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Bélanger et al.

BMC Public Health (2016) 16:313

DOI 10.1186/s12889-016-2973-5


A multilevel intervention to increase

physical activity and improve healthy
eating and physical literacy among young
children (ages 3-5) attending early
childcare centres: the Healthy Start-Départ
Santé cluster randomised controlled trial
study protocol
Mathieu Bélanger1,2,3, Louise Humbert4, Hassan Vatanparast5, Stéphanie Ward1,2, Nazeem Muhajarine6,
Amanda Froehlich Chow4, Rachel Engler-Stringer6, Denise Donovan2, Natalie Carrier7 and Anne Leis6*

Background: Childhood obesity is a growing concern for public health. Given a majority of children in many countries
spend approximately 30 h per week in early childcare centers, this environment represents a promising setting for
implementing strategies to foster healthy behaviours for preventing and controlling childhood obesity. Healthy
Start-Départ Santé was designed to promote physical activity, physical literacy, and healthy eating among preschoolers.
The objectives of this study are to assess the effectiveness of the Healthy Start-Départ Santé intervention in improving
physical activity levels, physical literacy, and healthy eating among preschoolers attending early childcare centers.
Methods/Design: This study follows a cluster randomized controlled trial design in which the childcare centers are
randomly assigned to receive the intervention or serve as usual care controls. The Healthy Start-Départ Santé
intervention is comprised of interlinked components aiming to enable families and educators to integrate physical
activity and healthy eating in the daily lives of young children by influencing factors at the intrapersonal, interpersonal,
organizational, community, physical environment and policy levels. The intervention period, spanning 6-8 months, is
preceded and followed by data collections. Participants are recruited from 61 childcare centers in two Canadian
provinces, New Brunswick and Saskatchewan. Centers eligible for this study have to prepare and provide meals for
lunch and have at least 20 children between the ages of 3 and 5. Centers are excluded if they have previously received
a physical activity or nutrition promoting intervention. Eligible centers are stratified by province, geographical location
(urban or rural) and language (English or French), then recruited and randomized using a one to one protocol for each
stratum. Data collection is ongoing. The primary study outcomes are assessed using accelerometers (physical activity
levels), the Test of Gross Motor Development-II (physical literacy), and digital photography-assisted weighted plate
waste (food intake).
(Continued on next page)

* Correspondence:
Department of Community Health & Epidemiology, College of Medicine,
University of Saskatchewan Health Sciences E Wing, 104 Clinic Place,
Saskatoon, SK S7N 2Z4, Canada
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2016 Bélanger et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
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Bélanger et al. BMC Public Health (2016) 16:313 Page 2 of 10

(Continued from previous page)

Discussion: The multifaceted approach of Healthy Start-Départ Santé positions it well to improve the physical literacy
and both dietary and physical activity behaviors of children attending early childcare centers. The results of this study
will be of relevance given the overwhelming prevalence of overweight and obesity in children worldwide.
Trial registration: NCT02375490 ( registry).
Keywords: Childhood obesity, physical activity, physical literacy, food intake, eating habits, preschool, population
health intervention

Background two outcomes, while the most successful interventions

Childhood obesity is one of the greatest challenges fa- positively influenced factors such as knowledge, abilities
cing public health in the 21st century [1–3]. Weight in and competence. According to the authors, this means
early childhood closely predicts weight in later childhood that interventions should be grounded in comprehensive
[4–6] and children under six who are obese are at four behaviour change models, be multifaceted and sustained
times more at risk of becoming obese adults than normal over time [35]. Few interventions focused on physical ac-
weight children [7, 8]. Further, being overweight during tivity and eating behaviours simultaneously, therefore fu-
childhood increases the likelihood to have compromised ture interventions should target both behaviours [36]. It
emotional, psychological and social well-being [9]. can be concluded that interventions promoting healthy
Many factors come together to produce obesity, but it weights in children should encompass a broad spectrum
is primarily due to an imbalance between energy intake of concerted actions and be based on best available
and energy expenditure [10]. Eating habits are estab- knowledge from research and practice [16, 37].
lished early in childhood and usually persist for many Healthy Start-Départ Santé, a multilevel intervention
years [11]. Data show that only 29 % of Canadian pre- that targets physical activity, physical literacy, and healthy
school aged children meet recommendations for fruit eating in preschoolers, was developed following these
and vegetable intake and 23 % for grain products [12]. principles. The aim of the current study is to lead a com-
Further, 79 % of 4-5 year olds consume food of little nu- prehensive evaluation of the Healthy Start-Départ Santé
tritional value (e.g., chips, french fries, candy, chocolate, intervention using an experimental research design.
soft drinks, cake and cookies) at least once a week [12]
and other studies have demonstrated that empty calories The intervention
are making up as much as 40 % of their total caloric in- Healthy Start-Départ Santé uses a population health ap-
take [13, 14]. Similarly, a recent review found that chil- proach to promoting physical activity and healthy eating
dren in early childcare centers (ECC) have low levels of among English- and French-speaking preschoolers be-
physical activity, and that they are sedentary for much of tween 3–5 years old who attend ECCs (e.g., licenced child-
the time [15]. It was estimated that children in childcare cares or preschools). The population health approach
settings accumulate an average of only 7 to 13 min of posits that to positively influence population-level health
moderate to vigorous physical activity during the course outcomes, interventions must take into account the wide
of a 7 h day [16]. Moreover, recent data show that many range of health determinants [38], recognise the import-
of them have poor physical literacy [17–21]. These data ance and complexity of potential interplay among these
are troubling given that sedentary state and physical ac- determinants, and reduce social and material inequities
tivity levels track over time [22–26]. [39]. Further, they must rely on best evidence available,
Interventions designed to improve the physical activity stimulate intersectoral collaborations, and provide oppor-
and nutrition of preschoolers are needed to prevent and tunities for all potential stakeholders to be meaningfully
control childhood obesity [1, 27–29]. Since more than engaged from the onset to their deployment [39]. Several
half of Canadian preschoolers spend an average of 29 h models based on the population health approach have
a week in ECC [30], this environment is a prime setting been developed to steer interventions [40–42] and, similar
for implementing an array of strategies to foster healthy to ecological models [43], they call for interventions to in-
behaviours [31–36]. However, two systematic reviews on clude a series of concerted actions capable of targeting all
obesity prevention in children under 5 years, one on in- levels of influence such as the intrapersonal (biological
terventions [35] the other on preventive policies, prac- and psychological), interpersonal (social and cultural),
tice and interventions in ECC [36], reported limited organizational, community, physical environment and pol-
success in improving physical activity levels, dietary be- itical levels. Healthy Start-Départ Santé includes strategies
haviour, or body composition. The authors suggest that for each level of influence. Supported by local funding,
the least successful interventions focused only on one or and then by Phase I of the Public Health Agency of
Bélanger et al. BMC Public Health (2016) 16:313 Page 3 of 10

Canada Innovation Strategy (2008-2012), Healthy Start- composed of six interlinked components which are pre-
Départ Santé was developed by researchers, community sented in more detail in Fig. 1. These components
groups, educators, parents, and government representa- include: 1) intersectoral partnerships conducive to par-
tives, pilot tested, and adapted to diverse contexts. In par- ticipatory action that leads to promoting healthy weights
ticular, Healthy Start-Départ Santé was linguistically and in communities and ECC; 2) the Healthy Start-Départ
culturally adapted to cater to both official linguistic groups Santé implementation manual for educators on how to
in Canada, which is important since it has been docu- integrate healthy eating and physical activity in their
mented that to be effective, interventions must be tailored centre; 3) customized training, role modelling and moni-
and implemented using several different socio-linguistic toring of Healthy Start-Départ Santé in ECC; 4) the
perspectives as befitting the target population [44]. evidence-based resource, LEAP-GRANDIR [16], which
The mission of Healthy Start-Départ Santé is to en- contains material for both families and educators; 5)
courage and enable families and educators to integrate supplementary resources from governmental partners;
physical activity and healthy eating in the daily lives of and 6) a knowledge development and exchange (KDE),
young children. Specifically, Healthy Start-Départ Santé and communication strategy involving social media and
attempts to influence factors at the intrapersonal (e.g., web-resources to raise awareness and mobilize grassroots
eating and physical activity behaviour of children), inter- organizations and communities. Healthy Start-Départ
personal (e.g., educators and parents), organizational Santé is delivered over 6-8 months and includes a part-
(e.g., ECC), community (e.g., community organization nership agreement, an initial training session which ori-
involvement), physical environment and political levels ents ECC staff to the concepts, the implementation
(e.g., built environment and policies). The intervention is manual and the use of resources, on-going support and

Fig. 1 Healthy Start components

Bélanger et al. BMC Public Health (2016) 16:313 Page 4 of 10

monitoring over time, one tailored booster session, and ethics approval from Health Canada, the University of
a family day to celebrate the ECC’ success at the end of Saskatchewan, and the Université de Sherbrooke.
the intervention.
Target population and sampling
Participants for the Healthy Start-Départ Santé project
Study objectives
are recruited from 61 French and English ECCs in two
It is hypothesized that, in comparison to usual practice,
Canadian provinces: New Brunswick and Saskatchewan.
exposure to the Healthy Start-Départ Santé intervention
Province-specific recruitment and data collection are
will lead to improved opportunities for physical activity
carried through a study coordinating center established
and healthy eating hence to increased physical activity
in each province. Both coordinating centers follow the
and healthier eating among children. The specific study
same protocols. Specifically, a registry of all licenced
objectives are to assess whether:
ECCs in both provinces is obtained. From this list we ex-
clude any ECC which has already received a physical ac-
1. The Healthy Start-Départ Santé intervention leads
tivity or nutrition promoting intervention in the past.
to increases in opportunities for physical activity and
This avoids underestimating the effect of the Healthy
healthy eating in ECC through improved knowledge,
Start-Départ Santé intervention. To be included in the
attitudes and self-efficacy of the educators and
study, an ECC has to prepare and provide meals for
lunch. This is required for assessing the quality of foods
2. The Healthy Start-Départ Santé intervention leads
being served and for measuring nutritional intake. For
to increases in physical activity levels and healthy
feasibility and efficiency reasons, the number of children
eating behaviors among preschoolers, in turn
attending the ECC also serves as an exclusion criterion;
promoting healthy weights;
centers with less than 20 children between the ages of 3
3. The Healthy Start-Départ Santé intervention leads
and 5 are not considered. Information on these criteria
to improvements in physical literacy among
is obtained from governmental partners or through a
brief telephone administered questionnaire. In order to
obtain a final sample of at least 735 children, we esti-
Methods/Design mated that a minimum of 15 children aged 3 to 5 would
Study design need to be recruited in 62 ECCs. A minimum of 20 chil-
The Healthy Start-Départ Santé evaluation follows a de- dren per center was established to account for a 60 %
layed cluster randomized controlled trial design in which participation rate (Recruiting 60 % of eligible children in
the ECCs are randomly assigned to receive the interven- 62 ECCs would give a total of approximately 744 partici-
tion or serve as usual practice controls. The intervention pants). Despite planned measures to minimize losses to
spans a period of 6–8 months. This period is both pre- follow-up, this issue is inevitable in a longitudinal study
ceded and followed by data collections (Fig. 2). Control of this nature. Based on pilot work, we anticipate an at-
sites are given the option of receiving the intervention trition rate of approximately 5 %, which will provide ad-
once their participation in the evaluation has been com- equate statistical power to conduct the planned analyses.
pleted. Data collection takes place over three years, such The target of 735 children was based on estimates that
that approximately a third of ECCs recruited will complete 700 (735 - 5 %) participants divided into two groups of
the study each year. This study protocol received 350 participants will provide 80 % power to detect a

Fig. 2 Data collection timeline for the Healthy Start study

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10 % between-group difference in outcome considering for five consecutive weekdays. Accelerometers represent
a within-group standard deviation of 40 %, α = 0.05, an objective and valid method of measuring physical ac-
intra-class correlation of 0.02, and collinearity between tivity in preschoolers [48–50]. The Actical, an omnidir-
the intervention and other explanatory variables expressed ectional accelerometer, was demonstrated to have higher
by an estimated multiple correlation of 0.15. intra- and inter-instrument reliability than other accelerom-
For recruiting purposes, the ECCs are stratified ac- eters [51]. It correlates at r = 0.89 with directly measured
cording to province, geographical location (urban and oxygen consumption [50]. For this study, accelerometer
rural) [45] and their respective school district (English data are recorded in 15 s intervals. Data will be cleaned and
or French) (Fig. 3). This stratification process ensures managed using the procedure recommended by Statistic
relatively homogenous strata for comparisons, since cur- Canada [52, 53] through a series of publicly available SAS
riculum can differ between ECCs under different district codes adapted for this type of study [54].
authorities and that the ECC environment can be influ- Educators’ physical activity levels are measured with pe-
enced by its geographical location [46, 47]. Once stratifi- dometers (New Lifestyles SW-200 DIGI-WALKER). The
cation is completed, eligible ECCs are randomly selected SW-200 pedometers, commonly used in applied research,
through a sequence generated using Stata SE statistical have consistently shown to be among the most accurate at
software (StataCorp, College Station, TX) according to counting steps in controlled laboratory settings [55, 56],
the above-mentioned strata. Given the large area Sas- and have demonstrated acceptable reliability in real-life
katchewan represents (652 000 km2), it was decided to settings [57]. Educators are given a log in which to record
carry the study with selected ECCs in the central region the number of steps taken each day during work at the
in year 1, and in the South and central-North in years 2 ECC for the same five consecutive weekdays.
and 3. Selected ECC are contacted, provided with infor-
mation, and invited to participate in the project. Subse- Physical literacy
quently, ECC directors are telephoned to answer their Physical literacy and gross motor skills of children are
questions and to confirm their participation while secur- measured using the Test of Gross Motor Development
ing the parents’ board support. The recruited ECC are (TGMD-II). The TGMD-II is a standardized test de-
then sent consent forms. Centres which decline partici- signed to assess the gross motor functioning of children
pation or with fewer than five children recruited are re- aged 3 through 10 years [58]. It evaluates two subtests of
placed by other randomly selected ECC from the same skills: locomotor (run, hop, gallop, leap, horizontal jump
stratum. Once the ECC provides final consent, it is ran- and slide) and object control (ball skills such as striking
domly allocated to the intervention or usual practice a stationary ball, stationary dribble, catch, kick, overhand
(control) arm. A one to one randomization protocol is throw, and underhand roll). Of the 12 skills included in
applied to each stratum. Invitation packages describing the TGMD-II, three (slide, striking with a stationary ball
the study and seeking parental consent are sent to par- and stationary dribble) are not assessed as they were
ents of all age-eligible children. ECCs return completed found particularly difficult and rarely performed ad-
parental consent forms to the provincial coordinating equately by children under six years in pilot work. This
centres. Following recruitment of one ECC and its chil- was decided in concertation with developers of the
dren in the usual practice arm, it was found that it had TGMD-II. Each child is videotaped while completing the
the same director and shared staff with a nearby ECC skills. Videos are then reviewed by trained researchers
that had been recruited in the intervention arm. Given who score two trials for each subtest. Moderate to
the risk for contamination was regarded as being certain strong correlations were reported between the TGMD-II
in this situation, the two ECC are considered as one and the Comprehensive Scales of Student Abilities, and
intervention arm ECC, which explains the final sample an inter-rater correlation coefficient of 0.98 indicate
of 61 ECC enrolled in the study. good test-retest reliability [58].

Main outcome measures Quality of food served to children

To assess the objectives specified earlier, each of the Menus and recipes for mixed dishes are collected from
measures below is administered to participants in the each ECC. From these, the types and amounts of meals
intervention group before and after the intervention and snacks served are recorded. Information on food
period. The measures are administered at the same provided is standardized in terms of category and food
times to participants in the control group. group as well as number and portion size served.

Physical activity level Food consumed by children

Children’s physical activity levels are obtained using an Food intake in ECCs is assessed using the digital
Actical accelerometer worn during attendance of ECC photography-weighted plate waste method on two
Bélanger et al. BMC Public Health (2016) 16:313 Page 6 of 10

Fig. 3 Flow diagram of selection and randomisation process for the Healthy Start study.
Bélanger et al. BMC Public Health (2016) 16:313 Page 7 of 10

consecutive days. Food consumed is measured by weigh- practices, menus and variety, education and professional
ing each food served to participants with a digital scale development, policy) and 5 components of physical activ-
that was manually calibrated (inStyle, 16 × 22 × 1.5 cm, ity (30 items assessing: time provided, indoor and outdoor
Home Hardware Stores Limited, Canada, 2009) and sim- play environment, educator practices, education and pro-
ultaneously taking a digital picture of the food, and the fessional development, policy) [70]. Each item is attributed
plate ware on which it was served, with an “ASUS Memo a score between 0 and 3 points. The NAP SACC is filled
Pad HD7” (ME173X model, Android US, China, 2013). out independently by two research assistants in each ECC
Any leftovers of those foods are then weighed and pic- over the course of 2 consecutive days. Differences in item
tured again at the end of the meal. This is done for every scores are discussed between research assistants, who then
serving. Pictures are taken at a distance of 62 cm and at a come to a consensus. NAP SACC showed excellent
45° angle [59]. This method has been extensively used in inter-rater reliability with 65 % of items having 100 %
studies of school-aged children [60–62] and is considered agreement and all other items having agreement scores
the most precise measurement of dietary intake [63, 64]. exceeding 71 %.
Digital photography has recently been used to characterize Knowledge, attitudes, practices and self-efficacy of
meals served and consumed at pre-schools and it is corre- educators and directors is measured through a self-
lated at 0.92 (p < 0.0001) with the weighing method [59]. administered questionnaire. The educator questionnaire
Information on amount of calories, various food groups, collects information on educator practices related to nu-
macronutrients, vitamins and minerals consumed is de- trition (12 items, e.g., role modelling healthy food choices)
rived by subtracting the weight of leftover of a given food and physical activity (6 items, e.g., incorporating physical
from the weight served. For foods containing multiple activity into classroom routines and transitions) [68], on
food groups, trained research assistants used the pictures their self-perceived knowledge of fundamental movement
to estimate the proportion of food group consumed. This skills (4 items, e.g., level of knowledge of activities that
step is assisted by the Food Processor nutritional analysis incorporate motor skills in the daily activities of pre-
software (Food Processor, Esha version 10.10.00). schoolers), on their self-efficacy (e.g., rate your level of
confidence in …) to promote physical activity (1 item),
Eating habits and nutritional risks and to teach fundamental movement skills (1 item) [71, 72].
The Nutrition Screening Tool for Every Preschooler Educators also provide information on their physical
(NutriSTEP), designed and validated in both English and activity level through the International Physical Activity
French for 3–5 year-old Canadian children of different Questionnaire-Short form [73], food choices based on
ethnicities, is used to assess eating habits and nutrition an adapted version of the NutriStep, and sociodemo-
problems in children [65]. This screening tool consists graphic information (including their age group, level of
of 17 questions and takes parents or primary caregivers education, and the length of time that they have been
about five minutes to complete. Assessment of nutritional working as an educator).
risk using the NutriSTEP has been validated against regis-
tered dietitians’ nutrition assessments (r = 0.49, p = 0.01) Complementary measures or co-variables
[66]. Intraclass correlation of 0.89 (p < 0.001) indicates Beyond the main measures which relate directly to the
good test-retest reliability and the majority of items have a objectives, the following measures are also administered
Kappa percent of agreement ranging from adequate (κ > at the beginning and the end of the study to account for
0.5) to excellent (κ > 0.75) [66]. NutriSTEP includes a vali- potentially confounding factors in the analyses and to
dated semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire to assess secondary outcomes.
assess the usual intake of fast foods as well as the four
main food groups according Canada’s Food Guide to Sociodemographic information
Healthy Eating: fruits and vegetables, milk and alterna- Parents provide sociodemographic information through
tives, meat and alternatives, grain products. This enables a self-reported questionnaire. Questions in the question-
us to estimate the contribution of meals consumed in naire are drawn from Statistic Canada’s Canadian Com-
ECCs to the total intake of the four main food groups. munity Health Survey [74]. The questionnaire provides
information on parents’ education levels (highest level of
Early childcare centre environment education completed by each parent), family structure
Dietary and physical activity practices and policies in (number of siblings and family status) and socioeconomic
ECC are measured using items from the Nutrition and level (estimate of total family revenues, before deductions,
Physical Activity Self-Assessment of Child Care (NAP in the last 12 months). Parents also report their physical
SACC) [67–69]. The 55-items of the NAP SACC retained activity levels and food choices based on the same ques-
for this study collect information on 5 components of nu- tions as the educator questionnaire. Parents’ perception of
trition (25 items assessing: feeding environment, feeding their child’s physical activity abilities are assessed through
Bélanger et al. BMC Public Health (2016) 16:313 Page 8 of 10

4 items of the Perceptions of Physical Activity Importance each model to account for clustering that could result
and their Children’s Ability Questionnaire (PPPAICAQ) from children attending the same ECC. Potentially con-
[75]. The NutriStep questionnaire is also completed by founding variables (i.e., age, parental education, household
parents. income, etc.) will be included in the models.

Body composition Limitations

Height, weight and waist circumference of children are Educator turnover is common in ECC, meaning that
measured using a standardized protocol [76]. Two mea- new educators in centers offering the Healthy Start-
sures of height (SECA Stadiometer – Model 213) to the Départ Santé intervention may not receive the intended
nearest 0.1 cm, weight (SECA Scale – Model 761) to the training. Two elements of the intervention nevertheless
nearest 0.2 kg, and waist circumference to the nearest reduce this possibility. First, one booster session per
0.1 cm are obtained for each participant. If discrepancies centre is offered as part of the intervention to reinforce
greater than 0.5 cm for height and waist circumference or the training of educators who are there since the begin-
0.2 kg for weight are observed between the two measures, ning and to ensure that others are trained to implement
a third measure is obtained. The average of the two closest Healthy Start-Départ Santé. Second, Healthy Start-
measures is recorded. Body mass index (BMI), calculated Départ Santé is designed to be integrated into centres’
using the ratio of weight (kg) and squared height (m2) will everyday functioning so that all employees should be ex-
be used to determine if children are overweight or obese posed to it naturally. Also, children’s physical activity
by following the International Obesity Task Force age- level and dietary intake can vary from one day to the
adjusted thresholds as recommended [77]. next. This could cause the data to be non-representative
of typical behavior. Data collection over five consecutive
Training of research assistants days for physical activity and two consecutive days for
Before every data collection periods, research assistants dietary behavior will help minimise this risk.
are given a full day of training on data collection and
entry to ensure that all procedures are standardized Trial status
across sites. Research assistants are trained specifically Participant recruitment began in autumn 2013. Inter-
on how to collect anthropometric data, how to conduct vention delivery and data collection began at the same
plate waste analysis, and how to complete the environ- time and are ongoing. This trial is registered through
mental scan. They also practice all fundamental movement the registry (Clinical Trials ID =
patterns so that they can demonstrate them correctly, and NCT02375490; Protocol ID = 6282-15-2010/3381056-RSFS).
review how to properly videotape children’s movements.
Databases are also presented, and research assistants are Discussion
trained on how to enter all data collected. Provincial study Framed within the population health approach and based
coordinators oversee all aspects of data collection and data on six interlinked components, the Healthy Start-Départ
entry to ensure protocols are applied as intended. Santé study is positioned to improve the physical literacy
and both dietary and physical activity behaviours of chil-
Data analysis dren attending ECC. The results of this study will be of
As a first step, each variable distribution will be exam- particular relevance given the overwhelming prevalence of
ined in order to manage obvious errors such as outliers overweight and obesity in children worldwide, especially
or questionable input. If necessary, appropriate transfor- in North America. The current study has numerous
mations will be applied. If there are systematic missing strengths, including the use of a randomized control trial
variables, these will be filled using multiple imputation design, longitudinal follow up, objective measures of
methods. After the initial data cleaning and processing, the main outcomes, and a population-based sample
descriptive analyses will be used to characterise the two with sufficient subjects. In addition to a rigorous scien-
groups of participants and their context. tific approach, Healthy Start-Départ Santé is culturally
Analyses of the main study objectives will adhere to the adapted for the two official linguistic groups in Canada
intention-to-treat principle. Multiple linear regression will and targets multiple levels of influence. The fact that
be used to determine if, in comparison to participants in it is based on strong multi-sectorial collaborations with a
the usual care group, participants exposed to Healthy Start- variety of stakeholders improves its feasibility and poten-
Départ Santé had greater increases in ECC-provided oppor- tial of its wide-spread implementation post-evaluation.
tunities for physical activity, ECC-provided opportunities To date, few intervention studies have applied multifa-
for healthy eating, in physical activity levels, in healthy eat- ceted methods to obesity prevention in preschoolers.
ing behaviours, and if they had greater improvements in Healthy Start-Départ Santé is among the first to capitalize
physical literacy. A multilevel approach will be used in on a combination of multiple partner involvement and
Bélanger et al. BMC Public Health (2016) 16:313 Page 9 of 10

interventions on multiple socioecological levels with over Nutrition /School of Public Health, University of Saskatchewan, 104 Clinic
6 months of follow-up in order to affect two behaviours Place, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0Z2, Canada. 6Department of Community Health &
Epidemiology, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan Health
which are fundamental causes of obesity. Sciences E Wing, 104 Clinic Place, Saskatoon, SK S7N 2Z4, Canada. 7École des
Healthy Start-Départ Santé is also well setup to enable sciences des aliments, de nutrition et d’études familiales, Faculté des
epidemiological investigations. For example, we will use sciences de la santé et des services communautaires, Université de Moncton,
18 avenue Antonine-Maillet, Moncton, NB E1A 3E9, Canada.
Healthy Start-Départ Santé data to quantify the relative
importance of different components of the population Received: 4 February 2016 Accepted: 19 March 2016
health model in explaining different levels of involve-
ment in the physical activity and the various dietary be-
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