Affixes Lesson Plan Observation 2

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Loras Student Name: Olivia Smith Mentor Teacher / Grade: Ms.


Content Topic: Suffixes Lesson Objective: The students will understand

the meaning of the suffixes, -
ed, -ful, and -less

Whole Group Small Group One-on-One Other

Lesson Title: Suffixes: -ed, -ful, and -less

Learning Objective(s) The students will know the meaning of the three suffixes we are working on and when you add
them to the end of a root word. The students will be able to spell words correctly with the suffix
and will be able to identify how the word’s meaning has changed because of the suffix that was

Standards L.5.1
4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based
on grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
b. Use common, grade-appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of
a word (e.g., photograph, photosynthesis).

Cross-Disciplinary Suffix: A morpheme at the end of a word to change the meaning of it.

Prior Knowledge/Common The students will know what a prefix is and will already have learned what a suffix is. Explaining
Misconceptions what a suffix is should be review for the students.

Formative/Summative/Self The students will fill out the worksheet that Ms. Moore has provided me. On this worksheet they
Assessment fill in the blanks of either the word they are making with the root word and suffix given, or the
meaning of the word that is given. We will go over this worksheet together as a group. I will know
each student understands the concepts by making sure their worksheet is filled out, and making
sure that all of them are participating and giving answers.
Instructional The review of the suffix will be very explicit so that the students understand and don’t get
Strategies/Grouping confused if someone gives the wrong answer.
Everyone will be raising their hand to answer the question, so I know that everyone is writing
down the correct answers.
I will give time when waiting for the students to raise their hand so that the students who are
slower processors have time to raise their hands and answer.

Lesson Sequence 1. Ms. Moore will give me the worksheets and I will take the group out into the hallway.
- I will remind the kids to bring something to put their papers on to write on if the tables
are not back in the hallways yet.
2. The kids and I will find some chairs and push them into a circle.
3. I will review what a suffix is with the students.
- I will start by asking the students what a suffix is and what they remember about them.
- I will reiterate what they say as they go and add any other information about suffixes
that was left out.
- *A suffix is a group of letters that is put at the end of a word and changes the meaning
of the word.
4. I will then review the suffixes with the students that we will be going over that day. This will
be explicit instruction so that the kids don’t get confused with the different meanings.
- I will explain them by going over the chart at the top of their worksheets that also gives
- -ed: past tense verbs (ask the students what this means)
- -ful: full of
- -less: without
5. I will then tell the students that we will be doing the worksheet as a whole group and that
we need to fill in the blanks on the worksheet. I will tell them that I will read the boxes and
they will raise their hand if they know the answers for the empty boxes.
6. When we have finished the worksheet, I will look at everyone’s and make sure it is filled
out. I will tell them to flip over their worksheets and ask them what each of the suffixes we
learned mean to make sure that they remember.
7. I will take the worksheets from the students and tell them that they can go quietly back
into the classroom.

Differentiation/Modification/ I will scaffold by asking the students who understand the suffixes very well why the answer they
Accommodations give is correct.
I will sit next to the students who struggle the most to make sure that they are writing the answers
down and understanding the material.
I will make sure that each student is answering and give the students who are a little slower a
chance to raise their hand and answer the question. Everyone should get a chance to answer

Materials Suffix worksheet: -ed, -ful, -less

Something flat to put their papers on (if there are no tables)

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