Slr-Eg - 9: Code No
Slr-Eg - 9: Code No
Slr-Eg - 9: Code No
Code No.
Seat No. in words ____________________________________________
Day and Date : Thursday, 19-11-2009 Time : 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 100
Out of
Marks - __________ Examination ____________
For Office Use only
1. A diode is used as
a) An amplifier b) A rectifier
c) A oscillator d) Voltage regulator
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α α
a) β = b) β =
1+ α 1− α
α +1 α +1
c) β = d) β =
α α −1
4. In PTC, as temperature increases, resistance
a) Increases b) Decreases
c) Remains same d) None of above
5. LVDT is a
a) Capacitive transducer b) Resistance transducer
c) Inductive transducer d) None of them
6. Thermocouple is
a) Active transducer b) Passive transducer
c) Adhesive transducer d) Both a and b
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7. LED emit light
a) Only in red color b) Only in yellow color
c) Only in green color d) In all colors (above)
8. The output of an AND gate is high when
a) Any input is high b) All inputs are high
c) No inputs are high d) Both a and b
9. The decimal number 17 is equal to binary number
a) 10010 b) 11000
c) 10001 d) 01001
10. The most suitable gate for comparing two bits is
a) AND b) OR
c) XOR d) NAND
Computer Programming
11. Connector is shown by following symbol in flowchart
a) b)
c) d)
14. int a = 5, b;
a > = 5 ? b = 100 : (b = 200); Output of the program will be
a) 5 b) 100
c) 200 d) Error
15. int i = 2;
printf (“%d%d”, ++i, ++i); gives output
a) 3 4 b) 4 3
c) 4 4 d) 2 3
16. If the file to be included does not exits, the preprocessor flashes an error message
a) True b) False
c) Can’t say d) None of these
17. Would the following program compile successfully
main ()
printf (“TIP” “TOP”);
a) Yes b) No
18. Struct emp
char name [20];
int age;
}; declaration requires ___________ memory space.
a) 22 bytes b) 12 bytes
c) 1 word d) 24 bytes
19. File is opens with the help of ___________
a) fopen (); b) open ()
c) fp d) fo ()
20. C is case sensitive language
a) True b) False
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(Basic Electronics)
c) Explain in detail about the structures and also explain pointer to structures
with the suitable example.
d) Write a simple program of addition and substraction of two numbers in ‘C’
language. Keep input numbers as user defined.
e) What is file ? Explain all file handling functions by using suitable examples.
f) Define the following :
i) Datatypes
ii) Operators
iii) Expression and constants
iv) Algorithm
v) Pointer.
5. a) Write a program in ‘C’ language which displays the mark list at the student
and calculates the total marks and decides the class of that result on the basis
of total marks ; 10
i) Total_marks < 40 → Fail
ii) 40 > total_marks < 60 → Second class
iii) 60 > total_marks < 75 → First class
iv) Total_marks > 75 → Distinction.
Take any of subjects for input items. Display the result.
5. b) Write a program in ‘C’ language which calculates : 10
i) Area of circle
ii) Volume of cube shape
iii) Perimeter of a circle
iv) Area of triangle
v) Area of rectangle
vi) Square of a number.
Take the necessary input item for each case and show the result of each options.
Do necessary calculations for each options.
5. b) Write a program in ‘C’ language in which two variables are defined as x = 50
and y = 100. Swap these two variable’s values by using ‘C’ program. Also
write a ‘C’ program for which it displays then memory address of the variable
ab = 100. Display the variable’s content and memory address using pointers.