Design of Machine Elements (Me)
Design of Machine Elements (Me)
Design of Machine Elements (Me)
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Assume uniform wear condition. The permissiblebearing pressure is 6 N/mmz. The allowable
shearstressin nut and screw is 30 Mpa. Determine :
(a) The Torque required to rotate the screw.
b. A 200 mm long hollow circular shaft of external diameter 80 mm and internal diameter b0 mm
is welded to a plate along its circumferences.The shaft carrier a concentratedloadJ *
hN at
free end perpendicular to the axis ofthe shaft ofthe permissibleweld strength is 148Mpa determine
weld size.
G 5561
6 . Design a semi-elliptical locomotive spring of I
m length to sustain a load of l2E kN at its centre.
The central band is 85 mm width. The spring rn""io-il;;;.
ilmu* use
a factor
I of
safety as 3 is design. The total spring depth should
not exceedB times of *iJtil*'
7. A solid shaft is to transmit 300 kw at ll2lr.p.m.
if the shear stress is not to exceed
the diameter of the shaft. what percentagesavings lgg-Mpa. Find
in weight ;Jd *-oo**"d if the ;;r;
replacedbya hollow shaft whosediameter equal to
0.Goftheexternal aian eter ffii*.ii;;aterial
and ma:rimum shear stress being the same ?
8' D.esigna.brush pin flexible coupling to connecttwo
shafts to transmit 20 kI{ at g00 r.p.m. Assume
that shaft, pin and keys are made of 40 c8 steel, while
flanges *;;Gay cast i"orr. Arrume the
factor of safety I and 5 based on yield strength and
ultimate strength"respectively. The crushing
may be taken as 1,3 times the tensiie strength and shear
::""it'n strength-aso,,5times the tensile
(4 x 25 = 100 marks)