Art Unit Plan Term 2 Portraits

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Senior Primary Planning Template

Curriculum Area The Arts Strand Visual Art

Term 2 Duration- 6 weeks Curriculum level -3 Year level - 6 Global Learning Intention Students will combine elements of line, tone, pattern and texture. The principles of tension, rhythm & repetition will be introduced through portraits and how to apply simple steps to construct the head, facial features and the hair. Pupils develop their creativity and imagination through more complex activities. These help to build on their skills and improve their control of materials, tools and techniques. They increase their critical awareness of the roles and purposes of art. They become more confident in using visual and tactile elements and materials and processes to communicate what they see, feel and think. Specific Learning Intentions I am learning to apply a petite inquiry using the following steps: Immersion rainstorm !lan "rganise and Investigate Create and Celebrate by: Understanding how to construct the head using si freehand steps Understanding how to use a double circle to create the front !iew Understanding how to create the eye Understanding how to create the mouth" the laugh and triangle Understanding how to construct the nose and ears Understanding how to create the natural fall of the hair Understanding how to create dark and light areas on the face #ssential Learning Areas &roblem #ol!ing 'umeracy #kills #elf(management

#valuate Cross Curricular Lin$s #ocial #tudies" #cience" Art" $nglish" %athematics

Specific %ocabulary )olour" *orm" #hape" hot+cold colours" contrasts" mi ing and blending" sketching" implementing pencil" shade" construct &abits of 'ind 'ultiple Intelligences
#tri!ing for Accuracy" ,emaining open to continuous learning " *le ibility" -istening with Understanding and $mpathy" Awareness of own thinking" .uestioning and &roblem #ol!ing" &recision of language and thought" Taking responsible risks" &ersistence" )reating" imagining" inno!ating" /onderment" in0uisiti!eness" Thinking interdependently" 1rawing on past knowledge" 2athering data through all the senses" %anaging impulsi!ity" *inding humour %usical+ ,hythmical Verbal+ -inguistic -ogical+ %athematical Visual+ #patial 3ody+ 4inaesthetic 'aturalist Intrapersonal Interpersonal

Senior Primary Planning Template

(ormative Assessment Art Assessment ,ubric 5 co(constructed &ortrait Images omplete !nquiry "ssessment Thinkbox Summative Assessment &ortrait )hecklist )riteria

Learning #)periences Through a petite inquiry the children will: Immerse into a wide range of facial images on websites" books" photos and complete a disco!eries" #/#/ framework 3rainstorm their ideas of portraits" similarities and differences by cutting and sticking images from maga6ines of facial features etc7 &lan and 89a!e a go: at creating a portrait of a specific person of choice -earn how to create the head" eyes" nose" mouth ears and hair of a model -earn how to add shade" tone and light $!aluate portraits following a co(constructed checklist and criteria

*esources %irrors" maga6ines" newspapers" portrait books" photos of facial features" websites of famous images &encils of different grades

Senior Primary Planning Template

Art and Design Key Stage 2 English National Curriculum
Teaching should ensure that #investigating and making# includes #exploring and developing ideas# and #evaluating and developing work#. #$nowledge and understanding# should inform this process.

Explanatory text
During key stage 2 pupils develop their creativity and imagination through more complex activities. These help to build on their skills and improve their control of materials, tools and techniques. They increase their critical awareness of the roles and purposes of art, craft and design in different times and cultures. They become more confident in using visual and tactile elements and materials and processes to communicate what they see, feel and think. The general teaching requirement for health and safety applies in this sub%ect.

Knowledge, skills and understanding

Exploring and developing ideas
&. Pupils should be taught to' a. b. c. record from experience and imagination, to select and record from first(hand observation and to explore ideas for different purposes question and make thoughtful observations about starting points and select ideas to use in their work collect visual and other information )for example, images, materials* to help them develop their ideas, including using a sketchbook.

nvestigating and making art, cra!t and design

+. Pupils should be taught to' a. investigate and combine visual and tactile qualities of materials and processes and to match these qualities to the purpose of the work apply their experience of materials and processes, including drawing, developing their control of tools and techniques use a variety of methods and approaches to communicate observations, ideas and feelings, and to design and make images and artefacts.


Evaluating and developing work

,. Pupils should be taught to'


compare ideas, methods and approaches in their own and others# work and say what they think and feel about them adapt their work according to their views and describe how they might develop it further.

Knowledge and understanding

-. Pupils should be taught about'

b. c.

visual and tactile elements, including colour, pattern and texture, line and tone, shape, form and space, and how these elements can be combined and organised for different purposes materials and processes used in art, craft and design and how these can be matched to ideas and intentions the roles and purposes of artists, craftspeople and designers working in different times and cultures )for example, .estern /urope and the wider world*.

Senior Primary Planning Template

Explanatory "ext Cross re!erence to English En# Speaking and listening$ %istening
+. To listen, understand and respond appropriately to others, pupils should be taught to' b. ask relevant questions to clarify, e. respond to others appropriately, taking into account what they say extend and follow up ideas

C" opportunity
Pupils could use digital and video cameras to record observations.

Cross re!erence to design and technology &orking with tools, e'uipment, materials and components to make 'uality products
+. Pupils should be taught to' d. measure, mark out, cut and shape a range of materials, and assemble, %oin and combine components and materials accurately

C" opportunity
Pupils could use digital images as a starting point for creative textile work.

Cross re!erence to English En# Speaking and listening$ (roup discussion and interaction
,. To talk effectively as members of a group, pupils should be taught to' b. vary contributions to suit the activity and purpose, including exploratory and tentative comments where ideas are being collected together, and reasoned, evaluative comments as discussion moves to conclusions or actions c. qualify or %ustify what they think after listening to others# questions or accounts

C" opportunity
Pupils could develop their own class art gallery on the school website.

Cross re!erence to mathematics )a* Shape, space and measures$ +nderstanding properties o! shape
+. Pupils should be taught to' d. visualise ,(0 shapes from +(0 drawings

)a* Shape, space and measures$ +nderstanding properties o! position and movement
,. Pupils should be taught to' b. transform ob%ects in practical situations1 transform images using ! T1 visualise and predict the position of a shape following a

Senior Primary Planning Template

rotation, reflection or translation

,readth o! Study
2. 0uring the key stage, pupils should be taught the $nowledge, skills and understanding through' a. b. c. d. exploring a range of starting points for practical work )for example, themselves, their experiences, images, stories, drama, music, natural and made ob%ects and environments* working on their own, and collaborating with others, on pro%ects in two and three dimensions and on different scales using a range of materials and processes, including ! T )for example, painting, collage, print making, digital media, textiles, sculpture* investigating art, craft and design in the locality and in a variety of genres, styles and traditions )for example, in original and reproduction form, during visits to museums, galleries and sites, on the internet*.

+nit evaluation, /or$ed0 /.at didn1t0 /.at resources are needed in future2

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