Cippus of Horus PDF
Cippus of Horus PDF
Cippus of Horus PDF
It shows a youth named Horus the falcon god holding wild beasts. He is
unafraid, for his mother Isis has made magic to heal him.
Egyptian mothers poured water over such charms and then washed their
children with it, or had them drink it, to heal them from things that poison.
called upon the funny dwarf god Bes who loves all children. She called on
Ra the Sun and Thoth the Moon, and the grandmothers Vulture and Cobra.
In this cippus of Horus we can see the youth holding different animals, and
guarded by adult gods. To his right stands the vulture grandmother of upper
Egypt, Nekhebet, and Isis his mother, and Osiris-Ra his father. To his left
stands ibis-headed Thoth and
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Wadjet the cobra grandmother of lower Egypt. Above him is Bes again, and
the Eyes of Horus which are the sun and the moon. These eyes have human
hands held up like Reiki palms to help Bes guard Horus. We can see this
posture again at the curved top of the charm. The baboons of Thoth and the
moon god himself raise hands to honor and strengthen the magic. The
plumes of Amon the hidden Wind god of Thebes stand quietly guard nearby.
We also notice in the third row down, a chariot and winged horse riding over
a crocodile. This unknown Egyptian legend may be the precursor of the
story of Pegasus and Bellepheron who defeated the chimera.
In the fourth row we see several gods with spears threatening snakes and
crocodiles. Seth the fierce warrior was set in the prow of the sun god’s barge
as it moved across the sky to keep monsters away. Seth probably was being
wisely punished for his murder of Osiris.
On the back of the cippus shown above is this curious figure of a god
with the wings of a falcon, the head of Bes, the lightning of the storm and
snakes around his thighs. It is very possible that this is the early form of
the gnostic god Abraxas who was shown as a serpent-footed god of magic
and protection.
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And relax for a few minutes. You may sense energy tingling in your hands or warmth, or
if you close your eyes and let your mind drift away, you may see unusual pictures. It
really doesn’t matter. It works even if nothing is sensed at all.
Just say aloud “I now attune (name of student) to the energies of (name of system) in a
way that is good for both of us, in health and spirit. So be it.”
Or you can put the attunement in a “chi ball” of imagined energy and let the student pull
it down when convenient.
Disclaimer: This energy system is intended for relaxation and wellness and spiritual
growth, but people with medical problems should of course continue to see their doctors
and get medical advice from a professional
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