6.7 Inch 6.8 Inch 6 Inch 6.6 Inch: Evidence: Data Chart Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

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Evidence: Data Chart

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

6.7 inch 6.8 inch 6 inch 6.6 inch

Mass of the egg (g)/
Length of the egg

The mass of the The egg is larger The egg burst The egg go back
egg is than the ordinary because of syrup to the previous
decreasing egg shape
Hypothesis because there’s
(how the mass will too much water
change and why) in the container

Data Analysis: 1. Based on your observation, what effect did the vinegar have on the egg?
The shell of the egg dissolved because of the acid of the vinegar. The egg absorbed the vinegar.

2. Was the vinegar (Day 1) a hypotonic, hypertonic or isotonic solution? Hypotonic

Explain your data and observations support this conclusion.
The egg consumes too much vinegar inside the container that’s why the egg burst and the
process of Hypotonic

3. Was the syrup (Day 2) a hypotonic, hypertonic or isotonic solution? Hypertonic Explain how
your data and observations support this conclusion.
The egg shrink because the solute liquid attracts the water of egg.

4. Was the water (Day 3) a hypotonic, hypertonic or isotonic solution? Isotonic Explain how
your data and observations support this conclusion.
Isotonic solution because an egg submerged in distilled water will gain water by osmosis
because the egg has greater solute.
Osmosis Investigation Leader: Andrea Jane Fajardo

Materials for the lab: John Piolo Pascual Jerome Harvy Cruz

 2 Clear glass or Clear plastic cups Danice Rodriquez Angelo Almazan

 2 Raw eggs
 White vinegar
 Pancake syrup
 Distilled water
 Digital balance/ ruler
 Yarn/ Ribbon- 2 inch
 Plastic wrap/ aluminium foil
 Spoon
 Gloves-disposable


Day 1:

1. Mass a fresh egg and record the mass on your data chart.

2. Place the egg in a 250 ml or plastic cup. Add enough vinegar to the container to cover the egg. Cover
the container with plastic wrap or aluminium foil and leave it for 24 hours.

3. On your data chart for Day 1 write a hypothesis indicating what you think will happen to the mass of
the egg (increase, decrease, or remain the same) and why.

Day 2:

1. After 24 hours in the vinegar, carefully remove the egg with a spoon, put it dry and mass it. Record
the new mass on Day 2 of your data sheet.

2. Rinse out the container, gently place the egg back in the container and add enough pancake syrup to
cover the egg. Cover the container and leave it for 24 hours.

3. On your data chart for Day 2 write a hypothesis indicating what you think will happen to the mass of
the egg and why.

Day 3:

1. Carefully remove the egg from the cup, rinse the syrup off of it, blot it dry and mass it. Record the
new mass on the Day 3 of your data sheet.

2. Rinse out the container, gently place the egg back in the container and add enough distilled water to
cover the egg. Cover the container and leave it for 24 hours.

Day 4:

1. Carefully from the cup, blot it dry and mass it. Record the mass on Day 4 of your data sheet.

2. Dispose of your egg as instructed by your teacher

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