adhesion to the hydrocarbon phase. In this dation of diesel fuel by the bacterial cultures Exiguobacte-
section, we review studies in which microbial adhesion was rium aurantiacum and Burkholderia cepacia was mediated
found not to be a major factor in biodegradation (Table 1). by direct hydrocarbon uptake by bacteria attached to the
The reports are classified here into two groups based on oil–water interface. Neither bacterium produced any exter-
substrate: (a) n-alkanes and (b) PAHs. The effect of nal biosurfactant or bioemulsifiers, so the non-ionic
adhesion is believed to be much more important in the surfactant Triton X-100 was added at twice the critical
case of n-alkanes because of their extremely low aqueous micelle concentration. This surfactant is a well-known cell
solubility. For instance, tetradecane (C14H30) has an adhesion inhibitor (Efroymson and Alexander 1991;
aqueous solubility more than 40-fold lower than that of Stelmack et al. 1999) that can reduce or even prevent the
phenanthrene (C14H10) (Eganhouse and Calder 1976; biodegradation of extremely low-solubility n-alkanes by
Mackay et al. 1975). Nevertheless, the absence of a major hydrophobic cultures (Zhang and Miller 1994; Efroymson
adhesion effect in n-alkane biodegradation was reported in and Alexander 1991). Mohanty and Mukherji (2007) found
some cases, as will be discussed. that Triton X-100 significantly enhanced biodegradation
For papers in group (a) of Table 1, adhesion was not a the n-alkane components of diesel oil. Notably, no adhesion
major factor, presumably due to the production of surface- or emulsification measurements were made during biodeg-
active compounds. Therefore, in most of the studies in radation tests; therefore, the attachment of bacteria to the
group (a), conclusions about adhesion in these papers emulsified diesel oil cannot be evaluated. Nevertheless, it
should be examined cautiously. When biosurfacants are can be cautiously concluded that, even for hydrophobic
present in biodegradation experiments, their influence on microorganisms that use highly water-insoluble compounds,
the bacterial uptake mode should be considered along with the effect of adhesion may not be crucial and even greater
their effects on increasing solubility or dispersion of biodegradation rates could be achieved with less adherence if
hydrocarbons. Failure to address these multiple effects can solubilization and emulsification are enhanced. However, as
be observed in some of the papers in group (a); one discussed below, this conclusion should not be generalized to
example is a study examining the relationship between other cases.
adhesion and n-alkane biodegradation by the yeast Candida Papers in group (b) of Table 1 reported the absence of
maltosa (Chrzanowski et al. 2005). In this study, various major adhesion influence on biodegradation of PAHs. This
types of natural and synthetic surfactants were investigated lack of a role for adhesion presumably is mainly due to
for their influence on growth, cell surface hydrophobicity, sufficient aqueous concentration of the substrate in the
and hydrocarbon biodegradation. The MATH method was cultures. PAHs have higher aqueous solubilities than n-
used to characterize cell surface hydrophobicity. In the case alkanes of equivalent carbon number, but their ubiquitous
of non-ionic synthetic surfactants, the higher degradation presence, their persistence in the environment (mostly in
rate corresponded to lower MATH values, which was not soil), and their potential dangers for human health have led
the case for natural biosurfactants. However, the effect of to many studies of bioavailability. For example, to
surfactants in the MATH tests was not considered, invalid- determine the effect of phenanthrene availability on its
ating the study’s results and conclusions. The presence of biodegradation, Bouchez et al. (1995) used different means
surface-active agents can reduce the hydrocarbon droplet of supplying the substrate (i.e., crystals versus dissolved in
size and, during the MATH test, could increase hydrocar- non-aqueous solvents) and analyzed the kinetics of microbial
bon surface area available for microbial adhesion. The growth and biodegradation. Measurement of growth showed
outcome of MATH then would be determined not only by two-phase growth curves in all systems, with an initial
the cell surface hydrophobicity but also by the differences exponential phase followed by a linear growth phase. The
in hydrocarbon–water interfacial area at various surfactant maximum specific growth rates (μmax) were independent of
concentrations. A contact angle measurement could have the method of providing the substrate (crystals or dissolved
provided more useful information in this case, since it could in NAPL, with different interfacial areas in each case),

Table 1 Studies in which microbial adhesion was reported not to be a major factor in biodegradation

References Main substrate Mode of providing substrate Microorganism used Main result and comments

Group (a): papers reporting no major adhesion effects on n-alkane biodegradation

Yoshida et al. (1971) Pure n-alkanes (C6–C18) Liquid and vapor hydrocarbons Candida tropicalis Hydrocarbon uptake by direct contact mode
was negligible, but the paper lacks
quantitative data to support the claim
Chakravarty et al. (1975) Mixture of dodecane and hexadecane Liquid hydrocarbons Candida maltosa Biodegradation was modeled based on uptake
from the aqueous phase. Effects of surface-
active metabolites on the cell surface and
adhesion were not addressed
Chrzanowski et al. (2005) Dodecane and hexadecane Liquid hydrocarbons Candida maltosa EH 15 Correlation between adhesion and
biodegradation was examined in the presence
of surfactants. The interference of surfactants
with the adhesion measurement was not
Pijanowska et al. (2007) Dodecane and hexadecane Liquid hydrocarbon Pseudomonas and Bacillus sp. Decrease in adhesion was correlated with the
best biodegradation by some species.
Experiments lacked proper controls to
account for the effect of surfactant on
MATH test
Mohanty and Mukherji (2007) Diesel fuel containing n-alkanes Liquid diesel fuel Exiguobacterium aurantiacum Adhesion did not show a major impact on
and Burkholderia cepacia biodegradation. Adhesion data were not
Owsianiak et al. (2009) Diesel fuel Liquid diesel fuel 218 microbial consortia able Cell surface hydrophobicity (assessed by
to grow on diesel fuel MATH)
was not correlated with diesel fuel
Group (b): papers reporting no major adhesion effects on PAH biodegradation (presumably due to sufficient aqueous concentrations of PAHs)
Wodzinski and Coyle (1974) Phenanthrene Solid crystals Pseudomonas sp. Phenanthrene was utilized in the dissolved state
Bouchez et al. (1995) Phenanthrene Solid crystal and dissolved in NAPL Pseudomonas sp., S Phe Na1 No interfacial uptake was observed
Efroymson and Alexander (1991) Naphthalene and hexadecane Dissolved in NAPL Arthrobacter sp. Adhesion was not an important factor for
biodegradation of naphthalene
Foght and Westlake (1988) Phenanthrene and anthracene Dissolved in NAPL Pseudomonas fluorescens LP6a Hydrophilic microorganism does not rely on
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675 665

indicating that partitioning of substrate to the aqueous phase noted that the surface of hydrocarbon droplets became less
was not a limiting factor. Such behavior is expected for electronegative when amended with asphaltenes or resins,
homogeneous (i.e., dissolved substrate) growth, as shown in which resulted in decreased microbial attachment to the
Fig. 3a. The authors hypothesized that in the second, linear droplets possibly due to steric hindrance rather than
growth phase, the biomass density increased sufficiently that hydrophobicity modification.
the demand for substrate exceeded the rate of transfer to the
aqueous phase, which was limited by dissolution. They Adhesion-dependent biodegradation
conducted additional experiments using various masses of
phenanthrene crystals suspended in aqueous medium and The positive influence of adhesion on biodegradation has
compared the patterns of biodegradation kinetics with a been reported in a number of different studies in Table 2.
mathematical model based on transfer-limited growth. A These studies are classified into three groups. Group (a)
close correspondence between growth kinetics and calculated includes some of the earlier studies in this field. These
rate of substrate transfer in the second growth phase was papers mostly focused on studying adhesion as a charac-
observed. The results demonstrated that, in these experi- teristic of microbial populations without showing what, if
ments, phenanthrene had to be transferred to the aqueous any, role adhesion had in the biodegradation process. Group
phase for biodegradation to occur and the interfacial transfer (b) consists of papers that determined the growth kinetics
of phenanthrene to bacteria (and, by extension, adhesion to and specified how adhesion and interfacial uptake changed
the organic phase) did not play an important role in the pattern of biodegradation and growth. These papers
biodegradation kinetics. usually did not focus on mechanisms of adhesion or the
Some studies have revealed a mixed effect of adhesion mechanism by which adhesion stimulates biodegradation of
on biodegradation. Efroymson and Alexander (1991) hydrocarbons. Group (c) includes papers that mostly
studied biodegradation of hexadecane and naphthalene focused on the mechanism of biodegradation and its
dissolved in 2,2,4,4,6,8,8-heptamethylnonane (HMN) using relationship to adhesion. These latter papers deal with
a strain of Arthrobacter sp. They found that when bacterial issues such as the specific changes in microbial cell surface
adhesion to the hydrocarbon phase was prevented by or their interaction with hydrocarbons due to adhesion.
addition of Triton X-100, hexadecane mineralization was Interfacial uptake was investigated as a mechanism for
completely inhibited. Adhesion tests demonstrated that the biodegradation of pyrene dissolved in NAPL by a Rhodo-
cells did not attach to the oil–water interface when the coccus strain using oxygen consumption rate as a proxy for
surfactant was added. Surprisingly, the rate and extent of biodegradation (Bouchez et al. 1997). Two successive
biodegradation of naphthalene increased in the presence of phases of exponential oxygen consumption during the
Triton X-100. Whereas adhesion to the oil phase was biodegradation of pyrene were observed, and the rate of
necessary for hexadecane biodegradation, it had no significant substrate uptake was estimated using these data. In the first
impact on the rate of biodegradation of naphthalene. Many exponential phase, the pyrene uptake rate was consistent
PAH-degrading bacteria are not hydrophobic, do not exhibit with the rate of pyrene partitioning from NAPL to aqueous
significant adhesion to the oil–water interface, and often phase under abiotic conditions. In the second exponential
biodegrade the more water-soluble PAHs rather than n- phase, however, the rate increased to values higher than
alkanes. For instance, Pseudomonas fluorescens strain LP6a expected from abiotic experiments (i.e., from dissolution).
was shown to be hydrophilic using the MATH test and The specific growth rate (estimated using oxygen con-
contact angle measurements (Dorobantu et al. 2004) and sumption data) in the second exponential phase was
AFM (Dorobantu et al. 2008), yet it utilized a variety of independent of pyrene concentration but increased with
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons including phenanthrene the volume of NAPL. The authors studied biodegradation
and anthracene as sole carbon and energy source but not of fluoranthene using the same methods and observed
alkanes (Foght and Westlake 1988, 1996; Foght 2004). For similar patterns. These data suggest that increased interfa-
compounds with extremely low aqueous solubility (likely cial area in the second phase of growth and hence the
less than 0.05 mg/L), the microbes need a mechanism other uptake from the interface increased the biodegradation rate.
than uptake from aqueous solution in order to sustain the It also indicates a dynamic equilibrium between adsorbed
biodegradation. If there is no adhesion, the cells need a and planktonic cells, with interfacial uptake being predom-
surface-active agent to enhance hydrocarbon availability. inant in the experiments.
As a subtle point, asphaltene and resin fractions of crude Biodegradation of PAHs by Mycobacterium vanbaalenii
oil, although not themselves readily biodegradable, may PYR-1 was also investigated using kinetic data obtained in
indirectly influence biodegradation of labile oil components a two-phase partitioning bioreactor (MacLeod and Daugulis
by partitioning to the oil–water interface due to their 2005). The roles of agitation speed, substrate concentration,
surface-active properties. Warne Zoueki et al. (2010b) and the simultaneous presence of a water-soluble substrate
Table 2 Studies in which microbial adhesion was reported to be an important factor in hydrocarbon biodegradation

References Main substrate Mode of providing substrate Microorganism used Major observations

Group (a): early papers focused on adhesion as a property specific to hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms
Bos and de Boer (1968) Unspecified hydrocarbons Liquid hydrocarbons Unspecified yeast Nearly all cells were observed to be attached
to the hydrocarbon droplets
Kennedy et al. (1975) Various alkanes and alkenes Liquid hydrocarbons Acinetobacter sp. Adhesion of microorganism to hydrocarbons
was claimed to be exclusive to hydrocarbon
degraders but this claim was refuted by
subsequent work
Nakahara et al. (1977) Hexadecane Liquid hydrocarbon Candida lipolytica ATCC More than half the cells were attached to large
8662 oil drops. Interfacial tension was reduced
by cells
Miura et al. (1977) n-Decane and n-tetradecane Liquid hydrocarbons Various yeasts Hydrocarbon-degrading cells showed more
adhesion to hydrocarbons than non-degraders
Nakahara et al. (1981) Hexadecane Liquid hydrocarbon Pseudomonas aeruginosa Surfactants did not affect the biodegradation
and yeast rate of more adherent microorganism
Group (b): papers based on analyses of kinetic data for growth and hydrocarbon biodegradation
Ortega-Calvo and Alexander (1994) Naphthalene Dissolved in NAPL Arthrobacter sp. Biodegradation occurred in 2 stages involving
free and attached microbes
Bouchez et al. (1997) Pyrene and fluoranthene Dissolved in NAPL Rhodococcus sp. Data indicated uptake by both adsorbed and free
cells with interfacial uptake being predominant
Bouchez-Naïtali et al. (2001) Hexadecane Dissolved in NAPL Rhodococcus equi Interfacial kinetics and effect of cell flocculation
on kinetics pattern were explained
MacLeod and Daugulis (2005) Various PAHs Dissolved in NAPL Mycobacterium PYR-1 Kinetic data confirmed the interfacial growth.
Cells were also observed in organic phase
Cavalca et al. (2008) Phenanthrene Dissolved in NAPL or sorbed 2 mixed bacterial cultures Kinetic data were not definitive, but
to a humic acid complex bioavailability restrictions resulted in a more
adherent population
Group (c): papers focused on the mechanism of biodegradation or mechanism of adhesion influence on biodegradation
Rosenberg and Rosenberg (1981) Hexadecane Liquid hydrocarbon Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Adhesion was a prerequisite for biodegradation
Bouchez-Naïtali et al. (1999) Hexadecane Liquid hydrocarbon Various alkane degraders 29 of 61 isolates growing on hexadecane
exclusively used direct contact uptake
Bastiaens et al. (2000) 12 PAHs provided individually PAH crystals/or PAHs sorbed Mixed microbial culture from Sorption of PAHs to hydrophobic sorbents
to a hydrophobic membrane contaminated soil enriched a more adherent bacterial population
Wick et al. (2001) Anthracene Solid crystals Mycobacterium sp. LB501T Substrate uptake occurred from aqueous solution
and through biomass formation
Garcia-Junco et al. (2001) Phenanthrene Solid and dissolved in NAPL Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biosurfactant production and attachment
19SJ increased PAH biodegradation
Wick et al. (2002) Anthracene Solid crystals Mycobacterium sp. LB501T Anthracene-grown cells were more adherent to
hydrophobic surfaces than cells grown on
glucose. Adhesion was the mechanism used to
overcome limited substrate bioavailability
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675
Table 2 (continued)

References Main substrate Mode of providing substrate Microorganism used Major observations

Johnsen and Karlson (2004) Phenanthrene, pyrene and Solid crystals Various PAH-degrading Biofilm formation on crystals was the
fluoranthene bacteria predominant substrate uptake mechanism
Rodrigues et al. (2005) Fluorene and phenanthrene Solid crystals Pseudomonas putida ATCC P. putida used only water-soluble fluorene, but it
17514 adhered to the solid phenanthrene and could
biodegrade it at a higher rate than without
Song et al. (2006) Various PAHs and alkanes Liquid hydrocarbons or dissolved Marine PAH and alkane- Biodegradation of larger PAHs and C10–C36
in NAPL degrading bacteria alkanes was associated primarily with the oil
films and predominant bacteria adhered to the
oil-coated adsorbents during biodegradation
Bihari et al. (2007) Hexadecane Liquid hydrocarbon Acinetobacter haemolyticus Substrate uptake occurred through fimbriae-
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675

AR-46 mediated cell contact with n-alkane droplet

Obuekwe et al. (2007b) Crude oil, hexadecane and Liquid hydrocarbons Pseudomonas aeruginosa Cultivation selected for a mixture of hydrophilic
phenanthrene and hydrophobic cells having different
hydrocarbon biodegradation capacities
Obuekwe et al. (2007a) Crude oil, hexadecane and Pure and mixed liquid Paenibacillus sp. R0032A Cultivation selected for a mixture of hydrophilic
phenanthrene hydrocarbons and Burkholderia cepacia and hydrophobic cells having different
and solid crystals hydrocarbon biodegradation capacities
Obuekwe et al. (2008) Crude oil, hexadecane and Pure and mixed liquid Pseudomonas aeruginosa Hydrophobic subpopulations of the culture had
phenanthrene hydrocarbons greater hydrocarbon-utilizing ability than either
and solid crystals hydrophilic cells or the parental strain
Obuekwe et al. (2009) Crude oil Liquid hydrocarbons Various hydrocarbon- Significantly high correlation between the ability
degrading bacteria to biodegrade crude oil and cell hydrophobicity
was observed among 46 crude oil-degrading
Notomista et al. (2011) Aromatic hydrocarbons dissolved Liquid hydrocarbons Novosphingobium sp. PP1Y Strain forms biofilm on hydrocarbon droplets
in gasoline, diesel oil, or only if aromatic hydrocarbon substrates are
paraffins present in the NAPL
668 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675

(glucose) with several PAHs dissolved in the NAPL carriers scopic cell surface properties; that is, the substrate uptake
HMN or bis(ethyl hexyl) sebacate were examined in this mode could be a combination of different modes, as
study. Greater agitation enhanced the biodegradation rate reported recently by Franzetti et al. (2008), who observed
by increasing surface area and improving mixing. No a change in the way Gordonia sp. BS29 accessed the
significant change in the biodegradation rate was measured substrate during growth on hydrocarbons. In the early
when different concentrations of PAHs were dissolved in exponential growth phase, bacteria were hydrophobic and
the NAPL phase. Microscopic examination of the bacterial adhered to hydrocarbon drops to get direct access to
culture using fluorescence microscopy revealed that bacte- hydrocarbons; then in the late exponential phase of growth,
ria not only adsorbed to the interface but also appeared the cells became hydrophilic and interacted with dispersed
inside the NAPL phase. High contact angle values of ~90° hydrocarbons. These results illustrate that macroscopic
for the cell surface were thought to be the main reason for kinetic measurements alone are insufficient to identify the
bacterial adhesion and transfer to the NAPL phase, thus uptake mechanism.
explaining the observation that glucose degradation When investigating the interfacial uptake of hydro-
decreased in these two-liquid-phase cultures. According to carbons in oil–water systems mediated by cell adherence
the kinetic behavior previously described for interfacial to the substrate, measurement and control of surface area
growth models (Fig. 3b), the positive influence of agitation poses an enormous challenge. The studies discussed above
rate, the inability to change linear growth rate with increasing dealt with interfacial area qualitatively by controlling the
substrate concentration, the negative effect of solvent on volume ratio of NAPL to aqueous phase and/or the mixing
aqueous compound biodegradation, and with highly hydro- intensity. Very few studies have included accurate surface
phobic surface of Mycobacterium PYR-1 all suggested an area measurements during biodegradation of liquid hydro-
interfacial mode of growth. carbons. One exception used a stirred tank bioreactor to
A study focused on the kinetics of hexadecane biodeg- assess the effect of oil phase dispersion on biodegradation
radation analyzed growth of four strains of Rhodococcus by Acinetobacter sp. of n-heneicosane (C21H44) dissolved
equi (Bouchez-Naïtali et al. 2001), none of which produced in a non-biodegradable NAPL (pristane) (Hori et al. 2002a).
biosurfactants. The authors stated (without quantitation) The primary goal of the paper was to investigate the
that microscopy showed most of the bacterial cells arranged influence of impeller speed on the specific surface area of the
around oil drops or as aggregates in the oil phase. Three NAPL and concomitant biodegradation of n-heneicosane
strains showed >80% adhesion to n-hexadecane, HMN, or dissolved in the NAPL phase. The reactor was operated at
silicone oil in the MATH test, whereas one strain with 77% impeller speeds of 300, 600, or 900 rpm, and growth and
adhesion formed few aggregates and grew dispersed in the biodegradation were determined at various time intervals.
aqueous medium. The flocculating strains demonstrated a The authors measured the droplet size distribution using a
very short exponential growth phase on hexadecane previously developed innovative sampling device (Hori et al.
(measured as oxygen consumption), and the specific rates 2002b) and calculated the specific surface area of oil phase
were not a function of the interfacial area. Although a linear in each case. Parallel biodegradation experiments demon-
second growth phase was observed, the growth rate was not strated that, despite increased specific surface area of the
a function of interfacial area. In contrast, the non- NAPL phase, both the growth rate and n-heneicosane
flocculating culture exhibited a longer exponential growth biodegradation rate decreased with increased impeller speed.
phase, and the specific growth rate depended on the volume Measurement of the numbers of free and attached cells ruled
ratio of NAPL in the culture (as modeled in Fig. 3b). For out cell damage by shear stress. Analysis of the number of
the second phase of the bacterial growth, linear growth was hydrocarbon-attached cells in different experiments revealed
observed only for some volume ratios of NAPL; however, that the ratio of adherent cells to total cells was greater at
no explanation for these observations was offered. The 300 rpm than at 900 rpm. Addition of Triton X-100 at
authors concluded that although the flocculating cultures concentrations below the critical micelle concentration
did not behave according to an interfacial kinetic model, the decreased the biodegradation rate. These results show that
non-flocculating culture agreed well with the model. at high shear force caused by high impeller speed, adhesion
This study suggests that factors such as cell flocculation is compromised and hence the biodegradation rate is
can be as important in determining biodegradation kinetics reduced. This result indicates that any effort to increase the
as adhesion to the oil–water interface. Flocculation of the specific surface area of oil in water should also consider the
microbes will result in decreased transport of low-solubility possible effects on cell adhesion and substrate uptake mode.
substrates to the cell surface, which can counter the positive Another method used to discern biodegradation mecha-
impact of adhesion on mass transfer. In fact, growth nisms is analysis of differences in cell surface properties.
kinetics can reflect much more complicated mechanisms Bouchez-Naïtali et al. (1999) studied the relative distribu-
and may not be predicable by measuring simple macro- tion of substrate uptake modes among bacteria degrading
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675 669

long chain alkanes. They measured cell hydrophobicity that adhesion was a prerequisite for growth of Acinetobacter
(by MATH test), interfacial and surface tensions, and RAG-1 on liquid hydrocarbons when there was limited
production of glycolipidic extracellular biosurfactants in emulsification.
order to characterize the hydrocarbon uptake mode. These This sequential partitioning approach was used by
properties were examined using 23 representative bacterial (Obuekwe et al. 2007a, b, 2008) to fractionate three bacterial
strains incubated with either an insoluble (n-hexadecane) or a strains isolated from a contaminated site (Paenibacillus sp.
soluble (glycerol or succinate) carbon source. It was assumed R0032A and B. cepacia and P. aeruginosa). Four variants
that the hydrocarbon uptake from aqueous solution (homoge- were isolated from each bacterial strain by performing
neous uptake) was insignificant because of the extremely low sequential MATH tests. These variants were then examined
aqueous solubility of long chain alkanes like n-hexadecane. for the ability to biodegrade crude oil, hexadecane, and
Therefore, direct contact and biosurfactant-facilitated uptake phenanthrene crystals. The biodegradation experiments
modes were assumed to be the only plausible mechanisms for revealed that the ability of the variants to grow on all three
supplying substrate to the bacteria, with a combination of hydrocarbons correlated with their hydrophobicity as deter-
these two mechanisms considered to be likely. Importantly, in mined using MATH: The more hydrophobic the variant and
this study, all uptakes were measured based on interfacial the greater the adhesion, the faster the biodegradation rate.
properties and were not coupled to biodegradation measure- Furthermore, Obuekwe et al. (2007b) examined structural
ments, i.e., the uptake was considered to occur through the differences in the cell surface among variants of P.
direct interfacial mode only because of bacterial hydropho- aeruginosa. Observation of cell surface by both scanning
bicity and lack of surfactant production, although no and transmission electron microscopy revealed that the most
microscopic observation or biodegradation tests were con- hydrophobic variant was densely covered by fimbriae
ducted to support the inferred uptake mode. In fact, whereas the hydrophilic variant was encapsulated by
characterization of a bacterial strain as hydrophobic according amorphous exopolysaccharides. The hydrophobic parent
to bulk property assessments such as the MATH test does not strain possessed flagella and pili but much less exopolysac-
necessarily imply a particular uptake mode. For instance, in a charide. The authors noted that when different fractions of
recently published paper, an alkane-degrading A. haemolyticus cells were re-grown in nutrient broth after separation, they
strain was concluded to be hydrophilic because a majority of maintained their relative differences, but no data were
the cells were planktonic rather than being associated with the provided on the duration of this effect. Based on this
alkane phase (Bihari et al. 2007), without confirmatory observation, it was argued that these differences are
examination of the cell surface. sufficiently stable to support the existence of genetically
The existence of physiologically different subpopulations diverse clones of the organisms within cultures of the
of cells has been observed in the studies of axenic cultures parental strains. This study also illustrates the significance
(Ortega-Calvo and Alexander 1994). An interesting approach of extracellular structures for bacterial attachment to oil–
to both fractionate these different subpopulations and water interfaces. The same group recently published a study
understand the effect of adhesion on their growth on in which biodegradation tests were accompanied by meas-
hydrocarbons has been accomplished using the MATH test urements of cell surface hydrophobicity (Obuekwe et al.
(Rosenberg and Rosenberg 1981). In the 1994 study, 2009). Results showed a strong correlation between hydro-
sequential MATH tests were performed to isolate A. phobicity of cells and their ability to significantly biodegrade
calcoaceticus RAG-1 mutants defective in adhesion to hydrocarbons. Of 46 hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria tested,
hydrocarbons compared to the RAG-1 parent strain, which 74% of isolates that biodegraded more than 40% of crude oil
adheres avidly to a wide range of hydrocarbons (Rosenberg exhibited a high level of cell surface hydrophobicity.
et al. 1980). The authors observed that sequential multi-step The phenomenon of sequential selection of adherent
partitioning of bacterial cells in an octadecane–water system cells highlights the dynamic nature of microbial cells and
and successive enrichment of the cells remaining in the their ability to adapt to cultivation with water-insoluble
aqueous phase led to isolation of a hydrophilic strain, substrates. For example, the position of cells of the alkane-
MR-481, which showed no significant adhesion to degrading R. erythropolis strain PR4 at the oil–water
hydrocarbons. The parent and mutant strains exhibited very interface depends upon the composition of the oil phase
similar growth kinetics on water-soluble carbon sources, but being used as carbon source (Iwabuchi et al. 2009). When
when hexadecane was used as sole carbon and energy source, grown on n-alkanes with carbon chain length of C10–C12,
RAG-1 grew with no significant lag whereas the non-adherent PR4 cells colonized the surface of the hydrocarbon droplets
mutant strain did not grow for during 54-h incubation. When (i.e., the oil–water interface), but when grown on longer-
emulsan derived from A. venetianus RAG-1 was added to the chain alkanes (>C14), cells were found inside the oil
medium, strain MR-481 started to grow on hexadecane after droplets. This positioning correlated with measured cell
~6 h. Based on these observations, the authors concluded surface hydrophobicity measurements determined by
670 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675

MATH tests, but no biochemical mechanisms enabling this ical devices and prevention of industrial biofilm formation
partitioning were offered. Similarly, R. erythropolis strain (biofouling). Conversely, there are a few applications in
DCL14 changed cell surface charge in response to growth on which promoting microbial adhesion is beneficial, such as
different alkanes, becoming positively charged when grown bacterial adhesion to oil leading to development of two-
on tetradecane and hexadecane (de Carvalho et al. 2009). phase water–oil mouthwashes that remove bacteria from the
The aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading strain Novosphin- mouth (Goldberg and Rosenberg 1991). Similarly, enhanc-
gobium sp. PP1Y was observed to colonize hydrocarbon ing microbial adhesion to the oil–water interface has
droplets only when an appropriate aromatic hydrocarbon implications for biodegradation of poorly water-soluble
substrate was present, whereas emulsification of the oil hydrocarbons in situ and for ex situ biodegradation or
phase did not depend on the chemical composition of the biocatalysis of hydrocarbons in two-phase bioreactors.
oil phase (Notomista et al. 2011). In fact, different aromatic Despite extensive research on the possible relationship
hydrocarbon substrates elicited greater or lesser coloniza- between microbial adhesion and biodegradation of hydro-
tion of droplet surfaces. In addition to ensuring proximity to carbons, controlled enhancement of cell adhesion to
substrates, the authors postulated that biofilm formation promote oil biodegradation or bio-processing has received
around droplets containing mono- and bicyclic aromatic little attention.
hydrocarbons also would reduce their loss by volatilization, Many chemicals have been reported to inhibit microbial
thus preserving substrates for growth of Novosphingobium adhesion to hydrophobic surfaces (Babu et al. 1986;
sp. PP1Y (Notomista et al. 2011). Stelmack et al. 1999; Chen and Zhu 2004), but a few have
Mycobacterium sp. LB501T exhibited striking differences been found to promote microbial adhesion to the oil–water
in adhesion to anthracene crystals depending on the growth interface. Examples include simple ionic compounds such
substrate provided (Wick et al. 2002). When grown on as ammonium sulfate (Rosenberg 1984), cationic surfac-
glucose, cells were unable to attach to anthracene crystals, tants like cetylpyridinium chloride (Goldberg et al. 1990b),
whereas anthracene-grown cells adhered up to 70-fold more, cationic polymers like poly-L-lysine or chitosan (Goldberg
forming a biofilm on the crystals. Wick et al. (2002) et al. 1990a), and long chain alcohols like 1-decanol
interpreted this phenomenon as adaptation of the strain to (Neumann et al. 2006) and 1-dodecanol (Marchesi et al.
optimize utilization of a substrate with low bioavailability. 1994a, b; Abbasnezhad et al. 2008). Recently, it was
In contrast, the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas shown that enhancing the hydrophobicity of Pseudomonas
sp. T1S1-127 modulated its surface hydrophobicity as a fluorescens LP6a by exposure to 1-dodecanol increased
function of incubation temperature rather than in response mineralization and biodegradation of phenanthrene dissolved
to specific hydrocarbon exposure (Hori et al. 2009). in NAPL (Abbasnezhad et al. 2011).
Cultures grown at 28°C were highly hydrophobic, adhered Microbial adhesion also offers an interesting opportunity
to hexadecane in the MATH test, and had higher rates of for selection and genetic modification of microorganisms for
biodegradation of toluene dissolved in silicone oil than environmental applications. Advances in genetic engineering
those grown at 37°C which were hydrophilic, non-adherent, have encouraged researchers to design superior microorganisms
and achieved lower rates of toluene conversion. for bioremediation purposes (Pieper and Reineke 2000), but the
The preceding discussion shows that microbial adhesion to emphasis has been on improved biodegradation pathways and
the oil–water interface can play an important role in resistance to solvents. With current progress in the identifica-
biodegradation of less soluble hydrocarbons. The importance tion of the functional genes and biological mechanisms that
of adhesion varies from case to case depending on the influence microbial adhesion (Vacheethasanee et al. 1998;
microorganism, substrate, and experimental conditions. Tobe and Sasakawa 2002; Robleto et al. 2003), this
Although each experimental approach reveals different information can be combined with other genetic modifications
features of the interactions between adhesion and biodegra- to design engineered microorganisms for bioremediation of
dation, more definitive results have been obtained by studies less soluble compounds. The large-scale application of these
that are focused on micrometer-scale mechanisms rather than genetically engineered microorganisms is still subject to
macroscopic (bulk) analyses of microbial growth. regulatory restrictions; hence, it is better to concentrate at
present on directed selection of naturally existing strains and
spontaneous mutants (e.g., Obuekwe et al. 2007a, b, 2008)
Modifying microbial adhesion to increase and/or selected chemical modification of the cell surface (e.g.,
biodegradation Abbasnezhad et al. 2011).
Adhesion to hydrocarbons must be considered when
Modification of cell surface properties has been attempted selecting appropriate strains for biodegradation of oil pollu-
for various reasons, including medical applications to tion because the non-adherent variants of bacteria may not
prevent pathogenic biofilm formation on indwelling med- grow well on less soluble hydrocarbons (Rosenberg and
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675 671

Rosenberg 1981; Obuekwe et al. 2007a, b). This is especially hydrocarbon-utilizing bacteria have poor adhesion to
important for in situ applications where mixing is very their substrates yet are able to biodegrade poorly
limited. For example, retention of bacteria in porous media water-soluble compounds.
with associated NAPL (free or sorbed to the solid surface) is (c) Detaching microbial cells from the oil–water interface
important for potential application in microbially enhanced (e.g., by chemical or mechanical means) can reduce the
oil recovery as well as in situ bioremediation of hydro- rate of growth and biodegradation of hydrocarbons.
carbons. Link et al. (2010) observed that Pseudomonas (d) Microbial adhesion can enhance growth on and
saccharophilia strain P15, which can degrade PAHs, was biodegradation of hydrocarbons, especially very poorly
retained longer by quartz sand columns coated with water-soluble hydrocarbons such as n-alkanes and larger
hexadecane than when the hydrocarbon was absent. Cell PAHs or hydrocarbons dissolved in NAPL. The effect
deposition on the porous matrix depended on the growth of adhesion has been shown to be more pronounced
phase of the cells, their growth substrate, and the presence of under conditions of low bioavailability, such as poor
the NAPL phase, indicating that these parameters are mixing and consequently limited emulsification.
important for successful application of microbial inocula to (e) Populations of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria can be
in situ processes. In fact, studies of microbial adhesion to oil heterogeneous with respect to cell surface hydropho-
and cell surface modification could provide new approaches, bicity and adhesion characteristics and, importantly,
better understanding of how adhesion affects microbial can respond rapidly to the presence of hydrocarbons
bioremediation, and may impact industrial and environmental by changing their surface properties to enhance or
applications. For example, microbially enhanced recovery of reduce adherence. Consequently, under conditions of
petroleum from crude oil reservoirs, biocatalytic transformation low substrate solubility and limited mixing, cells with
of hydrocarbons or other substrates dissolved in NAPL greater adhesion ability are favored and can become
(Neumann et al. 2006), and two-phase bioreactors with NAPL enriched. This selection may increase bioremediation
such as silicone oil for ex situ bioremediation (MacLeod and of less soluble hydrocarbons in situ beyond that
Daugulis 2005) are processes that could benefit from predicted by laboratory experiments based on bulk
understanding microbial adhesion to hydrocarbons. population characteristics.
(f) Although some correlations have been observed
between growth rate and biodegradation kinetics of
Significance and future directions adherent bacteria, reliable conclusions cannot be
derived simply using kinetic evidence unless it is
Microbial adhesion to hydrocarbons is a multi-factorial coupled with either direct observation of bacteria at the
phenomenon that involves and depends on diverse biological, interface or accurate measurement of bacterial adhesion
physical, and chemical features. This review has analyzed to the oil–water interface.
numerous studies assessing microbial adhesion and its
influence on the biodegradation of hydrocarbons. It is clear The importance of adhesion in hydrocarbon biodegradation
that multiple experimental parameters used in various studies may have been overlooked or downplayed in previous studies.
make it impossible to draw simple conclusions. A review Most laboratory studies have focused on the role of surface-
published almost 30 years ago (Marshal 1984) concluded that, active compounds to increase mass transfer of substrate in the
although cell attachment to surfaces was an important factor oil phase to cells in the aqueous phase without considering the
in microbial activity, the mechanism(s) and importance of potential counter-effects of surfactants detaching cells from the
adhesion were not completely known. In the context of interface or dispersing hydrocarbons in the environment.
hydrocarbon biodegradation and microbial adhesion, this Laboratory experiments are also usually conducted at small
statement still holds true today. Although we now have much scale with adequate mixing; however, for in situ or large-scale
more information about adhesion of cells to oil–water ex situ bioremediation applications, this is rarely the case,
interfaces and solid hydrocarbons as well as more sophisti- implying that microbial adhesion may play an important role in
cated methods for quantifying adhesion, new questions arise increasing the overall mass transfer of hydrocarbons to the
as we try to answer the old ones. The current conclusions microorganisms in large-scale hydrocarbon bioremediation.
regarding the role of adhesion in biodegradation of hydro- This postulate indicates the need for more research to develop
carbons can be summarized as follows: bioremediation strategies that consider using adhesion to
benefit in situ processes. Opportunities exist to modify cell
(a) Adhesion to hydrocarbons is not limited to hydrocarbon- surface properties by addition of chemicals (e.g., alcohols), by
degrading microorganisms. selective fractionation and enrichment of spontaneous mutants,
(b) In most cases, adhesion to hydrocarbons is not a or by genetic manipulation and thereby to enhance biodegra-
prerequisite for hydrocarbon degradation: Some dation or transformation of hydrocarbons.
672 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 92:653–675

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