Peza Erd Form No. 03-01 2018

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Certification No. 2018-1769

This is to certify that PHILIPPINE PRECISION TECHNOLOGY, INC. (PPTI) is registered with
the then Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA), now PEZA, as an Ecozone Export
Enterprise under Registration Certificate No. 95-70 dated 09 June 1995, to engage in the
following activities:

Registered Activity Reference Status

Original Project:
Manufacture of precision toolings and assembly of machine parts such RA dated Non-Pioneer
as fax cutter assembly at Carmelray Industrial Park I – SEZ, Calamba, 09 June 1995

Amendment: SA dated
Assembly of various kinds of transformers at Carmelray Industrial Park I 19 November 1997
– SEZ, Calamba, Laguna

Amendment: SA dated
Manufacture of plate size metal material at Carmelray Industrial Park I – 21 September 1998
SEZ, Calamba, Laguna

Expansion Project:
Manufacture of processed round steel material (PRSM) at Carmelray SA dated Expansion
Industrial Park I – SEZ, Calamba, Laguna 03 June 2005

This is to certify further that the available incentives to PPTI under its Registration Agreement
with PEZA dated 09 June 1995 and Supplemental Agreements dated 19 November 1997, 21
September 1997 and 03 June 2005, are as follows:

1. Incentives under Book VI of EO 226 which include the following:

a. Corporate income tax holiday (ITH) for four (4) years for original project effective on the
committed date of start of commercial operations, or the actual date of start of
commercial operations, whichever is earlier; ITH entitlement for the original project
can also be extended for another three (3) years provided specific criteria are met for
each additional year and prior PEZA approval is obtained; duly approved and
registered “Expansion” and “New” projects are entitled to a three-year, and four-year
ITH, respectively;
b. Tax and duty free importation of merchandise which include raw materials, capital
equipment, machineries and spare parts;
c. Exemption from wharfage dues and export tax, impost or fees;
d. VAT zero-rating of local purchases subject to compliance with BIR and PEZA
requirements; and
e. Exemption from payment of any and all local government imposts, fees, licenses or
taxes except real estate tax; however, machineries installed and operated in the
ecozone for manufacturing, processing or for industrial purposes shall not be subject
to payment of real estate taxes for the first three (3) years of operation of such
machineries; production equipment not attached to real estate shall be exempt from
real property taxes.

Building 5, DOE-PNOC Complex, Energy Center, Rizal Drive ISO 9001:2008 Cert No. AJA 08/13114
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City, Metro Manila PAB Accreditation No. MSA - 005
Telephone: (632) 551-3451 5513438 • Facsimile (632) 5513442
Email: • Website:
2. Pursuant to Rule XIII, Section 4 of the Rules and Regulations to Implement R.A. 7916, the
Special Economic Zone Act of 1995, export enterprises registered with the Export
Processing Zone Authority (EPZA) under P.D. 66 or E.O. 226, shall continue to be entitled
to incentives under the terms and conditions provided therein. EPZA enterprises whose
Income Tax Holiday has expired shall be subject to the 5% special tax rate under R.A.
7916, and Rule XX of the PEZA Rules, pursuant to which the enterprise shall, in lieu of
payment of national and local taxes, be liable to payment of a 5% final tax on its gross

3. After the lapse of ITH, the following incentives shall apply:

a. Exemption from national and local taxes, in lieu thereof payment of 5% final tax on
gross income as provided in Section 24 of R.A. 7916 and Rule XX of the Rules and
Regulations to Implement R.A. 7916; and
b. Additional deduction for training expenses (1/2 of value) against the 5% tax on gross
income earned, but not to exceed 3%, subject to guidelines to be formulated by PEZA
in coordination with the Department of Labor and Employment and the Department of
Finance (Section 42 of R.A. 7916).

4. Non-fiscal incentives shall include the following:

a. Permanent resident status within the ecozone for foreign investors with initial
investment of at least US$150,000.00;
b. Employment of foreign nationals; and
c. Simplified import and export procedures.

Pursuant to BIR’s Revenue Regulations No. 14-2002 [Amending Further Pertinent Provisions
of Revenue Regulations No. 2-98, as amended], income payments to PEZA registered
enterprises under the ITH and 5% GIT incentives are exempt from expanded withholding tax.

Availment of the foregoing incentives in favor of PPTI is subject to all evaluation and/or
processing requirements and procedures prescribed under PEZA Rules and Regulations,
pertinent circulars and directives. PPTI entitlement to incentives shall continue as long as it
remains in good standing, commit no violation of PEZA Rules and Regulations, pertinent
circulars and directives, or the terms and conditions of its Registration Agreement with PEZA.

This certification is issued upon the request of PPTI for whatever legal purpose it may serve,
and is valid for the year 2018, unless otherwise revoked or suspended by PEZA prior to
expiration of said period. Further, this certification is automatically revoked in the event of
cancellation of PPTI’s PEZA registration, effective on the date of said cancellation.


Deputy Director General for Operations

28 March 2018


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