STAGE 1: Desired Results: Lesson Plan Template

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Plan Template

Name: Karen Lee Pickett

Grade 10 Topic Living Newspaper: on the road (math)
Date Allotted Time 80 min

STAGE 1: Desired Results

Cite sources used to develop this plan:

Rationale: How does this lesson fit in with the unit being studied? How does this lesson prepare for future
learning? How does this lesson relate to the students’ real life?
In this integrated drama unit about the Living Newspaper, this lesson delves into the parameters
around touring. Students will evaluate the volume of a unit set, and decide which pieces could fit
inside a touring van.

Prior Learning: What previous learnings do students need to know to be able to be successful in the lesson?
How does this lesson extend prior learnings? What connections if any can be made to First Nations Culture and
ways of knowing?
Before starting this lesson, students will know what a unit set is and how it is used. They will need to
know basic processes of adding and subtracting. They will have had a prior lesson in basic volume
and square and cubic measurement. This lesson connects to First Peoples ways of knowing: Learning
ultimately supports the well-being of the self, the family, the community, the land, the spirits, and
the ancestors; Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational (focused on
connectedness, on reciprocal relationships, and a sense of place); Learning is embedded in memory,
history, and story; Learning involves patience and time.

Curriculum Connections: What Big Ideas (Understand,) Core and Curricular Competencies (Do), Content
Standards (Know) does this lesson develop? What connections if any can be made to First People’s principles
and ways of knowing?

Big Ideas:
Drama 10
• Drama communicates ideas, emotions, and perspectives through movement, sound, imagery, and language.
• Active participation in drama creates personal and cultural connections and reveals insights into human experience.
• Drama offers dynamic ways of exploring our identity and sense of belonging.
• Growth as an artist requires active engagement, risk taking, and reflection.
• Drama cultivates collaboration through critical reflection, creative co-operation, and the exchange of ideas.

Math 10
• 3D objects can be examined mathematically by measuring directly and indirectly length, surface area, and volume.
• Representing and analyzing data allows us to notice and wonder about relationships.

Essential or Guiding Questions:
How do real-world limitations affect our artistic output?

Core Competency: Thinking, Communicating, Personal & Social responsibility
Curricular Competencies:
Students will be able to:

English Spoken Language 10:

• Respectfully exchange ideas and viewpoints from diverse perspectives to build shared understanding and extend
• Assess and refine texts to improve clarity and impact
• Demonstrate speaking and listening skills in a variety of formal and informal contexts for a range of purposes
• Express and support an opinion with evidence
• Transform ideas and information to create original texts

Drama 10
• Explore and create
o Improvise and take creative risks to express meaning
• Reason and reflect
o Describe, analyze, and respond using drama-specific language
o Apply feedback to develop and refine ideas
• Communicate and document
o Document and respond to dramatic works and experiences in a variety of contexts
o Express personal voice to respond to environmental and social issues
• Connect and expand
o Demonstrate personal and social responsibility associated with creating, performing, and responding to
dramatic performance
o Demonstrate respect for self, others, and the audience
o Explore First Peoples perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge to
gain understanding through dramatic works
o Make connections with family and community through drama and theatre

Math 10
• Reasoning and modelling
o Develop thinking strategies to solve puzzles and play games
o Explore, analyze, and apply mathematical ideas using reason, technology, and other tools
o Estimate reasonably and demonstrate fluent, flexible, and strategic thinking about number
o Model with mathematics in situational contexts
o Think creatively and with curiosity and wonder when exploring problems
• Understanding and solving
o Develop, demonstrate, and apply conceptual understanding of mathematical ideas through play, story,
inquiry, and problem solving
o Visualize to explore and illustrate mathematical concepts and relationships
o Apply flexible and strategic approaches to solve problems
o Solve problems with persistence and a positive disposition
• Communicating and representing
o Explain and justify mathematical ideas and decisions in many ways
o Represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms
o Use mathematical vocabulary and language to contribute to discussions in the classroom
• Connecting and reflecting
o Reflect on mathematical thinking
o Connect mathematical concepts with each other, other areas, and personal interests
o Use mistakes as opportunities to advance learning
o Incorporate First Peoples worldviews, perspectives, knowledge, and practices to make connections with
mathematical concepts

Content Standards:
Drama 10
• drama elements, principles, vocabulary, and symbols

• strategies and techniques to support creative processes
• drama forms and conventions
• skills specific to a drama genre and/or style
• the role of the performer, audience, and venue
• movement, sound, image, and form
• traditional and contemporary First Peoples worldviews and cross-cultural perspectives communicated through drama

Math 10
• Metric and imperial measurement and conversions
o with a focus on length as a means to increase computational fluency
o using tools and appropriate units to measure with accuracy
• surface area and volume
o including prisms and cylinders, formula manipulation
o contextualized problems involving 3D shapes

STAGE 2: Assessment Plan

Learning Intention(s): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to…
What will students learn? Calculate measurement in context and make decisions about real-world
Evidence of Learning: What tools will you use - assignment, presentation, quiz, project, discussion,
How will students show their group interaction, etc.?
learning? Pair and share, class discussion, final drawing of truck interior

Criteria: Indicators of success are…
What criteria will help Students will work together to measure with accuracy. They will use their
students know how to be experience of calculating measurement to decide about elements of their
successful? set design.

STAGE 3: Learning Plan
Resources, Material and Preparation: What resources, materials and preparation are required?

• measuring tapes
• Unit set cube (full sized; these are often in a drama room)
• On the road handout
• Graph paper
• Calculators

Differentiated Instruction (accommodations, adaptations, extensions, other): How will you plan for students
who have diverse learning abilities/behaviour or require enrichment?
Students will be in pairs to allow them to learn from each other. Extending students can help others.

Lesson Development
Connect (Hook):
How will you introduce this lesson in a manner that engages students and activates their thinking (pose
questions, build background knowledge, capture interest, make connections, share learning intention)?

Teacher will Students will Management Pacing
Show video of “Hamilton” bus-and-truck Sit, watch and Maintain focus. 2 min
tour load-in. listen.

Ask students to pair and share – what do Discuss in pairs. 2 min
you notice?
Ask for reporting. Hands up or Allow discussion. 2 min
popsicle sticks


Teacher will Student will Management Pacing

Pick up on ideas from students – lead to Considerations
road boxes/easily stackable items. Why Hands up with responses.
do we think the trucks are packed in that 2 min

Talk about a unit set. What is it, how it is Sit, watch, listen. Keep focus. 5 min

Show slide with unit set measurements Sit, watch, listen. Keep focus. 5 min
on it and go through each one.
Show slide with 2D drawings of pieces.
Let them know these are the pieces they
will have to work with as they develop
their set design. But – there’s a catch!

Show the touring van. Explain that the
set has to fit inside so the show can tour
around BC (hypothetically).

Can you fit all the pieces into the van? Partner and brainstorm. Monitor pairs; 5 min
With a piece of scratch paper, work with facilitate.
a partner and brainstorm some answers
to these questions: How do you start?
What do you need to know?
What tools do you need?
Ask for reporting out from each pair. One from each pair reports. Call on pairs. 5 min
Write ideas on board. (going towards:
need measurements, graph paper)
In your set design, you can only use the
pieces that fit inside the van. But you
want to fit as many pieces into the van
as possible!
Let’s review three dimensional Raise hands to volunteer. Make sure they’re 7 min
measurement. Show them the unit set One student measures the getting length,
cube. Ask for a volunteer to write on the cube, the other writes width, and height.
board. Ask for a volunteer to measure. measurements on the board.
Now how would you find Brainstorm; answer
Surface area? (LxW) questions. 5 min
Perimeter (of each side)
Volume? (LxWxH)
Write on board.
Do you think we could figure out the Hands up 5 min
volume of all the pieces and the volume
of the van, and tell if the pieces will fit?
Lead discussion – why or why not?
Why doesn’t this work?
Hand out pages with unit set Students receive handouts. 3 min
measurement, van measurement, and
graph paper.
Work with your pairs to work out the In pairs, as directed. Check in with pairs; 10 min
method for figuring out how the pieces help where needed.
would go into the van.
Who came up with a good method? Hands up. Call on a variety. 3 min
Ask for predictions: who thinks all the Thumbs up for yes; down for 3 min
pieces will fit? Who thinks they won’t? no.
We’re going to draw it out. Work with As directed. Check in; make sure 2 min
your partner to draw a 3D outline of the everyone has done
van. this part.
Now, use the measurements to draw the As directed. Check in with each 15 min
pieces. (approximate scale; it’s the pair; help where
measurements that are important) needed.

If you haven’t finished, please finish for

Closure: (2 – 5 min)
How will you solidify the learning that has taken place and deepen the learning process?
Teacher will Students will Management Pacing
Ticket out the door: Free write As directed. Maintain quiet environment. 4 min
for three minutes about this Take in writing as they leave.
experience. What did you
notice? How does this
influence what decisions you
might make artistically about
your set?

Reflection What was successful in this lesson? If taught again, what would you change to make this lesson
even more successful and inclusive for diverse and exceptional students? What timing adjustments might you

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