A Case Study of The Effectiveness of The Implementation of Character Education From Different Streams in High Schools in Ujung Batu, Rokan Hulu
A Case Study of The Effectiveness of The Implementation of Character Education From Different Streams in High Schools in Ujung Batu, Rokan Hulu
A Case Study of The Effectiveness of The Implementation of Character Education From Different Streams in High Schools in Ujung Batu, Rokan Hulu
students can actively develop their the value of devotion, hard work,
potential to gain spiritual strength, self- discipline and honesty.
control, personality, intelligence, noble THE IMPORTANCE OF
characters as well as skills that are CHARACTER EDUCATION
necessary for themselves, society, Lickona (2013) defines character
nation and country". education as an education which
Character education has been includes cognitive, feeling and action. If
recommended as a solution in fostering these three aspects are not there, then
good personality of a student character education will never come
(Mustakim, 2011). However, in reality about.
character education still cannot be fully In every human being, there is a
carried out in a designed process feeling and this feeling will cause an
(Zamtinah et al. 2012). Moreover, action. As Sadia (2013) said that there
character education has not been are six classifications of moral feelings:
integrated in every subject in high (i) feeling or conscience, which have
schools, so the optimism of making the two forms, namely understanding the
children with strong characters has not truth and feeling to do the truth; (ii)
been successfully carried out as self-esteem; (iii) empathy, which is the
expected by the Indonesian government ability to know for sure oneself by
(Sumardiningsih, 2010). referring to others or as if we know
Therefore, if this is not well what others feel; (iv) loving the good,
cultivated from the beginning and which is the highest form of morality;
happens frequently to the students, it (v) the ability to control oneself (self-
will consequently create a generation control), which will function to refrain
that may deviate from character values, from pleasure and sadness; and (vi)
a generation with lack of moral and humility, good behaviour which
ethics, such as bribery, nepotism, sometimes has been ignored or
embezzlement of state fund, injustice forgotten. Humility is an attitude to be
and so on (Wibowo, 2012). If this willing to accept something different by
situation remains without the right way of thinking, humbleness and being
solution, the deviation will become a able to appreciate the abilities and
habit that can even be a culture which is strengths of others.
hard to change, as such it has a greater The basis theory as why this
impact on the destruction of a nation character education is considered
state (Gunawan, H. 2014). important to be implemented can be
This study aims to assess the referred to two researchers’ opinionsi.e.
implementation process of character Roosevelt and Kilpatrick (Lickona,
education in different departments or 1991). Roosevelt mentioned that
fields of study in high school based on educating students to think by reason