Control Cabinet Manufacturing 4.0 Study
Control Cabinet Manufacturing 4.0 Study
Control Cabinet Manufacturing 4.0 Study
Manufacturing 4.0
A study on the potential of automation and digitalisation in the manufacturing
of control cabinets and switchgears in machine and systems engineering
Control Cabinet Manufacturing 4.0
2 3
Control Cabinet Manufacturing 4.0
Index of figures 6
Index of tables 7
1 Introduction 8
5 Summary 33
1 Introduction
The trend towards Industry 4.0 is not a new topic in mechanical engineering. This is Table 1.1: Categories for the surveyed companies in design/engineering and production/assembly
evident both from the activities currently taking place in mechanical engineering com-
panies, and has been evident for years in academic research such as that taking place Category Design/Engineering Production/Assembly
at the University of Stuttgart’s Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and
Manufacturing Units (ISW). Numerous research projects are being studied here including Classic Project/order based approach Circuit-diagram based
cloud control engineering, value-added services for mechanical engineers and users, Creation of a circuit diagram (CD) production performed page by page.
and a modern interconnected production facility, the Arena 2036. Although the ISW Schematic layout plan No prefabrication
focuses on modern manufacturing facilities for vehicles of the future, the issue is the Bills of material in Excel (manual)
same for general mechanical engineering: How to interconnect manufacturing and apply
Standardised Transition from project-based List-based manufacturing
the data it creates to the entire value chain rather than to just one manufacturing phase?
to template-based engineering Prefabrication
Design and production are two main areas within a product’s value chain where person-
Templates available NC machine
nel undergo differing training and also apply differing working practices, methods and
Creation of automated wire lists Wire sets
tools. Engineers frequently have differing expectations of the production practices that High level of repetition Partial continuous production
are eventually applied. Both design and production aspire to the same outcome but use
differing vocabulary to express this. Automated Techniques of generation, Line production
option and maximum project Processing systems
Using control cabinet manufacturing as an example, this study applies knowledge gained Manufacturers with configurators Prefabrication of all components
from research, and analyses the value chain for a control cabinet for tooling machines and Good utilisation of machinery
systems. Of the phases in the development of a tooling machine or system (see Figure
1.1), the “Order receipt/creation” and “System start-up” sub-steps are not examined in
this study. Manufacturing a control cabinet is primarily manual and faces pressure from
increasingly shorter delivery times and a high level of individualisation of tooling machines. A questionnaire was used to categorise the companies to gain an impression of control
Cabinet manufacturers need to respond quickly and flexibly to requirements and to effici- cabinet manufacturing in the branch. This served as preparation for on-site discussions
ently manage existing and future challenges: the 4th Industrial Revolution offers a multitude carried out according to the categories in Table 1.1. The categories differentiate between
of opportunities to master such challenges. The cornerstone of this study is the question “Classic”, “Standardised”, and “Automated” control cabinet manufacturing. These
“How will control cabinets be manufactured in the future?”. Companies from different areas classifications were applied to the areas of design/engineering as well as to production/
of mechanical engineering have participated in the study providing a broad cross-section assembly. The companies were also asked to provide statistics on their control cabinet
of German engineering businesses. Small machine and systems manufacturers with an manufacturing to enable comparisons to be made based on an average control cabinet
annual output of only several dozen control cabinets and systems, as well as major, well- as shown in Table 1.2. Such quantification enables an objective, quantitative response to
known companies took part in the study and provided us with insights into their processes the study questions rather than subjective impressions. The distribution of working times
of control cabinet manufacture. In total, 12 companies took part in the study. in both areas of control cabinet manufacturing as can be seen in figures 2.1 and 3.1.
Figure 1.1: The phases studied in control cabinet manufacturing. Order creation and control cabinet/machine
system start-up are not included in this study
From these figures, time-savings between the categories can be determined which can
be further improved through exploiting potentials. For example, companies which still
work on a project/order basis can make time savings of up to 45% in their engineering
processes by shifting to function-based, modular circuit diagrams. In addition to pro-
posing several pragmatic measures to achieve improvements, the study also engages
with the use of 3D production data. What potential and opportunities are offered by 3D
engineering drawings and are they the key to the digital factory? The study also looks at
working approaches in production facilities and contrasts these to car manufacturing.
It is well-known that car manufacturing applies continuous production; despite a high
product individualisation, a high degree of component standardisation has still been
achieved. Is there a similar approach for control cabinet and switchgear manufacturing?
This study is structured as follows: Section 2 engages with the potentials in design and
engineering. Section 3 deals intensively with the area of production and assembly. Both
sections describe individual areas of activity, the problems these have, possible solu-
tions and opportunities. Section 4 reports on trends, from the companies’ perspectives,
in control cabinet manufacturing. Section 5 concludes the study with a summary and
outlook of Control Cabinet Manufacturing 4.0 of the future.
Current-day product development processes (PDP) are usually possible only through The use of separate, specialist software systems creates the problem of data isolation.
the intensive utilisation of software-based systems to perform tasks. This is the reason File formats and stored files from, e.g. SolidWorks, cannot be imported directly into, e.g.
why a multitude of different software systems exist: good software is usually restricted SAP and then processed without further ado. Most companies have therefore created
to specific rather than general applications. For example, CAD systems are available for their own data transfers solutions. For companies with a low annual output of control ca-
architects and engineers but they lack costing or ordering functions. These are provided binets, documents and data are manually transferred to the relevant software for further
by solutions such as Excel or ERP systems. Different software systems therefore need processing. 90% of companies have created their own largely automated solutions using
to be used for different phases in control cabinet manufacturing. An engineering drawing XML-file exports which can then be re-imported semi-automatically. The desire to have
created with CAD software will need to be converted into a different format before being a continuous (or at least a minimally fragmented) engineering chain means software en-
used by procurement or logistics. gineers have developed their own macros or plug-ins for the relevant software systems.
Maintaining and adapting such software plug-ins is extremely time consuming and costly
and so is not being seriously pursued by companies. Furthermore, the latest versions of
the software systems are not always being used.
This highly diversified range of software systems present many customers with obstacles
not only in engineering but also in production. Companies categorised as classic per-
form a multitude of manual phases in data transfer (e.g. the creation of bills of material or
terminal labelling). Companies who have standardised their control cabinet manufactu-
ring are already able to automatically generate the necessary documents from enginee-
ring drawings. Automated control cabinet manufacture, on the other hand, gives access
to an integrated software solution so that data no longer requires transferring from one
software system into another.
Figure 2.1: Phases in the design/engineering of a control cabinet and times as a proportion of overall time
The benefits of function-based engineering are obvious. Using functional units minimises In addition to direct checking during work phases, information from a 3D control cabi-
checking effort and can be performed independently of ongoing project work. Not least net can also be used for the “digital twin”, i.e. the virtual portrayal of a control cabinet
of all, design plans derived from a standardised engineering chain-, can be assumed to that can be constructed and tested in parallel to its actual manufacturing. This virtual
be basically error-free. This eases the work of design engineers, and mechanical and digital twin can be used, prior to actual manufacturing, to virtually run the control soft-
electrical technicians can work more efficiently due to the production plans generally ware, eliminating the need for this task to be carried out at the end of manufacturing.
being correct.
This topic raises the general question of why 2D engineering plans are still being
created in engineering when manufacturing of a control cabinet takes place anyway in
2.3 3D engineering drawings three dimensions. Working in 2D is counter-intuitive and counter-productive yet is being
practised more often than not.
An engineering drawing is only as good as the information it contains and the infor-
mation that can be directly derived from it. A good engineering drawing also enables To gain the full benefits of 3D design requires companies to exploit the potential of this
information to be read and understood quickly without requiring detailed knowledge technology in multiple manufacturing phases. The most benefits are in the engineering
of the object to be created. An engineering drawing is essential to enable mechani- phase where data is created and modified. In subsequent phases, data is generally only
cal and electrical technicians to carry out error-free production tasks. However, from read. In addition to the implementation of a CAD and CAE systems with 3D drawing
a designer‘s/engineer’s perspective, an engineering drawing is much more than this. capabilities, existing data also needs to be extended and possibly migrated. The effort
required to extend data (adding component heights, recording CAD models etc.) is This section examines the procedures in the production and assembly of control ca-
usually the biggest hurdle given by many companies for not migrating data. Correctly binets. It assumes that certain documents have been available from engineering that
processing CAD data can be difficult especially in the context of modularisation and have triggered component orders, the majority of which have already been delivered.
the structuring of a control cabinet into functional units. But the time gains should not The phases as well as their core timings are portrayed in Figure 3.1. Almost 75% of
be ignored – up to 35% of engineering time and up to 22% of production time can be time is required for the phases of mechanical component assembly and wiring (inclu-
saved because drawings can be fully trusted. ding electrical component assembly) where significant potential for optimisation can
be assumed. The phases before and after these account for the remaining 25% where
3D engineering drawings also offer benefits for technicians in production. These are no significant improvements can be realised. As this section will reveal, these phases
provided separately in the following sections. contain optimisation potential for time and financial savings.
Figure 3.1: Phases in the production/assembly of a control cabinet and times as a proportion of overall time
This study makes it clear that for control cabinets of the future, components need to be A further problem with paper documents, according to all surveyed companies, is the
prefabricated and available at the relevant workplaces, and bulk materials need to be provi- persistency of changes being made to control cabinets. Comments or changes to a
ded to technicians via kanban systems, irrespective of whether nested or continuous document are easy to make using a pencil. However, major changes, e.g. customer
production systems are being used. changes requiring different components, cannot take place without further action.
Such modifications generally take place within the engineering department so it can
take time until the updated data arrives at production. According to the surveyed com-
3.2 Multimedia devices for information portrayal panies, this can take up to a week or even 2 in exceptional cases.
People today are surrounded by digital devices and multimedia information sources. During this time, further changes might have taken place further complicating change
The latest stock exchange indices, news or images of friends are just a click away. management and highlighting the problem of paper-based data processing.
Routine use of smartphones or tablets is no longer the exception. It was common in
the production halls of the surveyed companies for primarily paper-based production to The surveyed companies were not only open to the proposition of digital document
be seen as no longer appropriate. However, all surveyed companies, with few excep- folders, some had already considered doing it. Two companies had already carried out
tions, rely primarily on analogue documentation in production. initial evaluations on the feasibility and effort required to implement digital document
folders. Overall, many engineers and production supervisors as well as mechanical and
Preplanning digitally access component and stock lists and then print them out for the electrical technicians would welcome digital document folders to enable faster viewing
picking trolleys. In the actual production of the control cabinet, i.e. mechanical and of engineering drawings as well as the relevant production information. They see major
electrical processing and assembly, only printed documents and handwritten notes are benefits in this respect. For example, such information can be displayed relatively easily
being used in the form of circuit diagrams and wiring lists through to change manage- for wiring. The average time for wiring using a circuit diagram is 54 h with around 31%
The use of a CNC mini/drilling machine (manual or automated programming) is an All participating companies perform the assembly and wiring of the cabinet in-house.
option for some of the surveyed companies (27 %) due to the purchasing and opera- 27% of companies still acquire their control cabinets pre-fabricated, i.e. already with
ting costs exceeding capacities. This issue is mainly academic for companies with low cut-outs and recesses. The proportion of mechanical assembly and wiring therefore
annual manufacturing output because the high rate of utilisation necessary for these takes up almost 75% of processing time (see Figure 3.1). Electrical assembly and wiring
machines cannot be provided. On the other hand, obvious benefits are provided by is the phase in control cabinet manufacturing that is capable by far of benefiting from
CNC-based processing such as a high level of absolute and repeat precision. digitalisation and automation. “Electrical assembly” and “electrical wiring” are examined
separately in the following.
Testing of a control cabinet is necessary for all control cabinet manufacturers to ensure A further option to achieve continuous testing in control cabinet manufacturing is
the correct production and functionality of all components. Testing does not just cover through augmented reality plus continuous process monitoring in the production phas-
final testing of a control cabinet but also ongoing tests during production. This includes es. Augmented reality merges the real and virtual worlds and enables technicians to
checking of production drawings prior to the different phases as well as optical inspec- obtain information, for example, through eyeglasses or a monitor positioned above the
tion following conclusion of a phase. 36% of surveyed companies performed intensive assembly surface. Any information can be displayed, such as details on drill holes or a
testing during phases which are performed by the technician doing the work and then component, as well the start and destination points in wiring. Continuous process
checked for correctness by the next technician. This approach requires extra effort monitoring results in the work undergoing permanent testing to enable early and au-
during the individual phase but has the benefit of identifying and rectifying errors at an tomatic detection of errors. This requires detailed and checked engineering drawings
early stage. Furthermore, each technician indirectly becomes his or her own tester and which have at least a 2D model of the control cabinet. A circuit diagram is insufficient
therefore carries out his/her work more reliably. here to identify incorrect drilling, components and wiring.
25% of surveyed companies carry out electrotechnical final testing including functional The benefits of continuous visual inspection of performed tests are an argument for
testing following wiring – the remaining 75% carry out only electrotechnical testing. implementing this approach. Any error (e.g. missing components or incorrect wiring)
Electrotechnical testing checks only correct wiring of the control cabinet and not the can then be identified and rectified before the phase is concluded. This is less time-
consuming and costly than identifying and rectifying irregularities during the production
phase. For example, to rectify drill holes that are too small and identified only during
electrical assembly require more effort because components may need to be removed As part of the study, companies were also asked about the trends they predict in engi-
prior to re-drilling. Visual inspection at the end of a phase by the technician himself/ neering and production. These are briefly presented in this concluding section.
herself makes the technician his/her own inspector and thereby promotes a more ca-
reful approach to the task. Companies which apply this approach report a reduction in
errors of up to 85% and a subsequent rise in efficiency of at least 37%. Components with greater complexity and more software
Today’s components have an increasingly larger share of software which needs to be ac-
3.6 Ergonomics and workplace design counted for primarily within engineering. The positioning of these components is generally
no longer restricted and they can be installed anywhere required within the control cabinet.
On the basis of on-site analyses, a number of improvements were identified in respect However, this results in the need for intensive software testing of the control cabinet.
of ergonomics and workplace design. During wiring, technicians often need to rotate
by 180° from viewing the circuit diagram to wiring the control cabinet. This is not only
time-consuming but also damaging to health. A physically and mentally balanced A greater number of field components through decentralisation
workload is required to promote health and achieve optimal performance. As already
mentioned, the assistance of multimedia user devices is one option to simplify wiring Today’s machines and systems are so complex and are equipped with so many func-
and ease the work of the technician by optimising the workplace. Time savings can tions that there is a diminishing need for the manufacturing of large control cabinets.
also be gained. The trend is towards decentralised, field-located control cabinets containing the neces-
sary components and a minimum of control logic. A central control cabinet will conti-
The study identified different approaches on how a control cabinet is positioned to nue to provide primary control cycles but will have a much reduced level of complexity.
perform assembly. This takes place mostly with the cabinet in a horizontal or vertical Such decentralisation has a direct affect on the complexity, density and quantity of
position and rarely at an angled position. Some components, such as drive amplifiers, control cabinets that need to be installed for a machine or system.
are heavy. The positioning of the main panel and/or the cabinet plays an important role.
The study made a detailed analysis of working procedures in production and determi-
ned that technicians can assemble components faster and more ergonomically when Restrictions on component diversity
the cabinet is in a horizontal rather than a vertical position. When positioning heavy
components, lifting aids can be beneficial. Wiring on the other hand, requires the ca- Although the majority of participants in the study referred to a large diversity of compo-
binet to be in a vertical position. Wiring is then much easier for the technician, whether nents (63% have a more than 50% share of specialist components), many also wished
sitting or standing. for a reduction in such diversity. The reason for this is, on the one hand, the effort requi-
red in administration and the multitude of specialist parts required in engineering. On the
In addition to the positioning of the control cabinet, the tools and equipment at the other hand, a high level of diversity affects production by requiring highly trained technici-
workplace also play major roles in optimising production. Tools, wires and the required ans capable of managing the corresponding high rate of production variance. Therefore,
bulk material need to be sorted and within easy reach of the technician. 11% of the 36% of companies are pursuing a reduction in component diversity by using only one or
companies use kanban systems at the workplace which provide materials automa- two variants, e.g. pressure generators. This of course requires a new way of thinking and
tically. This ideal workplace design avoids long transfer routes to centrally located may result in oversized systems and components, but will reduce effort both in enginee-
stores. For the other 89% of firms, the technicians themselves are responsible for ring and in production.
replenishing bulk-goods containers. Time savings of up to 35% are achievable by
exploiting aforementioned potentials.
Summary 5
Outsourcing This section briefly summarises the findings of the study. More detailed explanations can
be found in the relevant sections.
It was important for the study to survey companies who perform in-house control cabinet
manufacturing. This was the case for only 78% of the surveyed companies. This means
that every fifth control cabinet for a machine or system is already being manufactured by Automated production using 3D engineering
external providers. It should also be mentioned that 27% of surveyed companies do not
carry out their own mechanical processing on control cabinets but obtain these prefab- A clearly identifiable trend among the surveyed companies is towards the creation of
ricated. Time and cost pressures mean some companies – especially those with a low 3D engineering drawings. This may involve complications and flat learning curves in
annual output of control cabinets and switchgears – are asking themselves whether to the transitional phase from 2D drawings and circuit diagrams, but clear benefits can be
have their control cabinets manufactured externally. Other companies want to continue achieved by using 3D models. Ultimately, 3D models enable the fully automated, conti-
manufacturing their cabinets but using, when possible, prefabricated terminal strips and nuous production of control cabinets – or corresponding semi-automated control cabinet
wire harnesses. The extent to which the trend towards outsourcing continues is difficult manufacturing.
to predict. However, the attractive conditions from external providers are not to be unde-
Outsourcing or in-house production?
For companies with a low annual output of control cabinets with relatively high and
non-profitable development and production activities, there is the question of whether to
outsource control cabinet manufacturing. Some of the surveyed companies consider this
not only a loss of in-house skills but also a dependency on the delivery terms of contracted
manufacturers. This is generally not a problem in the series manufacturing of machines
because time is less restricted compared with the manufacturing of systems. There are
no statistics available to evaluate this so a separate analysis is required.
Standardisation in engineering
To enable continuous control cabinet manufacturing in the future requires more attention
to preplanning. Pre-picked boxes of components for each individual control cabinet need
to be assembled by logistics in the component stores. With the exception of procured
wires and the associated bulk material, technicians can rely on having the correct quan-
tity of required components. The need for technicians to source for themselves the com-
ponents needed for a control cabinet must become something that belongs to the past.