09 Introduction PDF
09 Introduction PDF
09 Introduction PDF
The term advertising originates from the Latin word ‘advertere’ that means to
turn the attention. So, advertising is a tool companies use to draw the attention of
buyers and public to any object or purpose. Advertising is employed in all the
countries of the world. The basic aim of advertising activity is popularization of the
product of the advertiser. Advertising is a potent tool of marketing and a component
of the overall promotion activities. Advertising is almost everywhere in our daily life.
Its forms and roles are both contested and admired. Some see advertising both as the
mirror and the maker of culture. Even when advertisements contribute new sounds
and the symbols that shape feature, its words and images reflect the present and the
past. Others say advertising is purely an economic activity with one purpose i.e., to
sell. Many advertisers and agencies believe that advertising creates “magic in the
market place”
Here, researcher's concern was not to study Consumer Behaviour but only to
measure the effect of advertising on consumers. That too, Consumer Behaviour
related to purchase consequent on advertising exposure was the relevant area of the
study. In fact, the very goal of all advertising is to influence peoples' attitudes and
Buying Behaviour. In that sense Consumer Behaviour is the directional force in
advertising. To succeed in marketing, the advertisers need to understand what makes
people behave the way they do. That involves the study of Buyer Behaviour-the
activities, actions, and influencers or people who purchase and use goods to satisfy
their personal or household needs and wants. Advertising effectively uses the
information and knowledge gained from the behavioural sciences to motivate, modify
or reinforce consumer perceptions, beliefs, attitudes and behaviour. To accomplish
this, advertising people are to be conscious of and monitor peoples' attitude, values,
likes and dislikes, habits, fears, wants and desires. Advertising techniques are to be
changed according to the behavioural characteristics of large groups of people
because these give the directional force to any advertising aimed at those groups.
Many things that were considered as luxuries till about ten years ago have
become necessities for most people today. In case of household goods consumption it
has happened also, as refrigerator were luxury at once becomes necessity now. The
present study is focused on effect of advertisement in purchase behaviour of consumer
durables in Kerala.
Advertisements play an important role in the economy of Kerala because the
State has been in a stage of transition from the status of a producer to a consumer.
Most of the requirements of the State, especially in the case of consumer durables are
met by the supplies from outside. Advertisements of manufacturers and producers
through the various advertising agencies and other media find Kerala as a potential
market for their products and services. Hence a study analyzing the influence of
advertisements of manufactures/producers among the prospective consumers of
Kerala and the impact of their advertisements through various advertising agencies
and electronic media in the contest of growing consumerism in the state assumes great
Sekhar (1996), "Some Hard Truths on Soft Sell in Kerala", Business Deepika (Annual), 1996, pp.
43 - 46.
new products every other day followed by marketers’ advertising techniques.
Therefore it will be interesting to investigate the effect of advertisement on
consumer’s behaviour and brand preference in Kerala. From a business perspective
this research would be useful in understanding the attitude and perceptions of Kerala
consumers towards advertisements.
2. Review of Literature
An overview of various aspects and issues of the present study through the
review of literature available on the subject has been presented below. The
investigations made in the previous studies have been of great significance in
understanding the intricacies of the issues taken up for this study and also in finding
the gap for further research in the field. The conclusions drawn from the earlier
research works have served as a guide mark for this study.
Dunn, Watson S.; and Barban, Arnold M. (1978), Advertising: It’s Role in Modern Marketing, pp.
Marshall, Alfred (1890), Principles of Economics, p. 79.
persuasion is antithetical to the concept of an "economic man" who should make his
decision rationally rather than emotionally.
Bruce Barton (1955)4, chairman of BBDO said that “Advertising is of the very
essence of democracy. An election goes on every minute of the business day across
the counters of hundreds of thousands of stores and shops where the customers state
their preferences and determine which manufacturer and which product shall be the
leader today, and which shall lead tomorrow."
Martin Mayer (1958)5 puts forward three basic concepts with regard to a good
advertisement. In his opinion an advertisement must basically be a believable one.
Simple techniques, such as the use of pictures or diagrams also increase the
believability of the advertisement. Repetition is another key concept in the case of
advertising. He suggests that it is better to have a long series of small advertisements
than one extremely large advertisement as these act as memory ticklers among the
consumers. The third concept put forwarded by him is the concept of the impression
of message. In his opinion messages should be clear, complete and attractive.
Greyser and Bauer (1966)6 in their study titled, Americans and Advertising:
Thirty Years of Public Opinion revealed remarkable stability in basic feelings about
advertising and its major institutional elements over the past thirty years. Although
there is a general paucity of data from which to generalize, opinions are examined in
perspective on issues such as the public's general favorability toward advertising,
advertising and the economy, advertising as a persuader, truth and standards of
advertising and advertising's effect on prices.
Bruce Barton (1955), chairman of BBDO, quoted in James B. Simpson, Contemporary Quotations,
1964, Binghamton, NY: Vail-Ballou Press, p. 82.
Martin Mayer (1958),” what is Advertising Good for?”, Harper’s Magazine , may 1958, pp.25-3.
Greyser, Stephen A.; and Bauer, Raymond A. (1966), The Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 30, No.
1, Spring, pp. 69, 75, 78.
Hirschey, Mark. (1982), Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 3, No. 1, March, pp. 24, 28-
the competitive implications of advertising by focusing on the economies of scale in
advertising issues covering the broad spectrum of US industry. The research effort is
motivated by a desire to reduce the paucity of information on scale advantages in
advertising by considering the relationship between advertising and sales for a large
number of firms across a broad spectrum of industries.
Kotler Phillip (1994), Marketing Management, Ninth Edition, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, p.178.
Mascarenhas et al. (2004),"Customer value-chain involvement for co-creating customer delight",
Journal of customer marketing, Vol 21, No 7, pp. 486-496.
Ayanwale, Adeolu B., Alimi, Taiwo and Ayanbimipe, Matthew A. (2005) The Influence of
Advertising on Consumer Brand Preference p. 10.
Lee Monle and Carla Johnson (2005): Principle of advertising: A Global Perspective p. 3
to a target audience through mass media such as television, radio, newspapers,
magazines, direct mail, outdoor displays, or mass-transit vehicles”
Greyser and Bauer (1966)12 in their study titled, Americans and Advertising:
Thirty Years of Public Opinion revealed remarkable stability in basic feelings about
advertising and its major institutional elements over the past thirty years. Although
there is a general paucity of data from which to generalize, opinions are examined in
perspective on issues such as the public's general favorability toward advertising,
advertising and the economy, advertising as a persuader, truth and standards of
advertising and advertising's effect on prices.
Darrel and McCann (1993)13 have found that attitudes to the ad to be higher if
it is more credible, evokes positive likable feelings, uses humor, uses relevant or liked
music, sex appeal or other such execution devices, uses likable and attractive
celebrities, contains useful information, but not too make it boring, contains
information that is itself liked, and is placed in a media environment that itself is
Greyser, Stephen A.; and Bauer, Raymond A. (1966), The Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 30,
No. 1, Spring, pp. 69, 75, 78. http://www.jstor.org.
Darrel Muehling and Michelle McCann (1993), Attitude towards the ad: a review, Journal of
current issues an research in advertising, 15, no.2, 1993, pp 25-34.
Walker, D. and Dubitsky, T.M. (1994), “Why Liking Matters”, Journal of Advertising Research,
34(3), May –June, pp 9-18.
Rajeev Batra, John .G. Myers and David A. Aker (1998), Advertising Management; fifth Edition.
Prentice Hall, New Delhi., p-296.
Bush et al (1999)16 found a strong positive association amount of television
viewing and attitude toward advertising. Their research also suggested that women
watch more television than men and use television more for guidance and information
than men.
Brackett and Carr (2001)17 further validate Ducoffe’s model and extend the
model to include credibility and consumer demographics. Credibility is shown to be
directly related to both advertising value and attitude towards advertising.
Demographic variables such as college major, age, and gender are shown to effect
only attitudes towards advertising.
Bush, A.J., Smith, R., Martin, C.A. (1999), “The influence of consumer socialization variables on
attitude towards advertising: a comparison of African- Americans and Caucasians” Journal of
Advertising, Vol. 28 No.3, pp.13 -24.
Brackett, L. K. and Carr, B. N. Cyberspace Advertising vs. Other Media: Consumer vs. Mature
Student Attitudes. Journal of Advertising Research. (41:5), 2001, pp. 23-33.
Kimshyan Fam, David S Walter (2008), ‘A study of Liked / Disliked Television commercials India’
Indian Journal of Marketing, February. pp 3-10.
through these stages will depend on their ability and motivation to process the
information and messages offered to them (Petty, Cacioppo and Schumann, 1985)19.
Lavidge and Steiner (1961)20 stated that people, when processing advertising,
go through three stages: cognitive – affective – conative (in this particular order).
Even though that order has been discussed for many years, and we can find hierarchy
models from as early as 1898 with AID model (attention, interest, desire), Barry and
Howard concluded in 1990 that the HOE model (Lavidge & Steiner, 1961) was still
mostly to be the more useful tool for understanding the effectiveness of advertising.
Petty, R.E., J.T. Cacioppo, and D. Schumann (1985), “Central and Peripheral Routes to Advertising
Effectiveness: The Moderating Role of Involvement”, Journal of Consumer Research, 10, 2, 135-46.
Lavidge, R.C. & Steiner, G.A.; 1961; A model for predictive measurements of advertising
effectiveness; Journal of Marketing, 25, 59-62.
Netter, M. Jeffry. (1982), The Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 30, No. 4, June, pp. 361, 364,
371-372. http://www.jstor.org.
Atkin, C., & Block, M. (1983). Effectiveness of celebrity endorsers. Journal of Advertising
Research, 23(1), 57-61.
Raut K.C. (1987). Consumers attitude towards advertising. Indian Journal of Marketing. Vol.31(4):
awareness. It also provides an opportunity to the consumers to make shopping easier
to the consumers.
Vonder Fehr and Kristin (1998)24 through their article titled, Persuasive
Advertising and Product Differentiation suggested that persuasive advertising may
affect consumer preferences. The analysis suggests that a positive relationship
between equilibrium levels of advertising and (inherent) product substitutability is
consistent only with advertising that increases perceived product differences.
What motivated their initial interest in this topic were the seemingly very high
levels of advertising in some industries in which the degree of (inherent) product
differentiation appears to be low. From this perspective, cases in which equilibrium
levels of advertising are decreasing in the degree of product differentiation are of
particular interest. Clearly, an important role of advertising (especially persuasive
advertising) is to increase aggregate demand. Their results suggest that in industries in
which products are fairly similar, firms will aim their marketing and advertising
efforts at heightening perceived product differences. Casual observation suggests that
there may be some validity in this point; say, the soft drinks and beverages industries
to differentiate the packaging of products and to focus on these differences in
advertising campaigns. Indeed, if the product does not lend itself to true
differentiation, advertising becomes the necessary medium for influencing demand.
This would suggest that advertising and differentiation are substitutes in some larger
marketing decision.
Vonder Fehr, Nils-Henrik M.; and Kristin, Stevik. (1998), Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 65,
No. 1, July, pp. 113, 124-125.
Bajracharya, Dinesh Lal. (1998), Regulation of Unfair Advertising Practices in India and Nepal,
Ph.D. Thesis.
Fernandez. S (2000)26 intended to understand goal-oriented consumers.
responses toward directional advertising within the context of Yellow Pages.
Informativeness is defined as relevant to a purchase situation. Findings suggest that
advertising with more specific information that matches consumers. purchase
situations is more likely to be processed and will result in a proactive response (e.g.
consumers calling the advertisers or marketers).
The findings of this research study and discussion reveal that women's role
portrayals were found to influence the success of advertising copy especially strongly
when target audience is considered. Ads that are liked generate more positive attitude
towards the brand as well as purchase intention, resulting in increase in sales.
Fernandez, K. V. Information Processing in Directional Media: The Effectiveness of Selected
Advertising Executional Cues In the Yellow Pages., Dissertation submitted to the School of
Business and the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Kansas, 1995.
Bhullar, Primal. (2000), Portray of Women in Advertising: Relevance and Effectiveness, Ph.D.
a housewife, are more liked. Mother's role, portrayal of a housewife is comparatively
more liked by the older consumers. Further, men more than women like sexually
suggestive illustrations, but that too only when they are relevant to the product being
advertised and when such themes are used in moderation.
Dr Goutham K. Mukherjee & Dr. Dileep Roy (2002)28 observe that giant
organizations are now eager to know the effect of advertising on lndian consumers. In
their view a large portion of the lndian market is the rural market where the traditional
lndian customs are still being followed and the purchasing power of rural consumers
is markedly lower than the purchasing power of the urban consumers and as such the
price sensitivity of overall lndian market is expected to be higher than the western
market. They are also of the view that the speed and shape of advertising - sales
response are also expected to be different from the ones observed from the western
market analysis.
Christopher (2006)31, has said that in today's world we should speak about the
mature and prefect markets that have different characteristics in comparison with the
past and among their most important characteristics it can be pointed to the customer's
Dr. Goutham K. Mukherjee & Dr. Dileep Roy (2002), "Advertisement - Sales Response with a
Case Study on a Leading Indian Company", The Management Accountant, Volume 37, No.3,
March 2002.
Sathyasundaram K.R. (2002) Washing machines opportunities. Facts for You. Vol.21 (9). P.12-14.
Gerald J Tellis (2004), Problems Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness, Effective Advertising,
Response Books, New Delhi, p 5-6.
Christopher Martin (2006), ''From brand value to customer value'', Journal of marketing practice,
vol. 2, No 1, pp 55 – 61
skill and ability and reducing the effect of advertisements on them. Nowadays
suppliers in the market of industrial and consumer goods have encountered to
customers that have unlimited demands but they are fewer under the effect of
traditional tools of marketing on the other hand the products of market from the
customer's view point have not a great difference from each other as trade mark of the
customer's considered product is not available to him. He replaces it with another
brand easily and this shows the decrease of customers' loyalty. Also price competition
has lost its former meaning and the market – oriented and customers – centered
organizations instead of the competition on price think about keeping and promoting
the customer's loyalty a new tool in marketing.
Observers are of the view that managing advertising in a dynamic world is far
more complex than doing so in a constant one. Agencies are still following the old
fashioned creative model run by yesterday‘s mindsets, says Josy Pauls, national
creative director of J. Walter Thompson (JWT).
Talented people are the fulcrum of any creative process. If medium is the
message, the industry may well keep checking its inbox for mail from the new
technologies. The last century tested and expanded the limits of the advertising world;
the new century may change it beyond recognition. The challenge before the Indian
advertising industry is what it is supposed to do routinely everyday; rethink.
Biwalkar, Meghana. (2007), Business World, Volume 27, Issue 30, December, pp. 44-46, 48.
A variety of mechanisms have been proposed in the marketing literature to
study the effect of advertising on brand choice. Advertising informs consumers about
product benefits, and can influence consumer brand evaluations and subsequent
purchase decisions (Mehta, Chen and Narasimhan 2008).33
R.S.N. Pillai and Mrs. Bagavathy (1987)35 observe that the evolution of
printing technology and the changes of the marketing policies have been greatly
utilised and many are benefited from advertising. In their view increasing literacy,
modern techniques of printing, stiff competition, etc. are add to the necessity of
Most academic research into advertising strategies seems to have been studies
of print advertising, mainly in magazines, which are admittedly easier to document
than more ephemeral television advertising, but which are targeted at affluent groups.
The National Council for Applied Economic Research has identified the ‘very rich
and consuming classes’ in India as part of an international class with similar lifestyles
and consumption habits. These groups are educated, travel, own houses, cars,
consumer appliances, and in India have servants. Advertising in certain media,
Mehta, Nitin, Xinlen Chen, and Om Narasimham (2008), "Informing, Transforming, and
Persuading: Disentagling the Multiple Effects of Advertising on Brand Choice Decisions,"
Marketing Science, 27, 334-355.
‘National Readership Survey’ (1981), Indian Market Research Bureau and Operation Research
Group, Mumbai.
R.S.N. Pillai and Mrs. Bagavathy (1987), ‘Marketing’, S. Chand and Company Ltd., Ram Nagar,
New Delhi, pp. 195-196.
especially magazines, is likely to target this group. A cross cultural comparison of
magazine advertising in the US, and India and other countries in the late 1980s saw
more visual similarities than differences in advertising practices of advertisements.
The magazine profile included Business India, Reader’s Digest, India today, Femina
and Woman’s Era (Cutler et al, 1992)36.
Advertising in India has been concentrated on the 2 key media: print and
television, with India reflecting the same worldwide trends, with print on the decline
and television on the ascendency, and advertising is targeted at the groups that can be
reached through those media. Products tend to be advertised to groups that can afford
them, or who are future potential purchasers. Advertising strategies vary with the
intention of the marketers, especially the international advertisers, their agencies and
analyses of the target market. In the early phases of international entry into the Indian
market they targeted the affluent Indians with significant purchasing power and those
with disposable income for repeat purchase consumables and increasingly consumer
durables. Television advertising was seen to play on the foreign obsessions of many
Indians in the early 1990s as well as significantly increasing their desires for
advertised products (Baijpai and Unnikrishnan, 1996)37.
Cutler, B., Erranilli, M.K. and Javalgi, R. (1992). The visual components of print advertising: a
five-country cross-cultural analysis. European Journal of Marketing. 26, (4), p. 7-20.
Bajpai, S. and Unnikrishnan, N. (1996). The impact of television advertising on children. New
Delhi: Sage. P.305
Fernandez, K. V. and Rosen, D. L (2000). The effectiveness of information and color in yellow
pages advertising., Journal of Advertising (29:2), 2000, pp. 61-73.
Lohse, G. L. and Rosen, Dignaling Quality and Credibility in Yellow Pages Advertising: The
Influence of Color and Graphics on Choice, Journal of Advertising (30:2), 2001, pp. 73-85.
Brackett, L. K. and Carr, B. N. .Cyberspace Advertising vs. Other Media: Consumer vs. Mature
Student Attitudes.. Journal of Advertising Research. (41:5), 2001, pp. 23-33.
advertising from the media that carry them. Ducoffe (1996)41 argues that media
context is thought to have an important influence on the value of advertising. Previous
studies also confirmed that advertising placed in a more credible medium such as a
newspaper are perceived as more informative, reliable, and believable while
advertising placed in a less credible medium like TV is considered to be less
informative. Directional medium is primarily designed for carrying advertisements.
For example, users of Yellow pages are searching for information. Therefore, their
attitudes toward the medium (i.e. the Yellow Pages) are essentially based on their
attitudes toward a specific advertisement. However, a mass medium such as the Web
is multi-functional and consists not only of banners or pop-up window based online
ads but other information or functions. Respondents may have a positive attitude
toward the Web as a tool or medium, but a negative attitude toward advertising on the
Web. That is, a consumers attitude toward Web advertising may not be the same as
his or her attitude toward the Web as a medium itself.
Ruchi Bhatia (2001)42 observes that both television and print media have
proved to be the media suitable for communication objectives in different stages of
product life cycle. In her view, India, with 70 million T V -owning households and an
equal number with the potential to own one and cable penetration at over 30 million
homes, TV has the most eyeball power. She also opines that advertisers rely on print
media for exposure, while the electronic media for reach and frequency.
Ducoffe, R. H. "How Consumers Assess the Value of Advertising." Journal of Current Issues and
Research in Advertising 17, 1996, pp. 1-18.
Ducoffe, R. H. Advertising Value and Advertising on the Web Journal of Advertising Research
(36:5), 1996, pp. 21-35.
Ruchi Bhatia (2001) "Press Dictates", A & M, August 15, 2001, Vol. 13 .p. 6.
Kilburn, D. (2000, 13th November). Marketing to reach rural India. Marketing Magazine, 105
(45), p.6.
Aliefya Vahanvaty (2002)44 states that road show is a new medium, which
reaches the target audience at a lower cost to the advertisers. She observes that the
best advantage of this medium is that there is a firsthand product trial, direct
consumer interaction and consequent building of relationship with the customers. She
also opines that there is an instant customer feedback and above all there will be a
total brand recall.
There have been significant changes in recent years and no longer does
successful advertising focus only on product benefits, but works through values and
value change according to Smita (2002)45. By the late 1990s multinational companies
were seen to be customizing their advertising to the Indian market. Product
endorsement by celebrities, and associations with national passions like cricket were
other strategies used. The Korean company L.G. sponsored the Indian cricket team in
the Cricket World Cup in 2003 for example and Adidas, who had previously made
their Indian ads in London, started making them in India in 1999, with the advertising
agency RKSwamy/BBDO and using an Indian cricket star Sachin Tendulkar (Chawla,
1999)46. L’Oreal increased its sales dramatically by using the Miss India who became
Miss World, Diana Haydin, along with its usual models (Fannin, 1999)47.
Chunawalla and Sethia (2004)48 in their book viewed that Advertisement plays
an important role in achieving growth in sales of product and services. Effective
advertising refers to informing the public about the right product at the right time
through the right medium. The right media selection is the crux of the success of the
entire advertising campaign.
Aliefya Vahanvaty (2002), "Road Show", Business India, October 14 - 27, 2002, Vol. 642, p.45.
Smita, G. (2002, September 12th). Modern messages told the traditional Indian way. Media Asia.
Chawla, I. (1999, April 12). Marketers shift in India. Advertising Age International, p.13.
Fannin, R. (1999, February 8th). Q&A, ask the expert. Advertising Age International, p.16.
Chunawalla, S.A.; and Sethia, K.C. (2004), Foundations of Advertising - Theory and Practice,
for new products. The dominance of foreign advertising means that expenditure is
increasing on foreign products and consumers are purchasing more branded products
than before.
Dunn, Watson S. and Barban Arnold M. (1974)50 in their book reviewed that
the modern marketing concept has helped emphasize certain principles that are basic
in understanding marketing and advertising. The following are worth special to note:
... modern marketing concept is first and foremost a basic frame of mind, a philosophy
of doing business. It is a deep conviction that as the company serves the consumer, it
serves itself. Under the modern marketing concept planning starts with the consumer.
Thus, understanding the consumer becomes a first order of business. Regardless of the
kind of marketing decisions being made.... whether it be product packaging,
advertising or even distribution policy... the modern marketing man constantly asks
himself, "Would more value be communicated to the consumer if we did it this way
or that way?". The marketing vice-president of a large manufacturer says, "The entire
organization (research, engineering, production, and marketing) must work together to
determine what the customer wants, how best to produce it, how to motivate its sale,
and how to deliver it."
T.A.A. Latif (1981)51 states that advertising includes familiarity with the brand
name of the product and the consumers feel more confident about a product with
which they are familiar. He is of the opinion that by giving a proper message, the
advertising aims at shaping the motives and desires at building believability and at
creating a certain brand image in the minds of consumers.
C.B. Mamoria and R.L. Joshi’s (1968), “Principles and Practices of Marketing in India”, Kitab
Mahal, Allahabad, p.391.
Dunn, Watson S. and Barban Arnold M. (1974), Advertising: Its Role in Modern Marketing, p. 37.
T.A.A. Latif (1981), ‘The Practice of Marketing’, S. Chand and Company Ltd., Ram Nagar, New
Delhi, Second Edn,p.252
Berman (1981)52 suggested that the institutions of family, religion and
education have grown noticeably weaker over the past three generations and in the
absence of traditional authority, advertising has become a social guide, which lays
down ideas of style, morality and behaviour. An individual is exposed at a very early
age to the intensive persuasion or marketers through advertising, sales promotion,
merchandising and publicity that one can safely say that significant part of the
socialization is occupied with learning to be a consumer- consumer who is more
materialistic and prone to conspicuous consumption.
Berman, Ronald. Advertising and Social Change. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage publications. 1981.
Bourne, F. S. (1957). In R. Likert and S. P. Hayes (Eds.), Group influence in marketing and public
relations, some applications of behavioral research. Basil, Switzerland: UNESCO.
Bearden, W. O., and Etzel, M. J. (1982). Reference group influence on product and brand purchase
decisions. Journal of Consumer Research, 9, p.183-194.
Engel, F. J., Blackwell, D. R., & Miniard, P. (1986). Consumer behavior. New York: CBS College
population. Baijpai and Unnikrishnan (1996) found that television was playing a
significant role in the expansion of consumer values in Indian society, that children
are effectively being groomed to become future consumers, and that values that were
being promoted supported those aims: individualism and the nuclear family.
Nabi and Rout (1990)56 made a study to examine the influence of various
media in the consumer decision making process particularly of television buyers
opined that television and news paper are the two effective media used for advertising
television. Income wise analysis also showed that television is considered as the most
effective media by all the respondents irrespective of income differences.
Divya Bhandary (1993) 57opines that the models and their actions projected in
majority of the advertisements have considerable impact on the viewers that by
seeing advertisements people get observed with the style and actions of the models
presented. she also observes from the respondents of both the and the rural
respondents that the three most attractive parts in T.V. advertisements , which appeal
most to the viewers , are ‘Model’, ‘product’ and ‘Action of Models’.
As it become clear from above literature that all the efforts to make an
advertisement so effective and persuasive in nature works on a sole motto to met the
consumer psyche in a positive manner. Every human community develops a system
by which it provides and distributes goods and services. In today’s advanced societies
as the development goes on this system becomes very complex because of wide range
of available goods. To understand this system fully what is required is the study of a
person’s entire lifetime experiences since the consumption of economic goods
because it prevails almost every activity in which humans are involved. From this
point of view, consumer behavior appears to be subsets of human behavior for the
factors, which affect individuals in their daily lives, also influence their purchase
activities. Internal influences, such as social class, society, family, reference group,
Bajpai, S. and Unnikrishnan, N. (1996). The impact of television advertising on children. New
Delhi: Sage publications, pp. 229-233
Nabi M.K. and Raut. K. C. (1990) TV as a media for advertising televisions. Indian Journal of
Marketing. Vol.21 .p.21-26.
Divya Bhandary (1993), ‘Women Viewers’ Perception of TV Advertisements, The Economic
Times, August 17, 1993, p.5.
opinion leaders and culture also affects us in our roles as consumer (Loudon & Bitta,
The role of advertisement changes into what the organization wants them to
do. There were times that an organization uses the advertising to help them survive
from the impacts of economic trends. Still, the economists views that the advertising
plays a significant effect on the consumer behavior. And in a long process, the
advertising can lead the organization to competition. Based on the understanding
regarding the advertising, the approach rooted in the organization’s search for the
right answer on the effects of the competition. Consequently, the accepted basic role
of the advertising is to provide the consumers with the right amount of information
regarding the product or services, which is related to the objective of the competition
and that is to deliver the consumer satisfaction. In this view, the level of advertising
affects the consumer who is the focus of the organization (Park, 1996)58.
Park, D., 1996. Advertising and the Meaning of Competition [Online] Available at:
Michael F Cramphorn(1996) Where does your advertisements work? . Journal of the market
research society, 38(1),p. 35-53
Jerry Thomas W, (1996). To succeed in advertising, believe the hype. National Restaurant News,
R.K.Swami,(1996) The visible persuaders: An overview of advertising in India and U.S , Span,
the first to reach the high consumption stage, because advertising and attention given
to the consumer had created the mass market needed for high consumption.
Bishwambhar Jha (1997)62 observes that even the ordinary people of India
understand the information contained in advertisements and they even find the same
as a sort of entertainment. In his opinion, advertisements have gained popularity,
among both the urban and rural audience of India. He also opines that almost all
Indian consumers take things and information in the same way in which they view
such items through advertisements.
Last few years have witnessed of growing demands for different consumer
products (Chunawalla, 2000)63. Increase in demand is a result of increase in income of
the people and increase in discretionary income too (Arora, 1995)64. A rise in
discretionary income results usually in an increased spending by consumer on those
items that raise their living standards, Moreover, a trend for people to utilize their
income for more comforts and facilities is also developing. Intense competition
among the marketers of consumer durables (Sontaki, 1999)65 and the increasing
awareness of consumers about their own needs, is making a major difference in
marketing of consumer durables.
Bishwambhar Jha (1997) “Change in Scenario of Advertising in India”, The Management
Accountant, Dec.1997, pp.909-916.
Chunawalla, S. A. Commentary on Consumer Behaviour (M/e). New Delhi: Himalaya Publishing
House, 2000, p.1&6.
Arora Renu. Consumerism in India & abroad: a perspective. Indian journal of marketing, 1995,
vol. 24, p.22-25.
Sontaki, S. N. Marketing Management - In the Indian background (1/e). New Delhi: Kalyani
Publishers, 1999, p. 209.
budget and mainstream movies rely more. But in both the cases box office relies a
great deal on the amount spent on promotion, advertising and publicity which adds
additional 20% to the production for a low budget movie, and to about 50% for a big
movie. Advertising as an activity stands for the ideology of the market place –
commercial competition, company expansion, promotion of product, pleasing
consumers, and maximizing benefits at any price. It effectively underwrites the
tendency of media owners to support the dominant ideology, the security of the status
quo and conservative values (Garnham, 2000)66.
Rodge (2001)67 finds that the rural consumers attach more importance to the
advertisement and its impact as compared to urban. He also pointed out that rural
consumers are more influenced by electronic media than print media.
For Lee and Johnson (2005)70, there are too many functions of advertising that
need to be explored in an organization. Firstly, advertising performs an inform
mission. It gives information about the product, its features and its location of sale. It
Garnham, N. (2000). Contribution to a Political Economy of Mass Communication, Culture and
Society, 1(2). New York: Sage Publications. P. 19.
Rodge.T. R (2001) Influence of advertisement on consumers of different age groups and areas.
Journal of Marketing.Vo.31 (4) p.10-15.
Jojo Poul. (2001) Creativity in advertising: Impact on communication effect and consumer
purchase behavior, Mahatma Gandhi University. Kottayam.
U.C Mathur (2005), advertising Management. New Age International Publishers, p.46.
Lee Monle and Carla Johnson (2005): Principle of advertising: A Global Perspective, p. 3
informs the consumers about new products. Also, according to the authors,
advertising performs a persuasive mission. It tries to persuade consumers to buy
particular brands or to change their behaviours toward the product and company. At
the same time advertising performs the reminder mission to reminds consumers about
a product to keep buying the advertised product instead of the rival`s brands.
Based on the previous studies regarding the consumer behaviors, there are
three influential factors that affect the consumer decision when buying. They are
enumerated as external influences, internal influences and the marketing influences in
which the advertising, product promotion, and pricing technique are found. Definitely,
the marketing activity such as advertising affects both internal and external behavior
of the consumer. Most especially, the consumers’ perceptions are influence through
the exposure such as seeing an advertisement; attention which means that the
consumer recognizes the advertisement; awareness which is common if the
advertisement involves some humor; and the retention that keeps or stays in the mind
of the consumer (Chen and Lee 2005)72.
Jean Marc Lebu (2006)73 states that advertising is potentially a powerful and
wonderful method of communication. It acts as an amplifier, attracting the attention of
consumers and in the best cases of to win their interest, stimulate their desire and
ultimately prompt them into action.
T. Anitha Prasad & bharati Nataraj (2006) Why Exhibit at an exhibition, Indian Journal of
Marketing xxxvi(12), p.4-11.
Chen, W., & Lee, C., 2005. The Impact of Web Site Image and Consumer Personality on
Consumer Behavior, International Journal of Management, Vol. 22, p. 3.
Jean Marc Lebu (2006), Brand Rejuvenation, Kogan page, London, p-105
Tarun Rai (2007), The Future of Advertising, USP AGE, May, pp.21-30
much competition. Dying concept of brand loyalty makes the task for brand building
that much tougher. The role of advertising is no longer merely to inform or create
awareness, “It should amuse, move, charm, surprise or persuade people to buy a
brand. It has to surprise, entertain, tell stories, connect emotionally, envelope the
product in cultural contexts and finally, it has to build the business.
Piyush Pandey (2007)76 indicated that the most important role of advertising
has to play is to take the brands to consumers hearts and make them endearing. And,
this can be done by establishing a relationship between the consumer and the brand.
When the brand comes with new propositions or value additions, the consumer cheers
for it.
Harish Bijoor (2007)77 pointed out that advertising has evolved a great deal
over the years. Advertising has moved on and today it is all about entertaining.
Advertising needs to entertain but it has to sell as well. Advertising must be crafted
carefully based on consumer insight and behaviour,” Consumer demand is the source
of revenue for advertising”
Tsai, M., Liang, W., & Liu, M., 2007. The Effects of Subliminal Advertising on Consumer
Attitudes and Buying Intentions, International Journal of Management, Vol. 24, p. 11.
Piyush Pandey (2007), Advertising is about building relationships, USP AGE, May, p.44.
Harish Bijoor (2007), Catalyst, Business Line, 3 May.
Kim Shyan Fam and, David S Walter (2008) A Study of liked / disliked Television commercials in
India. Indian Journal of Marketing, February, p 3-10.
A study conducted by Vikram (2008)79, mainly focused on the impact of T.V
advertisements on the buying habits of consumers in Kerala. He observed that a large
majority of the respondents liked to watch advertisements. He pointed out that
irrespective of consumer’s age, gender, education, occupation, income and place of
dwelling, TV advertisements had a strong influence upon their behavior.
Ravi Vikram (2008) A study on the impact of T.V advertisements on the buying habits of
consumers in Kerala. University of Kerala.
Mitchell, Andrew A. and Jerry R. Olson (1981), "Are Product At-tribute Beliefs the Only Mediator
of Advertising Effects on Brand Attitude?" Journal of Marketing Research, 18 (August), 318-32.
Green, Paul E. and V. Srinivasan (1978), "Conjoint Analysis in Consumer Research: Issues and
Outlook," Journal of Consumer Research, 5 (September), 103-23.
Nedungadi, Prakash (1990), "Recall and Consumer Consideration Sets: Influencing Choice
Without Altering Brand Evaluations," Journal of Consumer Research, 17 (3), 263-76.
Hoch (1992)83 found that consumers beliefs in the truth of brand trivia statements,
which might affect brand preference, could be influenced by repetition. Taken
together, these studies imply that under certain circumstances, advertising repetition
should influence preference, though the mechanisms may be as different as they are
Mohammed Abdul Azeem (1996)85 in his study referred that brand name,
picture, quality, price, availability, service, design, sound system and number of
channels were the factors that influenced the purchase of television. Majority of
respondents were aware of the existence of multinational companies also. The study
also revealed that in India television choice is made most on quality basis,
multinational television choice is made merely on brand name basis.
Hawkins, Scott A. and Stephen J. Hoch (1992), "Low-Involvement Learning: Memory Without
Evaluation, "Journal of Consumer Research, 19 (September), 212-25.
Arens, W.F. (2002). Contemporary Advertising, 8th ed., Pearson Education Inc, India. P.13.
Mohammed Abdul Azeem (1996) Impact of multinationals on Indian Television market- a study.
Indian Journal of Marketing. Vol.25. p.7.
Belch, G.E. and M. A. Belch. (1998). Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing
Communications Perspective, 4th ed., Irwin/McGraw-Hill, New York, p.156.
gets the message and understand it as the advertiser has it in mind, it is a great success
for the advertiser. That understanding leads the person to prefer and purchase the
brand. (Clow & Back, 2002)87
John and Slater (2003)88 suggested that the advertisement must do more than
simply communicating information. The advertising must reinforce what consumers
already know and feel about the brand and strengthen their resolve that they
consistently make the right choice by buying it. The advertisement strengthens their
attachment to the brand by depicting pride, satisfaction, positive experiences, strong
user imagery, and strong brand personality.
Clow, K.E. and R. Back. (2002). Integrated Advertising & Marketing Communication, 2nd ed.,
Prentice-Hall, India, p.198.
John Philip and Slater (2003), What’s in a Name?, Second Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New
Delhi p.236.
James Mundell, John hall ward and dave Walker (2006), High attention processing: the real power
of advertising, Admap, July – August, pp.40-41.
Nickols, Sharon Y. And Karen D. Fox. Buying Time and Saving Time: Strategies for Managing
Household Production. Journal of Consumer Research, 1983, V 10, September, pp.197-208.
Strober, Myra and Charles B. Weinberg. Strategies Used by Working and Non-working Wives to
Reduce Time Pressures. Journal of Consumer Research, 1980, Vol. 6, March, pp.338-348.
Bhawaniprasad G. V. and Kumari S. C. Impact of advertisingon consumer durables markets: A
study of Refrigerator consumer. Indian Journal of Marketing, 1987, vol.18 (1), pp.21– 30.
Secunderabad and Districts of Nizamabad and Karimnagar in Andhra Pradesh
indicates that a very positive impact of advertising is found on the consumer durables
Gupta and Singh (1989)93 in their study on consumer brand choice behaviour
for television observed that majority of the consumers owned black and white
televisions. Durability, brand image and price were the reasons for preference,
followed by family liking and after sales service.
Dhillon et al. (1990)94 reported from Ludhiana that husband alone from rural
area and husband and wife from urban area decided about the purchase of durable
goods. Both rural and urban respondents gave first consideration to fulfill the present
needs within the limited means (mean score of 3.58 and 4.05, respectively) and
second consideration to make their living comfortable (mean score of 2.38 and 2.50,
respectively) while purchasing durable goods.
Bayus (1991)95 studied “The consumer durable replacement buyer”, and found
that replacements account for a substantial portion of the sale of consumer durables in
the U S. Results of replacement of automobiles indicate that “early” replacement
buyers are more concerned with styling and image and less concerned with costs than
“late” replacement buyers. Moreover, early replacements have higher income but
lower levels of academic achievement and occupational status than late replacement.
Hundal. B.S. and Sandhu H.S. (1987) Buying behaviour of television buyers in Panjab. Indian
Journal of Marketing. Vol.18.pp.26-30.
Gupta S.S and Raut (1989) Consumers brand choice behaviour for televisions. Indian Journal of
Marketing. Vol.19.pp.17-22.
Dhillon, M.K., Miglani, S.S. and Virk, M.K., 1990, Pre-purchase behaviour of rural and urban
consumers for buying food items and durable goods. J. of Res. Punjab Agril. Univ., 27 (4) pp.711-
Bayus, Barry L. The consumer durable replacement buyer. Journal of Marketing, 1990, Vol. 55
(1), pp. 42-51.
Mujahid-Mukhtar E, Mukhtar H (1991)96 has studied role of decision
making for household durables: good measure of women's power within a
household in Pakistan. It is their influence in the purchase of new home
improvement technology good (cars, appliances, etc.), who’s expense and life-long
nature makes their purchase an important decision. The study identified various
cultural and economic factors that affect women's decision making power: urban
women, women in nuclear families, educated women, and working women
generally have more decision making power than rural women, women in
extended families, illiterate women, and unemployed women.
Further, the same author (1995)100 reported that both rural and urban
respondents ranked main market (mean score of 1.33 and 1.77, respectively) as
first place for their purchase and known shops (mean score of 0.73 and 0.86,
respectively) as second place, because of availability of good quality, reasonable
Mujahid-Mukhtar E, Mukhtar H Female participation in household decision-making: an analysis
of consumer durables' acquisition in Pakistan. Pakistan Development Review, 1991, Winter, 30
(4/2), p.953-62
Sathyaraju A (1992) A on the refrigerator market in Kerala, MBA project Report, School of
Management studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology,Cochin.p.112.
Wiilliam and Narasimham (1994) Buying or just browsing, the duration of purchase deleberations.
Journal of Market Research 56(8) p.393-402.
Jayasankar.M (1995) A fresh bounce, A&M journal 7. P. 30-34
Dhillon, M.K., Miglani, S.S. and Singh, M.K.B., 1995, Preference of place and factors associated
with purchase of food items and durable goods by rural and urban consumers. J. of Res. Punjab
Agril. Univ., 32 (1), pp.112-120.
prices and fulfills the felt needs. Prime factor affecting purchase of durable goods
by rural families was price (mean score of 7.69) and brand (mean score of 8.21)
for urban families.
The demand of home appliances has been increase much more in 2000-01.
Increase in demand is a result of increase in income of the people and increase in
discretionary income too (Arora Renu, 1995, Bhatty I. Z., 1989, Gupta and Pal,
2001, Sontaki, 1999).102
Gupta & Verma (2000)103 have done a study under convenience sampling
of 50 household of New Delhi by questionnaire. It indicates that husband’s
influence is considerably higher that the wives. Children also play an active role in
brand selection of CTV. Moreover educated and workingwomen influence more
than non-working and less educated.
Kishore and Nabi (2000)104 in the study “Television industry a cut throat
competition” opined that durable product manufactures do not enjoy considerable
Rao V.S.R. (1997) A study on purchase timing of consumer durables for BPL ltd. MBA project
report , School of Management Studies , Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin.
Arora Renu. Consumerism in India & abroad: a perspective. Indian journal of marketing, 1995,
vol. 24, pp.22-25.
Bhatty I. Z. Citied on color TVs and washing machine. Business India, December: 96.
Gupta, Dr. S.L. and Pal, Sumitra. Consumer Behaviour– An Indian perspective, Text and cases
(1/e). New Delhi: Sultan chand & sons, 2001, p.230.
Sontaki, S. N. Marketing Management - In the Indian background (1/e). New Delhi: Kalyani
Publishers, 1999: p.209.
Gupta, soma sen and Verma, D.P.S. We, not me who will buy! Indian Management, 2000, vol.39
(5), pp.61 – 65.
Kishore C, Rout and Nabi M.K (2000) Television industry a cut throat competition. Facts for You.
Vol.20. pp.10-13.
flexibility in the matter of price because of highly competitive market on the one
hand and high price sensitivity of the major chunk of Indian consumers on the
other. They also inferred that just like price, the consumers attach considerable
significance to the brand image while purchasing a durable product like television.
Essentially television is a branded product and consumers always go for
established brand names.
Venkteshwar and Rao (2000)107 have focused on tracing and identifying the
elements in consumer decision-making; the research has studied 200 urban
workingwomen belonging to different occupation, educational and income groups.
Study observed television as a major source of information, for 65.5% consumers.
While group forces affects 50% respondents. Surprisingly 45%-employed women
still feel radio as a source of information. In purchase of consumer durables, 53%
would decide for brand. Price is relatively more important factor and husband and
wife take decision jointly.
Jain, Sanjay K. & Sharma Kavita. Product related antecedents of consumer involvement: An
empirical investigation. Vikalpa, 2000, vol. 25 (1) pp. 29-38.
SRI – IMRB. Consumer rise to brand culture. The Economic Times, 22 February, 2000: p.16.
Venkateswara M. and Reddy, Dasarapharmi, B. Marketing of TV. sets – A study of external and
internal influence on consumer behaviour. Indian Journal of Marketing, August, 1997, 27 (8),
Verma and Israney (2000) conducted a survey to find out the consumers
attitudes towards the advertisement messages revealed that the general attitude of
the majority of the consumers is favourable towards the advertisement messages.
They also pointed out that it is not easy for advertisers to persuade adult
consumers to shift their brand preferences based on product advertisement alone.
Raju and Saravanan (2001)109 pointed out that most of the families take
purchase decisions collectively in the case of consumer durables and revealed that
advertisement or publicity through mass media proves to be best source of
reaching the public closely followed by information from friends and relatives.
Verma D.P.S and Israney H (2000) Consumer attitude towards advertisement messages deliberation,
Indian Journal of Marketing .Vol.30.p.26.
Raju D.V and saravanan (2001) a study on consumer in the marketing of a household appliance in
Chennai city of Tamil Nadu state. Indian Journal of marketing, Vol.31. (3) pp.33-34.
Sathyasundrarm I. (2001 ) "Advertising industry bound to boom", Facfs For You, lSSN - 0970 -
2652, May 2001, p.14
Losarwar, S.G., 2002, Consumer behaviour towards durable products a study with reference to
Marathwada region. Ind. J. of Marketing, 32, pp.6-11.
Sarwade (2002)112 conducted a study in Adul, Paithan and Sangvi villages
of Marathwada region and author concluded that majority of the respondents
owned consumer durables. More than half of the respondents owned television,
radio, tape recorder, bicycle, fan, clock and wrist watch in all the three villages.
Least percentage of them owned sofa, camera, motorcycle and sewing machine.
Price was the most important factor which influenced the purchasing decision as
against the quality of the product.
Sarwade, W.K., 2002, Emerging dimensions of buyers behaviour in rural area. Ind. J. of Marketing,
32 ,pp.13-21.
Mehrotra, N. and Kaur, M., 2004, Factors associated with selection of electrical Kitchen equipment
among consumers of Ludhiana city. J. of Res. Punjab Agril. Univ., 41(4) ,pp.523-25.
Anand and Hundal B.S. (2007). Motivators for purchase of durables for rural and urban consumers
of Panjab: A case study. The ICFAI Journal of management research. p.7.
3. Significance of the study
Hardly any serious research study has ever been undertaken to analyse the
consumer behaviour of the Kerala consumers. Lack of precise understanding of the
consumption pattern and buying habits of the Kerala consumers has often led to
marketing failures. The present study is an attempt at understanding the effect of
advertisement on consumer behaviour of Kerala with special reference to the
purchase of consumer durables. Kerala is a highly developed market for consumer
products and all leading national marketers have been trying to ensure a fare share
of the market. However, this market is quite unique in several respects compared
to other states. Some of the prevailing assumptions are that conspicuous
consumption is relatively high in Kerala, purchasing power of the average
household is comparatively more, rural urban differences are less pronounced and
the whole state is an extended urban market. For developing advertising strategies,
it is imperative that marketers have a proper understanding of the behaviour of
consumers in Kerala. This study aims at identifying the effect of advertising on the
buying decisions for consumer durables and the factors affecting the purchase of
consumer durables. The main reason for choosing this topic is based on the fact
that so far no study has been conducted in order to understand the effect of
advertising on consumer behaviour with reference to consumer durables in Kerala.
All the studies show that a lot of work has been done and is being done on
the effect of advertising on consumer behaviour but so far no attempt in this regard
has been made in the State of Kerala. Kerala is one of the States where the use of
consumer durables is maximum, and this factor has prompted to investigate some
of the issues related to it. This study examines the effect of advertisement on
consumer behaviour and brand preference with reference to consumer durables in
Kerala. Sometimes advertising does not include objective information because the
primary function of commercial advertisements is to sell a product/service to the
prospective buyer. Advertising as an institution and as a business and social
process has the greater responsibility within the economic system of any country.
Advertisements also affect the knowledge by giving information, attitude,
personality, lifestyles of the consumers, and the culture of the consumer. The
concept of advertising makes it possible to involve the consumers which greatly
affect the buying decisions of the consumers. So, keeping in view, scope of the
study is limited to the analysis of effect of advertising on consumer behaviour and
brand preference in respect of a limited number of durable products. It was
decided to identify a list of consumer durables purchased and used by quite a large
number of households. The selection of these products was done based on
discussions with executives and experts involved in the marketing of consumer
durables. At last only five most common durable products are identified and
selected for the study. The products selected for the study are as follows:
1. Television
2. Refrigerator
3. Washing Machine
4. Mixer Grinder
5. Induction Cooker
5. Objectives of the Study
The process through which the research study would be completed is called
research methodology. Research methodology describes the method of conducting
the research study. It shows the logical sequence of the steps of research process
from beginning to completion
This section explains and justifies the methodology used for conducting
this research. It begins with explaining the adopted research philosophy, research
approach and design. Further it explains the data collection method, sampling
technique and sample size, data analysis method and data quality issues. Finally,
this section acknowledges the limitations and chapterisation of the thesis.
Research design is a process that turns the research question into a research
project. It is as an overall plan for relating the conceptual research problem to
relevant and practicable empirical research. It constitutes the blue print for the
collection, measurement and analysis of data. The overall research design includes
the sampling design, statistical design and operational design of the study.
Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R. & Lowe, A. (2009), Management Research 3rd edition, London:
Sage publications India, New Delhi, p.119.
Survey strategy is a popular and commonly used strategy in business and
management research. It is usually associated with the deductive approach and it is
most commonly used to answer who, what, where, how much and how many
questions. Accordingly, it is tend to be used for descriptive and exploratory
research. Moreover, survey allows a researcher to collect a large amount of data
from a sizeable population in a highly economical way. Most importantly the data
collected by using a questionnaire is standardized and allows easy comparison.
Therefore, for this research project the researcher aims to collect the data through
a structured questionnaire in the form of a survey.
Saunders, M., Lewis, P and Thornhill, A., (2009). Research Method for Business Students. 5th ed.
Essex: Pearson Education, p.258.
Creswell, J.W., (2009). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches,
Sage Publications, 3rd edition.P.117
the research topic. The researcher has various sources for collecting secondary
data such as journals, text books, internet and electronic resources etc.
The collection and analysis of secondary data is time saving, cost efficient
and provides a wider variety of options and findings. However, its disadvantages
cannot be neglected. The data is collected to serve different purposes to different
studies. It means that the aims and objectives of the previous study might not
match with the existing aims and objectives. Additionally the secondary data
might not be accurate and updated as the data has been collected a few years ago
that might not solve the purpose of existing research question.
For the secondary data the researcher has gained data from the relevant text
books, journals, reports, articles, news papers, unpublished dissertations, working
papers and the internet.
(ii).Primary Data
The survey strategy allows the researcher to collect which can be analysed
quantitatively using descriptive and inferential statistics. The data collected
through survey strategy is easy to explain and understand. Moreover, it can be
used to suggest possible reasons for relationships between variables and to
produce models of these relationships.
Saunders, M., Lewis, P and Thornhill, A., (2007). Research Method for Business Students. 4th ed.
Essex: Pearson Education, P.260.
(f). Questionnaire
The questionnaire for the research is divided in six major sections. Sections
A, deals with collecting the demographic data of the respondents. For instance
their age, gender, area of residence, education, employment status and income.
The rest of the five sections were aimed at collecting the data to prove each
objectives and hypothesis. Section B comprises questions to explore and examine
the respondent’s exposure to different media. Section C deals with evaluating
respondent’s attitude towards advertising. Section D is aimed at evaluating the
effect of advertising on awareness and purchase of consumer durables. Section E
deals with the respondent’s opinion towards consumer durables advertising in
different media. Finally the Section F is aimed at evaluating the effect of
advertising on brand preference of consumer durables. The researcher used 5 point
Likert scale and Semantic differential scale for evaluating the degree of agreement
for the questions. Likert scale questions are relatively easy to complete. In order to
get the high response the researcher promised to keep the confidentiality of
demographic profile of the respondents. The copy of questionnaire is attached in
(Appendix I).
(g). Pilot Study
(h). Sampling
Sampling procedure can be divided into two parts namely probability and
non-probability sampling. Defined probability sampling as chance of each case
being selected from the population is known and equal. Probability is based on
statistical study. Whereas, non-probability sampling is a case where sample has
not been selected using the random selection method. It implies that some units are
more likely to be selected than others in a given population.
For sampling purpose stratified random sampling method has been used to
get a proper representative sample of the universe. Stratified random sampling
divides the population in to sub populations or strata and uses simple random on
each strata. (Cooper, Schindler, 2004)120. Stratified random sampling is a
modification of random sampling in which divide the population in to two or more
relevant and significant strata based on one or a number of attributes. A random
sample is then drawn from each of the strata.
Simple random sampling method, it is assumed that each and every unit in
the population has equal chance of occurrence or equal probability of occurrence.
In other words the sampling units are selected randomly. However, this does not
guarantee that a particular sample is a perfect representation of the population.
Simple random sampling merely allows one to draw externally valid conclusions
about the entire population based on the sample. Conceptually, simple random
sampling is the simplest of the probability sampling techniques. It requires a
complete sampling frame, which may not be available or feasible to construct for
large populations. Even if a complete frame is available, more efficient approaches
may be possible if other useful information is available about the units in the
Saunders, M., Lewis, P and Thornhill, A., (2009). Research Method for Business Students. 5th ed.
Essex: Pearson Education p.170
Cooper R Donald, Schindler S Pamela (2004), Business Research Methods, Eighth Edition, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, p.199.
population. The researcher has taken 300 samples randomly selected from each of
the three strata viz. rural, semi urban and urban populations. Sample respondents
are selected by adopting simple random sampling method.
In the first stage the whole state divided in to three strata, viz. Rural, Semi
urban and Urban. Samples were selected from each of the chosen strata. Grama
Panchayats were considered as rural areas, Municipalities were considered as
semi-urban areas and Corporations were considered as urban areas. For the
selection of Grama Panchayats, Municipalities and Corporation simple random
technique was followed.
The 2011 census document was used as an instrument for selecting Grama
Panchayats, Municipalities and Corporations and also for selecting sampling units
from these areas. Documents relating to 2011 census were obtained from the
register of Economics and Statistical Department, Kottayam.
Saunders, M., Lewis, P and Thornhill, A., (2009). Research Method for Business Students. 5th ed.
Essex: Pearson Education, p. 235.
Crimp, M. and Wright, L.T., (1995). The marketing research process, 4th edition, Prentice Hall,
London. p.218.
Andy Field 2000)123. More over Hyman (2000)124 in their book Marketing
Research kit for dummies said that many statisticians and researchers have already
examined the statistical and cost implications of different sample sizes and have
identified the appropriate sizes for different types of studies. The minimum sample
size for conducting market studies is 500.
For this present study the researcher aims for 900 samples. A sample of
100 consumers each selected from the three corporations namely Trivandrum,
Cochin and Calicut to constitute 300 consumers from urban area. A sample of 50
consumers each is selected from each of the six Municipalities in the state. The
Municipalities are selected by applying simple random sampling technique. They
are Alappuzha, Kottayam, Guruvayoor, Palakkad, Tirur and Kannur and a total
sample of 300 consumers are thus selected from semi-urban area. Lastly 12 Grama
Panchayaths are selected again on simple random sampling technique and 25
consumers from each Panchayaths are selected for the study. The copy of sample
size is attached in (Appendix II). To represent every segment of the universe the
sample size included sufficient in number.
For higher accuracy of the data very small and large sample sizes are
avoided. The sample size selected is 300 each from three strata. Large sample size
has been avoided due to its difficult to manage and small size of sample is avoided
due to improper representation of the universe and one sided result.
Andy Field, (2000), Discovering statistics using SPSS for Windows, Sage publications in India,
new Delhi.p.234.
Hyman R Michael PhD, Sierra J Jeremy PhD,(2000) Marketing Research Kit for dummies p.217.
were from urban centers, 300 from semi urban centers and the remaining 300 from
rural areas. Corporations were considered as urban areas, Municipalities were
considered as semi-urban areas and Panchayats were considered as rural areas.
Households were selected from each of the chosen centers.
(i). Reliability
(ii). Validity
Saunders, M., Lewis, P and Thornhill, A., (2009). Research Method for Business Students. 5th ed.
Essex: Pearson Education,pp.156
avoid any confusion and amendments were made thereafter. Moreover, the
researcher has tried to explain each and every step during the research before
arriving to the conclusion.
(iii). Generalizability
Saunders, M., Lewis, P and Thornhill, A., (2009). Research Method for Business Students. 5th ed.
Essex: Pearson Education, p.142.
• Effect of different advertising media on the consumers
• Age
• Gender
• Education
• Occupation
• Family Income
Statistical techniques such as scaling and scoring techniques are used for
the analysis of the data. Likerts’ scaling and Semantic differential scale have been
used to analyse the attitude of respondents and nominal scale has been used to
analyse the demographic profile of the consumers. The data collected through the
questionnaire analysed using the SPSS software. The hypothesis formulated for
the study was tested with the help of parametric and non- parametric tests. They
are given below;
v. Friedman Test
8. Chapterisation
One of the major limitations of the study relates to the number of products
selected for the study. Although the study is with reference to consumer
durables, only 5 durables products have been considered.
The sample survey has been restricted to a sample size of 900. The decision
on the sample size was rather arbitrary, although the sample size is deemed
sufficient considering the nature of the issues analysed and the requirement
of analysis. Under this study only viewers of advertisements had been
included among the sample respondents. This has perhaps resulted in
excluding those who do not view advertisements.
These limitations have been partly due to the time and resource constraints
of the researcher. Considering the limited scope and specified objectives of the
study, these limitations, however, do not seriously affect the reliability or validity
of the findings of the study.