ARC Flash ARCON Device

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Arc Fault Protection ARCON® www.eaton.


The Lightning Fast Airbag
for Your Switchboard.
The continuous supply of electrical energy is an inherent requirement of today‘s
society. The power outages in North America and Europe have shown how
dependent we are on this. Everything came to a standstill.

Arc faults represent some of the risks to a reliable supply of electrical energy.
Even today, they still occur in electrical power distribution systems, despite all
the precautionary measures that are given due consideration and implemented in
advance. They are caused by human error when work is carried out on the switch-
board, as well as by contamination or condensation, overvoltages or similar occur-
rences. This type of event occurs more often than you would expect, and any
damage caused has serious consequences.

The arc fault protection system offered
by Eaton is based on the principle of
“prevention instead of limitation”. Due
to the proven effectiveness of ARCON,
the GDV Gesamtverband der Deutschen
Versicherungswirtschaft (German Insur-
ance Association) and the VdS Schaden-
verhütung (VdS Loss Prevention), in their
guidelines for fire insurances – known
as VdS 2344:2012-07 “Procedures for
testing, approving and certifying products
and systems for fire prevention and safety
technology” - have defined an effectively
functioning arc fault protection system
as one in which “no destructive energy
can occur in the event of an arc.” Eaton‘s
Herbert Schmolke,
arc fault protection system passed all
VdS Loss Prevention,
the relevant tests with flying colours. The
certificate was extended in 2014.

Preventing Damage,
Ensuring Service Continuity.

• Arc fault was initiated by means of a glow wire

according to IEC/TR 61641.
• Arcon quenched after 2 ms.
• Only combustion traces.
• Immediate restoration of service.

The effects of an arc fault are very similar to those of an explosion. This ranges from the
risk of death and injury to persons, extensive damage to switchboard systems, to several
weeks of downtime or even the exchange of the damaged switchboard system. In the
worst case, the production downtime can even lead to bankruptcy as customers have
found other suppliers during this period.

In today‘s competitive environment availability is a very important factor for which suit-
able protective measures must be implemented. The main applications to date for
ARCON ® have been IT centres, tunnel supply systems and power supply systems for
continuous manufacturing processes in the chemical industry.

Sources of danger

Personnel protection
Failure to observe the five safety rules
Errors when working on live switchboard installations can be fatal. All reputable
When a shielded control current cable was manufacturers of low-voltage switchgear assemblies now offer an arc-fault
being drawn in, the shield that was earthed proof design of their switchboard. However, the testing of personnel protection
at one end touched the live main busbar design is carried out with the switchboard closed and not in field conditions.
and initiated an arc fault that caused con- The statistics of the employers‘ liability insurance association for the precision
siderable damage to the system. engineering and electrical industry in Germany shows that 2 out of every 3 acci-
dents occur on the switchboard when opened. This must be taken into account
and dealt with using technical solutions that ensure effective protection, even
Contamination and condensation when the switchboard is open. For this reason, Eaton carried out fundamental
research in collaboration with the Technical University of Ilmenau and came to
In an animal feed plant, an arc fault occurred the conclusion that “genuine personnel protection” could only be achieved with
in a switchboard that had been in operation exceptionally fast protection systems. With arc fault quenching times of only
for several years. The cause was consider- 2 ms ARCON therefore offers an unprecedented level of personnel protection.
able contamination and condensation that
reduced the insulation gap.

Installation remains in the

insulation gaps

A test run of the standby generators caused

the switchboard to vibrate. A previously
unnoticed wire was found on the trunk-
ing to the circuit-breaker. This fell between
the phases on account of the vibration and
initiated an arc fault.

Working under live conditions

As part of the extensive commissioning

work required, an electrical fitter removed
the fuse cartridges on a section of switch-
fuse strips in order to connect the outgoing
cables better. He forgot to cover the live
dropper bar and touched it with a cable to System protection
be connected. This contact initiated an arc
fault which fortunately could be discon- Low-voltage switchboard systems are put out of operation for several weeks
nected by the installed ARCON system. due to the effects of an arc fault. If a redundant power supply is not available,
It was thus possible to prevent injury to this also results in unwanted production downtimes. Only an effective sys-
persons and damage to the installation. tem protection can provide a solution here, so that the effects of the arc fault
can be minimised and an immediate restoration of service is possible. Using
ARCON restricts the effects of the arc fault to its footpoints. After the cause of
the fault has been rectified and the quenching device has been exchanged, the
system can be made ready for operation in the shortest possible time in order
to ensure the required availability.

Chemical industry

Continuous manufacturing processes require the provision

of an uninterruptible power supply. Whether this is in the
refinery, in granulate production or other manufacturing pro-
cesses that chose MCC technology years beforehand in
order to optimise the electrical power supply. What is better
than preventing the risk of damage from arc faults directly?

IT centres

Whether this be for payroll accounting, cash debits at the

cash dispenser or other services in this sector. The supply
of electric power must be ensured in all circumstances –
even in the event of an arc fault.

Glass and aluminium works

If the power supply failure is longer than 30 minutes the liq-

uid raw material in production solidifies and the entire pro-
duction facility is only worth its scrap value. For this reason,
the supply of electric power must be given special protec-
tion. All risks need to be identified and suitable counter-
measures taken, naturally also with regard to arc fault

Tunnel power supply

Without a functioning power supply tunnels have to be

shut down. Like the rock fall at the St. Gotthard Tunnel
demonstrated, the blockage of important transfer route
with today‘s level of traffic can lead to general traffic chaos.

Nuclear power stations

Faults occur in nuclear power stations from time to time.

Since the Chernobyl disaster public sensitivity to this has
been particularly heightened. The operators are required to
deal with operational safety with the highest priority, particu-
larly in the context of the planned lifetime extension. A suita-
ble arc fault protection system is therefore indispensable.

Shipping applications

A considerable proportion of containers on container ships

are refrigerated. The power supply required for this must be
available during the entire passage without any interruption.
Modern cruiser liners also place high demands on a continu-
ous power supply. The electrical energy requirement is equiv-
alent to that of a small town.

Wind turbines

Arc faults can also occur in wind turbines. In this case the
entire hub can be destroyed by fire. This type of system then
normally has to be replaced completely. The cost of the
damage can be in millions. An effective arc fault protection
system is a solution.


The power supply of a hospital must be ensured in all circum-

stances. If only the redundant section of the installation is in
operation due to a malfunction, maximum safety must be
ensured even in emergency operation. One only has to think
of the running of operating theatres and intensive care units
to understand why.

Controlling Arc Faults Safely.

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1. Detection 2. Evaluation
The arc fault is reliably detected by means of two separate The analog sensor signals are converted to digital signals in
detection variables. The arc fault produces an overcurrent which so-called slave modules and then passed on to the central
is detected by means of measuring transducers. The second evaluation unit. For this a special bus was created which has
detection variable is the extremely intense light emitted from the principal task of transferring any triggering information at
an arc fault. This light is detected with fibre optic sensors. ultra-high speed. The slave modules are also fed with power
Some of this intense light emission enters the core of the fibre via this line. The slave modules are assigned addresses so that
optic cable radially. This signal can then be evaluated at the end they can be assigned to different busbar sections, the so-called
of the fibre optic cable. Any incorrect releases due to flashes or protection zones. A central unit is able to monitor two busbar
welding arcs are prevented by evaluating both signals together. sections independently of each other.

3. Quenching 4. Disconnection
The quenching device ensures extremely fast quenching times. The incoming circuit-breaker has the task of disconnecting the
A three-phase short-circuit is produced in less than affected busbar section from the mains supply. This is initiated
1 ms in order to remove energy from the arc fault. A pyro- by the short-circuit release. Each incoming circuit-breaker on
technically initiated actuator, as used in airbag systems, fires this busbar section is sent an additional disconnection com-
a copper bolt that penetrates an insulation plate to establish mand to the shunt release as a backup measure. Busbar sec-
electrical contact. tions that are not affected remain operational.

Transformer 1 Transformer 2



2c 2c


4b 4b 4a 2b

2c 2c
1b 4a

1a Current transformer
1b Linear light sensor 4b 4b
2a Central evaluation unit
2b Slave module for current detection
2c Slave module for light detection
3 Quenching device
Coupler 3
4a Circuit-breaker (incoming or bus coupler) section
4b Circuit-breaker (outgoer)
Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7
Linear light sensor 1b
Connection cable for transformer evaluation
Connection cable for evaluation unit
Actuation via shunt release
Protection zone I and associated connections
Protection zone II and associated connections

This block diagram shows an overview of a typical application. Whilst the overcurrent monitoring in incoming section 1 is con-
The installation consists of two busbar sections that each have nected directly to the central unit, an ARC-EC1/2.0 slave mod-
an incoming supply and can be interconnected via the bus ule is required for the second incoming section which acts on
coupler. An ARC-EM/2.0 central unit is required for monitoring the shunt release of the second incoming circuit-breaker. Only
the system. An ARC-AT quenching device is required for each the busbar section affected by the arc fault is disconnected.
busbar section. Each panel is provided with an ARC-SL linear This is implemented using the natural selectivity of the circuit-
light sensor, apart from the coupler section which requires breakers and the activation of the associated shunt release.
two light sensors. Three light sensors belonging to the same The unaffected switchboard section remains operational.
busbar section can each be connected to an ARC-EL3/2.0 slave

Range Overview

Product Description Type Ordner No.

Central unit
– Display of system status via display and LEDs ARC-EM/2.0 172749
– There are 2 different tripping criteria that can be selected:
light detection only --> activation of the trip relays
(without quenching device)
light and current detection --> activation of the quenching device
+ trip relays
– Separate monitoring of two busbar sections
– Separate actuation of two quenching devices Reaction time ~ 1 ms
– Per busbar section, two potential-free normally-open contacts
(Trip Relays) for shunt release actuation
– One potential-free normally-open contact as a group signal
in the event of an arc fault
– One potential-free normally-open and normally-closed contact
each for fault indication
– Continuous self monitoring of the system
– Connection of three current transformers
for overcurrent measurement (L1/L2/L3)
– Up to 16 slave modules can be connected (Depending on the length
of the lines, slave modules need a separate voltage supply)

Slave for taking the linear light sensors

– Can take up to 3 linear light sensors ARC-EL3/2.0 172751
– Connection of mobile light sensor possible
– Display of activated or faulty sensors
– Assignment to busbar sections by addressing
– 1 configurable, potential-free normally-open contact for
activating the operating-current trip

Slave for taking the point light sensors

– Can take up to 10 point light sensors ARC-EP10/2.0 172752
– Connection of mobile light sensor possible ARC-EP10-2/2.0 172753
– Display of activated or faulty sensors
– Assignment to busbar sections by addressing
– 1 configurable, potential-free normally-open contact for
activating the operating-current trip when using ARC-EP10/2.0
– 3 configurable, potential-free normally-open contacts for
activating the operating-current trip when using ARC-EP10-2/2.0

Slave for overcurrent detection

– Connection of three current converters for measuring any
over-current (L1/L2/L3) ARC-EC1/2.0 172750
– Display of over-current at the corresponding current-converter contact
– 1 configurable, potential-free normally-open contact for
activating the operating-current trip

Quenching device
– Causes a three-phase short circuit in less than 1 ms ARC-AT-T 283712
– Rated short-time withstand current Icw (tested): ARC-AT-B 283713
65 kA / 500 ms
85 kA / 500 ms
100 kA / 150 ms
150 kA / 200 ms
– Fast exchange possible thanks to open copper connections
– LEDs for operation and triggering
– Easy handling during assembly thanks to key-holes in the
fastening brackets

Product Description Type Ordner No.

Linear light sensor

– Outstanding tripping response
– Very high tripping accuracy
– Continuous self monitoring via monitor signal
– Transparent protective hose of the active light sensor
– Total length / active sensor length
10 m / 5 m ARC-SL10 283702
11 m / 6 m ARC-SL11 283703
12 m / 7 m ARC-SL12 283704
13 m / 8 m ARC-SL13 283705
15 m / 10 m ARC-SL15 283706
17 m / 12 m ARC-SL17 283707
20 m / 15 m ARC-SL20 283708
25 m / 20 m ARC-SL25 283709

– Blue protective hose for increased filter effect and reduced

sensitivity to interfering light
– Temperature stability up to a max. of 125°C (active sensor range)
– Total length / active sensor length
10 m / 5 m ARC-SL10/BL 179679
11 m / 6 m ARC-SL11/BL 179680
12 m / 7 m ARC-SL12/BL 179681
13 m / 8 m ARC-SL13/BL 179682
15 m / 10 m ARC-SL15/BL 179683
17 m / 12 m ARC-SL17/BL 179684
20 m / 15 m ARC-SL20/BL 179685
25 m / 20 m ARC-SL25/BL 179686

Point light sensor

– For use in an arc fault detection system
(Pay attention to protection against unintended tripping!)
– Localisation of fault
– Simple installation
– Continuous self monitoring
– Total length
6m ARC-SP 283710
20 m ARC-SP20 172756

Mobile light sensor

– Light sensor for temporary use ARC-SM 283711
– Improvement of personnel protection when working
under live conditions
– Added to the system without reconfiguration necessary
– Can be connected to all optical detection units

– Communication lines for master-to-slave and
slave-to-slave connection
0,5 m ARC-CC00 286390
1m ARC-CC01 286391
2m ARC-CC02 286392
3m ARC-CC03 170488
5m ARC-CC05 286393
7m ARC-CC07 170489
10 m ARC-CC10 286394
15 m ARC-CC15 286395
20 m ARC-CC20 286396

– Communication lines for master-to-quenching device connection

2m ARC-CCAT02 184525
5m ARC-CCAT05 100038
10 m ARC-CCAT10 100039
15 m ARC-CCAT15 100040
20 m ARC-CCAT20 100041

– Extension cable for master-to-quenching device connection

(female – male)
2m ARC-ECAT02 184526

Article number 285246
Eaton is a power management company with approximately 97,000

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employees. The company provides energy-efficient solutions that help
our customers effectively manage electrical, hydraulic and mechanical
power more efficiently, safely and sustainably. Eaton sells products to
customers in more than 175 countries.

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Route de la Longeraie
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© 2016 Eaton Industries (Austria) GmbH

Subject to technical modifications. No
responsibility is taken for misprints or errata.
Printed in Austria (01/16)
Publication number W4600-7560GB

Grafics: SRA

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