Air Core Reactor Ge Brazil

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Item: 01
Our Ref.' BX17439·BO
Your Ref'
Currentlimiting Reactor
2 three-phase reactor set(s) • Type XTLR O.463mH1 2000 A

Rated Inductance 0.463 mH Insulation Level (BIL) Between Terminals 60 kVp

Tolerance ·0/+ 10% Short-Time Current 1 Duration 20/2 kAls
Rated Impedance 0.145 0 Offset Peak Current 55 kAp
System Voltage 1 Frequency 6.3 kV 150 Hz Total Losses per phase @ 75'C IRated Current 10 kW
Rated Current 2000 A
DeSign Current 2000 A
Rated Power per phase 580 kvor

Cooling A.N. Maximum Operating Altitude 1000 masl

Installation Outdoor Maximum Ambient Temperature
Insulation Class
40 'C
F (155'C) Wind Speed 122.4 km/h
Mounting Arrangement Three-phase stacked coils Seismic Acceleration 0.23
Weight per coil 577 kg Applicable Standard IEC·6oo76·6
Weight with Insulators and pedestals 2056 kg

Reactor dimensions Extra Information

Reactor Color - Rf:...L7025

Corductcr Material .. AlurninuHl
Total i-''''fgh! (f-tt) ~ 3662 rem
Coil Diameter (OS1::- 1550 mrn
Mounting Diarneler (Of, 1400 rnm

rv}in!mJmDistRnce Betweeo Cent~rl:nE'sfOt)).:.:- 2f,35 mm

1 . Outline drawing for quotation only.
2· Terminal dimer.sions are indicative and can be changed.
3 . Location of termirals can be oriented to suit customer's
4 . Alcminum brackets may be located both superior or inferior
part of insulators.
5 - Dimensions in [mm].

Insulators Included
Base Insulator (quantity x tvoe) 8 x TR225
Bil 01 Base Insulator 110 kVp
Creepaqe Distance of Base Insulator 394mm
Inter·Phase:Coillnsuiator (quantity x type) 4 x TR225
Bil of Inter-PhaseiCoillnsuiator 110 kVp
creeoaos Distance of Inter-Phase/Coillnsufator 394mm

Packing Dimensions Magnetic Clearances Installation Diagram

Reactor Crates Axial clearance from the top/bottom spider 10:
Quantity of Reactors Crates (w/l i1ers): 6 - S1!~3H
rneta'uc i).ar~sr:'0:fom'ir-J c!osed loops dlJiC~;~ 6;3~ rr~\T
Gross Weight of Each Reactor Crate: 739 kg S:1~~I;
fn'3taii!c parts fnrrr;rli.JGbS2\J tCQi')~ (~1C2j:. 1~2B rr-n
l x W x H: 170 x 170 x 90 cm
Radial clearance from the reactor centerline to:
Base Insulator Crates ~ Sm2!~metal;:,:;par;s rot f:.:)flT.i~) r;!o~'3diocps nAC1;-", 109"1rfrir,
Quantity of Insulators Crates: - SrnaJ: met.:.ll1;c ;:·arH; fcrr;;~r.g cjo;;e'~ locos (t,;1:':'2)..:.:~4-6·1rrrn
Gross Weight of Each lnsuator Crate: 598 kg
Stray magnetic field may induce currents in metallic parts that may cause ~

LxWxH: 189xl01 x5t ern
thermal and electrodynamic effects. Required nearby structures as auxiliary
equipment, electronic equipment, rebar, etc shall be located in areas where the
effect wi! not create excessive heating. In case of specific analysis necessity.
please contact us.




Sheet 01/01


PROJECT Hascovo of BG Transmission operator ESC

DATE 11/07/2017

Technical Specifications
[1J "ESO Reactors_EN.docx"

Scope of Supplying from GE Brazil (AlB RPC) " .:-

- Three phase air core current limiting reactors

Out of Scope of Supplying from GE Brazil (AlB RPC)

Elevating structures
Line Connectors !
.. ..., .....;:. -C~fr
Foundation structures and anchor bolts a
Instalation and assembly supervision.
IN'\_ !-!.
... or. ... :!'"

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Technical Remarks ~~ _£~
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• Creepage distance: 25 mm/kV (43.3 mm/kVph-gr USCD)
Paiting color: Light Grey RAL 7035
Insulators are included (Brown color, metric threads).
Extension brackets to provide the minimummagnetic distance between reactor's bottom and metallic parts
not forming closed loops are included.
Central coil of the stacked reactors have inverted terminals (see image above) in order to improve the delivery time.

Moderate seismic requirements,by static coefficient analysis, according to IEEE 693-2005.

Horizontalacceleration 0.23 g - Vertical acceleration 0.184 g - Damping2%
Static coefficient 1.0 - Safety factor 2.0
Seismic and short-circuit events are not assumed to occur simultaneously.
Seismic report is not included.

Routine and Type Tests

Routine tests are included according to Clause 8 of IEC-60076-6:
- Measurementof winding resistance
- Measurementof losses at ambient temperature
- Measurementof harmonic current losses
- Measurementof inductance
- Lightning impulse test
- Visual inspection and dimensionalchecks

Standard type and special tests, as per IEC Standard, are NOT included:
- Wet power frequency voltage withstand test n
- Dry lightning impulsevoltage withstand test
- Temperature rise test
- Measurementof acoustic sound level
- Short-timecurrent withstand test

Type and Special tests are not included and shall be purchased/quotedseparately.
- The complete set of type and special tests costs around 200 KEUR, and its execution depends on the availability and technical
capability of external laboratories.
- Some of the type tests, such as short-time current can be replaced by reports with theoreticaldemonstrations or reports
of similar equipment tests (if avaliable).
- Type tests on insulators (oJ, in principle, might be provided by the insulator supplier.

Accessour website and download our

Rev. Date Description

o 11i07/2017 First issue.

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Type XTLR • 0.463 mH

12000 A

G.413",H(oOI+tO%) S""lmVoltag.
Serial nl: •

StlorHI"'ICutrln!lOuriltion 2OkAI2.
Totallault (7S'CJlrt)
CoolIng A.N. AIII!udI S 10001'1
..... 1
Irt.t.lI.don OUtdo<ot AmblenlTlmptfll\ll'. 40 'C
Temp. d_ F(IS'C) Sr.rtdlrd IEc.tO07U
N"Ph.... 3 V.. r 2017
w.ight I"Ir eoI S5I kg .-.UNctjClf'l booknO MOO2
·2401420010001 To 2401420010002TOPCOil (1:1)


- Total weight: 1994 kg.
- Stray magnetic field Induces currents in metallic parts that may cause thermal and electrodynamics
effeds. Required neartly structures lIS auxiliaryequipment, electronic equipment. rebar,etc $haU be
located 10 erees where the effect win not create excessive healing. If specific analysis or informalion
Is required. please contact the manufacturer.
_ Moderate seismic performance level, by static coefficient analysis. according 10 IEEe Std 693--2005.
-Horizontal acceleration 0.23 g -Vertical acceleration 0.184 g -Damping 2%
-Static coefficient 1.0 -Performance factor 2.0
_ Short-circuit and seismic events are assumed nol to occur simultaneouslv.
_ Mel :;0 Minimum magnetic dearance for small metallic parts not forming dosed loops.
_ Me2. Minimum magnetic dearance for large metallic parts or metallic perts forming closed loops

- F.w,. Force ohvlnd load 11122.4 km/h.
- Reactor color: RAL 7035.
- Nlmeplate, Dimensions: 63 x 130 x 0.8 m.m
Material: Stainless steel, printings In bold.

152 254
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1.0 - TECHNICAL INFORMATION •...•.••••.•.••......••.•..•.••.•..•.•••••••••••••..••.•..••••.•.•.....•..•••••••..••.....•••.•..•.••.•••.•••..•.•....•..••••••••..•.•.••.•••. 4

1.1-INTRODUCTION .............................................................................•.....................•...........................................................•........ 4
1.2 - REACTOR'STECHNOLOGY: FED AND MCD ........................................•.......................................•................................................... 4

2.0 - TRANSPORTATION. RECEIVING. UNPACKING AND STORAGE .•.•.•••..•...•.••.••..•.•.•••••••.•.....•••....••.•..••••..•....•.•...•.•••..•.....•..•••. 5

2.1- TRANSPORTATION....................•...............................................•................................................................•............................... 5
2.2 - RECEIVING•.....................................................................................................................•.................•..•................................... 6

2.3 - UNPACKING ......•...........................•..•.........•......................•....•........•..•..................................•......•.......................................... 6

2.4 - STORAGE................•.....................................•......................•.................................................................................................. 7

3.0 - LIFTING ....•.•••••.•••..•.•••...••...•..•••••.•..•...••••••.•..•...••.••••....•••••.•••••.•.••..••.•.•••.•..••••••••.••.•..•..••.•..•.•.••....•••.•.•.....•..•.•.••..••.•......•••. 8



4.0 - ASSEMBLY 11




6.0 - PAINTING 21



!\LSTQMlogoand,Jry altem.ltr..~.ernon thereofare trademarksar.dse,"'I(e markscf AL5TO~Theothernames rrernoneo recsrerec or not erethe propert)oaft~lelr

rescecove (omp~nles Ibetecroce! .andotiler data containedIn 1l11sdecurrent 15 ~1'QIJ,ded for InformatJI:m only ~Jellni!r ALSTOf-i. lIS ail',!:'r, .!Ild ernplO')1!e; accept

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A.LSTQMreserves dl!' nght to re ..... GRID I





1.0 - Technical Information

1.1- Introduction

ALSTOMhas more than 50 years of experience in developing and manufacturing air-core reactors for various market
segments around the world, including power generation, transmission and distribution, industrial facilities, OEMs
a nd electrical test laboratories.

ALSTOMprovides a wide range of cost-effective solutions in various air-core reactor applications, such as short-
circuit current limitation, neutral grounding, reactive shunt compensation, damping of inrush and discharge current
of capacitors banks, harmonic filtering, and static Var compensation.

The ratings and dimensions of air-core reactors depend on their application. This information is detailed and
presented in the outline drawings and further technical documents provided for each order. However, this instruction
manual applies to all reactor applications supplied by ALSTOM.

ALSTOM's air-core reactors are custom designed, manufactured and tested according to the main national and
international standards, such as:

ABNT NBR 5119 - Reatores para sistemas de potencia (Brazil)

IEC 60076-6 - Reactors
ANSI IEEE Std C57.16 - Standard requirements, terminology, and test code for dry type air core series-connect
ANSI IEEE Std C57.21 - Standard requirements, terminology, and test code for shunt reactors rated over 500
ANSI IEEE Std 32 - Standard requirements, terminology, and test procedure for neutral grounding devices

1.2 - Reactor's Technology: FED and MCD.

This instruction manual applies to FED and MCD reactors only.

FED - Fiberglass Encapsulated Design

MCD - Multi-Wire Cable Design

The winding of FED and MCD reactors consists of various conductors (wires for FED and cables for MCD), double-
insulated with polyester or Teonex® film, connected in parallel. The conductors are mechanically immobilized and
encapsulated by epoxy impregnated fiberglass filaments forming cylinders. Depending on the reactor ratings, one or more

AlSTO~J\ logo oind any alrl'fN[I\,e iefSlOfi Ih~relf ~ traderraos ero Si!,! m=r!.s of AlSTOM The ather narres rrer.ocnoo fi"gls::a"1?d or net, are the prcperty cf their
resoewe corJ'1?o3nll~SThe [e(hr.lcal and ath!'f data ccruaned In thiS docorre-r x provl~d far «som..moo only Neither ALSTO",1_Its oscers 3I'Id ~~~ accem
respcllSlbilirl fur or shruld be taken as m.JI.lng :onv represerxsuon Of Nilrraruy (whe!hel expess or 1C1ll~ed)as to me accuracy or corr.pleti!nes~ of sudl data or the
ache.ernenr rianyprOJ~'(j perfertnanre cmeoa ""her" eese are ,nd;(..;t,-ej AL5TO~"',ri!S!'r'IteSme nqht to re A~ or (,'lo;oqethli am ~ any nrre ·NlUr.ut further rooce

• t' I

of these cylinders are connected in parallel between aluminum or copper spiders. The individual cylinders are separated
by fiberglass spacers forming cooling ducts.

The picture 1 illustrates the FED and MCD reactors.


l/liftino tug
215~ (cooling duas)
3/ Crossarms (~)
Sf lmulattlt
6/ Ot~ brat~ (P~I5)

Picture 1- Air Core Reactor construction

2.0 - Transportation, Receiving, Unpacking and Storage

2.1 - Transportation

Reactors are packed in crates suitable to inland, sea or air freight, which are properly treated to meet the main
international statements.

Normally, each packing contains a single coil and the insulators and aluminum pedestals may be packed in the same
crate. However, depending on the size and weight of the coils, two or three units may be packed together.

':'!..5-:'!, !:"4:J a-u,~~ .a..~'T"':-'-': .esc- u-eec' i;.-,? ccce-ane ire se-vta ~.a'-S';: :...5::.'.1 ir:eCT-e -e--e; r-e"":-C'.e: "l!";iS:~ s: r.c::: e-ece ;;;::pe--;:, ::t~1!:'r
Th:!I:"~'[;;jar d -e-er cea cc-a-ec



a) In case of visible damages in the reactor or in its packing due to transportation, ALSTOM and Insurance
Company must be immediately contacted.
b) It is not recommended to stack reactor's crates for transportation or storage, unless otherwise authorized by

2.2 - Receiving

The instructions and procedures for receiving of the reactors are described below:

1) Check the content of the package and evaluate if it is in accordance to the Invoice and Packing list;
2) Verify the pack conditions in the act of receiving, if possible, with de reactor still in the truck;
3) In case of damage in the package, the receiver must follow the instructions below:
a) Inform the truck driver about the damages and look for the causes or any incidents during the transport;
b) Register in the Waybill the following information: package number and/or equipment serial number and
description of the damages founded;
c) Take pictures of all damages founded, identifying the package number and/or reactor serial number;
d) In case of customer responsibility for the transport, contact your insurance company;
e) Communicate ALSTOM immediately and keep the packages likewise they were received for inspection and
review by ALSTOMand/or Insurance Company;
f) Wait for ALSTOM instructions about how to proceed with the damaged load and open the packs only after
ALSTOM's permission.

2.3 - Unpacking

Before starting the unpacking process, please read the chapter 3.0 for lifting procedures.

The instructions and procedures for unpacking the reactor are described below.

1) Remove the metallic/plastic tapes and/or 2) Remove carefully the top of the crate.
plates from external sides of the crates.

,\L5Ta~41ogo and any dlterndtll.e RI"SlCntherect sre trederrerks ar,d serwce marks of ALSTOM The other names Jl'EmtiC.~edrt'glsteRd or rot. am th~ PfC;left'1 cf eer
respa.-rllil!(crTlpdnresThe l~f1Ical ..nd ether data ccnuned In 1M decurrent ISpfQ\i;dedfur Irlormaucn only NeiTherALSTOM.ItSurr""s and 1!rTljJlq.~es
fur or shculd be tal;,:;na~ ffidlomgJnj represeotancn or Nafrar,ty (lMletherespress or Imp!:ed) as to the .1Ccuracyor rorrcleteness of 'illci1 dsta or [he

dchl!~',emenl of dry P'Ojea!d penoorsoce crsena \/vilerI.'these <Ireifldl:~d AI.STm·~reservesthe nqrn to reese Of [ tills dat.:l ilt ilrw urre wltl'l:lut rurrncr renee
3) Remove the ropes and wood bars which 4) Remove the side panels and wood bars.
fix the coil to the crate.

5) Unscrew the bolts that fix the reactor to

the crate.

In case of damage in one or more reactors after the unpacking, the following actions should be taken:

1) Take pictures of all damages founded, identifying them with the reactor's serial number.
2) Communicate ALSTOM immediately and wait for instructions of how to proceed with the damaged reactor.

2.4 - Storage

The storage of the reactor can be done in its own package when stored in a covered place with appropriate
environmental conditions.

For storage in uncovered place, after 2 months, remove the reactor from the wood package.

Note: It is not recommended to pile the boxes for transport and storage, unless ALSTOM has given previous

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Picture 2 - Storage of reactors in wood boxes.

3.0 - Lifting

3.1 - Lifting Procedure

The lifting of the crates has to be done by hoists, cranes, forklifts or crane trucks. However, unpacked reactors can
only be lifted by cranes, hoists or crane trucks.

For large reactors, the crates can be lifted by the lifting lugs installed on the top crossarm of the reactors. In this
case, you will find openings on the top of the crates to access the lifting lugs.

After you removed the package, the lifting and handling of the reactors must follow the following procedures:

Note 1: Depending on the dimensions and weight of the reactor, the lifting must be done by one or more uniformly
distributed points on the top crossarm. If necessary, the lifting lugs, which can be removable or not, will be provided
with the reactor (see picture 5).

Note 2: The reactor's dimensions and total weight are informed on the dimensional drawings and identification

1) The reactor's lifting shall be done by wire ropes, textile slings or chains of sufficient load capability, according to
the reactor's total weight.
2) For reactors without lifting lugs, the lifting shall be done by the center of the top crossarm (see picture 3).
3) For reactors with one or more lifting lugs, the lifting or moving shall be always done using all available lifting
4) Before energizing the reactor, remove the lifting lugs (if they are removable).


resoecnve CCIT.p.3nll':5 ccntamed In this decurrent IS"provided tor mtarmauon 'Jniy Neltfler A,LSTO~.\. it, officers ~I'demplC")~es accept
responslb,IIi2',for nr shcolo re raker! as m.;\<mg ilny reprf!SentatlOn or "fJarran()" (v..nemel express or Irrplied) as to the 3CCUr3CYor complet.enes:;of such data or the
aCh,iOl,.emenl of anv projected performance cmens wtere these ere ndcered ,l,LSTOM -eservas me right to re-ase Of ctarqe thiS cera at any urre 'N,thcut furtf-er nQ[JCi'
The lifting shall be done individually, with one reactor at a time. Never lift assembled double or three-phase
Never lift reactors by the fiberglass ties/bars between the arms, corona rings and/or top hat, if they are
included in the supply.
Big reactors' packages have openings on the top, in order to permit access to the reactor's lifting lugs.


.. i Ii

ti IHi
i o.

Picture 3 - Lifting of the reactor by the center Picture 4 - Lifting of the reactor by a
of the crossarm. lifting lug located in the center of the

Picture 5 - Lifting of reactor by lifting lugs located on the crossarms.

3.2 - lifting Of Horizontal Packed Reactors

In general, specific manual will be attached to the crate for horizontal packed reactors, otherwise follow the
instructions below.

When the reactor is horizontal packed, the lifting shall be done by the lifting lugs provided with the reactor, normally
installed in the center of the crossarms and/or aluminum pedestal.

r-e '_~-~lc~i e-; '.''t::: daa cc-te-ec r. -ns ':-:::!...,~--: s ;.:':'''::~:c:;, 'f~7~';::;;:' C"::_J 'tec-e-
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Place one lifting sling for each lifting lug (top and bottom). The reactor can be supplied with 4 lifting lugs on
the top. But, please choose the top lifting lug that corresponds to the bottom lifting lug (same orientation);
Slowly lift both sides of the reactor at the same time;

Slowly turn the reactor to the vertical position;

The reactor is not to be placed on the ground in the vertical position without sufficient clearance from
ground level. Wooden blocks placed under the mounting feet can be used to achieve the distance;
With the reactor in the vertical position, remove the bottom lifting lug.
Take care to avoid touching the corona rings with the lifting ropes or textile slings during the lifting.
Always use wood blocks or metallic supports in order to protect the corona rings during the handling

Picture 6- Reactor with top central lifting lug and base pedestal.

Picture 7- Slowly lift both sides of the reactor at the same time.

ALSTO,"'I logo aoo ar.y ,)lt~m ..rna i2r5icn rllereof are rraderrarks ~I"d 5er,,1C2 rrarks of t.LSTOfl.l The otter names rreruoncc ilfe lilt' ptcpertv df jlejr
reseectne corrcemes Ihe techniCal and ather dati! contained in thiS occurrent IS prrxaded for rrforrranon Neither Its officers and emj:jIO',., ecceot
rt'Si)::r15Ib~llt'jfur Of sheck! be taken as m~~ng any represervanen or ,v<lrrantlj (Villemel_ express Of Impll~d) 3S to the ilCCUr?<:Yor rornpleteness of such data Of me
achecerreu of ~ny prmected perforrrance trTtel'a v.tere rl-ese are IndIC2t~d Al.STm-~ reserves the right ro '~'ll~e or than.,;e this dara at ;17)1 time w,tiK:ut further ~QtJ(<'

4.0 - Assembly

The responsible for the reactor's assembly shall have in hands the dimensional drawings and manuals provided by
ALSTOM,which have all information necessary about the right positioning ofterminals, insulators and pedestals.


a) For special mountings, in which cases these procedures do not apply, ALSTOM must be consulted in order to
provide instructions and the appropriate accessories.
b) The assembly of the reactors, foundation civil works and anchor bolts are not provided by ALSTOM, unless an
agreement/supply is approved during the tendering phase and confirmed in the purchase order.
c) In some cases, aluminum plates/blocks can be provided in order to help to level the reactor and insulators.

ATTENTION:Take care to avoid small metallic parts (bolts, nuts, washers) or tools to fall into the cooling ducts
between the cylinders (see picture 1).

4.1 - Single-phase Reactors

The assembly of single-phase reactors shall be done as described by the following procedures:

1) Position the coil provided with its support insulators and possible aluminum pedestals at the place foreseen.
Mark the position of the fixing holes on the floor. Remove the coil. Drillthe holes and fit suitable anchor bolts
(not supplied);
2) Bolt the base pedestals to the foundation base with appropriate anchor bolts (not supplied) without fully
3) Bolt the insulators to the pedestals (base and top if they are induded) without fully tightening;
4) With the base insulators and the aluminum pedestals mounted on the concrete base then mount the reactor on
the base insulators tightening the bolts, taking care that terminals are in the right position);
5) If the axial loose distance exceeds lmm, or for levelling the coils, insert thin metal plates between the insulators
and the adjacent metal parts (reactor's mounting pads or pedestals);
6) Verify the reactor's alignment to provide uniform distribution of mechanical efforts on the bottom insulators;
7) Remove the lifting lugs (if they are supplied).

Picture 8 - Single-phase reactor's assembly.

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4.2 - Double or Three-phase Reactors

The assembly of stacked reactors (double or three-phase reactors) shall be done as described by the following
1) Position the "bottom" coil provided with its support insulators and possible aluminum pedestals at the place
foreseen. Mark the position of the fixing holes on the floor. Remove the coil. Drillthe holes and fit suitable
anchor bolts (not supplied);
2) Bolt the base pedestals to the foundation base with appropriate anchor bolts (not supplied) without fully
3) Bolt the insulators to the pedestals (base and top ifthey are included) without fully tightening;
4) With the base insulators and the aluminum pedestals mounted on the concrete base then mount the "bottom"
coil on the base insulators tightening the bolts, taking care that terminals are in the right position);
5) Ifthe axial loose distance exceeds trnrn, or for leveling the coils, insert thin metal plates between the insulators
and the adjacent metal parts (reactor's mounting pads or pedestals);
6) Verifythe reactor's alignment to provide uniform distribution of mechanical efforts on the bottom insulators;
7) Remove the lifting lugs from the "bottom" coil (if they are supplied).
8) Place the "middle" coil on top of the "bottom" coil equipped with its insulators and pedestals (if supplied) by
loosening the screws and making sure that the position of the terminals is in accordance with the dimensional
drawings or align the relative orientation arrows of the modules (see picture 11);
9) Fasten the "middle" coil to the "bottom" coil using the screws and washers supplied with the reactors. Tighten
the screws located at the base and the head of the insulators and pedestals (if supplied);
10) Ifthe axial loose distance exceeds trnrn, or for levelling the coils, insert thin metal plates between the insulators
and the adjacent metal parts (reactor's mounting pads or pedestals);
11) Verify the reactor's alignment to provide uniform distribution of mechanical efforts on the bottom insulators;
12) Remove the lifting lugs from the "middle" coil (if they are supplied);
13) For Three-Phase reactors, place the "top" coil on top of the "middle" coil equipped with its insulators and
proceed as described in the steps 8 to 12.

4.L5TOH logo and any\'e Jt'ISIOnIhsrtlf are tfold~fTlijr!Gand sewce maos elf .t:"LSTO,"'Tht! ether nar-es rrereonec reqlst~ or ex are tile prqrerty r:J then
rcsceceve COIl"IpiInll5 The ;echruc.!1 and otl1el dOlt.! ccuened In tl'>J~,jQClJfT1!!I1(
IS pro-JIC!!;dfer Irfurmilllon only ~!ej&er AI.STOM, Its crtcers drld ~mplC4~5 scceor
f<?'>jlOnS:brkt"for Of <;hruld be ta~el' as miii<lng ~ repre5l.'ntaOOfl or .varraot'l (whether express or 1"1l~ed) ilS ;0 the 3((U1C(1 or completa1es<; of 9.Jch data or the
erbecemeru of ,;flY pfO:!'Cted peffO(l1".mc~ crWI.! iI,heR- these Me nocaeo ,'I,LSTOt,~ ~es the nghl W rewe or chang~ ths dat'!at dny [11Th! I.lvIthout fiJrtl-a" rouce
, -~ • '<'::::7

Picture 9- Double reactor assembly. Picture 10 - Three-phase reactor assembly.

ATIENTION:The arrows on the reactors show the relative position of the coils (top, middle and bottom), which
has to be respected and maintained during the assembly. These marks are result of previous assembly in the
factory in order to verify the reactors' alignment and leveling. In the assembly, the arrows shall be aligned as
shown in the picture 11.

Picture 11 - Orientation arrows on the coils.

A~JV :;: i:1::! ar-, ;;::::"~.:;'"~v~.ars.c- T!~~:' a? ~:~~a,T a r~ ar;::lee'vce - ...... ,(5"lf Al~I}V -~..e:'J-e"r a-es 7¬ -:,::J:".~'l!g'~:"":1!'.; cr "<;: a-e -s-e :;r~--:. :f :''i~:f
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:";,,a..04a, -,-01' -s, ~'Y.:_:"..;;:''-.e' -cace
4.3 - Reactors with Fiberglass Pedestals

The responsible for the assembly of fiberglass pedestals must follow the steps described below:

1) Position the fiberglass pedestal with its aluminum pedestals (if supplied) at the place foreseen. Mark the position
of the fixing holes on the floor. Remove the pedestal Drillthe holes and fit suitable anchor bolts (not supplied);
2) Bolt the pedestals to the foundation base with appropriate anchor bolts (not supplied) without fully tightening;
3) Bolt the insulators to the pedestals without fullytightening;
4) With the base insulators and the pedestals mounted on the concrete base then mount the reactor on the base
insulators tightening the bolts, taking care that terminals are in the right position);
5) Ifthe axial loose distance exceeds 1mm, or for levelling the coils, insert thin metal plates between the insulators
and the adjacent metal parts (reactor's mounting pads or pedestals);
6) Verify the reactor's alignment to provide uniform distribution of mechanical efforts on the bottom insulators;
7) Remove the lifting lugs from the reactors and fiberglass pedestals (if they are supplied).

ATTENTION:The arrows on the reactors and fiberglass pedestals show the relative position of the coils, which
has to be respected and maintained during the assembly. These marks are result of previous assembly in the
factory in order to verify the reactors' alignment and leveling. In the assembly. the arrows shall be aligned.
Please also check the serial numbers of each fiberglass pedestal that corresponds to the respective reactor.

,. ; "

Picture 12 - Assembly with fiberglass structures (pedestals).

A,LSTOiIJ\ togo and any esenao.e .erson mercof are tradelTlolr~.sand service AL5TOM The other names mentioned re;J1$eI1!dor ncr, ~re the prcnertv citter
resoecnve coroaoes The techn!C~1imd other dilt~ ccraened ;0 tbs dcrurrenr IS pro'jlt!ed for rrrorrreoco only Nerther ALSTOfv\.Its officers ard ~mplo).~<:s accept
rl'5p:lnSlbllitj for or 5ho..;Id I:E tajen as ma~lng ani recresentanon or Niilfranry(whether express or Impii~dl.lS to the eccoracv or compl&!n~s of such dare or the
adnecernern of allYprOjectEd perrorrsnce trsera 'i,here these are !ndiC~1:ed ALSTO~" reserves me nqht to re',1se D( cbanqe (his data at Jr,y time 'Mereu! nmter nonce
4.4 - Reactors with Top Hat

When the reactors are supplied with top hats (fiberglass covers), the responsible for the assembly shall follow
instructions that will be provided in specific manual, which will be sent with the reactor.

ATTENTION:As a general rule, it is not allowed walk or lie directly on the top hat. The access to the reactor
lifting lugs must be done by elevation platform or similar structure.

4.5 - Reactors with Bus Bars

When reactors are supplied with bus bars, in case the reactor dimensional drawing does not have all information
needed for the assembly, the responsible should follow the instructions that will be provided in the specific manual,
which will be sent with the reactor.

4.6 - Bolt Tightening Torque

The table hereafter gives the recommended tightening torque according to the bolt diameter and the type of

Torque of bolts (daN*m):

Diameter of Electrical Connections Insulators and Other

the bolts Pedestals Connections
Ml0 3.0 - 4.0 - 2.0 - 3.0
M12 4.5 - 5.0 4.5 - 5.5 3.0 - 4.0
M16 7.0 - B.O 12.0 - 14.0 4.0 - 5.0
M20 10.0 - 12.0 16.0 - lB.O 5.0 - 6.0
Torque of bolts (ft'lbs):

Diameter of I Electrical Connections Insulators and Other

the bolts Pedestals Connections
3/B" 22 - 29.5 - 15 - 22
1/2" 33 - 37 33 - 40.5 22 - 29.5
5/8" II 52 - 59 8B.5 - 103 29.5 - 37
3/4" 74 - 88.5 118 - 133 37 - 44

... 1c:;-: a:-1

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5.0 - Installation Issues

5.1 - Electrical Connections

The instructions and procedures for electrical connections of the reactor are described below.
1) The incoming and outcoming conductors shall be connected to line terminals of the reactors by mean of a
connector. taking into account its current carrying capability. material and recommended tightening torques.
2) Normally. there is no polarity in air-core reactors. Both terminals of the coil can be connected to the line/source
side or to the substation/load side of the reactor. But it is recommended to use the same connection criteria for all
adjacent reactors.
3) Check the compatibility between terminal and conductor material to avoid galvanic corrosion. Do not place in
direct contact an aluminum plate with a copper plate in order to avoid a fast corrosion of the aluminum contact.
4) If needed. ALSTOMcan supply tin-plated adapters or bronze terminals to establish proper electrical connections.
5) The tightening torque of the screws is indicated by the supplier of the screws or in the tables of the chapter 4.6.
6) For long storage time or if the reactor is stored in adverse weather conditions which cause oxidation of the
contact surfaces. these ones must be cleaned with a fine steel brush (wire diameter 0.3 mm) or a fine sandpaper (of
roughness 150 grainsize) and afterwards protected using a neutral contact grease (type Contactal, Penetrox or
equivalent). The surfaces should be totally covered with grease to protect the aluminum surfaces against corrosion.

Remark: The corrosion may increase the contact resistance and thus. produce an abnormal heating at the contact
5.2 - Magnetic Clearances

ATTENTION:The magnetic clearances to be considered for each phase/coil are indicated on the dimensional

The magnetic field of the reactor may induce eddy currents in metallic parts installed in its vicinity. such as ground
grid. concrete rebar, fences and elevating structures. To avoid excessive heating due to induced currents. the
installation of the reactor shall respect the recommended magnetic clearances by ALSTOM.

The magnetic clearances comprise two different regions around the reactor:

MC1: region for installation of metallic parts not forming closed loops
MC2: region for installation of metallic parts forming closed loops

The instructions for magnetic clearances are described below.

1) Within MCl region. it is not recommended the installation of any metallic parts (even not forming closed loops)
2) Between the borders of the MCl and MC2 regions. it is allowed the installation of metallic parts not forming
closed loops.
3) Externally to the MC2 region. it is allowed the installation of any metallic parts (even forming closed loops).

At5TOM logo ..nd iJr'/ "Itl!rn,;tl'.e ,-e5iOn tlw.rof.m triJd!JTBriIs and ~f\IlCi! mari..s of .4L5iOM rte nsrres rreracred leg~>red Of net: are the prcperty cf!)lelr
respenve COIT4)ilnle5 The teth(llul and ether d~td ccotened In rhls dOOJl1'1entISprov.ded for Infcrmatlon only jl.le!rnerAl5TOt-~ ItS officers <if'll o!mph.':),ees
[<!Sponslbthty fer or 'ihOJld be taken as m~km!l any representancn or ,varranry (vJhether ~~PT~SSor Impl:ed) d<; (0 me accuracy or complereness of such data or the

actsecernern of dny prmetted certcrrreoce cntErla where trese are ,nd:c;[eO ALSTOtu' reserves the right to revise or chsnqe ms data 3t srw nme 'i,'ltllcut further notice GRID I ALSTO'M
If this information is missing on the outline drawing it will be included in particular documents appended to this
instructions book or follow the picture 13.

l··· ..··············..·····..··..···········..···..··~~..·..···············································1

: B

-i.................... . A A ·············· 1l

A: Minimum magnetic clearance between centerlines of adjacent reactors. Refer to outline drawing.
B (MC1): Minimum magnetic distance between centerlines and metallic parts not forming closed lops. Refer to
outline drawings.

c......................................................................................................... "" ........


~ ~~~:
: ::
1 1.1xDs ~. i
? I 1
1.5xDsj I l

i O.5xDs

............................................................................................................. · :
A: Reactor outer su rface
Os: reactor outer diameter
Keep metallic parts not forming closed loops outside B (MC1)
Keep metallic parts forming closed loops outside C (MC2)

Picture 13 - Recommended magnetic clearances.

Depending on the distance between reactor and foundation, the ground grid shall be insulated to avoid closed loops,
as illustrated in the picture 14.

Picture 14 - Magnetic insulation of the ground grid

5.3 - Electrical distances

The minimum clearances distances between the coil and the neighboring pieces must be in accordance with the
normalized distances for the voltage level of the equipment.

5.4 - Earthing of Aluminum Pedestals and Metallic Structures

The metallic parts of the support structure that are "floating" must be earthed according to the following

1) Earth one of the reactor pedestals, Use the assembly screws or grounding connectors to connect the pedestal
with the substation ground grid (Be careful to the compatibility of the different materials);
2) Connect the other pedestals to the earthed pedestal, leaving at least two pedestals disconnected to each other in
order to avoid the formation of closed loops (see picture 15);
3) Alternatively, each pedestal can be earthed individually, connecting them to the substation ground grid or by one
or more earthing copper bars, in case of inexistence of ground grid;
4) The earthing connectors shall be specified by taking into account the pedestals materials and earthing
conductors, in order to avoid aluminum galvanic corrosion;
5) When requested, ALSTOMcan provide the earthing connectors, generally made of bronze.


Al5Ta~lIOl]a and any elternatrve ierson thereof are trademark; ano servce mark; of AlSTO~,\ The ceer nsrres rreraoned, reqrstered Of net, are tna propertvof thetr
rescecnve companies The techfllcal and ether dati! ccoreneo In thiS cocurreru IS proeded fur rrfcrmauon only Nelti;er AlSTa~\ I[S ctcers .;nd em~IOJt"!es.accept
responslbhcl for or shl).Jid be "alien as ma~lIlg .ln~ recresentsnon or ,'IIarrant'j (whether epress or lIl'phed~ as to the accuracy or (ol1"ple,enes, of such t1ata or (he
,lchll?\.efT1¬ ntof Jny pmected pertorrrance crfteroa were these are nccaeo _:;"LS10fl.lles~n,;ESthe nght W re lISe or change rhs data ar any orre 1},',(t'luurfurther nonce
a) For reactors provided with the fiberglass pedestals. the structure earthing must be done in only one of mounting
pads or base aluminum pedestals (if supplied), seeing that all metallic parts of the fiberglass pedestal are connected
to each other;
b) For installations without ground grid: The quantity of copper bars depends on the earthing resistance of the
installation place. The bars dimensioning and supply are not responsibility of ALSTOM.

Picture 15 - Earthing of base pedestals.

5.5 - Reactors Installed in Metallic Enclosures (Cubicles)

Reactors installed in indoor rooms or metallic enclosures must follow the procedures described below:

1) Air entrances (louvers) must be considered at the top and bottom parts of the frontal and lateral enclosure
panels to allow the flow through the reactor for its self-cooling by natural air convection;
2) The minimum internal dimensions of the enclosure must respect the dimensions indicated in the reactor
dimensional drawing and/or specific technical documentation;
3) In order to avoid closed loops through the four sides, you must insulate the rear panel from the side and top
panels by opening the closed loops and all panels must be grounded. The insulation does not need to be thicker than
1/8··, but the through going bolts between the rear panel and side panels, and between the top panel and side/front
panels must be insulated by means of insulating bushings and washers. See sketch in the picture 16 about grounding
and insulating. The thicker lines indicate the insulated boltings.

Note: If you install the reactor in an enclosure with closed loops, you get higher losses and the enclosure may heat
up. The declared losses in the reactor drawing do not include inducted losses in the enclosure.

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Picture 16 - Magnetic insulation of enclosure panels.

5.6 - Commissioning

The responsible for commissioning of the reactors shall follow the instructions below before the energization of the

1) Check the reactor electric connections (recommended tightening torque);

2) Check the reactor mechanic connections: base pedestals, insulators, top hat, etc;
3) Check the earthing connections;
4) Clean the cooling ducts of the main coil with non-metallic bars and air pressure (Check that the cooling ducts are
not obstructed by objects which could prevent the cooling of the equipment);
5) Check the reactor's fiberglass ties between the arms;
6) Check the welded connections on the arms of the reactor;
7) Check the reactor external surface and the painting. Touching up may be necessary according to the
recommended procedures in this manual.

Note: Commissioning electrical tests are not applicable to air-core reactors. However, if power sources and
measuring equipment are available at field, it is recommended to perform the following tests:

- Measurement of dc resistance
- Measurement of inductance / impedance at power frequency
- Measurement of inductance / impedance at tuning frequency

ALSTO~I\ logo and arw aeemauve erson thereof are tr~dl'm;1I1<5aod SCf'\,J(e m;f~ of ,<l,L '5TO~ Ilte orher nerres ment;or.1'd, registered Of not, are the p"Cf:~RJ of t~eH
respecnve corr.~ilnll:5 The teen rica! and ether data ccmaneo In tbs document 1$ PIO"IIt!ed for Ifforrn.;Diln only Nenher AlSTOt-t its offICers and employees accept
respons:b:lir{ lor or shedd be taken as rn;;l<Ing any repr6ef1t2t1On or ftlarran[j (\lmether emress or ImplleJj as co the aruracv or corereeress of Sllch oata or the
ecbeemeru of any prorected pertorrrance crsena where these are rccsceo .Ill"TOM reserves d1~fight to revtse 0/ change this data at <l1l)/ urre ''''''Ithoul !i.mher non-e
The measured figures at field shall be compared with those values presented in the routine test reports. Depending
on the power source type and accuracy of the measuring equipment, the results may deviate slightly from the factory

6.0 - Painting

ATIENTION: The type of painting and color are indicated on the reactor dimensional drawing.

1) The reactor is sandblasted to guarantee best adherence of the paint. Initially, the reactor is painted with a base
coat of isocyanate shop-primer (10 to 25 microns thick), with minimum interval for repainting reactor is 6 hours
at minimum ambient temperature of 25'C and maximum 80% humidity.
2) After curing, a finishing coat of polyurethane paint with minimum coat thickness of 75 to 125 urn is applied. The
total curing process takes at least 04 days at minimum ambient temperature of 25°C and maximum 80g,
3) The total thickness of all coats (dry) is not less than 90 urn:

The finishing coat used to protect the surfaces is a two-component polyurethane painting:


a) As a standard, ALSTOM adopts the finishing painunq with aliphatic polyurethane paint. For polluted
environments or when specified by the customer, the reactor can be painted with silicone-based paint (RTV).
- RTVSilicone High Voltage Insulator Coating Si-COAT 570.
- Color: See dimensional drawings.
b) Painting procedures and non-standard colors must be clearly specified during the tendering process and
purchase order.

6.1 - Painting touch up

If the reactors require touching up, remove all debris from the required areas and apply 1 coat of polyurethane finish
as follows:

1) Delimitate the area which will be retouched with adhesive tape;

2) Remove the panting of the delimitated area using sand paper of roughness degree 100 or with a wirebrush to
eliminate any roughness;
3) Clean the area with non acid paint stripper or alcohol, and let it dry;
4) Coat the surface with finishing paint specified in the chapter 6 and color specified on the dimensional drawings,
using a paint brush or spray airgun;

5) Cover the painted surface with plastic (or similar material) with the purpose to protect it from the sun or rain for
a period of 24 hours, to assure the paint drying process;

Note: The drying times mentioned above consider minimum ambient temperature of 20'(. For lower temperatures,
the drying time must be longer.

If the reactor has a silicone-based paint (RTV) coat:

1) Remove the RTV coat using plastic brush to eliminate any roughness, taking care not to remove the base paint
coat of the reactor surface;
2) Clean the area with alcohol and let it dry;
3) Using a paint brush, coat the surface with RTVpaint specified by AL5TOM;
4) Cover the painted surface with plastic (or similar material) with the purpose to protect it from the sun or rain for
a period of 72 hours, to assure the paint drying process;

Note: RTVis a silicon base paint. After you open the can, its cure starts. So, once you open the RTVcan, try to use it
at once (same day) because the RTVwill not be good for use after that. It is recommended to retouch the reactor in
an indoor environment.

7.0 - Maintenance

ATIENTION:The maintenance recommended in this manual must be done with non-energized reactor and duly

Normally, the air-core reactors need little maintenance. The maintenance periods depends on the storage conditions
before the start-up, installation conditions (outdoor or indoor) and environmental conditions.

An annual inspection of the reactors is recommended as a standard procedure or after unusual atmospheric events.
Although, for high polluted areas, depending on the amount of pollution, this inspection is to be carried out on a
more frequent basis.

The maintenance procedures are relatively simple and are indicated as follows:

1) Visual inspection of reactor and support structure;

a. Check that the cooling ducts are not obstructed by objects which could prevent the cooling ofthe equipment.
If necessary, clean the cooling ducts wit non-metallic bars (e. g., fiberglass) or air pressure.
b. Check the fiberglass ties between crossarms;
c. Check the welded connections of the conductors on the crossarms;
2) Check the reactor external surface and painting. In case of paint deterioration, follow the procedures of the
chapter 6.1.

ALSTOM logo ;nd any dlti'IIl~m.e 'i~r510n uereor ail! rrederrarvs and 5<'J"1(1'marf-a of Al5TO!V The ather names rreracrec. reqrsterad OTnot, ae tnc p-opcrtv of men
rescecwe corrparues The t~(hf1lC31snd other data ccouoeo III tho, docurr;ent ISPIQ1Jlded fer 1I'110rm.,:;1I0n only N~ILr,erALSTOfc\.Its oifk:ers end ~!T'.plD)l!'esaccept
resPQf15lb:i;t'jfer or sho.tId be raten ,,5 maktng any representancn or mrrant'j (IIJh;:rller express or I~pl!~d) as to the accura~y Dr rorrpleteress of such data or me
actse.eruem ciimyprolectt!d :;:el'forrnilncf «eena where these If1dlC<itedil.LSTor) reserves 'he nght to r2,;S" or cl1a;1ge [h~ datil .st arw nrre V\,:trcut iun:her nonce

3) In polluted and aggressive environments, the reactors must be washed with high-pressure water for cleaning the
external reactor surface, insulators and pedestals;
4) Check the tightening of the connections. If necessary, tight the bolts in accordance to the recommendable torque
a. Line terminals
b. Earthing terminals
c. Insulators
d. Aluminum pedestals and mounting pads.
5) If power sources and measure equipment are available at field, it is recommended to measure the DC resistance
and/or inductance with nominal frequency (or tuning frequency, in case of filter reactors). The measured values can
be compared with those values presented in the routine test reports or during the commissioning. Depending on the
power source type and accuracy of the measuring equipment, the results may deviate slightly from the factory

8.0 - Environmental Effects and disposal

Before disposing of a product, always familiarize yourself with the local disposal regulations for all the components
and materials you are going to dispose of.

The reactors are composed by materials that are not considered dangerous to the environment. For future disposal of
the product, in order to minimize the environmental impacts, the following procedures have to be followed:

1) Packaging
- Wooden packaging can be reused or burnt to gain energy except for preservative treated wood, which must be
recycled or disposed of according to the local regulations.
- Plastic film (PE) can be recycled or burnt to gain energy.
- Possible steel parts can be recycled.

2) Main Coil and pedestals

- Fiberglass spacers, fiberglass bird barriers and other fiberglass pieces must be taken to a reprocessing plant or
industrial waste landfill.
- Metal parts can be recycled.

3) Insulators
- Insulators must be taken to a reprocessing plant or industrial waste landfill.
- Metal parts can be recycled.

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::-,a:;! :."i:!. cs-a ii: ar_,a-re 1\ :..-<;u:
-rtre- -o~:·, GRID I

Avenida Nossa Senhora da Piedade, 1021
Bairro Piedade - ltajuba - Minas Gerais - Brazil
ZIP Code: 37504-358
Phone: +55 35 3629-7042
+5535 3629-7069
Fax: +55353629-7007

Aistom Grid


logo and any attemative version thereof are
trademarks and service marks of ALSTOM.
The other names mentioned,registeredor
not, are the property of their respective
companies.The technical and other data
containedin this document is providedfor
information only. Neither ALSTOM, its officers
and employees accept responsibility for or
should be taken as making any representation
or warranty (whether express or implied) as to
the accuracy or completeness of such data or
the achievement of any projected
performance criteria where these are
indicated. ALSTOM reserves the right to
revise or change this data at any time without
further notice.

Alstom Grid wortdwide Contact Centre
Tel: +44 (0) 1785250 070

A.L5TO~\ lego and dl')' akem"tlve .erson thereof are trademarks end serwce m3rJ.s of .:I.LSTO~ I'he ctrn-r names rnent!Oned recrstereu or rot are the prcp;:rty tl U-.erf

respertwe ccrrrsmes The w:hl1lcalilnd otter data couened In (hISdL'<.lJme-m ,~ pro~lded for sscrrreuon only Neither AlSTOM.;ts afficm aru ~pl~ KC':!P[
r~spons\bll'{~ fur or shoold I:J:o ta~n as n-ai-wg .my r1'pre5enli;l.lCn or Nafran~1 {vi1et11er expess Of Imp~ea) ..s to the ,x;curacy or ccrclereress of SI..ICh dal<l or tbe
ao":I".'ernentof"l1Yprol~perfurrrulllc-!cr!tffid\l.t:-erethe~ar!.f1dlCa.."{j ;J.:5TOr-1r~!I1er:ghtrore>J\~0I~1'Q2tl':lsdt'8a[3~tllTl!!'IJltt:outii.JltrernottCe GRID


::>ridsolouons AEKIlAPALlVlR
J GE and Aistom joint venture

C HOCTORll\OTO ,ll,eKllOpV1pOMe, 4e npn TOKOOrpOHV140S0ll\V1 peOKTOpV1 TV1n XLTR HRMO MeTOflHV1

Grid Solutions branch Bulgaria npV14111HOHRMO t·leTOflHII1 nOSbpXHOCTII1, KOIl1TO ,lJ,0 6b,lJ,OT o6p06oTSOHII1 C OHTV1KOP031110HHII1
47A.Sitnyckovo blvd nOKpIl1TV1R.
150S Sofio, Bulga'io

T +35 .33260
F +3592 811332 61 13.07.2017

C YSO)t(eHlI1e:


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