Thermal Validation Information Manual & Guide
Thermal Validation Information Manual & Guide
Thermal Validation Information Manual & Guide
It provides a summary of the rationale and history of thermal validation, the processes
primarily served, the need for specialist temperature monitoring equipment, an explanation of
the more specialist terminology involved and an analysis of the main competitive equipment.
• What is it?
There are several documented definitions of validation, including some suggesting it being a
tool to provide consultants with many and varied reasons for a comfortable existence!
Perhaps a more accepted definition reads :-
“The action of proving that any procedure, process, equipment, material, activity or
system actually leads to the expected result.”
Before 1978, drug product quality and sterility was based solely on spot testing of finished
product, e.g. using the USP (U.S. Pharmacoepia) Sterility test.
During the 1960’s and 70’s it became increasingly evident these measures were patently
inadequate as a result of many deaths and serious injuries resulting from inadequate
sterilisation. The US FDA acted and many manufacturing facilities were temporarily closed as
a result of FDA inspections and more than 600 products were recalled from sale.
In 1976, the FDA proposed changes to manufacturing practice that were focused on
sterilisation. The procedures targeted were sterilisation by :-
Later, in 1978, the FDA recognised the concept of validation would also be invaluable in
correcting deficiencies for processes not intended to be sterile and so the range of operations
to be validated was extended to include :-
In addition, products included under the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) remit was
extending from parenteral (broadly injectable) drugs to:-
Medical Devices
Veterinary Products
Opthalmics (Contact lenses etc)
Bulk Chemicals.
In summary then, organisations with a need for Thermal Validation equipment will be
manufacturers of parenteral drugs, medical devices, vetinary products, opthalmic products,
together with users of sterile equipment (Hospitals, Dental Facilities) and Third Party
organisations undertaking the work on a contract basis (Contract Validation Service
The FDA defines validation as a “documented program which provides a high degree of
assurance that a specific process will consistently and repeatedly produce a product meeting
it’s predetermined specification and quality attributes.”
The validation of a process plant, from new, will involve a number of discrete stages:-
I. Design Qualification - DQ – to ensure the needs of the users will be met by the
equipment finally specified.
II. Installation Qualification – IQ – to provide assurance that the installation has been
implemented in accordance with the information detailed in the design.
III. Operation Qualification – OQ –to prove the equipment functions safely and in
compliance with the equipment specification (commissioning).
Repeated when significant maintenance has been undertaken.
IV. Performance Qualification – PQ – to prove that the equipment operates, repeatedly,
in a manner required to meet stated objectives for product quality. A process
repeated at regular intervals as defined in the SOP.
• Heat Distribution Studies – used to validate the uniformity and stability of the sterilising
• Container Mapping Studies – used to determine the coolest location in a product
container ( bottle, flask etc) during the sterilising period.
• Penetration Studies – used to assure that the coolest container within the load will
consistently be exposed to sufficient energy for proper sterilisation of the product.
What is sterile?
The conditions for sterilisation are achieved when a sufficient quantity of energy has been
received by the material to destroy the most resistant bacterial spores (for steam Bacillus
Sterothermophilus). No one autoclave runs an exactly similar cycle to another, even
though users with different autoclaves talk in similar terms. e.g. a cycle of 121C with a holding
period of 20 minutes. The energy transposed can vary from one similar cycle to another
according to precise temperature fluctuations in the chamber and also the amount of energy
accumulated at the beginning of the cycle as the autoclave is heating up to the holding time
Microbiologists, unlike most sterilisation managers at hospitals do not talk in holding times but
in the value of energy accumulated during the whole cycle. They calculate the energy value
and describe it in terms of Fo. Quite simply an energy value of 1 Fo is the equivalent of
energy accumulated if exposed to a cycle of 1 minute at 121C with saturated steam.
Therefore 20 minutes at 121C = Fo 20.
As previously mentioned this Fo value is used mainly by microbiologists not (Hospital)
sterilisation managers, though it has begun to be appreciated more and more in sterilisation.
It is not important to know how to calculate it but just to understand what it is and how it is
relevant. TQSoft provides a comprehensive Lethality display and monitoring facility.
An overview of industry trends shows that high temperature steam sterilisation is still used for
a broad spectrum of sterilisation activities ranging from sterilisation of equipment and
garments to the sterilisation of products in their final containers (terminal sterilisation). In all
these processes, our fundamental objective is to deliver a process of known lethality for the
purpose of ensuring the product or item is devoid of viable microbiological contamination. In
all cases the sterilisation process depends fundamentally on the delivery of a lethal energy
dose to the load by way of heat transfer from the steam to the load. An effective cycle will
combine an optimisation of temperature and time of exposure. The most efficient heat transfer
is achieved by utilising the latent heat of condensation of the steam. Furthermore, steam
close to saturation is known to be the most effective for the inactivation of bacterial spore
forms. Failure to achieve the optimum conditions can occur due to the presence of
inappropriate unwanted quantities of air, or other non-condensable gases. Failure can also
occur if the steam is not of the appropriate quality. The most common problems are when the
steam is delivered to the autoclave in a superheated state or too wet.
Both these conditions can cause failure of a critical sterilisation cycle. The avoidance of these
problems can be achieved through application of good engineering practices to utility
systems, combined with sound cycle development and supported by effective process
A steam steriliser is a specially constructed metal vessel with a sealable door or lid in which
high temperatures may be obtained by means of steam under pressure.
Steam sterilisers were developed during the Nineteenth century. Initially, they were used for
the sterilisation of aqueous fluids, but developments have taken place which today allow
autoclaves to be used for many process applications including fluids, instruments, hollowware
and porous loads, such as textiles. Machines similar in basic construction to the steam
autoclave are used for other sterilisation processes such as ethylene oxide and low
temperature steam and formaldehyde (LTSF).
With the publication of European standards for steam autoclaves, such as EN 285 for large
steam sterilisers, and EN 13060 for the smaller bench top sized machines, machine
specification and performance is becoming standardised and similar.
The European standard EN 554 specifies the requirements for validation and routine
monitoring of steam sterilisation processes. Sterilizer chambers are designed to
accommodate a sterilisation module (300mm x 309 mm x 600mm), or multiples thereof.
Steam sterilisers vary enormously in their size and complexity. The largest are used in
industry and have chamber volumes of many cubic metres. Small automatic bench top
autoclaves have chamber volumes generally below one sterilisation module
(54 litres). These are used in community health care (general practice, dentistry etc) and in
operating theatres, for example, to sterilise instruments that need to be resterilised during the
course of an operation. These smaller machines were originally designed to process only
unwrapped instruments, as they relied on downward or gravity displacement of air by
steam. Steam entering the autoclave pushes the heavier, more dense air downward out of the
autoclave. This passive method of air removal will not reliably remove air that may be trapped
in sterilisation bags, pouches and textiles. Historically, for these applications the larger
autoclaves as found in hospitals were used, as they are generally equipped with a vacuum
pump to actively remove the undesirable air.
More recently small machines equipped with vacuum pumps (vacuum benchtops) have
become available, which are capable of processing either single wrapped goods, or have full
porous load capability as per full sized hospital machines. The larger automatic porous load
steam sterilisers are to be found in hospital sterile supply departments, where they are used
primarily for the sterilisation of medical devices such as surgical instruments.
In addition to accurate temperature and steam pressure measurement, especially in the case
of Porous Load (vacuum) sterilisers, rigorous testing of the quality of the steam for non
condensible gases, superheat and dryness is imperative as part of the validation process.
Dry heat sterilisation is carried out in hot air ovens using times at temperatures that appear at
first to be much more demanding than in moist heat processes.
Dry heat sterilisation is generally carried out at temperatures of at least 1600C that must be
maintained for a holding period, in this instance, of at least 120 minutes.
Thus, when one allows for the necessary time taken to heat loads up from cold and for
cooling down to a safe handling temperature, it is clear that dry heat sterilisation processes
can take a very long time indeed to complete.
The reason for the high holding temperature and prolonged holding period in dry heat
sterilisation processes is basically because micro-organisms are much more heat resistant in
the dry state, (as in the oven) than when heated in the presence of moisture (as in the
Given this situation, one may well ask why use dry heat sterilisation at all. The answer is that
some sealed containers of medicinal products do not contain moisture or water and could not
therefore be sterilised as fluids at Steam sterilisation temperatures. Medicinal products such
as petroleum jelly would not permit steam to contact all parts of the load, due to its oily
nature. Other loads may be damaged by moisture. In addition, many instruments and items of
glassware may be sterilised by dry heat. Dry heat sterilisation must, however, be used with
care since the high temperatures used may cause serious damage to items containing
plastics or rubber.
Dry Heat Sterilisation
Gas Autoclave.
Ethylene oxide works by alkalising (substituting a hydrogen atom with an alcohol group) the
sulphide, ammonium, carboxyl, phenol and hydroxyl groups of micro-organisms, which
causes an alteration in the ionisation process of proteins and enzymatic activities resulting in
the death of the micro-organisms
The process of sterilisation requires the interaction of 5 factors
the value of relative humidity inside the sterilisation chamber should be between 30%-60%.
Before the sterilisation phase it is necessary to humidify the materials for 6-12 hours in an
environment of at least 50% relative humidity.
the temperature increases the efficacy of the gas, the greater the temperature the less time
needed for sterilisation. As this is a sterilisation method chiefly for thermolabile materials
generally the temperatures never exceed 50-60°C in order to avoid damaging materials.
can vary with respect to the preceding factors, generally the sterilisation cycle is maintained
for 4-5 hours.
varies related to the gas used. In order to avoid the problems of flammability and the
explosiveness of Ethylene Oxide it is mixed with Freon or Carbon dioxide
Possible to sterilise thermolabile materials Toxicity
Excessive sterilisation time
Lengthy forced aeration time
Sterilisation with Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde Autoclave.
Formaldehyde acts on contact as an alkylating agent, irreversibly altering the reagent groups
of the micro-organisms’ proteins causing their destruction.
1) Gas concentration:
With the addition of steam under vacuum the minimum effective concentration of gas needed
is 50 mg per litre.
2) Temperature:
the duration of the cycle varies according to the preselected temperature, considering that this
method of sterilisation is used primarily for thermolabile materials, the selected temperature is
approximately 55°C
3) Pressure:
during the cycle the introduction of formaldehyde brings the pressure to a value, such that it
will maintain a state of saturated stream.
Compared with ethylene oxide formaldehyde has the advantage of not being flammable or
explosive, and of being more economical at a ratio of 1:10.
Depyrogenation involves dry heat exposure at temperatures in excess of 250°C for periods in
excess of 1 hour. The process is often in the form of a continuous “tunnel” with items
travelling through on a slow moving conveyor.
Depyrogenation is the destruction of endotoxins, essentially by combustion, whereas
sterilisation is the destruction of living cells (microbes) to prevent activity through
Lyophilisation is a process which extracts the water from products so that the products remain
stable and are easier to store at room temperature (ambient air temperature).
Lyophilisation is carried out using a simple principle of physics called sublimation. Sublimation
is the transition of a substance from the solid to the vapour state, without first passing through
an intermediate liquid phase. To extract water from products, the process of lyophilisation
consists of:
1. Freezing the product so that the water in the product becomes ice;
2. Under a vacuum, sublimating the ice directly into water vapour;
3. Drawing off the water vapour;
4. Once the ice is sublimated, the products are freeze-dried and can be removed from
the machine.
Steam sterilisable machines will be sterilised between batches.
Most temperature measurements are not so much concerned with absolute accuracy as
repeatability, since they are concerned whether the temperature is stable, moving up or
moving down and by what rate of change. This is not the case however with temperature
measurement within sterilisers.
The purpose of a thermal steriliser is to supply a predetermined quantity and type of heat
energy, under the right conditions, to ensure a suitable eradication of micro-organisms
together with, in many cases, minimal degradation of the desirable properties of the material
to be made sterile.
The concept of lethality (F) is universally accepted as the main criterion by which sterility
assurance is measured and is an equivalent time spent at a base or target temperature.
F0 is a calculated variable where the measured temperature inaccuracies have an exponential
F = 10
Where T = Measured temperature, Tb = “Base” temperature, (for F0 = 121.10C)
Z = resistance value. Normally a Z value of 10 is used for steam, as this is the value for the
most heat resistant bacteria encountered,
( Bacillus stearothermophilus).
At a sterilising temperature of 1210C a 10C error will result in a 25+% error in F0.
There needs to be confidence that in the event the validation data being at variance with that
from the steriliser's own recorded or indicated data, the validation data can be assumed to be
Regulatory authorities have always emphasised the use of high quality instrumentation and
procedures. A CEN standard on Moist Heat Sterilisation (BS EN 554:1994) refers to validation
instrumentation being not less than 3 times more accurate (less uncertainty) than that
required to judge the performance of a steriliser. The factor of 3 is chosen as it provides
approximately a 10:1 guarantee that any difference noted in readings is not caused by any
inaccuracy of the validation instruments.
For use in the harsh environments where validation studies are necessarily
performed, thermocouples have proved to be far more rugged, durable and
economical than RTDs. The temperature sensors are inevitably subject to
mechanical shock and rough handling, making the sensitive RTD devices
unable to provide accurate and repeatable data.
They can be! The common inaccuracies associated with thermocouple measurement come
from the measuring equipment rather than the sensors.
A thermocouple produces a much smaller signal for a change in temperature (approx. 39
microvolts / oC for type T) than a RTD and requires much greater consideration with regard to
signal conditioning and calibration.
In addition, software provides all the essential elements for meaningful and successful
validation for both continuous and discontinuous (batch) operations.
• All parameters including calibration data associated with a validation study are stored in a
specific secured, configuration file, printable for hardcopy filing.
• During the test, data is time stamped and stored at a default scan value of 1 second/scan
in an unmodifyable, replayable binary data file.
• Operators can view in real time any or all parameters being measured with both graphical
and digital displays.
• Data presentation facilities are configurable prior, during or after test. Remember all
data is available for processing from the 1 second time stamped, secure binary
data file.
• The configured validation test data can be printed for hardcopy in both graphical and
tabular format.
• Any form of the configured data report can be copied into ASCII format for subsequent
spreadsheet analysis.
BS EN 554 – Sterilisation of Medical Devices. Validation and routine control of moist heat
ISO 1134 - Sterilisation of Healthcare Products. Validation and routine control of industrial
moist heat sterilisation facilities.
It is important to note that recently the United States adopted ISO 1134: 1994 as an
American ANSI standard related to medical device sterilisation.
All the standards referred to above focus most strongly on the issues associated with
sterilising what are frequently called porous loads. These are the most demanding loads to
sterilise within autoclaves since the success of the process cycle is dependent upon removal
of air, not only from the autoclave chamber but also from the body of the load. Much of the
original work carried out in relation to porous loads was associated with the need in the
hospital world to sterilise bed linen and garments by moist heat sterilisation.
Within the pharmaceutical industry this has direct parallels with the sterilisation of cleanroom
garments. Whilst sterilisation of complex process equipment is very different from treating
woven fabrics, we find many similar problems concerning removal of air and achieving
effective steam penetration.
Examples of complex process equipment include items such as product filters, flexible hoses,
filling machine pumps, vessels and the example of the isolator canister.