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Technical Resources Bulletin

July 31, 2009

TRB #9-09

To: SMACNA Members

From: Technical Resources Department

Subject: UPDATE on HVAC Duct Sealant Usage Requirements on USGBC LEED® Projects

The following bulletin is an update to TRB #4-09 issued March 27, 2009 with the
Subject: HVAC Duct Sealant Usage Requirements on USGBC LEED® Projects.

In response to the following Credit Interpretation Request (CIR): “How does a project
team classify duct sealants for application under EQc4.1?” the USGBC issued the
following ruling: “Project teams may classify duct sealants under “Other”, as listed
in the SCAQMD VOC Limits table.”

The category of “Other” in the SCAQMD VOC Limits table has a maximum limit of 420
g/l. This should allow most if not all duct sealants to be utilized on LEED® projects, and
permit the proper sealing of ductwork at temperatures below 40°F (5°C).

In keeping with SMACNA’s policy on sustainability, contractors are encouraged to use

products with the least environmental impact for the intended application and jobsite


MAIL ADDRESS P.O. BOX 221230 • CHANTILLY, VA 20153-1230
PHONE 703 803 2980
FAX 703 803 3732
WEB www.smacna.org

Technical Resources Bulletin

March 27, 2009

TRB #4-09

To: SMACNA Members

From: Technical Resources Department

Subject: HVAC Duct Sealant Usage Requirements on USGBC LEED® Projects

The purpose of this bulletin is to clarify the use of duct sealant for United States Green Building
Council (USGBC) LEED® projects and describe the current sealant usage requirements and
typical issues associated with those requirements.

When addressing duct sealant, LEED® references South Coast Air Quality Management District
(SCAQMD) Rule 1168. HVAC duct sealer is not specifically addressed or categorized in Rule
1168, and that has led to some confusion.

SMACNA contacted SCAQMD to determine which category under Rule 1168 covers HVAC duct
sealant. SCAQMD stated that they consider HVAC duct sealant to be an “Architectural” sealant,
which limits the VOCs to 250 g/l, and not part of the “Other” category which allows a VOC limit
of 420 g/l. Sealants compliant with the 250 g/l VOC restriction tend to be water-based. Use of
these sealants pose a significant performance issue for contractors when temperatures go
below 40°F (5°C), particularly in new construction when ductwork is installed in unenclosed
buildings. These sealants cannot be applied at temperatures at or below 40°F (5°C) nor can
they be exposed to temperatures below 40°F (5°C) until the product fully cures, typically 24-48
hours. The sealants that can be applied at temperatures below 40°F (5°C) are solvent-based
and typically have VOC levels around 300 g/l. This makes them unacceptable per LEED®
requirements since LEED® classifies them as an “Architectural” sealant with VOC limits of 250
g/l. Therein lies the problem for contractors: use a LEED®-compliant sealant and have the
sealant fail or use a sealant that works, but will not meet LEED® requirements.


MAIL ADDRESS P.O. BOX 221230 • CHANTILLY, VA 20153-1230
PHONE 703 803 2980
FAX 703 803 3732
WEB www.smacna.org
Page 2 – HVAC Duct Sealant Usage Requirements on USGBC LEED® Projects

SCAQMD staff informed SMACNA technical staff that use during low temperatures, i.e., below
freezing levels, was not considered as ambient temperatures in the SCAQMD region (San
Diego/Los Angeles, CA) are mild and low temperature applications are rarely a concern. When
the USGBC incorporated Rule 1168 into LEED®, they did so without exception or consideration
for the various climates throughout the world. Unfortunately, in much of the United States
temperatures regularly go below 40°F (5°C) for several months to half a year.

SMACNA is attempting to resolve the issue by petitioning the USGBC to correctly classify
HVAC duct sealant in the proper category of “Other”.

In the interim, SMACNA recommends that you specifically seek exclusion of this requirement for
HVAC duct sealant as it is currently misclassified for LEED® projects by the USGBC.
Alternatively, you may wish to determine if it is practical and cost effective to use the VOC
Budget approach in LEED-NCv2.2®. This alternative requires an overall assessment of all
potential sealants and adhesives being utilized on the project by all other trades.

SMACNA’s investigation revealed that there are HVAC duct sealants available that use acetone
as the solvent, making them a zero “reportable” VOC HVAC duct sealant, and therefore
technically compliant with LEED®. Reportedly, these perform in lower temperature applications.
Make sure to review the products’ MSDS sheets to verify that the solvent used is acetone.
Acetone should be the only solvent listed for “zero VOC” sealants. You should also check with
your safety director in regard to any possible OSHA requirements regarding the use of acetone-
containing products.

Although the above suggestions may mitigate issues with current LEED® requirements,
SMACNA understands the core issue regarding the misclassification of HVAC duct sealant still
needs to be resolved. We will continue to work with the USGBC and provide updates until this
issue is resolved in a technically sufficient manner.

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