Living With Simple Machines

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What Is This Module About?

Human strength alone is not enough to do most of the work in a day, at

any given day. Can you imagine how the Pyramids of Egypt or The Great Wall
of China were constructed? Remember that there was no heavy equipment
available at that time. So how were the early people able to build these huge

Simple machines have helped thousands of muscled and well-built people

construct these world famous and huge landmarks. The concept of simple
machines has enabled people throughout the ages to accomplish what were
deemed as impossible then.

You may be surprised to find out that the use of simple machines goes as
far back as the ancient times. Simple machines served as practical solutions to
our ancestors’ daily ordeals. Moving of a load from one place to another, for
example, may have prompted the earliest men to think of a device that could
do such a task with less difficulty.

Man’s physical strength can only go as far as it can. It can never do

everything, but with simple machines man can now accomplish tasks that
would have been difficult or impossible if he used his own strength alone.

In this module, you will learn more about simple machines.

This module is divided into two lessons:

Lesson 1 – Introducing…The Simple Machines

Lesson 2 – The Uses of Simple Machines

What Will You Learn From This Module?

After studying this module, you should be able to:

♦ define the following terms: work, force and simple machine;

♦ identify the six classifications of simple machines;

♦ explain how each simple machine helps do the work; and

♦ give examples of simple machines.

Let’s See What You Already Know

Before you start studying the module, try to do the exercises that follow
to determine how familiar you are with this topic. You don’t have to worry if
you are not able to perform the exercises correctly.

A. Put a check mark (4) beside the object that is an example of a simple
machine and an X-mark (6) if the object is not an example of a simple

ramp bubbles

saw wheelbarrow

flower shovel

clouds fork

burning fire hatchet

B. Fill in the blanks. Write your answers on the blank spaces provided.

1. _______________ are tools that made the necessary work for

survival easier.

2. There are six classifications of simple machines, namely:

______________, ______________, ______________,
______________, ______________, and ______________.

3. Of the six simple machines, the three main classifications are:

_______________, _______________, and

4. A bicycle is an example of a simple machine classified as


5. _______________ takes place when a force moves an object.

6. When something is moved and _______________ is used, then

there is work.

7. A pair of scissors is an example of two simple machines, namely:

_______________ and _______________.

8. If no _______________ has been obtained or covered, no work

is being done.

9. An elevator, a flagpole and a Venetian blind make use of the


10. The _______________ is actually two inclined planes joined

back to back.

Well, how was it? Do you think you fared well? Compare your answers
with those in the Answer Key on pages 42–43 to find out.

If all your answers are correct, very good! You may still study the module
to review what you already know. Who knows, you might learn a few more
new things as well.

If you got a low score, don’t feel bad. This only goes to show that this
module is for you. It will help you understand some important concepts that
you can apply in your daily life. If you study this module carefully, you will
learn the answers to all the items in the test and a lot more! Are you ready?

You may now go to the next page to begin Lesson 1.


Introducing…The Simple Machines

Have you ever wondered how the things around us work? With a little help
from machines, almost all tasks you can think of are done with much ease and
convenience in less time.

Simple machines are simple tools used to make work easier for us. Look
around—can you identify these simple machines? You’ll be surprised to find
out how simple machines are commonly used in our everyday tasks or work.
Machines used in many industries are combinations of simple machines.

After studying this lesson, you should be able to:

♦ define the following terms: work, force and simple machine;

♦ identify the six classifications of a simple machine; and

♦ give examples of each simple machine.

Let’s Learn

Look at the picture. Can you recognize this man? If you say he is
Superman, you are right! Superman is a comic book hero with superhuman
strength. He can leap over tall buildings in a single bound, and is more
powerful than a train and faster than a speeding bullet.

Unfortunately, no human being comes close to Superman’s incredible
strength and power. Can you imagine if all of us were as strong as Superman?
Landmarks such as the Pyramids of Egypt and the Great Wall of China would
not have taken years to build—it would have taken days, if not just hours.

In a way, simple machines have taken the place of Superman. It’s a fact:
there is no one as strong as Superman, there’s no one who can lift a car. But a
simple machine can do such tasks for us. Simple machines allow us to apply a
small or weak force to produce or overcome a stronger force.

Let’s Study and Analyze

Simple machines are not meant to replace or to eliminate work; they just
provide us with an advantage that makes work easier and faster. Let’s look at
the pictures below.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

What do you see from the three figures? Describe each.

Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 43.

What is work, anyway? Work is defined as force moving an object over a

distance. Which figure shows that work has taken place? If you say Figure 3,
your answer is correct.

Now, what is force? Force is anything that causes or changes motion in a

body. Pushing, pulling, stretching, squeezing, bending and falling are examples
of how force is applied. So looking at Figure 2, we can see that the man lifting
the box from the floor upwards means that force was applied.

What if someone is attempting to lift an object but fails? Isn’t the effort of
lifting the object considered as work? What do you think?

Aside from relying on force, another consideration for anything to be

called work is that it has to cover distance.

Let’s Learn

Take a look at the pictures below. Which picture do you think shows
work being done?

If you say the man on the right was doing work, you are right! But why is
that? Explain in your own words. _______________________________

Were you able to answer the question? Below, you’ll find possible
answers to the question.

The man on the left attempted to lift the heavy box. Although he may have
been exerting much effort, this does not count as work.

The man on the right, on the other hand, obviously did some work. He
was able to bring the barrel into the van. Let’s check. There is movement as he
was able to roll the barrel from where it was at first and then into the van by
using a ramp. A distance has been covered as barrel was brought from one
point to another.

To determine if there’s actual work, scientists came up with a formula:

Work = Force x Distance. Or if you don’t feel that computing is time
consuming, then just remember the two conditions that will determine if work
is being done:

♦ Something has to move.

♦ The motion must be in the direction of the applied force.

Let’s Think About This

Have you ever thought how life would be if there were no simple machines
to begin with? Can you think of things that you see around that have wheels on

A. Let’s look at a car.

Now, imagine it without wheels. Can you see it moving without its wheels?


B. What about a flag on a pole—how do you think it got up there?


C. How do you think our mothers would have prepared our food if not for
knives or peelers? Will doctors be able to perform operations using their
bare hands? Will travelling be possible without machines?


You may compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on pages

Obviously, almost all the things that you can think of have a simple
machine or a combination of simple machines built into it. As mentioned
earlier, simple machines are tools that allow work to be done easier and faster.

Let’s Think About This

Look around your home, school or neighborhood. Take note of the

machines that you see. List down all the things that you think are examples of
a simple machine or a combination of simple machines.


1. _____________________

2. _____________________

3. _____________________

4. _____________________

5. _____________________

1. _____________________

2. _____________________

3. _____________________

4. _____________________

5. _____________________


1. _____________________

2. _____________________

3. _____________________

4. _____________________

5. _____________________

Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 44.

Let’s Learn

At home, the most common simple machines are the doorknob, knives,
can openers, screwdriver and hammer.

In school, you can just look at the playground where the slide and the
seesaw can be cited as good examples of simple machines.

In your neighborhood, you’ll see bicycles, tricycles, cars and trucks.

Aren’t simple machines great? Without simple machines and their eventual
transformation to more complex machines, do you think we can still do the
things that we can do now? Write down your thoughts about a world without

Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 44.

Remember that simple machines will help us do the same amount of work
but with less effort and time. Are you ready to learn more about each of these
simple machines? If so, read on.

Let’s Study And Analyze

There are six simple machines, namely: the lever, the pulley, the inclined
plane, the wheel and axle, the wedge, and the screw.

The lever, the pulley and inclined plane are considered to be the main
classifications of simple machines. The three remaining ones (wheel and axle,
wedge and screw) are considered modifications of the first three simple

The Inclined Plane

An inclined plane is a slanting or sloping surface that connects a lower

level to a higher level. An inclined plane can sometimes be referred to as a
ramp. Let’s look at the picture below.

Does the inclined plane look familiar? Can you think of anything around
you that may be similar to this simple machine? List them below.



You may compare your answer with the one in the Answer Key on
page 45.

Here’s another one. Have you seen the flyovers along the highways of
EDSA? These flyovers allow cars to go from one level to another level of the
road or to go from one direction to another.

Another example would be the ramps found in entrances and exits of

most public buildings. These ramps are provided for our physically challenged
brothers and sisters on wheelchairs or crutches. Since they cannot climb up
the stairs on their own, ramps allow them to use their wheelchairs so that they
could have easy access to buildings or offices.

Let’s Try This

Identify the following examples of an inclined plane. Write your answers in

the blanks below each picture.

1. 2.

3. 4.

Note: You may have a hard

5. time with Item 5. Here’s a
clue. Guess the missing word
in this nursery rhyme.

Jack and Jill went up the

_______ to fetch a pail of
water …

Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 45.

Let’s Study and Analyze

The Lever

The lever is a simple machine made up of a bar or an arm that turns or

lifts against a “fulcrum” or support. To better picture what this simple machine
is like, let’s look at the illustration below.

The seesaw, just like any other lever, consists of four parts: the arm or the
lever itself. The fulcrum is the central point that the arm rocks on. It is the
thing that makes the load a little lighter for us. The load is the object you are
trying to move or lift. The force is the spot where the effort to move the load
is to be applied.

Looking at the seesaw, can you pinpoint where the arm, fulcrum, load and
forces are found?

The part you sit on a seesaw is the arm. The brace in the middle is the
fulcrum. The two children sitting at each end alternately take turns being the
load and being the force.

arm or lever



There are three classifications of levers, namely: the First Class Lever,
Second Class Lever and Third Class Lever. Each class of lever is determined
by where the load is in relation to the fulcrum. You will know more about this
in the next lesson.

Let’s Try This

Based on your understanding of a lever, can you now identify which of

the pictures below is a lever? Well, let’s find out. Put an X-mark (6) on the
drawing or illustration that you think is not a lever.

1. oar 6. car

2. baseball bat 7. ruler

3. fork 8. eraser

4. light switch 9. spoon

5. pair of scissors 10. hat

Compare your answer with those in the Answer Key on page 45.

Let’s Learn

The Wheel and Axle

The wheel and the axle is a very popular simple machine. It is made up
of a few objects. On the illustration below, we can see that the wheel, the
bigger round object, turns the axle, the smaller cylindrical object similar to a


A classic example would be a ceiling fan. Have you seen a ceiling fan
lately? The small rod which is the axle is stuck firmly to a wheel, represented
by the fan blades. And so when ceiling fan is turned on, the axle turns making
the wheel (fan blades) turn also.

Let’s Try This

Look at the pictures or illustrations below. Identify whether the object is

an inclined plane, lever, or wheel and axle. Choose and write your answers
on the spaces provided below the table (on the next page).

1. 2.

hammer door knob

3. 4.

chisel screwdriver
5. 6.

hatchet Seesaw on the playground

7. 8.

slide on the playground broom

9. 10.

bicycle shovel

1. _____________________ 6. _____________________
2. _____________________ 7. _____________________
3. _____________________ 8. _____________________
4. _____________________ 9. _____________________
5. _____________________ 10. _____________________

Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 46.

Aren’t simple machines just useful and amazing? They are everywhere and
they play significant roles in our everyday lives!

Let’s Think About This

Look at the picture below.

Can you guess the simple machine shown here? If you’re thinking of the
pulley, you are right again! Let’s now study this simple machine.

The Pulley

The pulley is a simple machine that uses a rope, belt or chain wrapped
around a wheel. What does a pulley look like? Let’s look at the picture below.

belt or rope

Basically, the set-up for a pulley is that the machine or person is on one
side while an object is on the other. The person or machine pulls the rope
down to lift the object. To make the object go down, the machine or person
lets go of the rope.

More about pulleys will be discussed in the next lesson.

Let’s Think About This

What simple machine do you think this is? And what do you think this
simple machine does?

If you guessed screw, then you are right.

A screw is a very useful tool. It is a simple machine which is equivalent to
the spiral form of an inclined plane. It is the screw that holds in place the
hinges in your cabinet doors. Look at the picture below.

For easy identification of a screw every time you see one, think about
anything that has threads. Yes, you read it right: threads. Look closely at the
illustration below.


What do the threads remind you of? If you’re thinking of the inclined
plane, you’re right! The threads are like small ramps around a screw.

What about this simple machine, can you guess this one?

If you’re thinking of a wedge, then you’re right again.

A wedge is a simple machine with at least one slanting side ending in a
sharp edge. Are you familiar with the story of Little Red Riding Hood? The
woodcutter’s ax (or any ax at all) used to kill the bad wolf is an example of a

Can you think of examples of a wedge? Think of objects that have sharp
edges. Discuss it with your Instructional Manager for feedback.

Let’s See What You Have Learned

A. Answer the following questions.

1. Why are simple machines important? Cite everyday activities

where simple machines are used.


2. In your opinion, which is the most “hardworking” or “dependable”

simple machine? Why?


3. What are the most commonly seen simple machines in your
home? Give examples of these simple machines found in your

4. Of the six simple machines, the lever, the pulley and the inclined
plane are considered to be the main classifications of simple
machines. Why do you think is this so?

5. Knowing the nature of simple machines, would you consider

some parts of the human body as simple machines? Why or why
not? Also, give examples of parts of the human body that you
think are similar to simple machines.


B. Identify the simple machine used in each illustration. Write your

answers below each illustration.


Spiraling roads
leading to Baguio


Rolling pin


Safety pin


Old-fashioned well


Jar lid


Wheelchair ramp




Fan belt




Roller coaster


Bottle opener



Finished? Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on pages

Let’s Remember

♦ Simple machines are simple tools that make work easier and faster.

♦ Work takes place when distance is covered as a result of an applied


♦ Simple machines are classified into: inclined plane, lever, pulley,

screw, wedge, and wheel and axle.

1. Inclined plane is a slanting or sloping surface that connects a

lower level to higher level.

2. Lever is a bar or arm that turns or lifts against a “fulcrum” or


3. Pulley is a simple machine that uses a rope, belt or chain

wrapped around a wheel.

4. Screw is a spiral form of the inclined plane.

5. A wedge is a simple machine with at least one slanting side

ending in a sharp edge.

6. Wheel and axle is a simple machine, made up of a round object

(wheel) and a cylindrical object similar to a stick (axle).


The Uses of Simple Machines

In Lesson 1, we learned about the concepts and the six classifications of
simple machines. Now, we will learn exactly how simple machines work. Are
the applications for each simple machine the same? Or are simple machines
used and applied differently?

After studying this lesson, you should be able to:

♦ explain how each simple machine helps do work more easily; and

♦ demonstrate how each simple machine can be used in different


Let’s Study And Analyze

Much of the work that simple machines do is a response to what human

people cannot do. Is that all that simple machines can do? You’re about to
find out, so continue reading on.

Let’s start with the inclined plane. This simple machine was used by the
Egyptians to build the pyramids. How? An inclined plane is used to lift heavy
loads with less effort or force. Let’s study this carefully through the activity on
the next page.

It’s Linda’s first day on her job as a saleslady. Her task is to put canned
goods on the shelf.

1. Give suggestions on how Linda should do the task.


2. Again, based on your suggestions, what is the best way to

accomplish the task, and why?

3. What do you think of the inclined plane? How do you think will it
make Linda’s task easier?

After writing down your answers, compare them with those in the Answer
Key on page 48.

The inclined plane reduces the amount of force needed to lift the object.
The longer the distance of the inclined plane, the easier is the work involved.
Remember the pyramids of Egypt? Millions of limestone blocks were moved
hundreds of miles over twenty years, weighing 2 to 70 tons each. Ramps or
inclined planes over a mile long were used to place the limestone blocks in
their place.

How do you think this was done? Let’s look at the picture below.

4. Imagine the boy as one of the workers who built the pyramids of
Egypt. Let’s pretend that the box filled with books is a limestone
block. Can you give suggestions on how the boy should do it?

5. Based on your suggestions, which do you think is the better way and

Again, compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on pages

Let’s Try This

Shown below are examples of inclined plane. Give everyday situations

where they can help make the work easier for you.




Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 49.

Let’s Learn

Do you still remember the seesaw? Aside from being a permanent fixture
in playgrounds, a seesaw is the most common example of a lever. The lever,
in this case, is used to lift weights.

But that is not all what a lever does. The lever is also quite dependable in
removing or pulling out something loose. The lever is such a useful simple
machine that it is grouped into three types. Can you guess the three types of
levers? If you can’t yet, that’s okay. Just read on to identify them.

First Class Lever is a lever

where the fulcrum is found
between the force and the
load. In the example on your
right, the fulcrum is the edge
of the tin can of biscuits. The
lever changes the direction of
force: as the handle of the
spoon goes down, the lid
goes up. Spoon used as lever to open can of biscuits

Second Class Lever is a
lever where the fulcrum is at
one end of lever, the force at
the other end, and the load in
the middle.

Can or bottle opener

Third Class Lever is a lever

where the fulcrum is at the
opposite end of the load, with
the force being applied in the

Tweezers that pull or remove hair

Let’s Try This

In the first column of the table below, there are jumbled letters that form
the name of common levers. Unscramble them to form the correct words or
names. Then, put a check mark (3) under the type of lever to which it
belongs. Review the illustrations on the next page to serve as guide.
First Second Third
Lever Class Class Class

1. T T E O B L E E O N R P
2. A A E L B B S L A B T
4. C H R N E W
5. N C A E E N O P R
6. K O R F
7. L E E H W W O R R A B
8. T H G I L W S T I H C
9. O O M R B
10. G N H S F I I D R O
11. S S S S I O C R
12. N G T O S
13. M M H R E A
14. E E E Z W T R S

15. S R E I L P

Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on pages 49–50.

Let’s Learn

Now let us study the contributions of simple machines in the area of

transportation. We are referring to the wheel and axle.

The wheel and axle is best remembered as the big wheel and the small
wheel. It is a simple machine that causes movement. Also, the wheel and axle
can be used to lift loads. This simple machine is considered to be the most
important invention in history. Why do you think so? To help you answer the
question, look at the pictures below. What is wrong with them?

Without the wheel and axle:

1. there will be no door knobs to open and close doors with;

2. there will be no water faucets that will regulate the flow of water
through a pipe;

3. there will be no propellers that will make airplanes and helicopters fly;

4. there will be no wheels on a car.

Now, can you just imagine how different life would be without this simple
machine? Can you think of some more examples of the wheel and axle? If you
have, share this information and discuss it with your co-learners.

Let’s Think About This

Don’t you feel that, somehow, simple machines have taken the fun out of
living a simple life? Because of the wheel and axle, cars, buses, jeepneys and
other modes of transportation, walking seems to have become a thing of the

But speaking of appreciating the simple things in life like walking, there is a
simple machine that, in a way, helps us accomplish this. It’s the pulley.

This is a pair of rubber shoes. No, the pair

of rubber shoes is not an example of a pulley,
but the shoelaces are. Do you know why? This
is why: a pulley is used to raise, lower, or move
a load.

Do you have a pair of rubber shoes with shoelaces on? If yes, then you
do know that the shoelaces are placed into the shoelace holes to move the
tongue and the upper parts of the shoe close enough so that the feet are
“secured” inside the shoes.

So every time you’re taking a walk or even jogging or running, remember

that the shoelaces on your shoes are actually simple machines.

Let’s Study and Analyze

But there’s more to pulleys than shoelaces. In fact, there are three types of
pulleys. As discussed in the basic set-up for a pulley on page 19, a pulley
changes the direction of the force. This means that instead of directly lifting up
an object, you can pull down one end of the rope and cause the object on the
other end to lift up, or vice versa.

Look at the drawings below. They show three types of pulley: the fixed
pulley, the movable pulley, and the combined pulley. Take note of the
different directions of the force applied and the load. What do you observe
for each type of pulley? Can you try giving examples of pulleys based on your
observation? Write your answers on the spaces provided on the next page.
(Here’s a hint: They can be compared to the three types of levers.)

Fixed Pulley Movable Pulley

Combined Pulley


Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 50.

Let’s Try This

In Lesson 1, you learned that a screw is another form of an inclined plane.

How similar is this simple machine to an inclined plane? Let’s do this activity
to find out.

You need a pencil and a paper cut or folded into a triangular shape. Make
sure that the height of the triangle (as shown in the illustration) is the same as
that of the pencil. Now holding point A of the triangle (again, as shown in the
illustration), start wrapping the paper around the pencil.

What do you have now? Does it look familiar to you? What you have right
now is a screw. The inclined plane (the paper triangle) is wrapped around a
cylindrical post (the pencil).

To be exact, what you have with you is what a standard screw looks like.
Compare it with the illustration below.

What do you think? Aren’t they the same thing? Look closely at the
threads on your pencil wrapped in triangular paper. I’m sure you’re now
convinced that a real screw is very, very similar to the outcome or product of
our previous activity.

This standard screw, like any other examples of a screw, holds or fastens
things together. A screw may also be used to lift materials. Have you seen a
car jack? If not, you may look at the illustration below and see how the car
jack is used to lift a car or any vehicle.

Let’s Study and Analyze

The screw is not the only simple machine that is similar to an inclined
plane. The last simple machine that you will learn in this module is also another
version of an inclined plane. This is the wedge.

A wedge is similar to an inclined plane because its parts with the sharp
edges can be likened to two inclined planes placed back to back.

inclined plane

To further illustrate the wedge’s capabilities, let’s do this.

Use a sharpener to sharpen your pencil. Was the pencil sharpened? Bite
into a biscuit, using your teeth of course. Were you able to eat the biscuit

What is common between the sharpener and your teeth? Write your
answer in the blank spaces below.

Compare your answer with the one in the Answer Key on page 51.

This is why a wedge can be used to cut, split or fasten objects. The
sharpener and the teeth have sharp edges which cut or split materials, in this
case, the pencil and the biscuit.

Let’s See What You Have Learned

This is a crossword puzzle. Fill the puzzle by answering the questions

1 2

4 5

8 9




Across Down

1. A type of pulley used in 2. Used to lift heavy loads with

raising a flag up the pole less effort by pushing the
4. A simple tool used to make loads along its surface until
work easier to do (2 words) the loads reach their place
where they should be
7. Another variation of an
inclined plane used to cut 3. Used to identify screws
materials 5. A pulley very similar to the
8. An example of inclined plane way the second class lever
used in going up or down a works
house or a building 6. __________, second and
10. A part of the mouth that can third class levers
be used to chew food with 8. A spiral form of the inclined
11. A seesaw is the most plane
common example of this 9. A ____________ changes
simple machine the direction of the force
12. Also known as big wheel and
small wheel

Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 51.

Let’s Remember

♦ The six simple machines work differently from each other. Although
some simple machine may be somewhat similar to each other, there
are distinct differences that set each simple machine apart.

♦ The inclined plane is used primarily to lift heavy loads with less
effort and force. The longer the distance of the inclined plane, the
easier is the work required. This is because the lesser the steepness of
the plane, the lesser force is needed to move the load.

♦ The lever can be used for lifting weights, removing or pulling out
things that are loose. There are three types of levers, namely: first
class, second class and third class levers.

♦ The wheel and axle is easily remembered as the simple machine with
a big and small wheel. It is a simple machine that causes movement.

♦ A pulley is used to make lifting easier. It changes the direction of the

force. So if you want something lifted, you would have to pull down
when using this simple machine. Like the lever, the pulley has three
types, namely: fixed, movable and combined pulleys.

♦ A screw is a variation of the inclined plane only that it (the inclined

plane) is wrapped in a cylindrical post. It is used to lift materials, and
hold or fasten things.

♦ A wedge is also another variation of the inclined plane in that it has

inclined planes placed back to back. This enables this simple machine
to cut or split certain materials apart.

Let’s Sum Up

♦ Simple machines are simple tools that make work easier and faster.

♦ Work takes place when distance is covered as a result of an applied


♦ Simple machines can be categorized as: inclined plane, lever, pulley,

screw, wedge, and wheel and axle.

♦ Simple machines help us lift, pull, change the direction of the force,
split, cut or fasten things.

♦ We all use simple machines everyday: to open a door, to turn on the

water faucet, to tie up our shoelaces, to go up or down a flight of
stairs, or even just to eat.

What Have You Learned?

Below are examples of simple machines with illustrations and some key
words. Group or classify them according to the category of simple machine
they belong to. Write your answers on the table on the next page.

1. bottom end of a light bulb

2. roller skates

3. drill

4. clothesline

5. tape

6. doorstop

7. sail

8. “ramp”

9. threads 2nd

10. first, second and third class 1st


11. cars, vehicles, automobiles

12. fixed, movable and combined

13. knife

14. weighing scale

15. screwdriver

16. pair of scissors

17. chisel

18. telephone dial

19. “tiny ramps”

20. most important invention in history

Lever Pulley Screw

How did you do? You can compare your answers with those found in the
Answer Key on pages 51–52. You are now very knowledgeable about simple
machines. You can study this module again to review what you have learned. If
you missed some answers, don’t worry. Review the parts of the module that
you did not understand.

Once you are able to answer all the review questions correctly, then you
are done with this module. You have been a good learner, so now you can
move on to the next module. Congratulations and keep up the good work!

Answer Key

A. Let’s See What You Already Know (pages 2–3)


3 7

3 3

7 3

7 3

7 3

B. 1. Simple machines

2. inclined plane, lever, pulley, screw, wedge and wheel, and axle
(in any order)

3. inclined plane, lever, and pulley

4. wheel and axle

5. Work

6. force

7. lever and wedge

8. distance

9. pulley

10. wedge

B. Lesson 1
Let’s Study and Analyze (pages 5–6)

Here is a sample answer. Bear in mind that the answers you may
come up with may be different, but they may also be correct. Show
your answers to the Instructional Manager for additional feedback.

In Figure 1, a man is shown standing near a box. In Figure 2, the

same man is shown pulling up the same box. In Figure 3, the same
man is shown carrying the box from one point to another. The three
figures altogether show that work has been accomplished.

Let’s Think About This (pages 7–9)

A. I cannot imagine a car moving without its wheels. A car or any

land vehicle is deemed useless without its wheels.

B. The flag was hoisted up the pole using a pulley. Other possible
ways of raising the flag up could be by using a ladder, but using a
pulley to accomplish just that is the easiest and most practical so

C. Our mothers or cooks would have a hard time preparing food if
there are no knives or peelers to help them. There is evidence that
even the earliest of men used sharp stones or rocks to cut their
food into small pieces so that they could be eaten properly.
Doctors would not be able to perform medical procedures like a
surgery if not for tools such as scalpels. If not for simple
machines, airplanes or ships would not have been invented thus,
making traveling very tiring and difficult.

Let’s Think About This (pages 9–10)

Here are sample answers. Show your answers to the Instructional

Manager for additional feedback.

1. faucet or tap
2. broom
3. light switch
4. electric fan
5. kitchen utensils such as knives, can and bottle openers, etc.

1. flagpole
2. ladder
3. ceiling fans
4. pencil sharpeners
5. slides, seesaw on the playground

1. construction materials such as hammer, shovel, wheelbarrow,
2. bicycles
3. stairs
4. cars and other vehicles

Let’s Learn (pages 10–11)

Here is a sample answer. It’s okay to come up with an answer

different from what is given here. Show your answers to the
Instructional Manager for additional feedback.

I strongly believe that we would not be where we are right now, in

terms of development and technology, if not for the simple machines.
In many ways, simple machines have become our partners in our daily
activities. Their contribution to man’s existence can never be ignored.
Let’s Study and Analyze (page 12)

Here is a sample answer. Show your answers to your

Instructional Manager for additional feedback.

The inclined plane is a very familiar simple machine. Instantly it

reminds me of the ramps used to load drums or barrels inside a truck
or a van. Also, the wheelchair ramps found in most public offices or a
slide in the playground reminds me of the inclined plane.

Let’s Try This (page 14)

1. ladder
2. escalator
3. stairs
4. dump truck
5. hill

Let’s Try This (page 16)

1. oar 6. car 6

2. baseball bat 7. ruler


3. fork 8. eraser 6

4. light switch 9. spoon

5. pair of scissors 10. hat 6

Let’s Try This (pages 17–18)
1. A hammer is an example of a lever.
2. A door knob is an example of a wheel and axle.
3. A chisel is an example of a wheel and axle. (As additional
knowledge, note that a chisel is also an example of a wedge. You
will learn why this is so later as you go on.)
4. A screwdriver is an example of a wheel and axle. However, the tip
of the screwdriver may also be considered as an example of a
wedge. More about this later on.
5. A hatchet is an example of an inclined plane. (Later on, you will
see that it can also be a wedge.)
6. A seesaw is an example of a lever.
7. A slide is an example of an inclined plane.
8. A broom is an example of a lever.
9. A bicycle is an example of a wheel and axle.
10. A shovel is an example of a lever.

Let’s See What You Learned (pages 21–25)

A. Here are sample answers. Show your answers to your
Instructional Manager for additional feedback.
1. Simple machines are important primarily because they make
our work easier. Man’s capability to do work is limited and
simple machines help us save the limited energy that we have
by providing us assistance in our daily tasks. There are many
examples of daily activities where simple machines are such a
great help that without them it would be very difficult to
accomplish anything at all. Imagine life without a can
opener—how do we open our favorite can of sardines for
breakfast? In school, how can students participate in written
exercises if their pencils broke and there’s no sharpener
around? What will farmers use to till their lands if there are no
tools like hoes, plough, etc.? What do you think traveling
would be like without the wheel and axle?

2. I think any simple machine is as equally hardworking and
dependable as the others. But for the sake of discussion, I’d
say the inclined plane. I chose the inclined plane simply
because it can also be seen in other simple machine like the
wedge and the screw.

3. Since our kitchen is the most used part of our house, I would
say the wedge and the lever. Kitchen utensils like knives, can
openers and peelers are seen everywhere and are therefore,
the most frequently used tools around because of the
family’s love for cooking and eating. Family members are
also fond of tinkering around with house tools such as
hammers, screwdrivers and pliers, which are also found in
the toolbox under the kitchen cabinet. These are just a few of
the things representing the two simple machines frequently
used in our house.

4. This is because the others like the screw, wedge and wheel
and axle are just variations or modifications of the three main
classifications of simple machines. For example, the pulley
makes use of grooved wheels and its rope acts as levers
when pulling a load. A screw, in itself, is an example of a
screw but when in use it works very much like how a wheel
and axle works. And whether a metal screw is a screw or a
wheel and axle, when you look closely, what you’ll see are
small ramps or inclined planes wrapped around the
cylindrical post.

5. Yes. Some parts of the human body work like simple

machines. They help us do work easily so that the body may
survive. For example, the teeth help us cut, slice or grind the
food we take in. Thus, they are an example of a wedge. Our
skeletal muscles work in pairs to help us pull the bones which
facilitate movement of the body. In a way, these muscles
work like levers or pulleys in our bodies.

B. 1. screw/inclined plane
2. wheel and axle
3. wedge
4. pulley
5. screw

6. inclined plane
7. lever
8. pulley
9. wedge
10. inclined plane
11. lever
12. wheel and axle

C. Lesson 2
Let’s Study and Analyze (pages 26–28)

Here are sample answers. Your answers may not be the same, but
they are not necessarily wrong. Show your answers to your
Instructional Manager for additional feedback.

1. Linda could put one or at least two canned goods at a time by

standing on a chair or a stable platform. Another option is for her
to just stretch her arms long enough to reach the top shelf, but
this is not safe. Another way to put the canned goods into the
shelf is for her to use a ladder.

2. I think the last option offers the best solution because it is the
most practical and safest way. Standing on a chair or a stable
platform may be safe as well but moving down the lower shelves
may be inconvenient or straining on the back as she would have
to stoop. But the ladder would enable her to move up or down
the shelves with less effort and more comfort.

3. The inclined plane does not eliminate the force or effort that one
will use in work; it does, however, make the work easier and more
manageable. Although in this case, Linda would still have to move
up or down, the ladder makes this physical work more
convenient, safer and less of a back-breaking activity.

4. I guess the boy could just carry the box filled with books and
place it on the table. Another way of doing it would be to place
one end of the ramp on the table and the other end resting on the
floor. The box is placed on the ramp and is pushed up until it
rests on the table.

5. I think using the ramp to be able to put the box where it should
be placed is the easier way to do this task. Although work is still
needed, such work is relatively less compared to lifting the entire
box and relying only on one’s own strength. Pushing the box up
the table using the ramp requires far less energy and puts less
strain on the body.

Let’s Try This (pages 28–29)

1. A flight of stairs allows us to go up or down a two-storey house

or a multi-floored building. Imagine going up a house using a
rope—that would be totally difficult for most people! The
concept of stairs has enabled people to move around houses and
buildings. The stairs, in a way, has helped conserve space. How?
Houses or buildings, to accommodate more living or office
spaces, are constructed with more and more floors, which of
course makes stairs a necessity.

2. An escalator is an improved version of the stairs. In an escalator,

you don’t have to move your feet that much compared to
climbing up or down a flight of stairs. You only exert such effort
when you’re about to board an escalator or when you’re about to
get off it.

3. A dump truck helps people in–charge of disposing garbage in

dump sites. They don’t have to manually take the trash from the
truck and throw them one by one to the sites. The dump trucks
make it possible for huge collections of garbage on many
households due to its size. Finally, dump trucks have helped
waste managers to develop a more systematic system of garbage

Let’s Try This (pages 30–31)

First Second Third

Lever Class Class Class




6. FORK 3

9. BROOM 3
12. TONGS 3
13. HAMMER 3

15. PLIERS 3

Let’s Study and Analyze (pages 33–34)

Here are sample answers. Show your own answers to your

Instructional Manager for additional feedback.

The fixed pulley may have been called as such because it is

attached to a fixed or unmovable object like a ceiling or a wall. It can
be similarly described as a first class lever because its fulcrum is
located at the center or in this case, the axis. The lever in this type of
pulley is represented by the rope.

The movable pulley is similar to the second class lever because

this time they both have the load at the center of the fulcrum and the
force to be applied.

The combined pulley, on the other hand, is similar to the third

class lever because force is at the center. The main difference between
the two is that the combined pulley needs less effort or force than half
of the load, while the third class lever needs greater force than the

Examples of pulleys would be the grooved wheel with a rope

used to raise a flag, sail and also the one found on top of a curtain or

Let’s Study And Analyze (pages 35–36)

Here are sample answers. Show your answers to the Instructional

Manager for additional feedback.

Both the sharpener and the teeth can cut or split materials. The
sharpener’s end product are pencil shavings, while the teeth’s are
digestible food. A sharpener shaves off wooden parts of the pencil to
make it useful for writing or drawing. The teeth cuts or grinds the
food inside the mouth so that the food is easily swallowed and
eventually digested to provide nourishment for the body. These are
like a wedge which has a sharp end that can break apart or split

Let’s See What You Have Learned (page 37)

1 2
4 5
8 9


D. What Have You Learned? (pages 40–41)

Inclined Wheel
Plane Lever Pulley Screw Wedge and axle

“ramp” First, Clothesline Light bulb Doorstop Roller skate

Third Class

Chisel Weighing Sail Drill Knife Tapes


Fixed, Threads Cars,

mixed, and vehicles and
combined other

Inclined Wheel
Plane Lever Pulley Screw Wedge and axle

Tiny Screwdriver Screwdriver

“ramps” (tip) (the whole

Pair of Pair of Telephone

scissors scissors dial

Chisel Most
invention in


Force Anything which causes or changes motion in an object or body

Inclined plane A flat, slanting ramp with one end higher than the other

Lever A bar or rigid arm that turns or lifts against a support or a fulcrum

Pulley A wheel with a rope, belt or chain wrapped around it

Screw A spiral inclined plane or tiny ramps circling a post

Simple machine A tool used to make work easier

Wedge Two inclined planes placed back to back; something with a

pointed edge at one end and a wide edge at the other

Wheel and axle A turning big and small wheel that causes movement

Work What takes place when a force applied to an object or body

moves it a distance


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Wade/physics.htm >. March 7, 2001, date accessed.

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simplemachines.html >. March 12, 2001, date accessed.

< >. March 12, 2001, date


test.htm >. March 7, 2001, date accessed.


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