Mas 2605
Mas 2605
Mas 2605
l. ~ha r~able costing treat s on ly th ose costs of producti on rrlll nuracturlng overh ead costs . Si nce only th e
d' a tvary with output as product co5ts. Ord lnarlly, current fixed manufacturing overhead costs are
,rec rnaterla ls, direct labor and va riable ex pensed unde r variable costi ng, the net income
manufacturing overhead costs wou ld be Included In reported unde r absorption costing will be less than
product costs under variable costing . Fixed the net Income reported under variable cost ing .
manufacturing overhead Is not treated as a period 4 . Long-term differences in income . Over an extended
cost and I:;; charged off aga inst revenue each period. period of tim e, t he cumu l a t i ·✓ c net lnccr.i e ~i~ures
2 • Absorption costing treats .all costs of producti on as reported under absorption costing and va r1able
product costs, regardless of whethe r they are costing will be about the same ; they will differ on ly
variable or fixed in nature . Under the absorption by the amount of fixed manufacturing overhead cost
costing .method , a portion of fixed manufacturing in end ing Inventories unde r absorption costing .
overhead Is allocated to each un it of product. Cumu lative net Income figures will be identica l
wheneve r ending Inventories are reduced to zero .
Comparison of Absorption and Variable Costing. 5. Changes In production volume. Variable costing net
When comparing absorption cost ing and variab le income Is not affected by changes in production
costing Income statements, a number of points vol ume . Absorption costing net income Is affected by
should be noted : changes in production volume . For any given level of
1. Deferral of fixed manufacturing costs under sa les, net Income under absorption costing will
absorption costing. Under the absorpti on costing increase as the level of output increases and hence
method , i1' inventories increase then a porti on of the inventories increase .
fixed manufacturing overhead costs of the current
period is deferred to future periods through the
inventory account. When the units are later taken Advantages of the ContrlbutitJr, ~rpr~a<:h . Thi> r':! ere
out of Inventory and sold, the deferred fixed costs a number of advantages to using variable costing (and
flow through to the income statement . the contribution approach) in interna l reports and
2. Differences in Inventories under the two analysis.
methods. The ending inventory figures under the 1. More usefu l fo r CVP ana lysis. Variable costing
variable costing and absorption costing methods are statements provide data that are immediately usefu l
different . Under variable costing, only the variable fo r CVP analysis since they categorize costs on the
manufacturing costs are included in Inventory. Under basis of the ir behavior.
absorption costing, both variable and fixed 2. Income is not affected by changes in production
· manufacturing costs are included in inventory . volume . Under absorption costing , reported net
income is affected by changes in production since
Suitability for CVP analysis. The absorption costing fixed costs are spread across more or fewer units .
income statement is not well su ited for provid ing This can distort income and may even result in
data for CVP computations since It makes no income moving in an opposite directi on from sales .
distinction between fixed and variable costs . In Thi~ does not occur under varial51e costing .
contrast, the variable costing method classifies costs 3. Avoids misunderstandings concern ing unit product
by behavior and is very useful in setting -up CVP costs . Absorption costing un it product costs can be
computations . easily misinterpreted as variable costs since they are
stated on a per unit basis. Such a misperception can
Extended Comparison of Income Data. lead to serious errors in making decisions. Variable
1. Production equals sales (no change In inventories) . costing avoids th is problem since un it costs include
When production equals sales, there is no change in only variab le costs.
inventories . If there is no change in inventories, 4. Fixed costs are more visible . The impact of fixed
then there is no change in the fixed manufacturing costs on profits is emphasized because the tota l
overhead costs in inventories under absorption amount of such costs fo r the period appears
costing . separately and is high lighted in the income
2. Production exceeds sales (inventories increase) . statement rather than being buried in cost of goods
When production exceeds sales, inventories grow . If sold and ending inventory.
inventories grow, then some of the current fixed 5. Understandability. Managers may find it easier to
manufacturing overhead costs will be deferred in understand variable costing reports because data
inventories under absorption costing. Since all of the are organized by behavior and because variable
current fixed manufacturing overhead costs are costing is much closer to a cash flow concept.
expensed under variable costing, the net income 6. Control is facilitated . Variable costing ties in with
reported 1Jnder absorption costing will be greater cost control methods such as flexible budgets.
than the net income reported under variable costing .
3. Sales exceeds production (inventories decrease). 7. Incremental analysis is more straight-forward .
When salEis exceeds production, inventories shrink . Variable cost corresponds closely with the current
If inventeirles .. decrease; then some of the fixed out-of-pocket expend iture necessary to produce and
manufacturing overhead costs that had been sell products and services and can therefore be used
deferred in Inventories In previous periods will be more readily in incremental analysis than absorption
released to _the income statement as a charge costing data. And since variable costing net income
against income as well as all of the current fixed is closer to net cash flow than absorption costing net MAS.2605
b. be used In the com t Problem 4 . Tribal Company has per-unit fixed and
Income but not In pu atlon of net operating
th variable manufacturing costs of P12 and P4 ,
contribution margin . e computation of tl1e
respectlvely . Varlable selling c>f'ld 11dl'flln1st rilti •1 P.
c. be treated the same , costs are pg per unit and fixed selling and
as variable manufacturing
expenses . adm inistrative expenses are P90,000 . Consider the
d. not be used . two Independent cases · that follow for the firm .
11 . Which of the following is true of a company that , case A: Varlable -costlng net income, P60,000 ; sales,
uses absorption costing? 25 ,000 units ; production , 30 ,000 units
a. Net operat'ing ·income fluctuates directly with case a: variable -costing net Income , PB0, 000 ; sales ,
changes in sales volume . 27,500 units ; production, 25,000 units
b. Flxe~ production and fixed selling costs are
considered to be product costs . Required :
c. Unit pro~uct costs can change as a result of 1. From a product-costing perspective, what is the
cha~ges in the number of units manufactured . basic difference between absorption costing and
d. Variable selling expenses are included in product variable cost ing?
costs . 2. compute Tribal's absorption -costing net income
in Case A.
12 - Under absorption costing, fixed manufacturing 3. compute Tribal's absorption -costinQ net income
overhead costs : in Case B.
a. are deferred in inventory when production
exceeds sales . Problem s. During its first year of operations,
b. are always treated as period costs . Snobegon , Inc., (located in ~ake Snobegon ,
c. are released from inventory when production Minnesota) produced 27,000 plastic snow scoops.
exceeds sales . Snow scoops are oversized shovel-types scoops that
d. none of these. are used to push snow away. Unit sales were 26,400
scoops . Fixed overhead was applied at PO . 75 per
13 . _ _ _ _ method(s) expense(s) variable unit produced . Fixed overhead was underapplled by
marketing co.sts in the period incurred. P3,000 . This fixed overhead variance was closed to
a. Variable costing Cost of Goods Sold. There was no variable overhead
b. Absorption costing variance . The results of the year's operations are as
c. Throughput costing follows (on an absorption-costing basis) :
d. All of t hese answers are correct .
Sales (26,400 units @ P12) P316,800
Less: Cost of good sold 161.400
14 . The contribution-margin format of the income
Gross margin PlSS,400
statement :
a. is used with absorption costing Less : Selling and administrative
expenses (all fixed) 120,000
b. highlights the lump sum of fixed manufacturing
Operating income P 35 400
c. distinguishes manufacturing costs from
nonmanufacturing costs Required:
d. calculates gross margin 1. Give the cost of the firm 's ending inventory under
absorption costing . What is the cost of the end ing
15. The gross-margin format of the income statement : inventory under variable costing?
a. distinguishes between manufacturing and 2. Prepare a variable-costing wincome statement.
nonmanufacturing costs Reconcile the difference between the two income
b. distinguishes variable costs from fixed costs figures.
c. is used with variable costing
d. calculates contribution margin Problem 6 . Rome Company began operations 011
January 1 to produce a fishing rods . It uses a
Problem 3. Relevant Corporation has fixed standard absorption costing system with a planned
manufacturing cost of PB per unit . Consider the production volume of 100,000 units. 'During its first
three independent cases that follow. year of operations, no variances were incurred and
there were no fixed selling or administrative
Case A: Absorption- and variable costing net income expenses. Inventory on December 31 was 20 000
each totaled P160,000 in a period when the firm units, and net income for the year was P480,000'.
produces 20,000 units .
Case 8 : Absorption-costing . net income totaled If Rome had used variable costing , its net income
PlB0,000 in a period when finished-goods would have been P440,000 . Compute the breakeven
inventory level rises by 5,000 units. point in units .
Case C: Absorption-costing net income and variable-
costing net income respectively totaled P240,000 Problem 7 . Great Sense Company makes a variety of
and P272,000 in a period when the beginning instant noodles. Data related to its seafood noodle
finished-goods inventory was 14,000 units. follow: MAS.2605
Wh ic h of the following statements Is ruu true? a. The absorption co sting Income would be P6,000
11 Th e maximum amount of fixed d
· that this firm could deduct pro uctlon costs larger
costs in 2015 is P11 6 , using absorption b. The absorption costing Income would be P6 ,000
b . The maximum difference b t smaller
2015 income based O e ween this firm 's c. The absorpt ion costing Income would be P4 ,800
income based on varl;bf:~orptlon, costing and Its larger
c. Using variable costln ostlng is P16,000 d . The absorpt ion costing Income would be P4 ,000
more than Pl00 g, t_ hls firm will deduct no smaller
d. If this firm P ,dooo fdor fixed product ion costs
than it Id ro uce substantially more un its 16 Assume for this question only, that Simple Corp .
so In 2015 · bl . · manufactured and sold 5,000 units in 2015 . At t_h1s
probably ield ,_ vana e costing will
. Y a lower income than absorption level of activity they had an income of P30,000 us_1~g
cos t mg
va ri ab le costing . What was the sales price per unit ,
a. P16 .00 c. Pl2 .80
Question no 11 and 12
which are · · . bl are based on the following data b. PlS .80 d. P14 .80
ava, 1a e for X Co . for its first year of
operations :
17 . Assume for th is question only, that Si_mpie Corp .
Sales in units
5,000 produced s 000 units and sold 4, 500 units in 2015 .
Production in units If Simple ~ses absorption costing , it would deduct
Manufactu ri ng costs : pe ri od costs of
Direct labor P3 per unit a. P24,000 c. P27,000
Direct materials PS per unit b. P34,000 d. P23 ,000
Variable' overhead Pl per unit
Fixed overhead Pl00,000 18. Assume for this question only, that Simp_le Corp.
Net inco~e (absorption method) P 30,000 manufactured 5,000 units and sold 4,000 tn 2015 .
Sales pnce per unit P 40 If Simple employs a costing system base~ on
variable costs, the company would end 2015 with a
l L What would X Co . have reported as Its incom ~ fin ished goods inventory of
before tax If it had used variable costing? a. P4,000 c. P6,000
a. P30,000 c. P67,500 b. PS,000 d. PS,000
b. P(7,500) d. P45,000
Questions 19 & 20 are based on the following :
12 . What was the total amount SG&A expense incurred ~ · B Co. C Cc .
by X Co .? Sales PlOO PlOO PlOO
a. P30,000 c. P6,000 Variable costs __(_Jfil --12.QJ. __Qfil
b. P62 ,SOO d. P45,000 Contribution margin P 90 P 80 P 70
Fixed costs ----2Q _2.Q _J,Q ,
13 . For its most recent fiscal year, a firm reported that Profit __efi_Q P fill LiQ
its contribution margin was equal to 40% of sales
and that its net income amounted to 10% of sales . 19. With in the relevant range, if sales go up by Pl for
If its fixed costs for the year were P60,000, how each firm, which firm will experience the greatest
much were sales? increase in profit?
a. PlS0,000 c. P600,000 a. Company A c. Company C
b. P200, 000 d. Undeterm inable b. Company B d. Not determinable
14 . At its present level of operations, a small 20 . With in the relevant range , if sale; go up by one unit
manufactu 1•ing firm has total variable costs equal to for each firm , wh ich firm will experience the greatest
75% of sa les and total fixed costs .equal to 15% of increase in net income?
sales . Based on variable costing , if sales change by a. Company A c. Company C
Pl.00, income will change by b. Company B d. Not determinable
a·. P0 .25 c. PO . 75
b. P0 . 10 d. Undeterminable 21. Southseas Corp . uses a standard cost system . The
standard cost per unit of one of Its products are as
The following information should be used to answer follows :
question nos. 15 through 18.
Direct Materials P4 .00
Simple Corp. produces a single product. The follow ing Direct labor , 6.00
cost structure applied to their first year of operations, Factory overhead
2015 : Variable 3.00
Variabl1~ costs: Fixed (based on a normal
SG&A P2 .00 per un it capacity of 10,000 un its)
Production 4.00 per unit Total
Fixed Costs (total cost incurred for the year)
SG&A . Pl4,000 Beginning inventory 2,000 units
Production P20,000 Production 8, 000 units
Units sold (selling price PSO) 7,000 units
15 . Assume for this question only, that during 2015 Act\Jal costs :
Simple Corp. manufactured 5,000 units and sold Direct materials P 35,000
3,800 . There was no beginning or ending work- in- Direct labor 50,000
process inventory . H,ow much larger or smaller Variable overhead 23 ,000
would Simple Corp .'s income be if it uses absorption Fixed
rather than variable costing? 18,000
.variab le selling and adm . 60,000
Fixed selling and adm . 35,000
Variances are closed to cost of sales month ly. How Units In ending Inventory 300
much are the net income under absorption cost ing Variable costs per un it :
and variable costing methods? Direct materials P39
Absorption Variable Direct labor P32
a. P144 ,000 P143 ,000 Va ri able manufacturing overhead P6
b. 143,000 144,000 Variable sell ing and administrative PS
C. 144,000 142,000 Fixed costs :
d. 142,000 144,000 Fixed manufacturing overhead P6 ,800
Fixed selling and administrative PS,400
22 . A manufacturing company that produces a single
product has provided the follow ing data concern ing What is the net operatlnq income for the month
its most recent month of operations : under absorption costing?
Seliing price, PSS a. Pl4,200 c. P 1, 200
Units In beginn ing ihventory , 0 b. (PS,900) d . PlS ,400
Units produced, 2,900
Units sold, 2,700 24 . Lauder Company produces a single product. During
Units in end ing inventory, 200 March, the company had net operating income under
Variable costs per unit : absorption costing that was P3,SOO lower than under
Direct materials , P22 variable costing . The company sold 7,000 units in
Direct labor., P13 March, and its variable costs were P7 per unit, of which
Variable manufacturing overhead, P3 P3 was variable selling expense. If fixed manufacturing
Variable selling and administrative, PS overhead was P2 per unit under absorption costing ,
Fixed costs : then how many units did the company produce during
Fixed manufacturing overhead, P46,400 March? .
Fixed sellin~1 and administrc!tive , PSl,300 a; 5,250 units c. 6,500 units
b. 8,750 units d. 6,125 units
What is the net operating income for the month
under variable costi'ng? 25 . Company B produces a single product. Last year, the
a. P 8 , 100 c. P18,900 company had 16,000 units in its beginning inventory .
b . PlS,700 d . P 3,200 During the year, the company's variable production
costs were P6 per unit and its fixed manufacturing
23 . A manufacturing company that produces a single overhead costs were P4 per unit. The company's net
product has provided the following data concerning its operating income for the year was P24,000 higher
most recent month of operations : under absorption _costing than it was under variable
Sell ing price P103 costing. Given these facts, the number of units in the
Units in bEiginning inventory 0 ending ·inventory must have been :
Units prod·uced 1,700 a. 22,000 units c. 6,000 un its
Un its sold 1 ,400 b. 10,000 units d . 4,000 units MAS.2605