Environmental Fate
Environmental Fate
Environmental Fate
74 g o ' K
Scvcral other forms of expressing H also exist in the technical literature (e.g., Lyman concentration in octanol phase
Kow =
et al. 1990). concentration in aqueous phase
Contaminants with low Henry’s law constant values will tend to favor the
; I C I L I ~ O L Iphase
S and will therefore volatilize to the atmosphere more slowly than This dimensionless parameter provides a measure of the extent of chemical partition-
’ constituents with high values. As a general guideline, for H values in the range of
I 0 to 1 O-i atm-iii3/inol volatilization is low, for H between lo-’ and lo-? atm-m3/inol
ing between water and octanol at equilibrium. It has become a particularly important
parameter in studies of the environmental fate of organic chemicals.
1 volatilization is not rapid but possibly significant, and for H >lo-? atrn-m3/mol KO, can be used to predict the magnitude of an organic constituent’s tendency to
j volatilization is rapid. The variation in H between chemicals is indeed extensive. partition between the aqueous and organic phases of a two-phase system, such as
SLIIface water and aquatic Therefore, the sorptive capacity must be deteimined with reference to a particular
tendency of an organic co constituent and soil pair: The soil-water partition coefficient (K,) is generally used to
appreciable organic carbon quantify soil sorp[iori. It provides a soil- or sediment-specific measure of the extent of
to water solubility, soilkedi chemical partitioning betwecn soil or sediment and water, unadjusted for dependence
101 aquatic life. on organic carbon.
In general, chemicals with low K,," (<lo) values may be considered relatively The distribution of a chemical between water and adjoining soil or sediment may
hyclrophilic, wheieas those with high K,,, (> 104) values are very hydrophobic. Thus, indzed be described by an equilibriurn expression that relates the amount of chemical
thc gieatci the K,,,",
the more likely a chemical is to partition to octanol than to remain sorbed to soil or sediment to the amount in water at cquilibriuni. For inost environmen-
i n water. The hydrophilic chemicals tend to have high water solubilities, small soil or tal concentrations, the soiI/water distribution coefficient, K,, can be approximated by:
sediment adsorption coetiicients, and small bioaccumulation factors for aquatic life.
tIigh K,,,"valucs are genetally indicative of a chemical's ability to accumulate in fatty (concentration of adsorbed chemical in soil, C,)
[issues and therefore bioaccuniulate in the foodchain. It is also a key variable in the
estimation of skin permeability. Kd 'mL'gl = (concentration of chemical in solution in water, C,)
I and thc soil (or sediment). The K,,, is chemical-specific and largely independent of the
soil o r sediment properties. 'The tendency of a constituent to be adsorbed to soil,
Iiowever, is clependcnl on its properties and also on the organic carbon-content of the
Bioconcentration Factor (BCF}
The bioconcentration factor (BCF) is the ratio of the concentration of a chemical
constituent in an organism or whole body (e.g., a fish) or specific tissue (e.g., fat) to
soil or sediment. the concentration in water at equilibrium, given by:
When constituents have a high K,,,, they have a tendency to partition to the soil
or sediment. This value is a measure of the hydrophobicity of a chemical. The more
(concentration in biota)
highly sorbed, the more hydrophobic (or the less hydrophilic) a substance becomes. BCF =
Vnlucs of K,,, typically range from 1 to lo7; the higher the KO,, the more likely a (concentration in surrounding medium)
chemical is to bind to soil or sediment than to remain in water, Several estimation
mcthods for evaluating this parameter are elaborated in the technical literature (e.g., [(pg chemical per g biota,e.g.,fish)l
Lyman et al., I990). [(pg chemical per g medium,water)]
Soil- Water Pnrtitiori Coeflicierit (K[J The partitioning of a chemical between water and biota (fish) also gives a measure
The mobility of contaminants in soil depends not only on properties related to the of the hydrophobicity of the chemical. Ranges of BCFs for various constituents and
physical structure of t h e soil, but also on the extent to which the soil material will organisms can be used to predict the potential for bioaccumulation, and therefore to
I-etain, or adsorb, the chemical constituents. The extent to which a constituent is determine whether sampling of the biota is a necessary part of a site characterization
adsorbcd depends on the chemical properties of the constituent and of the soil. program.
In f a c ~ ,the accumulation of chemicals in aquatic organisms is of increased Plzotolysis
concern as a significant source of environmental and health hazard. The BCF indicates Photolysis can be an important dissipative mechanism for specific chemical
the degree to which a chemical residue may accumulate in aquatic organisms, coin- constituents in the environment. Similar to biodegradation, photolysis (or
cident with ambient concentrations of the chemical in water; it is a measure of the photodegradation) may cause the ultimate fate of a constituent introduced into an
tendency o l a chemical i n water to accumulate in the tissue of an organism. The environmental system (e.g., surface water, soil, etc.) to be different from the constitu-
concentration of the chemical in the edible portion of the organism's tissue can be ent originally released. Hence, the photodegradation potential should be carefully
cstimated by multiplying the concentration of the chemical in surface water by the fish evaluated in designing sampling and analysis as well as monitoring programs.
BCF [oi-that chemical. Indeed. the BCF is an estimate ofthe bioaccumulation potential
Ibr biota in general, riot just for fish. Thus, the average concentration in fish or biota Clzemical Degradatiori (Hydrolysis and Oxida fion/Reduction)
is given by Similar to photodegradation and biodegradation, chemical degradation, primarily
through hydrolysis (i.e., a chemical transformation process i n which an organic
molecule reacts with water, forming a new carbon-oxygen bond and cleaving the
carbon bonding with the original molecule) and oxidation/reduction (redox) reactions,
wlicre C,,,:,,,, is the concentration in water. This parameter is indeed an important can also act to change chemical constituent species from what the parent compound
cletcrminnnt for human intake via ingestion of aquatic foods. used to be when it was first introduced to the environment. For instance, oxidation may
Values of BCF typically I-ange from I to over lo6. Constituents exhibiting a BCF occur as a result of chemical oxidants being formed during photochemical processes
greater than 1 .O are potentially bioaccumulative. Generally, constituents exhibiting a in natural waters. Similarly, reduction of constituents may take place in some surface
BCF greater than 100 cause the greatest concern (USEPA, 1987). Several estimation ! water environments (primarily those with low oxygen levels). Hydrolysis of organics
methods [or evaluating this parameter are elaborated i n the technical literature (e.g., ~ i s ~ t a l lresults
y in the introduction of a hydroxyl group (-OH) into a constituent
Lyman et nl., 1990). structure. Hydrated metal ions (particularly those with a valence 2 3 ) tend to form ions
in aqueous solution, thereby enhancing species solubility.
De~izlclatinii/Clierriical Half-Lives
Degradation, whether biological, physical, or chemical, is often reported in the Retardation Factor
literature as a half-life, which is usually measured in days. It is usually expressed as Retardation is the chemical-specific, dynamic process of adsorption to and de-
the time it takes lor one-half of a given quantity of a compound to be degraded. sorption from aquifer materials. In the assessment of the environmental fate and
Half-lives are used as measures of since they indicate how long a transport properties of chemical contaminants, reversible equilibrium and controlled
chemical will remain i n varioiis environ ia. Long half-lives (e.g., greater sorption may be simulated by the use of a retardation factor or coefficient.
than a month or a year) are characteristic of persistent constituents. Media-specific A retardation factor, R, can be calculated for a contaminant as a function of the
liall-lives provide a relative measure of the persistence of a chemical in a given chemical's organic carbon partition coefficient (KO'), and also the bulk density (p) and
medium, although actual values can vary greatly depending on site-specific condi- porosity (n) of the medium through which the contaminant is moving. Typically, retarda-
lions. For example. the absence of certain microorganisms at a site, or the number of tion factors are calculated for linear sorption in accordance with the following formula:
microo~ganisiiis,can influence the rate of biodegradation and, therefore, the half-life
lor specific compounds. As such, half-life values should be used only as a general
indication of a chemical's persistence in the environment (USEPA, 1987). In general,
Iiowevci-, the greater the half-life, the more persistent a chemical is likely to be. where K, = K,, x f,,, and f,, is the organic carbon fraction. Thus, the retardation
coefficient is reduced to the following relationship:
Uiocleg I-orlrrticiti.
Biodegradation is one 0 1 the most important environmental processes affecting R = [l + pK,f,#~]
the bt-cakclown of organic compounds. It results from the enzyme-catalyzed transfor-
m:itioii of organic constituents, primarily from microorganisms. The ultimate fate of In general, if a compound is strongly adsorbed then it also means this particular
21 constituent introdirced into several environinental systems (e.g., soil, water. etc.) compound will be highly retarded. In the aquifer system, the retardation factor gives
may bc any compound other than the parent compound that was originally released a measure of how fast a compound moves relative to groundwater (Nyer, 1993). For
into the environment. For example, trichloroethylene (TCE) biodegrades to produce example, a retardation factor of two indicates that the specific compound is traveling
1,2-clichloroetliyleiie ( I ,2-DCE), vinyl chloride, and other compounds; from a toxicity at one-half the groundwater flow rate. This will usually become a very important
viewpoint 1,Z-DCE is less toxic and vinyl chloride more toxic than TCE. parameter in the design of groundwater remediation systems.
Biological degradation may also initiate other chemical reactions such as oxygen
tlepletion i n microbial degradation processes, creating anaerobic conditions and the
Miscellnrieous Equilibriunz Caristarits Associated with Speciation
initiation of redox potential-related reactions. The biodegradation potential should
Equilibrium constants are important predictors of a compound's chemical state in
thcrel'ore be carefblly evaluated in the design of monitoring programs.
solution. For example, a constituent which i s dissociated (ionized) in solution will be
more soluble and therefoi-e more likely to be released into the environment, and more 1
likely to migrate i n a surface water body. Many inorganic constituents, such as heavy
melals and mineral acids, can occur as different ionized species depending on pH.
Organic acids, such as the phenolic compounds, exhibit similar behavior. It should
also be noted that ionic metallic species present in the environment may have a
tcntleiicy to bind to particulate matter, if present in a surface water body, and to settle
out to the sediment over time and distance. In fact, heavy metals are removed in natural
attenuation by ion exchange reactions, whereas trace organics are removed primarily
hy adsorption. Metallic species also generally exhibit bioaccuniulative properties.
Typically, when metallic species are present in the environment, the sampling and
analysis of both sediment and biota would be a necessary part of a site characterization
o r rcmedial investigation effort.
Evans, L.J. 1989. Chemistry of Metal Retention by Soils. Eiivirori. Sci. Teclzrzol., Vol. 23,
NO.9. 1017-56.
, Lyman, W.J., W.F. Reel11 and D.H. Rosenblatt. 1990. Haridbook of Chemical Properi'y
, Esliurcitiori Meiiiotls: ~iiiJir-orzri2eiitalBehavior of Orgniiic Compowicls. American
i Cheinical Society, Washington, D.C.
Nycr, E.K. 1993. Prnctical Techniqiles ,for Cro~iriclwatern r i d Soil Rernerliatiori. Lewis
Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.
1 Swatin, R.L. and A. Eschenroeder (Eds.). 1983. Fate of Chemicals in the Eizvirorznzent.
ACS Symp. Ser. 225, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.
USEPA. 1987. RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) Guidance, EPA/530/SW-87/001. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.