Old Kingdom [3, 6, 8]; Middle Kingdom [2, 29]; New Kingdom [1, 7, 9-21, 23, 25, 27-28, 30-36, 39, 44, 52,
87]; 21st – 24th Dyn. [22, 26]; 26th Dyn [37-38, 43, 50]; Late Period [40-42, 84-85]; Greco-Roman period
[4-5, 24, 45-49, 51, 53-77, 79-83, 86]; uncertain [78]
A. Human Forms:
a) Goddess with papyrus scepter [46, 74, 81]
b) Enthroned goddess with tight-fitting robes from which the arms stick out; she is holding an ankh [27]
c) Standing goddess with raised hands in worship [83-84]
d) Goddess with the red crown [9, 11-13, 15, 19-20, 21, 23, 28, 82, 87] and two [13] or one year panicle
and anx Dd wAs basket on her arm[20]
e) Goddess with double crown (uncertain) [40]
f) Goddess with Hethert crown [10]
B. Baboon form
a) Baboon with arms raised in praise [37-38] before the sun bark [37]
C. Ram form
a) Ram-headed goddess with the Atef crown[78]
D. Vulture form
a) Vulture on a pedestal [69]
b) Type of Egyptian vulture or buzzard [70]
E. Snake form
a) Goddess with a snake head [4-5, 41, 50, 55, 62, 64, 79, 85]
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Epithets of Amunet
e) Together with Amun (imn) the god of the day of II Smw 17 [59] and II Smw 18 [60]
a) 30th in a series of deities, perching/crouching in the upper frieze of the outer sanctuary wall [54]
b) In a list of the deities of Dendara [65]
Predecessor: imn [4, 41, 54, 56, 64, 81, 83-85]
imn and imnt [60]
inpw [59]
anqt [65]
Hknt [46]
xnsw nfr Htp [31]
dmAt pDwt [69]
Successor: imn and imnt [59]
wr mrwt.f [60]
mnTw [27]
niw [54]
nwn [41, 56, 81]
nb [46]
nnt [65]
HH [64, 83-85]
tA wrt *nbt pt [31]
dmDt [69]
Partner imn [5, 25, 50, 55, 58, 62, 79]
A. Identification of Goddesses:
a) Title of Aset [68]
b) Title of Nit [72]
c) Title of Hethert [61, 63]
d) Title of Tjenenet [80]
e) Title of the city of Thebes [76]
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Epithets of Amunet
G. As a protective deity:
a) She protects (xw) NN during the day (hrw wrS) (in a purification litany) [7]
b) Designation of an amulet in the form of a vulture [51]
I. As owner of sanctuaries:
a) The Hall (wsxt) of Amunet (during the Wesir celebrations in IV. Axt) [24]
b) The temple (Hwt) of Amunet (= Dendara) is raised with a cobra (Hryt tp) like the sky with sun wings
(xpy) [53]
c) Thebes is the temple of Karnak (ipt swt) of Amunet [73]
d) Esna is the dwelling (iwnn) of Amunet [77]
e) Hatshepsut built a procession bark (sSm xw) for her [14]
J. Recipient of Offerings:
a) She is mentioned in a Htp di nsw formula [32, 39, 52], after Amun and before Mut [39]
b) She and the hidden one (imn) belong to the offering bread (pAt) [3]
K. Recipient of Worship:
a) She receives praise (rdi iAw) [34]
L. In Titles:
a) A mr nTr, it nTr, and wab priest [43], a 2nd Hm nTr priest [44], a Hm nTr priest [48]
M. Other:
a) Together with Amun, she digs the lake (S) and the wetland (Hnt) and fastens the name of the mother
to Naunet (mwwt nwnt) [5]
b) Amun and Amunet unite with the Ogdoad, so that they make the full ten names. They developed in
[water] and in the darkness. They arrive at the Ogdoad to allow the great shine to arise [49]
c) The great hidden one (imn wr) came from her womb (Xt) [6]
d) In a spell [25]
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Epithets of Amunet
e) She joins this god (nTr pn) in her form as Ma’at [57]
f) In the compound Hwt Hr *nbt wAst *imnt *Hntyt ipt swt [61]
Late Period [1]; Greco-Roman period [2]
Goddess with the red crown [1]
Title of Nit in a procession of the nome gods (5th Lower Egyptian nome) [1]
New Kingdom [1, 2]
Shrouded/wrapped enthroned goddess [1, 2]
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Epithets of Amunet
imnt aAt – “Amaunet, the Great” Probably [1]: “The Great Hidden One“
Middle Kingdom [1]; Late Period [2]; Greco-Roman period [3]
Standing goddess with the red crown [2]
New Kingdom [3]; 21st – 24th Dyn. [1]; 25th Dyn. (Kushite) [2?]; 26th Dyn. [15]; Greco-Roman period [4-13,
Goddess with the red crown [4, 6, 8-9, 13, 16-17]
A. Identification of Goddesses:
a) In a ritual scene (collar: bb) [13]; (carry things: fAt xt) [10]; (Incense: without title) [9]
b) Title of Nit in a ritual scene (Wine: irp) [11]; (Barley and emmer wheat harvest: Asx it bdty) [12]
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Epithets of Amunet
B. Other:
a) The king is loved by her [7]
b) A Hm nTr priest [15]
Greco-Roman period [1-2]
Title of Aset in a ritual scene (Incense: snTr) [2]
Greco-Roman period [1-4]
Goddess with the red crown on her head [1]
a) Title of Hethert [1]
b) Title of Mut in a ritual scene (Double feather crown: Swty) [3]
c) She proposes/suggests to the temple of the god of the tambourine (sr) [2]
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Epithets of Amunet
Greco-Roman period [1]
Late Period [1]
A Hm nTr priest [1]
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Epithets of Amunet
A) Cosmos
1) Heaven/Horizon
nbt pt – The Lady of the Sky
nbt nnt – The Lady of Lower Heaven
2) Sun
tmAt nt Sw – The Mother of Lights
5) Wind
mHyt – The north wind
B) Topography
2) Place Names
aAt xawm ipt swt – She with great appearance in Karnak
nbt hbt – The Lady of Hibis
Hryt ib ipt swt – She who is in the heart of Karnak
Hryt ib wTst Hr – She who is in the heart of Edfu
Hryt ib bHdt – She who is in the heart of Edfu
Hryt ib hbt – She who is in the heart of Hibis
Hryt tp m ipt swt – The head in Karnak
Hryt tp m ipt swt m wAst – The head in Karnak in Thebes
HqAt m wAst – The ruler in Thebes
xntyt ipt swt – She who is in front of Karnak
xntyt irt ra – The head of Thebes
4) Shrines
Hryt ib Ax mnw – Who is in the heart of Akhmenu (Temple of Djehutymose III in Karnak)
Hryt ib ipt – Who is in the heart of the shrine
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)