Green Globes Vs Leed PDF

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Green Globes®

A Nationally Recognized Alternative to LEED

B uilding design , construction and operation have extensive impacts on the environment . Buildings use resources
such as energy, water and raw materials. They also generate waste and emit potentially harmful atmospheric emissions.
Building designers and owners face a unique challenge: meet the demand for new and renovated facilities designed and
operated to achieve a return on investment – while minimizing their impact on the environment.
T o that end , two nationally accepted environmental rating and assessment systems are now in the marketplace .

G reen G lobes ® – a revolution- LEED – provides building

ary green building guidance owners and operators a
and assessment program framework for identifying
that offers an effective, and implementing practical
practical and affordable and measurable green build-
way to advance the overall ing design, construction,
environmental performance operations and maintenance
and sustainability of commer- solutions. Developed by the
cial buildings. Green Building U.S. Green Building Council,
Initiative (GBI), exclusive the LEED green building
provider of Green Globes certification program offers
Building Certifications, U.S., a suite of rating systems that
completed the process to recognize projects that imple-
make Green Globes the first ment strategies for better
and only commercial building environmental and health
rating system to become an performance.
American National Standard
GBI offers two products:
Green Globes New Construc-
tion (NC) and Green Globes
Continual Improvement of
Existing Buildings (CIEB). The
Green Globes Professional
Training Program equips
individuals to become consul-
tants in either program.

N ewell R ubbermaid B uilding

T wo G reen G lobes
Green Globes®
A Nationally Recognized Alternative to LEED
S ince 2004, G reen G lobes has built a strong presence as a nationally recognized rating and assessment system .
Its web applications have been recognized in legislation in 22 states and have assessed, improved and certified 130+
buildings which include General Services Administration, Veteran’s Affairs, the State Department, Drexel University, Bristol
Myers Squibb and Whole Foods among others. Several major insurance companies give premium discounts on Green
Globes buildings believing them to be at less risk. The State Department of Education accepts Green Globes as a recognized
system to assess schools and educational institutions and the National Institute of Health endorses Green Globes as an
assessor of laboratories. In March 2010, Green Globes became the first commercial green rating system to become an
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) consensus standard.
Green Globes / LEED - A Comparison
Criteria Green Globes LEED
(ANSI) Developed Through Recognized
Consensus Process
Nationally Accepted Environmental Rating
and Assessment Program YES YES

Program Delivery Web enabled interactive Online forms

New Construction Assessment YES YES

Existing Buildings Assessment YES YES

Program Points 1,000 110

Energy Performance Benchmarks against actual Benchmarks against hypothetical

regional performance data building model
New Construction New Construction

Criteria Weighted – Partial Credit Scores

Forest Certifications Accepted 4 1

Specific Prerequisite Items NO YES

Minimum Points Required for Certification YES YES

Incorporates Life Cycle Assessment YES NO

Flexibility for Non-Applicable Criteria YES NO

Automated Online Report Incorporates

Sustainability Recommendations
Certification Process Assessor assigned/on-site Fill out assessment form, submit,
building audit with team await results
Certification Ratings 4 Globes LEED Platinum
3 Globes LEED Gold
2 Globes LEED Silver
1 Globe Certified LEED

Certified Personnel Training Program

Time Requirements to Complete
Cost to Certify a Typical Building
$ $$$
> 100,000 sq ft

G reen G lobes is N orth A merica ’ s first web-enabled, fully interactive green building assessment tool that allows
building professionals and owners to augment their design, in the case of new construction, or incorporate sustainability
operations, in the case of existing buildings, and rate the building’s proposed or actual sustainability performance.
The system features allow building owners and managers to have first-hand knowledge at any given time how their
building is scoring. If a building achieves at least 35% of the total number of 1,000 points, it qualifies for certification.
Upon ordering the certification, a third-party Assessor appointed by the GBI begins to work with the owner and team
during the assessment period which culminates in an on-site audit of the building. Green Globes places an emphasis on
benchmarking and improvements, providing an easier, affordable way to go green. Green Globes rating and certification
process can be completed for a fraction of the combined hard/soft costs and time associated with LEED. Green Globes is
ideal for complex or specialty buildings that cannot be certified with LEED.

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