EQ Coach Certification Syllabus
EQ Coach Certification Syllabus
EQ Coach Certification Syllabus
1. Course Number and Title: The Authentic Coach, EQC0908 EQ Coach Certification
2. Course Description: This course provides development in personal emotional
intelligence and emotional intelligence coaching skills, leading to certification as an EQ
Coach. Participants learn to facilitate the expression of authentic leadership using the
EQ At Work Model, which combines emotional intelligence, personal responsibility,
mindfulness and purposeful action.
3. Course Hours: 40 hours
4. Course Prerequisites: Equivalent of 1 year of experience in coaching, counseling,
consulting, or human resource management.
5. Course Dates: 91509 to 121508
6. Course Times: 16 consecutive Wednesday’s at 11:00 AM ET or if a conflict, another day
and time arrived at by consensus of participants.
7. Course Location: Live webinars using the Internet, telephone conference and a virtual
classroom located at http://learneq.
8. Instructor: Joseph Liberti
9. Required Text and Other Learning Resources: Coaching for Performance, Whitcomb;
The Power of Now, Tolle; The Emotional Brain, Ledux, True You Coaching, Liberti, plus
weekly lesson plan material from the virtual classroom.
10. Course Overview: This course teaches a step=by step method for the expression of
authentic leadership through the development of emotional and personal mastery
competencies. Participants learn to coach using the advanced coaching techniques of
the EQ At Work Coaching Model, which includes: 12 development Modules, The 9
step coaching session process and the A.R.T. Method of coaching.
11. Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students should be able to do the
1) Demonstrate the effective use of the EQ At Work Model for coaching.
2) Explain the 10 key competencies of the EQ At Work Model.
3) Name and describe the tools for the development of authentic leadership and
emotional intelligence used in the EQ At Work Model.
4) Administer a 12 session coaching plan.
5) Integrate coaching with the use of an EQ Assessment.
6) Demonstrate increased emotional competency and personal mastery.
12. Webinar Topic Schedule Sixteen 90minute sessions include:
1) Welcome to Emotional Intelligence and Authentic Living
2) The EQ At Work Model
3) The Power of Purpose
4) The 5 Phases of The Coaching/Development Engagement
i. Overview
ii. Focus on Enrollment Techniques
5) The 5 Phases of The Coaching/Development Engagement
i. Review
ii. Focus on Contracting
6) The 9Step Session Process
7) Emotional Literacy 1
8) Emotional Literacy 2
9) The Power of Choice
i. Understanding choice
ii. Coaching With The A.R.T. Model
11) The Power of Focus
12) Empathy and Compassion
13) Creating a Context for Relating
14) Transparency and Congruent Communication
15) The Power of Influence
13. Client Case Study: For certification each participant will secure a coaching client to
coach while the course is in process and follow the stepbystep process being learned.
At the end of this client coaching, the participant will submit a simple case study,
which includes the results of the coaching, along with an audio recording of a session,
for final evaluation.
14. Personal Coaching: Each participant will receive 8 weekly coaching sessions from the
instructor to learn and practice the stepbystep process in selfdevelopment.
15. Mentor Coaching: Each participant will submit a client session recording (separate
from the final case study) for auditing by the instructor and receive feedback and
support on coaching in a mentor coaching session.
16. Course Policies:
1) Students must attend a minimum of 80% of live class sessions for certification
2) Students must make up missed sessions by listening to class recordings
3) Case study must be submitted within 45 days of the last webinar for
4) All assignments must be completed for certification
5) Students are responsible for Internet connection, up to date PDF and Audio on
their computer and long distance telephone service. (VOIP may be available by
class time.)
17. Course Guarantee: The content and presentation quality of this course is guaranteed.
1) Participants who are not satisfied with that quality may, within the first 30 days
of the course, notify EQ At Work, return all course materials and receive a full
1998-2008 EQ At Work 888-379-6757 www.eqatwork.com
EQ At Work Syllabus
refund of tuition.
2) Participants who wish to leave the course after the first 30 days will receive a
refund of tuition less a termination fee, which includes prorated tuition and
direct costs.