A Case Study of The Effectiveness of The Implementation of Character Education From Different Streams in High Schools in Ujung Batu, Rokan Hulu

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International Journal of Research in Informative ISSN-2581-5814

Science Application & Techniques (IJRISAT)

A Case Study of the Effectiveness of the

Implementation of Character Education from
Different Streams in High Schools in Ujung Batu,
Rokan Hulu
Inpenas Amran Malin Mudo1, Asmahbinti Ahmad2,Md. Rosli bin Ismail3
SekolahMenengahAtas Ujungbatu, Kabupaten Rokan Hulu, Provinsi Riau, 28454
Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, University of Selangor (UNISEL),
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia, 40000
The world of education in Indonesia today has raised concern on character
education. This character education is an effort to instill and to improve moral
values into the students, so that they will possess those values, apply and
implement them either for themselves, their families, society or country.
This study aims to analyze the implementation of character education in three
high schools in Ujungbatu, Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau Province viewed from
different streams or fields of study, namely the Department of Natural Science
(DNS) and the Department of Social Sciences (DSS).
The research design is descriptive in nature and the descriptive analysis was
carried out with quantitative approach through observation and questionnaire with
a total sample of 486 (N=486) students in grade 2 and 3from three different high
schools, i.e. (i) SMA 1 Ujungbatu (N=258), (ii) SMA 2 Ujungbatu (N=202), and
(iii) SMA Muhammadiyah (N=26). The findings revealed that that devotion, hard
work, discipline and honesty as character values can be instilled into either the
students of DNS or the students of DSS. In conclusion, character values have
been successfully applied to the students of these three high schools.
Keywords: character education, high school, streams, field of study.

INTRODUCTION 20 on the National Education System

The Indonesian government has taken (SISDIKNAS) in article 1 paragraph 1
action in an effort to foster student which emphasized that "education is an
morale at school. In 2003, the effort and a plan to create a learning
government has issued the Act number atmosphere and learning process so that

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Science Application & Techniques (IJRISAT)

students can actively develop their the value of devotion, hard work,
potential to gain spiritual strength, self- discipline and honesty.
control, personality, intelligence, noble THE IMPORTANCE OF
characters as well as skills that are CHARACTER EDUCATION
necessary for themselves, society, Lickona (2013) defines character
nation and country". education as an education which
Character education has been includes cognitive, feeling and action. If
recommended as a solution in fostering these three aspects are not there, then
good personality of a student character education will never come
(Mustakim, 2011). However, in reality about.
character education still cannot be fully In every human being, there is a
carried out in a designed process feeling and this feeling will cause an
(Zamtinah et al. 2012). Moreover, action. As Sadia (2013) said that there
character education has not been are six classifications of moral feelings:
integrated in every subject in high (i) feeling or conscience, which have
schools, so the optimism of making the two forms, namely understanding the
children with strong characters has not truth and feeling to do the truth; (ii)
been successfully carried out as self-esteem; (iii) empathy, which is the
expected by the Indonesian government ability to know for sure oneself by
(Sumardiningsih, 2010). referring to others or as if we know
Therefore, if this is not well what others feel; (iv) loving the good,
cultivated from the beginning and which is the highest form of morality;
happens frequently to the students, it (v) the ability to control oneself (self-
will consequently create a generation control), which will function to refrain
that may deviate from character values, from pleasure and sadness; and (vi)
a generation with lack of moral and humility, good behaviour which
ethics, such as bribery, nepotism, sometimes has been ignored or
embezzlement of state fund, injustice forgotten. Humility is an attitude to be
and so on (Wibowo, 2012). If this willing to accept something different by
situation remains without the right way of thinking, humbleness and being
solution, the deviation will become a able to appreciate the abilities and
habit that can even be a culture which is strengths of others.
hard to change, as such it has a greater The basis theory as why this
impact on the destruction of a nation character education is considered
state (Gunawan, H. 2014). important to be implemented can be
This study aims to assess the referred to two researchers’ opinionsi.e.
implementation process of character Roosevelt and Kilpatrick (Lickona,
education in different departments or 1991). Roosevelt mentioned that
fields of study in high school based on educating students to think by reason

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International Journal of Research in Informative ISSN-2581-5814
Science Application & Techniques (IJRISAT)

without the cultivation of moral values education in schools (Lina Bürgener,

means the same as fostering a threat in 2017).
the community daily life. Kilpatrick also Therefore, to achieve educational
highlighted that character/ moral goals, teachers need to know, to
education is the most important thing understand and to examine the situation
to do in the process of education at of the students they face when this
schools, as for other problems which includes all aspects related to patterns
later exist is based on the lack of moral and behavior either when the student is
education provided. at school, at home or in the
Character education has become neighborhood around the residence.
very crucial to be implemented Thus, it will make it easier for teachers
simultaneously at all levels and stages of to take actions they need to do in
education. As stated by Raka (2002) that fostering the morale of future students.
character education is a matter that
needs to be done as an effort to prevent RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
moral and behavior degradation in As this study focused on obtaining the
social life. Mustakim (2011) also said information of the current phenomena,
that character fostering is a way of the research design for this study is
applying moral values to students which descriptive in nature. The scope of this
consists of knowledge, awareness and study is high schools in Ujung Batu,
willingness, skills, social, moral and Rokan Hulu, Indonesia and as such the
actions in order to perform moral findings of this study do not represent
values toward God Almighty, oneself, the whole population of high schools in
the environment, and the community so Indonesia. In terms of the research
that they can become part of the instruments, this study applied
cultures and moral for mankind. observation and questionnaires.
School is a home for students to The study limited to only four
achieve for something they dream of. character values, i.e.(i) devotion, (ii)
Schools as the place of education are hard work, (iii) discipline and (iv)
considered as an impressive way of honesty. The four character values are
shaping character (Hari, 2016). The the priority values in high schools in
school is also expected to be a driving Ujungbatu, Rokan Hulu. This could be
force to educate people and to shape a identified after conducting an interview
more characterized, valued and noble with a high school principal in
Indonesian society. The role of schools Ujungbatu who said that these four
is also inseparable from the role of character values are more fundamental
teachers who are believed to have a fair rather than all existing characters, if the
character towards the glory of four character values are good, then a

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International Journal of Research in Informative ISSN-2581-5814
Science Application & Techniques (IJRISAT)

student can be said to be good moral the category of devotion, it recorded

too. the mean of 18,13 and 18,16 for
The total population of this study is DNSand DSS respectively.
all students in grade 2 and grade 3 of
three schools, i.e. (i) SMA 1 Ujungbatu Table1. The effectiveness of the
(258 students), (ii) SMA 2 Ujungbatu implementation of character
(202 students) and (iii) SMA education in high schools based on
Muhammadiyah (26 students) with the the fields of study differences
total number of 1,511 students. Based Std.
on the population, the samples in this Charac Std. Err
d of Mea
study covered 32% of the population, ter N Deviati or
Stu n
i.e. 486 students. Value on Mea
The technique used for sampling n
collection was purposive sampling and Devoti DN 30 18,1 ,835 ,048
the samples were selected randomly. As on S 7 3
for the data analysis, this study applied DS 17 18,1 ,892 ,067
the analytical descriptive analysis that S 9 6
reflects the actual problem and Hard DN 30 29,4
condition. The quantitative data was 1,378 ,079
work S 7 9
processed by using SPSS version 13.0. DS 17 29,5
1,438 ,107
S 9 7
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Discipl DN 30 46,0 1,592 ,091
In general, the high schools in Ujung ine S 7 0
Batu is divided into two streams or
fields of study, namely (i) the DS 17 46,1 1,546 ,116
Department of Natural Sciences (DNS) S 9 4
and the Department of Social Sciences Honest DN 30 25,7
(DSS). 1,611 ,092
y S 7 7
Therefore, the assessment of the DS 17 25,5
effectiveness of the implementation of 1,745 ,130
S 9 8
character education would be based on
these two streams of respondents. As for the hard work category, DSS
Table 1 illustrates the mean of the (29,57) outnumbered DNS (29,49) by
effectiveness of student character ,08. The difference of mean was slightly
education in high school in Ujungbatu higher (,14) for the discipline category,
based on the streams. Of 486 when DSS recorded at 46,14 as
respondents (N=487), 307 (N=307) are compared to DNS that recorded at
from DNS, while 179 respondents 46,00.
(N=179) are from DSS respectively. In

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International Journal of Research in Informative ISSN-2581-5814
Science Application & Techniques (IJRISAT)

However, DNS scored higher for ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

the honesty category when it recorded The writer would like express thank to
at 25,77 while DSS recorded at 25,58 the Rokan Hulu Second Level Regional
with the difference of ,19. Government for providing PhD
Having analysed the above data, program scholarships to pursue at the
there seems to be a difference between Faculty of Education and Social
DNS and DSS, but was only slightly Sciences – University of Selangor
because the difference was only in (UNISEL), Malaysia. A word of
decimals. Secondly, DSS outnumbered gratitude also goes to all those person,
DSS in terms of devotion, hardwork teachers in SMA 1 Ujungbatu, SMA 2
and discipline. Ujungbatu, SMA Muhammadiyah to
The findings revealed that both facilitate the researcher in conducting
category of students DNS and DSS research and data collection. Special
realize the significant of the four values thanks tothe principal and colleagues of
of character education. The SMA 1 Ujungbatu who have granted
implementation of character education the permission to the researcher to
implemented in secondary schools has study at UNISEL, Malaysia. Last but
given no effect on differences in both not least, the researcher would like to
streams. take this opportunity record his
appreciation to Datin Dr. Asmah binti
CONCLUSION Ahmad and Dr. Md Rosli bin Ismail for
This study aims to assess the their guidance and support as
implementation of character education, supervisors.
especially the value of devotion, hard
work, discipline and honesty, which has REFERENCES
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