Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jhansi: Summer Training Project Report On
Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jhansi: Summer Training Project Report On
Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jhansi: Summer Training Project Report On
Myself “Neha Yadav” certify that this project work carried out by me at ISGEC
HEAVY ENGINEERING LTD , NOIDA (U.P) for a duration of 6 weeks on a project
ENGINEERING LTD, NOIDA (U.P) submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of
the programme is an original work of mine under the guidance of Mr. Ram Sharma and is not
based on or was reproduced from any existing work of any other person or of any earlier work
undertaken at any other time or for any other purpose, and has not been submitted anywhere else
at any time.
With a sense of great pleasure and satisfaction I present this Summer training report.
Completion of this report is no doubt a product of in valuable support and contribution of
a number of people.
Mr. J K Chowdhery - ( Senior Vice President ) and Mr. Aditya Puri - ( Managing
Director and CEO ) , ISGEC HEAVY ENGINEERING LTD., for his sincere efforts in creating
a great work culture at ISGEC HEAVY ENGINEERING LTD where we can see the best blend
of Foreign and Indian culture, where people work together and belief in individual respect and
I am grateful to my company guides Mr. Ram Sharma for their major contributions and generous
support. I am indebted to him as we worked together on the project. Special thanks for his
continuous guidance, support, friendly behavior and encouragement which allows me to work
freely and made all things happen and worthwhile.
As a part of the M.B.A circular and in order to gain knowledge in the field of management, we
are required to make a report on "Recruitment and Selection process of ISGEC HEAVY
ENGINEERING LTD .". The basic objective behind doing this project report is to get
knowledge of how to recruit and select the employees of the company.
In this project report we have included various concepts, effects and implications regarding
celebrity endorsement to the ISGEC HEAVY ENGINEERING LTD.
The purpose of this project was to learn the practical application of Recruitment and Selection
Process and its importance in ISGEC HEAVY ENGINEERING LTD along with the HR
polices of ISGEC HEAVY ENGINEERING LTD ,which prides itself to be the world industrial
Executive Summary 1
Objective of the study 2
Company Profile 3
History 4-9
Product Range 10-14
Major clientele 15-22
Joint Venture 23-30
Recruitment and selection process 31-45
Research Objectives 46
Research Design 46
Methods Of Collecting Data 47