Case Management and Progress Notes: From Oregon's Office of Developmental Disability Services
Case Management and Progress Notes: From Oregon's Office of Developmental Disability Services
Case Management and Progress Notes: From Oregon's Office of Developmental Disability Services
Progress Notes
What is Targeted Case Management?
Case Management Activities
Case Management Activities
Development and periodic revision of a specific care plan
based on the information collected through an assessment
or reassessment, that specifies the goals and actions to
address the medical, social, educational, and other services
needed by the eligible individual.
Convene with customer and family to develop and revise the ISP
Participate in planning meetings with providers of Specialized Supports
to develop care plans
Provide information and technical assistance to a customers support
provider. The information must be specific to the customer and be of a
medical or behavioral nature which allows Medicaid services to be
provided in a healthier or safer manner
Gather information for, and development of, a Crisis Plan of Care
Participate in an IEP or OVRS meeting when the individuals Support
Services may be impacted by the outcome
Case Management Activities
Referral and related activities to help an individual obtain needed services.
Facilitate initial and on-going access to generic community resources (OVRS, Housing,
Mental Health system, OHP, legal aid, public health and welfare benefits)
Provide information and referrals to services/events available locally related to an
individuals developmental disability
Provide information directly to a crisis provider about customer support needs
Work with a CDDP to coordinate the provision of protective services
Provide information to the receiving brokerage as part of a transfer
Assist with obtaining medical protocols from medical professionals for the purpose of
making the delivery of supports possible
Participate in entry/exit/transfer meetings involving department funded programs for
people with developmental disabilities
Coordinate with providers, the individual and the family to assure an appropriate referral
for the services being requested
Facilitate initial and on-going access to financial assistance, e.g., General Assistance,
Social Security, etc.
Case Management Activities
Monitoring and follow-up activities, including activities and contacts that are
necessary to ensure that the care plan is effectively implemented and
adequately addresses the needs of the eligible individual.
Attend and respond (in the form of changes to the plan or assessment) to feedback from
customer or providers about efficacy of supports
Monitor individuals in temporary out of home placement to assure that a crisis plan is
being implemented as intended
Follow up on IRs with individual, family, provider when that follow up results in a re-
evaluation of services
Assist customer with filing complaints, investigating and responding to customer
complaints (not the actual completion of a form, but problem solving around complaint
resolution, evaluation of the complaint as it relates to the provision of services in an
Provide information and assistance as needed with requesting an Administrative
Provide and explain Medicaid Fair Hearing rights
General Targeted Case Management
TCM services can include phone contact, written information and email as long as
it is a means of delivering a service related to the documented needs of the
individual (not simply providing information)
The individual does not necessarily have to be present or contacted in order for a
TCM service to be delivered.
Payment for TCM services can only be made to brokerage employees who qualify
as Personal Agents.
A reimbursable service may involve multiple activities, but still counts as one
billable encounter. For example, arranging an ISP may require four phone calls
over several days, but all of that is just one encounter.
Monitoring and other case management activity is not limited to paid supports.
What about non-CM activities?
Activities that may not meet the definition of a case
management activity still need to be chronicled in a
progress note.
These activities may be extremely important. Progress
notes may document supplemental or ancillary
information, an individuals history, anecdotal
information on a current situation, suggested needs and
services, and/or other pertinent information relevant to
providing supports.
Not every contact with a customer is necessarily going to
result in the delivery of a case management service.
Things not considered TCM:
Direct services
Duplicated services
Enrollment, termination and/or encounter
General outreach
Report Writing
Personal Agent Waiver Services
Brokerages employ Personal Agents who, in addition to providing State Plan Targeted Case Management
services, may conduct the following activities (including, but not limited to):
The provision of direct services, such as:
~ Money management, budgeting, etc.;
~ Counseling or advice about the risks associated with particular behavior or choices;
~ Supports provided while in the community with the individual;
~ Providing transportation;
~ Emergency back up support when a provider is not available;
~ Attend medical appointments; and
~ Assist with criminal/legal processes (support at court appearances, meet with Parole/Probation Officer).
Problem Solving around (unless in the context of assessment related to plan development):
~ Personal Finances;
~ Issues relating to the FMS or employer agent;
~ Housing; and
~ Employment.
Pre-enrollment activities; an individual must be enrolled in a brokerage to be able to provide case management
Attendance at planning meeting for other types of service delivery (OVRS, IEP).
General outreach, such as mass mailings and non-individualized information sharing.
Clerical organization of customer files.
Brokerage staff meetings.
Training activities for Personal Agents.
Communicate customer contact information changes to CDDP.
Assist with provider recruitment/ community resource capacity development.
Community education and outreach.
Participate in Quality Assurance activities.
Conduct training and provide supports to individuals regarding being an employer.
Why Does Documentation Matter?
Elements of a progress note
Progress notes must:
contain sufficient detail on the specific services provided, actions
taken and/or be able to relay information about what occurred or
was learned.
contain the signature & title of the person providing the service
(the PA), and the date the entry was signed.
Elements of a progress note.
have all late entries appropriately documented (late entries are progress
notes which are out of time sequence of the other progress notes in the file
perhaps a forgotten progress note that is submitted later, and out of
chronological date order)
Professional Writing Terminology
Inform - To give specific information to another person for the purpose of
improving, modifying or impacting an individuals circumstances or progress
towards the goals of the plan
Monitor - To keep watch over the individuals condition or circumstances, the
services provided to the individual and progress towards the goal of the
individuals plan and to direct or influence conditions, circumstances or services
that impact the individual
Negotiate - To arrange for services otherwise inaccessible or unavailable to the
individual; to arrange for financing of services for the individual; contracting for
Participate - To take part, but not lead, an activity intended to benefit the
individuals progress
Prepare - To make the individual ready to receive a service
Refer - Directing an individual, family member or service provider to a service
for information or services which further the goal of the individuals plan
Schedule - To plan an appointment for activities or events related to the
individuals plan