Bad Debts and Provision For Doubtful Debts Bad Debts
Bad Debts and Provision For Doubtful Debts Bad Debts
Bad Debts and Provision For Doubtful Debts Bad Debts
Bad debts
The amount of the debtors which cannot be recovered is known as bad debt. At the end the
accounting year, the amount of bad debt is shown as an expense in the profit & loss account
and deducted from the debtors. The double entry for recording the bad debt is:
Debit Bad debt account
Credit Debtors account
At the end of the year, while preparing the final accounts, the bad debt account is transferred
to the profit & loss account by passing the following adjustment entry:
Debit Profit & loss account
Credit Bad debt account
The double entries required for the provision for bad debt are:
During the first year to create the provision for discount on debtors:
Profit & loss account Dr
Provision for discount on debtors account Cr
During the subsequent years, for an increase in the provision for discount on debtors:
The business concerns are of two types: Trading concerns and non trading concerns.
Trading concerns are existing for the purpose of earning profit. But non trading concerns are
existing for the purpose of rendering service to the public. E.g. of such concerns are clubs,
societies, libraries etc. At the end of an accounting year the trading concerns prepare final
accounts such as trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet. But non trading
concerns prepare the following at the end of its accounting year:
b. The income and expenditure account- this is similar to the profit and loss account
prepared by a trading concern. It lists all the incomes and expenses of the non trading
organization for a year. The result of this account is referred to assurplus or excess of
income over expenditure or deficit or excess of expenditure over income. When
the income is more than the expenditure the result is known as surplus. When the
expenditure is more than the income, the result is known as deficit. It is prepared by
considering all expenditures and incomes relating to the current year whether it is paid
or not.
c. Balance sheet- the balance sheet is prepared as in the case of a trading concern. But
the excess of assets over liabilities of a non trading concern is known as accumulated
fund. The surplus from income and expenditure account is added to and the deficit is
deducted from accumulated fund.
Difference between receipts and payments account and incomes and expenditure
Receipts and payments account Income and expenditure account
1 It is the cash book prepared by a 1 It is the profit and loss account
non trading concern prepared by non trading concern
Trading account
Some non-trading organizations do carry out regular trading activity, but this is not the main
purpose of the organization. Many clubs and societies have a café, a shop, a bar and so on,
where goods are bought and sold. A trading account should be prepared for each trading
activity in order to calculate the gross profit or loss earned. The gross profit or loss of a
trading activity of a non- trading concern is transferred to the income and expenditure
account. If it is gross profit, it is shown as income and if it is gross loss, shown as expenditure
in the income and expenditure account.
Key points
Accumulated fund on the opening date = total assets on the opening date – total
liabilities on the opening date. It can be calculated by preparing an opening statement
of affairs (balance sheet format) on the opening date, as a balancing figure.
While preparing the trading account of bar or any other trading activity, if the
purchase figure is not given, it can be calculated as :-
Purchases = closing creditors + payments to creditors – opening creditors.
The profit or loss as a result of sale of a fixed asset should be shown as income (if
profit ) or expenditure( if loss) in the income and expenditure account.
Usually the depreciation on fixed assets will be calculated by comparing the opening
and closing values.
The surplus is added with accumulated fund and deficit is deducted from accumulated
The stock items from trading activity are shown as current assets in the balance sheet.
The subscription is one of the most important incomes for a non-trading concern. It
may be given as a single amount or separately for three years (for last year, this year
and next year)
If it is given as a single amount, to find out the amount of subscription to be shown in the
income and expenditure account, use the following formula:
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Final Accounts of sole Traders: show the calculation of profit earned or the loss incurred
during the period and the financial position of the business at the end of the period. Final
accounts usually prepared from a trial balance.
1. Trading Account: deals with trading (buying and selling). The account shows the
calculation of profit earned on goods sold.
2. Profit and Loss Account: shows the calculation of final or true profit. This is the profit
after all running expenses and any other items of income.
Net Profit = Gross profit + other incomes - Expenses
Less: Expenses:
Rent paid + Accrued/unpaid X
Salary paid + Accrued/ unpaid X
Bad debt X
General expenses X
Office expenses X
Insurance – prepaid/ paid in advance X (-)
Increase in provision for bad debts X
Depreciation of fixed assets X
Bank charges X
Loan interest paid X
Repairs to building X
Delivery van expenses x xxx
3. Balance Sheet: is a statement of the financial position of the business on a certain date. It
shows what the business owns, and amounts owing to the business- the assets and what
the business owes, the liabilities and the capital.
Specimen of Balance Sheet
Freehold Premises / Land and Buildings X
Equipment less depreciation X
Furniture – (depreciation of current year+ previous years) X
Motor van / Motor vehicle – depreciation X
Goodwill X
Cash in hand/ cash at bank X
Debtors less provision for bad debts X (+)
Closing stock X
Prepaid rent/insurance etc. X
Creditors for
goods xx
Creditors for expenses such as accrued rent, delivery van
X Xx
expenses x
Add: Net profit from P&L account
Less: (Drawings of cash + goods) X
Bank Loan
Adjustment of items in Final accounts
The trading and profit & loss account and balance sheet prepared at the end of a year is
known as Final accounts. While preparing the final accounts, there may be some items so far
not adjusted. These items are to be adjusted in the final accounts for calculating the correct
profit or loss of the business. The usual adjustments in the final accounts are:
a. Expenses owing: These are the expenses incurred during the year but not paid in cash.
This amount will be paid in the near future (next year). The owing expense is to be added
with the amount of same expense already paid given in the trial balance and it should be
shown in the balance sheet as a current liability.
b. Prepaid expense. : This is the expense paid during the year for the benefit of the next
year. The portion of the expense which is prepaid is to be deducted from the total expenses
already paid during the year (given in the trial balance) and shown as current asset in the
balance sheet.
c. Accrued income: The income earned during the year but not received in cash is known as
accrued income. The amount of accrued income is to be considered as current year’s income
and added with the concerned income received during the year (given in the trial balance) and
shown as a current asset in the balance sheet.
d. Income received in advance: This is the income received during the year for the services
to be rendered during the next year. Since this income is not related to the current year, it
should be deducted from the concerned income (given in the trial balance) and shown as a
current liability in the balance sheet.
The double entry for recording the income received in advance is:
Debit Income account and
Credit Income received in advance
This is also known as unexpired income.
e. Depreciation: The part of the cost of a fixed asset that is consumed by a business during
the period of its use is known as depreciation. It is considered as an expense in the business
therefore shown as an expense in the profit & loss account and deducted from the cost price
of the concerned fixed asset in the balance sheet.
f. Bad debt: The part of the amount of debtors which cannot be recovered is known as bad
debt. It is an expense to be shown in the profit & loss account. If the bad debt appears in the
trial balance, it is known as bad debt written off and shown in the profit & loss account only.
If bad debt information appears among the adjustment points below the trial balance, then it
should be shown as an expense in the profit & loss account and shown as a deduction from
the debtors in the balance sheet under the heading “current assets”.
Less Production cost of goods sold
Opening stock of finished goods xxxxx
Less finished goods drawings by the owner xxxxx xxxxxxx
Gross profit or Gross loss XXXXXX
The profit & loss account and the balance sheet preparations will be the same as that of a
sole trader’s. So the students have to follow the previous method for the preparation of these.
Fixed expenses and Variable expenses
Some expenses will remain constant whether the level of activity increases or falls. These
expenses are called fixed expenses E.g. rent of building
The expenses which change with changes in activity are called variable expenses
E.g: cost of materials.
Key points:
· Carriage on raw materials means carriage inwards and it is a part of prime cost.
· Carriage outwards is shown in the profit & loss account as an expense.
· Royalties paid is to be treated as direct expense.
· Depreciation on Plant and Machinery or any other factory asset is to be treated as
factory overhead expense.
· Stocks of raw materials and work-in-progress are taken in the manufacturing account
and stock of finished goods is taken in the trading account.
· Stocks at the end of the year (raw materials, work-in-progress and finished goods) are
shown in the balance sheet as current assets.
· Owner’s raw materials drawings are shown in the manufacturing account while
calculating the prime cost.
· Finished goods drawings are shown in the trading account while calculating the cost of
goods sold.
· The purchase of finished goods is added with cost of production in the trading account.
· The depreciation of any asset used in the office should be shown as an expense in the
profit & loss account.
· Cost of readymade items bought for the production of items manufactured should be
treated as direct expense.
· Unit cost of production = Total cost of production
A firm in which two or more persons are working together as owners is known as a
The individuals working in a partnership firm are known as Partners.
Partnership Agreement: It is desirable that there should be a written agreement between the
partners to avoid any dispute that may arise in future. The document which contains the terms
and conditions regarding the conduct of partnership business is known as Partnership
2. Issued share capital: This is the total of the share capital actually issued to the
3. Called up capital: Where only part of the amounts payable on each share has been asked
for, the total amount asked for on all the shares is known as the called up capital.
4. Uncalled capital: This is the total amount which is to be received in future, but which has
not yet been asked for.
5. Calls in arrears: The total amount for which payment has been asked but has not been
paid by share holders.
6. Paid up capital: This is the total of the amount of share capital which has been actually
paid by the shareholders.(Paid up capital = Called up capital – Calls in arrears)
Key points
1. Debentures- loan to the company from the public carrying fixed rate of interest.
2. Dividend: The profit that is being distributed to shareholders is called dividends.
3. Debenture interest: This is the interest paid on debentures to the debenture holders. This
is an expense to be charged in the profit and loss account and if it owes it is known as a
liability in the balance sheet.
4. Ordinary shares: Shares entitled to dividend after the preference shareholders have been
paid their dividends.
5. Preference shares: Shares that are entitled to an agreed rate of dividend before the
ordinary shareholders receive anything.
6. Reserves: The transfer of apportioned profits to accounts for use in future.
7. Directors remunerations: This is the remuneration given to the directors and an expense
to be shown in the profit and loss account.
8. Interim dividend: The dividend paid to the shareholders in between two annual general
It is shown in the profit & loss appropriation account only.
9. Proposed dividend: This dividend agreed by the board of directors but not paid. It is
from the profit & loss appropriation account and shown as a current liability in the balance
10. Dividend is calculated on the paid up capital only.
5 Not repaid or redeemed except redeemable 5 Redeemed after certain period at the option
preference shares. or discretion of the company.
6 Unsecured. The shareholders will get the 6 Normally having fixed charge or floating
repayment of capital on winding up, only if charge on the assets of the company.
there is surplus.
1. Mark up: is the gross profit measured as a percentage of the cost price; this is the amount
added to the cost price to determine the selling price.
2. Rate of Stock turn over: this is the number of times a business replaces its stock in a
given period.
Rate of stock turn over = cost of goods sold .
Average stock
3. Return on capital employed: This is the measure of the profit as a percentage of the
amount invested in the business in order to earn that profit.
ROEC = Net profit
Capital employed
Capital employed: to be the total of the capital owned and long term liabilities.
5. Quick ratio or Acid Test ratio: It compares the assets which are in money form or which
will convert into money quickly with the liabilities due for payment in the near future.
Where only records available are the assets and liabilities at the beginning of the year and at
the end of the year, it is not possible to prepare a Trading and Profit and Loss account. The
assets and liabilities are usually listed in a Statement of Affairs (Similar to a Balance Sheet).
This would have been called a Balance Sheet if it had been drawn up from a set of double
entry records. Like a Balance Sheet, a Statement of Affairs can be prepared horizontally or
The only way the profit for the year can be found is by comparing the capital shown in the
opening Statement of Affairs with the capital shown in the closing Statement of Affairs.
Profit Loss = Closing Capital – Opening Capital (Positive figure means Profit and
Negative figure means Loss)
It may be that the owner has made drawings during the year, which will account for some of
the difference in the capital figures. Similarly the owner might have brought in additional
capital during the year, which will also account for some of the difference in the capital
figures. In this case the formula must again be modified:-
Profit or Loss = Closing Capital + Drawings during the year – Additional Capital
during the year – Opening Capital (Positive figure means Profit and Negative figure
means Loss)
Calculation of Profit or Loss by converting the Incomplete Records into Double entry
In this case, in order to calculate the profit or loss of the business during the year, the Trading
and Profit and Loss accounts are prepared. For preparing the Trading and Profit and Loss
accounts, all necessary information is not available in the books. So first the missing items
have to be calculated which are necessary for the preparation of Trading and Profit and Loss
In another way Credit Sales = Closing Debtors + Bad debts written off + Return
inwards + Discount Allowed + Receipts from Debtors (Cash and Cheques)-
Opening debtors
Similarly Credit Purchases = Closing Creditors + Payments to Creditors (By cash and
Cheques) + Discount Received + Return Outwards – Opening Creditors
Opening or Closing Bank Balance: To calculate any of these, the bank a/c is to be prepared
in T form by showing the receipts on the debit side and payments on the credit side.
Bank A/C
The closing bank balance can be calculated in another way also as follows:-
The depreciation on fixed assets is calculated by comparing the opening and closing values
of the concerned fixed asset.
1. Cost concept: Assets are normally shown at cost price
2. Money measurement concept: The concept that accounting is concerned only with
facts measurable in money, and for which measurement can obtain general
3. The business entity concept: Assumption that only transactions that effect firm and
not the owner’s private transactions will be recorded.
4. The dual aspect concept: The concept that each transaction is recorded by taking
both aspects, debit and credit.
5. Accrual concept: The concept that profit is the difference between revenue and
6. Going concern concept: The assumption that the business will continue to operate
for the foreseeable future or continue for a long time
7. Materiality concept: Recording something is a special way only if the amount is not
a small one.
8. Subjectivity: Using a method that other people may not agree to derived from one’s
own personal preferences.
9. Prudence: Ensuring that profit is not shown as being too high or that assets are
shown at too high value.
10. Consistency: Each firm should follow constant method of treatment for each item. If
the method is changing every year, then the profit calculated will be misleading one
11. Time interval concept: Final accounts are prepared at regular intervals.