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Edition August 2009
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Edition August 2009

n General

extended seal life. Once breakaway friction is overcome,

the friction reduces steadily until around the 10 - 15 m/s
range, when it reduces quite quickly. In the 15 - 20 m/s
range the friction reduces to zero. The V—Ring then serves
as a clearance seal and deflector. The power loss due to seal
friction develops as shown in Fig. 62.
The flexible lip and hinge allow the V—Ring to function even
in the presence of a certain amount of run-out, eccentricity
and shaft misalignment. Contact our local Trelleborg
Sealing Solutions marketing company for advice on these
and other application issues.
V—Rings are made entirely of rubber without fabric or sheet
metal reinforcement. They are, therefore, particularly easy
to install. V—Rings can be stretched and, depending on size,
installed over flanges, pulleys and bearing housings
without costly dismantling. For larger sizes they can even
be supplied as cut rings and joined by vulcanization on site.

Figure 61 Method of operation of the V—Ring Design

V—Rings are available in seven standard cross-sections to
The V-RING is a unique all-rubber seal for rotary shafts. meet various space and application requirements.
Developed in the 1960’s by FORSHEDA AB, it has been used
The cross-sections of profiles A and S increase with the
successfully by OEMs and on the replacement market world
shaft diameter, whilst the other types have the same cross-
wide in a broad range of applications.
section for the whole diameter range.
The V—Ring is the perfect seal to prevent the ingress of dirt,
Profile A is the most common and available for shaft
dust, water or combinations of these media while
diameters from 2.7 to 2020 mm, inclusive.
positively retaining grease. With its unique design and
performance the V—Ring can be used with a wide range of Profile S is wide and tapered, which provides a very firm
bearing types. It can also be used as a secondary seal to hold on the shaft. The rings are available for shaft
protect primary seals that do not perform well in hostile diameters from 4.5 to 210 mm.
Profiles L and LX have narrow axial cross sections making
them suitable for compact arrangements and are often
Description and advantages used in combination with labyrinth seals. Available for
The V—Ring is normally stretched and mounted directly on shaft diameters from 105 (135 for LX) to 2025 mm.
the shaft, where it is held in position by the inherent Profiles RME, RM and AX are heavy duty V—Rings that are
tension of the rubber body. It rotates with the shaft and designed primarily for large high speed bearing
seals axially against a stationary counterface, perpendicular arrangements, i.e. rolling mill and papermaking machine
to the shaft. The counterface can be the side wall of a applications. Additionally they can be used as secondary
bearing or a washer, stamping, bearing housing, or even seals for heavy duty applications where the primary seal
the metal case of an oil seal. The sealing lip is flexible and has to be protected against water and or particulate
applies only a relatively light contact pressure against the contamination. The RME, RM and AX types can be axially
counter-face and yet is still sufficient to maintain the and radially located on the shaft with specially designed
sealing function. The low contact pressure (that varies with clamping bands (see page 166). Available for shaft
the fitted width) allows the seal to run dry in many diameters from 300 mm and up.
Larger V—Ring sizes are available as spliced seals. For more
Due to influence of the centrifugal force, the contact details please contact your local Trelleborg Sealing
pressure of the lip decreases with increased speed. This Solutions marketing company.
means that frictional losses and heat are kept to a
minimum, resulting in excellent wear characteristics and

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Edition August 2009

V-Rings in low friction Nitrile (N6T5C)

V-Rings for general use (N6T50)
d=190 d = shaft diameter (mm)
50 Technical Data:
45 - Dry running
40 - Mating surface steel,
Power loss (W)

d=120 unhardened
25 Nb.
20 d=120 Since this graph is based on a specific
test, the values should only be
15 d=50
d=75 regarded as indicative !
d=25 d=50
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Peripheral speed (m/s)

Figure 62 Power loss as a function of peripheral speed for various sizes

n Materials
When selecting the correct rubber compound it is necessary Table XLIV Guide to selection of rubber material
to take the following requirements into account;
TSS Old Type of Characteristics
- good chemical resistance code (FORSHEDA) rubber
- good resistance to high and low temperatures
N6T50 NBR 510 Nitrile For general use
- good resistance to ozone and weathering N7T50 NBR 555 Nitrile Heavy duty conditions.
It is also necessary to consider the need for the following Good tear and
abrasion resistance
N6T5C NBR 562 Nitrile Low friction
- high resistance to wear
H7T50 HNBR 576 Hydrogenated Hypoid oils at high
- low friction Nitrile temp.
- low compression set CDT50 CR 415 Chloroprene For applications in the
presence of ozone
- good elasticity
E7T50 EPDM 762 Ethylene- Good weather and
Propylene ozone resistance, used
Material types with special chemicals
The most frequently selected material is the purpose made such as acetone,
ammonium carbonate
Nitrile rubber N6T50 which has excellent all round
and benzaldehyde
VDT50 FKM 900 Fluorinated Very high temperature
For applications with temperatures above 100°C, or in and chemical resistance
chemically aggressive conditions, V—Rings made of
fluorinated rubber (FKM) can be supplied. In fact a wide
range of rubber compounds is available and some of these
are listed below.

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Edition August 2009

Temperature resistance Oil and solvent resistance

Exposure to higher temperatures accelerate the aging of Since the V—Ring is used primarily for sealing grease
rubber, the elongation decreases, the compression set lubricated bearings exposed to water splash, dirt, dust,
increases, and finally the material becomes hard and scale etc. the normal choice of compound is Nitrile Rubber
brittle. Cracks at the sealing edge are a typical indication (N6T50) 510. However innumerable types of oil are
that the seal has been exposed to excessively high available on the market and each of these has different
temperature. The aging of the rubber has an appreciable effect on rubber. In addition, a given type of oil from
negative influence on the useful life of the seal. different manufacturers may have different influence.
The temperature limits for the principal materials are It is the additives in the oil that may affect the rubber.
illustrated in Figure 63. They should only be regarded as Especially so for hypoid oils, that contain sulfur. Since sulfur
approximate, since the media and time of exposure also is used as the vulcanizing agent for Nitrile rubber it will
affect the materials. initiate a secondary curing at temperatures above +80°C.
As a result of that, Nitrile rubber will become hard and
The temperature ranges within the shaded areas indicate
brittle. Hydrogenated Nitrile and Fluorinated rubbers,
temperatures that can be allowed for only certain periods
which are not vulcanized with sulfur, may therefore be
of time. The higher the temperature, the shorter the
considered for use with this type of oil. Oxidized oils
service life. If the maximum temperature is exceeded, the
represent another example illustrating the difficulty of
elastomer may suffer permanent set or damage. Special
tabulating the oil resistance of rubber materials. These oils
elastomers are available for use in cold temperatures. If the
are oxidized during operation and their properties will
elastomer is subjected to temperatures lower than the
therefore change substantially. Such oils break down
recommended values it will become hard and brittle,
silicone rubber. Solvents could generally cause
however it will regain its properties as soon as the
deterioration or swelling of the rubber however mixtures
temperature rises again.
of different solvents may cause considerably more damage
than a single solvent. An example of this is mixing
methanol and hydrocarbons.
For further information on oil and solvent resistance we
recommend you to be in contact with your local Trelleborg
CR Sealing Solutions marketing company.
-45 -35 60 120
EPDM Application instructions
-55 -40 70 130
NBR The V-RING is normally fully exposed to the medium to be
-60 -40 60 115
sealed. The requirements on the shaft and the counterface
are mainly dependent on the medium and the peripheral
-50 -35 90 160
-35-25 110 180 Shaft design
VMQ The V—Ring is in most cases fitted on a rotating shaft. The
-100 -60 130 220 requirements regarding diameter tolerances and surface
FKM roughness of the shaft are fairly moderate. As the V—Ring is
-40 -30 150 250 an all-rubber seal it can be stretched to a varying degree
and be used for a wide range of shaft diameters.
-100 -50 0 +50 +100 +150 +200 +250
In applications where low power loss and long lifetime are
Only to be achieved under particular Temperature ° C
important it is recommended that the V—Ring size is
conditions with special materials. selected, so that the shaft diameter falls between the
minimum and nominal values within the recommended
range. This is because the contact pressure of the sealing lip
Figure 63 Temperature recommendations for V—Rings increases with the shaft diameter, due to the stretch of the
V—Ring. At a higher stretch, a harder contact pressure is
generated, causing an accelerated wear of the sealing lip.
In order to prevent the V—Ring from sliding along the shaft,
and to ensure the correct installation width, it is always
recommended to arrange an axial support, especially for
small cross-section profiles and larger shaft sizes, for
example V—Ring type A, L and LX.

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Edition August 2009

The surface roughness of the shaft should in general not Surface treatment
exceed Ra 6.3 μm. For sealing fluids and fine particles, a
When the counter-face is exposed to water or other
maximum of Ra 3.2 μm is recommended. Sharp edges and
corrosive media, it must be protected accordingly.
burrs, which can damage the V—Ring must be avoided.
Mild steel surfaces should either be zinc-plated and
Counter-face design chromated, chromium plated, treated with an
anticorrosion spray, or painted. The choice of treatment
The condition of the counter-face has a great influence on will depend on the overall running conditions.
the sealing function. The medium to be sealed and the
peripheral speed of the shaft determine the requirements Where the seal is immersed in water, stainless steel is
regarding surface roughness and material of the counter- recommended. However, due to the poor thermal
face. It is important that it is smooth and flat without any conductivity of stainless steel it should not be used in dry
sharp edges. To achieve the full effect of the flinger action, running conditions unless the speed is slow (<1 m/s).
the V—Ring should always be designed in a relatively open
space. Equally important is to keep the gap between the Surface finish
shaft and the counter-face as small as possible, in order to
prevent entry of the V—Ring lip during the installation. The rate of abrasion of the V—Ring is influenced by a
Recommended application dimensions are given in the number of factors, one of which is the surface finish of the
dimension tables. counter-face. The choice of surface finish will depend on
the medium to be sealed and the shaft speed as well. It is
not only the surface finish value as such that is important,
Material and material hardness but also the surface character. For turned surfaces, it is
Cold rolled steel sheet, stainless steel or zinc plated sheet recommended to buff the surface with fine emery cloth to
are excellent materials for the counter-face. However, the remove any sharp peaks arising from the turning
choice of material is highly dependent on the medium to operation.
be sealed. Surfaces with too fine finish, e.g. certain cold rolled steel
For normal running conditions, conventional mild steel surfaces, may cause a suction effect between the V—Ring lip
with a hardness of min. 125 HB is sufficient. For sealing and the counter-face resulting in noise problems and
against grease, oil and dry particles no further surface uneven running (so-called stick-slip effect).
treatment is required. With an increase in speed and the The counterface surface must be free from scratch marks
presence of abrasive particles the hardness of the counter- and other surface damages within the sealing area. This is
face must also be increased. important when sealing fluids and fine particles are
The following materials are normally used : present.

Material Hardness HB Medium

Guide to recommended surface finish
Mild Steel 125-150 Water splash, sand, Surface finish Speed Medium
dust μm Ra m/s
Grey Cast Iron 190-270 Water splash, sand,
dust 0.4-0.8 > 10 Oil, water, scale, fiber
Sinter Bronze 100-160 Water, dust 0.8-1.6 5-10 Oil splash, grease,
Stainless Steel 150-200 Water water splash
(Cr/Ni 18-8, C 0.1%) 1.6-2.0 1-5 Grease, dust, water
Stainless Steel 350 Water and abrasive splash, scale
(Cr/Ni 18-8, C 0.15%) particles 2.0-2.5 <1 Grease, dust
Acid Proof Steel 180-200 Chemicals The surface finish should not be lower than Ra 0.05 μm.
Tungsten Carbide 350-500 Water and scale
Forged Steel 200-255 Water and scale
Die-cast Aluminum 90-160 Water splash Flatness
The flatness of the counter-face is of importance, especially
at higher shaft speeds.
The maximum permissible flatness deviation is normally
defined as 0.4 mm per 100 mm.

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Edition August 2009

n Installation
Axial support Radial retention
When used to retain oil and grease, an axial support for When the V—Ring is fitted on the shaft, the body of the
the V—Ring is always required. For applications with a lower V—Ring is subject to a centrifugal force and tends to move
degree of stretch than recommended in the dimension or even lift off from the shaft at a certain speed.
tables (e.g. for ease of assembly) or with a shaft speed
At shaft speeds over 10-12 m/s, depending on the V—Ring
exceeding 6-8 m/s (depending on the rubber compound
material, the V—Ring in general requires radial retention.
selected) an axial support is also necessary.
The speed when radial retention is required is also
An axial support can ensure that the correct installation
dependent on the degree of stretch of the V—Ring.
width relative to the counter-face is maintained for blind
V—Rings larger than 2000 mm should always be fitted
with radial retention, irrespective of the operating speed.
The V—Ring must always be supported over its entire base.
The radial retention can be designed as a recess, in which
The axial support should be designed in accordance with
the V—Ring body fits, or consist of a number of separate
Figure 64. The dimensions A, c, d1, d3 and B1 are shown in
clamping segments. Please contact your local Trelleborg
the dimension tables.
Sealing Solutions marketing company for further guidance.
Calculation of the axial support diameter d5 is as follows;
The clamping band type A or RM are other useful
alternatives. See page 166.
V—Ring type Diameter d5
A, S d1 + 0.5 x c Stationary assembly
L, LX d1 + 3 mm In cases where the peripheral speed of the shaft exceeds
RM, RME d1 + 10 mm 10-12 m/s an alternative method to radial clamping is to
mount the V—Ring on a stationary component in the unit.
AX d1 + 9 mm The contact pressure of the lip will remain constant, as
there will be no centrifugal force acting upon the lip.
In comparison to a rotating V—Ring, friction and power loss
will be higher resulting in somewhat shorter service life. In
order to compensate for this the following steps should be
Counter-face surface finish:
machine to max. 0.8 μm Ra

V—Ring stretch:
maximum 4-6%
A Axial interference:
1.1 A keep to the minimum requirements for


compensation of the axial movement within

the assembly.
At higher peripheral speed adequate lubrication and heat
transfer from the counter-face are required.

The torque, and consequently the power loss due to the
friction of the seal, is often of such a magnitude that it
should be taken into consideration when deciding seal
type. This applies particularly in the case of small electrical
motors, conveyor rollers or any unit where low friction is an
Figure 64 Axial support important requirement.
The power losses are influenced by many factors such as
the seal design and compound, surface finish of the
counter-face, fitted width and stretch, speed, medium,
lubricant, temperature etc.

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Edition August 2009

For this reason it is difficult to give exact torque values for Clamping band
all running conditions.
Generally speaking, the power losses resulting from a
V—Ring are always lower than a corresponding radial oil
Grease lubrication gives higher power losses than oil
lubrication or dry running. Shaft rotation
By applying a suitable low friction dry film lubricant on the
counter-face surface the friction and the heat generated
can be reduced.
An increase of the fitted width of the V—Ring, giving a
reduced lip pressure, will also lower the friction. However,
the total axial movement in the assembly must be
considered in order not to exceed the tolerances shown
in the dimension tables.
Whenever detailed information about power losses is
required, consult your local Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Figure 65 Clamping band RM
marketing company.
Installation guidelines
When the V—Ring is used as a grease seal/contaminant FORSHEDA Clamping Band RM
excluder, the V—Ring is normally mounted on the outside of For clamping large diameter V—Rings of the RM and
a bearing housing, with or without, axial support. RME types, the FORSHEDA Clamping Band RM is
General rules: recommended.

1. The V—Ring, the counter-face and the shaft should be Together with Clamping Band RM a special series of “low
clean. stretch“ V—Rings can be used for shaft diameters larger
than 1500 mm. This will reduce torque and facilitate the
2. The shaft should preferably be dry and free from fitting of the V—Ring.
grease or oil, particularly when the V—Ring is mounted
without axial support. When ordering the Clamping Band RM, simply state the
shaft diameter for which the clamping band is intended.
3. The lip of the V—Ring should be lubricated with a thin Each clamping band is comprised of a set of standard
film of grease or silicone oil. lengths measuring 1000 mm and 1500 mm depending on
the size, standard attachments and, if necessary, an
4. In cases when friction must be reduced to a minimum,
adjustable length and two set of rivets. When the parts
coat the counter-face with a low friction agent, and do
are assembled, the clamping band will fit the specific
not apply grease to the lip.
5. Ensure that the V—Ring is mounted with a uniform
All parts are made of acid-proof steel with the exception of
stretch around the shaft.
the pop rivets, which are made of conventional stainless
When the V—Ring is mounted on the shaft the outer steel. If operation conditions dictate the use of acid-proof
diameter of the lip is reduced. Unless the stretch is uniform steel, the conventional rivets must be used in conjunction
this reduction will vary around the periphery. This may lead with the adjustable length.
to partial entry of the lip in the bore of the counter-face
when the seal is pushed into position.
In the case of large diameter seals a uniform stretch can be
achieved by inserting a blunt screwdriver or a piece of
string under the V—Ring body and running it around the
shaft twice. Take care not to damage seal or shaft.
The most convenient method of assembling large diameter
V—Ring’s, to ensure uniform stretch, is to mark off the body
of the V—Ring and the shaft or seating with six equidistant
marks. The marks should then be matched together when
the V—Ring is fitted in position.
For more detailed installation instructions, contact your
local Trelleborg Sealing Solutions marketing company.

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Edition August 2009

Fitting the clamping band RM Clamping band for V—Ring type A and AX
Trim the adjustable clamping band to the right length by The clamping band A/AX is meant to be used with V-rings
using a pair of shears. Rivet the adjustable length and the type A and AX on shaft diameters from 200mm and larger.
end attachment together by using a standard pop riveter The clamping band keeps the V-ring in position both axially
and the three pop rivets. and radially and can be re-used several times. The clamping
band is supplied in 5m lengths. Screw joints to connect the
Locate the V—Ring in correct position relative to the
clamping band as well as the buckle are ordered on
counterface, i.e. the predetermined B1-dimension.
separate article number. The band is made of stainless steel
Smear the V—Ring with a thin film of grease in the groove AISI 301, the screw joint is made of AISI 304 with
designed for the clamping band. galvanized screw.
To order the right size and for the correct installation,
Using the attachments supplied with the band sections, please ask for the “TECH INFO“.
join them together and position the complete band in the
body groove with the screw heads facing the direction of TSS part numbers for clamping band A
shaft rotation. Turn the attachment screws a few turns one
by one until the band is tight.
Screw joint XZYDF00022
Check that the entire band fits snugly in the body groove. Buckles A(AX)XZYDFAR001

Splicing by vulcanization
FORSHEDA clamping band RM To avoid unnecessary downtime and difficult dismantling
when carrying out preventive maintenance of process
machinery, it is possible to split the V—Ring, fold it around
the shaft and splice it.
The V—Ring can be supplied either as a complete ring and
cut on site, or supplied in the split condition from the
factory. For V—Rings types RM and RME it is preferable to
split the seals at the factory due to the size of the section.
The best method of splicing a V—Ring is by vulcanizing.
Portable vulcanizing tools for the different V—Rings profiles,
vulcanizing cement and detailed instructions are available
from your local Trelleborg Sealing Solutions marketing

Figure 66 FORSHEDA clamping band RM

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Edition August 2009

n Dimension table - V—Ring type A



Figure 67 Installation drawing

When the shaft diameter d1 is on the boundary between

two sizes of V—Ring, select the larger V—Ring.
All dimensions in mm.

Ordering example
TSS Article No. TW VA00300 - N6T50
V—Ring, type A
for shaft diameter = 30.0 mm
Material: N6T50 (Nitrile Elastomer)
TSS Part No.

Quality index (standard)

Material no. (standard)

Corresponding to FORSHEDA ref. V-30A NBR510

Table XLV Profile dimensions - assembly dimensions

For shaft Inside Height of Dimension Free Maximum Minimum Fitted V—Ring TSS
diameter dia. cross- width width FORSHEDA Part No.
d1 d section c A B d2 d3 B1 Ref.
2.7 - 3.5 2.5 1.5 2.1 3.0 d1 + 1 d1 + 4 2.5 ±0.3 V-3A TWVA00030

3.5 - 4.5 3.2 2 2.4 3.7 d1 + 1 d1 + 6 3.0 ±0.4 V-4A TWVA00040

4.5 - 5.5 4 2 2.4 3.7 d1 + 1 d1 + 6 3.0 ±0.4 V-5A TWVA00050
5.5 - 6.5 5 2 2.4 3.7 d1 + 1 d1 + 6 3.0 ±0.4 V-6A TWVA00060

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Edition August 2009

For shaft Inside Height of Dimension Free Maximum Minimum Fitted V—Ring TSS
diameter dia. cross- width width FORSHEDA Part No.
d1 d section c A B d2 d3 B1 Ref.
6.5 - 8.0 6 2 2.4 3.7 d1 + 1 d1 + 6 3.0 ±0.4 V-7A TWVA00070
8.0 - 9.5 7 2 2.4 3.7 d1 + 1 d1 + 6 3.0 ±0.4 V-8A TWVA00080

9.5 - 11.5 9 3 3.4 5.5 d1 + 1 d1 + 9 4.5 ±0.6 V-10A TWVA00100

11.5 - 12.5 10.5 3 3.4 5.5 d1 + 1 d1 + 9 4.5 ±0.6 V-12A TWVA00120
12.5 - 13.5 11.7 3 3.4 5.5 d1 + 1 d1 + 9 4.5 ±0.6 V-13A TWVA00130
13.5 - 15.5 12.5 3 3.4 5.5 d1 + 1 d1 + 9 4.5 ±0.6 V-14A TWVA00140
15.5 - 17 14 3 3.4 5.5 d1 + 1 d1 + 9 4.5 ±0.6 V-16A TWVA00160
17.5 - 19 16 3 3.4 5.5 d1 + 1 d1 + 9 4.5 ±0.6 V-18A TWVA00180

19 - 21 18 4 4.7 7.5 d1 + 2 d1 + 12 6.0 ±0.8 V-20A TWVA00200

21 - 24 20 4 4.7 7.5 d1 + 2 d1 + 12 6.0 ±0.8 V-22A TWVA00220
24 - 27 22 4 4.7 7.5 d1 + 2 d1 + 12 6.0 ±0.8 V-25A TWVA00250
27 - 29 25 4 4.7 7.5 d1 + 2 d1 + 12 6.0 ±0.8 V-28A TWVA00280
29 - 31 27 4 4.7 7.5 d1 + 2 d1 + 12 6.0 ±0.8 V-30A TWVA00300
31 - 33 29 4 4.7 7.5 d1 + 2 d1 + 12 6.0 ±0.8 V-32A TWVA00320
33 - 36 31 4 4.7 7.5 d1 + 2 d1 + 12 6.0 ±0.8 V-35A TWVA00350
36 - 38 34 4 4.7 7.5 d1 + 2 d1 + 12 6.0 ±0.8 V-38A TWVA00380

38 - 43 36 5 5.5 9.0 d1 + 2 d1 + 15 7.0 ±1.0 V-40A TWVA00400

43 - 48 40 5 5.5 9.0 d1 + 2 d1 + 15 7.0 ±1.0 V-45A TWVA00450
48 - 53 45 5 5.5 9.0 d1 + 2 d1 + 15 7.0 ±1.0 V-50A TWVA00500
53 - 58 49 5 5.5 9.0 d1 + 2 d1 + 15 7.0 ±1.0 V-55A TWVA00550
58 - 63 54 5 5.5 9.0 d1 + 2 d1 + 15 7.0 ±1.0 V-60A TWVA00600
63 - 68 58 5 5.5 9.0 d1 + 2 d1 + 15 7.0 ±1.0 V-65A TWVA00650

68 - 73 63 6 6.8 11.0 d1 + 3 d1 + 18 9.0 ±1.2 V-70A TWVA00700

73 - 78 67 6 6.8 11.0 d1 + 3 d1 + 18 9.0 ±1.2 V-75A TWVA00750
78 - 83 72 6 6.8 11.0 d1 + 3 d1 + 18 9.0 ±1.2 V-80A TWVA00800
83 - 88 76 6 6.8 11.0 d1 + 3 d1 + 18 9.0 ±1.2 V-85A TWVA00850
88 - 93 81 6 6.8 11.0 d1 + 3 d1 + 18 9.0 ±1.2 V-90A TWVA00900
93 - 98 85 6 6.8 11.0 d1 + 3 d1 + 18 9.0 ±1.2 V-95A TWVA00950
98 - 105 90 6 6.8 11.0 d1 + 3 d1 + 18 9.0 ±1.2 V-100A TWVA01000

105 - 115 99 7 7.9 12.8 d1 + 4 d1 + 21 10.5 ±1.5 V-110A TWVA01100

115 - 125 108 7 7.9 12.8 d1 + 4 d1 + 21 10.5 ±1.5 V-120A TWVA01200
125 - 135 117 7 7.9 12.8 d1 + 4 d1 + 21 10.5 ±1.5 V-130A TWVA01300
135 - 145 126 7 7.9 12.8 d1 + 4 d1 + 21 10.5 ±1.5 V-140A TWVA01400

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Edition August 2009

For shaft Inside Height of Dimension Free Maximum Minimum Fitted V—Ring TSS
diameter dia. cross- width width FORSHEDA Part No.
d1 d section c A B d2 d3 B1 Ref.
145 - 155 135 7 7.9 12.8 d1 + 4 d1 + 21 10.5 ±1.5 V-150A TWVA01500

155 - 165 144 8 9.0 14.5 d1 + 4 d1 + 24 12.0 ±1.8 V-160A TWVA01600

165 - 175 153 8 9.0 14.5 d1 + 4 d1 + 24 12.0 ±1.8 V-170A TWVA01700
175 - 185 162 8 9.0 14.5 d1 + 4 d1 + 24 12.0 ±1.8 V-180A TWVA01800
185 - 195 171 8 9.0 14.5 d1 + 4 d1 + 24 12.0 ±1.8 V-190A TWVA01900
195 - 210 180 8 9.0 14.5 d1 + 4 d1 + 24 12.0 ±1.8 V-199A TWVA01990

190 - 210 180 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-200A TWVA02000

210 - 235 198 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-220A TWVA02200
235 - 265 225 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-250A TWVA02500
265 - 290 247 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-275A TWVA02750
290 - 310 270 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-300A TWVA03000
310 - 335 292 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-325A TWVA03250
335 - 365 315 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-350A TWVA03500
365 - 390 337 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-375A TWVA03750
390 - 430 360 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-400A TWVA04000
430 - 480 405 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-450A TWVA04500
480 - 530 450 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-500A TWVA05000
530 - 580 495 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-550A TWVA05500
580 - 630 540 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-600A TWVA06000
630 - 665 600 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-650A TWVA06500
665 - 705 630 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-700A TWVA07000
705 - 745 670 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-725A TWVA07250
745 - 785 705 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-750A TWVA07500
785 - 830 745 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-800A TWVA08000
830 - 875 785 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-850A TWVA08500
875 - 920 825 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-900A TWVA09000
920 - 965 865 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-950A TWVA09500
965 - 1015 910 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1000A TWVAX1000
1015 - 1065 955 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1050A TWVAX1050
1065 - 1115 1000 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1100A TWVAW1100
1115 - 1165 1045 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1150A TWVAW1150
1165 - 1215 1090 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1200A TWVAW1200
1215 - 1270 1135 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1250A TWVAW1250
1270 - 1320 1180 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1300A TWVAW1300
1320 - 1370 1225 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1350A TWVAW1350
1370 - 1420 1270 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1400A TWVAW1400

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Edition August 2009

For shaft Inside Height of Dimension Free Maximum Minimum Fitted V—Ring TSS
diameter dia. cross- width width FORSHEDA Part No.
d1 d section c A B d2 d3 B1 Ref.
1420 - 1470 1315 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1450A TWVAW1450
1470 - 1520 1360 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1500A TWVAW1500
1520 - 1570 1405 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1550A TWVAW1550
1570 - 1620 1450 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1600A TWVAW1600
1620 - 1670 1495 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1650A TWVAW1650
1670 - 1720 1540 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1700A TWVAW1700
1720 - 1770 1585 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1750A TWVAW1750
1770 - 1820 1630 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1800A TWVAW1800
1820 - 1870 1675 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1850A TWVAW1850
1870 - 1920 1720 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1900A TWVAW1900
1920 - 1970 1765 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-1950A TWVAW1950
1970 - 2020 1810 15 14.3 25.0 d1 + 10 d1 + 45 20.0 ±4.0 V-2000A TWVAW2000

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Edition August 2009

n Dimension table - V—Ring type S




Figure 68 Installation drawing

When the dimension d1 is on the boundary between two

sizes of V—Ring, select the larger V—Ring. All dimensions in

Ordering example
TSS Article No. TWVS00300 - N6T50
V—Ring, Type S
for shaft diameter = 30.0 mm
Material: N6T50 (Nitrile Elastomer)
TSS Part No.

Quality index (standard)

Material no. (standard)

Corresponding to FORSHEDA ref. V-30S NBR510

Table XLVI Profile dimensions - assembly dimensions

For shaft Inside Height of Dimen- Free Maximum Minimum Fitted V—Ring TSS Part No.
diameter dia. cross- sion width width FORSHEDA
d1 d section c A B d2 d3 B1 Ref.
4.5 - 5.5 4 2 3.9 5.2 d1 + 1 d1 + 6 4.5 ±0.4 V-5S TWVS00050
5.5 - 6.5 5 2 3.9 5.2 d1 + 1 d1 + 6 4.5 ±0.4 V-6S TWVS00060
6.5 - 8.0 6 2 3.9 5.2 d1 + 1 d1 + 6 4.5 ±0.4 V-7S TWVS00070
8.0 - 9.5 7 2 3.9 5.2 d1 + 1 d1 + 6 4.5 ±0.4 V-8S TWVS00080

9.5 - 11.5 9 3 5.6 7.7 d1 + 1 d1 + 9 6.7 ±0.6 V-10S TWVS00100

11.5 - 13.5 10.5 3 5.6 7.7 d1 + 1 d1 + 9 6.7 ±0.6 V-12S TWVS00120
13.5 - 15.5 12.5 3 5.6 7.7 d1 + 1 d1 + 9 6.7 ±0.6 V-14S TWVS00140

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Edition August 2009

For shaft Inside Height of Dimen- Free Maximum Minimum Fitted V—Ring TSS Part No.
diameter dia. cross- sion width width FORSHEDA
d1 d section c A B d2 d3 B1 Ref.
15.5 - 17.5 14 3 5.6 7.7 d1 + 1 d1 + 9 6.7 ±0.6 V-16S TWVS00160
17.5 - 19 16 3 5.6 7.7 d1 + 1 d1 + 9 6.7 ±0.6 V-18S TWVS00180

19 - 21 18 4 7.9 10.5 d1 + 2 d1 + 12 9.0 ±0.8 V-20S TWVS00200

21 - 24 20 4 7.9 10.5 d1 + 2 d1 + 12 9.0 ±0.8 V-22S TWVS00220
24 - 27 22 4 7.9 10.5 d1 + 2 d1 + 12 9.0 ±0.8 V-25S TWVS00250
27 - 29 25 4 7.9 10.5 d1 + 2 d1 + 12 9.0 ±0.8 V-28S TWVS00280
29 - 31 27 4 7.9 10.5 d1 + 2 d1 + 12 9.0 ±0.8 V-30S TWVS00300
31 - 33 29 4 7.9 10.5 d1 + 2 d1 + 12 9.0 ±0.8 V-32S TWVS00320
33 - 36 31 4 7.9 10.5 d1 + 2 d1 + 12 9.0 ±0.8 V-35S TWVS00350
36 - 38 34 4 7.9 10.5 d1 + 2 d1 + 12 9.0 ±0.8 V-38S TWVS00380

38 - 43 36 5 9.5 13.0 d1 + 2 d1 + 15 11.0 ±1.0 V-40S TWVS00400

43 - 48 40 5 9.5 13.0 d1 + 2 d1 + 15 11.0 ±1.0 V-45S TWVS00450
48 - 53 45 5 9.5 13.0 d1 + 2 d1 + 15 11.0 ±1.0 V-50S TWVS00500
53 - 58 49 5 9.5 13.0 d1 + 2 d1 + 15 11.0 ±1.0 V-55S TWVS00550
58 - 63 54 5 9.5 13.0 d1 + 2 d1 + 15 11.0 ±1.0 V-60S TWVS00600
63 - 68 58 5 9.5 13.0 d1 + 2 d1 + 15 11.0 ±1.0 V-65S TWVS00650

68 - 73 63 6 11.3 15.5 d1 + 3 d1 + 18 13.5 ±1.2 V-70S TWVS00700

73 - 78 67 6 11.3 15.5 d1 + 3 d1 + 18 13.5 ±1.2 V-75S TWVS00750
78 - 83 72 6 11.3 15.5 d1 + 3 d1 + 18 13.5 ±1.2 V-80S TWVS00800
83 - 88 76 6 11.3 15.5 d1 + 3 d1 + 18 13.5 ±1.2 V-85S TWVS00850
88 - 93 81 6 11.3 15.5 d1 + 3 d1 + 18 13.5 ±1.2 V-90S TWVS00900
93 - 98 85 6 11.3 15.5 d1 + 3 d1 + 18 13.5 ±1.2 V-95S TWVS00950
98 - 105 90 6 11.3 15.5 d1 + 3 d1 + 18 13.5 ±1.2 V-100S TWVS01000

105 - 115 99 7 13.1 18.0 d1 + 4 d1 + 21 15.5 ±1.5 V-110S TWVS01100

115 - 125 108 7 13.1 18.0 d1 + 4 d1 + 21 15.5 ±1.5 V-120S TWVS01200
125 - 135 117 7 13.1 18.0 d1 + 4 d1 + 21 15.5 ±1.5 V-130S TWVS01300
135 - 145 126 7 13.1 18.0 d1 + 4 d1 + 21 15.5 ±1.5 V-140S TWVS01400
145 - 155 135 7 13.1 18.0 d1 + 4 d1 + 21 15.5 ±1.5 V-150S TWVS01500

155 - 165 144 8 15.0 20.5 d1 + 4 d1 + 24 18.0 ±1.8 V-160S TWVS01600

165 - 175 153 8 15.0 20.5 d1 + 4 d1 + 24 18.0 ±1.8 V-170S TWVS01700
175 - 185 162 8 15.0 20.5 d1 + 4 d1 + 24 18.0 ±1.8 V-180S TWVS01800
185 - 195 171 8 15.0 20.5 d1 + 4 d1 + 24 18.0 ±1.8 V-190S TWVS01900
195 - 210 180 8 15.0 20.5 d1 + 4 d1 + 24 18.0 ±1.8 V-199S TWVS01990

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Edition August 2009

n Dimension table - V—Ring type L / LX


b x 45


B1 A A


Type L Type LX

Figure 69 Installation drawing

When the dimension d1 is on the boundary between two

sizes of V—Ring, select the larger V—Ring. All dimensions in

Table XLVII Installation dimensions

Type c A B b B1 d3 min d2 max

L 6.5 6 10.5 1 8 ± 1.5 d1 + 20 d1 + 5

LX 5 5.4 8.5 0 6.8 ± 1.1 d1 + 15 d1 + 4

Ordering example Ordering example

V—Ring, Type L V—Ring, Type LX
for shaft diameter = 205 mm for shaft diameter = 205 mm
Material: N6T50 (Nitrile Elastomer) Material: N6T50 (Nitrile Elastomer)

TSS Article No. TWVL02000 - N6T50 TSS Article No. TWLXV2000 - N6T50

TSS Part No. TSS Part No.

Quality index (standard) Quality index (standard)

Material no. (standard) Material no. (standard)

Corresponding to FORSHEDA ref. V-200L NBR510 Corresponding to FORSHEDA ref. V-200LX NBR510

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Edition August 2009

Table XLIX Profile dimensions - assembly dimensions

For shaft diameter Inside diameter V—Ring TSS Part No. TSS Part No.
d1 d FORSHEDA Ref. Type L Type LX
105 - 115 99 V-110L TWVL01100
115 - 125 108 V-120L TWVL01200
125 - 135 117 V-130L TWVL01300
135 - 145 126 V-140L/LX TWVL01400 TWLX01400
145 - 155 135 V-150L/LX TWVL01500 TWLX01500
155 - 165 144 V-160L/LX TWVL01600 TWLXV1600
165 - 175 153 V-170L/LX TWVL01700 TWLXV1700
175 - 185 162 V-180L/LX TWVL01800 TWLXV1800
185 - 195 171 V-190L/LX TWVL01900 TWLXV1900
195 - 210 182 V-200L/LX TWVL02000 TWLXV2000
210 - 233 198 V-220L/LX TWVL02200 TWLXV2200
233 - 260 225 V-250L/LX TWVL02500 TWLXV2500
260 - 285 247 V-275L/LX TWVL02750 TWLXV2750
285 - 310 270 V-300L/LX TWVL03000 TWLXV3000
310 - 335 292 V-325L/LX TWVL03250 TWLXV3250
335 - 365 315 V-350L/LX TWVL03500 TWLXV3500
365 - 385 337 V-375L/LX TWVL03750 TWLXV3750
385 - 410 360 V-400L/LX TWVL04000 TWLXV4000
410 - 440 382 V-425L/LX TWVLV4250 TWLXV4250
440 - 475 405 V-450L/LX TWVL04500 TWLXV4500
475 - 510 450 V-500L/LX TWVLV5000 TWLXV5000
510 - 540 472 V-525L/LX TWVLV5250 TWLXV5250
540 - 575 495 V-550L/LX TWVLV5500 TWLXV5500
575 - 625 540 V-600L/LX TWVLV6000 TWLXV6000
625 - 675 600 V-650L/LX TWVLV6500 TWLXV6500
675 - 710 630 V-700L/LX TWVLV7000 TWLXV7000
710 - 740 670 V-725L/LX TWVLV7250 TWLXV7250
740 - 775 705 V-750L/LX TWVLV7500 TWLXV7500
775 - 825 745 V-800L/LX TWVL08000 TWLXV8000
825 - 875 785 V-850L/LX TWVLV8500 TWLXV8500
875 - 925 825 V-900L/LX TWVLV9000 TWLXV9000
925 - 975 865 V-950L/LX TWVLV9500 TWLXV9500
975 - 1025 910 V-1000L/LX TWVLW1000 TWLXW1000
1025 - 1075 955 V-1050L/LX TWVLW1050 TWLXW1050
1075 - 1125 1000 V-1100L/LX TWVLW1100 TWLXW1100
1125 - 1175 1045 V-1150L/LX TWVLW1150 TWLXW1150

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Edition August 2009

For shaft diameter Inside diameter V—Ring TSS Part No. TSS Part No.
d1 d FORSHEDA Ref. Type L Type LX
1175 - 1225 1090 V-1200L/LX TWVLW1200 TWLXW1200
1225 - 1275 1135 V-1250L/LX TWVLW1250 TWLXW1250
1275 - 1325 1180 V-1300L/LX TWVLW1300 TWLXW1300
1325 - 1375 1225 V-1350L/LX TWVLW1350 TWLXW1350
1375 - 1425 1270 V-1400L/LX TWVLW1400 TWLXW1400
1425 - 1475 1315 V-1450L/LX TWVLW1450 TWLXW1450
1475 - 1525 1360 V-1500L/LX TWVLW1500 TWLXW1500
1525 - 1575 1405 V-1550L/LX TWVLW1550 TWLXW1550
1575 - 1625 1450 V-1600L/LX TWVLW1600 TWLXW1600
1625 - 1675 1495 V-1650L/LX TWVLW1650 TWLXW1650
1675 - 1725 1540 V-1700L/LX TWVLW1700 TWLXW1700
1725 - 1775 1585 V-1750L/LX TWVLW1750 TWLXW1750
1775 - 1825 1630 V-1800l/LX TWVLW1800 TWLXW1800
1825 - 1875 1675 V-1850L/LX TWVLW1850 TWLXW1850
1875 - 1925 1720 V-1900L/LX TWVLW1900 TWLXW1900
1925 - 1975 1765 V-1950L/LX TWVLW1950 TWLXW1950
1975 - 2025 1810 V-2000L/LX TWVLW2000 TWLXW2000

V—Ring L or LX larger than 2000 made to special order

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n Dimension table - V—Ring type RM / RME

B1 = 85 ± 12
100 65

35 13

d3 min = d1 + 115
d2 max = d1 + 24

3 x 45° 3 x 45°

67.5 32.5

Type RM Type RME

B1 = 50 ± 12

Figure 70 Installation drawing

When the dimension d1 is on the boundary between two

sizes of V—Ring, select the larger V—Ring. All dimensions in

Ordering example Ordering example

V—Ring, Type RME, for clamping band, butt—vulcanized V—Ring, Type RM, for clamping band, butt—vulcanized
for shaft diameter = 500.0 mm for shaft diameter = 500.0 mm
Material: N6T50 (Nitrile Elastomer) Material: N6T50 (Nitrile Elastomer)

TSS Article No. TWVBV5000 - N6T50 TSS Article No. TWRMV5000 - N6T50

TSS Part No. TSS Part No.

Quality index (standard) Quality index (standard)

Material no. (standard) Material no. (standard)

Corresponding to FORSHEDA ref. V-500RME NBR510 Corresponding to FORSHEDA ref. V-500RM NBR510

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Edition August 2009

Table XLVIII Profile dimensions - assembly dimensions

For shaft Inside V—Ring TSS Part No. TSS Part No.
diameter diameter
d1 d FORSHEDA Ref. type RM type RME
300 - 305 294 V-300RM/RME TWRMV3000 TWVBV3000
305 - 310 299 V-305RM/RME TWRMV3050 TWVBV3050
310 - 315 304 V-310RM/RME TWRMV3100 TWVBV3100
315 - 320 309 V-315RM/RME TWRMV3150 TWVBV3150
320 - 325 314 V-320RM/RME TWRMV3200 TWVBV3200
325 - 330 319 V-325RM/RME TWRMV3250 TWVBV3250
330 - 335 323 V-330RM/RME TWRMV3300 TWVBV3300
335 - 340 328 V-335RM/RME TWRMV3350 TWVBV3350
345 - 350 338 V-345RM/RME TWRMV3450 TWVBV3450
350 - 355 343 V-350RM/RME TWRMV3500 TWVBV3500
355 - 360 347 V-355RM/RME TWRMV3550 TWVBV3550
360 - 365 352 V-360RM/RME TWRMV3600 TWVBV3600
365 - 370 357 V-365RM/RME TWRMV3650 TWVBV3650
370 - 375 362 V-370RM/RME TWRMV3700 TWVBV3700
375 - 380 367 V-375RM/RME TWRMV3750 TWVBV3750
380 - 385 371 V-380RM/RME TWRMV3800 TWVBV3800
385 - 390 376 V-385RM/RME TWRMV3850 TWVBV3850
390 - 395 381 V-390RM/RME TWRMV3900 TWVBV3900
395 - 400 386 V-395RM/RME TWRMV3950 TWVBV3950
400 - 405 391 V-400RM/RME TWRMV4000 TWVBV4000
405 - 410 396 V-405RM/RME TWRMV4050 TWVBV4050
410 - 415 401 V-410RM/RME TWRMV4100 TWVBV4100
415 - 420 405 V-415RM/RME TWRMV4150 TWVBV4150
420 - 425 410 V-420RM/RME TWRMV4200 TWVBV4200
425 - 430 415 V-425RM/RME TWRMV4250 TWVBV4250
430 - 435 420 V-430RM/RME TWRMV4300 TWVBV4300
435 - 440 425 V-435RM/RME TWRMV4350 TWVBV4350
440 - 445 429 V-440RM/RME TWRMV4400 TWVBV4400
445 - 450 434 V-445RM/RME TWRMV4450 TWVBV4450
450 - 455 439 V-450RM/RME TWRMV4500 TWVBV4500
455 - 460 444 V-455RM/RME TWRMV4550 TWVBV4550
460 - 465 448 V-460RM/RME TWRMV4600 TWVBV4600
465 - 470 453 V-465RM/RME TWRMV4650 TWVBV4650
470 - 475 458 V-470RM/RME TWRMV4700 TWVBV4700
475 - 480 463 V-475RM/RME TWRMV4750 TWVBV4750

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Edition August 2009

For shaft Inside V—Ring TSS Part No. TSS Part No.
diameter diameter
d1 d FORSHEDA Ref. type RM type RME
480 - 485 468 V-480RM/RME TWRMV4800 TWVBV4800
485 - 490 473 V-485RM/RME TWRMV4850 TWVBV4850
490 - 495 478 V-490RM/RME TWRMV4900 TWVBV4900
495 - 500 483 V-495RM/RME TWRMV4950 TWVBV4950
500 - 505 488 V-500RM/RME TWRMV5000 TWVBV5000
505 - 510 493 V-505RM/RME TWRMV5050 TWVBV5050
510 - 515 497 V-510RM/RME TWRMV5100 TWVBV5100
515 - 520 502 V-515RM/RME TWRMV5150 TWVBV5150
520 - 525 507 V-520RM/RME TWRMV5200 TWVBV5200
525 - 530 512 V-525RM/RME TWRMV5250 TWVBV5250
530 - 535 517 V-530RM/RME TWRMV5300 TWVBV5300
535 - 540 521 V-535RM/RME TWRMV5350 TWVBV5350
540 - 545 526 V-540RM/RME TWRMV5400 TWVBV5400
545 - 550 531 V-545RM/RME TWRMV5450 TWVBV5450
550 - 555 536 V-550RM/RME TWRMV5500 TWVBV5500
555 - 560 541 V-555RM/RME TWRMV5550 TWVBV5550
560 - 565 546 V-560RM/RME TWRM05600 TWVB05600
565 - 570 550 V-565RM/RME TWRMV5650 TWVBV5650
570 - 575 555 V-570RM/RME TWRMV5700 TWVBV5700
575 - 580 560 V-575RM/RME TWRMV5750 TWVBV5750
580 - 585 565 V-580RM/RME TWRMV5800 TWVBV5800
585 - 590 570 V-585RM/RME TWRMV5850 TWVBV5850
590 - 600 575 V-590RM/RME TWRMV5900 TWVBV5900
600 - 610 582 V-600RM/RME TWRMV6000 TWVBV6000
610 - 620 592 V-610RM/RME TWRMV6100 TWVBV6100
620 - 630 602 V-620RM/RME TWRMV6200 TWVBV6200
630 - 640 612 V-630RM/RME TWRMV6300 TWVBV6300
640 - 650 621 V-640RM/RME TWRMV6400 TWVBV6400
650 - 660 631 V-650RM/RME TWRMV6500 TWVBV6500
660 - 670 640 V-660RM/RME TWRMV6600 TWVBV6600
670 - 680 650 V-670RM/RME TWRMV6700 TWVBV6700
680 - 690 660 V-680RM/RME TWRMV6800 TWVBV6800
690 - 700 670 V-690RM/RME TWRMV6900 TWVBV6900
700 - 710 680 V-700RM/RME TWRMV7000 TWVBV7000
710 - 720 689 V-710RM/RME TWRMV7100 TWVBV7100

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Edition August 2009

For shaft Inside V—Ring TSS Part No. TSS Part No.
diameter diameter
d1 d FORSHEDA Ref. type RM type RME
720 - 730 699 V-720RM/RME TWRMV7200 TWVBV7200
730 - 740 709 V-730RM/RME TWRMV7300 TWVBV7300
740 - 750 718 V-740RM/RME TWRMV7400 TWVBV7400
750 - 758 728 V-750RM/RME TWRMV7500 TWVBV7500
758 - 766 735 V-760RM/RME TWRMV7600 TWVBV7600
766 - 774 743 V-770RM/RME TWRMV7700 TWVBV7700
774 - 783 751 V-780RM/RME TWRMV7800 TWVBV7800
783 - 792 759 V-790RM/RME TWRMV7900 TWVBV7900
792 - 801 768 V-800RM/RME TWRMV8000 TWVBV8000
801 - 810 777 V-810RM/RME TWRMV8100 TWVBV8100
810 - 821 786 V-820RM/RME TWRMV8200 TWVBV8200
821 - 831 796 V-830RM/RME TWRMV8300 TWVBV8300
831 - 841 805 V-840RM/RME TWRMV8400 TWVBV8400
841 - 851 814 V-850RM/RME TWRMV8500 TWVBV8500
851 - 861 824 V-860RM/RME TWRMV8600 TWVBV8600
861 - 871 833 V-870RM/RME TWRMV8700 TWVBV8700
871 - 882 843 V-880RM/RME TWRMV8800 TWVBV8800
882 - 892 853 V-890RM/RME TWRMV8900 TWVBV8900
892 - 912 871 V-900RM/RME TWRMV9000 TWVBV9000
912 - 922 880 V-920RM/RME TWRMV9200 TWVBV9200
922 - 933 890 V-930RM/RME TWRMV9300 TWVBV9300
933 - 944 900 V-940RM/RME TWRMV9400 TWVBV9400
944 - 955 911 V-950RM/RME TWRMV9500 TWVBV9500
955 - 966 921 V-960RM/RME TWRMV9600 TWVBV9600
966 - 977 932 V-970RM/RME TWRMV9700 TWVBV9700
977 - 988 942 V-980RM/RME TWRMV9800 TWVBV9800
988 - 999 953 V-990RM/RME TWRMV9900 TWVBV9900
999 - 1010 963 V-1000RM/RME TWRMW1000 TWVBW1000
1010 - 1025 973 V-1020RM/RME TWRMW1020 TWVBW1020
1025 - 1045 990 V-1040RM/RME TWRMW1040 TWVBW1040
1045 - 1065 1008 V-1060RM/RME TWRMW1060 TWVBW1060
1065 - 1085 1027 V-1080RM/RME TWRMW1080 TWVBW1080
1085 - 1105 1045 V-1100RM/RME TWRM01100 TWVB01100
1105 - 1125 1065 V-1120RM/RME TWRMW1120 TWVBW1120
1125 - 1145 1084 V-1140RM/RME TWRMW1140 TWVBW1140

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Edition August 2009

For shaft Inside V—Ring TSS Part No. TSS Part No.
diameter diameter
d1 d FORSHEDA Ref. type RM type RME
1145 - 1165 1103 V-1160RM/RME TWRMW1160 TWVBW1160
1165 - 1185 1121 V-1180RM/RME TWRMW1180 TWVBW1180
1185 - 1205 1139 V-1200RM/RME TWRMW1200 TWVBW1200
1205 - 1225 1157 V-1220RM/RME TWRMW1220 TWVBW1220
1225 - 1245 1176 V-1240RM/RME TWRMW1240 TWVBW1240
1245 - 1270 1195 V-1260RM/RME TWRMW1260 TWVBW1260
1270 - 1295 1218 V-1280RM/RME TWRMW1280 TWVBW1280
1295 - 1315 1240 V-1300RM/RME TWRMW1300 TWVBW1300
1315 - 1340 1259 V-1325RM/RME TWRMW1325 TWVBW1325
1340 - 1365 1281 V-1350RM/RME TWRMW1350 TWVBW1350
1365 - 1390 1305 V-1375RM/RME TWRMW1375 TWVBW1375
1390 - 1415 1328 V-1400RM/RME TWRMW1400 TWVBW1400
1415 - 1440 1350 V-1425RM/RME TWRMW1425 TWVBW1425
1440 - 1465 1374 V-1450RM/RME TWRMW1450 TWVBW1450
1465 - 1490 1397 V-1475RM/RME TWRMW1475 TWVBW1475
1490 - 1515 1419 V-1500RM/RME TWRMW1500 TWVBW1500
1515 - 1540 1443 V-1525RM/RME TWRMW1525 TWVBW1525
1540 - 1570 1467 V-1550RM/RME TWRMW1550 TWVBW1550
1570 - 1600 1495 V-1575RM/RME TWRMW1575 TWVBW1575
1600 - 1640 1524 V-1600RM/RME TWRMW1600 TWVBW1600
1640 - 1680 1559 V-1650RM/RME TWRMW1650 TWVBW1650
1680 - 1720 1596 V-1700RM/RME TWRMW1700 TWVBW1700
1720 - 1765 1632 V-1750RM/RME TWRMW1750 TWVBW1750
1765 - 1810 1671 V-1800RM/RME TWRMW1800 TWVBW1800
1810 - 1855 1714 V-1850RM/RME TWRMW1850 TWVBW1850
1855 - 1905 1753 V-1900RM/RME TWRMW1900 TWVBW1900
1905 - 1955 1794 V-1950RM/RME TWRMW1950 TWVBW1950
1955 - 2010 1844 V-2000RM/RME TWRMW2000 TWVBW2000

V—Ring RM or RME larger than 2000 made to special order.

Latest information available at www.tss.trelleborg.com

Edition August 2009

n Dimension table - V—Ring type AX


d3 min = d1 + 50
d2 max = d1 + 12

B1 = 25±5

Figure 71 Installation drawing

When the dimension d1 is on the boundary between two

sizes of V—Ring, select the larger V—Ring. All dimensions in

Ordering example
TSS Article No. TWAXW1200 - N6T50
V—Ring, Type AX
for shaft diameter = 1190 mm
Material: N6T50 (Nitrile Elastomer)
TSS Part No.

Quality index (standard)

Material no. (standard)

Corresponding to FORSHEDA
ref. V-1200AX NBR510

Table L Profile dimensions - assembly dimensions

For shaft diameter Inside diameter V—Ring TSS Part No.
d1 d FORSHEDA Ref.
200 - 205 192 V-200AX TWAXV2000
205 - 210 196 V-205AX TWAXV2050
210 - 215 200 V-210AX TWAXV2100
215 - 219 204 V-215AX TWAXV2150
219 - 224 207 V-220AX TWAXV2200
224 - 228 211 V-225AX TWAXV2250

Latest information available at www.tss.trelleborg.com

Edition August 2009

For shaft diameter Inside diameter V—Ring TSS Part No.

d1 d FORSHEDA Ref.
228 - 232 215 V-230AX TWAXV2300
232 - 236 219 V-235AX TWAXV2350
236 - 240 223 V-240AX TWAXV2400
240 - 250 227 V-250AX TWAXV2500
250 - 260 236 V-260AX TWAXV2600
260 - 270 245 V-270AX TWAXV2700
270 - 281 255 V-280AX TWAXV2800
281 - 292 265 V-290AX TWAXV2900
292 - 303 275 V-300AX TWAXV3000
303 - 313 285 V-310AX TWAXV3100
313 - 325 295 V-320AX TWAXV3200
325 - 335 305 V-330AX TWAXV3300
335 - 345 315 V-340AX TWAXV3400
345 - 355 322 V-350AX TWAXV3500
355 - 372 328 V-360AX TWAXV3600
372 - 390 344 V-380AX TWAXV3800
390 - 415 360 V-400AX TWAXV4000
415 - 443 385 V-425AX TWAX04250
443 - 480 410 V-450AX TWAXV4500
480 - 530 450 V-500AX TWAXV5000
530 - 580 495 V-550AX TWAXV5500
580 - 630 540 V-600AX TWAXV6000
630 - 665 600 V-650AX TWAX06500
665 - 705 630 V-700AX TWAXV7000
705 - 745 670 V-725AX TWAXV7250
745 - 785 705 V-750AX TWAXV7500
785 - 830 745 V-800AX TWAXV8000
830 - 875 785 V-850AX TWAXV8500
875 - 920 825 V-900AX TWAXV9000
920 - 965 865 V-950AX TWAXV9500
965 - 1015 910 V-1000AX TWAXW1000
1015 - 1065 955 V-1050AX TWAXX1050
1065 - 1115 1000 V-1100AX TWAXW1100
1115 - 1165 1045 V-1150AX TWAXW1150
1165 - 1215 1090 V-1200AX TWAXW1200
1215 - 1270 1135 V-1250AX TWAXW1250
1270 - 1320 1180 V-1300AX TWAXW1300
1320 - 1370 1225 V-1350AX TWAXW1350
1370 - 1420 1270 V-1400AX TWAXW1400

Latest information available at www.tss.trelleborg.com

Edition August 2009

For shaft diameter Inside diameter V—Ring TSS Part No.

d1 d FORSHEDA Ref.
1420 - 1470 1315 V-1450AX TWAXW1450
1470 - 1520 1360 V-1500AX TWAXW1500
1520 - 1570 1405 V-1550AX TWAXW1550
1570 - 1620 1450 V-1600AX TWAXW1600
1620 - 1670 1495 V-1650AX TWAXW1650
1670 - 1720 1540 V-1700AX TWAXW1700
1720 - 1770 1585 V-1750AX TWAXW1750
1770 - 1820 1630 V-1800AX TWAXW1800
1820 - 1870 1675 V-1850AX TWAXW1850
1870 - 1920 1720 V-1900AX TWAXW1900
1920 - 1970 1765 V-1950AX TWAXW1950
1970 - 2020 1810 V-2000AX TWAXW2000

V—Ring AX larger than 2000 made to special order.

Profile and axial fitted width the same as for the standard
V—Ring AX.

Latest information available at www.tss.trelleborg.com

Edition August 2009

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