Hydraulic Failure Analysis
Hydraulic Failure Analysis
Hydraulic Failure Analysis
Table of contents
List of Figures
-1 Historical background.
Hydraulic systems are used to transfer energy by converting mechanical
energy to fluid energy and then back to mechanical energy. The principal or
main reason for converting mechanical energy to fluid energy is the convenience
of transferring easily to a new location .The transmission and control of power
by means of fluid under pressure is used extensively in all branches of industries
and mobile equipment, lifting machines, pressing machines, drilling machines
The present thesis deals with the study of hydraulic system of equipment
used in local gold mining industry. As we all know gold mining is the process of
mining gold or gold ore from the ground by using several techniques and
processes of extraction and therefore can be classified as, surface mining and
underground mining. Surface mining entails removing vegetation, top soil, and
overburden materials above a mineral deposit and removing the deposit. In
open-pit mining, waste is transported to a disposal site, and ores are transported
to a downstream processing site. In underground mining the deposit is accessed
from the surface via vertical shafts, horizontal edits, or inclines. The deposit
itself is developed by traversing the ore body to enable human access, the
extraction of blocks of ore, the transport of ore and waste and the easiness of
ventilation. In hard-rock mines drilling and blasting techniques are used.
The main equipment used in local gold miming are wheel loader,
excavator, backhoe, bulldozer, drilling machine and dump truck...etc. They
perform a variety of functions like preparation of ground, excavation, haulage of
material, dumping/laying in specified manner, material handling, road
construction etc. These equipments are required for both construction and
mining activities. The hydraulic systems in gold mining equipments are
typically exposed to solid particles and fluid contamination which causes a rapid
breakdowns mean downtime while equipment is getting repaired and the time
factor required in maintenance means more money to pay. Breakdown in drives
are a regular occurrence on the mine site and can cost the business thousands of
dollars. There are a number of problems associated with existing, ageing
equipment including unreliability, where the chance of frequent failures is high
and drives up the maintenance costs, as well as inefficiency due to the long
periods of downtime. According to recent studies, 41% of open pit equipment
costs are maintenance related and maintenance can for mining companies,
represent, up to 30% of operating costs. The high cost and long turnaround time
for repairs due to unavailability of spare parts or replacements, results in high
losses of production time. With cost reduction a prominent factor in keeping
operations float, companies need to invest in initiatives around equipment that
lower unplanned maintenance and repair costs, provide quick turnaround for
part replacements decrease inventory carrying costs and reduce the risk of injury
and accidents, refer to refs.[12,13,16,19 28 60 68 . Figures (1-1 - 1-5 below
show surface and underground mining.
Figure 1- Surface mining using CAT loader and CAT dump truck
Figure (1-3): Underground mining using Horizontal Drilling Equipment and cable for lighting
Figure 1-5 Underground mining, using loading Equipment, dump truck and Horizontal
Drilling machine.
Chapter Two
Theoretical study of hydraulics
- Reservoir
placement of the two reservoir ports and baffles to prevent the returning fluid
from immediate entry into the pump port, otherwise the fluid would not have
time to cool .The reservoir normally operates at atmospheric pressure and thus it
is vented to the atmosphere, The reservoir will allow contaminates to settle on
the bottom and dissipate heat.. Figure (2-3 below shows the main components
of atypical reservoir. (Refer to refs. [34 40]).
2- Hydraulic fluid
The most important property of hydraulic fluid is its viscosity.
Manufacturers generally recommend fluid viscosity at operating temperatures.
Oil viscosity is highly dependent on temperature, and viscosity control is
important because pump and motor efficiencies depend on it.
Functions of hydraulic fluid
● Power transmission:-
This is the primary function of hydraulic oil, it is very important that
hydraulic fluid transfers power efficiently and economically.
● Lubrication of all moving parts (reciprocating and rotary parts).
This is essential to reduce friction and wear, proper lubrication extends
equipment life span, and also reduce both operating and maintenance costs
● Heat medium:-
If excessive heat builds up it will severely reduce the system efficiency and
may even make the system non-functional.
● Sealing medium:-
It acts as sealing medium, because whirling action of the fluid helps the
seals to function properly so as to reduce losses due to leakage. This action
optimizes the full power and the system efficiency.
● Anti – Oxidant medium:-
The hydraulic fluid maintains the system in good working order, and it must
be provided with an anti- oxidant medium to preserve the system from oxidation
which leads to rusting, corrosion and erosion [7 20 and 41]
3- Hydraulic pump:-
In any hydraulic system the pump creates flow of fluid, doesn‟t creates
pressure but has to overcome the resistance to flow in the circuit. There are two
basic groups of pumps, positive displacement and non-positive displacement
pump, the use of non-positive displacement in the hydraulic circuit is limited to
providing boosted supply to the main positive displacement pump. The pump is
composed of main pump and pilot pump. The main pump is a variable
displacement axial plunger pump. It provides high pressure oil for the hydraulic
system. The pilot pump is a fixed displacement gear pump; it supplies oil for the
control system. The main pump is driven by the engine through a coupler. The
pilot gear pump is connected directly by the drive shaft of the main pump at the
same rotate speed [25]. Figure (2-4) below shows a photograph of the main
hydraulic pump and pilot pump for an excavator, and Figure (2-5) below shows
a diagram containing the different types of pumps using in hydraulic system.
5- Hydraulic lines
Hydraulic lines or conduits are used to transfer hydraulic fluid between
components. Rigid lines are made from steel, while flexible lines are made from
wire-reinforced rubber. The line must be strong enough to withstand the
maximum pressure to which it will be subjected, and large enough to convey the
hydraulic fluid without excessive pressure drop. Manufacturers of hydraulic
hoses normally specify the limiting pressure rating of their hoses.
The hose used is composed of three basic layers; an inner tube, the
reinforcement layer and the outer cover. The inner tube is made of a plastic
material and the reinforcement layer is a fabric braid which provides the
necessary strength to resist internal pressure (or external pressure in the case of
suction/vacuum). The three basic types of reinforcement are braided, spiraled
and helical.
The outer cover is a plastic cover that will resist some heat splatter such
that produced by welding. HWH hose has a heat tolerance of about (180
degrees Fahrenheit, constant temperatures exceeding this can damage the hose
and create leaks especially at the hose ends.
Bubbling of the outer cover is usually an indication of a heat issue. Engine
or exhaust heat and even engine cooling systems (the engine radiator) can cause
heat issues. (Refer to [8, 56, and 67]). Figure (2-10 below shows the basic
components of hydraulic hose and Figure (2-11) below shows hose poor design
twisting and good design not twisting.
good design- Movement flexes hose but does not twist Poor design- Movement causes twisting
Figure - hose poor design twisting and good design not twist
6- Hydraulic filters
Clearances between mating parts in some hydraulic components are (10
micrometer or less), and if particles of that size or larger pass between mating
parts severe damage can result. Filters are used to remove solid particles just
upstream of the reservoir return port. To prevent large particles (150 micro
meters or large) from entering the pump, a strainer or porous filter is usually
placed on the reservoir withdrawal tube. Refer to [17 33]. Figure 2-12 below
shows different sizes of filters used in hydraulic circuits.
Figure -12 Different sizes and types of filters (cartridge and element) used
in hydraulic circuits
7- Hydraulic Actuators
A hydraulic actuator is a device used for converting hydraulic power into
mechanical power. There are two types of actuators, rotary and linear. Rotary
actuators are called hydraulic motors, while linear actuators are called hydraulic
1- Hydraulic motors:-
They are similar in appearance to hydraulic pumps. pumps and motors can
often be used interchangeably .The important factors that can be noted, is the
speed of hydraulic motor which is effected by , Internal leakage from the inlet
port to the out let port of the motor, volumetric efficiency of the motor and the
torque produced by the motor.
- Hydraulic cylinders
Can be divided into two main groups which are:-
i- Single acting.
ii- Double acting.
Each is used to convert the pressure energy of a fluid into a linear thrust
i- Single acting cylinder
This can be powered in one direction only (either extend or retract) by
hydraulic force, the return movement is brought about by either spring built into
the cylinder or external force.
Figure - below shows a longitudinal section of a Single acting cylinder.
- Hydraulic orifice
In hydraulic circuit design it is often necessary to restrict flow to some
segment of the circuit and/or to create a pressure difference; this goal can be
achieved by using a hydraulic orifice. Many valves form orifices that are used to
control flow of the fluid. Figure (2-17) below shows a hydraulic orifice.
- Hydraulic accumulators
An inert gas above the diaphragm is compressed when hydraulic fluid is
forced into the space below the diaphragm. The compressed gas represents
potential energy that can be reconverted into hydraulic energy when needed.
- Circuit Diagrams
1- Hydraulic circuit and components
Figure (2-13 : Below depicts a basic hydraulic system. For a basic
hydraulic system to operate (e.g. cylinder extend and retract), it must contain the
following components.
• Fluid (A)
• Reservoir (B)
• Filter (C)
• Pump (D)
• Direction control valve (E)
• Actuator or hydraulic cylinder (F)
• Lines (G)
• Pressure control valve (H)
• Cooler (I)
Most manufacturers use graphic symbol circuits to identify the circuit
components, and to illustrate the circuit function and operation.( Ref. [23 ).
synthetic fluids, water based fluids, environmental friendly fluids, etc. All the
hydraulic fluids are classified according to international standards.
Solid contamination is recognized as the main reason for malfunction,
failures and early decay in hydraulic systems; it is impossible to be eliminated
completely, but it can be well kept under control with proper devices (filters).
No matter which fluid is used, it must be kept at the contamination level
required by the most sensitive component used on the system. The
contamination level is measured by counting the number of particles of a certain
dimension per unit of volume of the fluid; this number is then classified in
Contamination Classes, according to international standards. Measuring is made
with Automatic Particle Counters that can make the analysis on line (through
sampling connectors put on the system for this purpose) or from sampling
bottles. The calculations and sampling of the fluid must be done according to the
specific ISO norms, to attest their validity. The most popular standard for
Contamination Classes in the hydraulic systems is ISO 4406:1999.
i- Sources of Hydraulic System Contamination.
New oil out of shipping containers is usually contaminated to a level above
what is acceptable for most hydraulic systems. Never assume your oil is clean
until it has been filtered. There are a surprising number of different sources of
system contamination in hydraulic filtration which could be cited below:-
1- Most new fluid is not acceptable for use in hydraulic systems and must be
filtered first.
2- Particles introduced during normal maintenance or system operation.
3- Wear generation contamination caused by the pump, actuators, cylinder or the
hydraulic motor rubber.
4- Degradation of rubber compounds and elastomers products.
5- Failure to thoroughly clean conductor lines after replacing a failed pump.
Clean conductor lines after replacing a failed pump.
ii- Types of Contaminant.
- Temperature
The operating temperature is one of the factors governing the efficiency of
a hydraulic system. Where the temperature of the hydraulic fluid depends on.
- The power losses.
- The place of installation.
- The surface area of heat radiating components (such as tank) and the
maximum permitted fluid temperature depends on:-
1-The type of fluid.
2-The requirements of the system.
If the temperature is too low, the flow resistance is increased and
difficulties are experienced with the suction of the pump. If the temperature is
too high, there are more fluid leaks so losses and wear are greater. A hydraulic
system that could operate at constant temperature, including start-up, would
function at optimum efficiency at all times if the proper fluid viscosity had been
selected. Unfortunately, such a hydraulic system is purely theoretical because a
typical hydraulic system converts about 20%of its input horsepower into heat.
Heat in the hydraulic system may be caused by two things-friction and external
temperature. As the result of losses arising from transmission in the hydraulic
components, the temperature of hydraulic fluid rises when passing through the
system. In addition to additional cooling system, the tank itself also emits a large
proportion of heat through the surface in surrounding area. The radiated power
of heat primary depends on the size of those areas in contact with the
surrounding, and the temperature difference between the hydraulic oil and
surrounding area, when designing the hydraulic tank a designer should properly
form the tank in order to increase the size of area through which heat is emitted,
so as to provide better natural cooling. Figure 2-32, below shows wiper seal
damage caused by excessive heat. (Refs. [50 63]).
Chapter Three
Case Study of Machinery Used In Local Gold Mining
It is found that most of motor components were worn out and therefore they
were replaced, but the root cause of failure is not defined .Therefore, another
check had been made and the cause of failure was found to be a blockage on the
drain line of the motor.
technique to install the new seal; therefore the seal is damaged during
installation. This poor technique of the maintenance personnel, increase the
down time of the machine, and decrease the productivity, cost of maintenance
cost of spare part and hydraulic oil. This failure could be avoided if the
maintenance personnel used proper technique of installing the shaft seal. (Ref.
[61 ).
through it to dissipate the heat, and or any other source which can cause this
defect must be checked first and eliminated.
Figure 3-9 below shows hydraulic oil temperature gauge and Figure 3-10
shows hydraulic oil cooler which is clogged [50].
1- It is found that high level of copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and lead (Pb) in the
transmission oil which indicate that abnormal wear of the bronze friction
discs and steel separator plate.
2- Cut open the transmission oil filter which has large particles of above
When these components wear out, they cause excessive clearance, which
do not allow it to transmit the full power and therefore, affect its function.
The root causes of this problem are:-
1- Lag of preventive maintenance
2- Wrong oil used
Figure 3-13 below shows a typical bulldozer transmission and Figure 3-14
shows the different components of the transmission. (Refs. [46 52 61]).
3- If the coupling was misaligned during installation, threads may have been
damaged. Replace and carefully install.
4- It is possible to thread together some components that are not compatible.
Use Gates thread I.D. kit to assist in identifying mating components. Some
thread end configurations have better seal ability than others. Also, ensure
proper coupling selection.
5- Over-torque of a threaded connection can damage threads and mating seat
angles. Over-torque can also damage the staking area of the nut causing
cracking of either the nut or seat. Under-torque does not allow proper sealing.
Use of a torque wrench can alleviate such problems.
3- If male and female couplings are used on the same hose assembly install the
male (non-swivel) end first.
clogged .The pump will be subject to two opposed forces which cause the pump
shaft to shear or torsion and result in broken pump shaft Therefore, this
problems must be avoided in future maintenance operations by replacing the
strainer filter regularly. (Refs. [11 26 ).
Figure -30 another type of drilling machine which is used in surface mining
spool valve travel is not complete. The pin of the spool linkage push wears and
therefore causing excessive backlash. To solve the problem the pin and push
must be replaced. (Refs. [14 32 44 ).
Engine pump cylinder direction control valve pilot valve
Dump truck hydraulic system components and circuit of the body hoist. The
components are:-
Reservoir, pump, control valve, cylinder, pilot valve which operate the cylinder,
filter. (Refs. [47 59 ).
The second Problem:-
The dump truck is raised but not hold on the body during unloading. Figure
3-33 below shows a dump truck of Nissan UD. The problem associated with
this truck is that its hydraulic cylinder was leaking.
Analysis and Solution:-
All probable causes which leads to this problem are checked out but finally
it is found that the failure is of damaged seals of the piston of hydraulic cylinder.
This failure occurs due to different reasons which include the contamination of
the hydraulic oil, misusing the correct type of seals, types of oil used and
temperature. Therefore and due to the seal damage the oil by passes between
body cylinder and a piston seal (internal leaks) which causes the body not hold
on. (Refs. [5 57 58]).
Chapter Four
- Risks
The risks of working with pressure systems of any type are well
documented and respected by those involved in work that brings them into
contact with pressure systems. Comprehensive risk mitigation and safe working
practices are drafted and adhered to by the vast majority of responsible
commercial organizations and professional technicians working with pressure
systems and equipment as part of their routine work process. A common aspect
of risk mitigation when working with pressure systems is, where possible, to use
hydraulic power in preference to pneumatic power. In some instances however,
such as lifting, cutting and pressing applications, hydraulic power is the
preferred and often the only choice. Viewed as the safe option for pressurized
equipment, the risk mitigation process can often end with the choice of
hydraulic over pneumatic power. A common risk to all hydraulic systems,
irrespective of volume, is hydraulic injection injury. This often overlooked mode
of injury can and has resulted in the loss of limb function, amputation and in
some cases, death. Although the reported instances of injury through hydraulic
injection are comparatively rare in the UK, the potential severity of the
consequences to the injured party dictate that understanding, acknowledging and
mitigating the risk of injury through hydraulic injection, is essential for any
individual or commercial organization utilizing hydraulic systems or equipment.
Although the more serious instances of hydraulic injection injuries occur at
higher pressures, anecdotal evidence suggest that injection can occur at
pressures as low as seven bars. Hydraulic injection injury occurs when a jet of
fluid under pressure penetrates the skin of an individual, most commonly the
hand or the digits of the hand. An individual may come into contact with a
pressurized jet of fluid due to the nature of the equipment they are using, such as
Chapter Five
How to get thousands of hours in extra service life from your hydraulic
equipment, eliminate unnecessary breakdowns, reduce unscheduled downtime
and slash thousands of dollars off your operating costs.
Dear Hydraulic Equipment User, Hydraulic components are expensive,
right? So when you don‟t get maximum mileage from them it hurts your bottom
line. If you're an owner-operator, it hurts your wallet directly. If you're a
manager or supervisor, it hurts your budget - and maybe even your performance
bonus. But the fact is more than 70% of spare parts sold for hydraulic equipment
are replacements for defective components. I also discovered that the reason for
90% of these defects is improper maintenance. So when you understand just
how big the spare parts business is, you know that poor maintenance practices
are costing hydraulic equipment users billions of dollars every year. If modern
hydraulic components are installed and maintained properly, the spare parts
business wouldn't be viable.
For as long as there are hydraulic equipment owners, mechanics and
maintenance people out there who believe that hydraulic equipment doesn't
require any special kind of attention, this vicious circle will continue. Over the
past 30 years, the performance, sophistication and operating pressures of
hydraulic equipment have increased significantly. This is particularly true in the
case of mobile hydraulic equipment. As a result, modern hydraulic equipment is
not only more expensive to fix when it breaks, proactive maintenance is
imperative to maximize service life and minimize operating costs. It's not
realistic to expect to run a hydraulic machine for 10,000 hours, without checking
anything more than the oil level, and not have any problems.
Machinery is fundamental to the function of mining operations. Having
high functioning equipment which is regularly maintained is a large factor in the
smooth running of a project and increasing productivity. However, many mining
companies are using old machinery which is usually a ticking time bomb with a
history of glitches and failures. Not only is this unsafe, but the breakdowns
mean downtime while equipment is getting repaired and time means money, so
the result is revenue loss. Breakdowns in drives are a regular occurrence on the
mine site and can cost the business thousands of dollars.
There are additional financial implications that come with using dated
equipment as companies face excessive on-site inventory requirements,
particularly due to the necessity of (custom made) spare parts. Depending on
availability, obtaining the parts can take a long time and cost the operation a lot
of money.
In this thesis, the main problems related to hydraulic machines in local gold
mining as those associated with the contamination of oil used, the dusty
environment of the mining sites, the effects of temperature and overheating
could be solved easily with proper preventive maintenance by sticking to
manufacturer recommendation. The replacement of parts should be done
properly and in time. (Refs. [18 38 52]).
Chapter Six
Conclusions & Recommendations
- Conclusions
In this thesis case studies of hydraulic failure of different types of
equipments that are pertinent to gold mining area have been described, analyzed
and solved.
As with all cases study techniques, knowledge of components and their
function in a system is vitally important. It is probably fair to say that, when all
the components of a hydraulic system have been identified, their function
determined and the operation of the system as a Whole understood, the case
study has gone 51% of the way towards finding the problem. Hydraulic systems
are getting more and more complex as methods of controlling machines become
increasingly developed.
Mobile mining equipment often operates in harsh environments
characterized by remote locations and highly variable rock and operating
conditions. This research explores the hypothesis that the failure behavior of
mining equipment is influenced by the physical properties of the ore and waste.
Most hydraulic system failures in gold mining machine result from
contamination of hydraulic fluid, therefore good filtration needs to be used to
ensure long life and proper operation of the system. Hydraulic system simple or
complex needs protection from contamination; Filters are frequently considered
as a necessary evil and are added to a system as an afterthought instead of a
valuable asset. Proper filter selection and sizing can provide years of reliable
equipment operation and save money that is commonly lost battling
contamination related failures. Approximately 75% of all hydraulic component
failures are attributed to surface degradation caused by contamination and
corrosion. The cost of installing and maintaining suitable filtration is estimated
3 of the cost associated with contamination related issues, the tip of the
iceberg. Hidden costs of runaway contamination include; unplanned downtime,
National institute for occupational safety and health recommended that injuries
and deaths be prevented through training, proper installation and maintenance
work practices and personal protective equipment. (Refs. 27 29 56 71 72]).
Photograph Old dump truck high down time low productivity-spare parts
very expensive
Photograph Old dump truck high down time low productivity -spare
parts very expensive.
Photograph Large machine type TEREX high cost high productivity used
on surface mining
Directional Control
Hydraulic Pump