Nclex Medsss
Nclex Medsss
Nclex Medsss
Vistaril: TX of anxiety and also for dry mouth. Given preop commonly
Versed: given for conscious for respiratory depression and hypotension
Sinemet: TX of Parkinson...sweat, saliva, urine may turn reddish brown occasionally...causes drowsiness
Bactrim: antibiotic. Don‟t take if allergic to sulfa drugs...diarrhea common side effect...drink plenty of fluids
Apresoline (hydralazine)-tx of HTN or CHF, Report flu-like symptoms, rise slowly from sitting/lying position; take with
Synthroid: TX of hypothyroidism… May take several weeks to take effect...notify doctor of chest pain… Take in the AM
on empty stomach… could cause hyperthyroidism.
Librium: TX of alcohol w/d...don‟t take alcohol with this...very bad nausea and vomiting can occur.
Kwell: tx of scabies and lice...(scabies) apply lotion once and leave on for 8-12 hours...(lice) use the shampoo and leave
on for 4 minutes with hair uncovered then rinse with warm water and comb with a fine tooth comb
Ritalin: tx of ADHD.. Assess for heart related side effects report immediately...child may need a drug holiday b/c it stunts
Dopamine (Intropine): TX of hypotension, shock, low cardiac output, poor perfusion to vital organs...monitor EKG for
arrhythmias, monitor BP
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors PRIL
hypertension. Inhibit conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II.
nursing considerations:
Monitor vital signs Monitor K and creatinine levels.
Monitor WBCs Monitor electrolyte levels.
****Tests on peak and trough levels done to maintain levels and determine dosages. Done 30-60 mins after 3 rd or 4th IV
dose OR 60 mins after 3rd or 4th IM dose. Trough levels obtained 5 mins before next dose.**
Benzodiazepines (Antianxiety/Convulsant) PAM/PATE/LAM
side effects and adverse reactions:
Drowsiness Constipation
Lethargy Diplopia/Nystagmus
Ataxia N&V
Depression Incontinence
Restlessness Urinary retention
Slurred speech Respiratory depression
Bradycardia Rash
nursing interventions: Hypotension Urticaria
Protect the medication from light.
Do not mix the liquid forms of Prolixin (Fluphenazine Monitor liver enzymes.
HCL) with any beverage containing caffeine, tannates, or Monitor renal function.
pectin due to physical incompatibility. Protect the client from overexposure to the sun.
nursing interventions:
Monitor respirations.
antiemetic Monitor liver function.
Monitor kidney function.
antiemetic Monitor bone marrow function.
Monitor for signs of chemical abuse
Glucocorticoids SONE/CORT
suppression of the immune system or to decrease inflammatory response. COPD, and immune disorders. anti-
inflammatory, anti-allergenic, and anti-stress effects. replacement therapy Addison’s disease; cerebral edema associated
with head trauma, neurosurgery, and brain tumors.
possible side effects and adverse reactions:
Poor wound healing
Mood changes (depression), insomnia,
nursing interventions:
Monitor blood pressure. Hemorrhage
Monitor glucose levels.
Monitor for signs of infection. Cushing’s syndrome
Weigh the client daily.
Antivirals VIR
inhibit viral growth by inhibiting an enzyme within the virus. AIDS treated alone or combo of. These drugs are also
used to treat herpetic lesions (HSV-1, HSV-2), varicella infections (chickenpox), herpes zoster (shingles), herpes simplex
(fever blisters), encephalitis, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
nursing interventions:
report rash (allergy) side effects and adverse effects:
Watch for signs of N&V Central nervous (less common):.
infection. Diarrhea . Tremors
Monitor creatinine Oliguria . Confusion
Monitor liver profile. Proteinuria . Seizures
Monitor bowel pattern Vaginitis . Severe, sudden anemia
before and during
Anticoagulants PARIN
thrombolytic disease. pulmonary emboli, MI, DVT; after CABG. heparin derivatives. PTT check to evaluate the bleeding time
***antidote = protamine sulfate***
side effects/adverse effects:
Nursing interventions:
Blood studies (hematocrit and occult blood in stool) should be checked every three months.
Monitor PTT often for heparin (therapeutic levels are 1.5–2.0 times the control).
no bleeding time done for enoxaparin (Lovenox); however platelet levels checked for thrombocytopenia.
Monitor platelet count // signs of bleeding // signs of infection.
Drug Identification Helpers
Caine = anesthetics (Lidocaine) Stigmine = cholinergics (Phyostigmine)
Mab = monoclonal antibodies (Palivazumab) Phylline = bronchodilators (Aminophylline)
Ceph or cef = cephalosporins (Cefatazime) Cal = calciums (Calcimar)
Cillin = penicillins (Ampicillin) Done = opioids (Methodone)
Cycline = tetracycline (Tetracycline)
**Don’t give tetracycline to pregos and kids. Stains kids teeth dark & stunts growth**
Feverfew: This is used to prevent and treat migraines, arthritis, and fever. This herbal should not be taken with Coumadin, aspirin,
NSAIDs, thrombolytics, or antiplatelet medications because it will prolong the bleeding time.
Ginseng: This is used as an anti-inflammatory. It has estrogen effects, enhances the immune system, and improves mental and
physical abilities. This herbal decreases the effects of anticoagulants and NSAIDs. It also should not be taken by clients taking
corticosteroids because the combination of these two can result in extremely high levels of corticosteroids. High doses cause liver
problems. A client with hypertension and bipolar disorder should be cautioned regarding the use of ginseng because this herbal can
interfere with medications used to treat these disorders.
Ginkgo: This improves memory and can be used to treat depression. It also improves peripheral circulation. Ginkgo should not be
taken with MAO inhibitors, anticoagulants, or antiplatelets. It increases the bleeding time in clients taking NSAIDs, cephalosporins,
and valproic acid. Clients with seizure disorders should not take ginkgo because it can exacerbate seizure activity.
Echinacea: This is used to treat colds, fevers, and urinary tract infections. This herbal can interfere with immunosuppressive agents,
methotrexate, and ketoconi- zole.
Kava-kava: This herb is used to treat insomnia and mild muscle aches and pains. It increases the effects of central nervous system
(CNS) suppressants and decreases the effects of levodopa. It can also increase the effect of MAOIs and cause liver damage.
St. John’s Wort: This is used to treat mild to moderate depression. This herbal increases adverse CNS effects when used with
alcohol or antidepressant medica- tions.
Ma Huang: This is used to treat asthma and hay fever, for weight loss, and to increase energy levels. It increases the effect of
MAOIs, sympathomimetics, theophylline, and cardiac glycosides.