Spatial Manager User Guide v4.0
Spatial Manager User Guide v4.0
Spatial Manager User Guide v4.0
Document Details
File: Prepared by:
Spatial Manager v. 4.0 User Guide Pano Voudouris
Manual Name: Reviewed by:
Spatial Manager User Guide Marc Kratzschmar
Version: Approved for issue by:
1.0 Colin Stewart
Date of Issue: Product Manager:
October 2006 Marc Kratzschmar
File Name:
Quality Assurance Statement ......................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Notation and symbology ............................................................................................................. 6
How selections work in Spatial Manager .................................................................................... 7
Map Management Functionality .................................................................................................. 7
Improved display of asset layers................................................................................................. 8
Integrated Gazetteer ................................................................................................................... 8
Advanced tools for editing datum layers ..................................................................................... 8
Groups of Datum Elements Form ............................................................................................... 8
Groups of Groups form ............................................................................................................... 9
Asset editing ............................................................................................................................... 9
Street Gazetteer editing .............................................................................................................. 9
Spatial Data Manager and Spatial Manager Functionality Matrix ............................................... 9
ArcView terminology ................................................................................................................. 11
The Spatial Manager User Interface .............................................................................................. 13
Spatial Manager Toolbar........................................................................................................... 13
Connecting to the database ...................................................................................................... 15
Using the Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... 17
exor Groups tab ........................................................................................................................ 17
Exor Extents Tab ...................................................................................................................... 26
Searching for records using the Search/Add Dialog ................................................................. 29
Using Spatial Manager Forms ...................................................................................................... 32
Forms Navigation ...................................................................................................................... 32
Drop-down list fields.................................................................................................................. 32
Setting Preferences ...................................................................................................................... 34
General Preferences ................................................................................................................. 34
Displaying network and asset data ............................................................................................... 36
Adding network layers to the map............................................................................................. 37
Adding the Nodes Layer to the map.......................................................................................... 37
Adding Asset Layers to the map ............................................................................................... 37
Adding Exor themes to the map................................................................................................ 37
Set Active Date ......................................................................................................................... 38
Displaying Projected Data......................................................................................................... 38
Retrieving information about your data........................................................................................ 40
Find Records Using the Query Dialog....................................................................................... 41
Select Exor Features tool.......................................................................................................... 41
Displaying Record Attributes..................................................................................................... 42
Using the Identify tool ............................................................................................................... 43
Using the LRM Tool .................................................................................................................. 44
Using the Locate LRM Tool....................................................................................................... 46
Shape Properties tool ............................................................................................................... 47
Zoom to XY ............................................................................................................................... 47
Editing Datum Network Elements ................................................................................................. 50
Creating new datum elements ...................................................................................................... 51
Edit Tools .................................................................................................................................. 54
Copy Trace Settings ..................................................................................................................... 57
Defining the matching columns ................................................................................................. 57
Attribute Transfer .......................................................................................................................... 62
Using the Attribute Transfer Settings dialog window................................................................. 62
Using the Attribute Transfer Tool .............................................................................................. 63
This chapter introduces this document and Spatial Manager, the Exor desktop
GIS-based network and asset editing environment. It also discusses
differences between Spatial Manager and Spatial Data Manager.
If you want to select features from a single layer you must specify only this
layer as 'selectable' by selecting Selection->Set Selectable layers from the
ArcMap menu. Selecting features from a single layer only, is especially useful
when creating Network Extents.
For example, when creating a Network Extent from the selected set of datum
elements, if both the datum and group layers are added to the map, then
using the select tool will select both datum AND group elements. Setting the
Group layer as 'unselectable' (unchecking the check-box next to the layer
name in the Set Selectable layers dialog) will cause only features from the
datum layer to be selected.
Another way of to have the same effect is to make the layer 'invisible' by
unchecking the check-box next to the layer name in the [Display] tab.
Integrated Gazetteer
Network Groups and Extents are displayed in a tree view next to your map at
all times so you can navigate through your network with the click of a button.
Asset editing
Create new assets by simple digitization along any route or datum element or
Edit existing ones using the Assets form.
The table below provides compares user interface controls in Spatial Data
Manager and Spatial Manager.
ArcView terminology
This topic has been adapted from the ArcGIS on-line help. For more
information about comparing ArcView GIS 3 and ArcGIS® 9.x please refer to
the ArcGIS® 9.x documentation.
The table below compares the terminology used to describe core ArcView
GIS 3 and ArcGIS® 9.x.
The Spatial Manager User
This chapter introduces provides an overview of the Spatial Data Manager
user interface.
The Spatial Manager toolbar is displayed by right clicking at the area above
themap and legend frames and selecting the Spatial Manager Toolbar from
the drop-down list. Alternatively, you can display the toolbar by selecting
[Tools]-> [Customize] from the main ArcMap menu.
Figure 1 - Select the exor Spatial Manager toolbar from ArcMap Customize Dialog
Before you can use Spatial Manager you must to connect to the database.
Clicking on the [Connect] button on the Spatial Manager menu will display
the log on dialog box. The box will contain three entries:
• User name
• Password
• DB instance
Once the required information is entered, the S menu and toolbar will
become available. The connection parameters can be saved as default using
the check-box.
Figure 3-Login dialog
When you connect, the Groups and Extents tabs will be populated.
Once connected to the database the Table of Contents to the left of the map
view is used to manage data. Table of Contents or TOC functions are
discussed in this section.
The [exor Groups] tab is added to the TOC frame in the left-hand side of the
ArcMap window and shows a tree view of network and asset hierarchies
defined in Exor Network and Asset metadata model. It also offers search
facilities. The tree view can be considered as the Spatial Manager 'engine'.
Most Spatial Manager functionality is available by right-clicking items in the
tree view. The tree view is available only after the user is logged in.
The image below shows the initial display of the [exor Groups] tab listing all
the types of Exor spatial features that can be displayed.
Use the Search Entry box and the Search button to search through the tree
view. Note that the tree view is created dynamically and therefore you can
only search for items that have already been added to the tree displayed. For
example, typing 'ABC' in the text box and clicking the binoculars button will
find any items in the tree containing OR starting with this string. Clicking
the button again will find the next entry.
Sort button
Click on this button to sort any child elements below the currently selected
tree node. Note that the button will be disabled for the top tree nodes (Base
Datum Types, Asset types, Linear Network types, Non-Linear Network types
and Exor Themes)
To refresh the tree view, right-click on an empty area and select the [Refresh]
menu option.
For example, in the image shown below for the Network Type RR Section (ID:
RR) there is a datum layer defined called CENTRE LINES. And for the
MRWA DATUM (MDAT) there is a datum layer defined called MDAT
Datum network types with no spatial representation will not be shown in the
tree view.
If the Datum Layer is being displayed in the Data View a globe icon will be
displayed next to the layer name. If the layer has not been added to the map
view the globe icon will be displayed with a red 'x'
To learn how to create new network types please refer to the Network
Types—NM0002 form
If the Group Layer is being displayed in the Data View a globe icon will be
displayed next to its name. If the layer has not been added the globe icon will
be displayed with a red 'x'
The Preferred LRM will be displayed in red when connected to the database
if one is set. If a preferred LRM is set the LRM tool will display all asset
locations against this LRM.
To learn how to create new network types please refer to the Network
Types—NM0002 form
Linear groups can be selected and added to the TOC Tree View.
Groups of datum elements are displayed with a 'route icon' next to them
Clicking on the [+] sign next a route will list its member elements.
Figure 6 – Linear group tree view detail
You can sort the list of member elements by Seq no, Unique name, SLK
(Route offset) or Description by clicking on the relevant field name.
The Non-Linear Network Types subtree contains all the Groups of Groups
and non-linear Groups of Datum elements defined in the database. Clicking
on the [+] sign next to the Non-Linear Network Types tree node will expand
the tree and list the Network Types for Groups of Groups or Groups of Datum
Elements as defined in the Network Metamodel.
To learn how to create new group types please refer to the Group Types—
NM0004 form
Click on the [+] sign next to a Network Type to reveal the group type and its
member groups. In the image shown below, COUNTY (CNTY) is the Network
Type, County (CNTY) the Group Type having as members the groups CU,
AP, AT, etc.
Right-clicking on the group type will display a context-sensitive menu with the
following options:
You can navigate through the groups of groups hierarchy down to the datum
element level by expanding the tree further.
The subtree contains all the Asset types defined in the database.
Clicking on the Asset types tree node will expand the tree to list all the Asset
Types as defined in the asset metadata.
To learn how to create new asset types please refer to the Asset
Metamodel—NM0410 form
Click on an Asset Type to expand the tree to reveal the Asset Layers defined
for the Asset Type. There are no menus defined for Asset Types.
When clicking on the [+] sign next to the Exor themes tree node the name of
the exor products you have installed will be displayed (e.g. 'Accidents
Manager'). You can then expand the tree further to reveal the layers defined
for each product. An example of the Exor Themes subtree is shown below:
Like the [exor Groups] tab, the [exor Extents] tab is part of the TOC frame in
the left-hand side of the application window. It is only available when the user
is logged in and the initial view displays a tree with all the available Network
Extents defined in the Exor database.
There are there two buttons at the bottom of the tab: [Create New Extent]
and [Create Partial Extent]. An example of the Extents Tab is shown below.
Click on the [+] sign next to the extent's name to reveal the datum elements
or Groups it consists of.
Clicking on the [+] sign next to a Datum element will display the following
• Network Type
• Total Length of Element
• Begin M & End M: The Begin and End measures of the Datum
Element belonging to the Network Extent.
If the datum element or LRM is 'wholly' contained with the extent the end
measure will always be the same as the Length value. If only a part of the
datum element or LRM is contained within the Network Extent (partial
extents) the Begin and End M values will reflect the 'chunk' of the element
that is contained within the Extent. An example is shown in the figure below.
The Show SQL button will display a window with the current SQL clause as
shown in the example below:
Remember that adding records to the tree view does not mean that they will
automatically be displayed on the map.
The Advanced Search Tab enables you to search for groups based on
multiple attributes. The top paned will display a list of all flexible attributes for
the specified groups as defined in the Network Metamodel. . Attributes
derived from a domain will be displayed as drop-down lists.
To search based on multiple attributes type in the value(s) you want to search
for and press the [Query] button to retrieve all the groups satisfying the
selection criteria.
You can then click on any of the Groups listed to select it. Keep pressing the
[Shift] button while clicking to select a range of groups. Press [Ctrl] and click
to make multiple selections.
Click on the [Add] button to add the selected groups in the tree view under the
layer name labeled by the Label field in the GIS Themes—GIS0010 form.
You can click on the [Zoom] button to zoom to the selected groups.
Spatial Manager provides a number of forms for editing your network and
asset data.
• Create new Datum Elements form
• Datum Elements form
• Group of Datum Elements form
• Group of Groups form
• Assets form
Each of these forms is divided into two frames. The top frame contains the
standard attributes for the selected network or asset object and the bottom
frame contains user-defined flexible attributes.
Forms Navigation
To set the focus in a particular field either click in the field with the mouse or
use the <Tab> button. When using the <Tab> button you will have to press
<Enter> before you start typing in the field.
To move to the next field when in the flexible attributes frame use the up or
down arrows.
Start typing it in and the list will display the first available value.
Press <Enter> to display the description for the value if one exists.
Click on the down-arrow in the right-hand side of the list to display the drop-
down list
Click on the button on the left hand side to display a separate 'Find' dialog
to search for a value using wildcards
To select a value, highlight it in the list and click on the [OK] button.
To search for a value type it in the Find text box and then click on the
'Binoculars' button. You can also use wildcards. For example, typing 'High%'
will return all values starting with this string as shown in the screenshot
above. Note that you can search on either the 'Code' or the 'Meaning' fields.
If you type in an incorrect entry an error message will be displayed like the
one shown below:
Setting Preferences
You can open the [Preferences] dialog window from exor Menu->Preferences.
Use this dialog window to change various application options. It is divided
into four tabs:
• General
• Snapping
• Logging
• Live Update
General Preferences
Figure 12-General Preferences tab
Highlight Color
Controls the color network elements will be displayed when you zoom to them
from the Groups Tree
Zoom Buffer
This is the additional extent that the map will zoom to when selecting the
Zoom functions from the Groups or Extents Tab. A Zoom Buffer of 0% will
cause the map to zoom at exactly the geometry's extent. A Zoom Buffer of
100% will cause the map to zoom to an extent double the size of the
Logging Preferences
Figure 13-Logging tab
Using this tab you can enable error logging and set the path and filename of
the error log. By default the error log file is named SpatialManager.err and is
located under the <Spatial Manager_install_folder>\Logs folder. For support
purposes it is strongly recommended to always have error logging enabled.
Displaying network and
asset data
This chapter discusses the map display of asset and network records in
Spatial Manager. It is divided into the following sections:
• Adding network layers to the map
• Adding the Nodes Layer to the map
• Adding Asset Layers to the map
• Adding Exor themes to the map
• Set Active Date
• Displaying Projected Data
To add a network layer to the map (this applies to datum, linear and non-
linear network layers):
• Right-click on the layer name in the tree view to bring the context
• Select Display Layer
The node layer contains the spatial representation of all the start and end
nodes for a specified datum network type. To display the network nodes for a
datum layer:
• From the [exor Groups] tab, select the [Base Datum Types] node and
click the [+] icon to expand the tree.
• Right-click on the layer name
• Select [Add Network Nodes] option from the popup menu
• The nodes layer will be added to your map.
Select the [Asset Types] node from the [exor Groups] tab and click the [+]
icon to expand the tree.
All available Asset types defined in the system will be listed. If you have the
required privileges for the Asset Type a [+] sign will be displayed next to the
Asset name. Click on the [+] sign to reveal the spatial layer defined for this
asset type.
Right-click on the layer name and click the [Display Layer] option.
The asset layer will be displayed in your map.
All features are shown on the map as they were or will be on the selected
active date. The default active date is the current date. You can use the in-
built calendar from the Spatial Manager toolbar to select different dates to
view the database. The Calendar will always indicate the selected Active
If the active date is not the current date all network editing tools except the
undo button will be disabled. Both the Groups and Extents tab in the TOC
frame will reflect the effective date e.g. a group will only be displayed in the
Groups tree if it has been created on or after the effective date.
Spatial Manager will normally display layers in the same coordinate reference
system as they are maintained in the Exor database. You can view data in
other projections in order to view it together with other spatial data or so that
you do not have to use degree measures for data stored in geographic
coordinate reference systems.
There are two ways to change the projection used by the map window. One
is to add a first spatial layer to the map that has an established projection.
The Spatial Manager data frame will automatically be set to the coordinate
reference system of the first data set that is added. This will establish the
coordinates and map units.
The other is to use the projection tab in the Data Frame Properties form to
select a Coordinate System.
Figure ?? – The Coordinate System tab in the Data Frame Properties form
Select [Data Frame Properties] from the [View] Menu to open the Data Frame
Properties form.
Retrieving information
about your data
This chapter describes ways to use Spatial Manager to interact with and get
information about the data in the Exor database. It consists of the following
• Find Records Using the Query Dialog
• Seeing Record Atrributes
• Using the Identify Tool
• Using the LRM Tool
• Using the Locate LRM Tool
• Shape Properties Tool
• Zoom to XY
The Query dialog is accessible in the context-menus for Datum, Group and
Asset layers.
The dialog displays all the flexible attributes in their corresponding user-
defined names as defined in the inventory and network metadata models.
The Select Exor Features tool has been added to Spatial Manager to enable
users to select and zoom to records like streets that consist of more than one
spatial feature, including non linear network elements.
To use the tool first select a layer from exor Groups tree. Then click on the
Select Exor Features tool. The tool will not work for any other layer, and will
allow you to select features only from the selected layer. If the selected layer
is a group layer then the tool selects all the members of the group that the
selected features belong to. If you select a single route, then the function
works on the parent. When the tool is deactivated then the layer's previous
selectable state is restored.
You can select features with the tool either by clicking on the feature or
dragging a rectangle, in which cased the tool will select all the features within
the area of the rectangle.
If you have the shift key pressed then the tool will append the new selection
to the existing one, and not create a new selection.
If you have Ctrl Key pressed then the tool will zoom to the selected features.
The Exor Select Features tool behaves differently for different record types:
• Datum Network Elements
• Assets
• Linear Groups
• Non Linear Groups
If the selected record is if an Asset Type selected then the Exor Select
Features tool will select only the assets of that type that are clicked on or are
within the dragged rectangle (as long as the layer is set to be visible).
You can open a form showing the attributes of one or more selected records
by right-clicking on the layer name for the record in the Table of Contents and
selecting the [Attributes] option from the popup menu (as long as at least one
network element or asset has been selected in the map). Depending on the
type of layer you select you can display the attributes form for:
• Datums (see the Datum Elements Form topic)
• Groups of Datum Elements (see the Group of Datum Elements Form
• Groups of Groups (see the Group of Groups form topic)
• Assets (see the Asset Attributes form topic)
If an asset type has been defined as a ‘Foreign Table’ (i.e. it is based on data
from an external database), the [Attributes] option for this asset type will
display a read-only view of the attributes for the foreign table asset. An
example is shown below:
To use it, click on the tool and then select one or more network elements or
assets and the identify window will open.
The identify tool window will display attribute information for all network or
asset layers.
The LRM tool enables you to click on a datum element or a linear group
shape, and retrieve the offsets at that location defined in the different LRMs
used. The LRM tool window displays the LRM locations using a tree structure.
An example is shown in the illustration below:
Right-clicking on the offset value will display the following options in the
context-sensitive menu:
This is the reverse functionality of the LRM tool and enables you to zoom to
part of a route. The option is accessible from the context-sensitive menu for
Linear Groups.
The data grid in the lower panel will display the Route Name, Min and Max
Measure values of the route and the 'From' and 'To' measure values you
entered. Highlight the route and right-click on it. A drop-down menu will
display with the following options:
The left panel of the dialog displays the number of parts in the shape. The
right panel will list the X, Y and M coordinates of each of the shape’s vertices.
Click inside the left panel and use the up and down arrows to loop through the
vertices of the shape. A green rectangle will appear along the shape
representing the selected vertex.
Zoom to XY
Use the [Zoom to XY] tool to center the Spatial Manager map on a
The values will default to the current map center. Click the [OK] button, to pan
to the input coordinates at the current scale. You can also add markers at the
current coordinates by clicking on the [Add Marker] check-box. This will
expand the dialog and will display a list with some additional buttons to
manage your markers. You can use markers to pinpoint a point of interest or
use them to digitize a new datum between two known locations.
A number of tools buttons to the right of the list of markers are described
Editing Datum Network
This chapter discusses the editing of datum network elements using Spatial
To create a new datum element, select the Datum Element Type in the Table
of Contents and click on the [Create New Element] button in the Spatial
Manager toolbar. This will cause the Create New Element dialog to be
displayed. You can now use various Edit tools to create the new element.
Note that the Create New dialog will be automatically minimized while
digitizing the new datum. If you are using the free-hand draw tool to
digitize the element you can press <Ctrl> when you double-click to
finish digitization and restore the Create New dialog window.
Clicking on the create New Feature button will create a temporary shapefile
called exor_edit_layer.shp in the user's $TEMP folder. The shapefile will be
used to store the new features geometries until the user commits the
If the new datum element intersects an existing one, the system will detect
this and will ask you whether you want to continue:
Use any standard ArcGIS editing functionality when creating a new element:
For example, you can either digitize the element free-hand or copy (trace) it
from selected features on a different or the same layer. Any linear layer can
be used for tracing whether it’s a shapefile, Arc/INFO coverage or ArcSDE
feature table.
Note that Spatial Manager does not allow the creation of multi-part
datum elements
Once you complete digitizing the new element, the Create New Elements
dialog will be populated. If the datum element has snapped to an existing
node, the NODE_ID will be highlighted in red in the Create New Datum form.
You can digitize more than one element at a time. All newly digitized
elements will
be displayed in the left data grid as shown below. Clicking with the mouse on
one of these elements will flash the corresponding shape on the map.
To assign the newly digitized feature to an existing record you can check the
[Assign to existing element] check box and then click on the Search button,
to display a list of all network datum elements that do not have a spatial
The right-hand side of the dialog consists of two frames. The top frame will
contain all the standard attributes to create the logical element. Mandatory
ones are listed below:
Admin Unit
Listbox containing the allowed Admin Units for the Network Type
Enter the description of the new datum element here
Start Date
This field will default to today’s date. Click on the down arrow next to the field
to display the popup calendar that can be used to select an alternative date.
Figure 27 - Calendar pop-up
This field will default to the map length of the digitized element. If the layer is
projected the map length converted in distance units You can edit this value
to the measured length if different from the map length.
Node panel
This panel will display the start and end node Ids and coordinated for the new
element. This panel is read-only. To change the start or end node of an
element after commit you will need to use the Reclassify form
The Flexible Attributes panel will also display any Primary Additional
Attributes that have been defined. Primary additional attributes will be
displayed in the [Flexible Attributes] tab in the forms with a (+) sign in front of
the attribute name.
For more information on Primary and Non-Primary Additional Data, refer also
to APPENDIX B- Additional Data.
If more than one type of Additional Data has been defined for a Network /
Group Type, the data is displayed in the ‘Display Order’ defined within the AD
Types - NM0700 module.
To add a new Item of Additional Data, select the additional data type, right-
click and select 'Append' or press Shift+Insert. A new record will be created in
a tree-like view named <AssetType><REC#>.
Note that only one AD Item of a particular Type may be created if the ‘single
allowed’ flag has been checked for the Network / Group Type and AD Type
combination in the AD Types - NM0700 module.
Delete button
Pressing this button will delete the currently selected datum in the data grid
Will commit the new datum(s) in the database. If an error occurs a message
box will display the error.
Will cancel the operation
Will display the help file for the Create new Datum topic
Edit Tools
You can use four different editing tools to create new datum elements:
• Free-hand draw
• Trace
• Edit vertex
• Trace/Copy tool
Free-hand draw
• Select the free-hand tool (this is the default tool when creating a new
datum element)
• Click on the map to digitize the feature's vertices.
• When finished, double-click on the last vertex or right-click anywhere on
the map and click Finish Sketch. You can press <Ctrl> when double-
clicking to automatically restore the Create New dialog window.
• The datum geometry is created on your map.
If you want to snap to an existing datum element open the
Snapping dialog (exor menu -> Snapping...) and make sure
you the [Ends] check-box is selected for the datum layer (top
panel). If an existing node is found, its ID will be highlighted
in red in the Create new Datum Element form. When
snapping is on, always make sure that the element has
snapped to the correct node by checking the red-highlighted
node id.
Trace tool
Select the features that you want to trace. Click here for more information on
How selections work in Spatial Manager
Click the tool palette drop-down arrow and click the Trace tool.
Click to start tracing.
Click to stop tracing.
When you are finished tracing, you can double-click to finish the sketch.
You can Press the O key to set an offset value. Type an offset
value and press the Enter key. Setting an offset value is
optional. If you want to trace directly on top of existing features,
enter a value of 0.
If you traced too far or have traced the wrong direction, move
the mouse backwards over what you have traced.
If you have clicked to stop the trace, click Undo to remove all
vertices added during the trace.
To move a vertex:
• Click on the Edit Feature tool. The vertices will appear on the new
shape. Move the mouse over a vertex and click and drag it to a new
To add a vertex:
• Move the pointer to where you want the vertex added and right-click
• Select [Insert Vertex].
• A vertex is added to the sketch.
• When you are finished modifying the line, right-click over any part of
the sketch and click [Finish Sketch].
To remove a vertex:
• Position the pointer over the vertex you want to delete until the pointer
• Right-click and click [Delete Vertex].
• The vertex is deleted from the edit sketch.
• Right-click over any part of the sketch and click Finish Sketch.
Copy/trace tool
Note: Before you use the Copy/Trace tool you need to define the Copy
Trace Settings
• Click the tool palette drop-down arrow and select the Copy/Trace tool.
• Click to select the feature to trace along. If your datum network type
has an auto-included parent and the parent group does not exist,
Spatial Manager will prompt you to create the Group.
• The Group form will display and will be automatically populated from
the attributes of the tracing layer as defined in Copy Trace Settings
• Click again on the feature and start tracing the new datum. Press F2 to
stop tracing
• The Datum Elements form will display. The form will be populated from
the attributes of the tracing layer as defined in Copy Trace Settings
• Fill in any other attributes as required and press [Save] to save the
new datum.
When tracing a new datum element, the Spatial Manager 'Copy/Trace’ tool
provides the functionality to transfer attributes from the traced feature to the
new datum and automatically populate the associated Datum elements form.
Before you can use this tool you will need to define the attribute mappings
between your tracing shapefile and the datum layer.
Select the shapefile or coverage you want to use as the tracing layer by
selecting it from the [Tracing Layer (Source)] drop-down list.
If your shapefile contains admin unit codes, select the column that contains
the Admin Unit field - otherwise leave it blank
Click on [Next] If your datum network type contains a column that is auto-
included in a parent group, the [Auto-inclusion Mappings] dialog will be
displayed. From this dialog you can define the mappings between the
columns in the parent Group Type and the fields in the tracing layer. An
example screenshot is displayed below.
Note that the fields displayed in the dialog window shown below may differ
from your configuration.
Define the matching fields from the shapefile by selecting the relevant fields
from the drop-down lists under the [Tracing Layer Field]. Note that the
[Separator] and [Format String] are read-only and are defined based on the
network metadata model for the specified datum.
Press on the [Try It!] button will display a dialog to select a Sample record.
Pressing on OK will retrieve the values from the column you specified and
format them according to the format string and concatenate them to a single
string. This is to ensure that the values from the shape file are of the correct
Click on [Next] to display any remaining attributes for the parent group which
are not part of the unique key to match with the fields from the shapefile.
This dialog will help you specify the Attribute Mappings between the Datum
and Tracing Layers. On the left-hand side the dialog will display the fields
from the ‘Source Layer’.
On the right-hand side of the dialog, the ‘Target Layer’ will ALWAYS be the
datum layer (currently selected in the tree view).
The list for the target layer will display ONLY the Description and any non
auto-included attributes.
The Source Layer ID combo box will display all the attributes from the source
Select a field from the source layer and the corresponding field in the target
layer (datum) to which the source value is to be copied.
Click on the [Add] button to add the selected pair of field names to the
‘Matched fields’ list at the bottom of the dialog.
Attribute Transfer
Once you have identified the common fields in the source and target layers,
they can be matched. These matched fields will define which attributes are
transferred when using the Attribute Transfer tool or the Attribute Transfer
The Attribute Transfer tool enables you to interactively transfer the attributes
of a feature from the source layer to target datum element feature. This
transfer is based on matching the fields that are specified in the Attribute
Transfer Mapping dialog box.
Use the Attribute Transfer tool to select a source feature followed by a target
When the transfer is complete, verify the target feature’s attributes using the
Identify tool.
On the left-hand side the dialog will displays any ‘background’ (i.e. non-exor
maintained) LINEAR layer as the ‘Source Layer’ and all its fields.
On the right-hand side of the dialog, the ‘Target Layer’ will ALWAYS be the
datum layer (currently selected in the tree view). The list for the target layer
will display ONLY the Description and any non auto-included attributes.
The Source Layer ID combo box will display all the attributes from the source
layer. This value will only be used in the confirmation dialog after completing
the attribute transfer
The Attribute transfer button work very similarly to the previous tool. In this
case, you can pre-select the source and target features and click on the
button to transfer the attributes rather than doing the transfer interactively
To reshape an element you must first select it and then click on the [Reshape]
button . The Reshape Element dialog window will be displayed, listing the
selected elements on the left.
This is when you want to change the measured length of the element being
reshaped. Check the [Recalibrate] box to do this. The [From Chainage]
and [Distance to End] text boxes in the [Reshape parameters] panel will be
made active so that you can enter the required parameters.
Checking this box will cause the [Effective Date] and [Element name] text
boxes to be activated along with any flexible attributes that are defined. If the
[Recalibrate] box is also checked the new element will be recalibrated as
Reshape tool
When you click on the Reshape tool, the vertices along the selected element
will be displayed.
The end vertex will always appear in red. You can move the vertices to re-
align the element using the [Edit Feature tool] from the Spatial Manager
Right clicking on a vertex or along the digitized line will display the context-
sensitive menu with additional options for editing the vertices:
Figure 40 -Vertex editing context menu
Use the Properties option to change the measure values for the vertices
You can amend any intermediate vertex measure values. Spatial Manager
will not allow the editing of Measure values for the first or last vertex. If you
change an intermediate vertex with a value larger than the next vertex, the
system will automatically update the subsequent vertices accordingly.
You may also want 'snap' the reshaped element to an existing element and
hence replace its start or end node. To do this, first off all make sure you call
the snapping dialog from the Exor menu and set it to snap to the ‘Vertex’ in
the nodes layer (which is automatically displayed when you click on the
reshape button) and click the [OK] button as shown below
Now click on the start or end vertex and drag it on top of the new node you
want to snap it one. As soon as you release the button a drop-down menu will
display with the following option as shown in the figure below:
It will just move the existing Start or End node of the reshaped datum to the
new position.
Dissolve node to (<node_id)>
It will replace the start or end node of the reshaped element with the
<node_id> it snapped to. The original node will remain.
Note that the Node layer must be selectable to ‘Dissolve Nodes’
Merge Elements
When the elements are merged the resulting single element may ‘inherit’ the
Network Attributes of the first Network Element if the ‘Inherit’ field has been
selected for the Attribute in the Type Columns window of the Asset
Metamodel--NM0410 module for the Datum Network Type being merged.
The order of the elements being merged (which is first and which is second)
is determined automatically by the system using the element's connectivity.
This can be expressed as follows: 'The first element is connected by its end
node to the start node of the second element'
The values for any Network Attributes that not flagged as ‘Inheritable’ can be
entered for the new element which created as a result of the Merge operation
using the ‘New Element’ panel at the bottom of the form.
If the Network Type of the selected Datum Network element enables the
entering of the Unique reference, a field will also be displayed to enable the
User to enter the Unique reference of the new Element.
Note that this panel will not be shown if all the displayable Network
Attributes of the selected Network Type are flagged as ‘inheritable’ and
the Unique reference is populated automatically.
The new Element will retain the Group memberships of the ‘First’ original
Element. The sequence within any linear Groups of which the ‘Merged’
Elements were members and the SLK of the new Element along with
Intersection Leg numbers will be derived from the Original Merged Elements.
The following validation will be carried out when Elements are merged:
• The start/end date of an Elements membership of a Group has not
changed since the selected date.
• Any Items have not been placed on the Elements to be Merged since
the date selected as the Merge Date
• Both elements should have the same direction (i.e. the end vertex of
the first element must be coincident with the start vertex of the second
element). If the elements are in different direction one of the elements
geometries will be 'flipped' in memory before performing the merge.
You can decide which element to flip using the Merge Conflict
Resolution dialog:
• If the elements share the same direction and but the vertices are not
coincident, a warning dialog will inform you.
• The are no Defects on an ‘open’ Works Order located on the affected
• The User must have Role and Admin Unit based access to all
• Items located on the affected Element, or by flagged as an
‘Unrestricted’ User in the HIG1832 – Users module.
• The Network Types and Group Types (when Merging Linear Groups)
must be the same
• The Admin Unit of both Elements must be the same
• Where used, the sub-class of the 2 Elements must be the same
• Groups which are a parent in a Network Type Inclusion (Autoinclusion)
cannot be Merged
All violations of the above validation checks will be reported on the screen. A
failure of any validation check will result in the prevention of the process
taking place.
Merge button
Follow the instructions below to use the Merge button to merge two elements:
• Using the [Select Feature] tool from the ArcMap toolbar select the first
element. Holding the [Shift] key down select the second element.
Both elements will now be highlighted
Effective Date
The default value will be today’s date. You can right-click on the down arrow
next to the date field to display the popup calendar and enter an alternative
Merge on Node
This list box will display the shared node for the elements to be merged. If the
elements are connected at two nodes (as in the case of roundabouts and
circles), this list will display both of the node ids. Select the node you want to
base the merge on from this list
Enter any required flexible attributes for the new merged element.
Replace Elements
When a Replace Operation is carried out all assets and other ‘events’
associated with the Element are transferred to the new Element created as a
result of the Replace operation. The new Element will adopt the same
naming convention as the selected Element (or the Unique Reference may be
manually entered if the Network Type for the datum element allows it).
The new Element will ‘inherit’ any Network Attributes and Group
memberships of the ‘Replaced’ Element.
Note that the Network and all associated Asset records may be
displayed as they existed prior to the Replace operation by setting the
‘Effective’ date, in the User Preferences window, to a date which
precedes the Replace operation.
The Asset records and other Events on the new Element could then be
recalibrated using the Recalibrate button to change the Element length and
event locations as required.
All violations of the above validation check will be reported on the screen.
A failure of any validation check will result in the prevention of the process
taking place.
Replace button
To replace an element select it first and press the [Replace Elements] button
from the edit toolbar. The replace dialog will appear and minimize
If more than one datum element is selected a dialog will display containing a
tree view listing the Unique Names of the selected elements:
Clicking on an element Name will flash the relevant feature on the map.
Double-clicking on an Element name or pressing the [OK] button will close the
selection window and restore the Replace Element dialog:
Element name
Enter the Unique Element reference of the Element to be Replaced.
Recalibrate Element
If since the time of the initial survey, the length of the Element and hence the
location of the inventory or other objects located within the extent of the
Element is found to be incorrect you can recalibrate the Elements length.
This will enable you to either increase or decrease the length of an Element.
All the Inventory and other objects located along the element (e.g. Accidents)
will move in proportion to the change in length.
The following rules apply to Inventory Items and other events located on an
Element when a Shift or Recalibrate Operation is carried out:
The first Recalibration Operation will shorten the Element Length by 10m to
an overall Length of 90m.
To recalibrate an element the user will need to select it and press the
[Recalibrate Element] button from the edit toolbar.
Clicking on an element Name will flash the relevant feature on the map.
Double-clicking on an Element name or pressing the [OK] button will close the
selection window and restore the Recalibrate Element dialog:
Original length
This read-only text box contains the original measured element length
From Chainage
Mandatory text box. Defaults to 0.
Distance to End
You will need to type here the new element length. This is a mandatory field
When the [From Chainage] text box loses focus the [Distance from End] value
gets recalculated as [Original Length]-[From Chainage].
For example: Original length= 911.44 m, From Chainage=10, -><User tabs>-
>Distance from End=901.44
You can then change the Distance from End value to the new value. So if in
this case, changes it to 902, the overall length will be extended by 0.56m, to
become 912.
The dialog will also check to establish whether the new length is equal to the
original length. In this example, if you did not change the [Distance from
End] value from 901.44, a warning message will be displayed.
Shared Reshape
This tool should only be used for error correction. Shared reshape only
operates on the geometry of the selected datums and does NOT
maintain any history.
By default the Shared Reshape function will also move the shared network
Uncheck the [Move Shared Node] box if you don’t want the shared node to
be moved to the new location.
Asset records on a Closed Network Element will either be End-Dated (if the
‘Replaceable’ flag is selected for the Asset record Type in the Inventory
Types Module), or the location references will be End Dated and the Asset
record will remain open, but no longer ‘pinned’ to a Network (if the ‘End
Location Only’ flag is set in the Inventory Metamodel’ form).
A continuous Asset record has been located over the entire extent of Route
A123, Elements 1, 2 and 3. Its location relative to the Route would be as
If Element A123/2 was subsequently Closed (note that this will cause a
discontinuity along the Route which may be ‘bridged’ by using a Distance
Break) the location relative to the Route would now as be as follows:
The following validation checks will be carried out when you close an
The start/end date of the element’s membership of a group has not changed
since the selected date.
Inventory has not been created or deleted since the selected date.
Closing elements
To close (end-date) elements you will need to select them and press the
[Close Element] button from the edit toolbar. If no elements are selected a
message will display. Otherwise the Close Dialog will be displayed:
The dialog contains only the Effective date, which defaults to today's date.
The Effective Date is mandatory.
Split Element
When an Element is split the resulting two new Elements created as a result
of the Split operation may ‘inherit’ their Network Attributes if these attributes
are flagged as inheritable for the specified network type. The values for any
Network Attributes not flagged as Inheritable can be typed in the flexible
attributes panel in the Split Element Form for each of the two new Elements.
Note that this panel will not be populated if all the displayable Network
Attributes of the selected Network Type are flagged as inheritable.
The new Elements will retain the Group memberships of the original Element.
The sequence within any linear Groups of which the ‘Split’ Element was a
member of and the SLK of the new Elements along with Intersection Leg
numbers will be derived from the Original Split Element.
Assets located on the Split Element will be re-located and referenced relative
to the new Elements.
Note that the Network and all associated Asset records may be
displayed as they existed prior to the Split operation by setting the
‘Effective’ date, in the User Preferences window, to a date, which
precedes the Split operation.
At this point it will be useful to explain the differences between start and end
nodes in the Network Manager database, and the start and end vertices of a
geometric line.
A vertex is the point of intersection between two straight lines and is the way
the geometry was initially digitized. Whereas vertices are internal to the
geometry itself, network nodes define the logical connectivity of network
elements and exist as records in the NM tables. In many cases Network
nodes are defined by their X, Y coordinates. The physical location of nodes
does not always have to correspond to the start or end vertex of the element's
Two different tools are provided in the Spatial Manager toolbar for splitting
elements: The Split Element tool and the Split Element at Node tool which
are discussed in the paragraphs below
• The Split Element dialog will display fields where the Effective Split
Date and measure value of the Split point may be specified. The split
measure (‘Split at’ text box) value will default to the measure point
where you clicked. You can edit this value by typing it in. Note that the
'Split Node' text box is blank as a new node will be created.
The split element form will be displayed in a second panel, any flexible
attributes as defined in the Network Metamodel. A units indicator that
denotes the units that the element is measured in, is displayed next to the
Split value entry box .
Clicking on the drop-down arrow in the Effective date textbox will display
the Calendar pop-up window to change the effective date for the split.
Use the Split Element at Node tool to split an element using an existing
network node:
Add the Node Points layer on the view by right-clicking on the relevant datum
layer and selecting the [Add Network Nodes…] option. A new layer will be
added to the map representing the start and end nodes for the Roads network
Select the Node at which to split the element
The split element form will be displayed in a second panel, any flexible
attributes as defined in the Network Metamodel for the current network type.
Next to the Split value entry box a units indicator will be displayed to denote
the units the datum elements are measured in.
Clicking on the drop-down arrow in the Effective date textbox will display
the Calendar pop-up window to change the effective date for the split.
Shift Asset
The following rules apply to assets and other events located on an Element
when a Shift Operation is carried out:
A Shift is not allowed if it would result in the start or end of an Asset record
would be located beyond the end of the Element.
A Shift is not allowed if it would result in a continuous Asset record having a
zero length.
If an Item spanned the entire length of an Element a Shift operation would
maintain this relative location.
From Chainage
Will default to the measure value at the point of the user's click. It specifies
the offset from which the Shift Operation will be carried out.
Shift value
You enter the adjustment value here.
When an Undo operation is carried out, no history is kept of the new Element
created from the erroneous edit operation. All ‘event’ or ‘object’ locations
(e.g. an Asset record or Accident Item) and Group memberships for the
originally Replaced Network Element will be reinstated.
You can undo previous editing operations by selecting a single element and
pressing the [Undo] button from the Spatial Manager toolbar. The system will
check the edit history and inform the user of the allowed undo function
along the element.
Note that only the last editing operation will be allowed to be undone. If for
example you split an element and then replaced it, you must first undo the
replace and then undo the unsplit to reinstate the network
The figure below shows an example of the Undo Editing Operation dialog
for an Unsplit.
Close Nodes
The close Nodes button enables you to end-date orphan nodes (nodes that
are not attached to a datum element) or nodes that are attached to end-dated
To close a node:
• Select (highlight) the nodes you want to end-date
• Click on the [Close node] button in the Spatial Manager toolbar. The
Close Node dialog will be displayed
Figure 61-Close Nodes dialog
Transaction History
The transaction History option is accessible from the drop-down menu in the
Spatial Manager toolbar. It lists all the editing operations occurred within the
current Spatial Manager session and a textual description. An example is
shown below:
Figure 62-Transaction History window
Select an editing operation from the list to display the textual information for
this task in the Task Description panel.
The Datum Elements form is used to view and edit Datum Network Elements
information for updateable fields, e.g. ‘Description’, or flexible attributes not
used in the prescribed naming convention for the Element.
Each datum element must have a unique reference. If the Network Type
selected has been flagged as automatically generating the unique reference,
(by checking the ‘Pop Unique’ option in Network Types--NM0002 based on
the attribution of an Element or set up using the Type Columns window of
Network Types--NM0002), the reference will be displayed once all of the
appropriate Attribute values have been added. If this is not the case, the
Unique reference will be displayed in the flexible attributes panel as shown in
the above figure.
Group Type
Not used. Displayed for backward compatibility purposes only.
Description (Required)
You can edit the description for the datum element. A maximum of 80
characters is allowed.
Record Navigation
The record navigation controls will only be displayed if you have called the
form from the [Attributes] option in the Datum layer context menu. You can
use the arrow buttons to navigate through the selected datum elements.
OK button
If you have made any changes to the element attributes, pressing the OK
button will display a dialog asking you whether you want to commit these
changes to the database.
Cancel button
Closes the form and rolls back any changes.
Help button
Displays the online help for this topic.
Load Selected
Will refresh the Datum Elements form to display the currently selected Datum
The Flexible Attributes panel will also display any Primary Additional
Attributes that have been defined. Primary additional attributes will be
displayed in the [Flexible Attributes] tab in the forms with a (+) sign in front of
the attribute name.
For more information on Primary and Non-Primary Additional Data, refer also
to APPENDIX B- Additional Data.
Member of tab
Figure 64- Members of Tab
The 'Member of' displays a read-only data grid listing all the groups the datum
is a member of.
If more than one type of Additional Data has been defined for a Network /
Group Type, the data is displayed in the ‘Display Order’ defined within the AD
Types - NM0700 module.
To add a new Item of Additional Data, select the additional data type, right-
click and select 'Append' or press Shift+Insert. A new record will be created in
a tree-like view named <AssetType><REC#>.
Note that only one AD Item of a particular Type may be created if the ‘single
allowed’ flag has been checked for the Network / Group Type and AD Type
combination in the AD Types - NM0700 module.
This dialog controls the snapping behavior when editing datum elements.
You can access it dialog from exor Menu->Snapping during an edit operation.
Figure 67-Snapping options
The dialog consists of two panels. The top panel will display the active layer
and any other network layers that are already displayed and it can snap on
with an [Ends] check box (start or end of elements). Network Elements can
only be snapped to start or end nodes of elements that share the same
node type. Creating and editing new elements graphically is applicable to
datum network elements and LRMs (extend route).
If you create a 'chain' of new network elements you will need to check
the [End] checkbox for the exor_edit_layer. This will cause Spatial
Manager to snap to the start or end node of the existing new element
and not create separate nodes for each new element.
Snapping Preferences
The Snapping tab controls determine the snapping parameters for Spatial
Snap On Split
When this option is checked (this is the default setting) and the [Split] tool is
used to split an Element at the point where the user selects, the resulting
Node Point created as a result of the Split operation, will attempt to 'Snap' to
an Element within the [Snapping Tolerance] specified in the ‘dialog.
When the option is unchecked and the Split tool is used, the resulting Node
Point created as a result of the Split operation will be created at the exact
point where the user selects.
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The selected Element will be split, at an offset that perpendicularly bisects the
Element and the Node Point.
Figure 69-Split operation with the [Snap on Split] option off
If more than one Element is found within the tolerance, a dialog will be
displayed for the user to select the element to split. Clicking the [Flash]
button will flash the highlighted element. Clicking on [OK] will select the
element to split.
Figure 70-Select Element dialog
Automatic Snapping
If this option is checked while users digitize a new element, the element's
geometry will be 'magnetized' to the start/end nodes of neighboring
geometries as specified in the Snapping options dialog
Snapping tolerance
This is where users can set the search radius for snapping to geometries. The
snapping tolerance units can be set as either Pixels or Map Units. The
snapping tolerance is used in a number of editing functions like creating new
datum elements, shared reshape and split.
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Editing Groups of Datum
This chapter describes the process of editing groups of datum elements. It is
divided into the following sections:
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This form is used to create new Groups and maintain existing Groups of
To display the form:
• Select the [Attributes] option in the context menu (right-click) of a
group layer
• Select the [Attributes] option in the context menu (right-click) of a
group name displayed in the Groups tree.
• Select the [Create New Group] option in the context menu (right-click)
of a Group Type displayed in the Groups Tree. For more details on
how to create new Groups please refer to Creating New Groups of
Datum Elements.
The form contains two tabs: The Members tabs where the member elements
for the group are displayed and the Attributes tab which contains the flexible
attributes (if any) for the group.
Group members will be added automatically if the Network Type for the
selected Group Type has been defined as the ‘Parent’ Network Type in
the Type Inclusion window of Network Types – NM0002 and the Auto
Include flag has been selected for a Datum Network Type.
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Unique (Read-only)
It displays the Unique reference for the Group of Datum Elements. If the
Network type for this group has been defined as not automatically generating
the unique key, the value for the Unique field will also be displayed in the
Flexible attributes panel
Note that care should be taken if the Unique reference of a Group is to be
wholly contained within part of the Unique Element reference to ensure that
the String Length specified for the attribute column, e.g. NE_GROUP, is of
sufficient length to contain the Unique of the Group.
Enter a description for the Group. A maximum of 80 characters is allowed.
The Group description will be displayed along with the Group Unique and
Group Type when using the Gazetteer.
Group Type
Displays the Group type for the currently selected group. The Group Type
description will be displayed in the adjacent field.
If the form has been called from an existing group, this field will be read-only.
When creating a new group, press the button next to the field to select a
Group type. Only Group Types associated with the Network Type will be
The Group Type description will be displayed in the adjacent field.
The Network Type associated with the selected Group Type will be displayed
in the ‘Network Type’ field.
The Units of Measurement associated with the Network Type which in turn is
associated with the Group type selected will be displayed in the ‘Units’ field.
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Record Navigation
The record navigation controls will only be displayed if you have called the
form from the [Attributes] option in the Group layer context menu. You can
use the arrow buttons to navigate through the selected group elements.
The flexible Attributes for the Network Type selected as defined ‘Type
Columns’ window Network Types - NM0002 will be displayed.
The Flexible Attributes panel will also display any Primary Additional
Attributes that have been defined. Primary additional attributes will be
displayed in the [Flexible Attributes] tab in the forms with a (+) sign in front of
the attribute name.
For more information on Primary and Non-Primary Additional Data, refer also
to APPENDIX B- Additional Data.
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The Members panel is used to display and maintain the member Datum
Elements of the Group. Group members may be added, using the [Add
Members] button. Click here for more information on how to Add Datum
Element members
If the Group is a ‘Partial’ Group, i.e. at least one of the member Elements is
not wholly contained within the Group, the extent of the Datum Element which
is contained within the Group may be defined by updating the ‘Start’ and/or
‘End’ fields for the ‘partial member’.
Partial Groups of Elements may be created by specifying the ‘Start’ and ‘End’
measures (relative to the Element) of the portion of the Element which is
contained within the Group. If the Element is not wholly contained within the
Group the ‘Part’ flag will be automatically set to indicate that the Element is
only partially contained within the Group. The extent of the Element included
will be displayed in the ‘Length’ field.
Partial Groups may contain a mixture of Elements which are either wholly
contained within the Group or only partially contained within the Group.
The Group Type selected for the Group must have been flagged as
‘Partial’ in Group Types – NM0004.
If the Group Type of the selected Group has been flagged as ‘Exclusive’
in Group Types – NM0004, a Network Element may only be a member of
one Group of the selected Type. For example, if a Network Element may
only be a member of one Route Group the exclusivity flag should be
checked. If this exclusivity rule is broken when Group members are
being added to a Group an error message will be displayed.
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If the selected Group is ‘Linear’ and therefore member Elements are
connected via shared Nodes Points or by means of Distance Breaks the
Elements will be ‘sequenced’ to establish their relative position in the Group
and hence enables displacements to be calculated. The Sequencing of
Member Elements will be in accordance with any Type Subclass rules defined
for the member Datum Elements in the Network Types form.
Start (Updateable)
This field displays the start position, relative to the member Element, of the
extent of the Element which is contained within the Group. For non partial
groups this value will always be ‘0’. For Partial Groups this value may be
End (Updateable)
This field displays the end position, relative to the member Element, of the
extent of the Element which is contained within the Group. For non partial
groups this value will always equate to the Element length. For partial
Groups this value may be updated.
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Consider an example:
The figure below shows an existing Route and a proposed realignment
scheme. When the realignment is modeled in the database it will cause a
Point of Equation (a GAP) at the Start of Element 4, as the new Element
length will be less than that of the existing Element length.
The following table shows the Element Length and Route Offset prior to the
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To display the POE details select the Element on which the required POE
exists and select the ‘Node Details’ option from the context menu (called by
clicking the Right Mouse Button). The Node Details window will be displayed.
An example is showing in the figure below:
Figure 72-Node details dialog
C (Cardinality Indicator)
If a member Element is in the Route Cardinal Direction, i.e. the Element is
increasing in measure value from its Start Node to its End Node in the same
direction as the increasing measure of the Route from its Start, this box will
be checked.
Start Date (Required)
Enter the Date from which the Element is a member of the Parent Group. If
the Group is a Parent in a Type Inclusion for a Datum Network the Start Date
will be automatically populated as the date the Element record was created.
If the Group is ‘Rescaled’ the Start Date will be set to the Date the Rescale
operation took place.
End Date (Optional)
Enter the Date from which the Element is no longer a member of the Group.
If the Group is a Parent in a Type Inclusion for a Datum Network, the member
Elements will be End Dated if the Parent Route is Closed using the [C] –
Close Route facility.
End Membership
Clicking this button will end-date the membership of the currently selected
element, so the element will no longer be a member of the Group. If the
Group is a Parent in a Type Inclusion for a Datum Network, the member
Elements will be End Dated if the Parent Route is Closed using the Close
Route button
Add Members
If elements are selected from a datum layer, this button will add them as
members to the group. A dialog listing the currently selected datum elements
will be displayed to confirm the adding of the member elements as shown
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Only datum elements with network types allowed in the specific group
will be allowed.
OK button
If you have made any changes to the element attributes, pressing the OK
button will display a dialog asking you whether you want to commit these
changes to the database.
Cancel button
Closes the form and rolls back any changes.
Help button
Displays the online help for this topic.
Load Selected
Will refresh the Group of Datum Elements form to display the currently
selected Group Element.
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To add a new Item of Additional Data, select the additional data type, right-
click and select 'Insert' or press Shift+Insert. A new record will be created in a
tree-like view named <AssetType><RECx>.
Figure 75-Insert Additional Data
Note that only one AD Item of a particular Type may be created if the ‘single
allowed’ flag has been checked for the Network / Group Type and AD Type
combination in the AD Types - NM0700 module.
A Rescale operation on a Group will cause the route offset measurements to
be recalculated. The offset value is the measured distance value of the start
of the Element, relative to the parent Group in increasing measure from the
Route Start point. The offset calculation rules will be dependant on the
precedence set by the sequence number of the Type Subclass’s defined for
the Datum Network Type.
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When the Rescale button is pressed on the toolbar, the Rescale Group dialog
will be displayed as shown above. The value entered in the ‘Offset’ field, will
be the value used for the offset value for the first Element in the Group, e.g. if
a value of 10 was entered, the offset of the first member Element would be
10. All other offsets will be based on this start offset. Rescaling a Group will
remove all POE’s.
If the Group being Rescaled is a ‘Circular’ Group, i.e. the Start and End of the
Route occur at the same Node Point, for example at a Roundabout, a dialog
will be displayed as shown below asking the User to select the Starting
Datum Network Element. Once this is done pressing the [OK] button will
enable the Rescale operation to continue.
When a Group is Rescaled, the Group membership Start Date will be ‘reset’
to the date of the Rescale operation.
Note that a complete history is kept of Group Memberships and associated
offsets etc. To view the membership details at a Date use the built-in Active
Date calendar from the Spatial Manager toolbar.
If the Group is a ‘Linear’ group, pressing the Resequence button will cause
the Group members to be Resequenced in increasing distance value from the
Start of the Route in accordance with any Type Subclass rules defined for the
member Datum Elements.
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If the Group being Resequenced is a ‘Circular’ Group, i.e. the Start and End
of the Route occur at the same Node Point, for example at a Roundabout, a
dialogue will be displayed as shown below asking the User to select the
Starting Datum Network Element. Once this is done pressing the [OK] button
will enable the Resequence operation to continue.
Local Rescale
If the Group is a ‘Linear’ group, the offset values for individual Element may
be recalculated by a Local Rescale operation. To carry out a Local Rescale
operation select the required Element and press the [Local Rescale] button
on the toolbar. The offset values for any subsequent Elements will be
unaffected by a Local Rescale. If the select Element contained a Point of
Equation, this will be removed for the selected Element, but will be ‘moved’ to
the next connected Element.
Reverse Route
Reversing a route will cause all the datum elements that comprise a route
(linear group) to change direction. The functionality is also accessible as a
dynamic menu option from the context menu in the Groups tab.
The reverse route function will reverse the order of the member elements of
the route.
Distance Breaks
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Distance Breaks are displayed in the Groups of Datum Elements form. Their
appearance is similar to that of a Network Element in that they have a Unique
Reference, a Start and End Node, a Length measure and a Route offset, but
as they are not physical entities on a Network, no objects, e.g. Asset records,
may be located on them.
Distance breaks on a Route group will normally have a Length of ‘0’ meters.
This will enable the route offset or displacement values for the Route to be
derived as if no discontinuity existed. If Distance Breaks are added to an
Inspection Route group for example, they may have a measured value, as the
‘Break’ in the Inspection Route must still be driven or walked. This will enable
the route offset or displacement values for the Route to be derived, based on
the actual route driven or walked.
The Start Offset or displacement of each Element within a Group will have
been derived based on the Route connectivity and the member Element
You can add a distance break either from the Group of Datum Elements form
or by digitizing the break on the map
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Length (Required)
Enter the required length of the Distance Break. This will default to ‘0’
To add the Distance Break to the Route press the [Add] button on the Dialog
This will order the member Elements and Distance Break within the Route by
cardinality and connectivity.
If required the Offset or displacement values for the member Elements can be
recalculated by using the Rescale button.
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Select the linear group you want to add a Distance Break to from the tree
view in the Groups tab.
Click on the Add Distance break tool from the Spatial Manager toolbar .
Spatial Manager will zoom to the selected group.
Digitize the start and end positions of your distance break. You will notice that
your cursor will snap to start or end points of the route.
The Add Distance Break dialog will appear. The start and end nodes in the
dialog will correspond to the nodes you have snapped to.
You can now follow the same steps as above.
Close Group
Figure 79-Close Group dialog
Any Asset records which are located on the Closed Route will either be ‘End
Dated’ if the Asset record Type has been flagged as ‘Replaceable’ in the
Inventory Metamodel – NM0410 form, or the Asset record Location will be
End Dated if the ‘End Location Only’ flag has been checked, leaving the
Asset record ‘Open’.
A Route cannot be ‘Closed’ (End-Dated) if any Asset records which are either
wholly or partially located on any member Elements are of an Inventory Type
which HAS NOT been flagged as ‘Replaceable’.
The date on which the Route is to be Closed may be entered in the ‘Effective
Date’ field.
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To Close the Route press the [Close] button. A warning message will be
displayed to the User. To cancel the Close operation, press the [No] button
or [Yes] to proceed.
A message will be displayed when the operation is complete.
Route Check
The Route Check function enables physical breaks (not POEs or Distance
Breaks) to be detected on a Route. If ‘breaks’ are detected the message
below will be displayed.
Route Details
The Route Details function displays a dialog with the following information
about the selected groups
• Start Route offset
• End Route Offset
• The true Route Length of the route
• The total route length in datum units
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Extending routes
Extending routes enables the creation of a new datum network element at the
start or end of the Parent Group by snapping it to a datum element, which is
already a member of the Group. Note that the parent group MUST be a
Linear Group Type.
The function will only be available if a route is selected in the [exor Groups]
tab in the TOC.
Extending will automatically set snapping on. When you snap to an existing
datum, the standard attributes for the new network element, for example
Network Type, Admin Unit and Description, will be derived from the snapped
Any Flexible Attributes that have the ‘Inherit’ flagged set in the Type Columns
window of Network Types - NM0002 will also be derived from the selected
Element. If these are used as part of the prescribed naming convention for
the Network Type, the Unique reference of the Element will be automatically
populated when the remainder of the field values have been entered.
To extend a route:
• Make sure you datum layer is displayed and visible in the map
• Add the route you want to extend in the tree view. For more
information on how to add Routes to the tree view see the Search/Add
Routes topic.
• Click on the route to highlight it. The [Create new element] button
will get enabled in the Spatial Manager toolbar. Click on it and follow
the same steps as for when creating a new datum element.
• After pressing [Save] the Extent Route dialog will be displayed. The
dialog will display all the routes the snapped datum is a member of (if
any). Check the routes you want to extend with the new datum.
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You will only be allowed to extend routes by a single element at a time. If you
attempt to create a second element, a warning dialog will display as shown
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If the Network type for this group has been defined as not automatically
generating the unique key, the value for the Unique field will also be
displayed in the Attributes panel
The Member Tab will be enabled and displayed to add members to the group.
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Editing Groups of Groups
This chapter discusses editing Groups of Groups.
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The Group of Groups form is used to create and maintain Network Groups
which have other Network Groups as members.
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In the Group Hierarchy shown Datum Elements have been grouped to form
Groups of Sections. These may be linear or non linear. These Groups of
Sections have been further Grouped to form Groups of Groups. For example,
Datum Elements have been grouped together to form a Regional Route
(Group Type REG-). All of the Regional Routes within a discreet Region have
been further Grouped to form a Group of Groups which represents ALL
Regional Routes within a given Region. This Group of Groups is named
Region (Group Type REG) within the diagram. This enables an entire Region
to be selected as a Region of Interest for reporting or querying.
Sub Groups will be added automatically if the Network Type for the
selected Group Type has been defined as the ‘Parent’ Network Type in
the Type Inclusion window of Network Types – NM0002 for a Network
Type associated with a Group of Sections.
Group Panel
The Group Panel displays the standard attributes for a group i.e. Group Type,
Admin Unit, Unique etc.
Unique (Read-only)
It displays the Unique reference for the Group of Group. If the Network type
for this group has been defined as not automatically generating the unique
key, the value for the Unique field will also be displayed in the Flexible
attributes panel
Note that care should be taken if the Unique reference of a Group is to be
wholly contained within part of the Unique Element reference to ensure that
the String Length specified for the attribute column, e.g. NE_GROUP, is of
sufficient length to contain the Unique of the Group.
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Enter a description for the Group. A maximum of 80 characters is allowed.
The Group description will be displayed along with the Group Unique and
Group Type when using the Gazetteer.
Group Type
Displays the Group type for the currently selected group. The Group Type
description will be displayed in the adjacent field.
If the form has been called from an existing group, this field will be read-only.
When creating a new group, press the button next to the field to select a
Group type. Only Group Types associated with the Network Type will be
The Group Type description will be displayed in the adjacent field.
The Network Type associated with the selected Group Type will be displayed
in the ‘Network Type’ field.
The Units of Measurement associated with the Network Type, which in turn is
associated with the Group type selected, will be displayed in the ‘Units’ field.
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End Date
Groups which are no longer members of the selected Group of Groups may
have their Group Membership end dated by pressing the [End Membership]
button. This will display a pop-up calendar which will default to the system
date as the End Date for the membership record. This date may be amended
if required.
Note that if the Sub Group is a member of the Group of Groups by virtue of a
Network Type Inclusion, the membership cannot be End Dated and the [End
Membership] button will be disabled. The End Date field is also made non-
updateable. The membership will be End Dated only when the member
Group is End Dated.
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If the Group is a Parent in a Type Inclusion for a Datum Network, the member
Elements will be End Dated if the Parent Route is Closed using the Close
Route button
The functionality of this button will depend on the type of the Sub-Group
Only Sub-groups of the Group Type defined in the Group Relations Panel
of the Group Types--NM0004 module for the selected parent Group Type
will be allowed. If none are selected the message below will be displayed.
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Attributes Tab
The flexible Attributes for the Network Type selected as defined ‘Type
Columns’ window Network Types - NM0002 will be displayed.
Note that only those attributes flagged as being ‘Displayed ?’ will be shown.
The attribute values should be entered or amended as required. Mandatory
attributes are highlighted.
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To add a new Item of Additional Data, select the additional data type, right-
click and select 'Append' or press Shift+Insert. A new record will be created in
a tree-like view named <AssetType><RECx>.
Note that only one AD Item of a particular Type may be created if the ‘single
allowed’ flag has been checked for the Network / Group Type and AD Type
combination in the AD Types - NM0700 module.
Help button
Displays this help topic
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• Enter all the required attributes. If the Network type for this group has
been defined as not automatically generating the unique key, the
value for the Unique field will also be displayed in the Flexible
attributes panel
• Click on [OK] to save the changes.
• The Sub-Groups tab will now be enabled. For more information on
how to add Sub Groups see the Add Members button section.
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Groups of Groups may be closed by using the [Close Group] in the form.
This feature is only available to Users who have been flagged as
'Unrestricted' in the Users - HIG1832 module (refer to the General System
Admin Guide).
When the close Groups of Groups button is pressed, a Close dialogue
window will be displayed as shown in the figure below.
Figure 90-Close Groups of Groups dialog
Two additional check boxes are provided to cater for the optional Closure
(End Dating) of Groups and Datum Elements within the selected Group
Hierarchy which are not 'children' within a Network Type Inclusion
Close Member Groups
If this option is selected then any Sub Groups within the Group Hierarchy
which do not exist within a Network Type Inclusion (AutoInclusion) will also be
End Dated. If this option is not selected the [Close Datum] checkbox will be
Close Datums
This option is only available if the [Close Member Groups] check box has
been selected and Datum Elements exist within the Group Hierarchy. If
selected, any Datum Elements which do not exist within a Network Type
Inclusion (Autoinclusion) but are members of a Group within the Hierarchy
which is to be End Dated will also be Closed.
If Datum Elements are End Dated any Asset records which are located on the
Closed Elements will either be ‘End Dated’ if the Asset record Type has been
flagged as ‘Replaceable’ in the Inventory Metamodel – NM0410 module, or
the Asset record Location will be End Dated if the ‘End Location Only’ flag
has been checked, leaving the Asset record ‘Open’.
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Reclassify Elements
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Items of 3 different Types have been located on the Route. PAOR and ADMA
are continuous whilst GRID is a point Item. The table below shows the
Inventory locations for the Route Item Route Start End
Part of the Route is to be Reclassified as a Local Route. The new local Route
will encompass Elements M999/3-S and M999/4-S. These Elements must be
Reclassified to change their Network Type and Attribution values. All Item
Types have been defined as ‘Replaceable’ and the ADMA and GRID Item
types have been defined as being allowed to be located on both Classified
Routes and Local Routes. Inventory Type PAOR is only allowed to be located
on Classified Routes.
The Inventory locations after the Reclassify operation has been conducted
are as follows:
Note that only users who have been flagged as ‘Unrestricted’ in HIG1832 –
Users may carry out a Network Close operation. If a 'restricted' user
attempts this operation an error message will be displayed.
To reclassify an element:
• Select the datum or group layer that you want to reclassify from the
tree view
• Use the [Select Feature] tool from the ArcMap toolbar and click and
drag to highlight the element you want to reclassify. For more
information on selections, see also the How selections work in Spatial
Manager section.
• Select the [Reclassify Element] option from the SM menu. If more
than one network element is selected a dialog will display containing a
tree view listing the Unique Names of the selected elements:
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Clicking on an element Name will flash the relevant feature on the map.
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The first screen will display the read-only details of the element to be
reclassified. Click on [Next]
Renaming an element
To rename an element, select the Rename Element radio button
Figure 95-Reclassify Form-Rename Element
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The first screen will display the read-only details of the element to be
reclassified. Click on [Next]
Figure 96-Reclassify Form-Rename Element Step 2
This screen is divided in two panels. The top panel will display as read-only
the flexible attributes, which are part of the Unique key of the element.
The bottom panel will display the same information. Change the displayed
values to define the new unique values for the element. Click on [Finish] to
complete the Reclassify.
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The first screen will display the read-only details of the element to be
Click on [Next]
This screen is divided in two panels. The top panel the current Start and End
The bottom panel will display the same information in an editable format.
Enter the new start or end node id as required. Alternatively, click on the
buttons next to the node descriptions to select the corresponding node from
the map.
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If when selecting from the map, more than one node is selected a drop-down
list will be displayed which will list all the selected nodes as shown below:
Figure 99-Reclassify-Select node
Select the new node from the list. This will populate the reclassify form with
the selected node id and description.
Click on [Finish] to complete the Reclassify function.
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Working With Network
Network Extents can be used widely throughout the Exor product set for
viewing and querying data or for locating assets on a Network. A Network
Extent may contain Network Elements from different Group Types or different
Network Types depending on its intended use.
This chapter describes how to create and edit Network Extents using Spatial
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A Network Extent may be ‘exclusive’ to the User that creates it, or may be
made ‘Public’. If ‘Public’ is made the Owner of a Network Extent then all
Users will have access to it.
The [Create New Extent] button is available from the Network Extents tab in
the TOC. It can be used when there are records selected from any of the
network layers in the map view. It displays a dialog window for the name,
description and owner of the new extent to be entered.
If you only want to add elements from a single layer (datum or group) turn any
other layers of and then use the select feature tool to select the elements.
See also the How selections work in Spatial Manager topic
Figure 100-Create Network Extent dialog
Enter the name of the new extent
Enter a description for the new extent
This combo box will only accept the current user name or 'PUBLIC'. If the
Owner is defined as PUBLIC all users will have access to this Extent.
An extent created this way will always contain the full length of each of the
selected elements.
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Use the [Create Partial Extent] button at the bottom of the Network Extents
tab in the TOC to create partial extents.
You will need to select whether to use a selected graphic or an existing map
layer to define the extents. If no graphic is selected, this option is disabled.
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If you have selected the [Use layer] option, a list of available polygon layers
will be displayed to select from. The list will contain layers that are currently
displayed in the map window. When you select a layer, the [Field Name]
combo box will be populated with the character fields available in this layer.
The [Owner] combo box will only contain the user name you are logged in as
and 'PUBLIC'. If the Owner is defined as PUBLIC all Users will have access to
this Network Extent. An example is shown below.
When using a layer, multiple network extents will be created one for each
polygon record. The name and description of the extent will be taken by the
specified field names.
If you have selected the [Use Graphic] option, this step will display the
[Name], [Description] and [Owner] for the new extent.
The last step will display a brief description of the settings chosen by the user.
You can go back to change the settings, or click [Finish] to create the extent.
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Note that if the ‘cookie-cutter’ polygon (either a feature from a polygon layer
or a polygon graphic), intersects any network elements more than once the
following warning will be displayed:
If you click on [Yes], the extent will be created, but without the multiple-
intersecting elements. Clicking on [No] will cancel the Create Extent
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Editing Asset Records
This chapter describes how to edit asset records using Spatial Manager.
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This form is used to enter new, modify existing or End-Date (close) existing
items of inventory.
The form can be displayed by:
• Selecting the [Attributes] option in the context menu (right-click) of an
asset layer when asset records have been selected on the map.
• After selecting the [Create Asset] tool in the Spatial Manager toolbar.
For more details on how to create Assets please refer to Creating New
Note that Asset records may also be ‘End Dated’ by some Network
editing operations and when adding ‘Exclusive’ Asset Types.
Asset records that are ‘End-Dated’ are NOT deleted from the Exor database;
instead they are ‘hidden’ from normal display. Closed Asset records may be
viewed by setting the ‘Effective Date’ in the User preferences window to a
point in time when the required Asset record was not End-Dated
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Any changes made to an asset record after it has been entered into the Exor
database are recorded and can be reported on to provide an audit trail of
Inventory updates or changes.
The List Of Values is restricted to those Admin Unit areas of the Admin Types
associated with the Network Types on which Asset records of this type may
be located. Inventory Types are associated with Network Types using the
‘Networks’ window on form Inventory Types – NM0410. Admin Types are
associated with Network Types using Network Types - NM0002.
Notes (Optional)
Enter any notes required. A maximum of 40 characters is allowed.
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Note that once the Asset record is saved to the database the Start Date
in non updateable.
Flexible Attributes
The defining attributes and their current values for the Asset record will be
displayed here. These will have been previously set up using Inventory
Metamodel - NM0410. Mandatory attributes will be highlighted.
If Cross Attribute Validation Rules has been defined for an Attribute using
Cross Attribute Validation Setup – NM0550 and the data entered is invalid the
appropriate Error message will be displayed.
If the Product Option 'INVRTETAB' is set to 'Y' the Route Tab will be the
default display tab, otherwise the Datum Tab will be defaulted.
If the Asset record is ‘split’ and contains a break, or the Datum Network
Element(s) belongs to multiple Linear Groups, the Route Tab will display the
Start and End Offsets, relative to the Route, of each ‘chunk’ of the Asset
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Right-clicking on a location record will display a popup menu from where you
can select, Zoom or display the Attributes form for the specified network
The locations tabs will be blank if the asset does not have a network location.
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This topic describes the process of creating new assets that are located on
the network. For off-network assets please refer to the Create off-network
Assets topic.
• Click back to your map (Data View) to select the route you want to
locate the new asset against. The route will be highlighted and a
floating window will be displayed showing the current offset along the
route. Move along the route to find the required location for the start
position of your new asset.
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• Click on the start position and start tracing the new asset along the
selected route. The shape of the asset will be displayed in red.
Figure 110-Creating a new asset-Tracing
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If the asset has been traced against a route, only the Route Tab in the
Asset Locations tab will be enabled.
Note that if you digitized the new asset in the reverse direction (start offset >
end offset) Spatial Manager will 'swap' the start and end offsets. You can edit
the start and end offset fields to the exact value you require.
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This functionality is available from the [Edit Asset Location] option in the
Spatial Manager toolbar menu. The option will be available when records
from an asset layer or layers are highlighted (selected).
The user will first need to select the asset to edit from the Select Asset
window. The dialog will list any asset layers that satisfy the following criteria:
• Have been added to the map
• Have selected features
• Can be located along the currently selected Datum or Group Network
type as defined in the Inventory Metamodel - NM0410 form
• Are flagged as ‘Updatable’ in the GIS0010-GIS Themes form.
Clicking on the [Flash] button will flash (blink) the selected asset. Double-
clicking on an item in the list or clicking on the [OK] button will pan & zoom to
that asset.
Selecting [OK] will close the dialog and select the asset for editing.
• Using the ‘Select feature’ tool click-and-drag in the map to select the
asset you want to change its location.
• Click on the tree view to highlight the Datum or Route layer name
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• From the SM menu, select [Edit Asset Location…]. The select asset
dialog will display. Select the Asset layer you want to edit and click on
[OK]. The following dialog will display:
• Click on the Set Start radio button and click along the active network
layer to define a new position. The system will attempt to find the
closest element to the click location using the predefined search
tolerance. The dialog will be populated with the selected element and
offset. You can edit the [Offset] and [Effective Date] values as
required. Note that XSPs cannot be defined as they are currently
carried in the asset record. [Element] and XY entry boxes will be read-
• Click on [OK] to commit the new location
• Using the ‘Select feature’ tool click-and-drag in the map to select the
asset you want to change its location.
• Click on the tree view to highlight the Datum or Route layer name
• From the SM menu, select [Edit Asset Location…]. The select asset
dialog will display.
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Highlighting each Group will cause the new shape location to flash. Double-
click on the Group to zoom to that location.
If the route selected does not contain any sub-classes (e.g. does not contain
divided highways), the sub-class drop-down list LOV and the
[Exclusive]/[Ambiguous] radio buttons will be disabled. You can accept the
default effective date (today) or change it using the build-in calendar
Click the [OK] button to commit the new location to the database.
Figure 116-Relocate asset along linear group
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• If the route selected does not contain any sub-classes (e.g. does not
contain divided highways), the [Sub-class] drop-down list and the
[Exclusive]/[Ambiguous] radio buttons will be disabled.
• Click on OK to relocate the asset
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Off network assets are defined as those assets in the exor database that do
not -necessarily- have a network location i.e. they have their own,
'independent' shapes. The geometries of these assets can be points, lines or
Te process to create and edit them resembles that for datum elements. This
section describes the steps to create and edit/reshape a polygon asset. The
same process applies to either lines or points.
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• Start digitizing the geometry of the new polygon on the map. Double-
click to finish.
• Bring back the Asset form and enter the attributes as required
• Press [Save] to save your changes.
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Since the geometries of the off-network assets are -as their name implies-
independent on the underlying network shape you can also edit their
geometries by simply reshaping their shapes, very similar to the way the
Datum Element reshape works.
To move any of the vertices hover your mouse over them and click-and-drag
to move the vertex to a new location.
To move the whole shape to a different location, hover your mouse over the
shape where no vertices exist, click and drag the shape to the new location.
The vertices will disappear. Click on the Edit Feature tool -which will already
be active- to make them appear again.
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APPENDIX A- Flexible
Flexible attributes for each network type are defined using the Network
Types-NM0002 module in highways.
Flexible attributes allow for the handling of different types of network or Linear
Referencing Systems. This could include, for example, Road, Rail, Ferries,
Drainage, Rights of Way, Pipelines, and Utility Networks. Many Road
Transportation agencies may use one Network type for Primary and one
Network type for secondary roads. Such users are then free to expand the
system and use Network Manager to maintain other networks they require
such as Rail, Drainage and electrical.
This datum will provide direction and connectivity to enable Network Manager
to derive each of the linear referencing methods required. The user can then
assign Linear Referencing Methods as views or layers on this datum.
In North America for example, this will enable a LRS to be developed that
conforms to the NCHRP 20-27 model.
In the UK, this allows for the storage and manipulation of National Street
Gazetteer (NSG) data.
Different naming conventions for different Network Types can be catered for,
by using the flexible attribution available within the NM0002 form. These
Network Type names may be free text entries or may be derived, based on,
for example, ownership and route membership. Unique values for Element
numbers may also be generated automatically from internal system
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displacements along the Route. Note that the ‘parent’ Network Type
specified in a Type Inclusion for a Datum Network Type may be the Network
Type associated with a NON-Linear group.
Network Type Inclusions may also be defined for Network Types associated
with Network Groups, whereby a Group is automatically added as a member
of another Network Group, thus forming a Group of Groups.
If when creating a new Network Element or Group which has a ‘parent’ Type
Inclusion defined, the ‘parent’ group does not already exist, it may be created
automatically by the system if the [Auto-Create] checkbox on the [Type
Inclusion] panel is selected for the appropriate Network Type inclusion.
When creating an Element of this Network Type via the Elements – NM0105
module a List of Values will be provided for the Attribute which has been
defined as the Child Column in the Network Type Inclusion.
If the parent Group does not yet exist the List of Values may be cancelled and
the appropriate value added for the Attribute. The value entered will follow
and formatting rules specified in the ‘Format’ field of the Type Columns panel.
When the Element is saved the Parent Group will be created with the Group
Unique being derived from the value entered for the ‘Child’ Attribute.
The parent network type and ‘parent/foreign’ keys used to establish the
network association are defined using the ‘Type Inclusion’ window.
For example, a Road Network Type of Classified Roads may have these
Network Type Subclasses:
• Single
• Left
• Right
This would define whether a Network Element of this type was a Single
carriageway, the Left side of a dual carriageway or the Right side of a dual
carriageway. Network Type Subclasses are set up using the [Type
Subclass] window.
Network Types may be added for use when creating new Network Element
Group Types which have differing naming conventions, Units of measurement
or in the case of non-linear groups, have no unit of measurement e.g. a group
based on a geographical region.
Base Datum Network Types or Group Types may have Additional Data
associated with them in order to provide extra Network Attributes and/or to
‘tag’ relevant data to a Group or Base Datum. This mechanism is used to
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The shapes of linear groups are also stored as persistent data in Oracle
Spatial tables. Linear group shapes are created at implementation time, given
the datum elements spatial representation is present.
Consider the following example for a route that consists of only two datum
element members. The route membership information held for this route is
shown below:
This table shows that route A1, consists of two datum elements 001 and 002.
Element 001 is wholly contained within the route since its begin_mp value at
0 and its end_mp value 50, equal to its length.
Element 002 is only partially contained in the route since its end_mp value is
45, having a total length of 70. Schematically, this can be represented as
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Assuming that the shapes of elements 001 and 002 are present when this
route is created, NM3 will create the spatial representation for this route and
create a spatially enabled Oracle view by joining the route attribute table with
the spatial table containing the geometry of the route:
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Table of Figures
Figure 1 - Select the exor Spatial Manager toolbar from ArcMap Customize Dialog........................ 13
Figure 2 – Spatial Manager Toolbar ................................................................................................. 14
Figure 3-Login dialog ........................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 4—exor Groups tab initial view .............................................................................................. 17
Figure 5 - Linear Group Types and Layers tree view........................................................................ 20
Figure 6 – Linear group tree view detail............................................................................................ 21
Figure 7 - Non linear Group tree view detail ..................................................................................... 22
Figure 8 - Asset Types and Layers tree view.................................................................................... 25
Figure 9-The exor Extents Tab ......................................................................................................... 27
Figure 10-Simple Search Tab ........................................................................................................... 29
Figure 11-Advanced Search Tab ...................................................................................................... 31
Figure 12-General Preferences tab .................................................................................................. 34
Figure 13-Logging tab....................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 14 - Setting the Active Date ................................................................................................... 38
Figure 15-Query Layer dialog window .............................................................................................. 41
Figure 16 –Select Exor Features tool ............................................................................................... 41
Figure 17 –Foreign table attributes form........................................................................................... 43
Figure 18 –Identify tool ..................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 19 –LRM Tool button ............................................................................................................. 44
Figure 20 -LRM Window ................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 21 - Labeling LRM locations .................................................................................................. 46
Figure 22 -Locate LRM dialog........................................................................................................... 46
Figure 23-Shape Properties dialog ................................................................................................... 47
Figure 24-Zoom to XY Dialog ........................................................................................................... 47
Figure 25-Zoom to XY Dialog with Markers ...................................................................................... 48
Figure 26 - Create New Datum Element Form ................................................................................. 52
Figure 27 - Calendar pop-up............................................................................................................. 52
Figure 28-Additional Attributes tab for Datum Elements................................................................... 53
Figure 29-Additional Attributes tab for Datum Elements................................................................... 54
Figure 30-Copy/Trace Settings-Source Layer Selection................................................................... 57
Figure 31-Copy Trace Settings-Auto inclusion Mappings................................................................. 58
Figure 32-Copy Trace Settings-Define Mappings............................................................................. 58
Figure 33-Copy Trace Settings-Additional Attribute Mappings ......................................................... 59
Figure 34-Copy Trace Settings-Additional Attribute Mappings ......................................................... 60
Figure 35-Datum Attribute Transfer Settings .................................................................................... 63
Figure 36-Commit Attribute Transfer ................................................................................................ 64
Figure 37-Reshape Element dialog window ..................................................................................... 66
Figure 38 - Vertices along an element .............................................................................................. 67
Figure 39 - Moving a vertex .............................................................................................................. 67
Figure 40 -Vertex editing context menu ............................................................................................ 67
Figure 41-Set snapping on to the nodes layer .................................................................................. 68
Figure 42-Merge Conflict Resolution dialog...................................................................................... 70
Figure 43 - Merge Elements dialog window...................................................................................... 71
Figure 44-Select Feature dialog........................................................................................................ 73
Figure 45-Replace Element dialog window....................................................................................... 74
Figure 46 - Element and assets before a recalibrate ........................................................................ 76
Figure 47 - Assets after recalibrate-Shortening the element's length ............................................... 77
Figure 48 - Assets after recalibrate-Extending the element's length................................................. 77
Figure 49-Select Feature dialog........................................................................................................ 78
Figure 50 - Recalibrate Element dialog............................................................................................. 79
Figure 51 - Shared Reshape............................................................................................................. 80
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Add, 17, 150 Database, 15
Add Exor Theme, 37 Date, 70, 82
Add Members, 128 Datum, 66, 88, 150
Adding, 37 Datum Element, 44
Asset Layers, 37 Datum Elements, 17, 51
Exor Themes, 37 Datum Network, 17, 70, 160, 162
Network Layers, 37 Datum Network Type, 160, 162
Network Type Subclass, 160, 162 Type Inclusion, 160, 162
Nodes Layers, 37 Datum Types, 17
Adding members, 143 DB, 15, 17
Admin Unit, 51, 118, 160, 162 Define ROI, 26
Allows Delete All Markers, 47
Multiple Linear Referencing, 160, 162 Delete Selected Marker, 47
ArcView Terminology, 11 Digitise, 51, 55
asset, 17, 88, 150 Digitize, 51, 55, 99
Asset Attributes form, 146 Display Layer, 17
Asset Layers, 17, 37, 150 Displaying Projected Data, 38
Asset Locations, 150, 154 Distance Breaks, 113
Asset Metamodel, 17 Document Details, 2
Asset record, 84 Edit Feature tool, 55, 92
Asset records, 70 Edit location, 154
Asset Types, 17 Edit Tool, 15
Assets form, 150 Edit Tools, 55
Attribute Transfer, 62 Editing, 92
Attribute Transfer button, 64 effective date, 70
Attribute Transfer Tool, 63 Effective Date, 38
Attributes, 42 Element, 17, 88, 143
Auto-Create, 160, 162 Elements, 26, 38, 99, 100, 118, 160, 162
Base Datum, 17 End Membership, 128
Calendar, 38 End Points, 154
Child Column, 160, 162 End-date, 82
Close, 82 error, 35
Close Dialog, 82 Error logging, 35
Close Groups, 128 errors, 35
Close Nodes, 93 esu, 66
Closing elements, 83 Exor Groups, 37
Collection exor Groups tab, 17
linear features, 154 Exor Menu, 14
color, 34 Exor Theme, 37
colour, 34 exor_edit_layer, 51, 55
Connecting, 15 extend, 118
Contents, 17 extend route, 118
Context-sensitive, 17 Extending, 118
Coordinate Reference System, 38 routes, 118
Create Asset, 150 Extent, 34, 140, 141
Create New Element, 34, 51 Extents, 38
Create New Element dialog, 51, 118 Extents Wizard, 141
Create New Extent, 26 Find Records, 41
Create New Feature, 51 free-hand, 51, 55
Create New Group, 17 Functionality, 9
Create Partial Extent, 26, 141 General Preferences, 34
Creating new Assets, 17, 150 geometry, 66
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