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CII–NITI Aayog’s ‘Cleaner Air Better Life Initiative’


Report of the Task Force on
Clean Fuel
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Published by

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), The Mantosh Sondhi Centre; 23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003, India,
Tel: +91-11-24629994-7, Fax: +91-11-24626149; Email:; Web:; and

NITI Aayog, Sansad Marg, Sansad Marg Area, New Delhi, Delhi 110001
Task Force Convenor Research Team

Sandeep Poundrik Mohit Sharma

Joint Secretary Kamal Sharma
Ministry of Petroleum and CII-ITC Centre of Excellence
Natural Gas (MoPNG) for Sustainable Development

Supported by:

1. Background 1

2. Inclusive Approach of the Initiative 2

3. Recommended Action Plan for Clean Fuels 3

3.1 Clean Fuels for Industry 4

3.2 Clean Fuels for Power 7

3.3 Clean Fuels for Transportation 9

3.4 Clean Fuels for Households 14

3.5 Clean Fuels for Commercial Sector 14

4. Implementation Plan 20

Reference 21

Annexures 22

Annexure 1. 23
Sulphur reduction in furnace oil

Annexure 2. 24
Impact of using BS–VI fuel in BS–IV vehicles

Annexure 3. 28
Hydrogen blended CNG (HCNG for buses)

Annexure 4. 32
Bio–CNG for Delhi NCR

Annexure 5. 35
LPG footprint in Delhi NCR

Annexure 6. 37
List of stakeholders consulted


Air pollution is one of the major man–made pollution in a holistic manner by engaging with
environmental risks to the public health. The release of different stakeholders who are part of common
various gaseous emissions and particulate matter in air-shed in Delhi. Aforesaid task forces were mandated
the air has been on the rise due to various by NITI Aayog to find out actionable solutions for air
anthropogenic emissions. To address the rising pollution in their respective focus areas. First meeting
concerns of deteriorating air quality, Confederation of of the task force on clean fuel was organised by the
Indian Industry (CII) in partnership with NITI Aayog Convenor on 17 July 2017, which was attended by task
launched the 'Cleaner Air Better Life Initiative' in force members including policymakers and
November 2016. The first meeting of this initiative was representatives from industry, public sector
held on 5 June 2017, on the World Environment Day undertakings (PSUs) and civil society organisations.
and the initiative is now working towards engaging Key focus areas were identified by the task force during
businesses, civil societies and government for the first meeting. This was followed by a second
actionable steps to improve the air pollution in Delhi meeting on 2 August 2017, where the task force
and National Capital Region (NCR). Under the initiative, pursued on finding solutions to challenges specific to
four task forces have been constituted by NITI Aayog individual sectors outlined during first meeting of the
for Clean Transportation, Clean Fuel, Clean Industry task force (see Figures 1 and 2). Third meeting of the
and Biomass Management. task force was held on 22 August 2017, where first
draft of the report was discussed and specific
There are several studies conducted by different inputs were sought from members. Drawing from the
institutions on deterioration of air quality in Delhi. A discussions during the task force meeting and inputs
recent and most comprehensive source apportionment from its members, the report presents a recommended
study was undertaken by IIT–Kanpur (IIT–K ) on behalf action plan including the short-term, medium-term and
of the Government of National Capital Territory (NCT) long-term actions. This report has been finalised
of Delhi. Findings from IIT–K study are being during fourth meeting of the task force held on 29
considered as the basis for designing the action plans November 2017, considering all the inputs received
for the initiative. The CII–NITI Aayog 'Cleaner Air Better from the members.
Life Initiative' initiative aims at finding solutions to air



Air-shed is a common geographical area where • Building consensus and getting buy–in from
prevalent topographical and meteorological stakeholders on actions for improving air quality
conditions limit dispersion of pollutants, thereby
• Delivering voluntary commitments from
necessitating an overall strategy for air-quality
stakeholders towards reducing air pollution
management. An integrated approach is required
to involve all stakeholders in common air-shed • Influencing adherence to existing policies and
for designing market-oriented solutions which advocacy towards newer policies
are scalable and replicable. This would ensure long
term sustainability of actions. Various institutions The task force on Clean Fuel has adopted the
have designed different actionable plans, however, structured approach in identifying key issues and
this initiative aims to create required synergy and possible solutions to address the polluting fuels and
build a consensus among the stakeholders to drive combustion sources of emissions. The consultative
actions on ground. and multi-sectoral approach is outlined below in
Figures 1 and 2. The full list of stakeholders
The initiative aims towards: consulted by the task force can be found in
Annexure 6 of the report.
• Developing an integrated approach that brings
together policy makers, industry, academia,
community and civil society

Figure 1. Consultative process followed by the Task Force on Clean Fuel

05 JUNE 2017 17 JULY 2017 02 AUGUST 2017 22 AUGUST 2017 29 NOVEMBER 2017

01 02 03 04 CHT’s 05
with OMCs for
BS VI fuel supply
First meeting of First meeting of Second Third meeting in Delhi Fourth meeting
the Cleaner Air Better task force on meeting of of the and NCR of the
Life Initiative Clean Fuel the task force task force task force

Formulation of four Identification Focused Discussion on Feedback

task forces including of key areas discussions on the first draft on the final
the task force on for action by solutions assessed report of draft report
Clean Fuel the task force by members the task force of the task force

Stakeholders consulted:
Government: NITI Aayog, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG); Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE); and
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).
Industry: Confederation of Indian Industry (CII); and Society for Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM)
Oil and Gas Marketing Companies: GAIL India Limited; Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL); Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL),
Reliance India Limited (RIL).
Civil Society: Centre for Science and Environment (CSE).



Combustion sources contribute most to the air quality toxic PM. It is estimated that the annual average PM10
in Delhi’s air-shed. Source apportionment study reduction of 74% will be required to meet the air quality
reveals that 54% contributions to particulate matter standards in Delhi. As a result, incremental actions
(PM) 2.5 arise from combustion sources, including would not have any impact on air-pollution and
100% contribution to NOx emissions from the comprehensive set of actions are urgently required.
combustion sources (Sharma & Dikshit, 2016). Health
impacts and exposure to air pollution are important The key sub-sectors for the task force on clean fuel
criteria for designing control strategies especially in and proposed solutions for them are elaborated under
case of vehicular emissions. Characteristics of PM the subsequent sub sections. These sub-sectors and
from different sources are also important, for key recommendations under them are highlighted in
instance, coal and diesel are major contributors of Figure 2.

Figure 2. Multi–sectoral approach of the task force on Clean Fuel

Fuel subsitution for industial units in NCR

Commercial Sector Power Generation

Hybrid gas injection kits Priority dispatch of clean power
for DG sets
Clean Fuel
WtE for food waste

Clean Fuel taxation and pricing strategy Transportation

Households Clean fuel technologies
Clean fuels for cooking

Imports of PC have reached
14 million
tonne in 2016–17

3.1 Clean Fuels for Industry (DPCC 1996). The ban on these fuels has been further
extended by Supreme Court of India, to the
Highly polluting fuels1 such as petroleum coke (PC) and neighbouring states of NCR, and the sale, distribution
furnace oil (FO) are used by industrial units, especially and use of pet coke and furnace oil is prohibited in NCR
the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the from 1 November 2017.
country. Even some categories of waste such as tyre
oils and used lubricants, that don’t fall under the It has been assessed by IOCL and was noted by the
approved list of fuels (for their use) by regulatory task force that removal of sulphur from PC/FO1 is not
authorities, are used as source of energy in some cost-effective. The estimated cost for production of
industrial units. Imports of PC have reached 14 million 5,000 ppm FO is around INR 40 per litre whereas the
tonne in 2016–17 (Department of Commerce, GoI, cost of production for BS-IV Diesel (50 ppm) is around
2017) which is a matter of concern. Countries like INR 30 per litre (IOCL 2017). In addition, it was reported
USA and China have banned the import of PC. As per that no commercially viable technology is available for
the DPCC notification under the Air Prevention & desulfurization of FO from current sulphur levels of 3%
Control of Pollution Act, use of PC is banned in Delhi (by weight) to 500 ppm (See Annexure 1).

These are petroleum refinery by–products; with high sulphur content ranging 20,000 - 75,000 ppm.
Taxation and pricing strategy CLEAN FUEL

for clean fuels is needed to

provide impetus to cleaner
fuels and discouraging the
use of polluting fuels.

As the use of PC and FO is already prohibited in Delhi carried out (GAIL, 2017b). Gas can readily be supplied
NCR, it is recommended that fuel substitution is to industrial clusters, except very thinly spread industry
facilitated by making sure that alternate fuel is available share of which is relatively small and supplying gas
and fiscal instruments are utilised to provide a policy would not be economically viable. Therefore, the task
push towards cleaner fuels. force recommends that LPG and Piped Natural Gas
(PNG) supply is ensured in all designated industrial
Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) is the cleanest and economic clusters located in Delhi–NCR. Whenever PNG
fuel available, as during the process of liquefaction of infrastructure is available in an industrial area,
natural gases all the impurities especially sulphur gets polluting fuels may be removed from the list of
removed completely and the product is directly approved fuel list for that area.
imported as finished product. Due to the prevailing tax
structure, the current delivery prices of LNG are higher
than polluting fuels like furnace oil and pet coke even b) Better taxation strategy for
though the imported price of LNG is 8–10% cheaper cleaner fuels is required
than crude oil (GAIL 2017a). Government’s import bill
can hence be reduced by promoting LNG. Taxation and pricing strategy is needed to provide
impetus to cleaner fuels and discouraging the use of
Further, for geographical regions of the country, polluting ones. Lower taxes on the cleaner fuels are
where natural gas pipeline or City Gas Distribution sought and for the purpose, GST can create a level
(CGD) network availability is an issue, LNG supply playing field in the country. It is recommended that
through cryogenic road tankers should be incentivized MoPNG may undertake formulation of taxation
to make it competitive compared to furnace oil and pet strategy along with the Ministry of Finance (MoF).
coke, through cess on polluting fuels, lower differential
taxes on cleaner fuels and inclusion of LNG in GST.

Following actions are recommended for enabling the c) Notify the list of approved fuels in
fuel switch in industrial units in NCR- NCR region

It is recommended that the list of approved fuels is

notified by concerned State Pollution Control Boards
a) Ensure liquid petroleum gas and (SPCBs) in the NCR region to curb the use of other
piped natural gas supply to all polluting fuels which might be in use. CPCB should
designated industrial areas in ensure that concerned SPCBs issue notification similar
to the DPCC notification2 under the Air (Prevention &
Delhi NCR on an urgent basis Control of Pollution) Act.

Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) maintains that

assessment for gas supply in Delhi NCR has been

As per the latest information available at the time of writing this report, a new list of acceptable fuels in Delhi is currently in its draft stage and will soon be


d) Facilitate City Gas Distribution

projects in adjoining NCR towns

Government should facilitate city gas distribution natural gas distribution infrastructure include Hapur,
operations in all towns/areas falling under NCR, Bulandshahar, Baghpat, Mewat, Jhajjar, Bhiwani,
wherever PNG supplies are currently not available. Mahendragarh, Jind, Muzaffarnagar and Palwal.
Few such cities or towns in NCR which do not have
Priority ranking of power plants
needs to be revised so that
gas-based generation enjoys
the same status as renewables
for its ability to provide
clean power

3.2 Clean Fuels for Power • Fast ramping capabilities of gas-based generation
(open–cycle gas power plants) for large-scale
integration of renewables into the grid.
Although, there are no coal based thermal power plants
(TPPs) operational in Delhi, except one plant in • Gas-based power plants act as peaking plants in
Badarpur, there are 13 TPPs with the capacity over the electricity system. Additionally, the Diesel
11000 MW in a radius of 300 km from Delhi (Sharma & generators used during peak hour power
shortages are not only more expensive, they are
Dikshit, 2016). Additionally, the gas-based plants in the
environmentally more polluting (CEA 2016).
region are highly underutilised. This is due to the
regulatory procedures for power dispatch and • Higher efficiency (55%), in general, compared to
fluctuation in gas prices which render plant operation coal-based TPPs (38–40%) and lower auxiliary
economically unviable. Currently, all renewable based power consumption (3% compared 8.5% in
power plants, except the biomass power plants and coal-based TPPs).
cogeneration plants, are treated as ‘must–run’ power • Significantly lesser land and water requirements
plants which means that they are not subjected to the compared to coal based TPPs, which is very
merit dispatch order (owing to their infirm nature) relevant for densely packed urban areas.
(CERC 2010). On account of Merit Dispatch Order
principle, the coal based power plants with cheapest
Nationally, gas-based generation suffers huge
variable cost per unit of electricity gets advantage over
economic loss due to inadequate supply and very low
Natural gas based power plants. As a result, natural
plant load factor (PLF) of about 23% (2015—16) due to
gas power plants in Delhi are not able to run at full unavailability of natural gas (CEA 2016). As per the
capacity. Gas-based power can meet 50% of Delhi’s World Bank’s world development indicators, the gas-
demand whereas it is only catering upto 20% of this based power share in India is 7.7% compared to global
demand presently (CSE 2017). Hence the priority average of 22% (CEA, 2016).
ranking of power plants needs to be revised so that
gas-based generation enjoys the same status as It is also important to understand what percentage of
renewables for their ability to provide clean power. renewable electricity could be a realistic target to meet
Delhi’s electricity demand. Currently, under smart city
mission, the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) is
The gas-based generation has several benefits over other proposed to lease rooftops for setting up rooftop solar.
conventional thermal power generation plants including: Public participation is an important enabler for
adoption of rooftop solar at a substantial scale.
• Low emissions (0.30 tCO2/MWh) to atmosphere
compared to coal (0.98 tCO2/MWh) or diesel (0.59 Following actions are required for prioritising clean fuel
tCO2/MWh) and ability to provide clean electricity as for power generation-
a result.


a) Provide a push to cleaner power Fund (PSDF). Outlay of this support was fixed at INR
generation in NCR by notifying 3500 Crores and INR 4000 Crores for the year 2015–16
and 2016–17, respectively. In line with this scheme
priority status for gas–based following recommendations are made–
power generation (short–term)
It is recommended that, in line with the scheme for
financial support to gas based generation (in FY
Notification to Northern Region Load Dispatch Centre
2015–16 and 2016–17), a long term scheme is
(NRLDC) to provide the priority status to natural gas formulated (as recommended in the draft National
based generation in Delhi NCR, by making sure that gas Electricity Plan of CEA in 2016) to support the stranded
based generation is granted a must-run status and is capacities in coming years and priority is given to the
not subjected to merit order dispatch. stranded gas-based power plants located in and
around dense urban agglomerations.

b) Amend the Indian Grid Electricity

Code (2010) giving priority to d) Increase uptake of solar
cleaner sources of power rooftop in Delhi by scaling up
generation (long–term) existing schemes

The target share of renewable electricity in Delhi is

Amend the Indian Grid Electricity Code (2010) by
19.75% (with 8.75% solar) for 2019–20, as per the
mandating the natural gas-based plants as ‘must–run’
latest DERC regulation (draft order in Aug 2017), with
in dense urban agglomeration (not subjected to the immediate target for 2017–18 as 14.25% (with 4.75%
merit order dispatch), based on their environmental solar). These targets seem to be ambitious as total
advantage over other fossil fuel based power plants to renewable electricity procured by power distribution
provide cleaner power. companies (DISCOMs) in 2016–17 was 9%.
Foreseeable challenges to mass uptake of rooftop (RT)
solar need to be addressed by adequate stakeholders
consultation and inclusive approach. Broad estimates
c) Provide priority support to suggest that uptake from the existing groundwork
stranded gas based generation could result in addition of 3000 MW solar roof top
in NCR and other dense urban capacity in Delhi by the year 2022 (MNRE 2017).
agglomerations in line with the
national schemes The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) has
jurisdiction over central Delhi where all major office
establishments of central government are located
The Ministry of Power launched the ‘Scheme for along with the key central business district of the city. It
utilisation of gas-based generation capacity’ in 2015 aspires to source 70% of its total energy from
which provides financial support to gas–based renewables by 2025 as part of the smart cities initiative
stranded power. This financial support is in the form of (MoUD 2017). NDMC area spreads across 43.7 km2
waiver on custom duty for imported LNG, reduction in area which is merely 3% of the National Capital
pipeline tariff charges, exemption of transmission Territory (1483 km2) and is very miniscule as compared
charges and support from Power System Development to NCR (53,817 km2) (NCRPB 2017).

The present demand for TASK FORCE ON

transport fuels in Delhi
NCR is found to be
6.2 million
tonne diesel and
1.98 million
tonne motor spirit (IOCL 2017)

It is recommended that learnings from initiative are • Reliance India Limited (RIL) has capacity in excess
replicated in the colonies of three municipal to Delhi’s demand for transport fuels. It is found that
corporations of Delhi (MCDs) and other major urban RIL’s combined capacity to provide BS–VI fuels, at
local bodies within NCR, in order to promote clean two of its refineries, is 24 million tonne high speed
energy across NCR and have a wider impact. diesel (HSD) and 10.8 million tonne MS. But, it would
need an assurance for logistic support from the
government for supplying fuel in Delhi.
3.3 Clean Fuels for Transportation
The feasibility for supplying BS–VI fuels to meet Delhi’s
Fuel quality has direct link to the emissions from demand has been assessed by the Centre of High
vehicles. During the discussion in task force meeting, it Technology (CHT) in consultation with OMCs and
was agreed that if NCT of Delhi can move to BS–VI
accordingly, the task force makes following
compliant fuels without any change in current vehicle
technology, it would be beneficial to improving air
quality of Delhi. The BS–VI fuel offers significant
advantages compared to BS–IV fuel being used today
including reduced sulphur (80% reduction) content and
a) Prepone the introduction of BS–VI
reduced polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) (27% compliant fuels in Delhi and NCR
reduction) content (See Annexure 2 for more details)
(ACEA; Alliance; EMA; JAMA 2013; IOCL 2017). It has been assessed by IOCL that if BS–VI fuels are
made available in Delhi and NCR before the expected
The present demand for transport fuels in Delhi NCR is
date (1 April 2020), the emissions from all the in–use
6.2 million tonne diesel and 1.98 million tonne Motor
vehicles would reduce thereby lowering the emission
Spirit (MS) (IOCL 2017). The BS–VI fuel can alleviate
the vehicular pollution and should immediately be load of all existing vehicles in the NCR. Task force
made available in Delhi. Task force recommended that agrees that BS–VI compliant fuels can lead to
the technical feasibility for sourcing the required fuel improvements in air quality and should be adopted at an
should be explored and the cost of sourcing BS–VI earlier date. The logistic arrangements for supply of
fuels for Delhi can be absorbed in national market. BS–VI fuels have been assessed by CHT in consultation
Capacities of two major Oil Marketing Companies with OMCs and task force recommends supplying
(OMCs) have therefore been assessed with this BS–VI compliant fuels to Delhi by 1 April 2018 and to
purpose– entire NCR by 1 April 2019.

• The IOCL’s combined annual capacity in the region

(Panipat and Mathura refineries) for BS–VI b) Set up an HCNG demonstration
compliant fuel is presently found to be only a project at one DTC depot
fraction of this demand (0.22 million tonne diesel
and 0.39 million tonne MS). As per IOCL, BS–VI
projects for both the refineries will be complete by Emerging alternate fuel, especially those which can
the end of 2019 and hence, in view of this timeline, it utilise existing piped gas infrastructure are important
will be difficult for IOCL alone to cater to the fuel for promotion of clean fuels in the city. Compressed
demands of Delhi. Natural Gas (CNG) as an auto fuel was introduced in

HCNG can be used as a fuel for
heavy duty engines after minor
engine optimisation.

Delhi due to its advantage of lower emissions and 29% reduction in CO emissions and 13% reduction in
better fuel economy. Delhi may go ahead with CNG methane and total hydrocarbon (THC) emissions
buses in future till the BS–VI is fully implemented. whereas the specific fuel consumption is 2-3% lower
Therefore, opportunities for utilising existing gas than CNG. The NOx emissions during the pilot tests
piping infrastructure for Bio–CNG can be explored in with buses, however, increased by 40% on average.
Delhi. In order to find cleaner alternative for Comprehensive testing with various vehicles indicate
transportation and reduce dependence on petroleum no clear trend in NOx reduction (increase in NOx levels
imports, the Indian Oil Corporation limited (IOCL) and in most of the cases except very few cases where NOx
Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturer (SIAM) levels decrease) but consistent reduction in CO
have collaboratively undertaken a pilot project emissions across vehicles (SIAM 2017). The Indian Oil
(sponsored by MNRE) on compact reforming Corporation limited maintains that these emissions
process for Hydrogen and Compressed Natural Gas can be brought under control by tuning the engine and
(HCNG) blend. optimising air–fuel ratio, ignition timings etc. These
adjustments will reduce NOx emissions to at least neat
It envisages lowering of the exhaust emissions
CNG levels if not lesser (IOCL 2017). The technology is
from CNG vehicles due to improved combustion
ready for demonstration and is recommended by the
characteristics of resultant fuel blend (18 v/v %
task force for implementation at one of the Delhi
hydrogen in CNG, See Annexure 3 for more details).
Transport Corporation (DCT) depots. However, there
HCNG can be used as a fuel for heavy duty engines
are several challenges related to the implementation of
after minor engine optimisation. The test results
new technology that need to be addressed, as outlined
with buses on a pilot scale indicates on average,3
in the subsequent recommendations.

Pilot level testing with the Ashok Leyland and Tata buses.
Existing vehicles can handle up CLEAN FUEL

to 10% blending and flex–fuel

vehicle roadmap is required
in order to move to higher
blending targets.

iv. Safety clearance for HCNG storage

cylinder on vehicles

A single stage compact reformer plant with 4 tonnes IOCL will need approval from Petroleum and Explosives
HCNG per day capacity is recommended to be set up Safety Organisation (PESO, formerly the Department of
by IOCL at one of the DTC bus depots. This plant can Explosives) for using type–1 cylinders to store HCNG in
fulfil the fuel requirements of nearly half of the average vehicles. Test results for type–1 fuel cylinder have
bus fleet at such depot.4 The CAPEX of the plant is already been submitted by IOCL to PESO (See
estimated to be 11.56 Crores (IOCL 2017). The OPEX is Annexures II and III, A3).
estimated at INR 6.8/ kg HCNG.5 Following actions are
required for the proposed demonstration project at
DTC by IOCL- While discussing other clean fuel options for vehicles, it
is highlighted that existing vehicles can comfortably
handle up to 10% blending beyond which flex–fuel
i. Set up compact reformer plant vehicles will be required. Currently, the supply of
at one DTC depot molasses based ethanol in the country is limited for
achieving higher blending targets. Flex–fuel vehicle
The capacity of the unit would be 4 tonne HCNG/day roadmap is required in order to move to higher blending
(CAPEX: INR 11.56 Crores) which can cater to the fuel targets. Also, biofuel blending would need to be
demand of nearly half of the buses at the respective harmonised and standardised across the states. A shift
depots. Time required for setting up compact reformer to bio–fuels is a long–term goal and will require at least
is 18 months. 3–5 years. Subsequent recommendation is made in
this regard.

ii. Notify HCNG as an automotive

fuel c) Achieve 10% ethanol blending in
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways transport fuels, nationally,
(MoRTH) will need to issue a notification for usage of by 2022
HCNG as an automotive fuel.
The options to achieve a realistic target of 10% ethanol
blending, harmoniously across the nation, should be
iii. Notify standards for use of HCNG explored. Strong policy convergence is required
as a fuel between waste to energy (from agricultural waste) and
fuel blending.
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) will need to notify
the HCNG fuel specifications.

DTC owns 43 bus depots with 7200 CNG buses.
Expected to come down to INR 2-3/ kg with economy of scale in the future (IOCL 2017).

Vapour emissions during fuel loading
and dispensing are major concerns for
secondary organic particles which
eventually contribute to PM pollution.
It was highlighted during task force
meetings that vapour recovery systems
(VRS) can be implemented easily in a
cost effective manner.

d) Formulate strategy for promoting which eventually contribute to PM pollution. It was

LNG as transportation fuel highlighted during the meeting that Vapour
Recovery Systems (VRS) can be implemented easily
in a cost effective manner and recommendations for
LNG is the cleanest and economical transportation
action have already been passed by MoPNG to
fuel being widely used in countries like China and
concerned OMCs (Letter dated 2 August 2017). VRS
USA. Long–haul road transportation, inland
not only ensures emission reduction but reduces the
waterways and railways are the important areas
product losses and is important for efficient
where LNG can be used as transportation fuel. One
operations by OMCs. Following are the
single LNG retail outlet station can serve the purpose
recommendations based on the implementation
of providing LNG as well as LCNG to the range of
status as per the CHT (2017) and CSIR–IIP’s
automobiles and provide substantial reduction in
consultation with public sector OMCs including IOCL,
pollution arising out of vehicular transportation. As
BPCL and HPCL on 8 August 2017:
compared to diesel, LNG can provide cost savings of
at least 20% (GAIL 2017a). However, requisite
infrastructure in terms of LNG/LCNG stations and i. Expedite the VRS stage I6
supply chain logistics is required to be developed and implementation in Delhi:
strategy for promoting LNG as transportation fuel
may be formulated by the government. VRS stage I implementation needs to be expedited for
Delhi and NCR. Two out of three supply locations in
Delhi have implememted vapour recovery system.
e) Prioritise Implementation of (CHT 2017) (See Table 1 for more details). The
Vapour Recovery Systems in Delhi: infrastructure at supply locations need to be converted
from top loading to bottom loading which would
Vapour emissions during fuel loading and dispensing require major changes in piping, pumping and tankers.
are major concerns for secondary organic particles

Table 1. Status of VRS stage I for supply locations in Delhi

Supply location OMC Status

Bijwasan BPCL In planning stage, completion

expected by March 2019

Tikrikalan HPCL Commissioned

Tikrikalan IOCL In operation

Source: CHT (2017)

Stage one covers the fuel loading, and unloading via tankers at supply locations and retail outlets, respectively.
The role of new and emerging CLEAN FUEL

would be very important in
future as they could disrupt
the business as usual, paving
a way for cleaner fuels

ii. Notify the Department of Legal

Metrology for immediate
clearance for implementation of
VRS stage two7 at retail outlets
in Delhi

Currently VRS stage two in Delhi exists at 55% of the Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution.
Retail Outlets (ROs) above dispensing capacity of 300 There is no evidence suggesting that VRS system
kilo litres per month and at 20% ROs of smaller size affects consumers in any way (CHT 2017). With the
(See Table 2 for more details). VRS stage 2 clearance for the Department of Legal Metrology,
implementation in Delhi may be expedited notifying the implementation of VRS stage II in Delhi can be
urgency of action to the Department of Legal Metrology completed by OMCs in 2018.
under the Department of Consumer Affairs; Ministry of

Table 2. Status of VRS stage two for retail outlets in Delhi

Retail outlet (RO) size Number of total Number of total Remaining ROs
ROs in Delhi ROs with VRS stage two

>300 kilo litre- MS/ month 155 85 70

<300 kilo litre- MS/ month 232 47 185

Source: CHT (2017)

iii. Install the leak detectors at under the task force, it is speculated that improved fuel
efficiency norms can have a positive impact on air
ROs in Delhi
quality. Additionally, the role of new and emerging
technologies would be very important in future as they
OMCs will need to install leak detectors at all ROs using
could disrupt the business as usual, paving a way for
submersible turbine pump (STP) for dispensing fuel.
cleaner fuels. For instance, the Shell is piloting a 5
Leak detectors are not required for ROs using suction
tonne per day (TPD) plant in Bangalore for liquefaction
type dispensation.
of municipal waste to transport fuels which could pave
a way for converting waste into transport fuels in
Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is currently
future. Role of electricity is crucial for clean
implementing first phase of fuel–efficiency norms
transportation and electric vehicle are being addressed
which cover the light vehicles below 3.5 tonne.
by task force on clean transportation under this
Additionally, for heavy duty vehicles, the norms have
been notified by BEE. Although these are not addressed

Stage two covers dispensing of fuels at retail outlets

CLEAN FUEL Commercial buildings such as hotels

/restaurants, institutional areas,
and residential societies can benefit
from processing their own waste for
energy. Waste-to-energy can partly
fulfil the energy demand of waste
generators for street lighting and
cooking fuel.

3.4 Clean Fuels for 3.5 Clean Fuels for Commercial

Households Sector
Ensuring 100% access to clean energy, PNG to urban Delhi has a huge potential to convert organic waste into
households and LPG to rural households, is priority for energy products. Biogas generated from bio–digestion
the Government of India. The task force members differ or bio–methanation of organic waste fractions can be
on LPG/ PNG penetration in households in Delhi NCR directly used as fuel or can further be converted into
and it is speculated to be anywhere around 90%. It is CNG (bio–CNG) or electricity. Organic waste content of
municipal solid waste (MSW) generated within the
speculated that 100% or more penetration, on papers,
jurisdiction of five local bodies of Delhi is estimated8 to
(See Annexure 5 for more details) implies diversion of
be 4000–5000 tonnes per day (Talyan et al 2007; DPCC
LPG for commercial use. Delhi and Haryana have
2014; MCD 2015; Mohit Sharma 2016). It is further
banned use of kerosene but Uttar Pradesh (UP) is estimated that 54% of total MSW in Delhi originates
required to ban it. Use of polluting fuels such as wood from the residential areas (which has 58–78% organic
and kerosene is especially common with households content), 18% from main shopping centres (~16%
below poverty line (BPL) who cannot afford clean fuels organic content), and 10% from vegetable markets (~
despite availability and access. BPL households in NCR 97% organic content).9 Total potential for biomass
would therefore require targeted subsidies for generation from organic waste originated from all
switching to cleaner cooking fuels. Following these source is therefore estimated to be
recommendations are made for the domestic sector. 320,000–400,000 m3 (74–91 MW) biogas10 (based on
Hulgaard 2015; PC, 2014). Assuming 35% efficiency in
biogas to electricity conversion, potential for electricity
generation would be 26–32 MW which is 0.5% of
a) Ban kerosene for domestic use in Delhi’s peak demand (6,526 MW).
the state of UP in NCR area
Commercial buildings such as hotels/restaurants,
It is recommended that following the similar suite as institutional areas, and residential societies can benefit
Government of Delhi and Haryana, Government of UP from processing their own waste for energy. Biogas
may consider banning kerosene for domestic use in the generated from such bio–methanation plants can be
utilised for following purposes–
NCR region.

• It can partly fulfil the energy demand of waste

b) Targeted smart subsidies for generators for street lighting and cooking fuel for
BPL households in Delhi NCR kitchens at the hotels/restaurants or community
It is recommended that targeted smart subsidies are • It can be upgraded to bio–CNG (by purifying and
devised for Below Poverty Line (BPL) households in compressing it) and can be used as a transportation fuel
Delhi NCR with 100% tax exemption for LPG and PNG. utilising the already existing CNG infrastructure in Delhi.

CII–ITC CESD, 2017 estimation based on cited references.
Rest is composed of construction and demolition waste, hospital waste and industrial waste.
In an optimised system, biogas generation varies from 70-90 m3 per tonne of organic waste.
CPCB may issue a directive for CLEAN FUEL

mandating use of PNG for power

backup in cellular network towers,
wherever PNG supply is available.

• It can be further converted into clean electricity b) Ensure supply of PNG to

using gas-based electric generator and fed into the commercial sector
electricity grid (although the net efficiency of
operation is much lower when compared to the The PNG supply should be ensured to commercial
options above). buildings such as hotels, restaurants to reduce their
dependence on polluting fuels such as coal.

Organic fractions of waste are not segregated at the

moment, due to lack of proper waste management in c) Mandate use of PNG for
the city. For any such intervention, segregation would
be a prerequisite as contamination with other types
power backup in mobile
of waste can significantly undermine the efficiency of network towers
energy recovery process (Kumar & Sil 2015). IOCL
has piloted the small scale bio–CNG plant (250 kg For all mobile towers and similar activities in Delhi NCR,
food waste per day) with higher methane content where use of diesel-generator (DG) set is required for
(>80%) compared to conventional biogas plants backup power, option of hybrid technology (gas
(60–70%) in operation (IOCL 2017). Details of the injection kits for DG sets) could be utilised. Concerned
plants are attached in the Annexure 4. Following agency such as CPCB may issue a directive for
recommendation is made for waste–to–energy mandating use of PNG in mobile network towers,
(WtE) from food waste in Delhi. wherever PNG infrastructure is available and utilization
of gas as a backup fuel is feasible.

a) Set up WtE facilities for

large generators of food waste

It is recommended that commercial premises and

residential societies may set up WtE plants to treat
organic waste and convert it into useful energy
products. To begin with, large commercial areas and
residential societies can be identified by IOCL for
setting up bio–CNG facilities on demonstration basis.
Time required for setting up WtE plants is 9 months.

In addition, following recommendations are made for

the commercial sector to promote the use of cleaner
fuel in hotels, restaurant and mobile towers.


Table 3. Execution details for respective sectors with agencies involved in implementation

Steps required Implementation Status

Ensure gas supply to PNG supply to

Industry clusters in MoPNG; IGL; GAIL industrial clusters is
Delhi NCR feasible as per GAIL

Taxation strategy for cleaner

fuels under GST

Fuel switch in
NCR industry
Notify the list of approved CPCB, SPCBs for
fuels in NCR regions in a Haryana, U.P. and
phased manner Rajasthan

Facilitate City Gas

Distribution (CGD) projects MoPNG
in adjoining NCR towns

Provide a push towards

cleaner power generation
by notifying priority status MoP; CERC;
to gas based generation in SERCs; NRLDC
Delhi NCR (short-term)

Amend the Indian Grid

Electricity Code (2010) giving
priority to cleaner sources of
power generation in dense MoP; CERC; SERCs
Priority status

urban agglomerations
for cleaner

Extend the scheme for

utilisation of the stranded
gas based capacities and
provide priority support to
stranded capacities based MoP, MoPNG
in dense urban

Recommended Implementation
action Steps required agencies Status

Increase share of RT Scale up the NDMC

solar in electricity- scheme to MNRE
mix of Delhi rest of Delhi

Already notified
Introduce BS–VI by the Ministry
compliant fuels in http://pib.nic.
Delhi NCT by in/newsite/
pooling national PrintRelease.
Introduce BS-VI capacities aspx?relid=173517
compliant fuel in
Delhi and NCR

Introduce BS–VI compliant

fuels in Delhi NCR by MoPNG, OMCs
pooling national capacities

Set up a compact reformer plant

at one DTC depot (4 t HCNG/ IOCL


Notify HCNG use as an

Introduce HCNG automotive fuel MoRTH, GoI
demonstration plant
at DTC bus depots
in Delhi
Notify standards for HCNG
as Fuel BIS

Safety Clearance for HCNG on-
PESO submitted to PESO
vehicle storage cylinders
in 2012 by IOCL

Achieve 10% blending in

Achieve 10%
transport fuels nationally OMCs
biofuel blending
by 2022

Formulate a strategy
Promote LNG as for promoting LNG as MoPNG, MoRTH
transportation fuel transportation fuel


Recommended Implementation
action Steps required agencies Status

Prioritise and expedite

the VRS stage I at supply
location in BPCL
Bijwasan, Delhi

Ministry of
Notify the urgency of action Consumer
to the Department of Legal Affairs, Food

Prioritise on–going Metrology for VRS stage II and Public

implementation of clearance at all ROs in Delhi Distribution
vapour recovery
systems for Delhi

Complete VRS stage II in

remaining 255 retail outlets in OMCs

Install leak detectors at

STP type ROs in Delhi OMCs

Ban kerosene for Notification by Government of Kerosene

household use in UP for banning kerosene use UP Government banned in Delhi
Delhi NCR by households in NCR area and Haryana

Devise targeted smart subsidies

Smart subsidies are for Below Poverty Line (BPL)
Below Poverty Line MoPNG, PSUs
Households with 100% tax
(BPL) Households exemption for LPG and PNG

Set up waste–to–
energy from food/
organic waste Identify areas for setting IOCL, Hotels/
at commercial up waste to bio–CNG restaurants,
buildings and demonstration plants RWAs
residential societies

Promote cleaner Ensure supply of gas to

fuels in Hotels/ commercial premises within GAIL/ IGL
restaurants NCR

Promote cleaner Mandate use of gas in telecom CPCB and

fuels in mobile towers towers in Delhi NCR concerned SPCBs



Actions recommended by task force are captured in and highlights various actors who are responsible for
Table 3 with the key execution details (such as steps policy/regulatory changes and implementation
required, implementation agencies involved and action required to bring the recommended actions to fruition.
status) required for their implementation. Also, the
short–term actions which deserve immediate
attention of policymakers and implementation
agencies, are highlighted in the table. Figure 3 outlines
the implementation plan of the Clean Fuel Task Force

Figure 3. Implementation plan for the Task Force on Clean Fuel with MoPNG
as the central monitoring agencies for all the actions

Policy Changes Regulatory agencies
Government of India Central Electricity
Ministry of Petroleum and Regulatory Commission (CERC)
Natural Gas (MoPNG) Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)
Ministry of Road Transport State Electricity Regulatory
and Highways (MoRTH) Commissions (SERCs)
Ministry of Power (MoP) Petroleum and Explosives
Ministry of Finance (MoF) Safety Organisation (PESO)
Bureau of Indian
Standards (BIS)


Indian Oil Corporation

Limited (IOCL)

Gas Authority of India

Limited (GAIL)

Indraprastha Gas
Limited (IGL)



ACEA; Alliance; EMA; JAMA. (2013). Worldwide Fuel IOCL. (2017). Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) at the
Charter. 5th ed. Brussels. Washington D.C. Chicago. Tokyo. Second Meeting of the Task Force on Clean Fuel. 02 Aug
2017. MoPNG, Shasti Bawan, New Delhi, India.
CEA. (2016). Draft National Electrcity Plan (Vol. 1). New
Delhi, India. Kumar, S., & Sil, A. (2015). Challenges and Opportunities
in SWM in India: A Perspective. In Cities and
CERC. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Indian Sustainability: Issues and Strategic Pathways (pp.
Electricity Grid Code) Regulations, 2010, Pub. L. No. 193–210). New Delhi, India: Springer.
L-1/18/2010-CERC (2010). India.
MCD. (2015). MCD online - Solid Waste Transportation
CHT. (2017). CSIR proposal for Benzene Emission of Management System (STMS). Retrieved 1 January 2016,
Petrol Stations in India and solution for its abatement. from
New Delhi, India. MNRE. (2017). MNRE at the fourth meeting of the Task
force on Clean Fuel. 29 Nov 2017. MoPNG, Shastri
CSE. (2017). Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
Bhawan, New Delhi, India.
at the Second Meeting of the Task Force on Clean Fuel.
2 August 2017. MoPNG, Shastri Bawan, New Delhi, India. MoUD. (2017). India Smart Cities: Success Stories from
Mission Cities. New Delhi, India.
Dekate, A., Nikam, S., Rairikar, S., Sreenivasulu, M. et al.
(2013), "A Study on Material Compatibility with Various NCRPB. (2017). NCR Constituent Areas. Retrieved October
Blends of HCNG on Existing CNG Fuel Kit," SAE Technical 4, 2017, from
Paper 2013-26-0079,
PC. (2014). Report of the Task Force on Waste to Energy
Department of Commerce-GoI. (2017). Export Import Data ( Volume I ): In the context of Integrated Municipal Solid
Bank. Retrieved 8 August 2017, from Waste Management. Task Force on Waste to Energy
(Vol. I). Planning Commission, Government of India.
DP C C . (1996) . Appr oved f uel s i n the N a ti onal
Sharma, M. (2016). Urban Solid Waste Management:
Capital Te rri t o ry of D el hi . R etr i eved from
Envisaging Framework and Solutions for Tackling Solid
Waste in Cities (Working paper). New Delhi, India.
n/ApprovedFuelsinthe NationalCapitalerritory.pdf
DPCC. (2014). Annual Review Report of Delhi Pollution Sharma, M. and O. Dikshit. (2016). Comprehensive Study
Control Commitee. Delhi. on Air Pollution and Green House Gases (GHGs) in Delhi.
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. New Delhi, India.
GAIL. (2017a). GAIL at the fourth meeting of the Task
force on Clean Fuel. 29 November 2017. MoPNG, Shastri SIAM. (2017). Use of Hydrogen (up to 30%) as Fuel
Bhawan, New Delhi, India. Blended with Compressed Natural Gas in Internal
Combustion Engines. Retrieved August 18, 2017, from
GAIL. (2017b). GAIL at the third meeting of the Task
force on Clean Fuel. 22 August 2017. MoPNG, Shastri e-082012/rnd-conclave-gandhi-siam.pdf
Bhawan, New Delhi, India.
Talyan, V., R.P. Dahiya, and T.R. Sreekrishnan. (2007).
Hulgaard, T. (2015). 5. Circular Economy: Energy and State of municipal solid waste management in Delhi, the
fuels. ISWA task force on resource management. capital of India. Waste Management, 28(7), 1276–1287.
IGL. (2017). IGL at the fourth meeting of the Task force
on Clean Fuel. 29 November 2017. MoPNG, Shastri
Bhawan, New Delhi, India.



Annexure 1
Sulphur reduction in furnace oil

Annexure 2
Impact of using BS–VI fuel in BS–IV engine vehicles

Annexure 3.
Hydrogen blended CNG (HCNG for buses)

Annexure 4
Bio–CNG for Delhi NCR

Annexure 5
LPG footprint in Delhi NCR

Annexure 6
List of stakeholders consulted

Sulphur Reduction in Furnace Oil

Technology for Sulphur reduction in FO desulfurization to 5000 ppmw sulphur, requires

Furnace Oil (FO) heavy oil hydro–desulfurization facility, which includes
ebullated and slurry based technologies. However, due
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) to requirement of significant amount of hydrogen and
4 August 2017, New Delhi high-pressure operation (more than 120 bar g H2
partial pressure), the process is cost intensive.

Presently, the fuel oil (FO) of different grades (Sulphur: Typical ballpark cost estimate for a 1 MMTPA FO
3–3.5 wt %) is prepared by blending of following desulfurization unit (from feed sulphur of 3 wt % to 0.5
streams to meet viscosity and sulphur: wt %) is around Rs. 2000 Cr. However, this unit also
requires other accessories, viz. hydrogen generation
• Lighter stream (light cycle oils/ other cracked gas unit, sulphur recovery unit, off–site plants, etc. Hence,
oils) the estimated cost for a FO desulfurization complex is
around Rs. 3000 Cr., the typical operating cost for a 1
• Heavy stream (vacuum/ visbreaker residues, cat
MMTPA unit is around Rs. 4500 per Metric Ton. The
cracker slurry oils)
estimated cost for production of 5000 ppmw FO is
around Rs. 40 per liter. However, the cost of production
for BS–IV Diesel (50 ppm) is around Rs 30 per liter.
Fuel oil desulfurization
In view of the above it is better to use BS–IV Diesel (50
economics ppm) instead of 500 ppmw sulfur containing FO.

Currently, petroleum streams (gasoline and diesel) are

To the best of our knowledge, currently no commercial
desulfurized in a fixed bed reactor system, which are
technology is available for desulfurization of FO from
not suitable for processing FO. In refineries with
current sulphur levels of 3 wt% to 500 ppmw (i.e.
existing process units, FO desulfurization even to 5000
industrial FO).
ppmw sulphur level is not possible.


Impact of using BS–VI fuel in BS–IV engine vehicles

Impact of using BS–VI fuel in BS–IV GASOLINE: The comparison between the BS–IV and
and pre-BS-IV vehicles BS–VI motor gasoline is given in Table A2.2. There are
certain parameters namely distillation (E70), sulphur, Reid
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) Vapour Pressure (RVP), Vapour Lock Index (VLI), gum,
03 August 2017, New Delhi oxygen content and ethanol content were revised in BS VI
compared to BS IV. The effect of these changes on BS–IV
and older vehicles are as follows;
BS–VI fuels offer significant improvements in terms of
performance, emissions and durability of BS–IV and 1) Sulphur: Studies indicate strong correlation between
Pre–BS–IV vehicles. fuel sulphur with HC and PM emissions. It enables
the use of more advanced technologies for
DIESEL: The comparison between the BS–IV and emissions reduction and fuel efficiency. Further, like
BS–VI diesel fuel is given in Table A2.1. Few fuel diesel, low sulphur gasoline improves the
specifications have been revised in BS–VI as compared to performance of engine and efficacy & durability of
BS–IV. The effect of these changes on BS–IV & older after-treatment devices.
vehicles are as follows:

2) Gum: The gum content is reduced to 4 mg in BS–VI

1) Sulphur: In BS–VI, the sulphur content of diesel is
compared to 5 mg in BS–IV. The reduced gum level
reduced to 10 ppm from 50 ppm in BS–IV. Decrease
decreases the formation of engine combustion
in sulphur level will reduce corrosion and engine
chamber deposits leading to higher fuel economy.
wear related issues; this would essentially increase
the life of the engine. The sulphur reduction will also
reduce the sulphate formation and related exhaust 3) E70, RVP, VLI, Oxygen content and Ethanol content:
particulate matter (PM) emissions. Low sulphur fuel The fuel parameters such as E70, RVP, VLI, oxygen
allows the use of advanced exhaust catalysts for content were revised in BS–VI gasoline specification
emission control and enhances their durability. to allow ethanol blending up to 10%. The blending of
ethanol offers significant benefit in terms of HC and
2) PAH: Reduction of PAH content of diesel fuel offers CO emissions. However, E10 blend results in
the benefit of significant decrease in both oxides of average fuel economy penalty of ~2% on account of
nitrogen (NOx) and PM emissions. Further, the lower calorific value (~3.5%). Internationally, to
carcinogenic PAH emissions in the exhaust will also begin with, a practice of differential taxation was
be reduced. followed wherein an appropriate tax credit used to
be given to the customer opting for environment
3) FAME (Biodiesel) Content: BS–VI specification friendly fuels Such initiatives may enhance the use
allows blending of up to 7% biodiesel in diesel. The of bio-ethanol for blending thereby; decreasing the
addition of biodiesel would reduce the CO, HC and dependence on fossil fuel imports leading to
PM emissions significantly. In general, biodiesel has significant savings in foreign exchange.
superior lubricity characteristics compared to
normal diesel, which would improve the life of the
fuel system components and engine.

Possibility of advancing the availability BS VI hence, in the view of this timeline it will be difficult to cater
fuels in Delhi and NCR region and the cost to the demands of Delhi NCR region by BS–VI compliant
implications thereof: fuels prior to April 2020 deadline.

The present annual Diesel and MS demand in Delhi and However, IOC has commenced supplies to auto majors for
NCR region is as 6200 TMT and 1980 TMT respectively, engine testing purposes BS–VI compliant fuels from
while at present the annual capability of both Panipat and Mathura Refinery. Moreover, supply of limited volumes of
Mathura refineries to produce BS–VI compliant Diesel and BS–VI gasoline and diesel are already being explored at
MS is only 220TMT and 385TMT respectively. It is select RO’s in major metros on the request of the
pertinent to note that the BS–VI projects for both the Automobile manufacturers.
refineries are getting completed by the end of 2019 and


Table A2.1 Specification of Commercial Diesel Fuel

Property Unit BS-IV (IS 1460:2005) BS-VI

Density @15°C kg/m3, max 820-845 845

Distillation T95 °C max 360 360

Sulphur ppm max 50 10

Cetane No Min 51 51

Cetane Index Min 46 46

Flash Point °C min 35 35

Viscosity @40°C cSt 2.0-4.5 2.0-4.5

PAH % wt max 11 8

Total Contaminants mg/kg max 24 24

Carbon Residue % wt max 0.3 0.3

(Ramsbottom) on
10% residue

Water Content mg/kg max 200 200

Lubricity, Corrected Microns, max 460 460

Wear Scar Diameter
(VVSD) @60°C

Ash % wt max 0.01 0.01

Cold Filter Plugging Point

a) summer, max °C 18 18

b) winter, max °C 6 6

Oxidation stability g/m3, max 25 25

Copper strip corrosion Rating Class 1 Class 1

for 3 hrs @ 50°C, max

FAME Content % v/v max --- 7.0


Table A2.2 Specification of Commercial Gasoline Fuel

Property Unit BS-IV (IS 2796:2008) BS-VI

Density @15 °C kg / m3 720-775 720-775

E-70 % vol 10-45 10-55


E-100 % vol 40-70 40-70

E-150 % vol, min 75 75

FBP °C, max 210 210

Residue % vol, max 2 2

Sulphur ppm, max 50 10

RON Min 91 91

MON Min 81 81

RVP@38°C Max 60 67


Summer (May-July) Max 750 1050

Other months Max 950 1100

Benzene % vol, max 1 1

Aromatics % vol, max 35 35

Olefin % vol, max 21 21

Gum mg/100ml, max 5 4

Oxidation stability Minutes, min 360 360

Lead as Pb g/ litre, max 0.005 0.005

Oxygen content % wt, max 2.7 3.7

Oxygenates % vol, max

Methanol nil 3 (nil*)

Ethanol 5 10

Iso-propyl alcohol 10 10

Iso-butyl alcohol 10 10

Tertiary-butyl alcohol 7 7

Ethers containing 5 or 15 15
more C atoms per molecule

Other oxygenates 8 8

Copper strip corrosion for Rating Class 1 Class 1

3 hrs @50°C, max

Methanol is not permitted as per draft BIS specification for BS-VI motor gasoline


Hydrogen blended CNG (HCNG for buses)

Use of hydrogen–blended CNG (HCNG) Benefits of using 18% HCNG blends:

in commercial buses in Delhi NCR
1. Light duty vehicles
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL)
03 August 2017, New Delhi Under a project funded by MNRE on ‘Use of HCNG
blends for Light duty vehicles’, Indian Oil R&D
conducted joint studies with SIAM on a fleet of vehicles
including 3–wheelers, passengers’ cars and LCVs
CNG as an auto fuel originally was introduced in Delhi
[Table A3.1]. The studies established the following:
NCR as a legislative direction. Subsequently, it has
registered significant growth owing to its advantages in • 18 v/v% (or ~2.7% by mass) of hydrogen in CNG is
terms of lower emissions and better fuel economy. the most optimal blend ratio for
However, cities like Delhi need further cleaner Indian vehicles
alternatives in order to reduce the vehicular emission
inventories for improving the ambient air quality. • Reduction of 45% in CO and 35% in HC emissions
Blending of hydrogen in CNG (known as HCNG) can could be achieved with 18% HCNG
result in further lowering of exhaust emissions from
CNG vehicles due to improved combustion • NOx emissions may increase or decrease depending
characteristics of the resultant blend. upon the engine design and tuning

Table A3.1 SIAM - MNRE - IOC joint studies on HCNG blends

Ashok Leyland Bajaj 3-Wheeler Mahindra Bolero Tata Indica Average Percentage
reduction with HCNG

0 Km Base CNG

CO 0.34 0.8 0.88 0.25 0.57 45.4

THC 0.5 0.59 0.41 0.06 0.39 35.9

NOX 0.35 0.59 0.07 0.02 0.26 11.7

0 KM 18% HCNG

CO 0.18 0.57 0.3 0.19 0.31

TI-IC 0.39 0.32 0.23 0.06 0.25

NOX 0.37 0.44 0.06 0.04 0.23

1. Emission data expressed in g/km on a chassis dynamometer
2. Wide variations in results of other three vehicles were observed

2. Heavy duty engines • Studies conducted on Tata Motors HD engine

indicated a reduction of CO, CH4 & THC, emissions
Indian Oil R&D embarked upon another collaborative by 31%, 6.7% and 6.5% respectively while an
programme with Ashok Leyland and Tata Motors to increase in NOx emissions by 32.5% was observed.
validate the use of HCNG in heavy duty engines /
vehicles [Table A3.2]. The studies indicated that; • The NOx emission with HCNG fuel can be reduced
through optimization of engine which may result in
• HCNG can be used as a fuel for heavy duty CNG the penalty on engine power output.
engine after minor engine optimization.
• No adverse impact of HCNG on vehicle components
• The Specific Fuel Consumption of HCNG engine is and engine performance was observed.
lower than CNG by 2 to 3%.

• In Ashok Leyland HD engine, CO, CH4 and THC

emissions got reduced by 28%, 20% & 20%,
respectively while NOx emissions increased by 48%

Table A3.2 Heavy duty engine testing with 18% HCNG blends

TATA Motors

Fuel used Work, CO, TUC, CH4, NOx, CO2,

kWh g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh

CNG 12.8010 2.26 0.46 0.45 1.63 678.01

18% HCNG 12.7635 1.56 0.43 0.42 2.16 647.70

Improvement 31% 6.50% 6.70% -32.50% 4.50%

Ashok Leyland

Fuel used Work, CO, THC, CH4, NOx, CO2,

kWh g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh

CNG @ 0 hrs 13.431 0.64 0.15 0.15 0.23 729.25

HCNG @ 0 hrs 13.203 0.46 0.12 0.12 0.34 716.64

Improvement 28% 20% 20% -48% 2%



Production of HCNG through Cost Estimates

IOC R&D’s patented Compact A typical heavy duty CNG bus with 6 cylinders of 74 L
Reformer technology capacity each can accommodate a total of ~52 kg
HCNG at 200 bar while delivering an average fuel
Conventionally, HCNG is produced by physical blending economy of 4 km/kg. Therefore, a 250 Nm3/hr capacity
of CNG and Hydrogen. However, this approach involves HCNG plant can fill up 3 buses per hour i.e. 72 buses
onsite production of neat hydrogen through per day considering single filling in a depot operational
electrolysis of water, followed by its compression, on 24-hour basis.
storage and blending with CNG at high pressures using
complicated mass flow control technology. The Indian Oil R&D has prepared a Basic Design
resultant blend is much more expensive than CNG due Engineering package (BDEP) of single stage compact
reformer suitable for bus depot with following
to presence of multiple energy intensive steps.
In order to overcome this challenge, Indian Oil R&D • Capacity: 250 Nm3/hr i.e., ~165 kg/h (4TPD)
developed a low severity single step compact Steam
Methane Reforming process for HCNG production • Skid dimension: 4 m (L)X10 m(W) X 9 m (H)
from natural gas. A demonstration unit of 2.5 Nm3/h • CAPEX of compact reformer = INR 11.56 Crores
(~1.6 kg/h) HCNG capacity has been installed at Indian
Oil R&D and the performance of the process has been • Estimated OPEX is INR 6.8/kg of product
successfully validated by dispensing 18% HCNG in the
demonstration vehicles. The cost of production of Issues related to Commercialization
HCNG by above process is significantly lower as
of HCNG:
compared to physical blending.
i. HCNG as an automotive fuel needs to be notified by
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH).
Proposal ii. HCNG Fuel specifications need to be notified by
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
At 43 bus depots of Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC), iii. Approval by Petroleum & Explosives Safety
7200 commercial CNG buses are running in Delhi NCR. Organization (PESO) for using Type 1 cylinder to
Hence, on an average 180 buses are present in a bus store 18% HCNG in vehicles.
depot. Assuming one bus runs 200 km/day, amount of • It is pertinent to mention that Indian Oil R&D
CNG requirement of a bus depot to fill the buses is 9 submitted a report to PESO highlighting the findings
TPD. Therefore, a single stage compact reformer plant of the health assessment study undertaken on Type
of capacity ~4TPD would be sufficient to supply 1 cylinder used for filling 18% HCNG fuel after
H-CNG to the 50% bus fleet of a depot. covering 20,000 km. The tests based on chemical
analysis of used cylinder, corrosion, tensile strength,
As a part of ‘Cleaner Air Better Life’ initiative, it is impact, hardness and micro-structural analysis
proposed to set–up a 4 TPD single stage compact established that 18% HCNG can be used in existing
reformer plant in a commercial bus depot of DTC to CNG storage cylinder [Box A3.1].
significantly reduce the emission inventory from CNG
• Further, a BIS sponsored study conducted by ARAI
buses by using 18% HCNG. Based upon the success of
[Dekate et al, 2013] had established the compatibility
this demonstration, same process can be replicated for
of 18% HCNG with fuel supply system components
other bus depots also. of the vehicle (except cylinder).

Box A3.1 Indian Oil Corporation The used cylinder has still good mechanical strength
and its DBTT (ductile brittle transition temperature) is
Limited’s letter to PESO for safety
still around -50 oC. The cylinder’s application temperature
clearance to HCNG demonstration will be much higher than DBTT obtained (except
plant (Dated 12.07.2012) Himalayan region where temperature is sub-zero). Based
on the above in-depth study, it may be concluded that the
This is in reference to the letter no. G3(4) 40/ Hythane/ HCNG cylinder is fit for use for another 20000 km. After
2011 dated 7th May 2012 on the above subject. that, further studies may be carried out on the metallurgy
and mechanical properties of the cylinder material. This
The pointwise response to your various queries is as under- study would provide further insight into the effect of
HCNG usage on the cylinder material.
1. We want to submit the following facts regarding
commissioning of our HCNG dispensing stations: 2. Noted, we will ensure the compliance to gas cylinder
rules for valves
a) HCNG dispensing station at IOC R&D Centre,
Faridabad was commissioned in October 2005 and, 3. The dispenser at IOC R&D comprises of two nozzles.
One nozzle is for dispensing HCNG @ 250 bar and
b) Dwarka HCNG station in New Delhi was
another one is for dispensing hydrogen @ 350 bar.
commissioned in January 2009. HCNG dispenser is already approved by PESO and
approval is being sought for dispensing neat
Further, we have recently completed the demonstration
hydrogen. A photo of the dispenser is attached
trial of 20,000 km with 18% HCNG blended fuel in 5 nos.
indicating the hydrogen and H-CNG dispensers
of 3-wheelers with refuelling from both the dispensing
separately. Further technical details of the hydrogen
stations. In these 3-wheelers, CNG cylinders conforming
nozzle are also attached (Annexure-II).
to IS 15490 have been used. After completing 20.000 km
of field trial, the cylinder from one of the 3-wheeler was 4. The P&ID of the dispenser is enclosed (Annexure-III)
removed and sample specimen of the same was highlighting the hydrogen line for dispensing.
investigated and compared against new CNG cylinder
5. The hydrogen is produced from electrolyser and it
for the following characteristics in our laboratories:
conforms to ISO 14687-2.
• Chemical analysis • Tensile tests • Impact tests 6. The refuelling connection devices will conform to ISO
• Hardness tests • Micro structural analysis
Further, Sh. P. C. Srivastava, Joint CCOE, Nagpur also
The detailed test report on the above aspects is visited our HCNG dispensing station on 18 June 2012
attached (Annexure-I). On comparing the results of and technical features of the station and future plans
tensile test and impact test of used HCNG cylinder and have been discussed in detail. Further, as desired by Sh.
new CNG cylinder as well as reference data, it is evident Srivastava, third party certificates and documents for
that the tensile properties (UTS & YS), % elongation and the dispensing station are also enclosed (Annexure IV).
impact energy of used HCNG cylinder are on lower side
as compared to those of new cylinder as well as In view of the above, it is requested to grant approval
reference data. HCNG cylinder’s mechanical properties for dispensing neat hydrogen for our demonstration
show factor of safety of the order of 2.0. protects as mentioned earlier.


Bio–CNG for Delhi NCR

Indian Oil R&D’s Bio—CNG Technology

for Delhi NCR

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL)

3 August 2017, New Delhi

Introduction Indian Oil R&D Technology

Bio–methanation is a process of converting organic Indian Oil R&D has developed in–house bio–methanation
wastes into biogas and digestate by anaerobic technology for conversion of kitchen waste into biogas
microorganisms in the absence of air. Products of that can be used as bio–CNG. The technology deploys
bio–methanation are biogas and digestate. Biogas is a high performing bacterial inoculum which is responsible
mixture of methane, carbon dioxide and traces of other for conversion of organic waste into biogas with high
contaminant gases. Biogas can be used for various methane (>80%) content (as indicated in Table A4.1)
applications such as power generation, heating, cooking vis–a–vis 60-70% reported in conventional biogas plant
and transport applications. Digestate contains valuable technologies.
plant nutrients such as nitrogen and potassium to be used
as a fertilizer and soil conditioner.

Table A4.1 Typical composition of biogas generated through IndianOil R&D bio–methanation process

Component Methane Carbon Dioxide Nitrogen

Composition (vol %) 80-85% 11-13% 3-5%


Current Status Cost Estimates

Performance of 50 kg/day bio–methanation plant was The Table A4.2 shows details of cost estimates for
validated at Indian Oil R&D. Based on the encouraging installing a 250 kg/day bio–methanation plant with
results; the microbial inoculums were successfully expected biogas yield and composition.
evaluated in an existing 250 kg/day bio–methanation
plant at Panipat Refinery. Efforts are underway to setup
plants in other IOC refineries.

Table A4.2 Cost estimates for installing a 250 kg/day bio–methanation plant

Food waste loading kg/day 250

Expected biogas/ bio–CNG production Nm3/day 5-6

Dry solid manure kg/day 20-25


Estimated plant cost without CO2 removal 12.6 Lakhs

Estimated plant cost estimate with CO2 removal 15.6 Lakhs


Cost of inoculum (one time) INR 60,000

Cost of Chemicals per annum INR 50,000

Note: *Cost of manpower (2 nos.) will be extra

Way forward

In Delhi NCR, IOC’s technology can be deployed at states of the country. The potential of bio–CNG as
integrated townships, colleges, hotels and Municipal automotive fuel may also be explored in Delhi NCR to
Corporation identified locations to utilize this gas for improve the ambient air quality. Use of fuel cells can
captive cooking purpose. Further, IOC is in the process also be explored using bio–CNG both for stationary
of marketing the CNG source from biogas plants in few and mobility applications.

LPG Footprint in Delhi NCR

LPG Footprint in Delhi NCR Region for

cooking purposes and transportation

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL)

3 August 2017, New Delhi

In Delhi NCR, 664 TMT of domestic LPG was supplied OMCs also supplied 121 TMT non–domestic packed
by IOC during the FY 2016–17 which constituted 59% LPG and 5.1 TMT bulk LPG, for which IOC’s contributed
of the entire market. Auto LPG sales during the same 50% and 30% respectively. The LPG penetration levels in
period were 1.18 TMT in Delhi NCR which was entirely Delhi–NCR region are more than 100% as per the
met by IOCL. Apart from domestic and auto LPG, the available data [See Table A5.1].


Table A5.1 LPG Detail for Delhi and its adjoining Districts

As on 01.07.2017
Product-wise LPG sale Product-wise LPG sale during FY 2016-17 (in TMT)
during FY 2016-17 (in TMT)
No. of ALDS as on
LPG 01.07.17
State District Active Domestic number of Non-Domestic
Domestic LPG Bulk LPG Auto LPG
Consumers (in Lakh) households coverage Packed LPG
by OMCs
(in lakh)
A B C = A/B

DELHI 11.6 7.2 29.3 48.1 37.9 127% 0 5 13 18 164.2 106.9 443.9 715.1 24.0 14.0 43.7 81.7 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.93
FARIDABAD 2.4 0.7 2.2 5.4 4 135% 30.8 8.9 30.4 70.2 3.7 0.9 2.8 7.3 0.14 0.24 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

HARYANA GURGAON 1.7 1.0 3.1 5.8 3.6 161% 20.2 12.5 38.8 69.6 4.6 3.3 6.0 13.9 1.64 0.71 0.30 2.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
JHAJJAR 0.3 0.8 1.1 2.1 2.1 104% 2.7 8.3 12.0 23.0 0.2 1.4 0.6 2.2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SONIPAT 1.4 0.4 1.3 3.0 3 100% 14.8 5.0 14.1 34.0 1.3 0.7 1.3 3.3 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BAGHPAT 0.0 0.3 1.6 2.0 2.3 85% 0.3 3.1 17.4 20.8 0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
UTTAR GAUTAM 2.7 1.3 2.3 6.3 3.6 176% 2 2 33.5 15.8 26.3 75.6 3.5 2.0 2.0 7.4 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.13

GHAZIABAD 2.0 0.6 6.4 9.0 9.4 96% 1 1 24.6 7.2 83.8 115.6 1.6 0.6 3.0 5.1 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.13
Total 22.1 12.3 47.2 81.7 65.8 124% 0 5 16 21 291.3 167.8 664.7 1123.8 38.8 22.9 59.3 121.0 2.56 0.95 1.57 5.08 0.00 0.00 1.18 1.18

List of stakeholders consulted

Stakeholder category Stakeholder’s name Organisation

Government Sandeep Poundrik Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas

Dr Vinod Kumar Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas

G. L. Meena Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

Rajnath Ram NITI Aayog

S. K. Paliwal Central Pollution Control Board

Garima Sharma Central Pollution Control Board

Industry Ashish Aggarwal Cummins

P. K. Banerjee Society of Indian Automobile


K. K. Gandhi Society of Indian Automobile


S. Bairagi GAIL India Ltd

Raj Kumar Chakraborty GAIL India Ltd

Vishal Bhatia Indraprastha Gas Limited

P. K. Pandey Indraprastha Gas Limited

Dr Reji Mathai IndianOil

Sanjeev Singh IndianOil

Dr SSV Ramakumar IndianOil

S M Vaidya IndianOil

Civil Society Anumita Roy Choudhury Centre for Science and Environment

Scientific bodies Prakash D Chavan Central Institute of Mining and

Fuel research

Rajendra Singh Central Institute of Mining and

Fuel research

Confederation of Seema Arora CII ITC Centre of Excellence for

Indian Industry (CII) Sustainable Development

Kamal Sharma CII ITC Centre of Excellence for

Sustainable Development

Mohit Sharma CII ITC Centre of Excellence for

Sustainable Development
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the development of
India, partnering industry, Government, and civil society, through advisory and consultative processes.

CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-managed organization, playing a proactive role in India's
development process. Founded in 1895, India's premier business association has over 8,500 members, from the private as
well as public sectors, including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membership of over 200,000 enterprises from around 265
national and regional sectoral industry bodies.

CII charts change by working closely with Government on policy issues, interfacing with thought leaders, and enhancing
efficiency, competitiveness and business opportunities for industry through a range of specialized services and strategic
global linkages. It also provides a platform for consensus-building and networking on key issues.

Extending its agenda beyond business, CII assists industry to identify and execute corporate citizenship programmes.
Partnerships with civil society organizations carry forward corporate initiatives for integrated and inclusive development
across diverse domains including affirmative action, healthcare, education, livelihood, diversity management, skill
development, empowerment of women, and water, to name a few.

As a developmental institution working towards India’s overall growth with a special focus on India@75 in 2022, the CII
theme for 2017-18, India@75: Inclusive. Ahead. Responsible emphasizes Industry's role in partnering Government to
accelerate India's growth and development. The focus will be on key enablers such as job creation; skill development and
training; affirmative action; women parity; new models of development; sustainability; corporate social responsibility,
governance and transparency.

With 67 offices, including 9 Centres of Excellence, in India, and 11 overseas offices in Australia, Bahrain, China, Egypt, France,
Germany, Iran, Singapore, South Africa, UK, and USA, as well as institutional partnerships with 355 counterpart organizations
in 126 countries, CII serves as a reference point for Indian industry and the international business community.

CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development is a not-for-profit, industry-led institution that helps business
become sustainable organisations. It is on a mission to catalyse innovative ideas and solutions, in India, and globally, to
enable business, and its stakeholders, in sustainable value creation. It’s knowledge, action and recognition activities
enable companies to be future ready, improve footprints profiles, and advocate policymakers and legislators to improve
standards of sustainable business through domestic and global policy interventions.

CESD leverages its role of all-inclusive ecosystem player, partnering industry, government, and civil society. It has been
a pioneer of environment management systems, biodiversity mapping, sustainability reporting, integrated reporting, and
social & natural capital valuation in India, thus upgrading business in India to sustainable competitiveness.

With three locations in India, CESD operates across the country and has also been active in parts of South and South East
Asia, Middle East, and Africa. It has held institutional partnerships and memberships of the United Nations Global
Compact, Global Reporting Initiative, International Integrated Reporting Council, Carbon Disclosure Project, development
agencies of Canada, the USA, the UK, and Germany.
Confederation of Indian Industry
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