Lesson Plan Sight Word The
Lesson Plan Sight Word The
Lesson Plan Sight Word The
1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)
I need to work on managing students’ behaviour by using different strategies to motivate children in following the rules.
For example, follow direction.
2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
I will use several strategies to achieve my goal. For example, I will reinforce the good behaviour to children copy what
their friend is doing. Also, I will use the reward system to reward the good behaviour and motivate the children to
follow my rules.
3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)
When children follow my direction quickly and quietly.
Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)
Whiteboards- markers- playdough- flashcards- All the materials are available in the classroom and enough
pencils- colors- white papers- basket of sight words. for all the students.
Key vocabulary
I , Like, The
I will …
Time: 10 mins
Start the lesson by saying some sentences that contains sight words, for example; I like the school.
Let the students guess which words they hear every time?
Let the students practice reading the words
Let the students practice writing the words in the smart board.
Students will work with their books, and they will practice writing the sight words.
Children will practice writing sentences, for example; I like the …. And they will draw what they like.
Children will practice writing the sight words “the, I, like” by using playdough.
Children will count how many “the” are in the basket and will write the number in the whiteboard by using
Ask students to give me sentences includes sight words.
Time: 5 mins
Answer the teacher.
During the lesson, while I’m asking questions, I let the students do self-reporting. If they understand the
concept they do thumbs up sign, if they are confused they sideways thumb, and if they didn’t get the concept
the do thumbs down.
2. SWC Lesson Reflection
MST School
Class Date
Describe (D):
Who is the lesson for?
Where did the lesson take place?
What were you trying to achieve in your lesson?
What did the students do?
Analyze (A):
Why do you think the students responded the way that they did?
How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding?
How well did you engage the students?
Appraise (A):
Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective
Did your lesson meet your teaching goals?
Transform (T):
How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future?
What are the implications for your professional practice?