Report of (Industrial Training)
Report of (Industrial Training)
Report of (Industrial Training)
Submitted by-:
Rakshita modi
GLA University
Mathura- 281406, INDIA
August 2018
Online Voting System
The word “vote” means to choose from a list, to elect or to determine. The main
motto of voting is to come up with leaders of the people’s choice.
Most countries, India not an exception have problems when it comes to voting. Some
of the problems involved include ridging voters during election, insecure or
inaccessible polling stations, inadequate polling materials and also inexperienced
This online voting/polling system seeks to address the above issues. It should be
noted that with this system in place, the users, citizens in this case shall be given
ample time during the voting period. They shall also be trained on how to vote
online before the election time.
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
I hereby declare that the work which is being presented in the Training Project Report
“Online Voting System”, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Industrial Projectis an
authentic record of my own work carried under the supervision of Parag Pukhan.
Sign ______________________
Name of Candidate: RAKSHITA MODI
University Roll No.: 161500275
Course : B.Tech
Branch : C.S.E.
Year : 3rd
Semester : 5th
This is to certify that the above statements made by the candidate are correct to the
best of my/our knowledge and belief.
Project Supervisor
Mr. Parag pukhan
PHP Trainer,
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
It is indeed with a great sense of pleasure and immense sense of gratitude that I
acknowledge the help of these individuals. I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude
and whole hearted thanks to my project guide Mr. Parag pukhan, PHP Trainer, ‘SAPPLE
SYSTEMS Pvt. Ltd.’ NOIDA, for giving me the privilege of working under his esteemed
guidance in carrying out this project work.
I take this opportunity to thank all the tasks which is helped to me. I pay my respect
and love to my parents and all other family members for their love and encouragement and
constant support. Last but not the least I express my thanks to company team members.
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
Table of Contents
Abstract 2
Declaration &Certificate 3
Acknowledgments 4
1. Introduction 6
1.1 Motivation and Overview 6
1.2 Objective 7
2. Company Profile 8
2.1 About Company 8
2.2 About PHP & MYSQL 10
3. Project / TrainingDesign 15
3.1 Use Case Diagrams & Collaboration Diagram 17
3.2 DFD & E-R diagram 21
4. Project Implementation 22
4.1 Database designs 22
4.2 Tables Used In database 22
References/Bibliography 27
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
1. Introduction
In “ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM” a voter/user can use his/her voting right online without
any difficulty. He\She has to fill up a Registration Form to register himself\herself online. All
the entries is checked by the DATABASE which has already all information about the voter.
If all the entries are correct then a USER ID and PASSWORD is given to the voter, by using
that ID and PASSWORD he\she can use his\her vote. If conditions are wrong then that entry
will be discarded.
The advantage of online voting over the common “queue method” is that the voters
have the choice of voting at their own free time and there is reduced congestion. It also
minimizes on errors of vote counting. Online voting is an electronic way of choosing leaders
via a web driven application. The individual votes are submitted in a Database which can be
queried to find out who of the aspirants for a given post has the highest no. of votes.
With the “ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM”, a voter can use his\her voting right online
without any difficulty. He\She has to register as a voter/user first before being authorized to
vote. The registration should be done prior to the voting data to enable data update in the
Database. With system in place also, if high security is applied, cases of false votes shall be
reduced. Peoples are getting more used to work with computers to do all sort of things,
namely sensitive operations such as shopping and home banking and they allow people to
vote far from where they usually live, helping to reduce rate.
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
1.2 Objective
The most crucial factor for a system like E-Vote to be successful is to exhibit a Voting
Protocol that can prevent opportunities for fraud or for sacrificing the voter’s privacy.
The Voting Protocol that will be designed and implemented for the E-Vote system
will combine the advantages of existing protocols and techniques, while at the same time it
will aim at eliminating most of the identified deficiencies and problems. The related attributes
that the E-Vote system will fully support, and against which it will be extensively tested and
validated. These attributes can be also considered, according to, as a set of criteria for a good
electronic voting system that can easily enjoy the trust and confidence of the voters and
process organizers.
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
2.Company Profile
Sapple Systems : Since 2003, sapple Systems has provided individual and corporate clients
with a superior More etc. We leverage these vendors’ professional technical training content
and combine it with our learning experience under the brand name of Netexperts Educational
Services. As a trusted education partner we deliver more than 250+ IT and NON-IT training
courses for 20+ vendors from such leading technology firms as Cisco, Microsoft, VMware,
Oracle, SAP, CompTIA, Red Hat, Salesforce& Many award-winning course instructors to
produce a consistently superior level of training.
Sapple Systems offers strategic training paths for the certification skills required to support
today’s technologies, while offering a broad curriculum of application focused courses for
clients looking to implement new/upgraded business applications.
Your Training is our business. We focus on offering you the best class-room / virtual
experience along with the best customer service, to ensure that you will come back class-
after-class. Our customer satisfaction and quality measurement process is monitored by the
vendors and we win awards year-after-year demonstrating that we are among the best.
Our certification from our technology partners also extends to our employees. When you
enter an sapple systems’ internship team, you will be equipped with everything you need for
a successful and comfortable learning experience. Our dedication to your success is reflected
in our friendly staff, enthusiastic instructors and progressive office settings and equipment.
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
Sapple Systems Noida prepares for the company based work and tasks as per software
company requirements and offers assisstance to each employee to achieve desired career
goals. At Sapple systems Noida, internship sessions are conducted by certified trainers with
years of experience of working in MNCs and Course Companies in Noida. sapple systems
NOIDA's trainers have strong technical skills and practical knowledge to focus more on skill-
development required for Placement in MNCs in NOIDA.
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development but also
used as a general-purpose programming language. Originally created by “RasmusLerdorf” in
1994, the PHP reference implementation is now produced by The PHP Development
Team.[5] PHP originally stood for Personal Home Pagebut it now stands for the recursive
acronym PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.
PHP code may be embedded into HTML or HTML5 markup, or it can be used in
combination with various web template systems, web content management systems and web
frameworks. PHP code is usually processed by a PHP interpreter implemented as a module in
the web server or as a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) executable. The web server
software combines the results of the interpreted and executed PHP code, which may be any
type of data, including images, with the generated web page. PHP code may also be executed
with a command-line interface (CLI) and can be used to implement standalone graphical
PHP code may be embedded into HTML or HTML5 markup, or it can be used in
combination with various web template systems, web content management systems and web
frameworks. PHP code is usually processed by a PHP interpreter implemented as a module in
the web server or as a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) executable. The web server
software combines the results of the interpreted and executed PHP code, which may be any
type of data, including images, with the generated web page. PHP code may also be executed
with a command-line interface (CLI) and can be used to implement standalone graphical
The PHP language evolved without a written formal specification or standard until 2014,
leaving the canonical PHP interpreter as a de facto standard. Since 2014 work has gone on to
create a formal PHP specification.
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
PHP Versions
2.0 1997
3.0 1998
4.0 2000
4.1 2001
4.2 2002
4.3 2002
4.4 2005
5.0 2004
5.1 2005
5.2 2006
5.3 2009
5.4 2012
5.5 2013
5.6 2014
7.0 2015
7.1 2016
7.2 2017
7.3 2018(Expected)
The mascot of the PHP project is the elePHPant, a blue elephant with the PHP logo on its
side, designed by Vincent Pontier in 1998. The elePHPant is sometimes differently colored
when in plush toy form.
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
MYSQL is a central component of the LAMP open-source web application software stack.
LAMP is an acronym for "Linux, Apache, MYSQL, Perl/PHP/Python". Applications that use
the MYSQL database include: TYPO3, MODx, Joomla, WordPress, phpBB, MyBB, and
Drupal. MYSQL is also used in many high-profile, large-scale websites, including Google.
History of MYSQL :MYSQL was created by a Swedish company, MYSQL AB, founded by
David Axmark, Allan Larsson and Michael "Monty" Widenius. Original development of
MYSQL by Widenius and Axmark began in 1994.[27] The first version of MYSQL appeared
on 23 May 1995. It was initially created for personal usage from MYSQL based on the low-
level language ISAM, which the creators considered too slow and inflexible. They created a
new SQL interface, while keeping the same API as MYSQL. By keeping the API consistent
with the MySQL system, many developers were able to use MYSQL instead of the MYSQL
MYSQL is written in C and C++. Its SQL parser is written in yacc, but it uses a home-
brewed lexical analyzer.[18] MySQL works on many system platforms, including AIX,
BSDi, FreeBSD, HP-UX, eComStation, i5/OS, IRIX, Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows,
NetBSD, Novell NetWare, OpenBSD, OpenSolaris, OS/2 Warp, QNX, Oracle Solaris,
Symbian, SunOS, SCO OpenServer, SCO UnixWare, Sanos and Tru64. A port of MySQL to
OpenVMS also exists.[19]
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
The MYSQL server software itself and the client libraries use dual-licensing distribution.
They are offered under GPL version 2, beginning from 28 June 2000, or to use a proprietary
Support can be obtained from the official manual. Free support additionally is available in
different IRC channels and forums. Oracle offers paid support via its MYSQL Enterprise
products. They differ in the scope of services and in price. Additionally, a number of third
party organisations exist to provide support and services, including MariaDB and Percona.
MYSQL has received positive reviews, and reviewers noticed it "performs extremely well
in the average case" and that the "developer interfaces are there, and the documentation (not
to mention feedback in the real world via Web sites and the like) is very, very good".[25] It
has also been tested to be a "fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded sql database
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
3. Project Design
UML diagrams-:
of Candidates.
of Software.
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
of their
LOGIN / Profile.
View Current
Updation Profile
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
of their
LOGIN / Profile.
Caste their
Voter Vote
Update Profile
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
DFD -:
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
Collaboration diagram-:
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
Class- diagram-:
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
E-R Diagram-:
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
4. Project Implementation
Database Design
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
Screen Shots
E-Voting System-:
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
Test cases
Test case 1:-
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
Test case 2 :-
Test case 3 :-
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura
Online Voting System
Feature Enhancemant
Send Information on the user’s Mobile about result.
Websites -:
Books -:
Book on PHP provided by Sapple Systems Pvt. Ltd., NOIDA.
Dept. of CEA, GLAU, Mathura