Design of A Digital-Based

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Journal of Obesity
Volume 2016, Article ID 5067421, 12 pages

Research Article
Design of a Digital-Based, Multicomponent Nutrition Guidance
System for Prevention of Early Childhood Obesity

Keriann H. Uesugi,1 Anne M. Dattilo,1 Maureen M. Black,2,3 and Jose M. Saavedra4

Nestlé Nutrition, 12 Vreeland Road, Florham Park, NJ 07932, USA
Department of Pediatrics, University of Maryland School of Medicine, 737 W Lombard Street No. 161, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA
RTI International, East Cornwallis Road, P.O. Box 12194, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194, USA
Nestlé S.A., Avenue Nestlé 55, 1800 Vevey, Switzerland

Correspondence should be addressed to Anne M. Dattilo;

Received 22 February 2016; Revised 21 June 2016; Accepted 17 July 2016

Academic Editor: Gengsheng He

Copyright © 2016 Keriann H. Uesugi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Interventions targeting parenting focused modifiable factors to prevent obesity and promote healthy growth in the first 1000 days
of life are needed. Scale-up of interventions to global populations is necessary to reverse trends in weight status among infants and
toddlers, and large scale dissemination will require understanding of effective strategies. Utilizing nutrition education theories, this
paper describes the design of a digital-based nutrition guidance system targeted to first-time mothers to prevent obesity during the
first two years. The multicomponent system consists of scientifically substantiated content, tools, and telephone-based professional
support delivered in an anticipatory and sequential manner via the internet, email, and text messages, focusing on educational
modules addressing the modifiable factors associated with childhood obesity. Digital delivery formats leverage consumer media
trends and provide the opportunity for scale-up, unavailable to previous interventions reliant on resource heavy clinic and home-
based counseling. Designed initially for use in the United States, this system’s core features are applicable to all contexts and
constitute an approach fostering healthy growth, not just obesity prevention. The multicomponent features, combined with a global
concern for optimal growth and positive trends in mobile internet use, represent this system’s future potential to affect change in
nutrition practice in developing countries.

1. Introduction in childhood through adulthood [4–6]. Consequences of

rapid weight gain in infancy are also linked to adverse
Problems in nutrition and growth in early life have increas- cardiovascular and metabolic outcomes later in life [7–10]. At
ingly been implicated in long term health outcomes with present, efforts to prevent and treat obesity during childhood
devastating consequences to human capital. Undernutrition’s have mixed success [11, 12]. Thus, prevention of both over
effects in early life are well documented and culminate in and undernutrition is a global concern, with interventions
increased growth faltering, morbidity, and mortality as well as beginning during the first 1000 days of life.
impairment in cognitive development and diminished work Results from intervention trials for prevention of early
capacity in adulthood [1, 2]. These negative effects are best childhood obesity within the first two years of life are limited
prevented in the first 1000 days of life, as attempts to treat after [11, 13–15], and few begin during gestation. Although three
that time are less effective [3]. large randomized controlled trials (RCT) [16–19] enrolled
A parallel scenario is surfacing related to overweight and new mothers to educational interventions with the goal of
obesity in early life. Current research supports consistent early obesity prevention, results ranged from a significant
associations of maternal weight gain during gestation, large 0.29-unit decrease in BMI at 2 years [16] and lower BMI
for gestational age birth size, and rapid weight gain during 𝑧-scores plus decreased odds of rapid weight gain at 13.7
infancy with BMI, adiposity, or risk of overweight/obesity months but not at 2 years [18, 19] to no significant difference
2 Journal of Obesity

in BMI 𝑧-score at 20 months [17]. Even for the trials that potential mediators, inclusion criteria included (1) studies
found significant effects at 2 years, those effects diminished published in English language from January 1, 2000, through
by 5 years with no further intervention [20, 21]. Following September 30, 2012; (2) studies conducted in high income
these first efforts with mixed results and to potentially achieve countries; (3) mean age of children in the sample less
a greater effect size, theoretically driven interventions that than 5 years; (4) maternal age ≥ 18 years; and (5) sample
increase the likelihood of sustainability are needed. size > 10. Literature included peer-reviewed articles, public
High rates of overweight also urge a focus on developing policy statements, and publically available guidance from the
scalable interventions that reach children prior to the onset WHO, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the US
of either insufficient or excess weight gain [11]. Globally, government departments of Health and Human Services and
6.1% of children aged 0–5 years are overweight or obese Agriculture (DHHS and USDA, resp.).
(proportion of children with weight-for-height above 2 stan-
dard deviations) [22], and projections indicate an increase to
3. Results and Discussion
9.9% in 2025 [2]. In the US, 7.1% of children aged 0–2 years
have weight-for-length >95th percentile and the prevalence 3.1. Component 1: Identification of Target Behaviors. The
of overweight or obesity is 22.8% among children aged 2– modifiable factors that influence healthy growth of infants
5 years [23]. Therefore, there is need for innovative and defined as dietary, feeding, and care practices and could
effective interventions with delivery mechanisms that can be be addressed in interventions beginning at birth have been
disseminated to the wider population. previously identified by our group [35]. These modifiable
Digital-based interventions are increasingly feasible for factors formed the basis for the current intervention’s target
such scale-up efforts. These web and mobile-based programs behaviors and were assigned to eight core messages of
help to avoid the limitations of prior interpersonal interven- the nutrition guidance system: (1) provide breastmilk; (2)
tions which often affect coverage, dose, and fidelity [24–29]. utilize responsive feeding practices; (3) provide nutritious
Parents, especially mothers, spend a significant amount of complementary foods and beverages at the appropriate devel-
time on the internet and frequently use it to seek parenting opmental stage; (4) exclude sugar sweetened beverages; (5)
and child health related information [30–32]. Thus, the target foster healthy eating behaviors through shared family meals
population would be familiar with such a format to deliver and mealtime routines; (6) limit TV and screen viewing time;
this type of intervention. (7) provide opportunities for physical activity; and (8) ensure
The objective of this paper is to provide a detailed that the infant/toddler has adequate sleep.
description of a digital-based, multicomponent nutrition
guidance system designed to improve feeding and related 3.2. Component 2: Identification of Potential Mediators.
practices by first-time mothers for prevention of obesity and Potential mediators, defined as underlying determinants that
promotion of optimal growth in their children during the precede behaviors, were identified via systematic literature
first two years of life. This digital-based system is designed reviews for each of the aforementioned core messages.
to be scaled up to reach all populations in need and be easily The resultant potential mediators and cognitive variables
adapted to accommodate varying sociocultural contexts for included knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, self-efficacy, social
the prevention of over- and undernutrition during the first norms, and skills, as well as environmental constraints that
1000 days. influenced whether or not a target behavior was performed.
Research findings related to the mediators were summarized
2. Methods onto Research-Based Content Tables for each core message.
Findings were summarized and categorized into four types of
Development of the multicomponent nutrition guidance mediators: knowledge; instruction; facilitator; or barrier.
system for healthy growth and prevention of early childhood
obesity was informed by the World Health Organization’s 3.3. Component 3: Selection and Justification of Theoretical
(WHO) health education theoretical concepts and strate- Model. Nutrition education interventions use theories from
gies [33] and guided by Contento’s Procedural Model for the ecological, social, and psychological sciences to help iden-
Nutrition Education [34] involving four process compo- tify the constructs or mediating variables that influence the
nents: (1) identification of modifiable factors which could behavior of interest [36] and then apply theoretically specified
be target behaviors; (2) identification of potential mediators; techniques to modify the mediating variables resulting in
(3) selection and justification of theoretical model; (4) and behavioral adoption [37–39]. Social Cognitive Theory (SCT),
design of the intervention. We further sought to explore Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and the Health Belief
generalizability of the nutrition guidance system and a digital Model (HBM) were selected for the multicomponent feeding
delivery format. An overarching goal for our process was guidance program based on their application in observational
to follow a rigorous method to substantiate all components and qualitative studies [40–51] and successful implementa-
of the final intervention, from development of educational tion within intervention trials [17, 19, 52–55] related to infant,
content to intervention delivery. toddler, and preschool-aged feeding behaviors, as well as
Systematic literature reviews were conducted for compo- their strengths in promoting motivation to perform behavior
nents 1 and 2. Methods for the literature review to identify (Theory of Planned Behavior and Health Belief Model) and
target behaviors (i.e., modifiable factors) were previously supporting capacity to act on the behavior (Social Cognitive
described by Dattilo et al. [35]. For the identification of Theory) [56]. SCT has been successfully incorporated within
Journal of Obesity 3

Attitudes1 Relevant Cognitive and

knowledge3 behavioral skills3

Social norms1
Behavioral Behavior
Adoption processes
Perceived risk
Self-regulation3 Environment3
1,2,3 self-efficacy 3

Motivation Taking action

Figure 1: Theoretical model for the nutrition guidance system based on (1) Theory of Planned Behavior, (2) Health Belief Model, and (3)
Social Cognitive Theory.

interventions to prevent early introduction of solids [31], Table 1: Alignment of theoretical constructs with simplified medi-
increase use of positive responsive feeding practices, decrease ators in research content tables.
consumption of sweet snacks, and lower daily television view- Motivational constructs
ing time [17, 19] and is being utilized in upcoming interven-
(i) Behavioral beliefs1 , outcome expectations2 ,
tions targeted at the early prevention of child obesity [57–60]. Knowledge perceived benefits3
The self-efficacy construct from SCT has been found to be
(ii) Perceived risk (susceptibility + severity)2
predictive of breastfeeding intention and duration [40–43],
providing nutritious complementary foods and beverages (i) Existing positive or strong
[44], decreasing sweetened beverage consumption [44], and (a) Behavioral beliefs1 , outcome expectations2 ,
promoting physical activity while limiting screen time [44]. perceived benefits3
Constructs from TPB were frequently cited to explain (b) Outcome evaluations1 , attitudes1 , outcome
motivation and intention related to the core messages. expectancies2
Constructs such as attitudes, perceived behavioral control, (c) Perceived risk3
moral norms, and subjective norms have been linked with (d) Social norms1 , social outcome
providing breastmilk [45, 48, 49], provision of nutritious expectations2
complementary foods at appropriate developmental stage (e) Self-efficacy2,3 , perceived behavioral
[46, 48, 50], and foster healthy eating through shared family control1
meals and mealtime routines [47]. Thus, those constructs (i) Existing positive or strong
were maintained in the overall theoretical model related to (a) Behavioral beliefs1 , outcome expectations2 ,
behavioral intention. perceived benefits3
The Health Belief Model was included in addition to Barriers (b) Outcome evaluations1 , attitudes1 , outcome
TPB to increase behavioral intention due to its theoretical expectancies2
framework to understand barriers and facilitators to family (c) Perceived risk3
meals [51] and its unique constructs of perceived suscep-
(d) Social norms1 , social outcome
tibility and perceived severity [56]. The perceived risk of expectancies2
early childhood obesity is a central component because of
(e) Self-efficacy2,3 , perceived behavioral
prevailing beliefs about larger infants being healthier or better control1
[48, 61, 62], tendencies to practice unresponsive feeding such
(ii) Environmental constraints2,3
as pressuring, despite acknowledging infant satiety cues [63,
64], failure to perceive overweight children as overweight Capacity to act constructs
[62, 65], and a general belief that young children will grow Knowledge (i) Behavioral capability (relevant background
out of any early overweight or obese status [61, 66]. knowledge)1
From the Research-Based Content Tables, each research (i) Increasing self-efficacy to overcome existing
finding and its classification as knowledge, instruction, facil- Barriers barriers2
itator, or barrier were linked to a construct within SCT, TPB, (ii) Self-regulation2
and HBT (Table 1). A detailed theoretical framework for this
Instruction (i) Behavioral capability2
digital-based nutrition guidance system is shown in Figure 1. (ii) Increase self-efficacy2
Two additional frameworks, anticipatory guidance and 1
Theory of Planned Behavior.
motivational interviewing, were also incorporated. Anticipa- 2
Social Cognitive Theory.
tory guidance was selected to inform the timing of messages 3
Health Belief Model.
4 Journal of Obesity

Identification of potentially modifiable practices associated with

overweight in infants through preschool age children

Core messages

Nutrition guidance system

Support services Educational content∗ Tools

Phone live resource Including Support initiation,
(i) Certified lactation consultant (i) Knowledge, instruction maintenance of behaviors
(ii) Registered dietitian nutritionist (ii) Ways to overcome barriers
(iii) Facilitators, motivators

Behavioral adoption of core

messages by mother

Healthy growth of child

All content and every message delivered are scientifically substantiated

Figure 2: Conceptual framework for the nutrition guidance system.

and content delivery. Since anticipatory guidance is the pre- the website for the CLC or RDN to call them at a certain
vailing framework for pediatric well-visits during childhood time. These components are consistent with the theoretical
in the US [67–69] and previously incorporated within other frameworks, and both the educational content and tools are
interventions testing early obesity prevention [17, 19], this designed to address the underlying theoretical constructs to
approach was included in the multicomponent nutrition affect behavioral adoption. The following sections describe
guidance system as a method to proactively deliver compo- the considerations undertaken with regard to development
nents of core messages to parents during the period just prior of content and tools, timing of delivery, delivery format, and
to when the issue will be developmentally relevant to the generalizability to diverse audiences.
infant or child. Similarly, motivational interviewing is a client
centered communication technique that has been recom- 3.5. Development of Content and Tools. The intervention
mended and found effective for treatment of pediatric obesity content team, composed of Pediatricians, two Ph.D. in nutri-
in clinical settings [70, 71] and fits within the standards of tion, and Registered Dietitian Nutritionists with expertise in
practice for registered dietician nutritionists (RDNs) [72]. nutrition education and maternal and childhood nutrition
formulated the content and delivery timeline for the digital-
3.4. Component 4: Design of Intervention. The multicom- based intervention. Additional input was incorporated from
ponent nutrition guidance system includes digitally based an academic advisory board, consumer communications
educational content and tools, plus telephone-based profes- professionals, and a creative agency group regarding aesthetic
sional support from certified lactation consultants (CLC) layout and digital framework.
and registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs) as depicted in The content and tools include articles, emails, videos,
the system conceptual framework (Figure 2). Educational quizzes, infographics, printable and interactive trackers, and
content is intended to provide the required knowledge and a goal setting tool and were developed to constitute the
instruction as well as address the barriers and facilitators theoretically specified techniques to address the constructs
associated with implementing the core messages. The tools of SCT, TPB, and HBM and influence behavioral adoption
are meant to help mothers initiate and maintain behaviors (Table 2) [37, 56, 73].
within the core messages. Lastly, the telephone-based profes- Utilizing a rigorous process to develop the written copy
sional support is available to help mothers with remaining and ensure thorough substantiation of all included content,
needs related to adopting the core messages and reinforce the first step within content development was to complete the
content delivered digitally using a motivational interviewing Research-Based Content Tables for each of the 8 core mes-
approach. Mothers initiate contact with the CLC or RDN by sages which included research findings related to underlying
calling a toll-free number or scheduling an appointment on behavioral determinants of each core message. Content was
Journal of Obesity 5

Table 2: Examples of intervention features for behavioral adoption.

Theoretical constructs Theoretical techniques Intervention examples

(i) Article on benefits of breastfeeding
(ii) Articles mentioning
recommendations from AAP and other
(1) Provide information on consequences
Behavioral beliefs, social groups
(2) Provide normative information about
norms, perceived risk (iii) Article describing statistics about
others’ behaviors
(iv) Slideshow with picture of average
parents role modeling healthy eating
(1) Acknowledgement of feelings, (i) “I promise” statement to help mothers
Outcome evaluations,
motivations articulate their commitment to their baby
(2) Emotion-based messages and why
(i) Article on common challenges during
Self-efficacy and improving
(1) Barrier identification breastfeeding
self-efficacy via social
(2) Model/demonstrate the behavior (ii) Video of breastfeeding mother
modeling, mastery
(3) Provide general encouragement (iii) Encouraging text messages and
experiences, social
(4) Prompt goal setting statements within articles
(iv) Goal setting tool
(i) Article on how breastmilk is produced
Relevant knowledge (1) Feeding and nutrition knowledge
(ii) Glossary to define terms
(i) Video of woman demonstrating how
to latch a baby onto her breast
(ii) Stills of how to swaddle a baby
(1) Provide instruction
Behavioral capability (iii) Table showing suggested bottle
(2) Demonstrate the behavior
volumes by age
(iv) Step-by-step instructions for
introducing solid foods
(i) Growth tracker
(ii) Goal setting tool
(iii) Baby/family simplified meal planner
(iv) Call to action where mothers are
prompted to upload photo of their child
doing one of the core messages
(1) Prompt goal setting
(v) Breastfeeding tracker
Self-regulation (2) Prompt self-monitoring of behavior
(vi) Taste tracker
(3) Stress management
(vii) Article on taking care of oneself after
(viii) Articles reminding mothers to reach
out to social support system
(ix) Tone that recognizes all emotions are

divided into 13 different modules to be regularly delivered nutrition education constructs, appropriate reading level
over the course of the first two years, with the first module (average no greater than 8th grade) [74, 75], and tone.
delivered prenatally. The second step was to prioritize up Emails, developed by the intervention team, were sched-
to 10 messages per core message from the content tables uled to be sent to notify mothers when the next module was
as priority messages to be emphasized within each of the available for viewing and to periodically remind mothers of
modules. Each message was scheduled for when it would be assets in the current learning module to encourage them to
presented to mothers as a preview in a module, when it would visit the website. Text messages are also sent to mothers who
be discussed at length, and when it would be reviewed in later have opted to receive them, and the texts reinforce messages
modules. This schedule or cadence of messages allowed for from the current educational module and encourage mothers
quick review to ensure appropriate timing and adequacy of to visit the website. Emails and text messages are programmed
emphasis within the intervention. The last step was creation to be automatically sent from the system based on the infant’s
and approval by the intervention team of final copy decks birthdate and other pieces of personal information from the
including headlines, subheadings, full copy, and photo image dyad’s profile stored in the website database.
files to directly populate the website pages. Consideration The tools were developed to increase behavioral capacity
was made with regard to scientific accuracy, adherence to and self-regulation, constructs from SCT affecting the ability
6 Journal of Obesity

Table 3: Core messages and timing of delivery to provide anticipatory guidance.

Core messages Third trimester Birth 2 mo 4 mo 6 mo 8 mo 10 mo 12 mo 14 mo 16 mo 18 mo 20 mo 22 mo

Provide breastmilk ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Utilize responsive feeding practices ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Provide nutritious complementary
foods and beverages at the ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
appropriate developmental stage
Exclude sugar sweetened beverages ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for infants and limit for toddlers
Foster healthy eating behaviors
through shared family meals and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mealtime routines
Limit TV and screen viewing time ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Provide opportunities for physical ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ensure that the infant and toddler ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
have adequate sleep

to take action and maintain newly adopted behaviors [56]. age-based stage in order to focus maternal attention on the
The interactive digital tools include an interactive growth necessary content for the child’s current age (Table 3). The
tracker, a goal setting tool, and a menu planner. The growth option for consultation with RDN and/or CLC is encouraged
tracker supports self-monitoring or in this case “maternal- throughout the intervention.
monitoring” and allows mothers to input their child’s weight
and length at any point, and the tracker will plot the child’s 3.7. Delivery Format. The nutrition guidance system utilizes
weight-for-length percentile. If a child’s weight-for-length only digital-based vehicles for delivering the educational
percentile is outside of the 5th–85th percentile for healthy content and tools. A website is the repository of all the
growth and/or has crossed two percentiles, the mother will content and tools and houses an online-scheduling system
see a pop-up box with copy suggesting that she consult her for making appointments with the professional support team.
child’s health care provider. Accuracy of measurements is The website is optimized for use on a mobile device.
not ensured, but instructions on the growth tracker will Previously, only person-to-person formats (including
include suggestions to use measurements taken at health care clinic-based, group education-based, and home-based) have
provider visits so this tool can be used to review a child’s been utilized in interventions to promote healthy growth
progress over time at home. The goal setting tool is designed and appropriate dietary, feeding, screen time, and sleep
to assist mothers in achieving self-directed larger goals via behaviors among the 0–2-year-old population. While studies
performance of smaller tasks [76]. A menu planner allows have had some success in affecting weight status [13, 16, 18,
for the mother to plan meals for the week by accessing a 78] and behaviors [14–18, 69, 79], these person-to-person
list of nutritious meal and snack options and adding them delivery formats have limitations which make national and
to different days of the week. The menu planner can change global scale-up time consuming, resource draining, and
from infant only use to a family meal planner as the infant potentially less effective. Clinic-based interventions can be
transitions to family foods as a way to prompt parents to limited by lack of provider time [24, 80–82], inadequate
model healthy eating for their child during family meals and provider training in nutrition counseling [24–26], and beliefs
to ensure continued provision of nutrient dense meals and that public health education is not part of the provider’s scope
snacks to the child [77]. Noninteractive, printable tools are of work [24, 25, 27]. Group education settings have been
available as well including a breastfeeding tracker, diaper plagued by low attendance either due to lack of transportation
tracker, and taste tracker (to track number of exposures to and childcare [28, 29] or inability to coordinate schedules
new foods and baby’s reactions). around work or school [19, 29]. Finally, while home-based
interventions, usually consisting of a trained nurse visiting
3.6. Sequence of Educational Content Delivery. Based on the the family home, are the most intensive intervention delivery
anticipatory guidance framework [67], a sequential and antic- method, they also require the most resources including
ipatory timing of delivery was incorporated. The educational hiring, training, and supervising a large staff plus travel costs
content and tools are delivered approximately every two for individual home visits. Thus, scale-up would entail a
months for a total of 13 intervention modules known as high cost in order to overcome these limitations and achieve
“Building Blocks.” Building Blocks are delivered during the sufficient coverage, dose, and fidelity needed to maintain
third trimester of pregnancy, soon after birth, and every 2 effectiveness of the intervention.
months thereafter until the child is 22 months of age. At Digital-based interventions are likely to be an effective
enrollment in the intervention, future Building Blocks are and acceptable alternative for the target population.
locked from viewing until the child reaches the appropriate Digital-based interventions have been effective for behavior
Journal of Obesity 7

modification in adult populations including interventions as sociocultural groups and geographical locations. When
targeting diet, physical activity, and weight [83–86]. Utiliza- reviewing the potential mediators of target behaviors, we
tion of theory and behavior change techniques also enhances included literature to capture a range of demographics,
their effectiveness [73, 86, 87]. Although several digital-based including specific subpopulations such as low income, WIC
interventions have targeted this population of parents and participants, and/or predominantly minority groups. The
child, only one has explicitly focused on prevention of thorough review allowed us to identify those mediators which
overweight in 0–2-year-old children. Denney-Wilson et tended to be generalizable to all groups, and we focused
al. are currently testing a website and smartphone app- our priority messaging around such mediators. Indeed, much
based intervention to improve infant feeding and parenting of the research findings were generalizable to most groups.
behaviors among socioeconomically disadvantaged parents However, research findings that were too specific to a partic-
of infants aged 0–9 months in Australia [88]. Interventions ular group were not included in final content. We maintained
have addressed breastfeeding [89, 90], newborn care [90, 91], scientific accuracy of the content, by prefacing in the copy
parenting [90], maternal fruit and vegetable consumption which population group was in the study. Finally, all photos
[92], and toddler safety [93]. Digital-based education is also on the website and emails were purposively selected to depict
used in national maternal and child health programs such as a diverse population. for the Supplemental Nutrition Many studies target specific subpopulations of inter-
Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) [94] and est for a variety of factors including potential to benefit,
the Text4Baby program [95] in the United States and the research based on social welfare programs, and other existing
Hello World email-based program in Netherlands [96, 97]. relationships established with that population. Childhood
General media trends indicate rapid, consolidated move- obesity studies have often focused and continue to focus on
ment towards use of digital over print. As of January 2014, subpopulations such as low income families [58, 102–106],
ninety-seven percent of adults in the US aged 18–29 and 93% particular racial/ethnic groups [102, 107–109], and children
of adults aged 30–49 were internet users [98]. Eighty-five with overweight/obese mothers [59, 106, 110]. Healthy growth
percent of 18–29-year-old adults own smartphones, and more is important for all populations, and problems with over-
African Americans and Hispanic Americans own smart- weight and obesity affect all race/ethnicities and socioeco-
phones than White Americans demonstrating that this trend nomic groups. Scalability will require generalizability beyond
reaches multiple sectors of the population [99]. Internet was previously studied subpopulations. New interventions will
the only media (including magazines, newspapers, TV, radio, need to be developed with generalizability in mind and
internet, email, and cell phone) which women increased their tested among the broader population such as our nutrition
use of after becoming mothers [31]. Additionally, mothers guidance system. However, cultural appropriateness will also
spend twice as much time online as the general population be assessed using process measures as the intervention is
[31]. rolled out and evaluated.
Research also points to greater parenting-related and This multicomponent nutrition guidance system, based
health information seeking online further indicating likely on its core characteristics, also has the capacity for dissem-
acceptance of the digital format. More than half of mothers ination to global contexts where undernutrition is prevalent.
surveyed sought parenting-related information from digital The rates of undernutrition remain high and the rates of
sources [31], and 76% said that they look up parenting advice obesity are rising in low and middle income countries (LMIC)
monthly or more often on their mobile device or tablet [2]. The core messages targeting modifiable factors associated
[30]. Previous studies have found that younger mothers, with obesity in essence support optimal growth, and many
especially first-time mothers, are more likely than older and are comparable to the infant and young child feeding (IYCF)
experienced mothers to use and trust the internet to find practices targeted for prevention of undernutrition. The
pregnancy, parenting, and health information [32, 74, 100]. rising obesity rates, potentially due to the nutrition transition
Lower income, single mothers may have greater online health and greater urbanization of LMIC, demand incorporation
information seeking behaviors because they may be more of physical activity, avoidance of sedentary behaviors, and
isolated and without family to provide support [74]. adequate sleep into the global framework for achieving
A well-designed digital intervention has the potential to optimal child nutrition and development [2, 111]. To mod-
be cost-effective compared to other delivery formats. The ify these behaviors, the identification of context specific
likelihood that our digital-based nutrition guidance system mediators is the universal characteristic rather than any
is effective at engaging this demographic and achieving mediators themselves as context specific messages will likely
behavioral adoption is high. Additionally, the bulk of the cost enhance behavioral adoption more than general messages
comes from the development of the digital system, which are [112, 113]. Theory-based interventions are not common in
nonrecurring, thereby leaving only minimal costs related to global IYCF interventions but have shown success when used
maintenance as the intervention is scaled up and new users [114, 115]. Therefore this system will greatly contribute to the
are added [101]. small evidence base of theory-based interventions in LMIC.
Digital-based interventions are becoming more feasible with
3.8. Generalizability to Diverse Audiences. The target audi- rising penetration of mobile and mobile broadband use
ence for this nutrition guidance system is first-time mothers in LMIC [116–118] and hold promise for greater coverage
in the United States. This system is intended to be applicable and cost effectiveness similar to other mobile health efforts
for a wide-range of income and educational levels as well [119–123]. Lastly, this system delivers education only, which
8 Journal of Obesity

means that there will be neither reliance on sustainable 4. Conclusion

delivery of a product nor any violation of the International
Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. Ultimately, this A multicomponent nutrition guidance system designed and
multicomponent nutrition guidance system, due to this set implemented as described constitutes a comprehensive inter-
of core characteristics, has a unique opportunity to address vention approach to address modifiable factors associated
a majority of nutrition priorities found in LMIC and other with early onset of childhood obesity and promote optimal
growth. The rigorous method by which it was designed incor-
global contexts.
porates best practices for intervention, and this thorough
description allows new users to adapt the system as necessary.
3.9. Strengths and Limitations. The final set of characteristics
The digital delivery format offers a cost-effective means to
for this multicomponent nutrition guidance system repre-
deliver the intervention in a manner that fits within the
sents the strengths in the intervention design. First, the target
lifestyle of new mothers. Upon successful evaluation with an
behaviors are scientifically based on the most current under-
adequately designed clinical trial, this system can be scaled
standing of potentially modifiable behaviors associated with
up to the proportions necessary to affect real and sustainable
childhood obesity and their underlying mediators. Second, change in the goal to promote healthy nutrition and growth
the intervention has a theoretical foundation in the Social in the first 1000 days.
Cognitive Theory, Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief
Theory, anticipatory guidance, and motivational interview-
ing. Third, the educational content and tools are delivered in Competing Interests
a developmentally appropriate and sequential order. Fourth,
The authors declare that there are no competing interests
the system is designed to engage a broad audience to ensure
related to the publication of this paper.
maximum applicability and scalability. Fifth, the delivery
vehicles are digital which reflects the current communication
and media trends and offers potential for greater cost effec- Acknowledgments
tiveness. Lastly, the system and its characteristics are designed
The authors would like to acknowledge their academic
to be generalizable for opportunities to disseminate to other
advisors for their thoughtful review and contributions to the
global contexts.
design of the multicomponent nutrition guidance system:
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guidance system was the lack of formative research and pilot and Elsie Taveras, M.D. and M.P.H. The authors would also
testing to guide the development of the intervention. The like to recognize members of the Nestlé intervention content
thorough review of the qualitative literature and existing development team including Cathie Squatrito, M.S. and R.D.,
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