An Alphabetised List of Vocabulary References
An Alphabetised List of Vocabulary References
An Alphabetised List of Vocabulary References
All of the items in the bibliography of Learning Vocabulary in another Language are included in the following
bibliography along with many other references, making a total of around 2,000 references to books and articles
about vocabulary.
At the end of each item there is a classification number in square brackets. The number refers to the list of
categories below. As well as an alphabetised list , there is a list sorted by categories.
1 General surveys
1.1 Books
1.2 Collections of abstracts, bibliographies, articles on individuals
1.3 Surveys of vocabulary learning, introductions to collections of articles
1.4 Book reviews
1.5 Articles not directly on vocabulary
3 Concepts
3.1 L1 concept development
3.2 Lexical storage and search
3.3 Homonymy, polysemy, senses
3.4 L2 concept learning and teaching, attrition
4 Associations
4.1 Associations, metaphor
5 Collocations
5.1 Analysis of collocation
5.2 Teaching and learning collocations
7 Vocabulary size
7.1 Vocabulary size of very young L1 children
7.2 Vocabulary size of L1 school children
7.3 Vocabulary size of L1 adults
7.4 Vocabulary size and growth of L2 learners
7.5 Methodology of vocabulary size measurement
17 Vocabulary strategies
17.1 Vocabulary strategies
18 Words in context
18.1 Context clues
18.2 Observational studies of guessing
18.3 L1 learning from guessing
18.4 L2 learning from guessing
18.5 Learning to guess
19 Rote learning
19.1 Rote learning
19.2 Learning with sentence contexts, instantiation
20 Keyword
20.1 Reviews
20.2 1L learning with keyword
20.3 2L learning with keyword
21 Dictionaries
21.1 Reviews of dictionaries
21.2 Comparing and evaluating dictionaries
21.3 Using dictionaries
21.4 Glossing
21.5 Definitions, defining vocabularies
22 Teaching
22.1 Teaching vocabulary
22.2 Techniques and procedures
22.3 Computer Assisted Vocabulary Learning, concordances
22.4 Building vocabulary for reading
23 Planning
23.1 Planning the vocabulary component of a course
24 Testing
24.1 Testing and test formats
24.2 Comparing formats
24.3 Testing depth of knowledge
24.4 Particular tests, EVST, VLT etc
A Guide To Collins English Library (1978) William Collins & Son, Glasgow: [9.5]
Abberton, E. (1963) Some persistent English vocabulary problems for speakers of Serbo-Croatian. ELT Journal
22: 167-172. [6.4]
Aborn, M. and Rubenstein, H. (1956) Word class distribution in sentences of fixed length. Language 32: 666-
674. [2.6]
Aborn, M., Rubenstein, H. and Sterling, T.D. (1959) Sources of contextual constraint upon words in sentences.
Journal of Experimental Psychology 57, 3: 171-180. [18.1]
Abramovici, S. (1984) Lexical information in reading and memory. Reading Research Quarterly 19, 2: 173-187.
Achiba, M. (1995) Word definition and language proficiency. JALT Journal 17, 2: 167-179. [3.4]
Ackers, J. (1990) The involvement of the British Council in vocabulary teaching in Senegal. English Studies
(British Council) 5: 24-26. [1.5]
Adams, M.J. and Huggins, A.W.F. (1985) The growth of children's sight vocabulary: a quick test with
educational and theoretical considerations. Reading Research Quarterly 20, 3: 262-281. [7.1]
Adams, S. and Powers, F.F. (1929) The measurement of language capacity: the psychology of language.
Psychological Bulletin 26: 241-260. [7.3]
Adams, S.J. (1982) Scripts and the recognition of unfamiliar vocabulary: enhancing second language reading
skills. Modern Language Journal 66, 2: 155-159. [14.2]
Adaskou, K. and Britten, D. (1990) Vocabulary work in secondary-level EFL in Morocco. English Studies
(British Council) 5: 21-23. [23.1]
Adil Al-Kufaishi (1988) A vocabulary-building program is a necessity not a luxury. English Teaching Forum 26,
2: 42. [23.1]
Af Trampe, P. (1984) Experiments in vocabulary learning. Scandinavian Working Papers on Bilingualism 3: 20-
33. [11.1]
Ahmed, K., Davies, A., Fulford, H. and Rogers, M. (1994) What is a term? The semi-automatic extraction of
terms from text. In M. Snell-Hornby, F. Dochhacker and F. Kaindl (eds.) Translation Studies - An
Interdiscipline. John Benjamins, Amsterdam: 267-278. [10.2]
Ahmed, M.O. (1989) Vocabulary learning strategies. In Meara: 3-14. [17.1]
Aisenstadt, E. (1981) Restricted collocations in English lexicology and lexicography. ITL: Review of Applied
Linguistics 53: 53-61. [5.1]
Aisenstadt, E. (1979) Collocability restrictions in dictionaries. ITL: Review of Applied Linguistics 45, 6: 71-74.
Aitchison, J. (1994) Words in the Mind (Second edition) Blackwell, Oxford [3.1]
Aitchison, J. (1992) Good birds, better birds and amazing birds: the development of prototypes. In Arnaud and
Bejoint: 71-84. [3.3]
Aitchison, J. (1987) Words in the Mind Basil Blackwell, Oxford [3.1]
Aitchison, J. (1987) Reproductive furniture and extinguished professors. In R. Steele and T. Threadgold (eds)
Language Topics: Essays in Honour of Michael Halliday Vol II John Benjamin, Amsterdam: 3-14. [6.1]
Akirov, A. and Salager, F. (1985) Difficulty analysis and reading comprehension: an experimental study with
Venezuelan science students. English for Specific Purposes (Oregon State University) 94: 8-11. [10.1]
Alderson, C. and Alvarez, G. (1978) The development of strategies for the assignment of semantic information
to unknown lexemes in text. ERIC: ED177863 [18.5]
Alexander, F. and Chamberlain, I.C. (1904) Studies of a child. Pedagogical Seminary 11: 263-291. [7.1]
Alexander, R.J. (1989) Fixed expressions, idioms and collocations revisited. In Meara: 15-24. [5.1]
Alexander, R.J. (1984) Fixed expressions in English: reference books and the teacher. ELT Journal 38, 2: 127-
134. [5.2]
Alexander, R.J. (1978) Fixed expressions in English: a linguistic, psycholinguistic and didactic study. Anglistik
u. Englischunterricht 6: 171-188. [5.1]
Allen, E.D. and Valette, R.M. (1972) Modern Language Classroom Techniques Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich,
New York: Chapter 7. [22.2]
Allen, P.A., McNeal, M. and Kvak, D. (1992) Perhaps the lexicon is coded as a function of word frequency.
Journal of Memory and Language 31: 826-844. [3.2]
Allen, V.F. (1983) Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary Oxford University Press, New York [22.2]
Altman, R. (1997) Oral production of vocabulary: a case study. In Coady and Huckin: 69-97. [13.2]
Altman, R. (1990) Accounting for successful vocabulary development through learner introspection. Paper
delivered at AILA Thessaloniki [11.1]
Amer, A.A. (1986) Semantic field theory and vocabulary teaching. English Teaching Forum 24, 1: 30-31. [3.4]
Amery, H. and Cartwright, S. (1979) The First l,000 Words - A Picture Word Book Usborne Publishing Co.,
London [8.3]
Ames, W.S. (1970) The use of classification schemes in teaching the use of contextual aids. Journal of Reading
14, 1: 5-8, 50. [18.1]
Ames, W.S. (1966) The development of a classification scheme of contextual aids. Reading Research Quarterly
2, 1: 57-82. [18.1]
Andersen, E.S. (1975) Cups and glasses: learning that boundaries are vague. Journal of Child Language 2: 79-
l03. [3.3]
Anderson, J.I. (1980) The lexical difficulties of English medical discourse for Egyptian students. English for
Specific Purposes (Oregon State University) 37: 4. [10.1]
Anderson, J.P. and Jordan, A.M. (1928) Learning and retention of Latin words and phrases. Journal of
Educational Psychology 19: 485-496. [19.1]
Anderson, R.C. and Freebody, P. (1983) Reading comprehension and the assessment and acquisition of word
knowledge. Advances in Reading/Language Research 2: 231-256. [7.5]
Anderson, R.C. and Freebody, P. (1981) Vocabulary knowledge. In Guthrie (ed): 77-117. [1.3]
Anderson, R.C. and Kulhavy, R.W. (1972) Learning concepts from definitions. American Educational Research
Journal 9, 3: 385-390. [3.1]
Anderson, R.C. and Nagy, W.E. (1992) The vocabulary conundrum. American Educator 16, 4: 14-18; 44-47.
Anderson, R.C. and Nagy W.E. (1991) Word meanings. In R. Barr, M.L. Kamil, P. Mosenthal and P.D. Pearson
(eds) Handbook of Reading Research Vol II, Longman, New York: 690-724. [3.3]
Anderson, R.C. and Ortony, A. (1975) On putting apples into bottles - a problem of polysemy. Cognitive
Psychology 7: 167-180. [19.2]
Anderson, R.C. and Shifrin, Z. (1980) The meaning of words in context. In Spiro et al: 330-348. [19.2]
Anderson, R.C., Stevens, K.C., Shifrin, Z. and Osborn, J. (1978) Instantiation of word meanings in children.
Journal of Reading Behaviour 10, 2: 149-157. [19.2]
Anglin, J.M. (1993) Vocabulary development: a morphological analysis Monographs of the Society for
Research in Child Development Serial No. 238, Vol 58, No 10 [7.2]
Anglin, J.M. (1977) Word, Object and Conceptual Development W.W. Norton, New York [3.1]
Anthony, E.M. (1975) Lexicon and vocabulary. RELC Journal 6, 1: 21-30. [2.3]
Anthony, E.M. (1955) The importance of the native language in teaching vocabulary. Language Learning 5,
3&4: 108-111. [6.4]
Anthony, E.M. (1952-53) The teaching of cognates. Language Learning 4: 3 & 4. [6.5]
Ard, J. (1982) The use of bilingual dictionaries by EFL students while writing. ITL: Review of Applied
Linguistics 58: 1-27. [21.3]
Ard, J. and Gass, S.M. (1987) Lexical constraints on syntactic acquisition. Studies in Second Language
Acquisition 9: 233-252. [2.6]
Arden-Close, C. (1993) NNS readers' strategies for inferring the meanings of unknown words. Reading in a
Foreign Language 9, 2: 867-893. [18.2]
Arevart, Supot and Nation, I.S.P. (1991) Fluency improvement in a second language. RELC Journal 22, 1: 84-
94. [1.5]
Arlin, M. (1976) Causal priorities between comprehension subskills: word meaning and paragraph meaning.
Journal of Reading Behavior 8, 4: 351-362. [14.2]
Arnaud, P.J L. (1992) Objective lexical and grammatical characteristics of L2 written compositions and the
validity of separate-component tests. In P.J.L. Arnaud and H. Béjoint (eds) Vocabulary and Applied Linguistics
Macmillan, London: 133-145. [15.1]
Arnaud, P.J L. (1987) Enseignement/apprentis sage du lexique en Francais langue etrangere. Presented to
L'Association Nationale des Enseignants de Francais Langue Etrangere, Strasbourg [1.3]
Arnaud, P.J..L., Bejoint, H., and Thoiron, P. (1985) A quoi sert le programme lexical? Les Langues Modernes
29, 3/4: 72-85. [22.1]
Arnaud, P.J.L. (1992) Review of Teaching and Learning Vocabulary by I.S.P. Nation. Applied Linguistics 13, 3:
326-328. [1.4]
Arnaud, P.J.L. (1984) The lexical richness of L2 written productions and the validity of vocabulary tests. In T.
Culhane, C. Klein-Braley, and D.K. Stevenson (eds) Practice and Problems in Language Testing University of
Essex, Colchester: 14-28. [15.1]
Arnaud, P.J.L. (1984) A practical comparison of five types of vocabulary tests and an investigation into the
nature of L2 lexical competence. Paper read at 7th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Brussels: 1-21.
Arnaud, P.J.L. (1982) A study of some variables linked to the English vocabulary proficiency of French
students. Journal of Applied Language Study 1, 1: 87-92. [6.4]
Arnaud, P.J.L. (1980) L'Enseignement du vocabulaire. Linguistique et Enseignement des Langues, Linguistique
et Semiologie Lyon: Presses Universite: 83-107. [22.1]
Arnaud, P.J.L. and Béjoint, H. (1992) Vocabulary and Applied Linguistics Macmillan, London [1.1]
Arnaud, P.J.L. and Savignon, S.J. (1997) Rare words, complex lexical units and the advanced learner. In Coady
and Huckin: 157-173. [5.1]
Arnold, H. (1931) A list of graded vocabularies and a method of grading. Modern Language Journal 16: 644-
655. [8.3]
Aronsson, K., Metsola, A., Norrbacka, E. and Tervonen, K. (1983) Free recall of mixed language lists: Error
patterns in bilingual memory. In Ringbom: 11-29. [3.2]
Artley, A.S. (1943) Teaching word-meaning through context. Elementary English Review 20, 1: 68-74. [18.1]
Asher, J.J. (1963) Evidence for "genuine" one-trial learning. IRAL 1, 2: 98-103. [11.2]
Astika, Gusti Gede (1993) Analytical assessment of foreign students' writing. RELC Journal 24, 1: 61-72.
Aston, P. and Christian, C. (eds) (1974) Guide To Rangers Macmillan Educ., London [9.5]
Atkins, B.T.S. and Varantola, K. (1997) Monitoring dictionary use. International Journal of Lexicography 10, 1:
1-45. [21.3]
Atkins, S., Clear, J., and Ostler, N. (1992) Corpus design criteria. Literary and Linguistic Computing 7, 1: 1-16.
Atkinson, R.C. (1975) Mnemotechnics in second-language learning. American Psychologist 30: 821-828.
Atkinson, R.C. (1972) Optimizing the learning of a second-language vocabulary. Journal of Experimental
Psychology 96: 124-129. [19.1]
Atkinson, R.C. and Raugh, M.R. (1975) An application of the mnemonic keyword method to the acquisition of a
Russian vocabulary. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory l: 126-133. [20.2]
Atwell, C.R. and Wells, F.L. (1937) Wide range multiple choice vocabulary tests. Journal of Applied Psychology
21: 550-555. [24.1]
Aulls, M. (1971) Context in reading: How it may be depicted. Journal of Reading Behavior 3: 61-73. [18.3]
Avila, E. and Sadoski, M. (1996) Exploring new applications of the keyword method to acquire English
vocabulary. Language Learning 46, 3: 379-395. [20.3]
Baayen, R.H. and Lieber, R. (1991) Productivity and English derivation: a corpus-based study. Linguistics 29:
801-843. [6.1]
Baayen, R.H., Lieber, R. and Schreuder, R. (1997) The morphological complexity of simplex nouns. Linguistics
35: 861-877. [6.1]
Babbitt, E.H. (1907) A vocabulary test. Popular Science Monthly 70: 378. [7.3]
Baddeley, A. (1990) Human Memory Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, London [11.1]
Baddeley, A. (No date) Reading and Working Memory. Best of SET Reading, Item 10, NZCER [2.3]
Baddock, B. (1979) Vocabulary development through describing pictures. Modern English Teacher 6, 5: 9-l0.
Bagster-Collins, E.W. (1918) A brief study showing the relation between the vocabulary and treatment of the
annotated reading text. Modern Language Journal 2, 8: 341-351. [21.4]
Bahns, J. (1993) Lexical collocations: a contrastive view. ELT Journal 47, 1: 56-63. [5.1]
Bahns, J. and Eldaw, M. (1993) Should we teach EFL students collocations? System 21, 1: 101-114. [5.2]
Bahrick, H.P. (1984) Semantic memory content in permastore: fifty years of memory for Spanish learned in
school. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 113, 1: 1-37. [11.2]
Bahrick, H.P. and Bahrick, P.O. (1964) A re-examination of the interrelations among measures of retention.
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 16: 318-324. [24.2]
Bahrick, H.P. and Phelps, E. (1987) Retention of Spanish vocabulary over 8 years. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition 13, 2: 344-349. [11.2]
Bahrick, H.P., Bahrick, L.E., Bahrick, A.S. and Bahrick, P.E. (1993) Maintenance of a foreign language
vocabulary and the spacing effect. Psychological Science 4, 5: 316-321. [11.2]
Baigent, M. (1999) Teaching in chunks: integrating a lexical approach. Modern English Teacher 8, 1: 51-54.
Baker, K.E. and Sonderegger, T.B. (1964) Acquisition of meaning through context. Psychonomic Science l: 75-
76. [18.3]
Baker, L. (1989) Developmental changes in readers' responses to unknown words. Journal of Reading Behavior
21, 3: 241-260. [14.2]
Baker, M. (1988) Sub-technical vocabulary and the ESP teacher: an analysis of some rhetorical items in medical
journal articles. Reading in a Foreign Language 4, 2: 91-105. [10.2]
Baker, N. (1990) Teacher explanation of unplanned vocabulary. In G. Brindley (ed.) The Second Language
Curriculum in Action Macquarie University Research Series: 93-111. [21.5]
Balota, D.A., Flores d'Arcais, G.B. and Rayner, K. (eds) (1990) Comprehension Processes in Reading Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, N.J. [14.2]
Bamford, J. (1992) Review of Vocabulary by M. McCarthy. ELT Journal 46, 2: 228-229. [1.4]
Bamford, J. (1984) Extensive reading by means of graded readers. Reading in a Foreign Language 2, 2: 218-
260. [9.3]
Barber, C.L. (1962) Some measurable characteristics of modern scientific prose. In Contributions to English
Syntax and Philology Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, Goteburg: 21-43. [10.2]
Barfield, A. (1995) Review of The Lexical Approach by M. Lewis. The Language Teacher 19, 2: 51-52. [1.4]
Barfield, A. (1995) Vocabulary building from student-generated topics. The Language Teacher 19, 2: 59-61.
Barnard, H. (1972) Advanced English Vocabulary Newbury House, Massachusetts [10.1]
Barnard, H. (1971) Teachers' Book For Advanced English Vocabulary Newbury House, Massachusetts [10.1]
Barnard, H. (1961) A test of P.U.C. students' vocabulary in Chotanagpur. Bulletin of the Central Institute of
English l: 90-l00. [7.4]
Barnard, H. and Brown, D. (1984) The E.L.I. little language. In Nation [9.6]
Barnett, M.V. (1986) Syntactic and lexical\semantic skill in foreign language reading: importance and
interaction. Modern Language Journal 70, 4: 343-349. [14.2]
Barnhart, C.L., Steinmetz, S. and Barnhart, R.K. (1980) The Second Barnhart Dictionary of New English
Barnhart/Harper and Row, New York [21.1]
Barr, A.S. and Gifford, C.W. (1929) The vocabulary of American history. Journal of Educational Research 20, 2:
103-121. [10.3]
Barrett, M.D. (1982) Distinguishing between prototypes: the early acquisition of the meaning of object names.
In S.A. Kuczaj II (ed) Language Development Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New Jersey: 313-334. [3.3]
Barron, R.F. and Stone, F. (1974) The effect of student constructed graphic post organizers upon learning
vocabulary relationships. In P. Nacke (ed) Interaction: Reading and Practice for College-Adult Reading
National Reading Conference: 172-175. [14.2]
Barrow, J., Nakanashi, Y. and Ishino, H. (1996) Vocabulary familiarity survey for Japanese students. Bulletin of
Osaka International University for Women 22, 1: 99-118. [7.4]
Barrow, J., Nakanishi, Y. and Ishino, H. (1999) Assessing Japanese college students' vocabulary knowledge with
a self-checking familiarity survey. System 27: 223-247. [7.4]
Bateman, W.G. (1915) Two children's progress in speech. Journal of Educational Psychology 6: 475-493. [7.1]
Bateman, W.G. (1914) A child's progress in speech. Journal of Educational Psychology 5, 6: 307-320. [7.1]
Bauer, L. (1998) When is a sequence of two nouns a compound in English? English Language and Linguistics 2,
1: 65-86. [6.1]
Bauer, L. (1998) Vocabulary Routledge, London [2.1]
Bauer, L. (1993) Wellington Corpus of Written New Zealand English Victoria University of Wellington, New
Zealand [8.4]
Bauer, L. (1981) Review of Chambers Universal Dictionary. RELC Journal 12, 2: l00-l03. [21.1]
Bauer, L. (1980) Review of The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. RELC Journal 11, 1: l04-l09.
Bauer, L. and Nation, I.S.P. (1993) Word families. International Journal of Lexicography 6, 4: 253-279. [6.2]
Bawcom, L. (1995) Designing an advanced speaking course. English Teaching Forum 33, 1: 41-43. [1.5]
Baxter, J. (1980) The dictionary and vocabulary behaviour: a single word or a handful? TESOL Quarterly 14, 3:
325-336. [21.3]
Bear, R.M. and Odbert, H.S. (1941) Insight of older pupils into their knowledge of word meanings. School
Review 49: 754-760. [24.1]
Beaton, A., Gruneberg, M., and Ellis, N. (1995) Retention of foreign vocabulary using the keyword method: a
ten-year follow-up. Second Language Research 11, 2: 112-120. [20.3]
Beck, I.L. and McKeown, M. (1991) Conditions of vocabulary acquisition. In R. Barr, M.L. Kamil, P.
Mosenthal and P.D. Pearson (eds) Handbook of Reading Research Vol II, Longman, New York: 789-814. [11.1]
Beck, I.L., McKeown, M.G. and McCaslin, E.S. (1983) Vocabulary: all contexts are not created equal.
Elementary School Journal 83, 3: 177-181. [18.1]
Beck, I.L., McKeown, M.G. and Omanson, R.C. (1987) The effects and uses of diverse vocabulary instructional
techniques. In McKeown and Curtis: 147-163. [11.1]
Beck, I.L., McKeown, M.G., Omanson, R.C. and Pople, M.J. (1984) Improving the comprehensibility of stories:
the effects of revisions that improve coherence. Reading Research Quarterly 19, 3: 263-277. [9.2]
Beck, I.L., Perfetti, C.A. and McKeown, M.G. (1982) The effects of long-term vocabulary instruction on lexical
access and reading comprehension. Journal of Educational Psychology 74: 506-521. [14.2]
Beck, J. (1981) New vocabulary and the associations it provokes. Polyglot 3, 3: C7-F14. [4.1]
Becka, J.V. (1972) The lexical composition of specialized texts and its quantitative aspect. Prague Studies in
Mathematical Linguistics 4: 47-64. [10.2]
Becker, W.C., Dixon, R. and Anderson-Inman, L. (1980) Morphographic and root word analysis of 26,000 high
frequency words University of Oregon, Follow Through Project, College of Education, Eugene, Oregon [6.2]
Beebe, L.M. (ed) (1988) Issues in Second Language Acquisition Newbury House, New York [1.1]
Beglar, D. (1995) Review of New Ways in Teaching Vocabulary by I.S.P. Nation (ed). The Language Teacher
19, 2: 50-51. [1.4]
Beglar, D. and Hunt, A. (1999) Revising and validating the 2000 word level and the university word level
vocabulary tests. Language Testing 16, 2: 131-162. [24.4]
Beheydt, L. (1987) The semantization of vocabulary in foreign language learning. System 15, 1: 55-67. [3.4]
Bejoint, H. (1981) The foreign student's use of monolingual English dictionaries: a study of language needs and
reference skills. Applied Linguistics 2, 3: 207-222. [21.3]
Bellezza, F.S. (1983) Mnemonic-device instruction with adults. In M. Pressley and J.R. Levin. (eds) Cognitive
Strategy Research Springer-Verlag, New York: 51-74. [20.1]
Bellezza, F.S. (1981) Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational
Research 51, 2: 247-275. [20.1]
Bendix, E.H. (1966) Componential analysis of general vocabulary. International Journal of American
Linguistics 32, 2 [3.3]
Benson, M. (1995) Review of Longman Language Activator. System 23, 2: 253-255. [21.1]
Benson, M. (1989) The collocational dictionary and the advanced learner. In M.L. Tickoo (ed): 84-93. [21.3]
Benson, M. and Benson, E. (1988) Trying out a new dictionary. TESOL Quarterly 22, 2: 340-345. [21.3]
Benson, M., Benson, E. and Ilson, R. (1986) The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English John Benjamins,
Amsterdam [5.1]
Bensoussan, M. (1992) Learners' spontaneous translations in an L2 reading comprehension task: vocabulary
knowledge and use of schemata. In Arnaud and Bejoint: 102-112. [14.4]
Bensoussan, M. (1983) Dictionaries and tests of EFL reading comprehension. ELT Journal 37, 4: 341-345.
Bensoussan, M. and Laufer, B. (1984) Lexical guessing in context in EFL reading comprehension. Journal of
Research in Reading 7, 1: 15-32. [18.4]
Bensoussan, M., Sim, D. and Weiss, R. (1984) The effect of dictionary usage on EFL test performance
compared with student and teacher attitudes and expectations. Reading in a Foreign Language 2, 2: 262-276.
Bergman, J.R. (1977) Reducing reading frustration by an innovative technique for vocabulary growth. Reading
Improvement 14, 3: 168-171. [21.4]
Bernbrock, C. (1980) Stemgo: a word-stems game. English Teaching Forum 18, 3: 45-46. [22.2]
Besson, M. and Kutas, M. (1993) The many facets of repetition a cued-recall and event-related potential
analysis of repeating words in same versus different contexts. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning,
Memory and Cognition 19, 5: 1115-1133. [11.2]
Bhatia, V.K. (1983) Simplification v. easification - the case of legal texts. Applied Linguistics 4, 1: 42-54. [9.2]
Bialystock, E. and Frohlich, M. (1980) Oral communication strategies for lexical difficulties. Interlanguage
Studies Bulletin, Utrecht 5, 1: 3-30. [17.1]
Biber, D. (1993) Representativeness in corpus design. Literary and Linguistic Computing 8, 4: 243-257. [8.4]
Bierwisch, M. and Schreuder, R. (1992) From concepts to lexical items. Cognition 41: 23-60. [2.3]
Bird, N. (1992) Investigating lexis beyond the most frequent words. Unpublished MS [7.5]
Bird, N. (1990) A First Handbook of the Roots of English Lapine Education and Language Services Ltd, Hong
Kong [6.2]
Bird, N. (1987) Applied philology and the teaching of foreign languages. Lexis 6: 1-17. [6.5]
Bird, N. (1987) Words, lemmas and frequency lists: old problems and new challenges (Parts 1 & 2). Al-manakh
6, 2: 42-50. [6.2]
Bird, S.A. and Jacobs, G.M. (1999) An examination of the keyword method: How effective is it for native
speakers of Chinese? Asian Journal of English Language Teaching 9: 75-97. [20.3]
Biskup, D. (1992) L1 influence on learners' renderings of English collocations: a Polish/German empirical
study. In Arnaud and Bejoint: 85-93. [5.2]
Blachowicz, C.L.Z. (1987) Vocabulary instruction: What goes on in the classroom? The Reading Teacher 41, 2:
132-137. [22.1]
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