Task 4 - Instructional Planning
Task 4 - Instructional Planning
Task 4 - Instructional Planning
This task asks you to identify the formative and summative assessment strategies used
during a week. As part of this task, you are required to implement a new formative
assessment strategy, provide evidence of implementation and reflect on the impact.
What are the components of a learning outcome/instructional objective?
The performances and the condition
List the assessment strategies used for English, Math and Science in 1 week.
Formative Summative
Learning Formative Assessment
Assessment Assessment
Outcome Strategy explained
Strategy/strategies Strategy
Identify and ■ I will ask ■ If the student write The student will
recognize my student number 9 that mean have dictation for
number 9. to write that the student number 1 to 9 if
number 9 understands the student write all
and the lesson and of them correct
student will recognize the he will get 10/10,
write their number, if the if student write
answer student write only 4 he will get
down on nmber6 that mean 5/10 if student
their board he confuse between did not write at
after that the number 6 and 9. all he will get 0/10
hold them And student who
up and make scribbling that
show their mean he didn't
answers all understand the
at the same lesson.
time. After
that I will
knows if
the student
got it or
they didn’t.
recognize and Student will have I will give them flash card I will use
learn how to to found letter A in that have letter, the application in the
write letter A. the flash card. student will show me letter school IPad, l let
A. them to write
letter A.
Recognize The student will I will put two flash card first I will let student
circle shape and have shapes bags one for the rectangle and to draw in the
compare with that have different the other one for the circle. board rectangle
rectangle shape object. The The student will classify the first and than
student will object. circle shapes
classify the shapes
according to the
flash card
Evidence must be included in the gallery/blog/journal.